Hi All,
Me again! I though this story is a pretty good read and worth a mention so I’ve compiled them and posted it again. Messenger, if u’re around, I hope u don’t mind me posting it again w/o ur permission.
For all the compilations that I’ve posted on the FB, in order to save some space, I’ll delete them after 2 weeks. So if u want a copy of the story and are lazy to keep searching for them, do save it before then.
Have a good weekend reading/re-visiting AAE
Discovering Passion-adapted by Messenger

Jin Sun Mi moved to Seoul at age 21 to pursue her modeling career. During the first year, jobs had been few and far between but she never gave up. She worked hard to achieve her goal of becoming the top model in Seoul. After 3 years, she has constructed a reputation for portraying the right image for the right product. Modeling was not a passion but a job for Sun Mi and she now commanded top model's salary.
This morning she has a 9:30 a.m. photo shoot at Kim Woo Jin's studio. She used the spare key to enter the studio and with an efficient hand, she completed her make up and hairdo in no time. As minutes slipped by, she began to realize that her favorite photographer, Woo Jin, probably forgot to arrange for a substitute. He is a super photographer, has exceptional superior eyes for catching angles and capturing the right mood. But he is hopelessly disorganized and pathetically absentminded. He has a 10:00 a.m. appointment this morning with magazine mogul, Mr. Yun Hyun Chul.
It was nearly 10:00 a.m. when the door to the studio opened. Sun Mi immediately pounced on the man who entered.
"It's about time," she began sounding irritated and with a small smile. "You are late!"
"Am I?" he countered meeting her annoyance with raised eyebrows.
Pausing a moment, she realized how incredibly handsome the man facing her was. He has large dark piercing eyes and is lean and tall.
"I haven't worked with you before, have I?" Sun Mi asked, forced to look up to meet his eyes since he is about 6 feet tall.
"Why do you ask?" His evasion was smooth, and she suddenly felt uncomfortable under his unblinking glance.
"No reason," she murmured, turning away to evade his glare. "Well, let's get started. Where's your camera?" She observed he wasn't carrying any equipment. "Are you using Woo Jin's?"
"I suppose I am." He continued to stand staring down at her, making no move to proceed with the task at hand, his nonchalance becoming thoroughly irritating.
"Well, come on then, let's not be all day. I've been ready for half an hour!"
"Sorry!" He smiled, and she was struck with the change it brought to his already compelling face. It was a carelessly slow smile, full of charm, and the thought passed through her mind that he could use it as a deadly weapon.
"What are the pictures for?" he asked her as he examined Woo Jin's camera.
Oh, Lord, didn't he tell you?" Turning back to him, she shook her head and smiled fully for the first time. Woo Jin is a tremendous photographer, but he is the most absentminded man. "Clean, shiny, sexy hair," she explained in the tone of a commercial. "Shampoo's what we're selling today."
"O.K." he returned simply, and began setting the equipment in a thoroughly professional manner that did much to put Sun Mi's mind at ease. At least he knows his job, she assured herself, for his attitude had made her vaguely uneasy. "Where is Woo Jin, by the way?" The question startled Sun Min out of her silent thoughts.
"Didn't he tell you anything? That's just like him." Shaking her hair and creating a big black cloud as he clicked the camera, crouching and moving around to catch different angles. "He had an appointment with Mr. Yun Hyun Chul," she continued, tossing her hair and smiling. "Lord help him if he forgot that. He'll be eaten alive."
"Does Yun Hyun Chul consume photographers as a habit?" the voice behind the camera questioned with dry amusement.
"Wouldn't be surprised." Sun Mi lifted her hair above her head, pausing for a moment before allowing it to fall on her shoulder like a rich cloak. "I would think a ruthless businessman like Mr. Yun would have little patience with an absent minded photographer or any other imperfection."
"You know him?"
"Lord, no." She laughed with unrestrained pleasure. "And I'm not likely to, far above my station. Have you met him?"
"Not precisely."
"Ah, but we all work for him one time or another, don't we? I wonder how many times my face has been in one of his magazines. And I've never met the emperor."
"How else does one describe such a lofty individual?" Sun Mi demanded with a gesture of her hands. "From what I've heard, he runs his magazines like an empire."
"You sound as though you disapprove.?"
"No!" Sun Mi disagreed with a smile and a shrug. "Emperor just make me nervous. I'm a plain peasant stock myself."
"Your image seems hardly plain or peasant," he remarked, and this time it was her brow that lifted. "That should sell gallons of shampoo." Lowering his camera, he met her eyes directly. "I think we've got it, Sun Mi."
She relaxed, pushed back her hair, and regarded him curiously. "You know me? I'm sorry, I can't quite seem to place you. Have we worked together before?"
"Jin Sun Mi's face is everywhere. It's my business to recognize beautiful faces." He spoke with careless simplicity, dark eyes smoky with amusement.
"Well, it appears you have the advantage, Mr....?"
"Yun, Yun Hyun Chul," he answered, and the camera clicked to capture the astonished expression on her face. "You can close your mouth now, Sun Mi. I think we've got enough." His smile widened as she obeyed without thinking. "Cat got your tongue?" he mocked, pleasure at her embarrassment.
She recognized him now, from pictures she had seen of him in newspapers and his own magazines, and she was busily engaged in cursing herself for the stupidity she had just displayed. Anger with herself, she located her voice.
"You let me babble on like that," she sputtered, eyes and cheeks bright with color. "You stood there taking pictures you had no business taking and just let me carry on like an idiot."
"I was merely following orders." His grave tone and sober expression added to her mounting embarrassment and fury.
"Well, you had no right following them. You should have told me who you were." Her voice quavered with indignation, but he merely moved his shoulders and smiled again.
"You never asked."
Before she could retort, the door to the studio opened and Woo Jin entered, looking harassed and confused. "Mr. Yun," he began, "I'm sorry. I thought I was to meet you at your office." Woo Jin ran a hand through his hair in agitation. "When I got there, I was told you were coming here. I don't know how I got it so confused. Sorry you had to wait."
"Don't worry about it." Hyun Chul assured him with an easy smile, "the last hour's been highly entertaining."
"Sun Mi." Her existence suddenly seeped into Woo Jin's consciousness. "Good Lord, I knew I forgot something. We'll have to get those pictures later."
"No need." Hyun Chul handed Woo Jin the camera. "Sun Mi and I have seen to them."
"You took the shots?" Woo Jin looked at Hyun Chul and the camera in turn.
"Sun Mi saw no reason to waste time." He smiled and added, "I'm sure you'll find the pictures suitable."
"No question of that, Mr. Yun, I know what you can do with a camera."
Sun Mi was so humiliated and angry that she wanted to disappear now and with luck she would never have to come face-to-face with Mr. Yun Hyun Chul again. She gathered her things quickly. "I'll leave you to get on with your business. I have another session across town." Slinging her purse over her shoulder, she took a deep breath. "Bye, Woo Jin. Nice to have met you Mr. Yun." She attempted to brush by them, but Hyun Chul put out his hand and captured hers, preventing her exit.
"Goodbye, Sun Mi." She forced her eyes to meet his. It's been a most interesting morning. We'll have to do it again soon."
When hell freezes over, her eyes told him silently, and muttering something incoherently, she dashed for the door, the sound of his laughter echoing in her ears.

Note from Messenger:
This an adaptation of my favorite novel and I couldn't help envisioning CR & JDG in the story. I hope you guys would allow me to indulge myself in this fantasy journey. This is merely for fun to lighten up this board, as it seems to be losing its spark lately. If you guys are interested, I'll continue with the story, otherwise, I'll stop at this chapter. Let me know! Thanks for reading! Mucho Gracias!