SM Married Life
Translation by: glee_kch
Writer: Lin Cai (Taiwan)
SM Notebook - Married Life (Part 17)

Hope you guys n gals can understand and enjoy!!
Learning is a long, long way? Learning from school and from life is totally different.
Dear Yin Mei, today, while I was broadcasting, I’m in trouble again.
If you were I, you won’t let yourself make the same mistakes, right?
Working without you, really depressing and empty?
Shan Mei was sitting in front of the PC, writing a letter to Yin Mei. It had became a habit of hers to share with Yin Mei her works, her dreams?
Just after taking his shower, Xiang Zhe walked to the foot of the bed and sat down, with damp hair naturally covering his forehead. Writing letter to Yin Mei again?asked Xiang Zhe with a laugh. She must be very concerned about Yin Mei.
smile? without response.
Seeing Shan Mei concentrating in her typing, Xiang Zhe was remembering their days at Cambridge At that time, he only knew that in receiving her letters, his feeling had become excited. Without realizing it, she was already in his heart. This angel had not only knocked his car, but also knocked the years of wall surrounded his heart to pieces.
Oh, yes! Xue Zhang? she walked over to Xiang Zhe ?Next Sunday, are you free? “Beside works, all the times are reserved for you. You still need to ask?Raised his head, Xiang Zhe looked at her.
“Then, can we visit Yin Mei again?It was true. However, she still needed to ask Xiang Zhe’s opinion.
“Alright, you can make the decision for this matter.?Said Xiang Zhe while he reached for her hand.
“Xue Zhang, you are really good.?She laughed happily ?Xue Zhang really was doting on her.
Xiang Zhe liked to see her smile most. Her smile could make him heavy for breath
Suddenly, he strongly pulled her. She fell into his embrace.
“I’m so good. By right, you are supposed to use action to show your gratitude. Sitting on Xiang Zhe’s laps, Shan Mei looked at him speechless ?this Xue Zhang is taking advantage of people again.
Alright, based on his good performance ?Shan Mei slowly leaned closer towards him and placed a fluttering kiss on his forehead.
“Like that only?he frowned to show his disagreement.
This wife is too stingy ?he decided to fight for a deeper kiss by himself.
Watching the embarrassed Shan Mei, he hold her arms, bent his head and kissed her soft and warm lips, deeply drank the sweet taste of hers
At last, the day to visit Yin Mei was arrived. Xiang Zhe and Shan Mei went back to the convent again. The three of them were sitting at the guestroom, talking freely “I’m very happy that both of you can come. Why you bring a lot of things? Yin Mei saw them brought two big boxes of fruits.
“They are not for you but for the children?Shan Mei pouted and laughed.
“Shan Mei, really want to thank you. It is good having you as a friend.? Yin Mei held Shan Mei’s hands.
“You make me feel not alone. “Actually, you are not alone. Auntie had brought up a few times asking you to go back to stay with her.?She seriously looked at Yin Mei. It would be great if Yin Mei could go back to accompany Auntie.
“But I’m really very happy here. I feel that I naturally belong here.?Yin Mei’s eyes looked peaceful and calm. The old Yin Mei had already disappeared.
“Never though that you really want to stay here? Shan Mei voiced with regret.
“I also can’t imagine myself as a broadcaster.?Said Yin Mei with a laugh ?she used to be sitting on the stage to broadcast? Really couldn’t imagine that. Now, telling story to children was a very satisfying job.
“You are the most outstanding broadcaster,?Shan Mei turned to Xiang Zhe “isn’t she? “That’s right?Xiang Zhe laughed and nodded his head ?which was true, beside personal matters, Yin Mei was an outstanding staff.
“Thank you very much for your help. But I can’t remember a single thing of the past. You must be very disappointed? Yin Mei hopelessly said.
“It is not like that! I only hope that you will know of you having lots of good sides. Whether you can recover your memory or not, it doesn’t matter.?Shan Mei reached out her both hands and hold Yin Mei, comforting her.
She really didn’t mind whether Yin Mei could remember her past. It was enough as long as she could stay happily and peacefully.
Brother You Zhen, you also think like that, don’t you?
“Threat the broken flower as your own garden,
Forever don’t see the yellow leaves falling down.
Please make the golden life as your own happiness,
Forever don’t think back of your sadness and hurtful life?
The principal of the convent was walking towards them. She talked to Xiang Zhe politely, “Mr Yin, really thank you very much. Actually, from the last visit, Xiang Zhe knew that the convent lacked of information due to its distance. He had specially arranged for sending the televisions, videos, computers and children education materials so that the children could have a better learning environment.
“This appreciation is from the home. You must accept it, please?The principal gave him an appreciation gift.
“Thank you?he gladly accepted it. “I will arrange for the sending of the children program material on continuous basis. Shan Mei very surprise, happily looked at him ?Xue Zhang had done a lot of things but she didn’t even noticed After a whole afternoon talk, they smiled and said goodbye to Yin Mei, making an appointment for the next visit.
Xue Zhang, I’m very, very touched today. You are really very generous person.?He had made her felt very proud.
not as good as you said. I’m not a generous person.?He learned from her in pouting. “Only a pity man wanted to be good to his wife.?“Anyway, I’m really touched.?She sweetly held his hands.
“So touched, so?use action to show!?Xiang Zhe said and moved nearly to Shan Mei.
Ah? Use action to show again? ?Shan Mei stuck there?Now is not at home!!
“What type of expression? Her face really looked cute, made him wanted to disturb her. “Really is a coward!? This is not strange ?Xiang Zhe thought proudly ?has she forgot their first kiss at the busy road junction? At that time, she didn’t even show any reluctant.