Discovering Passion-adapted by Messenger

Yun Hyun Chul is the answer to every maiden's prayer ¡V millionaire, incredibly handsome, mysterious, brilliant businessman and still fair game. His father may have made a fortune by starting Hankook Media, but he made his own twice over by expanding and developing other magazines. He is also a good photographer and is never afraid to get his hands dirty.
Hyun Chul couldn't stop thinking about Sun Mi since the encounter in the morning. She possessed a natural grace and poise and striking good looks. He longed to run his fingers through her long silky coal black hair, and to taste that full and shapely mouth that smiled beautifully at the slightest provocation. However, he sighed at the thought of her temper but is determined to melt the ice in her and to have her running into his arms soon.
Sun Mi endeavored without success to block the events of the morning from her mind. She is annoyed at herself for letting Woo Jin talked her into meeting with Yun Hyun Chul at his office the next morning regarding an important project.
Sun Mi dressed for her appointment the next morning with studious care. The blue double-knit button dress was beautiful in its simplicity. She arranged her hair in a loose bun on top of her head in order to add a businesslike air to her appearance. The heels of her soft leather shoes will add height to her so she can meet those dark piercing eyes straight on.
Hankook Media's building is located in the heart of the Yeouido Business District. Sun Mi arrived punctually at 9:00 a.m. and an attractive receptionist ushered her to the President's office where she met with Hyun Chul's secretary, Young Mi. "Please go right in, Ms. Jin. Mr. Yun is expecting you," she informed Sun Mi with a smile.
Upon stepping into the fabulously decorated room, her gaze was arrested by the man seated at a huge oak desk, a panoramic view of the city at his desk.
"Good morning, Sun Mi." He rose and approached her. "Are you going to come in or stand there all day with your back to the door?"
Sun Mi's spine straightened and she answered coolly, "Good morning, Mr. Yun, it's nice to see you again."
"Don't be a hypocrite," he stated mildly as he led her to a seat near the desk. "You'd be a great deal happier if you never laid eyes on me again." Sun Mi could find no comment to this all-too-true observation, and contended herself with smiling vaguely into space.
"However¡K¡Kit suits my purposes to have you here today in spite of your reluctance."
"And what are your purposes, Mr. Yun?" she demanded.
He leaned back in his chair and allowed his cool dark brown eyes to travel deliberately over Sun Mi from head to toe. "My purposes, Sun Mi" ¡V his eyes met hers and held ¡V "are for the moment strictly business, though that is subject to change at any time."
His remark cracked Sun Mi's cool veneer enough to bring a slight blush to her cheeks. She cursed the color as she struggled to keep her eyes level with his.
"Good Lord." His brows lifted with humor. "You're blushing. I didn't think women did that anymore." His grin widened with enjoyment of the sight. "You're probably the last of a dying breed."
"Could we discuss the business for which I'm here, Mr. Yun?" she inquired. "I'm sure you're a very busy man, and believe it or not, I'm busy myself."
"Of course," Hyun Chul agreed. He grinned reflectively. "I remember ¡V ¡¥Let's not waste time.' I'm planning a layout for my flagship fashion magazine, Chic, a rather special layout." He lit a cigarette and offered Sun Mi one, which she declined with a shake of her head. "I've had the idea milling around in my mind for some time, but I needed the right photographer and the right woman." His eyes narrowed as he peered at her speculatively, giving Sun Mi the sensation of being viewed under a microscope. "I've found them both now."
She squirmed under his unblinking stare. "Suppose you give me some details, Mr. Yun. I'm sure it's not usual procedure for you to interview models personally. This must be something special."
"Yes, I think so," he agreed suavely. "The idea is a layout ¡V a picture story, if you like ¡V on the Many Faces of Woman." He stood then perched on the corner of the desk and Sun Mi was affected by his sheer masculinity, the power and strength that exuded from his lean form clad in a gray-colored business suit. "I want to portray all the facets of womanhood: career woman, mother, athlete, sophisticate, innocent, temptress, etc. ¡V a complete portrait of Eve, the Eternal Woman."
"Sounds fascinating," Sun Mi admitted. You think I might be suitable for some of the pictures?"
"I know you're suitable," he stated flatly, "for all of the pictures."
Finely etched brows raised in curiosity. "You're going to use one model for the entire layout?"
"I'm going to use you for the entire layout."
Feeling submerged by very deep water, Sun Mi spoke honestly. "I'd be an idiot not to be interested in a project like this. I don't think I'm an idiot. But why me?"
"Come on, Sun Mi." His voice mirrored impatience, and he bent over to capture her surprised chin to his hand. "You do own a mirror. Surely you're intelligent enough to know that you're quite beautiful and extremely photogenic."
"There are scores of beautiful and photogenic models in Seoul alone, Mr. Yun. You know that better than anyone. I'd like to know why you're considering me for your pet project."
"Not considering." He rose and thrust his hands in his pockets, and she observed he was becoming irritated. "There's no one else I would consider. You have a rather uncanny knack for getting to the heart of a picture and coming across with exactly the right image. I need versatility as well as beauty. I need honesty in a dozen different images."
"In your opinion, I can do that."
"You wouldn't be here if I weren't sure. I never make rash decisions."
Aloud she asked, "Woo Jin would be the photographer?"
He nodded. "There is an affinity between the two of you that is obvious in the pictures you produce. You're both superior alone, but together you've done some rather stunning work."
His praise caused her smile to warm slightly. "Thank you."
"That wasn't a compliment, Sun Mi ¡V just a fact. I've given Woo Jin all the details. The contracts are waiting for your signature."
"Contracts?" she repeated, becoming wary.
"That's right," he returned, overlooking her hesitation. "This project is going to take some time. I've no intention of rushing through it. I want exclusive rights to that beautiful face of yours until the project's completed and on the stands."
"I see." She digested this carefully, unconsciously chewing on her bottom lip.
"You needn't react as if I've made an indecent proposal, Sun Mi." His voice was dry as he regarded her frowning concentration. "This is a business arrangement."
Her chin tilted in defiance. "I understand that completely, Mr. Yun. It's simply that I've never signed a long-term contract before."
"I have no intention of allowing you to get away. Contracts are obligatory, for you and for Woo Jin. For the next few months I don't want you distracted by any other jobs. Financially, you'll be well compensated. If you have any complaints along those lines, we'll negotiate. However, my rights to that face of yours for the next six months are exclusive."
He lapsed into silence, watching the varied range of expressions on her face. She was working out the entire platform carefully paying special attention to the fact that she would be tied down on a long-term contract. The project appealed to her, although the man did not. Finally, throwing caution to the winds, she gave Hyun Chul one of the smiles that made her face known throughout South Korea.
"You've got yourself a face."
Note from Messenger:
Yun Hyun Chul is the answer to every maiden's prayer ¡V millionaire, incredibly handsome, mysterious, brilliant businessman and still fair game. His father may have made a fortune by starting Hankook Media, but he made his own twice over by expanding and developing other magazines. He is also a good photographer and is never afraid to get his hands dirty.
Hyun Chul couldn't stop thinking about Sun Mi since the encounter in the morning. She possessed a natural grace and poise and striking good looks. He longed to run his fingers through her long silky coal black hair, and to taste that full and shapely mouth that smiled beautifully at the slightest provocation. However, he sighed at the thought of her temper but is determined to melt the ice in her and to have her running into his arms soon.
Sun Mi endeavored without success to block the events of the morning from her mind. She is annoyed at herself for letting Woo Jin talked her into meeting with Yun Hyun Chul at his office the next morning regarding an important project.
Sun Mi dressed for her appointment the next morning with studious care. The blue double-knit button dress was beautiful in its simplicity. She arranged her hair in a loose bun on top of her head in order to add a businesslike air to her appearance. The heels of her soft leather shoes will add height to her so she can meet those dark piercing eyes straight on.
Hankook Media's building is located in the heart of the Yeouido Business District. Sun Mi arrived punctually at 9:00 a.m. and an attractive receptionist ushered her to the President's office where she met with Hyun Chul's secretary, Young Mi. "Please go right in, Ms. Jin. Mr. Yun is expecting you," she informed Sun Mi with a smile.
Upon stepping into the fabulously decorated room, her gaze was arrested by the man seated at a huge oak desk, a panoramic view of the city at his desk.
"Good morning, Sun Mi." He rose and approached her. "Are you going to come in or stand there all day with your back to the door?"
Sun Mi's spine straightened and she answered coolly, "Good morning, Mr. Yun, it's nice to see you again."
"Don't be a hypocrite," he stated mildly as he led her to a seat near the desk. "You'd be a great deal happier if you never laid eyes on me again." Sun Mi could find no comment to this all-too-true observation, and contended herself with smiling vaguely into space.
"However¡K¡Kit suits my purposes to have you here today in spite of your reluctance."
"And what are your purposes, Mr. Yun?" she demanded.
He leaned back in his chair and allowed his cool dark brown eyes to travel deliberately over Sun Mi from head to toe. "My purposes, Sun Mi" ¡V his eyes met hers and held ¡V "are for the moment strictly business, though that is subject to change at any time."
His remark cracked Sun Mi's cool veneer enough to bring a slight blush to her cheeks. She cursed the color as she struggled to keep her eyes level with his.
"Good Lord." His brows lifted with humor. "You're blushing. I didn't think women did that anymore." His grin widened with enjoyment of the sight. "You're probably the last of a dying breed."
"Could we discuss the business for which I'm here, Mr. Yun?" she inquired. "I'm sure you're a very busy man, and believe it or not, I'm busy myself."
"Of course," Hyun Chul agreed. He grinned reflectively. "I remember ¡V ¡¥Let's not waste time.' I'm planning a layout for my flagship fashion magazine, Chic, a rather special layout." He lit a cigarette and offered Sun Mi one, which she declined with a shake of her head. "I've had the idea milling around in my mind for some time, but I needed the right photographer and the right woman." His eyes narrowed as he peered at her speculatively, giving Sun Mi the sensation of being viewed under a microscope. "I've found them both now."
She squirmed under his unblinking stare. "Suppose you give me some details, Mr. Yun. I'm sure it's not usual procedure for you to interview models personally. This must be something special."
"Yes, I think so," he agreed suavely. "The idea is a layout ¡V a picture story, if you like ¡V on the Many Faces of Woman." He stood then perched on the corner of the desk and Sun Mi was affected by his sheer masculinity, the power and strength that exuded from his lean form clad in a gray-colored business suit. "I want to portray all the facets of womanhood: career woman, mother, athlete, sophisticate, innocent, temptress, etc. ¡V a complete portrait of Eve, the Eternal Woman."
"Sounds fascinating," Sun Mi admitted. You think I might be suitable for some of the pictures?"
"I know you're suitable," he stated flatly, "for all of the pictures."
Finely etched brows raised in curiosity. "You're going to use one model for the entire layout?"
"I'm going to use you for the entire layout."
Feeling submerged by very deep water, Sun Mi spoke honestly. "I'd be an idiot not to be interested in a project like this. I don't think I'm an idiot. But why me?"
"Come on, Sun Mi." His voice mirrored impatience, and he bent over to capture her surprised chin to his hand. "You do own a mirror. Surely you're intelligent enough to know that you're quite beautiful and extremely photogenic."
"There are scores of beautiful and photogenic models in Seoul alone, Mr. Yun. You know that better than anyone. I'd like to know why you're considering me for your pet project."
"Not considering." He rose and thrust his hands in his pockets, and she observed he was becoming irritated. "There's no one else I would consider. You have a rather uncanny knack for getting to the heart of a picture and coming across with exactly the right image. I need versatility as well as beauty. I need honesty in a dozen different images."
"In your opinion, I can do that."
"You wouldn't be here if I weren't sure. I never make rash decisions."
Aloud she asked, "Woo Jin would be the photographer?"
He nodded. "There is an affinity between the two of you that is obvious in the pictures you produce. You're both superior alone, but together you've done some rather stunning work."
His praise caused her smile to warm slightly. "Thank you."
"That wasn't a compliment, Sun Mi ¡V just a fact. I've given Woo Jin all the details. The contracts are waiting for your signature."
"Contracts?" she repeated, becoming wary.
"That's right," he returned, overlooking her hesitation. "This project is going to take some time. I've no intention of rushing through it. I want exclusive rights to that beautiful face of yours until the project's completed and on the stands."
"I see." She digested this carefully, unconsciously chewing on her bottom lip.
"You needn't react as if I've made an indecent proposal, Sun Mi." His voice was dry as he regarded her frowning concentration. "This is a business arrangement."
Her chin tilted in defiance. "I understand that completely, Mr. Yun. It's simply that I've never signed a long-term contract before."
"I have no intention of allowing you to get away. Contracts are obligatory, for you and for Woo Jin. For the next few months I don't want you distracted by any other jobs. Financially, you'll be well compensated. If you have any complaints along those lines, we'll negotiate. However, my rights to that face of yours for the next six months are exclusive."
He lapsed into silence, watching the varied range of expressions on her face. She was working out the entire platform carefully paying special attention to the fact that she would be tied down on a long-term contract. The project appealed to her, although the man did not. Finally, throwing caution to the winds, she gave Hyun Chul one of the smiles that made her face known throughout South Korea.
"You've got yourself a face."

Note from Messenger:
You guys made me blush¡K¡K..and thanks so much for the responses and pictures. What an awesome bunch! I'm not proud of what I'm doing but am grateful that you guys didn't show any resentment and allow me to continue with my dream. I have great respect for all the talented writers in this board for producing original stories. My contribution is negligible and I see myself only as a messenger.
Margie, I'm glad you like the title as I was pondering if I should change it. Looks like it'll stay. Giving the story an appropriate title was the tough part since I can't use the original title.
Firefly, sorry, I can't release the name of the author nor title of the novel until the entire story is completed. "Muchos Gracias" means thank you very much in Spanish. I just noticed I misspelled it and Margie is right "mucho gracias" means "much thanks". I prefer to remain anonymous just in case the publisher slaps a copyright lawsuit against me even though I may have changed the names, places and tweaked the story a little.