Discovering Passion-adapted by Messenger

Hyun Chul rushed to Sun Mi's apartment after dropping Sun Hee off at her home. He rapped on the door, but there was no answer, so he decided to pound harder. Ju Hee came out of her apartment when she heard the pounding on Sun Mi's door. She told the frustrated Hyun Chul that Sun Mi already left for Seoul Kimpo International Airport about an hour ago. He was going to rush to the airport but Ju Hee stopped him.
"I don't know what happened between both of you. I think it's best to give her breathing space, and let her calm down." Jue Hee spoke with a sympathetic tone and continued. "She's going to stay with her parents in Los Angeles, give her a few more days to pull herself together."
Hyun Chul thanked Ju Hee and headed for home. He had never felt more alone, and was furious with her, as well as himself. Swearing, he lit a cigarette and poured himself a glass of Scotch. He hadn't been in love before, but he recognized the symptoms. He knew his love for Sun Mi was real, and he intended to make it last. She belonged to him, and he would do whatever was necessary to get her back. He couldn't afford to lose her, and picked up the phone and called Young Mi.
If Sun Mi's unexpected arrival surprised her parents, they asked no questions and made no demands. A week drifted by, quiet and undemanding. Sun Mi spent most mornings at the Santa Monica beach, cycling right at the edge of the sand, along the South Bay Bicycle Trail.
She was looking out of her bedroom window, and enjoying the sunset when her father entered the room.
"It's time we talked, Sun Mi," he said, draping his arm around her. "Why did you come back so suddenly?"
With a deep sigh, she rested her head against him. "A lot of reasons. Mostly because I was tired."
"Yes, tired of being framed and glossed. Tired of seeing my own face. Tired of having to pull emotions and expressions out of my hat like a second-rate magician, tired of the noise, tired of the crowds." She made a helpless movement with her shoulders. "Just plain tired."
"We always thought you had what you wanted."
"I was wrong. It wasn't what I wanted. It wasn't all I wanted." She stood and leaned over the window, staring into the beautiful sunset. "Now I don't know if I've accomplished anything."
"You accomplished a great deal. You worked hard and made a successful career on your own, and one that you can be proud of. Your mom & I are very proud of you."
"I know I worked for what I got, and was good at it. Everything fell right on target, in-line with my plan. Now I've got something most women in my position would jump at, and I don't want it."
"All right, then it's time to stop. But I think there's more to your decision to come home than you're saying. Is there a man mixed up in all this?"
"That's all finished." Sun Mi said with a shrug. "I got in over my head, out of my class."
"Jin Sun Mi, I'm ashamed to hear you talk that way."
"It's true." She managed a smile. "I never really fit into his world. He's rich and sophisticated, and I keep forgetting to be glamorous and do the most ridiculous things." Shrugging again, she stared into the space. "There was never really anything between us........ at least not on his side."
"Then he must not have too many brains," her father commented.
"Some might claim you're just a little prejudiced." Sun Mi gave him a quick hug.
Sun Mi felt a slight relief after the chat with her dad last evening. "Time's what I need now. Just a little time to find all the scattered pieces and put them back together." She told herself.
She hauled her bike downstairs and headed for the beach.
Sun Mi was shocked when she saw Hyun Chul sitting on one of the benches at the park when she was heading home after her morning workout. He slowly walked towards Sun Mi when he saw her approaching with her bike.
"What are you doing here?" she demanded.
"Just passing by, thought I drop by your parents' condo, but your mom told me you went cycling at the beach." He smiled and replied in a casual tone.
Gritting her teeth, Sun Mi stared at him. "How did you know where to find me?"
"Ju Hee heard me pounding on your door. She told me you'd left for Los Angeles." He spoke absently as they continued walking towards the condo.
Sun Mi's mind whirled with dozens of questions she could not find the courage to form into words. The silence grew deep until she felt buried in it. Finally, Hyun Chul asked as they reached the front door. "Why did you run away?"
Her mind jumped like a startled rabbit. "I didn't run away, I wanted time to think over the offers I've had. It wouldn't do to make the wrong decision at this point in my career."
"I see."
Unsure whether the mockery in his voice was real or a figment of her imagination, she spoke dismissively. "I've got work to do. I need to help my mom in the kitchen."
When they stepped into the living room, her mom came out of the kitchen to meet them. "Why don't you show Hyun Chul around? It's a beautiful day, go for a walk at the beach."
"The pie!" Sun Mi sent out rapid distress signals.
Ignoring the silent plea, Mrs. Jin merely patted her head. "There's plenty of time yet. I'm sure Hyun Chul would like a look around before dinner."
"Your mother was kind enough to ask me to stay, Sun Mi." He smiled at her open astonishment before turning to her mother. "I'm looking forward to it, Mrs. Jin."
Fuming at the pleasant exchange, Sun Mi spun around and muttered without enthusiasm.
"Well, come on then." Halting a short distance away, she looked up at him with a honey-drenched smile. "Well, what would you care to see first? The park or the pier?"
"I'll leave that to you," he answered genially.
They walked across the street to the Palisades Park. This lush green strip sitting atop Santa Monica's famed sandstone cliffs, overlooking the Pacific, is a wonderful place for walkers, bikers and people watchers. Hyun Chul tried to break the silence by asking her about life in the United States, and growing up as a Diplomat's daughter. He was fascinated by what he heard, and Sun Mi began to let down her guard a little.
She eventually found the courage to ask him why he had come. "You, ah....., you have business in Los Angeles?"
"Business is one way to put." He answered casually.
"Why didn't you send one of your minions to do whatever you had in mind?"
"There are certain areas that I find more rewarding to deal with personally." His grin was mocking and obviously intended to annoy. Sun Mi shrugged as if she was indifferent to the entire conversation.
Sun Mi's parents seemed to take a liking to Hyun Chul, and she found herself irritated that he seemed to fit into the scene so effortless. Seated next to her father, he chatted away like a long-lost friend.
Muttering about pie, Sun Mi retreated to the kitchen. A few minutes later, she heard: "Such domesticity."
Whirling around, she observed Hyun Chul's entrance into the room.
"You've flour on your nose." He wiped it away with his finger. Jerking away, she resumed her action with the rolling pin. "Pie, huh? What kind?" He leaned against the counter as though settling for a comfortable visit.
"Lemon meringue," she said shortly, giving him no encouragement.
"Oh, I'm rather partial to lemon meringue, tart and sweet at the same time." He paused and grinned at her averted face. "Reminds me of you." She cast him a withering glance that left him undaunted. "You do that very well," he observed as she began rolling out a second crust.
"Why did you come?" she demanded. "Did you want to get a look at my family, or to see how badly bruised I was, and give Sun Hee a good laugh when you got back?"
"Stop it!" He straightened from the counter and took her by the shoulders. "Do you think so little of me?"
"I'm sorry," she murmured, turning back to her work. "That was a stupid thing to say."
He thrust his hands in the pockets of slim-fitting jeans and strolled to the living room to join Sun Mi's dad.
After dinner, Sun Mi saw Hyun Chul once more in discussion with her father. So much happened today, she needed some fresh air. She stepped out to the balcony, took a deep breath and let the chilly air clear her thoughts. Returning inside, she curled into a chair and watched the progress of a chess game between Hyun Chul and her father. She found herself enchanted by the movements of his long fingers over the carved pieces.
"Checkmate." She started at Hyun Chul's words; so complete had been her absorption.
Mr. Jin frowned at the board a moment, and then stroked his chin. "I'll be darned, so it is." He grinned over at Hyun Chul. "You play a fine game of chess, son. I enjoyed that."
"So did I." Hyun Chul leaned back in his chair. "I hope we'll be able to play often. We should find the opportunity, since I intend to marry your daughter."
The statement was matter-of-factly given. As the words passed from Sun Mi's ear to brain, her mouth opened, but no sound emerged.
"As head of the family," Hyun Chul went on, not even glancing in her direction, "I should assure you that financially Sun Mi would be well cared for. The pursuit of her career is, of course, her choice, but she need only work for her own satisfaction."
Mr. Jin sipped his coffee and nodded.
"I've thought this through carefully," Hyun Chul continued. "A man reaches a time when he requires a wife and wants children." His voice was low and serious, and Mr. Jin met laughing dark brown eyes equally. "Sun Mi suits my purpose quite nicely. She is undoubtedly stunning, and what man doesn't enjoy beauty? She's fairly intelligent, adequately strong, and is apparently not averse to children. However, there is the matter of her temper," Hyun Chul deliberated, weighing pros and cons. "But," he concluded with a casual gesture of his hand. "I like a bit of spirit in a woman."
Sun Mi sprang to her feet, unable for several attempts to form a coherent sentence. "How dare you?" she managed at length. "How dare you sit there and discuss me as if I were a........ a brood mare! And you," she chastised her father, "you just go along like you were pawning off the runt of the litter. My own father."
"I did mention her temper, didn't I?" Hyun Chul asked Mr. Jin, and he nodded sagely.
"You arrogant, conceited................"
"Careful, Sun Mi," Hyun Chul cautioned and raised his brows. "You'll get your mouth washed out with soap again."
'If you think for one minute that I'm going to marry you, you're crazy! I wouldn't have you on a platter! So go back to Seoul, and............... and print your magazines," she finished in a rush, and stormed from the living room.
After her departure, Hyun Chul turned to Mrs. Jin. "I'm sure Sun Mi would want to have the wedding here. Any close friends and relatives can fly in easily enough, perhaps I should leave the arrangements to you."
"All right, Hyun Chul. Did you have a date in mind?"
"Next weekend."
Mrs. Jin's eyes opened wide for a moment as she envisioned the furor of arrangements, then tranquilly returned to her knitting. "Leave it to me. We can plan a small wedding at the Glass Church/Wayfarers Chapel, a strikingly beautiful redwood & glass church nestled in a wooded hillside overlooking the blue Pacific, on the affluent Palo Verdes peninsula."
"Sounds fantastic, Mrs. Jin." He rose and grinned down at Mr. Jin. "She should have cooled off a bit now. I'll go look for her."
"In her bedroom." Mr. Jin informed him. "She always locked herself in the room when she's in a temper." Hyun Chul nodded and strode to the end of the hallway.
"Well, my wife." With a light chuckle, Mr. Jin smiled. "Looks like Sun Mi has met her match."
Sun Mi stomped around her bedroom, enraged at both Hyun Chul and her father. The two of them! She fumed.
The light tap on the door annoyed her further. She opened the door and Hyun Chul pushed his away into the room, and closed the door behind him.
"Hello, Sun Mi, ready to discuss wedding plans?"
"I'll never be ready to discuss anything with you!" Her angry voice vibrated in the room.
Hyun Chul smiled into her mutinous face unconcernedly. The lack of reaction incensed her further and she began to shout, storming around the bedroom. "I'll never marry you....... never, never, never. I'll rather marry a three-headed midget with warts."
"But you will marry me, Sun Mi," he returned with easy confidence. "If I have to drag you kicking and screaming all the way to the altar, you'll marry me."
"I said I won't" She halted her confused pacing in front of him. "You can't make me."
He grabbed her arms and surveyed her with laconic arrogance. "Oh, can't I?"
Pulling her close, he captured her mouth.
"You let go of me," she hissed, pulling away. "You let go of my arms."
"Sure." Obligingly, he relinquished his hold, sending her sprawling on her back in the bed.
"You............ bully!" she flung at him, but his body neatly pinned her down onto the bed.
"I only did what I was told. Besides," he added with a crooked smile, "I've always preferred you horizontal." She pushed against him, averting her face as his mouth descended. He contented himself with the soft skin of her neck.
"You can't do this." Her struggles began to lose their force as his lips found new areas of exploration.
"Yes, I can," he murmured, finding her mouth at last. Slow and deep, the kiss battered at her senses until her lips softened and parted beneath his, her arms circled his neck. He drew back, rubbing her nose with his.
"Wretch!" she whispered, pulling him close until their lips merged again.
"Now are you going to marry me?" He smiled down at her, brushing hair from her cheek.
"I can't think," she murmured and shut her eyes. "I can't ever think when you kiss me."
"I don't want you to think." He busied his fingers loosening her buttons. "I just want you to say it." His hand took possession of her breast and gently caressed it. "Just say it, Sun Mi," he ordered, his mouth moving down from her throat, seeking her vulnerability. "Say it, and I'll give you time to think."
"All right," she moaned. "You win, I'll marry you."
"Good," he said simply, bringing his lips back to hers for a brief kiss.
She fought the fog of longing clouding her senses and attempted to escape. "You used unfair tactics."
He shrugged, holding her beneath him easily. "All's fair in love and war, my love." His eyes lost their laughter as he stared down at her. "I love you, Sun Mi. You're in every part of my mind. I can't get you out. I love every crazy, beautiful inch of you." His mouth crushed hers, and she felt the world slipped from her grasp.
"Oh, Hyun Chul." She began kissing his face with wild abandon. "I love you so much. I love you so much I can't bear it. All this time I thought........ When Sun Hee told me you've been with her that night in the mountains...."
"Wait a minute." He halted her rapid kisses, cupping her face with his hands. "I want you to listen to me. First of all, there was nothing between Sun Hee and me. She was just a family friend who won't leave me alone." He smiled and brushed her mouth with his. "I haven't been able to think of another woman since the first day I met you, and I was half in love with you even before that."
"Your picture............. your face haunted me."
"I never thought you were serious about me." Her fingers began to tangle in his hair.
"I thought at first it was just physical. I knew I wanted you as I've never wanted another woman. That night in your apartment, when I found out you were innocent, that threw me a bit." He shook his head in wonder and buried his face in the lushness of her hair. "It didn't take long for me to realize what I felt for you was much more than a physical need."
"But you never indicated anything else."
"You seemed to shy away from relationships....... you panicked every time I got too close, and I didn't want to scare you away. You needed time. I tried to give it to you. Hanging on in Seoul was difficult enough." He traced the hollow of her cheek with a finger. "But that day in my lodge, my control slipped. If Woo Jin and Young Mi hadn't come when they did, things would have progressed differently. When you turned on me, telling me you were sick of being pawed, I nearly strangled you."
"Hyun Chul, I didn't mean it. I thought........"
"I know what you thought," he interrupted. "I'm only sorry I didn't know then. I didn't know what Sun Hee had said to you. Then I began to think you wanted only your career, that you didn't want to make room in your life for anything or anybody else. In my office that day, you were so cool and detached, ticking off your choices, I wanted to toss you out the window."
"They were all lies," she whispered, rubbing her cheek against his. "I never wanted any of it, only you."
"Then Young Mi finally told me about the scene with Sun Hee at the lodge, and I remembered your reaction, I began to put things together. I came looking for you at Sun Dahl's party." He pulled up his head and grinned. "I intended to talk things out, but you were hardly in any condition for declarations of love by the time I got there. I don't know how I stayed out of your bed that night, you were so soft and beautiful, and so smashed! You nearly drove me over the edge."
He lowered his head and kissed her, his control ebbing as his mouth conquered her. His hands began to mold her curves with an urgent hunger, and she clutched him closer, drowning in the pool of his desire.
"Good God, Sun Mi, we can't wait much longer." He removed his weight from her, rolling over on his back, but she went with him, closing her mouth over his. Drawing her firmly away, he let out a deep breath. "I don't think your father would think kindly of me taking his daughter on her bed in his home."
He pushed her on her back, slipping his arm around her, cradling her head against his shoulder. "I can't give you Los Angeles, Sun Mi," he said quietly. She turned her head to look at him. "We can't live here. I've obligation in Seoul that I simply can't deal with from here."
"Oh, Hyun Chul," she began, but he pulled her closed and continued.
"You can have a house in Seoul with white picket fence, a garden, a dog and half a dozen kids. We'll come back to visit as often as we can until your parents relocate back to Seoul, and go up to the lodge for long weekends, just the two of us." He looked down, alarmed at the tears spilling from wide eyes and over smooth cheeks. "Sun Mi, don't do that. I don't want you to be unhappy. I know you are very close to your parents." He began to brush the drops from her face.
"Oh, Hyun Chul, I love you." She pulled his cheek against hers. "I'm not unhappy. I'm wonderfully, crazily happy that you care so much. Don't you know it doesn't matter where we are? Anyplace I can be with you is home."
He drew her away and regarded her with a frown.
"Are you sure, love?"
She smiled and lifted her mouth, letting her kiss give him the answer.

Note from Messenger:
My heartfelt thanks to all of you for reading this story, and accompanying me though this fantasy journey. Some of you may want to know the name of the author, and the title of this book. It was Nora Roberts' earlier novel published in 1982, reprinted in 2003 titled Blithe Images. In the original story, Sun Mi was a farmer's daughter from Kansas, but I'm ignorant about farming in Korea, therefore, changed her role to a Diplomat's daughter. When I read this book a couple months ago, the images of JDG & CR kept jumping up at me. It was a sign that I simply couldn't ignore, therefore, leading to Discovering Passion.
My dear Irene, my mama would say: "chew your food good before you swallow". I don't want to choke and suffer from indigestion by simply swallowing. The flip side about chewing too slowly, Neelie, is that it causes aching jaw, sure glad that I accomplished my mission before breaking it. TS~* & Uyen, I'm afraid Discovering Passion will be my only contribution as I'll be traveling a fair bit in the next 6 months because of work.
Aurora, would you please keep us posted about Madam Nor's condition? I'll be sure to look out for your message whenever I've the chance to visit this FB. Thanks and I'll be praying for her & her family especially on October 8th (your time).
So long...... good luck and best wishes to all of you! Big hug to all. I shall now take the backseat and enjoy all the AAE sequels and spin off stories written & translated by an awesome group of ladies over here. ADIÓS!