Discovering Passion-adapted by Messenger

Sun Mi arrived at the tennis club in a short white tennis dress that accented her long slender legs, and held a light tennis racket in her hand. She spotted Hyun Chul, also in white with the jacket of his warm-up suit pushed to the elbow, talking to Woo Jin at the net. Sun Mi, used to seeing him in a business suit, was surprised at the athletic appearance of his body - his masculinity entirely too prevalent.
Woo Jin arranged for both to rally to give the shots realism. The ball bounced back and forth in an easy, powerless volley for the benefit of Woo Jin's rapidly snapping camera. They were both holding back, hitting the ball lightly and without any style. After sometimes, they decided to battle for points, reaching deuce and exchanging advantage several times. The camera was forgotten in the focus of concentration, the soft click of the shutter masked by the swish of rackets and thump of balls.
"That was great!" Woo Jin's voice broke Sun Mi's concentration. "I got some fantastic shots. You look like a real pro, Sun Mi. We can wrap it up now." Just as Woo Jin finished, Hyun Chul placed the ball down the line to her backhand.
Sun Mi let out a deep breath after the ball had sailed swiftly past her. "Oh, well, the agony of defeat." She smiled and approached the net. "Congratulations." She offered both hand and smile. "You play a very demanding game."
He accepted her hand, holding it rather than shaking it. "You certainly made me earn it, Sun Mi. I believe I like to try my luck at doubles, with you on my side of the net."
"I suppose you could do worse."
He held her gaze a moment before his eyes dropped to the hand still captive in his. "Such a small hand." He lifted it higher and examined it thoroughly. "I'm astonished it can swing a racket like that." He turned it palm up and carried to his lips.
Off and unfamiliar tingles ran up her spine at his kiss, and she stared mesmerized at her hand, unable to speak or draw away. "Come on." He smiled into bemused eyes, "I'll buy you lunch." His gaze slid past her. "You too, Woo Jin."
"Thanks, Hyun Chul." He was already gathering his equipment. "But I want to get back and develop this film. I'll just grab a box of sushi."
"Well, Sun Mi." He turned and commanded her attention. "It's just you and me."
"Really, Mr. Yun," she began, feeling near to panic at the prospect of having lunch with him and wishing with all her heart that he would respond to the effort she was currently making to regain sole possession of her hand. "It's not necessary for you to buy me lunch."
"Sun Mi....., Sun Mi." He sighed, shaking his head. "Do you always find it difficult to accept an invitation, or is it only with me?"
"Don't be ridiculous." She attempted to maintain a causal tone while she became more and more troubled by the warmth of his hands over hers. "Mr. Yun, may I please have my hand back?" Her voice was breathless, and she bit her lip in vexation.
"Try Hyun Chul, Sun Mi," he commanded, ignoring her request. "It's easy enough, only two syllables. Go ahead."
The eyes that held hers were calm, demanding, and arrogant enough to remain steady for the next hour. The longer her hand remained in his, the more peculiar she felt, and knowing that the sooner she agreed, the sooner she would be free, she surrendered.
"Hyun Chul, may I please have my hand back?"
"There......, now, we've cleared the first hurdle. That didn't hurt much, did it?" The corner of his mouth lifted as he released her.
"Nearly painless."
"How about lunch?" He held up his hand to halt her protest. "You do eat, don't you?"
"Of course, but....."
"No buts. I rarely listen to buts or nos."
In short order Sun Mi found herself seated across from Hyun Chul at a small table inside the club. Things were not going as she had planned. It was useless to deny that she found him interesting, his vitality stimulating, and he was a tremendously attractive man. But, she admonished herself, he certainly wasn't her type. Besides, she didn't have time for entanglements at this point of her life.
"Has anyone ever told you what a fascinating conversationalist you are?" Sun Mi's eyes shot up to find Hyun Chul's mocking gaze on her.
"Sorry." Color crept into her face. "My mind was wandering."
"So I noticed. What will you have to drink?"
"Straight?" he inquired, his smile hovering.
"Straight," she agreed, and ordered herself to relax. "I don't drink much. I'm afraid I don't handle it well. More than two and I turn into Mr. Hyde. Metabolism."
Hyun Chul threw back his head and laughed with the appearance of boundless pleasure. "That's a transformation I would give much to witness. We'll have to arrange it."
Lunch, to Sun Mi's surprise, was an enjoyable meal when she was fully relaxed and resolved to keep a professional distance between herself and Hyun Chul. As they ate, he spoke of the next day's shooting plans. Yongsan Park had been designated for more outdoor scenes in keeping with the outdoor, athletic image.
"I've meetings all day tomorrow and won't be able to supervise. If all goes according to schedule, we'll start the next segment Monday. Woo Jin wants to get an early start tomorrow."
They smiled at each other, and as the look held, she experienced a strange, unfamiliar sensation running through her - something swift, vital, and anonymous.
"Hyun Chul, darling, what a surprise to see you here." Sun Mi turned and looked up at the woman greeting Hyun Chul with such enthusiasm.
"Hello, Sun Hee." He granted the shapely, elegantly dressed lady a charming smile. "Kim Sun Hee, Jin Sun Mi."
"Miss Jin". Sun Hee nodded in curt greeting with eyes narrowed. "Have we met before?"
"I don't believe so," Sun Mi returned, wondering why she felt a surge of gratitude at the face.
"Sun Mi's face is splashed over magazines covers everywhere," Hyun Chul explained. "She's one of Seoul's finest model.
"Of course." Sun Mi watched those fury eyes narrowed further, surveyed her, and dismissed her as inferior merchandise. "Hyun Chul, you should have told me you'll be here today. We could have had some time."
"Sorry," he answered with a casual move of his shoulders. "I won't be here long, and it was business."
Ridiculously deflated by his statement, Sun Mi immediately forced her spine to straighten. Didn't I tell you not to get involved? She reminded herself. He's quite right, this was a business lunch. She gathered her things and stood.
"Please, Miss Kim, have my seat. I was just going." She turned to Hyun Chul, pleased to observe his annoyance at her hasty departure. "Thanks for lunch, Mr. Yun," she added politely, flashing a smile at the frown that appeared at her use of his surname. "Nice to have met you, Miss Kim." Giving the woman occupying the seat she had just vacated a professional smile, Sun Mi walked away.
"I didn't realize taking employees to lunch was part of your routine, Hyun Chul." Sun Hee's voice carried to Sun Mi as she made her exit.
The following day's session was more arduous. Several times during the long session, Sun Mi caught herself looking for Hyun Chul. Her disappointment at his absence, both surprised and displeased her. A few times, Woo Jin had to draw her back from her musings. This layout was a big assignment and she knew she had to stay focus. The project could be a big boost to her career, and would bring her face to international recognition. She could likely be on her way to becoming one of the country's top model with Hyun Chul's backing. However, she didn't appear too happy at this rosy prospect.
Sun Mi decided to shove Hyun Chul out of her mind and went dancing with Soh Ji Seop whom she met through a mutual friend. She had kept her relationship with Ji Seop platonic. She had shied away from more intimate relationship because no one had touched her deeply enough.
Admiring eyes focused on the tall, slim woman and the handsome man in his cream-colored suit. Both dancers possessed a natural grace and affinity with the music, and they looked spectacular on the dance floor. Sun Mi was flushed from the dancing and the laughter. However, her laughter died as she found herself confronted with the familiar piercing dark eyes.
"Hello, Sun Mi." Hyun Chul's greeting was casual.
"Hello, Mr. Yun," she returned, wondering why her stomach had begun to flutter at the sight of him.
"You met Sun Hee, I believe."
"Of course, nice to see you again." Sun Mi turned to her partner and made quick introduction.
"Yun Hyun Chul? The Yun Hyun Chul?" Sun Mi cringed at Ji Seop's undisguised awe and admiration.
"The only one I know," he answered with an easy smile.
"Please, Ji Seop indicated their table, "join us for a drink."
Hyun Chul's smile widened as he inclined his head to Sun Mi, laughter lighting his eyes as she struggled to cover her discomfort.
"Yes, please do." She met his eyes directly, and her voice was polite. Flickering a quick glance at his companion, she noticed Sun Hee wasn't pleased to share the table. Or perhaps, Sun Mi thought idly, she was not pleased to share Hyun Chul.
"A very impressive show the two of you put on out there." Hyun Chul commented to Ji Seop, indicating the dance floor with a nod of his head. His gaze roamed over to include Sun Mi. "You two must dance often to move so well together?"
"There's no better partner than Sun Mi," Ji Seop declared. "She can dance with anyone."
"Is that so?" Hyun Chul's brows lifted. "Perhaps you'll let me borrow her for a moment and see for myself."
An unreasonable panic filled Sun Mi at the thought of dancing with him and it was reflected in her expressive eyes.
She rose with a feeling of helpless indignation as Hyun Chul came behind her and pulled out her chair without waiting for her assent.
"Stop looking like such a martyr," he whispered in her ear as they approached the other dancers.
"Don't be absurd," she stated with admirable dignity, furious that he could read her so effortlessly.
The music had slowed, and he turned her to face him, gathering her into his arms. At the contact, an overpowering childish urge to pull away assailed her, and she struggled to prevent the tension from becoming noticeable. His chest was hard, and his basic masculinity overwhelming. The arm around her waist held her achingly close, so close their bodies seemed to melt together as he moved her around the floor. She had unconsciously shifted to her toes, and her cheek rested against his, the scent of him assaulting her senses, making her wonder if she had perhaps sipped her drink too quickly. Her heart was pounding erratically against his, and she fought to control the leaping of her pulses as she matched her steps to his.
"I should have known you were a dancer," he murmured against her ear, causing a fresh flutter of her heartbeat.
"Really," she countered, battling to keep her tone careless and light, attempting to ignore the surge of excitement of his mouth on the lobe of her ear. "Why?"
"The way you walk, the way you move. With a sensuous grace, and effortless rhythm."
She intended to laugh off the compliment and tilted her head to meet his eyes. She found herself staring wordlessly into the depth of his eyes.
"Your eyes are like clouds," she murmured, hardly aware that she was voicing her thoughts.
"Dark and threatening?" he suggested holding her gaze.
"Sometimes," she whispered. And others, warm and soft like an early mist. I never know whether I'm in for a storm or a shower. Never know what to expect."
"Don't you?" His voice was quiet as his gaze dropped to her lips, tantalizingly close to his. "You should by now."
She struggled with the weakness invading her at his softly spoken retort and clutched for sophistication. "Really, Mr. Yun, are you attempting to seduce me in the middle of a crowded dance floor?"
"One must make use of what's available," he answered, then lifted his brow. "Have you somewhere else in mind?"
"Sorry," she apologized, and turned her head so their faces no longer met. "We're both otherwise engaged, and," she added, attempting to slip away, "the dance is over."
He did not release her, pulling her closer and speaking ominously in her ear. "You'll not get away until you drop that infuriatingly formal Mr. Yun and use my name." When she did not reply, he went on, an edge sharpening his voice. "I'm perfectly content to stay like this. You're a woman who was meant for a man's arms. I find you suit mine."
"All right," Sun Mi said between her teeth, "Hyun Chul, would you please let me go before I'm crushed beyond recognition?"
"Certainly." His grip slacked, but his arm remained around her. "Don't tell me I'm really hurting you." His smile was wide and triumphant as he gazed into her resentful face.
"I'll let you know after I've had my x-rays."
"I doubt if you're as fragile as all that." He led her back to the table, his arm still encircling her waist.
They joined their respective partners, and the group spoke generally for the next few minutes. Sun Mi felt unmistakable hostility directed toward her from the other woman, which Hyun Chul was either blissfully unaware of or ignored. Hyun Chul turned down Ji Seop's request that they stayed for another round.
"Sun Hee's not fond of nightclubs, I'm afraid," Hyun Chul explained, grinning as he slipped an arm causally around Sun Hee's shoulder, causing her to look up at him with a smile of pure invitation. The gesture caused a sudden blaze of emotions to flare in Sun Mi that she refused to identify as jealousy. "She merely came tonight to please me. I'm thinking of using a nightclub for the layout." Hyun Chul gazed down at Sun Mi with an enigmatic smile. "Wasn't it a stroke of luck that I was able to see you here tonight. It gives me a much clearer picture of how to set things up."
Sun Mi's gaze narrowed at his tone, and she caught the gleam of laughter in his eyes. She knew Hyun Chul didn't believe in luck, and had known she would be here tonight, and staged the accidental meeting.
"See you Monday, Sun Mi," Hyun Chul said easily as he and his lady made to leave.
"Monday?" Ji Seop repeated when they were once more alone. "Aren't you the fox?" His teeth flashed in a grin. "Keeping the famous Mr. Yun tucked in your pocket."
"Hardly," she snapped, irritated by his conclusion. "Our relationship is strictly business. I'm working for his magazine. He's my employer, nothing more."
"O.K., O.K." Ji Seop's grin only widened at her angry denial. "Don't take my head off. It's a natural mistake, and I'm not the only one who made it."
Sun Mi looked up sharply. "What are you talking about?"
"Sweet Sun Mi," he explained in a patient tone, "didn't you feel the knives stabbing you in the back when you were dancing with your famous employer?" At her blank stare, he sighed deeply. "You know, even after three years in Seoul, you're still incredibly naive." The corners of his mouth lifted, and he laid a brotherly hand on her shoulder. "A certain woman was shooting daggers into you from her eyes the entire time you were dancing."
"That's absurd." Sun Mi frowned. "I'm sure Miss Kim knew very well Mr. Yun's purpose in seeing me was merely for research, just background for his precious layout."
Chuck regarded her thoroughly and shook his head. "As I said before, Sun Mi, you are incredibly naive."

Note from Messenger:
Thanks again to all of you who responded to this story with kind words and encouragement. Sorry, this chapter runs a little long. Enjoy!