Hidden Love
Han Yu Pin Yin: Cang Ai
Author: Jennifer
Source: AAE Village
Translators: Evie

He became her tour guide in UK
After so many years of being single, he finally realised the joy of having a companion.
He thought her eyes reflected the light of the human spirit. She has a love for living. Her laughter; her forwardness; her open-mindedness and her warmth. They are all slowly being infused into him, making him realised that if one is willing to try, life can be beautiful and meaningful too. With her, he can laugh out heartily and smile to his heart content. It’s a feeling he enjoys.
Together, they went to the city famous for its Roman Spas-Bath.
She was fascinated by the unique architecture of West Ministers Abbey; delighted by the delicious bread from Sally’s Bakery and after sitting at Jane Austin’s porch, she couldn’t bare to leave the place
They went to Shakespeare’s birthplace-Stratford. Inspired by the sight at Avon, she started reciting Shakespeare’s 14 verses by the riverbank. While sun tanning at Kensington Park, she told him about Shaughnessy’s poetry Ode and he thought an angle has arrived, speaking softly to him at his ear.
Under the sky full of stars, they listened to Tchaikovsky’s Overture being played at Regent Park. Down by Covent Garden, they appreciated the play 12 Nights written by Shakespeare. Knowing that she likes dances, he took the trouble to ask his friend to get them 2 tickets to Boloshi Ballet Company’s adaptation of Swan Lake. She was so excited by it that she danced with joy. The smile on her face would forever be etched in his memory. It was an unforgettable night.
He accompanied her to Piccadilly Square and they shopped for the whole afternoon; joined her at the National Museum for an Art Exhibition and sat beside her patiently while she complete her painting on the lovely ducks at St Mary’s Park.
His seven wonderful holidays flew by quickly with her presence and laughter
To thank him for all the trouble, she threw him a farewell dinner on the eve of his departure.
They went to an outdoor café by Thames River
The splendour of the dinner, accompanied by the warmth of a London night, set the stage for a romantic night out.
“Xue Zhang, Thank you for accompanying me these few days. I enjoyed myself very much” She smiled and lifted her champagne glass
“I should be the one who should thank you. Thank you for being willing to spend these few days with me” he lifted his glass and gave her a toast
Every word he said was meant from the bottom of his heart. Her open-heartedness gave him a sense of joy. It’s been a long time since he was this relaxed
“ My dad said that I’ve played beyond my limits… liked I’ve gone nuts, so much so that I didn’t call back home” She laughed and said
“He’s right and your mother didn’t even discipline you for it!” He tried to tease her
“I don’t have a mother…didn’t I tell you before?”
He was caught off guard. How can she face life so simply and not feel bad about it’s imperfections?
“Xue Zhang……… I’m contented to just have a father and I’ve never felt left out just because I don’t have a mother. My dad… he’s the best father in this world!” She said with a face full of happiness and contentment
He thought about his own parents
“Really? You’re very lucky! Given a chance, I would surely like to meet your father” He told her
That night, they recalled the things that they did over the past few days. Their comradeship and closeness make it hard to believe that they’ve only known each other for not more than a week. He shared with her his school life in Cambridge and she told him about the interesting stuffs she did with her father. The sharing of life experiences gave him a sense of warmth and peace, etching every bit of what she said into memory. As they continued, her thoughts brought her to tell him about brother You Zhen. At that, she suddenly become sombre and a little sad
“ Shan Mei, Let go of the past” he consoled her gently
Looking at him, tears suddenly welded up in her eyes.
“Xue Zhang, from here the stars are nearer, if I do make a wish, it’ll surely come true more easily, right?” She stared at the twinkling stars up above her
He did not understand her thoughts but nodded to affirm her anyways
She closed her eyes and made a wish “ Brother You Zhen, I wish you happiness forever. I’ll be alright so please don’t worry about me”
He looked at her, surprised.
What a girl is she? How could she bear the pain in her heart to wish a guy happiness when he’s hurt her so much?
He tapped her arm gently and spoke to her “ You have to remember what you’ve just said ok. Thames River and all the stars up in the London sky has heard and will be the witness!”
She smiled and nodded her head, misty eyes with lashes wet with tears
At that very moment, his heart missed a beat. He was overwhelmed but couldn’t identify what that feeling was……….
It was already mid-night when they returned to the hotel
The next morning, he wanted to meet her for breakfast before he leave. He tried contacting her in her room but did not get thru to her. Perhaps she’s too tired from the late night that she’s still sleeping or did she leave early this morning to draw again? He was a little disappointed
It’s already 11 o’clock. Carrying his luggage, Xiang Zhe checked out of the hotel. He has to board the 1.30pm flight back to Korea and he should leave now.
“ Is Ms Zhen of Room 814 in?” he couldn’t stop himself from checking one last time
“She went out early this morning.”
Taking his luggage, he walked out of the hotel and waited at the road street corner for the airport shuttle bus to arrive.
“Xue Zhang……..” Shan Mei called out with that angelic voice of hers
He looked around to search for that familiar voice and saw her running hurriedly towards him; breathless
“I was so afraid that I couldn’t catch up with up before you leave” she said, panting
“Where did you go? I thought you’ll be so heartless that you wouldn’t even bid me a farewell” He gave her his handkerchief to dab her sweat
“Xue Zhang…. This is for you.”
She handed him a box wrapped in Harrods Departmental Store’s gift paper
“You went out to get me a present?”
The shops in London does not open till 10am. Considering the fact that she left early in the morning just to shop for a present for him, he was touched by this silly girl’s actions
“Really! It’s not like we’re not ever going to meet again. Why do you take the trouble to get me a present?” After all these days of interactions, he could roughly gauge the way she thinks; all full of innocence and life. It’s very difficult for him to picture the girl he’s looking at now with the professional and confident interior designer that is together. He likes the girl she is now.
“Well, having to think of what to get you made me stayed up the whole night” She complained and gave him a girlish smile
“My! How can you still act like a kid? Is this the expert and professional interior designer I know?” he teased her
“Xue Zhang, this has nothing to do with my profession. This gift is just to show…. A little appreciation on my part.” Smiling, she said
“Can I open it now?” Looking at the box, Xiang Zhe was curious
She nodded her head. He opened the gift and saw a clay figurine of a Peter Rabbit inside
“ Aren’t it cute?”
He nodded. Taking the rabbit out from the box, he said “ But…… Don’t you think this thing……. Doesn’t seem to suit me?”
“But I love it very much” she laughed. “This is a gift from me, from the bottom of my heart. You mustn’t reject it.”
“Thank You. I’ll definitely treasure your meaningful gift.” He replied, smiling happily and place the present carefully into his luggage.
Starring at each other by the street corner, there was an awkward pause; both didn’t know what to say. After a long moment, he finally started “ Be careful while you here alone.”
She nodded her head furiously
Just the, the hotel personnel came forward and reminded him that it’s time to board the bus. She followed him and stopped by the side of the bus.
“Don’t push yourself too hard. If you need any help, you can always call or write me a mail. I’ve got some friends over here and I can get them to help you out.”
Last Night, he gave her his contact numbers and e-mail address
Pouting, she nodded her head again.
“Yes I know. I’ll always write or call to harass you. In this way you won’t be able to forget me.” She told him playfully
Noticing an English couple kissing passionately, not willing to part at the street corner, she stick out her tongue and made an ugly face.
Looking at her and smiling sheepishly, he embraced her and kissed her on the cheek
Caught off guard by his actions, she blushed and asked, “ Is this some kind of a prank kiss?”
“This is the English way of saying goodbye!” He smiled and gave her a wink
The delighted look on his face reminded her of a big, little kid
She gave him a slight knock on the arm
“Farewell Zhen Shan Mei. Take care for now.” He collected his composure and said earnestly. His gentle voice made her heart flutter
Her lovely smile bade him a farewell
He nodded and stepped on the bus.
Slowly, the bus started, leaving behind the shadow of a petite girl standing by the street corner.
He will miss her……………