SM Married Life
Translation by: ariajo
Writer: Lin Cai (Taiwan)
SM Notebook - Married Life (Part 12)

It was lunchtime. Shan-mei and Yong-xi were in the restaurant waiting for Xiang-zhe and Xian-da. The guys have been running from meetings to meetings the whole morning and were a little late.
Shan-mei noticed the slight sign of fatigue on Yong-xi's face. She inquired, "senior, are you alright?"
"Sigh, I've been feeling lethargic lately. Don’t know why." Yong-xi rested her elbow on the table and braced her head with her hand.
"You should see a doctor if you aren't feeling well." Shan-mei said with genuine concern.
"Look who's talking," Yong-xi teased. "Now . . . who was that person who worn herself out and fainted in front of the microphone?"
Shan-mei smiled bashfully at those past recollection. "Shall I accompany you to the hospital?"
"It's okay, Shan-mei. I'm fine. I just hope I'm not pregnant." Yong-xi couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive.
Pregnant? Shan-mei stared blankly at Yong-xi as if that was a foreign word to her.
"Why look so surprised? Getting married, having a baby - those are the natural routines of life. I just don't want to be tied down by a kid just yet. I would like to excel in my career, give it my best." Yong-xi voiced as she looked on her aspiration.
Shan-mei nodded her head. She totally understood what Yong-xi meant. Yong-xi was after all a career-minded woman. One couldn't help but notice how brightly she shone at work. Certainly a great role model and mentor for Shan-mei.
"What about you? Have you ever discuss this with Xiang-zhe?” Yong-xi probed, her mind coming back to the present topic at hand.
Shan-mei looked down at her hands and shook her head lightly. "No, I haven't even thought about it." Shan-mei felt slight heat rising up her neck, as she was still not used to discussing her married life in public.
"HUmm, from what I know of Xiang-zhe, he probably wouldn't want a kid." Yong-xi analyzed.
Really? Shan-mei suddenly felt so distant from her beloved Senior. Did she really understand Xiang-zhe well? She had gladly iUmmersed herself in Xiang-zhe's sweet pool of tenderness and affection. Having a child? She had honestly never given it a thought.
Seeing Shan-mei lost in her own thoughts, Yong-xi quickly added, "But then again, one can never tell for sure. Remember Xiang-zhe used to be a celibate. But look at him now - willingly and blissfully bounded by wedlock."
Speaking of the devil, Xiang-zhe and Xian-da chose this moment to walk into the restaurant, joining their darlings for lunch.
"What's the secret?" Xiang-zhe queried as he sat down by Shan-mei. A charming smile accompanied his question as always.
"The secret is . . . something I can't tell you." Shan-mei baited mischievously.
"I was just asking Shan-mei about you guys' baby plan." Yong-xi confessed, giving the suspense away.
Xian-da saw the golden opportunity and cut in, "they're still young. They can wait. It's us I'm worried about. You know, if we wait any longer, our child might well mistook me for a grandpa." Xian-da said somewhat helplessly, obvious anxiety written all over his face. 'It's about time his career-minded wife put reins on her passion for work,' he thought
"We're very contented with our current situation." Xiang-zhe announced with a casual smile. He reached across the table and gloved Shan-mei's hands in his.
Was it his oversight? He really hadn't thought about it before. The world just seemed so perfect with Shan-mei by his side. Shan-mei captivated the whole of him. Nothing else seemed to matter.
"Senior . . ." Xiang-zhe's intimate gesture received a somewhat demure response from Shan-mei. Her astonished eyes flew from him to their company across the table. Overcome by shyness, she reflexively withdrew her hands from his grasp while sending him a warning glance: 'we have company, can't you observe some modesty?'
Xiang-zhe grinned broadly.
Witnessing such pure happiness, Yong-xi couldn't help but protest, "Look at you, Xiang-zhe. Life is so unfair - to let you find true love so easily after you broke so many hearts."
"Easily? I beg to differ, madam." Xiang-zhe bestowed a knowing look on Shan-mei. The quest of winning Shan-mei's heart hadn't been an easy one at all. The agony of patient waiting, the storm of constant yearning, the self-mastery wield to take careful, measured steps towards her - it was an unique mixture of bitter-sweet taste that non others could ever comprehend . . . Their romance had been an eventful one. . .
"I totally agree," Xian-da vouched with a grin.
Shan-mei blinked blankly at the two grinning faces on her, not realizing that she had been teased again.
That night, Xiang-zhe appeared momentarily distracted as they get ready for bed. He had been contemplating Yong-xi's question throughout the day. He glanced over at Shan-mei who was engrossed in her reading. Had he been too selfish? Had he been too self-centered, thinking just of his needs? What about Shan-mei? Did she want a kid? What would Shan-mei be like as a parent? In Xiang-zhe's heart, Shan-mei was still like a kid herself sometimes ¡V exuding child-like innocence . . . then again, she was totally feminine in many other ways. A grin tugged at the corner of his mouth.
He leaned over towards his source of tenderness, "do you like kids?" Xiang-zhe asked tentatively, testing the waters for now.
"Of course." Where did that come from? Shan-mei answered his question with giving it a second thought.
"Ummm. . . . do you like boy or girl?" he quizzed cautiously.
"Both, if they are adorable." Shan-mei clapped her book shut, snuggled up against Xiang-zhe's warm embrace and said with pride, "I remembered when I was a kid, everyone said I was really adorable."
You still are, my sweet! Xiang-zhe felt a sudden impulse brewing in him. What would their child look like? He suddenly felt the urge to know.
"If our child looks like you, he or she would definitely be the most adorable child in the world." Xiang-zhe said softly as he smoothed his hands over her silky hair.
"hUmm . . ." Shan-mei muttered in a sweet whisper. A smile formed faintly on her angel-liked face.
". . . then . . . let's have a kid." Xiang-zhe concluded in a measured tone. Not a bad notion, really, - a fruit of their love.
". . ." silence was all that Xiang-zhe could hear in reply.
"Shan-mei . . .?" Xiang-zhe looked down into his arms and gazed at Shan-mei in disbelief. She had miraculously dozed off at such solemn moment.
It seemed like Xiang-zhe gave the topic a little too much thought. Shan-mei didn't seem to be mentally prepared just yet. From the looks of it, they could postpone the discussion for now. Which meant, they could fully indulge in their divine love - just the two of them. Xiang-zhe gave a silent sigh of satisfaction as his arms closed tightly around his angel.
Life was just so fascinating. The innocent angel who accidentally landed atop Xiang-zhe's car, now slept peacefully in his arms. And who knows? One day, a little angel might decide to intrude into their lives . . .