SM Married Life
Translation by: Bull Bull
Writer: Lin Cai (Taiwan)
SM Notebook - Married Life (Part 8)

After a whole morning of meeting, Xiang-Zhe finally has the chance to sit down in his quiet office!
"Director Yin!" Xian-Da ran into the room panting.
"Is anything the matter?" Xiang-Zhe asked him, what could be so urgent that he didn’t even knock.
"Sun-Mei!Sun-Mei!She!" Xian-Da trying to catch his breathe.
Upon hearing Sun-Mei’s name, he suddenly straightens up and focus!
"Sun-Mei has gone to the scene of a disaster to conduct some interviews this morning. Her team should have returned by now but there is no sight of them. Till now, there is neither any information nor calls from her, the electricity and water supplies have been severed in that area. We can’t get into contact with any of them!"
Before waiting for Xian-Da to finish speaking, Xiang-Zhe has got up and grabbed his jacket!
"What are you doing!?" Xian-Da stopped him in his tracks.
"I must visit the disaster site personally. I have to find Sun-Mei!" His brows furrowed with anxiety
"I have already sent my men, they reported about the severed power supply. There is nothing you can do if you went." Xian-Da stopped him, "All you can do now is to wait patiently. I’ll inform you iUmmediately when there is any news." He hoped that Xiang-Zhe will calm down!
It was way past the office hour but colleagues from the newscaster room #1 haven’t knocked off, they are still worrying for Sun-Mei!
"Sun-Mei! Sun-Mei is back!"
Finally Sun-Mei appeared at the doorway, very worn-out!
"How was it? You alright?" "What happened?" "You aren’t hurt, are you?" People were crowding and firing questions at her like a machine-gun.
From their worry-sick expressions, Sun-Mei felt horrible so she suUmmarized the day’s events at the site !
"Well!Those were what happened. Equipment from the shooting department were damaged, but we managed to save the tape!" At least, their effort didn’t go down the drain.
"So how did you get back eventually?" Qing-Xi asked curiously.
"Oh, we got the police to help because we told him that we have to deliver the tape urgently." She continued to explain.
"How does it feel to sit in the police car? Wow, you must have felt arrogant!" Chen-Shui couldn’t hide his excitement.
"Nothing of that sort!! I felt like a thief, so humiliating!" Everybody, including her, laughed upon the comments!
Xiang-Zhe dashed to the newscaster room #1 iUmmediately upon news of Sun-Mei’s safe return. He hasn’t expect to hear her joyous laughter since he has been worrying for her the whole day, he couldn’t suppressed his anger anymore!
"Miss Sun-Mei! Please come to my office iUmmediately!" He ordered coldly.
He shut the door with force once Sun-Mei stepped into his office.
"Do you realize what you are doing?" He asked with anger.
"Xue zhang, I!" Sun-Mei was confused at his temper.
"I don’t understand why you can still laugh at what happened, you think it is exciting to be missing for a day? Or perhaps you think that it is fun to have people worrying for you?” His expression frightened her.
"I don’t!" She tried to explain.
"Why do you have to go to the site? Don’t you know it is dangerous?" He interrupted once again.
"Xue zhang! I am a newscaster! You should know that I don’t have a choice in news selection." Sun-Mei started to feel unhappy about their conversation.
"Then what about me?" His enrage took over his mind, "I am your husband! What are my rights then? Could I ask you to stay at home and not create trouble anymore!" It was already too late when he realized what he had said!
Sun-Mei stared at him fiercely, "What did you say? I am here to listen to your speech?" She turned towards the door!
"Not allowed to leave! I am not finished!" Xiang-Zhe pulled her hand; he realized he has gone overboard.
"But I am!and it is time to knock off, Director Yin!" Sun-Mei shook off his hand, left without turning back!
Xiang-Zhe sat on the bed planning his strategies on apologizing for his unreasonable actions earlier. Throughout the whole evening, Sun-Mei had been giving him the cold shoulder, not a word spoken, hence he must think of a plan!Just at the moment, Sun-Mei walked out of the bathroom and straight towards the bed.
However, Sun-Mei turned a deaf ear, picked up her pillow and about the leave the room.
Her action spoiled his initial plan, "What are you doing?"
"Don’t bother!" she pouted. Does he think that after reproaching her, she would let him cuddle her to sleep?
He got off the bed and stood beside her, "Don’t you think your behaviour is iUmmature?"
"I have always been iUmmature!" Now who is the childish one? She heads for the bedroom door.
He pulled her back forcefully to reason with her but her stern expression told him to stay back!he reached for her pillow instead, "Forget it! You sleep in the bedroom!"
Sun-Mei couldn’t hold back anymore, the moment the door closed, she pulled the blanket over her head and broke down in tears!
Xiang-Zhe lights a cigarette as he listens to the continuous sobbing from the bedroom, with a heavy heart. There he sat in the darkness, experiencing the torture he brought upon himself for his harshness!God knows how long he sat there, eventually all was quiet!The weeping seemed to have stopped, has she fallen asleep? He pushed open the door gently with a deep sigh! Looking at her swollen eyes, Xiang-Zhe felt a deep stab in his heart, removing the tears softly from the corner of her eyes!Can she understand his love for her? The deeper his love, the more he fear of losing her?
Zhen Sun-Mei! I doubt your ability of understanding my love with that pure innocent heart of yours! Why am I standing like a fool and blaming myself for what couldn’t be undone? Hence, he lay himself lightly beside Sun-Mei and nestled her head on his chest with cautioun... and eventually drifted off to sleep with a contented smile!
Sun-Mei stirred near dawn, sensing the familiar scent of man and snuggled closer to Xiang-Zhe, placing her hand on his neck cape!Ummm! Xue zhang’s cuddle is so warm!Xue zhang? Suddenly Sun-Mei jumped up in bed.
Xiang-Zhe pushed himself up with one arm and glared at her!
"Why are you sleeping here?" Sun-Mei widened her eyes and stare on him.
"This is my room, where else would I sleep?" He replied duly.
"How could you do this? Have you forgotten that we are in the midst of a cold war?" how can he be such a jerk, she thought as she prepared to leave the bed.
The usual Sun-Mei doesn’t seem to be that alert but today, her senses are exactly sharp. Xiang-Zhe couldn’t help feeling annoyed and amazed! He reached out and pulled her into his arms, "I never had any intention to quarrel!"
"! !" She stopped.
He resists all odds and kisses her, slowly he tasted her lips, Sun-Mei didn’t retaliate and returned his passionate kiss, long forgotten about retaliating!
Eventually, he lifts his head and looks deeply into her eyes, "Sorry, I apologize for what I had said yesterday." He tucks her hair behind the ears, "Please forgive me, I was too worried, you realized how much I fear losing you? My worry turned into anger at the sight of you talking about the events jokingly!"
"Because I don’t want people to worry for me, that’s why the relaxing reaction." Her mouth spouted, "Thought that you would comfort me, hug me! and what do I get? A scolding!"
"So you were thinking of these matters?" He raised his eyebrows and revealed a mischievous grin, "That’s too simple, I can reward you iUmmediately!"
Sun-Mei haUmmered his chest shyly, "What nonsense!"
He cuddled her, once again bent his head, not wanting to lose the opportunity!
The sky is finally clear after a long night of heavy pouring!...