Hidden Love
Han Yu Pin Yin: Cang Ai
Author: Jennifer
Source: AAE Village
Translators: Evie

It was a beautiful Wednesday afternoon, he is meeting up with his friend at a newly opened coffee house.
He arrived much earlier than him.... So decided to look for a seat by the window first.
In the life which bustles about, to have time off like this sitting in this coffee house, enjoying a good cup of coffee, looking at the busyness outside, it's a form of relaxation to him too...
It's almost a year since he returned to Korea and all this while it's about work only.... although work seems to goes well but he hardly have time for himself. Sometimes he do really miss the time in England ... If it is not because of mum, he definitely do not want to stay back here...
After he took over the position of business planning department director, it is as though everyone doubted his ability....expecting him to fail at anytime and at the same time, he have to be ready at all time to take up challenges from Jin En Qi and his people, this really wear him out...
Finally he won everyone trust and respect in the company with excellent results from the increase of viewership rate and company share value...and definitely not because he is MBS president's son! Along the way, the sweetness and bitterness is not something that other people can understand...
Tired ... The only word is Tired...he have, but he has no regrets... Instead he is grateful to Xian Da for reminded him and persuaded him to take over his mum empire... Otherwise he will still be in England, and most likely there will be a regret in his life, a challenge he never face....
He is not those typical heartless businessman...is just that infront of Jin En Qi (the one who have intention to take over MBS), he can't be too nice...He had to show him that he isn't those that knows nothing neither a weakling...He will put up a good fight to protect his family business...!
Many times his dad had hinted him that don't be too hard on his uncle...no matter what...he is part of the family...don't become the laughing stock in the company...but Jin isn't related to him at anyhow...why shouldn't he treat him as family member? Furthermore it was Jin the one who gives him troubles all the time, how Jin wished that he would do something stupid and gives Jin a good reason to kick him out from MBS...and guess what this will never happen...his mum have put in so much effort in MBS, he will never ever allowed it to fall into someone else hand....
This is the first time he ever been to this coffee house...It is highly recommended by his friend, according to him the atmosphere is really good...so he had to come and see it himself..
Spacious, bright, elegant...the decoration and the interior design of this coffee house gives people a very comfortable feeling. Each table has their own unique design...allowed guests to have their own privacy...and the background classical music allows the guests to be really relax...The owner of this coffee shop must has put a lot of thought and time to decorate this place.
As he looks around, the patrons here are mostly working adult, aged around 20 to 30 years old...maybe the charges here are quite costly....
Enjoying his cup of Expresso...while reading through the magazine on the table...he enjoy the moment of peaceful...like the music of Kenny-G playing in the shop...
"Thank You Very Much! Really...it's ok...Just give me a cup orange juice will do!"
This voice sounds so sweet...and that laughter...he took a look over at the other table...
This figure..have he seen this person? Yet he finds it so familiar...ahhh...She is his house interior design..He remembered her name.. Zhen San Mei. It have been 4 to 5 months since they last met at MBS, unexpectedly he still remember her name...
She is wearing a cream color suit...and from his view...he could see that on her table, there's a laptop..She stood up and greet a guy....that person must be the owner of this coffee house, he greeted him when he enter the coffee house earlier on...She smile and as though she is rejecting something politely..
Then the owner bow and moves away to serve other patrons.
She sat down continue to work on her laptop. Looking at her, she is fully concentrated at her works just like that day...the exact expression...when she presented her design to him at MBS.
Suddenly, he had the urge to walk over to greet her. At the same time, he find himself somewhat funny because he is not those friendly type person. Furthermore this lady is those modern, independent style working woman..plus their last meeting didn't goes well too...and most probably he might had offended her. So if he just walks over now to say hello, isn't a good thing after all.
Well, forget about it then...he continue to enjoy this moment of peacefulness of his own.
However, he will take a look at her from time to time. He finds himself kind of silly..He is Yin Xiang Zhe..Xiang Zhe isn't like this. Why is he paying so much attention to this lady? They met once only, and most probably she won't remember him already.
Futhermore, she looks like waiting for someone. She kept looking at her watch, and towards the entrance at all the time.
Later, there's this couple walks to her, she stood up to greet them. She didn't have that sweet smile of her looking at the couple...he felt that she smiled reluctantly at them. What's wrong? He met her once only, how come he felt that she is not very happy? He shooks his head, finding himself being ridiculously weird, or maybe that beautiful smile of her..had left him an impression to be too profound!
About 1/2 an hour later, her friends left, leaving her alone at the coffee house..somehow she seems kind of down sitting all alone over there, looking at outside. Suddenly, he noticed that she is crying...What had happened? That beautiful big round eyes...that liveliness of it...just died off...He doesn't want her to cry...it hurts him to see her cry...
Her smile is so captivating...that beautiful...She shouldn't be crying...She don't deserve that...
Something is bothering her a lot...but she quietly wipes the tears away...back to work.
"Xiang Zhe! So sorry...you have waited for a long time?"
Shi Jie pat at his shoulder forcefully from behind. Only then he realized that his friend had arrived.
Shi Jie is his classmate from Cambridge. Just returned to Korea 6 months ago and started his own broadcast company, which have business relations with MBS.
Shi Jie looks toward where he is looking at, smiled..."Why? Your friend is it? Pretty girl....Introduce her to me, please?" Shi Jie never changed...still likes to joke around.
"Nope!" He shooks his head.
"I think so too...You wanted to be bachelor for rest of your life, so shouldn't be isn't it?"
"But this lady, she looks so familiar... I must have seen her somewhere..."
"All right! As long as it is pretty girl, you will find her familiar.." Xiang Zhe stare at him.
Since school days in Cambridge, this Shi Jie is like this already. So long there there are new pretty girls in school, he won't missed them at all.
Up to date, he is still like this...
Xiang Zhe sighed, then only Shi Jie took his eyes off from San Mei..and they finally get into the real topic of discussion for their meeting today.
By the time, he and Shi Jie finished their discusssion, she is not there already. Suddenly in his heart, he felt something is missing...........
While Shi Jie is paying the bill, he can't help but to fulfill his curiosity, he try to find out from the owner about her. "The one sit over there just now is Miss Zhen San Mei from Yang Shen Design Company Limited! So, you know her too?" The owner seems to be her admirer too, smiling brightly talking about her.
He nods his head a little..He thinks they should be consider as knowing each other right?
"Ohh..this Miss Zhen is very talented designer, right? This coffee house is her work too. All the patrons love this place very much. Since I started this place, business is quite good, all because of her...She is a funny lady. Everytime I wanted to buy her drink, she will never accept it.." The owner laughed while talking about her...
Since then, everytime he passed by this coffee house, he will definitely goes in for a cup of coffee...maybe hoping to meet her again...but they never met.....