Discovering Passion-adapted by Messenger

Hyun Chul sat in his living room, drawing deep on his cigarette, swirling the Scotch, and reflecting on the incident at Woo Jin's studio. For the first time in his life, he was losing control of a situation, more precisely a woman. He regretted using Sun Hee to provoke Sun Mi. But, he just couldn't get a grip on Sun Mi, and seemed to be making a blunder with her each time. This feeling she stirred in him was terrifying. She was the woman who would change everything for him. But, there was no turning back, and he had to act quickly but cautiously with Sun Mi.
Shooting of the layout was complete, and Sun Mi saw little of Hyun Chul. She was going to Los Angeles the next day to spend Christmas with her parents, and to heal her broken heart. There was a knock on the door while she was packing for her trip.
"Who is it?"
"Santa Claus."
"Hyun.....Hyun Chul?" she stammered, thrown off balance. "Is that you?"
"Just can't fool you, can I?" After a light pause, he asked. "Are you going to let me in, or do we have to talk through the door?"
"Oh, sorry." She fumbled with the latch and opened the door.
"You're locking up these days." His eyes swept her pearl-colored velour housecoat. "Are you going to let me in?"
"Oh, sure." Sun Mi stood back to let him enter. "I..., ah..., I thought Santa came down the chimney."
"Not this one," he returned dryly, and removed his coat. "I could use your famous Scotch. It's freezing out here."
"Now I'm totally disillusioned. I thought Santa thrived on cookies and milk."
"If he's half the man I think he is, he's got a flask in that red suit."
"Cynic," she accused and retreated to bring his Scotch.
"Aren't you going to join me in some holiday cheer?"
"Oh, no." Sun Mi wrinkled her nose in disgust. "This stuff tastes like the soap I had my mouth washed out with once."
"You've got class, Sun Mi," he stated wryly. "I won't ask you what your mouth was washed out for."
"I wouldn't tell you anyway." She smiled, feeling at ease with the casual banter.
"Well, have something, I hate to drink alone."
She reached into the refrigerator and removed a pitcher of orange juice.
"You do live dangerously, don't you?" he commented as she poured. She raised the glass in toast and they returned to the living room.
"I heard you're off to Los Angeles in the morning," he said.
"That's right, I'll be visiting my parents until the day after New Year's."
"Then I'll wish you both a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year early." He lifted his glass to her. "I'll think of you when the clock strikes twelve."
"I'm sure you'll be too busy to think of me at the stroke of midnight," she retorted.
He smiled and sipped his Scotch. "I'm sure I'll find a minute for you, Sun Mi." He rose and picking up his jacket, removed a small package from its pocket. Sun Mi stared at it dumbly, and then raised her expressive eyes to his.
"Oh, but...I didn't think....that is....I don't have anything for you."
"Don't you?" he asked lazily, and color rushed to her cheeks.
"Really, Hyun Chul, I can't take it. I wouldn't feel right."
"Think of it as a gift from the emperor to one of his subjects." He took the glass from her and placed the package in her hand.
"You have a long memory." She smiled in spite of herself.
"Like an elephant," he said, then with a touch of impatience: "Open it. You know you're dying to."
She stared at the package, "I never could resist anything wrapped in Christmas paper." She tore the elegant foil away, then caught her breath as she opened the box and revealed its content. It was a Hamilton 14k pink woman antique watch, adorned with diamond and ruby. It came with an adjustable grosgrain ribbon band and a 14k gold-filled clasp. It was simply exquisite.
"I was told you have an obsession with watches. It seemed a crime for this unique piece to belong to anyone else."
"It's so elegant and beautiful," she murmured when she found her voice. "You really shouldn't have bought it for me, I........"
"I shouldn't have," he interrupted, "but you're glad I did."
She had to smile. "Yes I am. It was a lovely thing to do. I don't know how to thank you."
"I do." He drew her from the chair, his arms slipping around her. "This will do nicely." His lips met hers and, after a moment's hesitation, she responded, telling herself she was only showing her gratitude for his thoughtfulness. As the kiss lingered, her gratitude was forgotten. He lifted his mouth, and claimed possession again, now more demanding, and her lips parted beneath his insistence. Her body seemed to melt against his, her arms twining around his neck, fingers tangling in his hair. She was lost in the feel of him, all thought ceasing, her only reality his mouth on hers, and his hard body blending with her yielding softness.
When at last their lips separated, he looked down at her, his eyes darkened with emotion. She dropped her forehead to his chest and attempted to catch her breath. "Please, Hyun Chul," she whispered, her hands slipping from his neck to his shoulder. "I can't think when you kiss me."
"Can't you now?" His mouth tarried a moment in her hair. "That's very interesting." He brought his hand under her chin and lifted her face, his eyes moving over her features slowly. "You know, Sun Mi, that's a very dangerous admission. I'm tempted to press my advantage." He paused, continuing to study the fragile, vulnerable face. "Not this time." He released her, walked to the table, downed the remainder of his Scotch and lifted his coat. At the door, he turned, giving her his charming smile. "Merry Christmas, Sun Mi."
"Merry Christmas, Hyun Chul," she whispered at the door he closed behind him.
Sun Mi arrived at her parents' rented beachfront condo in the late evening. It is located along Ocean Ave. in Santa Monica, a city nestled on Los Angeles' fashionable Westside just seconds from the Pacific Ocean. Her parents were thrilled by her visit, and enveloped Sun Mi in a tight group hug.
Sun Mi managed to put on a bright smile on Christmas day, but her parents noticed a trace of sadness in her eyes. The days went quickly but the sunny California weather couldn't conceal her flagging spirit. The phone rang just as she was about to block Hyun Chul out of her mind.
"Hello, Sun Mi."
"Hyun Chul?" She had not known pain could come so swiftly at the sound of a voice.
"Very good." She heard the familiar mockery and pressed her forehead to the wall. "How are you?"
"Fine. I'm just fine." She tried to compose herself. "I.....I didn't expect to hear from you. Is there a problem?"
"Problem?" he returned in a smiling voice. "No permanent one in any case. I thought you might need a reminder of Seoul about now. We wouldn't want you to forget to come back."
"No, I haven't forgotten." Sun Mi took a deep breath. "Have you something in mind for me?"
"In mind? You might say I had one or two things in mind." There was a slight pause before he continued. "Anxious to get back to work?"
"Uh.....yes....yes, I am. I wouldn't want to get stale."
"I see........ We'll see what we can do when you get back. It would be foolish not to put your talents to use." He spoke absently, as though his mind was already formulating a suitable project.
"I'm sure you'll think of something advantageous for both of us," she stated.
"Mmm....., you'll be back at the end of the week?"
"Yes, on the second."
"I'll be in touch. Keep your calendar clear." The order was casual, confident, and brisk. "We'll get you in front of the camera again, if that's what you want."
"All right. I.....well.....thanks for calling."
"My pleasure. I'll see you when you get back."
"Yes, Hyun Chul....." She searched for something to say, wanting to cling to the small contact, perhaps just to hear him say her name one more time.
"Nothing......, nothing." Shutting her eyes, she cursed her lack of imagination. "I'll wait to hear from you."
"Fine." He paused a moment, and his voice softened. "Have a good time with your parents, Sun Mi."
On the last day of her stay in California, Sun Mi was finally confronted by her dad. She didn't want to burden him with her "problem", and simply brushed it off as post-photography depression.
The first thing Sun Mi did upon returning to her Seoul apartment was to put a call through to Woo Jin. Instead, he asked her to check with Hyun Chul regarding an upcoming project.
Several days passed before Hyun Chul contacted Sun Mi. After exchanging courtesy greetings, Hyun Chul continued with a casual tone. "Actually, I'm calling about this weekend."
"Weekend?" Sun Mi repeated dumbly.
"Yes, a trip to the mountains."
"You sound like a parrot," he said shortly. "Do you have anything important scheduled from Friday through Sunday?"
"Well, I....ah....."
"Lord, what an astute conversationalist you are." His voice reflected growing annoyance.
Swallowing, she attempted to be more precise. "No. That is, nothing essential. I........"
"Good," he interrupted. "I had an idea for some pictures of a lovely lady frolicking in the snow. I've a lodge in Yong Pyeong or rather Dragon Valley Ski Resort located at the foot of Palwang Mountain. It'll make a nice setting. We can combine business with pleasure."
"We?" Sun Mi murmured weakly.
"No need for panic," he assured her, his words heavy with mockery. "I'm not abducting you to the wilderness to ravish you, although the idea does have some interesting angles." He paused, then laughed outright. "I can feel you blushing right through the phone."
"Very funny," she retorted, infuriated that he could read her so easily. "I'm beginning to recall an urgent engagement for the weekend, so......"
"Hold on, Sun Mi," he interrupted again, his words suddenly brooking no argument. "You're under contract. My rights hold for a couple more months. You wanted to get back to work; I'm putting you back to work."
"Yes, but......."
"Read the fine print if you like, but keep this weekend clear. And relax," he continued as she remained silent. "You'll be well protected from my dishonorable advances. Woo Jin and Young Mi will be coming with us. Kim Sun Dahl, my art director, will be joining us later."
"Oh," she replied inadequately, unsure whether she was relieved or disappointed.
"I............. the magazine, will provide you with suitable snow gear. I'll pick you up at seven thirty Friday morning. Be packed and ready."
"Yes, but......." Sun Mi stared at the dead receiver with a mixture of annoyance and trepidation.
Friday morning dawned clear and cloudless and cold. Sun Mi was packed and ready as instructed, sipping a second cup of tea, when the doorbell sounded.
"Good morning, Sun Mi," Hyun Chul said as she opened the door. "Ready to brave the uncharted wilderness?"
Assuring him she was quite ready, she asked: "Shall we go?"
They soon left the city as Hyun Chul directed the BMW east. He drove quickly and skillfully from highway 1 south to highway 4 (Yongdong Expressway) and headed east, keeping up a light conversation. Sun Mi found herself relaxing in the warm interior, forgetting her usual inhibition at being in close contact with the man who stirred her senses.
The drive will take about 4 hours. They continued east, and Sun Mi lost track of time, intoxicated by the newness and beauty of her surroundings.
Picking up her hand, he turned it upward and kissed her palm, sending shooting arrows of flame up her arm and down to her stomach. "I could do with some coffee," Hyun Chul said suddenly. 'How about you?" He turned to her and smiled. "Want some tea?"
"Sure," she answered casually.
When the BMW rolled into a small village, Hyun Chul parked his car in front of a cafe. Sun Mi's eyes were fixed on the overpowering encircling mountains when they stepped out of the car.
"They look higher than they are," Hyun Chul commented.
Interlocking his hand with hers, he led her out of the cold and into the warmth of the cafe. Sun Mi was relaxed and actually enjoying her conversation with Hyun Chul while sipping her tea and savoring the coffee cake.
During their conversation, Sun Mi was surprised to learn that Woo Jin was driving together with Young Mi, and commented. "Woo Jin's actually serious about a flesh-and-blood woman."
"It happens to the best of us, love," Hyun Chul replied gently.
But would it ever to Hyun Chul? She could not meet his eyes.
On the road once more, Sun Mi contended herself with the scenery as Hyun Chul kept up a general conversation. The steady ride had lulled her into a state of deep relaxation, and leaning back, she finally fell asleep. Sun Mi stirred restlessly as the change in road surface disturbed her slumber, and she opened her eyes slowly. Her head was nestled against his shoulder, sitting up quickly, she turned sleep-flushed face to Hyun Chul.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I fall asleep?"
"You've been unconscious for an hour," Hyun Chul smiled.
"Oh, it's beautiful." She came quickly awake as she focused on her surroundings.
The car halted, and she spotted the large A-frame dwelling nestled in a small clearing so much apart of the surroundings.
"Come get a closer look," Hyun Chul invited, stepping from the car. He held her hand and they crunched through the untouched snow.
"What a fabulous place." She made a slow circle. "It's so wild and powerful, so wonderfully untouched and primitive."
Hyun Chul's eyes followed her survey. "Sometimes I escape here, when my office begins to close in on me. There's such blessed peace - no urgent meetings, no deadlines, no responsibilities."
Sun Mi regarded him in open amazement. She had never imagined his needing to escape from anything. To her, Hyun Chul represented the epitome of the efficient businessman, with employees rushing to do his bidding at the snap of his imperious finger. Now, she began to see another aspect of his nature, and it brought her a swift rush of pleasure.
He turned and encountered her stare, locking her eyes to his with a force that captured her breath. "It's also quite isolated," he added.
Sun Mi's eyes widened with fear. "Keep calm, Sun Mi." Hyun Chul laughed wryly. "I haven't kidnapped you, the others will be along to protect you." He had deliberately provoked her reaction and continued. "That is, if they can find the place," he muttered, his bow creasing before his features settled in a wide smile.
The interior was spacious, with wide, full windows bringing the mountains inside. The high ceiling with exposed beams added to the openness. A stone fireplace commanded the wall with furniture arranged strategically. "It's charming," Sun Mi said with delight. "You can stand here and be inside and out at the same time."
"I've often felt that way myself," Hyun Chul agreed. Moving to join her and slipping her coat from her shoulders. "What is the scent you wear?" he murmured, his fingers massaging the back of her neck, their strength throbbing through her. "It's always the same, very delicate and appealing."
"'s apple blossom." She swallowed and kept her eyes glued to the window.
" mustn't change it, it suits you.........I'm starving," he announced suddenly. "How about opening a can or something and I'll start the fire? The kitchen's well stocked."
"All right," she agreed, smiling and headed to the kitchen. The large pantry was well stocked and Sun Mi took out a can of soup.
Hyun Chul walked towards Sun Mi after the fireplace was started, and slipped his arms around her waist while she was heating the soup. "Are you a good cook, Sun Mi?"
The hard body pressed into her back was very distracting. She struggled to remain cool. "Anyone can open a can of soup." The last word caught in her throat as his hand reached up to part the dark curtain of her hair, his lip warm as they brushed the back of her neck. "I'd better make some coffee." She attempted to slip away, but his arms maintained possession, his mouth roaming over her vulnerable skin. "I thought you were hungry." The words came out in a babbling rush as her knees melted, and she leaned back against him helplessly for support.
"Oh, I am," he whispered, his teeth nibbling at her ear. "Ravenous."
He buried his face in the curve of her neck, and the room swayed as his hands slid upward under her sweater.
"Hyun Chul, don't," she moaned as a rush of desire swept over her, and she struggled to escape before she was lost.
He muttered savagely and spun her around, roughly crushing her lips under his.
Though he had kissed her before, demanding, arousing kisses, there had always been a measure of control in his lovemaking. Now it was as if the wilderness of the surroundings had entered him. Like a man whose control has been too tightly bound, he assaulted her mouth, parting hers and taking possession. His hands pressed her hips against him, molding them together into one form. She was drowning in his explosion of passion, clinging to him as his hands roamed over her, seeking, demanding, receiving. The fire of his need ignited hers, and she gave herself without reservation, straining against him, wanting only to plunge deeper into the heat.
The sound of a car pulling up outside brought a muffled curse from Hyun Chul. Lifting his mouth from hers, he rested his chin on top of her head and sighed.
"They found us, Sun Mi. Better open another can."

Note from Messenger:
It's great to know so many of you share my passion for this story, thanks a zillion! My gratitude to a dedicated group of cheer leaders (KY, uyen, TS~*, aurora, irene, poni, Margie, pink, ltheng2000) for being so generous with your words and pictures.
Blue daisy, the 2005 trip to Seoul is very tempting, I'll have to sit on it for awhile. TS~*, your are such an angel and a very energetic one too. Thanks for putting the missing puzzles for me with your translation of Hidden Love.