Hidden Love
Han Yu Pin Yin: Cang Ai
Author: Jennifer
Source: AAE Village
Translators: Evie

Back in Seoul...
Everything goes back to normal ... Everyday, he still have to work till late night, have numerous meeting to attend and tons of proposal to go through....Nothing changed.
He placed the Peter Rabbit at his desk, taking look at it once in a while reminding him of her, or whenever he is tired or unhappy, it will remind him how beautiful smile she have and that gives him strength to continue to work.
Many times, during late night when he is in office all by himself, he will think of her without any reason. Wondering how is she, ....all alone in London.
Three weeks later he received an e-mail from her.
"My dearest Xue Zhang,
How are you? Is everything all right?
Time flies very fast right? You are back to Seoul for 3 weeks already.
I love London very much. Although she is very old and the pace here are much slower...but I'm totally attracted to the culture here. There so many things that I want to do and places to visit, but I don't know where to start now. No wonder, the famous writer, Samuel Johnson said ""When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."
Everyday I have lots of things to do, live my life to the fullest. From Monday to Friday, I scheduled my time to the max. Have group study meeting, meet up with Professor for discussion, stayed at library till late night to do research, only then back to hostel to rest...to prepare for another brand new day. When comes to weekend, I'll spend the whole day visiting art galleries, shopping, and watched Broadway show too. I don't know how to describe to you the awesome feeling I had to watch a live Broadway show. It is superb! The I saw "Phantom of the Opera" twice... The love of Phantom is so deeply and touching, and I cried in there twice too. You must be laughing at me now right?
Last week I saw Les Miserable...Another excellent performance. But the tickets are really expensive. I have spend almost all my money buying Broadway show tickets. Very soon I'll have to cut down on my spending on food... This reminds me one of the story I read before that is about a small girl that sell matches during Christmas ... But luckily it is not winter time yet ... otherwise when you are here during Christmas eve night, you will find a big Korean girl selling matches at roadside!
Do you know what ... I have learned every inside and out of this London city already...
Last weekend, I went to Brick Lane Market to get a girlfriend for your Peter Rabbit. Are you happy?
That's all for today. I have to get ready for tomorrow morning presentation. Will write to you again!
San Mei. "
While reading her e-mail, he couldn't stop smiling to himself, and the images of her smile and the sweetness of her keeps on appearing infront of him.
He puts down all his work, to reply her mail.
"Zhen San Mei,
So long didn't hear anything from you, I thought you must have forgotten this Xue Zhang already.
I'm fine. Thanks for your concern. Still as busy as last time. Every night goes home late only.
Really envy you ... living in London now.
I was worried about you in the first place. All by yourself living in such a big city but since you knows how to have fun all by yourself too ... I think you must have adapted to the pace of London already. But pleasetake care of your health, don't give so much pressure to yourself.
Yes, I can't denied the Broadway performance in London is really good. For an art lover like you, this is something you definitely couldn't resist. Just like you, when I was in London during my first year of University, I'll go to watch Broadway show every weekend too. Whenever there's a show, I'll definitely won't miss it. So, I understand your craziness over it.
In order to help you to watch the Broadway shows ... without selling matches at the roadside, allowed me.... this Xue Zhang to give you a hand here. I'll get someone to deliver to you the Broadway show tickets later, and do not reject me first, all right? Because the thoughts that count, right? (Don't mind if I used the same word?) If you still feel really bad to accept these tickets, then do well in your final paper. Do us proud!
Get good results in your paper, and then take these tickets as gift from me for your graduation present.
If you still not willing to take it as a gift from me, then pay me back when you come back.
By the way, that Peter Rabbit's girlfriend of yours, just keep it there to accompany you!
Xue Zhang"
The next day he instructed his secretary to book tickets for all the Broadway shows in London for the rest of the months.
Once in a while, MBS have to entertain guests from overseas, so they have signed a long-term contract with some of the entertainment company in London. Therefore they get special discounted price on these Broadway tickets. The next thing is he had all the Broadway shows ticket delivered to her.
And she writes to him at least once in every 2 weeks. Every time in her e-mail, she will complain about her study and all the assignments she had to prepared but mostly, she will discuss with him about her new discovery about London, people that she met, things that happened in her daily life. And he will reply her with a very lengthy mail.
Awaiting for her mail had become something that he look forward in his daily routine.
On this very particular day, after a long and tension meeting with Jin and his people, he drag his 'lifeless' body back to his office. As usual, there's pile of documents stacked infront of his desk. He sighed. Most likely he had to work overtime again.
But instead of starting with all those reports, he went through his e-mail first. How come there's nothing from her? It's more than 2 weeks but come to think of it, she should finish her course already by now.
He kept on searching up and down his inbox for her mail. Suddenly, he saw that name "Zhen San Mei" with a simple title 'I'm back". Excited he is, opened her mail to read.
"Xue Zhang:
I came back to Seoul since last week, hope you will forgive me to inform you by now. I was tied up with my works. My boss had gave lots of works to follow up, must be punishing me for leaving to London for so long. Since I'm back, everyday had to work until very late. Now finally I understand nothing is free in this world right?
But this time the experience I gain is really invaluable, I mean not only that I have seen and learn lots of new things, most importantly is that I've got to know you, Xue Zhang.
You have spend so much time to take me, this "so-called" little sister (xue mei) to visit so many attractions in London, kept me accompany doing things that I like, be my 'psychiatrist' ..listen to my 'incomplete' story of my life, your thoughtfulness and an undivided attention...Xue Zhang, I'm really thankful for all those time that you gave me in London. Even after you left, you are still taking care of me, encourage me and be there for me all the time. If it wasn't you, my this trip to London won't be so memorable to me already.
There's are many things that hard to say it out, so taking this opportunity I just want to say Xue Zhang, Thanks for Everything that you have done for me.
San Mei"
The mail was written middle of late last night.
He took out her name card that she gave him when they first met, and automatically dial the number.
"Hello, This is Zhen San Mei" She answered sweetly.
Happily to hear her voice, "This is Yin Xiang Zhe"
"Xue Zhang!" She shouted happily, the excitement and happiness she experience now is hard to describe.
"I was very busy for the whole day, just read your mail only." He smiled, feeling really happy to hear her voice again.
"It's ok. Nothing important also. So it makes no different whether you read it today or yesterday night." She is laughing while saying it.
"It's very important to me. I didn't know I was so important until few minutes ago..." He makes fun of her..
"Xue Zhang..." Laughing all by herself at the side of the phone.
By then, he realized that he misses that laughter at lot.
Being teased like that, she is quite embarrassed about it. She didn't know what had come over her to write all those things to him.
"So how's was it, my famous interior designer? Looks like nowadays you are extremely busy right? Going home soon?" He stopped teasing her and start to worry about her.
"Not yet, lately I goes home very late, had to finish up all my works first. My dad said that I have to work hard now and then can enjoy later in the days." She sighed and sounded as if she is very tired already.
"But every time when I think of someone is working as late as I do, I won't feel sad or tired already." She jokingly said it to him.
"Is that so? Who is that unlucky person then?"
Who is she implying to? Is it her dad? Or is it....? He is curious about it.
"It's....." Her laughter can be heard at all time from the other side.
"This person is the one that always work overtime in the office just like I am and....he is on the phone with me now.."
In his mail, he often mention to her that he is working overtime on daily basis.
Only then he realized the person she implying is he himself.
"You are very mischievous...you know?" He laughed.
She laughed along at the other side.
"Are you free this Saturday? I think we should meet up right?!" He misses her a lot.
"This Saturday? I have an appointment with one of my client already...." She wanted to see him too but...
"Then what about Saturday afternoon? Give me a call when you are done and I'll pick you from your office." He settle this 'problem' for her already.
Is this the same Xue Zhang that she knows from London. He is so 'inconsiderate' now unlike the one who always put her in first place.
Suddenly, she thought of something and quickly said, "Let's meet at some other place all right?"
"Why? You worried that your colleagues might misunderstood that I'm your boyfriend?"
"Xue Zhang..." He read her mind again. She felt embarrassed about it.
"All right, we'll just do it your way. Let's meet up infront of Yeoido Park." He agreed to her suggestion.
Saturday afternoon...
After meeting up with her client, she rushed home right away to change her clothes. She doesn't want to go to meet him up in her working suit. She doesn't like to give him the impression that she is some career woman.
In her bedroom...
Standing infront of her cupboard for quite sometime already, but she still couldn't make up her mind what to wear for this "date". But since this is not the first time they meet, why troublesome? Just simply put on something casual will do, she wondering why is it this "date" with Xue Zhang so important to her.
Gui Zheng noticed that she have been hiding in her bedroom for a long time, so he decided to take a peek at his precious princess to find out what is she up to...
"Going out with a boy? Dating is it?" Couldn't help to make fun of her after looking at the pile of clothes she had tried on her bed.
"Daddy..." She shyly hold her dad hand.
"Who is it? Give my princess so much headache?"
"It's....It's the one I mentioned to you before...that Xue Zhang I meet in London..."
"Oh...How does he looks like? Good looking or not?"
"Yup, very good looking, that's why I can't make up my mind what to wear. Otherwise standing next to him, I looks some village girl ..." She explained to her dad...
"Village girl? Where to find such a beautiful girl?!" Gui Zheng is always proud of his girl.
At the park...
Just came out from the train station, she could see him already from far...tall, nice built hard to miss....He is standing infront of the garden entrance waiting for her. Don't know why, all of a sudden, she felt tension just by looking at him from far.
But when he saw her, he walks quickly towards her....smiling at her as he walks closer...
Infront of her, he stare at her closely, "Getting much prettier already...I almost couldn't recognize you..."
Haven't seen her for 3 months already, San Mei hair has grown longer, and she definitely looks more feminine right now.
She is wearing a baby blue shortselves shirt with a white khakis skirt for this date, looking casual and elegant at the same time too.
She looks right into his eyes and gave him a smile. Looking at her, he felt a 'rush' to his heart.
Collecting back his mind, he asked, " .... Where do you feel like going? Want to take a walk in the park first?"
Strolling along the park for a while, she noticed that mostly are couples only strolling around in the park just like them now. So, she said softly to him, "I think we are walking along the wrong road already..."
"In that case, let's give way to them then. Shall we walk faster? ." Smiling at her ...he hold her waist and slowly lead her to walk down a slope through the park.
She felt very different this time when he touches her. They have going in and out, to everywhere whole week in London, never had this weird feeling at all towards him.
Luckily after down the slope, he let go his hand.
"Xue Zhang,....you looks much thinner than last time." She looks at him closely and wondering why...
"Is it? Maybe I'm much busier recently." He rubbing his face while explaining to her.
"You have such a irresponsible girlfriend! How come she never take a good care of you? This little sister of yours couldn't stand it too." He looks at her and gave her a little smile.
"Hmm...Xue Zhang, don't tell me that you really do not have a girlfriend? Is it?" As usual, didn't say anything, he just gave her a smile as answer.
"But...no matter how I look at it, you doesn't looks like someone that does not have a girlfriend."
She looks deeply into his eyes trying to read his mind.
"Since when you becoming a mind reader too?" He laughed at her.
She hold around his arm, and said it to him jokingly, "Well...let's do it this way, before you found yourself a girlfriend, I'll take care you first! But you got to work harder, don't let me wait too long!"
She offered herself to take care of him??
"You .... this little lady...what are you trying do?" He couldn't help it but to pat her head softly.
Her hair is really soft.
All she could do is just smiling silly at him, the same cheeky attitude just like in London.
"Let's take walk to over there, shall we?" He lead her to the other side of the park.
Both of them sitting by the water lilies pond, enjoying the view of full bloom water lilies.
He looks at her, said it while smiling, "All right now...let's stop talking about me. You looks much thinner too you know? And, honestly tell me now, are you busy studying or having fun in London?"
She pouted her lips, give him a stare and then...smile sweetly. Slowly she took out a brown envelope from her backpack and passed to him.
"What is this?" Looking at her curiously but she just smilling only.
He opened it, and looked very surprised at her.
"Congratulations!" In the envelope is her certificate of outstanding design award for her final project in London.
"Xue Zhang Thanks a lot! You deserve 1/2 of the credit as well." She smile at him.
"Is it?" He not sure what have he done.
"Xue Zhang, you forgotten already? I studied very hard to make sure that I'll earn the graduation gift from you. You have to keep your words, you know?!" She stare at him while trying not to laugh at the same time.
"Such a good girl! I know that I can believe in you. You did do all of us proud." He spoke to her in a serious manner but instead she laughed so badly when he praised her.
The whole afternoon by the pond, she just kept on talking telling him all her encounters in London. Listening to her sweet voice, looking at her smiling sweetly, sitting side by side enjoy this beautiful weekend with her...is this what is know as happiness? He have no clue too.
"Xue Zhang, how come I'm the only doing the talking? It's so unfair!" She protested to him.
It's just like in London, she is the one who talks all the time and he will just sit and listen to her.
"I like to listen to you talk." He said gentlely to her.
Truth is he just really love the way how she looks at life...it is as though there are so many wonderful is awaiting to happen...no matter how troublesome, how much craps and how screwed up the things/people turn out, she often accept it with an open heart, and deal it optimistically. He hope one day he could accept his life just like how she accepts everything.
"So did anyone tried to court you in London?" (goes after or court is the right word here for "chui qiu"?) He asked her happily.
She laughed at him.
"How come the exact same question that my dad asked me?"
"Don't avoid my question, answer me truthfully..."
She smile shyly and nodded her head slowly, "hmmm...."
He felt envy that guy...
"So what happened?" He asked countinously...
"Ai yah....I was extremely busy with my studies, assignments and presentation...don't even have enough time to sleep already, so where got time la....!"
She turned her head away looking towards the other side of the pond.
"Oh...poor guy..." He laughed.
All afternoon, they just sit by the pond, chit-chatting until sunset....
After dinner, it's almost 9pm already, and he send her home.
She stay at Shui Jui.
She asked him to stop infront of a white colour bangalow house.
Walking her to the gate, he puts his hand in the pocket and looking at the house....
"Ah....I think the person staying inside this house must be a very happy and lucky person." He said it with an envy tone....
She stare him for a while, smilling, "How would you know?"
"Well, whereever there's you, there will be laughter so definitely there will be happiness." He said to her joyfully.
"It sound like real only...." She laughed.
"All right, get in now. Your dad must be waiting for you already."
All the lights in the house were still lighted up. She nodded and walked in.
She turned back and wave at him before enter her house.
He waited outside until sees her enter her house safely.
She....this lady is really special....from the first time they met, he never forgets her...he really wish to see her again.....