Sun-Mei Married Life
Translation by: germaine
editor by: Na Na
Writer: Lin Cai (Taiwan)
Sun-Mei Notebook - Married Life (Part 32)

It’s already late suUmmer. Xiang-Zhe is gazing lovingly out the window at Sun-Mei who is in the garden. The world this inside this window had always been his sanctuary. As for the world outside, he has finally learnt to understand and cherish it for what it was. After he welcomed this little woman into his world, she has taught him about family, love, friendship, and all the other wonderous things that world contains. She is the only one who can move him so that his whole world now rotated around her. Now, he cannot imagine how meaningless and empty his life would have been if he had not found her. If he had not fallen in love with her!!
He picked up the tray and silently padded over to his lovely wife. Listening to her soft snores, drinking in the beauty of her in her sleep, he felt totally content. Ever since her pregnancy, he founnd her each and every movement even more entrancing, her beauty even more breathtaking. Even now, as she sat sleeping, he was dumbfounded by his attraction to her. It’s terrible how he can be so mesmerized by a pregnant woman!
He knelt down beside her, unable to stop himself from caressing her sun-kissed face.
“Time to wake up, lazy pig!”
Sun-Mei stirred, rubbed her eyes, and then slowly opened them. “Oh no! Did I fall asleep again?”
“Come on, have something to eat.”
“Again? Xue Zhang, are you trying to fatten me up like a pig?” Sun-Mei stifled a smile as she looked at the bowl of seaweed soup.
He smiled and reached out to her softly rounded belly “I’m not trying to fatten up you, it’s this little one that I’m feeding”
She looked shamefully at her fat stomach. Xiang-Zhe’s hands were so big and strong, yet so gentle. She knew she could always rely on them for comfort and protection.
“Oh yes! Xue Zhang, about the wedding!.” She said as she started on the seaweed soup.
“Do you really feel you have to personally attend it?” he asked. He didn’t like the thought of her attending such a large, public event in her condition. Ever since she announced her decision to temporarily withdraw from all broadcasting activities last week, MBS had been flooded with phone calls and letters from her fans trying to persuade her to continue with her work in front of the cameras.
“Of course!” she replied “Both Zhao-Di and Chen-Shui are my good friends, both seniors have also been very helpful throughout my career. How can I not celebrate and congratulate them on their big day?”
“I understand your point of view. However!”.
She snuggled into his arms, leaning into him!
“Alright then” he said, still not liking the idea.
“I knew you would understand, Xue Zhang. You’re the best!” She snuggled even closer.
With her in his arms, her smell enveloping him, he could not help but let go of his reservations.
“Why are you always so petulant? What sort of an example will you set to our child, always wanting things your own way?” (I really can’t think of a good way to translate Sha Jiao)
Even as he said the words, he knew in his heart he would always be happy to give in to her.
“What’s wrong with that?” she asked without guile “As long as he learns the art of being petulant, he will always get his own way, like I do!”
“Miss Zhen Sun-Mei, since you always get your own way, can you please grant a request of mine?” saying this, he dipped his head and had his own way with her luscious, sensuous lips. In the warm sunshine, the heat of the kiss ignited their passion for each other!!.
After several trials and tribulations, Qi-Dong and Chen-Shui finally succeeded in wooing their respective brides. Having been through so much together, they decided to also get married together. Having four main stars of MBS at the same wedding ceremony, Xiang-Zhe naturally could not refuse to officiate at the event. True to form, the grooms almost married the wrong brides, and Zhao-Di managed to lose the heel of her stiletto, and Chen-Shui and Zhao-Di did not stop their bickering, even for the wedding ceremony!.. It provided great entertainment for all the guests, and the event was happy and noisy right until the end.
Xiang-Zhe and Sun-Mei left the venue, only to walk into a sea of cameras and photo flashes. Xiang-Zhe immediately pulled Sun-Mei into his arms, shielding her from the protruding cameras and intruding questions from the press. Even though he was prepared for media attention, the number of paparazzi waiting for them far exceeded his expectations.
“Miss Zhen Sun-Mei!” “Miss Sun-Mei, please look this way!.” “Miss Zhen, Could you please comment!.”
The jostling crowd of press was getting out of control. Every one was trying to get in for a good shot of her.
“I’m sorry, for the safety of my pregnant wife, could every one please keep your distance!” Xiang-Zhe held her tightly in with one arm, the other arm pushing a safe passage for his precious cargo.
“Miss Sun-Mei, are you really going to retire....?” “Miss Zhen, the audiences don’t like what they are hearing!.”
“Can everyone please calm down! I will take your questions one by one. There is no rush” Sun-Mei finally spoke up. Having been a reporter herself, she understood what it was like, and did not want to make things difficult for all concerned.
“Shan Meu!.” Xiang-Zhe looked at her uneasily
“It’s OK Xue Zhang, don’t worry!” She smiled at him and squeezed his hand, letting him know she would be alright.
Yes, he though, she will be alright. His Sun-Mei had grown strong and brave under his care. She can now take care of herself. After a bit of debate, Xiang-Zhe convince himself to let Sun-Mei take the questions on her own. He ordered someone to get hold of an auditorium on the premises, and invited the reporters there, making it sure she had a comfortable place to sit, giving order to the situation so it was more like a media conference.
“Can you confirm that you’ve decided to retire from the media spotlight now that you’re pregnant?” Now that the situation was under control, the reporters took the opportunity to fire all their questions at her.
“Well, it’s not really retirement. I will still take on special broadcast roles in the manner that I used to do”
“From the audience reaction, it appears your decision to retire is an unpopular one. Are you still determined to withdraw completely from your current role as anchorwoman?”
Sun-Mei smiled and nodded. “I’m very grateful to my fans for their love and support. However, the work of an anchor demands complete dedication, 24/7. In my present circumstance, I would be unable to devote myself sufficiently to do so. I really want to take some time out to prepare myself for the birth of my child, and I hope my fans will be able to understand this, and support me in my most important role as a mother”
“Miss Zhen, is this your decision, or are you doing so on your husband’s request?”
“No, it’s not my husband’s request. When I decided to do this, even my husband was surprised” She looked serenely over to Xiang-Zhe, who was standing nearby. She did not inform him of her decision before the announcement, and he still could not understand how she could so easily give up her anchor.
“In that case, Miss Sun-Mei, do you intend to completely retire from the spotlight after the birth of your child?”
Sun-Mei put her hand to her face, her expression uncertain. “If I am able take care of my family, my career and my child all at the same time, I would naturally want to continue with the work that I love. However, I believe that I will still need a period of training in to be able to put everything in order”.
“As the First Lady of the Wen Rong Conglomerate, do you feel pressurized about what gender your child would be?”
“I don’t really feel any pressure on that front. However, I personally hope to have a boy, because a boy would surely grow up to be as handsome as his father” Sun-Mei replied with love and happiness in her eyes.
The reporters fired question after question. Sun-Mei calmly took it all in her stride, answering each and every one honestly, and to the best of her ability.
“The strong love between you and Director Yin is almost legendary. Can you please share with us the secret of your success?”
Sun-Mei smiled in embarrassment. “We’re actually no different from any other couple. We sometimes fight and we sometimes argue. However, I am really grateful to my husband for all he has done for me. I feel that I am so lucky, so blessed (xing fu), to have married him. It’s not because he’s the heir to any fortune, or the son of some tycoon. It’s!.it’s because he’s!..” She looked Xiang-Zhe straight in the eye and said “It’s because you’re you”
At the end of the session, Sun-Mei stood up and graciously bowed to the reporters. Then, with love in her eyes and contentment in her smile, she calmly walked into the crowd, slowly but surely making her way towards the man who had been silently waiting in the wings, never taking her eyes off him. As she walked up to him, she said in a gentle whisper “Xue Zhang, I love you.”
Everyone observing the couple could see from the expressions in their face the strong love and deep commitment they had for each other. Every one was certain that Director Yin and Broadcaster Zhen Sun-Mei would have countless more episodes to make in their life together!!.
The End.

Note from the author:
“You can’t say, It’s all right. Why don’t you just forget, I really don’t want you to be sad, so I’ll pretend I’ve stopped loving you!”
“You can’t dream, No matter when, I will be here. No matter what happens, my love will never change.”
Suddenly, I feel these two stanzas from the lyrics of the song are representative of what is presently in the author’s heart. After putting my feelings into this, my love for Xiang-Zhe, my love for Sun-Mei and my love for all the support you have given me, I, Lin Cai, feel that I have to put this story to an end. I would rather preserve the romance in this story and let it go on in your fantasy. What is a coincidence? How long is forever? The author believes that it is Sun-Mei’s smile and not coincidence that started it all; and that Xiang-Zhe’s love really is for ever. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their enthusiastic reading of my short story. Thank you all. I hope that we will have the opportunity to meet again.
Sorry for posting the translation late.How about a special gift for all of you before posting the 14th article?Without the doubt, Xiang-zhe and Shan-mei definately are the best lovers for all of the fans.^-^Na Na