Discovering Passion-adapted by Messenger

Hyun Chul reluctantly moved off to meet Young Mi & Woo Jin, leaving Sun Mi battling to regain some small thread of composure. The urgent demand of Hyun Chul had awakened a wild, primitive response in her. She was acutely aware of the consequences if they had been left undisturbed. Pressing hands to burning cheeks, she went back to the stove, to attend to soup and coffee, hoping the simple mechanical tasks would restore her equilibrium.
"So, he's got you slaving away already." Young Mi entered the kitchen, armed with a large paper bag. "Isn't that just like a man?"
"Hi." Sun Mi turned around, showing a fairly normal countenance. "It appears we've both been put in our places. What's in the bag?"
"Supplies for the long, snowbound weekend."
"Always efficient," Sun Mi stated, and feeling the tension melt away, flashed her smile.
After lunch, Sun Mi & Young Mi retreated upstairs while the men launched into a technical discussion on the type of pictures required.
The sound of a car caught the girls' attention while they were unpacking, and they moved to the window looking down as Kim Sun Dahl assisted Sun Hee from the vehicle. "Well.....look who's here." Young Mi sighed and grimaced at Sun Mi.
Stunned, Sun Mi stared at the top of Sun Hee's head. "I didn't.....Hyun Chul didn't tell me Sun Hee was coming." Infuriated by the intrusion on her weekend, Sun Mi turned from the window and busied her hands with unpacking.
"Unless I'm very mistaken, he didn't know." Scowling, Young Mi turned and leaned against the windowsill. "Maybe he'll toss her out in the snow."
"Maybe," Sun Mi countered, relieving some of her frustration by slamming the top of her suitcase, "he'll be glad to see her."
"Well, we won't find out anything standing around up here." Young Mi started toward the door, grabbing Sun Mi's arm along the way. "Come on, let's go see."
Sun Hee's voice drifted to Sun Mi as she descended the stairs. "You really don't mind that I came to keep you company, do you, Hyun Chul? I thought it would be such a lovely surprise."
Sun Mi entered the room in time to see Hyun Chul shrug. "I didn't think the mountains were your style, Sun Hee." He gave her a mild smile. "If you'd wanted to come, you should have asked instead of spinning a tale to Sun Dahl about my wanting him to drive you up."
"Oh, it was just a little fib." Tilting her head, she fluttered darkened lashes. "A little intrigue is so amusing."
"Let's hope you won't be bored as we're a long way from Seoul." Hyun Chul's eyes shifted to Sun Mi as he spoke.
After an unenthusiastic exchange of greetings, Sun Mi seated herself across the room with Sun Dahl while Sun Hee again gave Hyun Chul her full attention. Sun Mi reluctantly joined the conversation, but was infuriated when Sun Hee made some sarcastic remarks about models.
"I think I'll take a walk before it gets dark." Sun Mi rose quickly, needing to get out before her temper was irrevocably lost.
"I'll go with you." Sun Dahl stood, moving to join her. "I've been cooped up with that woman all day," he whispered with a conspirator's smile. "I think the fresh air will do me a world of good."
Sun Mi's laughter floated through the room as she strolled through the door, oblivious of Hyun Chul's frown as his darkened eyes followed her.
They headed for the stream, and Sun Dahl's easy conversation soothed Sun Mi's ruffled spirits. "This is nice," Sun Dahl said simply. "I begin to feel human again," he added with a wink. "That woman is hard to take. I can't imagine what the boss sees in her."
Sun Mi grinned. "Isn't it strange that I agree with you?"
With dusk encroaching, they decided to return to the lodge, and laughing companionably as they entered.
"Don't either of you have more sense than to wander about the mountains after dark?" Hyun Chul asked them, scowling.
"Dark? We only followed the stream a little way, and it's barely dusk." Sun Mi replied while pulling off her boots.
"We left a trail in the snow," Sun Dahl stated with a grin. "Better than bread crumbs."
"Dusk turns to dark quickly, and there's no moon tonight," Hyun Chul said. "It's a simple matter to get lost."
"Well, we're back, and we didn't," Sun Mi told him. "No need for a search party. Where's Young Mi?"
"In the kitchen, starting dinner."
"I better go help then!" She gave him a radiant smile and brushed past them, leaving Sun Dahl to deal with his boss's temper.
In easy companionship, Sun Mi & Young Mi prepared the meal. The kitchen came to life with the clatter of dishes and sizzling of meat. They sat around the long table when dinner was ready.
"I guess it's the mountain air," Sun Mi commented between bites. "I'm absolutely ravenous." The slow smile that drifted across Hyun Chul's face brought back the memory of the earlier scene in the kitchen, and warm color seeped into her cheeks.
The party later spread out with lazy contentment in the living room. Sun Mi settled herself on a low stool near the fire. She watched the dancing flames, caught up in their images, unaware of the picture she created, cheeks and hair glowing with flickering light, eyes soft and dreamy.
"Are you hypnotized by the flames, Sun Mi?" Hyun Chul's lean form eased down beside her.
"Yes, I am. There're pictures there if you look for them," she answered. "There's a castle there with turrets all around, and there's a horse with his mane lifted in the wind."
"There's an old man sitting in a rocker," Hyun Chul said softly, and she turned to stare at him, surprised that he had seen the image too. He returned her look, with the intensity of an embrace, and she rose, flustered by the weakness his gaze could evoke.
"It's been a long day," she announced, avoiding his eyes. "I think I'll go up to bed. I don't want Woo Jin to complain that I look washed out in the morning."
Calling her good nights, she went swiftly from the room without giving Hyun Chul the opportunity to comment.
Sun Mi had slept not only immediately but deeply even though she went to bed with a turmoil of emotions. She woke up while everybody was still asleep. She dressed quietly not wanting to disturb Young Mi, and crept downstairs. After pulling on boots and gloves, she stepped outside into the cold, clear sunlight.
The woods were silent, and the mountains were a magic fairyland without human habitation. "I'm alone," she said aloud, flinging out her arms. "There's not another soul in the entire world." She raced through the snow and tossed snow high above her head. "I'm free!" Kicking up mists of white before she stopped and fell on her back. She lay, spread-eagle, staring up at the sky until a face moved into her view, dark brown eyes laughing down at her.
"What are you doing, Sun Mi?"
"Making an angel," she informed him, returning his smile. "You see, you fall down, and then you move your arms and legs like this." She demonstrated, and her smile faded. "The trick is to get up without making a mess of it. It requires tremendous ability and perfect balance." She grabbed onto Hyun Chul's offered hand, jumped clear, and turned. "There is the angel!"
"Beautiful," he agreed. "You're very talented."
"Yes, I know. I didn't know anyone else was up," she added, brushing snow from her bottom.
"I saw you dancing in the snow from my window. What game were you playing?"
"That I was alone in all this." She whirled in the circles, arms extended.
"You're never alone up here. Look." He pointed into the woods, and her eyes widened at the sight of white-topped mountains and dense trees.
"Oh, I'm in love!" she exclaimed, racing across the snow. "I'm absolutely madly in love with this place. Who needs a man when you've got all this?"
"Oh, really?" A snowball thudded against the back of her head, and she turned to stare at him narrowly.
"You know, of course, this means war."
She scooped up a handful of snow, balling it swiftly and hurling it back at him. They exchanged fire, snow landing on target as often as it missed, until he closed the gap between them, and she engaged in a strategic retreat. Her flight was interrupted as he caught her, tossing her down and rolling on top of her. Her cheeks glowed with the cold, her eyes sparkled with laughter, as she tried to catch her breath.
"All right, you win, you win."
"Yes, I did," he agreed. "And to the victor go the spoils." He touched her mouth with his, his lips moving with light sensuality, stilling her laughter. "I always win sooner or later," he murmured, kissing her eyes closed. "We don't do this nearly often enough," he muttered against her mouth, deepening the kiss until her senses whirled. "You've snow all over your face." His mouth roamed to her cheek, his tongue gently removing flakes, instilling her with exquisite terror. "Oh, Sun Mi, what a delectable creature you are." Lifting his face, he stared into her wide, anxious eyes. He let out a deep breath and brushed the remaining snow from her cheeks with his hand. "The others should be stirring about now. Let's go have some breakfast."
"Stand over there, Sun Mi." Sun Mi was once more out in the snow, but this time it was Woo Jin and his camera joining her. He had been taking pictures for what seemed to Sun Mi hours.
Hyun Chul and Young Mi strolled over as they approached the house after finishing their final shot. Young Mi dragged Woo Jin into the woods for a walk while Hyun Chul moved towards Sun Mi. "Cold?" Hyun Chul asked as Sun Mi began to strip off her outdoor clothing.
"Modeling is not all glamour and smiles, is it?" he commented as she shook snow from her hair.
"Are you contend with it?" he asked suddenly, capturing her chin with his hand, his eyes narrowed and serious. "Is there nothing else you want?"
"It's what I do," she countered. "It's what I'm able to do."
"Is it what you want to do?" he persisted. "Is it all you want to do?"
"All?" she repeated, and battling the urgent longing, she shrugged. "It's enough, isn't it?"
He continued to stare down at her before he mirrored her shrug and walked away. He moved, even in jeans, with a rather detached elegance. Puzzled, Sun Mi watched him disappeared down the hall.
The afternoon passed in vague complacency, and drifted away into darkness. Dinner consisted of Jeon-gol, which didn't please Sun Hee and she ended up consuming an over abundance of wine. Sun Mi and Young Mi were in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner when Sun Hee strolled in with another glass of wine in her hand.
"Almost done with your womanly duties?" she demanded with heavy sarcasm.
"Yes. Your assistance was greatly appreciated," Young Mi answered, staking plates in cupboard.
"I should like to have a word with Sun Mi, if you don't mind."
"No, I don't mind," Young Mi returned, and continued to clatter dishes.
Sun Hee turned to where Sun Mi was now wiping the surface of the stove. "I will not tolerate your behavior any longer."
"Well, all alright....... if you'd rather do it yourself." Sun Mi offered the dishcloth with a smile.
"I saw you this morning," Sun Hee flung out viciously, "throwing yourself at Hyun Chul."
"Did you?" Sun Mi shrugged, turning back to give the stove her attention. "Actually, I was throwing snowballs. I thought you were asleep."
"Hyun Chul woke me up when he got out of bed." Sun Hee lied with a soft voice, but the implication was all too clear.
Pain throbbed through Sun Mi. She thought Sun Hee was allocated the corner guest room. How could he have left one woman's arms and come so easily into hers? How could he degrade and humiliate her that way? She shut her eyes, feeling the color drain from her face. The simple fun and precious intimacy they have shared that morning now seemed cheap. Holding on to her pride desperately, she turned to meet Sun Hee's triumphant eyes. "Everyone's entitled to his own taste." She shrugged indifferently, tossing the cloth on the stove.
Sun Hee's color rose dramatically. With a furious oath, she threw the contents of her glass, splattering the red liquid over Sun Mi's sweater.
"That's going too far!" Young Mi exploded, full of righteous anger on Sun Mi's behalf. "You're not going to get away with this one."
"I'll have your job for speaking to me that way."
"Just try it, when the boss sees what you..........."
"No more," Sun Mi broke in, halting her avenger. "I don't want any more scenes, Young Mi."
"But, Sun Mi"
"No, please, just forget it." She was torn between the need to crawl away and lick her wound and the urge to pull out handfuls of hair. "I mean it. There's no need to bring Hyun Chul into this. I've had it."
"All right, Sun Mi," Young Mi agreed, casting Sun Hee a disgusted look. "For your sake."
Sun Mi moved quickly from the room, wanting only to reach the sanctuary of her bedroom. Before she reached the stairs, however, she met Hyun Chul.
"Been to war, Sun Mi?" he asked, glancing at the red splatters on her sweater. "Looks like you lost."
"I never had anything to lose," she mumbled, and started to walk by him.
"Hey." He halted her, taking her arms and holding her in front of him. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," she retorted, feeling her precious control slipping with each passing moment.
"Don't hand me that........... look at you." His hand reached out to tilt her chin, but she jerked back. "Don't do that," he commanded. His fingers gripped her face and held her still. "What's wrong with you anyway?"
"Nothing is the matter with me," she returned, retreating behind a sheet of ice. "I'm simply a bit weary of my being pawed."
She watched his eyes darkening. His fingers tightened painfully on her flesh. "You're darned lucky there're other people in the house, or I'd give you a fine example of what it's really like to be pawed. It's a pity I had a respect for fragile innocence. I shall certainly keep my hands off you in the future."
He relaxed his grip, and with chin and arm aching from the pressure, she pushed by him and calmly mounted the stairs.

Note from Messenger:
Sam Seaborn, my favorite character from The West Wing, will now become Jack Turner of The Lyon's Den premiering tonight at NBC. Looks like this new drama has potential. (Shame on me.....promoting Rob Lowe on this board.....sorry, can't help myself.)
Have a good week ahead! Enjoy!