AAE Avenging Hearts

by Nenggeulis


Chapter 1. 1

Chapter 2. 5

Chapter 3. 11

Chapter 4. 18

Chapter 5. 23

Chapter 6. 28

Chapter 7. 33

Chapter 8. 37

Chapter 9. 41

Chapter 10. 46

Chapter 11 (Conclusion) 51



Chapter 1


This morning, the 24 students of Class Year 4 of Seoul National University – Mass Communications degree course sat around the lecture room, gathered in small groups, all excitedly talking and wondering whether the buzz around campus was true – that all of them, when they graduated, would be offered training positions with some of the biggest organizations in Seoul. They would graduate in two months' time, naturally they were anxious.


Moments later when Miss Choi, their Public Relations Coursework lecturer, walked into the classroom, the students hurried back to their seats and sat with collective bated breath, waiting to hear some good news about their future job prospects. How exciting – their future in the metropolitan workforce, after 4 long years of hard work and intensive study!


Miss Choi greeted the girls with a breezy 'good morning', a happy smile on her face. The girls returned the greeting.


"Well, very good news for you this morning. We've managed to secure the sponsorship of three organizations for this year's Training Clinic before the class graduates. The three being: the Chosoon Publishing Group, the Government's Social Welfare Services Department, and MBS Television.


In order to be fair to all – no favouritism shown – lots will be drawn, eight students to a group."


A bag was soon passed around. The students dipped their hands in and each pulled out a rolled slip of paper. When all the students each had a roll of paper in her hand, they were told by Miss Choi to unfurl their roll and see their selection. Many students let off yelps of joy and approval; grumblings from some quarters were heard too.


Zhen Shan Mei and her good friend Zhao Di hugged each other when they found out they had picked places for the MBS Training Clinic. Shan Mei was all excited when she said, "Wow, this is terrific. I'm going to call Brother Woo Jin later on and let him know. Maybe there is a strong possibility I may be offered a position with MBS after graduation. We'll then be colleagues. I'm absolutely thrilled!"


Zhao Di, herself full of unsuppressed joy, was dancing around Shan Mei waving her little slip of paper about. "Me too. Maybe the same thing will happen to me and I get to see Anh Jun Mao at work everyday. Wouldn't that be just ace?" she asked, her eyes gone all dreamy.


In one corner, sitting all by herself, was Xu Ying Mei. She had always kept a certain distance, a certain aloofness, from the rest of the class. The skin around her face had gone all taut and greenish with fuming jealousy. If there was one person in the class she couldn't tolerate, it was Zhen Shan Mei. 'Why should Shan Mei again be lucky enough to get a place in MBS' Training Clinic?' Xu Ying Mei huffed silently when no one in the class was more qualified, talented, confident or beautiful than she herself to sit before a television camera.


The more important reason she was not happy with the arrangement was the fact that her boyfriend Kim Woo Jin, whom she had lured away from Shan Mei by devious womanly guiles, worked at MBS as a roving reporter and she definitely couldn't entertain the possibility of Shan Mei being Woo Jin's colleague, no matter how many times he had declared he loved no one else but her.


From her corner, Ying Mei shot Shan Mei a scathing glance. As luck would have it, she had drawn the lot for the Training Clinic with the Social Welfare Department. How boring! She was disgusted and wondered who she could con into exchanging places with. Her calculative eyes took on a hard look as they roamed over the room and her mind began working.


When class was dismissed, Xu Ying Mei went to the Cafeteria and looked for Joo Ji-woo, a mousey looking girl, who had drawn a place for the MBS Training Clinic. As soon as she saw Ji-woo waiting in line at the food counter, she sidled up to her. Spotting a malicious smile and in a cloying voice, she told Ji-woo she would treat her to lunch. Ji-woo, whom everyone knew was saving every cent she could so she could buy herself the latest model of Samsung hand phone, flashed Ying Mei a grateful smile.


Xu Ying Mei, with food tray in hand, led Ji-woo to a table in a quiet corner. As they ate, she began extolling the fantastic benefits of working for a government organization – high pay, cheap, decent housing, long holidays, short working hours and a much-envied pension scheme. And Ji-woo with her brilliant mind and easy attitude would be just the right type of employee to do well at the Social Welfare Services Department if she ever joined the government agency. Soon, Ji-woo was taken in by Ying Mei's hype and began to imagine herself being the Social Welfare director. By that time, she was begging Ying Mei to exchange places with her.


"What can I do? Since you are so keen to join the Social Welfare Training Clinic, and I consider you one of my best friends, I have no choice but to exchange places with you. Just remember when you get selected by Social Welfare to join their department, don't forget to buy me dinner, okay? Hurry up with your lunch, so we can go search for Miss Choi in the Staff Office and have her change the list." At that, Ying Mei smirked and slanted a satisfied glance at Ji-woo.



One Wednesday afternoon when his work day was over, Yin Xiang Zhe, a university graduate recently returned from London, decided to call Zhen Shan Mei and see what she was doing. He had met Shan Mei a few years back when she was in London attending an English Course for a term at the same university he studied at. During that time, they became good friends. He had always liked her child-like, happy disposition and he marveled at her naivete since she saw only the good in people. She was always bubbling over with vitality and positiveness and she could find no fault with life. After Shan Mei returned to Seoul, they continued to keep in touch through email. Their friendship had since developed deeper and more steadfast. Shan Mei confided in him all her secrets and always looked up to him for his wise counsel, as she considered him her Xue Zhang.


Shan Mei was pushing a trolley along the aisle displaying drinks when she heard her hand phone buzzing. She rummaged through her large tote bag for the phone and when she saw the familiar caller's ID number on the display screen, the corners of her mouth curved up in a soft, sweet smile. "Hello, Zhen Shan Mei speaking."


"Hi, it's me. Where are you? Want to meet up for dinner?"


"I'm now shopping for groceries at the Lotte Department Supermarket."


"I see. You're going to cook for me?"


"Xue Zhang, stop teasing me. If you want, I can meet up with you at some restaurant close by."


"Wonderful. Meet you at the Cream Café next to Lotte in half an hour. See you."


When dinner was over and they were enjoying their coffee, Shan Mei told Xiang Zhe that she would not be able to see him for a week at least.


"My class will be going to Mt. Seorak on Friday to attend a 3-day Training Clinic sponsored by MBS Television. I have to stay home tomorrow night and prepare food to be kept in the fridge. If I don't do that, Pa will be too lazy to cook and will simply have plain noodles while I'm away."


"What about me? You aren't going to cook for me and you are going to abandon me after only two dates since my return from London. Don't you feel sorry for this lonely boy?"


"You can always join us up at Mt. Seorak. We'll be staying at a hotel, so I guess any guest can simply walk in and get a room. But I cannot guarantee I'll have time for you. Four senior staff members from MBS will handle the training. You remember Brothers Woo Jin and Jun Mao? My childhood friends who treat me like their little sister? They told me that they are going too, as part of the MBS team.


I have to do well at this training clinic, because our Associate Dean Kim Moon Soo will accompany us on this trip. His very efficient personal secretary Miss Lim Na Lung will be coming along as well."


"Who did you say was going with the team?"


"Well, Brothers Woo Jin and Jun …"


"Not them. I mean your Associate Dean. I didn't get his full name."


"You mean Associate Dean Kim Moon Soo? Xue Zhang, do you know him? It's not wise to cross him, he can be very strict but he's been with the university a long time, so I guess he has his standards to maintain, to make sure we graduate with good grades."


As Shan Mei finished talking, she picked up the dainty teaspoon and began stirring the coffee in her cup, although her coffee had no sugar in it. Her mouth unconsciously tightened into a thin, grim line, thinking that Associate Dean Kim was a man with double standards, setting one standard for himself, and another standard for the rest of the world. He was a snake, alright, and spiteful beyond reason.


Several months ago, the Seoul National University wanted to build a new library extension equivalent in design and facilities as those available in any top American university. Calls for sealed bids were openly advertised in the local newspapers. On seeing the advertisement, Shan Mei encouraged her father who owned a building construction company to submit in a bid. At first Zhen Senior resisted, saying he didn't want a conflict of interest knowing his daughter was studying at the university. When Shan Mei convinced him it would at least be her contribution to her alma mater, Zhen Senior relented.


Later, when the bids were opened for review by the university's Board, after much deliberation, the project was awarded to a rival contractor to Zhen Senior, quoting the same specifications but with a lower bid. Although Zhen Senior had spent a lot of time and effort in researching and planning for the new library building, he did not mind losing out until he heard from his dear friend working in the university's Administration Department that Associate Dean Kim had 'leaked' his project design and quotation to his rival. Zhen Senior was shocked at this disclosure. This friend also added, with wry amusement, that he couldn't understand why the people at the university so believed and trusted him when he was, after all, only the Associate Dean. Zhen Senior kept this bit of information to himself.


It was Zhao Di, with her blabber mouth, who had disclosed this information to Shan Mei. Zhao Di got this information from her own father as he was one of the university's main financial contributors. When Shan Mei confronted her father, he only dismissed the loss as something expected if Associate Dean Kim had a say in the selection. Zhen Senior said he and Kim Moon Soo had some misunderstanding when they were both active members of a fishing club some ten, eleven years ago.


And the cause of Associate Dean Kim's action was triggered only because he wanted so bad to "outdo" Zhen Senior. Although Zhen Senior was busy with his construction company and taking care of his precious daughter at the same time, he always found peace in Fishing.


Fishing, according to him, had taught him how to be patient and calm and also it was a good way to release the stress. He was a member of Bass – Hall Fishing Club. AD Kim was also a member of this fishing club.


On weekends, Zhen Senior would just go away and try new fishing spots with his "clique members" and leave Shan Mei with Aunty Shu. If the fishing grounds were near Seoul, he would take Shan Mei along since it was easy and safe to move to other spots along the river Han because the shorelines were paved with cement.


Poor Shan Mei, she often fell asleep in her father's car. She often found that some anglers caught very huge Sogari, Nuchi, Ing eo (carp), Hyang eo (Israeli carp) and so on, only increased their interest in this sport. Now hat she had grown up she chose to spend her weekends with her own friends.


During most summer weekends, one would find Zhen Senior and his clique at Dae Simri, YangPyeongGun, a good bass fishing spot. A small parking lot, with parking space for 5 or 6 cars was sited quite close to the riverbank. A small snack shop was also located at the side of the parking lot. A riverine, with weedy water and aquatic vegetation, had meandered nicely from the main stream. It was the natural habitat for many kinds of fish – Bass, Gangjunchi, Keuri etc. It was the nearest fishing spot for bass-fishing from Seoul. Recently, the population of bass had increasing so visibly that many anglers kept returning to this favourite fishing spot.


She also knew that her father held the record as the all time champion angler among his friends. When AD Kim first joined the Bass Fishing Club, he told everyone in his clique that Zhen Senior was not a skillful angler – he was just plain lucky. He could do much better. Just watch, one day he would catch a bigger fish that would beat Zhen's record. Zhen Senior just smiled when he heard that comment. He thought, "It is just a young man's attitude". In spite of all the talk, after all these years, none of the Bass – Hall anglers, not even AD Kim, could surpass Zhen Senior's "Success" in catching the biggest fish.


Xiang Zhe heard Shan Mei's question of whether he knew the university's Associate Dean Kim Moon Soo. He didn't say anything. His throat had suddenly become dry and he appeared to have trouble swallowing down a heavy lump of don't-know-what. His mouth twisted wryly. Shan Mei thought she glimpsed a fleeting flash of pain in Xue Zhang's veiled eyes. She could be wrong because when she looked again, the veil had gone, and his eyes were once again mesmerizing, clear, dark but inscrutable. His eyes had the sightless stare of a troubled man whose thoughts were miles away. His lips were working silently. His face wore a queer expression; he looked as though he was undergoing some terrible mental strain.


He noticed Shan Mei stirring her coffee and wondered whether something was wrong when she normally took her coffee black, just like him. He was disturbed so he asked, full of concern. "Shan Mei, is everything alright?"


Shan Mei looked up from her coffee, shrugged her shoulders, then worked her mouth into a mysterious smirk.


Seeing Shan Mei was not forthcoming with information of what had been bothering her, he slowly put out a hand to clasp Shan Mei's hand.

"Sounds like it's going to be a very busy 3 days for you at the training clinic. Naturally, I want you to do well. So tell me, do you want me to come along? I can always offer moral support from the side."


"You'll definitely be a distraction," Shan Mei mumbled softly as she lowered her head because her face had gone embarrassingly warm and crimson. When Xiang Zhe caught a hint of her sweet, soft smile, his inner turmoil eased somewhat.


Very early on Friday morning at 5 a.m. the MBS bus set off with everyone and all necessary equipment on board.


Shan Mei, sitting by herself in a double seater, was getting excited as the bus soon reached the foot of Mt. Seorak and then slowly climbed up the winding road. When the mountain narrow tree-lined road leveled for a stretch, the driver stopped the bus at a scenic lookout spot so the passengers could enjoy the breathtaking view. Shan Mei slid the window at her side slightly open to let in the heady, mountain breeze to soothe her senses. She became quite awake after that as the bus continued on its journey and she continued to enjoy the magnificent scenery.


From the set of notes handed to the students, she noticed they would be spending the time at Lho Kal Mountain Hotel and Resort. Shan Mei had never been to this hotel although this was not her first trip to Mt. Seorak. But from what she had heard, it was a stand-alone 6-storey building situated at the end of a cul-de-sac. Its isolation was its very attraction and was the premier destination of choice for universities and organizations running seminars, training clinics or workshops. No distraction for miles around. Students could concentrate on the training at hand; normal guests could simply relax and enjoy the surrounding calm and serenity. Its extensive grounds and enchanting and lavishly-landscaped gardens were supposed to have no parallel in the vicinity.



An hour after the MBS bus left the MBS car park, a young, handsome man, 29 years old or thereabouts, casually dressed in a smart travel suit, emerged from the MBS office elevator and walked over to a fire-engine red Porsche parked under a covered parking space. He seldom drove this car – a wonderful mechanical work of art with a deep, powerful, humming engine – in the city. Today would be a good day as any to drive it for the long trip to Mt. Seorak.


He sat back in the low comfortable driver's seat, his teeth clenched, the cool wind blowing against his face as he sped through Seoul city proper, it suburbs, and then the counties toward the East. He could think of nothing but his dream girl. Thinking of his dream girl should make him happy yet he felt a feeling of tightness around his guts. Was it possible that the old, gnawing feeling for retribution was stirring anew within him – that he had deceived himself in thinking that his thirst for vengeance had been safely locked away in his heart and buried for ever?


He pushed this feeling of unease to the back of his mind. He should be concentrating on his driving and not clouding his mind with dark, depressing thoughts. Out of habit, he switched on the car radio and fiddled with the knobs until he found a channel playing sweet,

soothing romantic music.


I, I was the lonely one

Wondering what went wrong

Why love had gone

And left me lonely


I, I was so confused

Feeling like I'd just been used

Then you came to me

And my loneliness left me


I use to think I was tied to a heartache

That was the heartbreak

But now that I've found you



Even the nights are better

Now that we're here together

Even the nights are better

Since I found you

Even the days are brighter

When someone you loves beside you

Even the nights are better

Since I found you


Immediately, he felt loads better.


Xiang Zhe took his pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses lying on the passenger seat and set them on the bridge of his aristocratic-looking nose, to protect his eyes from the strong glare of the sun now rising from the east. He stepped on the accelerator and the Porsche raced silently forward.


The clock on the dashboard showed the time as 8.30. He had left home without breakfast this morning. He should be stopping off at some roadside kiosk or stall for some food if he wanted to arrive at Seorak in spiffing shape. At the thought of food, he laughed softly at another thought. The MBS team conducting the training clinic wasn't aware that their Director of Planning was going to pay them a surprise visit.


Chapter 2

Yin Xiang Zhe, unbeknown to Shan Mei, happened to be the Director of Planning for MBS. Xiang Zhe laughed softly to himself when he imagined the look on Shan Mei's face when she would later discover his presence at the Training clinic.


He saw a roadside food kiosk. He eased into a parking bay at the outdoor garden. The elderly couple managing the kiosk was impressed by the handsome young man when he approached them and asked for a cup of hot coffee.


"Where are you heading to, young man?" the elderly woman asked with interest as she set a cup of coffee down on the counter for Xiang Zhe. He didn't get the chance to answer as he grimaced at the dreadful taste of the coffee, milk and water boiled together after one careful sip. He turned around and narrowed his eyes toward the mountain yonder.


"Sorry, young man, for the inferior quality coffee. The passengers on a bus bearing some television logo that stopped by earlier bought up almost everything when they stopped by."


"Is that so? What time did they pass by?"


"They left here about an hour ago."


"Maybe I'll have one of your hot noodles in soup." The woman

acknowledged the order and hurried off to prepare the noodles.


Xiang Zhe walked to a table under a shady tree. Crossing his left leg over his right, he sat down on a tree stump fashioned out as a stool. While he waited, he lit up a cigarette. As he watched the cigarette smoke curled into the air in a thin stream, his mind flashed back to another period in time, ten years ago when he too sat on another tree stump – somewhat rough and that time it was by a river bank, not waiting for a bowl of noodles but watching with anxious desperation as some workers from a S&R team scoured the fast running waters of the nearby river.


His elder brother, Xiang Jie, was a student of the same faculty at the same university as Shan Mei was. As the elder son, Xiang Jie was groomed to take over as head of his father's business at MBS when the time was right. Their father wanted to concentrate on being known as the media tycoon who owned Wen Rong Inc., the MBS holding company, one of the top ten Korean Chaebol.


Xiang Zhe recalled vividly how, one day, his elder brother left the house in happy, jovial mood knowing he would be spending some fun time with his faculty mates.


Then the unforgettable disaster happened. Xiang Zhe remembered – it was a Friday. The weather reports on the radio, the national and local television had warned of anticipated heavy squalors, possible floods and landslides on affected high grounds. Based on the weather reports, his elder brother, according to his mates, insisted on postponing that day's rafting on Piasigang River – the water stream between Hyeon-ri and Soyongho Lake – the most popular place for this type of activity – but the young professor, later known as Associate Dean Kim Moon Soo, insisted that it was just a forecast, so it could not be 100% reliable. Professor Kim stubbornly ignored the weather forecast and insisted the group set off for the scheduled activity without further delay. Of course, Xiang Jie followed even though he felt uncomfortable with Prof. Kim's decision.


At first, nothing seemed to have gone awry. The sun was up and the sky was bright. Suddenly, a massive wave struck Xiang Jie's raft and tore it apart. It bopped up and down and swirled about on the raging waters. Very quickly the raft disappeared. It was a catastrophe a disaster!!!


Xiang Jie went missing. No one at that time could tell the Yin family of Xiang Jie's condition or whereabouts. The Search & Rescue Team worked round the clock with their rescue efforts. The media and people were full of speculation or prediction. The family braced themselves for the worst. The search and rescue operation was finally called off after one week of intensive search since there was no sign of Xiang Jie or his body. Three months later, his body was found trapped under some rocks by miners working in the area.


After that tragedy, Yin Senior lost faith in the local university system and sent Xiang Zhe to continue his studies in the UK. Xiang Zhe's fist clenched tight when he remembered, with utter sadness, about the accident – how his innocent brother had been sent to his death so prematurely – just because he heeded the instruction of his professor.


Suddenly a dark, veiled look came over Xiang Zhe's face as he growled out Associate Dean Kim's name in a hard, scary tone – a tone no one had ever heard from him before. Xiang Zhe gritted his teeth when he thought how odd it was that the authorities never charged Associate Dean Kim for his false testimony. Neither had any one punished him for leading a group of students to a river for the rafting outing when the weather reports that day had warned that the weather condition would be dangerous for such outdoor activity.


By the time the kiosk auntie brought over the bowl of noodles ordered by Xiang Zhe, he had his dark emotions back under control. He flipped the cigarette butt into the air and watched it make a reddish arc before it hit the ground. Closing his eyes, Xiang Zhe rubbed them with his thumbs. He was too tired to think about the rafting accident anymore. It was all he had thought about for days, weeks when the university approached MBS to sponsor a training clinic. He crushed the butt out with the toe of his shoe and began to attack the delicious, aromatic and piping hot noodles as if the noodles were the body parts of Associate Dean Kim.


After the noodles, Xiang Zhe ordered a hot cup of tea although tea was not his preferred drink of choice. He thought of Shan Mei, her bright, smiling eyes and trusting soul. Yes, he knew what his decision would be, knowing that it was inevitable he would meet AD Kim face to face at the Training Clinic. He got up, went up to the kiosk counter and paid what he owed, then he headed for his car.


As he eased the Porsche back to the main road, Xiang Zhe felt much better after having arrived at a decision. He needed something uplifting, so he selected “Gin Blossom” CD and played their song “Follow You Down”


Did you see the sky

I think it means that we've been lost

Maybe one less time is all we need

I can't really help it if my tongue's all tied in knots

Jumping off a bridge, it's just the farthest that I've ever been


Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down

Anyplace but those I know by heart

Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down

I'll follow you down, but not that far


I know we're headed somewhere, I can see how far we've come

But still I can't remember anything

Let's not do the wrong thing and I'll swear it might be fun

It's a long way down when all the knots we've tied have come undone


Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down

Anyplace but those I know by heart

Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down

I'll follow you down, but not that far


How you gonna ever find your place

Running in an artificial pace

Are they gonna find us lying face down in the sand

So what the hell now, we've already been forever damned


Anywhere you go I'll follow you down...



The Porsche purred silently ahead, the tempo of the song pounded along with the beats of his anxious heart and he wished he had the soothing presence of Shan Mei next to him in the passenger seat.



The MBS bus arrived at its destination. Grabbing their overnight bags, the students excitedly alighted from the bus and looked around the surrounding setting, in awe.


The stone and timbered hotel, sited at the end of a cul-de-sac, was designer rustic and blended in perfectly with its surroundings. Not a massive building, only 6 storeys high and irresistible with bits and pieces of old world charm. With its burnished wooden walls, steeply sloped roofline, and expansive windows angled to capture the breathtaking views, it looked like something off the cover of a high-end resort-and-travel magazine.


At the reception, after check-in formalities were completed, Miss Lim was given the keys to the rooms on the 4th floor. She called out, "Shan Mei, Zhao Di, Room 412, Ying Mei, Soo-jin, Room 414, Yeon-mi, Young-ae, Room 416, Yu Jin, Hye-kyo, Room 418."


She handed the students the room keys; she had a room to herself, so did AD Kim, further down the 4th floor corridor. "Girls, see you at the main Restaurant on the ground floor at 12 for lunch. The official Introduction meeting will be at 2.30 in the Main Function Room on the first floor. Remember to be punctual for all activities." With that the girls hurried off to the elevator and went up to their rooms on the 4th floor.


The entire 6th floor of the hotel was reserved for the MBS crew, although a few rooms were left empty. Mr. Kim Zian Da, supposedly the most senior member of this team, organized everything and soon they too went up to their rooms.




"Snow is falling from the sky, In the middle of July …"


Shan Mei, on hearing these lyrics, gave a wry smile, her mind questioning, "Snow falls in July? … Ugh …"


"Hey, why are you smiling in that way?" Zhao Di asked her best friend. The two of them were strolling among the beautiful flowers in the garden.


"Nothing," answered Shan Mei. "These lyrics reflect your irrepressible nature, always hoping for the impossible to happen," Shan Mei continued quietly, so quietly as if she was talking to herself.


But her friend retorted, "Shan Mei, sometimes the impossible can happen."


Shan Mei and Zhao Di had hurried with their lunch and with some time to spare, both of them decided to check out the hotel and the beautiful grounds. They continued to stroll among the beautiful gardens, admiring the blossoms flowering profusely everywhere, when they heard hurrying steps behind them.


"Zhao Di," someone called out behind them.


On recognizing the voice, Zhao Di turned around and acknowledged cheerfully, "Anh Jun Mao, you too want to admire the gardens?"


Jun Mao smiled shyly, walked up to Zhao Di, whispered something in her ear and then led her off in another direction of the garden, after giving Shan an apologetic nod. Shan Mei could see Zhao Di giggling excitedly.


"Those two," Shan Mei mused and smiled softly to herself. Seeing Zhao Di and Jun Mao together, how she wished her Xue Zhang was here with her too. "Xue Zhang, where are you? I'm missing you so much …"


Shan Mei wanted to use this trip to test her tolerance. Could she deal with her past, since now Kim Woo Jin was Xu Ying Mei's boy friend? Would she feel restless if she saw them together – walking hand in hand, talking cute with each other? She had earlier resolved that she could deal with the situation. She said to herself, "I am a strong and positive person. Besides, now I have got my Xue Zhang as my companion and I made a pledged on that bridge with Xue Zhang as a witness that I would move on and look forward to a brighter future. Didn't I wish good luck to Kim Woo Jin and Xu Ying Mei?" In her quiet musings, she could not wait, because in two months' time she would graduate.


Zhao Di and Jun Mao soon wandered back, when big drops of rain suddenly fell and an envelope of mist quickly shrouded the hills, to join Shan Mei and together they went indoors to see what the rest of the team was doing there to pass the time before the Clinic's introduction meeting.


The three of them hurried down the hall, bypassing the Library. Further down was the Recreation Room. It was sizeable enough to be separated by way of its furnishings into two sections. One cozy corner, with biggish comfortable-looking sofas placed around the massive stone wood-burning fireplace along one wall. A heavy cast iron prong hung from its stand, near a neat pile of firewood.


A pool table stood in an opposite corner, the green baize covering was very new, as if the table was hardly used. In another corner was a large wooden table which looked like a game table but could be used as an informal conference table. Further on was another smaller wooden table suitable for board games with fewer players. In compliance with the entire theme of the hotel, the room was elegantly laid out and lit to show off its rustic charm to best advantage.


The group of students was huddled around the game table with nowhere to go, since they had received explicit instructions from Associate Dean Kim that no one was to stray from the hotel.


Out of nowhere Xu Ying Mei, seated on one of the wooden chairs, said 'Cluedo' in a low voice, as if she was talking to herself.


Kim Woo Jin who was sitting next to her bent his head slightly closer to her and asked in a concerned voice, "Yes, Ying Mei, you said something?"


Ying Mei startled somewhat, not realizing that any one was paying to her or her words. She answered, "This!" pointing to a set of board game lying on the table. "Cluedo. My family used to play this a lot."


Zhao Di on the other side of the table overheard what Ying Mei said and out of curiosity she asked, "You know how to play this game?"


Ying Mei ignored Zhao Di and her question; instead she gave Zhao Di a derisive sidelong glance. Seeing she was not getting further attention, Ying Mei added, almost reluctantly, "An American tourist must have left this set of game behind."


Ying Mei's face grimaced subtly at a dark memory – yes, she knew this game well. She also had a hidden dislike for the game – her mother had silently left home when the family was busy concentrating on their Cluedo game one night many, many years ago. Ying Mei was only 6 years old at that time. How could her mother bare to abandon her, she had often wondered?


So caught up was Ying Mei in her reverie, she had become suddenly still and quiet. Kim Woo Jin, next to her, felt very uneasy. He tried to draw her attention. "Heellooo! ….I'm right here!" he cooed, waving a hand back and forth of Ying Mei's face.


"Oh!" she smiled in embarrassment as she pulled Woo Jin's hand away. She then tried to concentrate on the game, which she had found boring. Her only reason for joining in the game was to try to get Zhen Shan Mei 'knocked out', again wanting to prove that Shan Mei couldn't compare to her.


Unfortunately, things didn't work out quite the way Ying Mei had planned.


Soon, Shan Mei was joined at the table by a handsome young man who had miraculously appeared by her side from out of nowhere.


The game was soon forgotten when everyone in the room began speculating on the background of the newcomer. Whispers went around the room that the young man was not only handsome but rich, since he had arrived in a flashy Porsche. In their eyes, they couldn't praise the newcomer more, claiming Kim Woo Jin was nothing, like heaven and earth, when compared to the 'mysterious' handsome young man. The classmates were so happy for Shan Mei, knowing how Woo Jin had preferred Ying Mei to her. Too bad for Ying Mei – Shan Mei didn't look anything like a loser.


Silently, Ying Mei, full of hatred and envy for Shan Mei, cursed Shan Mei silently for her good fortune. "Life is so unfair," she fretted, thinking of Woo Jin's Hyundai mini-car and Shan Mei's friend's luxurious Porsche.


Before she could wallow is more self pity, someone shouted excitedly, "The rain has stopped."



The same evening, after dinner, the students again gathered in the hotel's Recreation Room. Zhao Di, the comic relief in any situation, came forward and asked whether any one in the room was interested to play Cluedo.


Xu Ying Mei, suddenly in a social mood, again explained the rules of the game and gave instructions on how the game was played to three of her classmates, one of them being her roommate, who did not participate in the game earlier. So unlike her normal, selfish character!


In the board game, there was the resident corpse and the standard mystery practice of finding out the Who did it, Where and What Weapon to pinpoint the murderer.


Moments later, the MBS Director of Planning, Mr. Yin Xiang Zhe, sauntered into the room with his MBS crew. He stopped by the game table and picked up a Cluedo card that read 'Colonel Kim' (berley) Munchstone. Yin Xiang Zhe stared at it intently for some time before he drawled, "This name is somewhat similar to your Associate Dean Kim's, isn't it? Does this mean he's going to be the resident corpse tonight?" His statement surprised everyone in the room, especially when they noticed a mysterious, indescribable gleam in his eyes.


At that moment, when Associate Dean Kim's name was mentioned, someone had the sense to ask, "Has anyone seen Prof. Kim?"


One student shot back a response. "I saw him leaving a minute ago after we finished dinner. Surprising, he left without his right hand, Miss Lim."


Another student was not happy with this information and immediately groused. "He ordered us not to go anywhere, yet he is the one breaking his own rule."


While the students wondered what else to do next, Yin Xiang Zhe moved forward in a graceful stride, took Shan Mei by the arm, and propelled her out of the door. He stared after the rest of the room with a faintly amused smile on his face. In the lobby Shan Mei realized that she had forgotten her purpose for going to the Recreation Room – which was to search out Zhao Di to work on their assignment. They were almost at the door of the building when Shan Mei turned and faced Xiang Zhe. "Xue Zhang," she started in an embarrassing tone, her face had gone crimson. Seeing the stubborn streak in Xue Zhang's expression, she closed her mouth when she didn't know what to say except follow him to the outside of the hotel.


She shook her head and smiled. Charm was a weak word for what Yin Xiang Zhe had, Shan Mei thought to herself. Subliminal hypnotism was more like it. She was hypnotized – that was why she was so obediently and quietly following him, like an obedient robot, out to his car in the car park.


Out at the parking lot, Shan Mei found her voice again and asked, "Xue Zhang, why are we out here? Prof. Kim has specifically stated that we should remain in the hotel and not go anywhere."


Xiang Zhe snorted a soft laugh. His face brightened up as he gave her a mischievous grin. "So what! I'm not one of his students. I feel like going for a drive. How about it?"


"Wait a minute. After your little surprise this afternoon, I think I deserve an explanation." She finished her words with a pout. Moments later, when she noticed Xiang Zhe still looking at her with a boyish smile with no explanation forthcoming, her pout turned into a smirk, when she exclaimed, "Director of Planning! You surely know how to pull a stunt!"


Xiang Zhe finally reacted. With an embarrassed grin, his fingers rubbing at a spot on his head of hair, he explained shyly, "Well, you claimed that you would study until you became a broadcaster.... I asked myself how could I find the chance to date you if you spend all your time studying. I couldn't bear to wait that long, so I try to make use of every little opportunity that comes my way."


Shan Mei was flabbergasted by Xiang Zhe's confession. With hesitation, she said, "But I ......."


"You what.............?" he laughed expectantly.


"I'm just .... you know, I'm not, not your usual sophisticated type of lady friends. Besides, I only know you as my Xue Zhang. Besides, you're not someone who I know well. You're someone I hardly know as a friend."


"Hey, what do you mean someone you hardly know? Don't tell me you gave me that Peter Rabbit for no special reason at all? You knew all along that I like to play sneaky games. And besides, we're now in no hurry. If you want to talk, we talk. If you want to walk, we walk. But I want you to know that I am now not in the mood to talk or walk. Let's go for a drive and enjoy the night together. Shall we?" he asked as he opened the door to the car for her. He gave her a loving smile coupled with his besotted look. Shan Mei didn't have the heart to refuse him.


After Xiang Zhe and Shan Mei had left, the people in the recreation room couldn't believe what they had just witnessed: MBS' Director of Planning nonchalantly taking hold of Zhen Shan Mei's hand and ushering her out!


Earlier in the afternoon, Liu Yong Xi was elated when she thought Xiang Zhe had joined the Training Clinic, may be he wanted to be with her or maybe he was beginning to take his duties at MBS more seriously. Now, she realized Xiang Zhe had explicitly joined the Training Clinic because of his interest in one of the young university students.


Even Zhao Di was so surprised, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets. She shook her head and grinned in wonder. "Wow, Shan Mei has caught a whale this time!"


Kim Woo Jin was surprised too. He had never seen Shan Mei acting so unbashedly in public. Normally, she was a model of decorum. He knew her very well, since she was a little girl in kindergarten. She was always shy and timid, and most times she acted very childish. Unlike Xu Ying Mei whom he considered very mature. His eyes became glassy as he recalled their 'hot sessions' in bed. Ying Mei was definitely not shy at all. However, he had caught Ying Mei's eyes constantly straying to Yin Xiang Zhe and Shan Mei, after the Director of Planning had walked into the room. Of course, Woo Jin was not happy with the way Ying Mei was eyeing his boss.


When the couple walked out of the room, Ying Mei's eyes had followed them. Her eyes were hard with hatred and envy. Woo Jin couldn't tell one emotion from the other, maybe it could be a combination of both. He couldn't understand why Ying Mei should be harbouring such emotions. After all, he, Woo Jin, had assured her that his heart belonged to her completely. Woo Jin had felt strangely uneasy. After Yin Xiang Zhe made an appearance, Ying Mei's attention seemed to be diverted to the Director of Planning, whereas Woo Jin himself used to gain her total attention.

Chapter 3

Nice car, pretty girl, handsome hunk -- what else?


Aah -- loud music. As soon as Xiang Zhe started the engine, the

music came blasting from the audio set.


" Boss screaming in my ear about who I'm

supposed to be ….

Getcha A 3piece Wall Street smile and son

you'll look just like me..


I said "Hey man there's something you

ought to know..

I tell ya Park Avenue leads to Skid Row


I look and see it's not only me…

We're standing tall ain't never a doubt


We are the young .. so shout it out…

They call us problem child …

We spend our lives on trial

We walk an endless mile …



Shan Mei was startled by the music blaring so loudly from the car's audio set. Xue Zhang just smiled at the expression on her face. She looked around the car interior. She arched a brow at Xiang Zhe, her eyes asking, "Is this a new car?" He simply nodded his head and accompanied it with a lazy grin. After a while, he turned the volume of the music down and asked her, "What is in Mt. Seorak, what are we going to see?"


Hearing the question, she smiled and answered, "What do you mean? Have you never been up here?"


He answered, "Not with my girl friend…" He rolled mischievous eyes about. "This is the first time for me."


She was amused. "You.…," she laughed softly when she saw his wink.


As the Porsche sped out of the hotel parking lot, Shan Mei inhaled a gulp of fresh mountain air and couldn't help but admire the pale, slowly-disappearing evening light that had softened the harsh lines of the hills beyond the hotel building, suffusing the world with a gentle, misty haze. It shimmered slightly, and she saw the blues and purples of dusk shroud the high peaks of Mt. Seorak. Such serene beauty, as if they were transported to paradise.


Leaning back against the luxuriant leather-covered passenger seat, Shan Mei recalled the unforgettable event of that afternoon.


Before the scheduled official Introduction meeting with MBS crew, Shan Mei decided to have a shower. Half way through, Zhao Di came knocking on the bath room door very hard and her soprano's voice shouted for Shan Mei to come out from the bath room pronto. She needed to use the bath room urgently.


"Again?" Shan Mei muttered angrily when she opened the bathroom door.


"Why, you…?"


Zhao Di stuttered, "No time for explanations. I've just found out that the MBS's boss is here. Get dressed and come quickly."


"What has this MBS' boss got to do with us that you're rushing me out of the bathroom?"


"For your information, HE'S SOOOOO HANDSOME, and I've to tell you, he drives a Porsche."


"So what? You silly girl. Never seen a Porsche?"


"No time to talk …" Zhao Di gasped in between uneven breaths, then she fluttered her eyelashes in a ridiculous fashion.


"Zhao Di, what the hell are you doing ? " Shan Mei grumbled.


After Shan Mei had dressed, Zhao Di grabbed her hand and hurried them to the main hall.


"Why are we running, Zhao Di ?"


" Ahhh…we must not be late."


When they arrived at the main function room where the meeting was being held, Zhao Di tried to make her way to some good seats. "Excuse me… we're going to sit here. Please move slightly over. Thank you."


"Are we in the right position?" Shan Mei whispered. "Just what do you think you're doing? And what position are we talking about ? There are hardly more than 10 persons spread around here."


The answer to her question came instantly.


"Good afternoon every one." Prof. Kim's voice startled her. He made the introduction and members of the MBS crew stood up to acknowledge when their names were mentioned.


Shan Mei was shocked. When the "Director of Planning" was introduced she felt like her world was spinning. The man standing up to acknowledge the applause was her Xue Zhang. "What in the world is happening?" she asked herself.


Zhao Di pinched her. "Shan Mei, am I right? Why you…? Look at you, shame on you…." She did not continue her teasing. In fact she was busy batting her eyelids, on the right eyelid one could read "LOVE" and on her left "YOU"….


All Shan Mei could remember when Xiang Zhe made his speech was: when he stressed that MBS was not only looking for some one pretty or handsome with a photogenic face but some one talented, energetic, and market- and viewers- oriented with new ideas, etc…etc…


After the introductions, quick readings, simulations, and games on presenting their imaginations through individuals and team works followed..


At the end of the session, Zhao Di and every body including Ying Mei tried to get up close and personal with the Director of Planning. Even Anh Jun Mao treated the Director of Planning to his Red Washington apple.


All, except one person. Shan Mei just sat on her chair dumbfounded. She raised a palm to her cheek and asked herself, "Am I dreaming? Is snow really falling in July?" Shan Mei tried frantically to calm her composure. Sitting where she was, she darted periodic sidelong glances at Xue Zhang, trying to get his attention to admonish him, but he pretended not to notice her at all.



Thinking Shan Mei was asleep, Xiang Zhe whispered softly into her ear,

"Are you asleep, or are you deep in thought?"


Shan Mei shifted in her seat and flickered her eye lashes, but she didn't open her eyes.


"Don't you believe that you are the only girl friend I have?" He startled her with his remark.


She said, "Of course not. There must be thousand of girls queuing up in a line wanting to be your girlfriend." Her mouth was twisted in a smirk.


Suddenly, when he turned around to give her an intense look, Shan Mei screamed out to Xiang Zhe, "Xue Zhang, keep your eyes on the road, please. I do not want to die here!!"


He laughed "Oh, what a wonderful night." He took in several deep gasps of the fresh, invigorating mountain air.


The light veil of mist had cleared and a silvery moon was out. "Let's watch stars at Love Valley."


Shan Mei whipped around in the seat, her eyes wide with excitement. "Love Valley? I have never heard of this place in my life," she wondered aloud.


"I just discovered the place when I drove up this afternoon. But first things first. Let's go find some thing to warm us."


"Xue Zhang…!" He just smiled at her. To her surprise, he parked his car at the nearest restaurant along the way. She waited for him in the car, while he went off to buy an espresso for himself and a hot tea for her. He also bought a muffin.


Next, he parked his car before the Hapgangjeong (famous area for bungee jumping). "Come, follow me," he said to her. She followed him obediently. He found a stone bench and table where he put down their drinks. From where they sat, they could see the twinkling lights coming from the houses dotted about in the valley below.


The lights glowed like fire flies, giving a surreal feel to the wonderful, magical scene set before them.


From his jacket Xiang Zhe pulled out his Ipod and the MUFFIN. After that he lit one small candle and stuck it into the top of the muffin…


Shan Mei wondered what game he was playing this time. "Shan Mei please be patient." He followed up his words with a wink. They both shared the ear set … She could hear the sweet song :


There's a new wind blowin' like I've never known

I'm breathin' deeper than I've ever done

And it sure feels good to finally feel the way I do

I wanna love somebody

Love somebody like you


I'm lettin' go of all my lonely yesterdays

I've forgivin' myself for the mistakes I've made

Now there's just one thing, the only thing I wanna do

I wanna love somebody

Love somebody like you


He shot out his hand and asked her to dance. And they danced …



Yeah I wanna feel the sunshine

Shining down on me and you

When you put your arms around me

You let me know there's nothing in this world

I can't do


I used to run in circles goin' nowhere fast

I'd take one step forward, end up two steps back

I couldn't walk in a straight line even if I wanted to

I want to love somebody

Love somebody like you


Oh here we go now

Hey I wanna love you baby

(repeat chorus)


Sometimes it's hard for me to understand

But you're teaching me to be a better man

I don't want to take this life for granted like

I used to do, no no

I wanna love somebody

Love somebody like you


I'm ready to love somebody

Love somebody like you

I wanna love somebody

Love somebody like you



As the music tailed off, he whispered tenderly into her ear. "Happy one month anniversary, my dear Shan Mei," he whispered tenderly into her ear. He was still holding her softly in his arms, not wanting to ever let her go.


Her eyes glowed. She was bubbling over with an excitement that she had apparently hugged to herself all afternoon.


"Doesn't this muffin look delicious?" She turned to the safe topic of food.


"Absolutely." His husky whisper stirred the hair at her neck.


Shan Mei looked up at him. He was staring intently t her. "Absolutely delicious," he repeated. She could have sworn her heart stopped beating for an instant.


It touched off that little ache at the back of her throat and the tight feeling behind her eyes. She eased herself a little bit away from him.


Apart from the soft, romantic music flowing out of the Ipod, the only other sound was the faint sighing of nearby tree branches.


Shan Mei was so overcome with emotion, she couldn't help but issue an invitation to Xiang Zhe. "Xue Zhang would you like to come to my graduation ceremony?"


In return, he smiled very sweetly, softly, tenderly. "Of course. I thought you'd never ask."


Xiang Zhe caught her to him again and gave her a swift kiss that made her breath catch in her throat and her heart lurch. When he released her, she took a tentative step away and managed to smile. She was lost, irrevocably lost.


Far away, in the dripping woods covering the hillside, something bright and fiery among the trees flickered. It was going to be a dark and stormy night.


Suddenly, the magic spell was broken by a shrill ring on his hand phone. After he answered the phone, he turned around in his seat and informed Shan Mei that his staff had called informing him that the hotel lift would stop running at 12 midnight, due to maintenance.



Earlier in the evening, in another corner of the room where the MBS crew had gathered, Liu Yong Xi, a long time friend of Yin Xiang Zhe was taken aback by his so public display of affection. She had never seen him behaving in such a way - he being a very conventional, traditional type of a man. Even though Xiang Zhe had known of Yong Xi's feelings for him since their college days, he had nipped the attraction in the bud a long, long time ago, by letting her know that he treated her as a friend, nothing more. Still, it did not stop her from hoping that Xiang Zhe would one day return her feelings. After all, he had not been involved with any woman all this time. He had kept to himself.


Kim Zian Da, Yong Xi's colleague at MBS, noticed her consternation when she saw Xiang Zhe holding Zhen Shan Mei's hand and walking out of the recreation room. She wanted to leave the room too. Zian Da sidled quietly up to Yong Xi's side, and asked softly. "A penny for your thoughts?" Zian Da's eyes were full of understanding.


Yong Xi did not appreciate Zian Da gate-crashing into her thoughts. She ignored his kind gesture and to show her displeasure, she arose from her seat, wanting to leave. Zian Da shot out a hand and held onto her wrist, trying to hold her back.


"Yong Xi, it's too early to leave. These kids are fun. Let's hang around and see what mischief they are up to."


Just then, Zhao Di, from her corner, shouted to her fellow students, "Come on, let's play this game!" Many of the students lounging around agreed, seeing there was nothing better to do.


Xu Ying Mei, who had witnessed Liu Yong Xi's shock at seeing Yin Xiang Zhe with Shan Mei, went up to Yong Xi and tried to ingratiate herself into her good books. "Come on, Senior, come join us in this game. It is quite fun."


Ying Mei was no stranger to Liu Yong Xi. When Ying Mei and Shan Mei were in their first year at university, they had worked at MBS as trainees in the editing department during their school holidays.


The people in the room continued to play until they reached the part where the odd old man, Mr. Black was killed by Colonel Kim (berley) Munchstone, in the classroom, with his own gun.


At that moment, the night shift hotel receptionist hurried to the Recreation Room with a message. "Oh, there you are, Mr. Kim. Can you please let your party know that the elevator will stop running at 12 midnight sharp, for maintenance. Normal running of the elevator will resume tomorrow morning at 5."


Zian Da quickly caught the attention of the students and the members of his crew and gave them the message.


The first thought that came to Yong Xi's mind was Xiang Zhe, out somewhere with that young, silly girl and she was more that pleased to have an excuse to get him to return to the hotel. "We need to let Xiang Zhe know that the hotel elevator will stop operating from midnight. If he doesn't want to trudge up the stairs to his room on the 6th floor, he better be back before midnight. Drat, I've left my hand phone in my room. Zian Da, can I use your phone?"


Zian Da felt around his pockets and grinned apologetically at Yong Xi. "I've left mine behind too. Anyway I think Xiang Zhe will return soon."


Xu Ying Mei, sitting quite near to Liu Yong Xi, stretched out an arm, her phone in her palm. "Miss Liu, please feel free to use mine."


"Oh, thank you so much."


Woo Jin's eyebrows shot up and he gave Ying Mei a queer look. All he said was, "Isn't someone in a generous mood tonight? I suppose it's the invigorating mountain air."


In the midst of all the excitement, some one shouted, "Look over there."


Immediately all heads turned to look through the open window, trying to see what all the commotion was about,


It was Associate Dean Kim, in his boots, stumbling along. He was singing a song in that horrible voice of his, so loud that it wasn't easy to ignore him.


"Where the bad folks go when they died…?

Not straight to the heaven where the angels……fly…

Go to the Lake of Fire, and fried …

See you again on the 4th of July…"


His voice echoed through the hotel when he stupidly knocked on the front door. He was so drunk and noisy that some disgruntled guest shouted at him to shut up. It could be one of the night shift receptionists irate over his stupid action. Ms. Lim was paged to Reception to get Associate Dean Kim up to his room.


Associate Dean Kim looked so unlike himself that they hardly recognized him. His bleary eyes and red, flushed face were filled with contempt, his mouth twisted in cynicism. He held a bottle of whiskey in his hand as he stumbled along. He took a sip, wiped his mouth with his lower arm and replaced the cap. "Why me? Why?" He continued to sway at the entrance, his mouth tightened into a harsh line.


Kim Zian Da hesitated a bit; a strange look had masked his eyes. He whispered to Yong Xi. "Yong Xi, wasn't Xiang Zhe's elder brother, Xiang Jie, who once participated in such a university outing organized by this same professor when the accident occurred?"


Yong Xi's eyes bored into Zian Da, telling him silently to mind his own business.


Xu Ying Mei who overheard some of Zian Da's words, tried to find out more. It seemed that anything that was directly or indirectly connected to MBS Director of Planning had become of prime importance to her. Using her saccharine voice, she tried to coax Zian Da in expanding the statement. "Who participated in an outing? What accident? So Director Yin knows Prof Kim then?"


Zian Da brushed away her questions and, in a firm voice, said, "Let's continue with this game. I am getting quite surprised. This game is getting to be very interesting."


Xu Ying Mei was smiling, easy and laid back. Probably trying to reassure Liu Yong Xi and Kim Zian Da that Associate Dean Kim was harmless. But there was something different going on in her eyes. Something very dangerous!


It was almost 11 o'clock when the group stopped playing the Cluedo game and every one returned to their own room to get some sleep.

In his room Senior Kim Xian Da took out from his pocket a cigarette and lit it up. "That rascal Xiang Zhe …" he began to murmur.


He remembered vividly 3 days after they met in Yin Xiang Zhe's apartment, he came to the TV Station after visiting his father at the hospital and agreed to take up the position of Planning Director. Xiang Zhe then asked him what activity he had planned for the next weekend. He had answered casually that he planned to go to Mt. Seorak for the Training clinic and talent scouting with the students from Seoul National University, Mass Communication Faculty.


When Xiang Zhe heard this, he said with the biggest grin Zian Da had ever seen, "Count me in."


At that time Zian Da thought Xiang Zhe had the right spirit for being Director of Planning. Now, he understood why Xiang Zhe wanted to participate, for his own personal reasons. He still could not believe that Zhen Shan Mei, with her naivete, could capture Yin Xiang Zhe's heart, Xiang Zhe who was used to mingling with sophisticated ladies from the upper crust of Seoul's social circles.



"Well, Zian Da?"


"Just thought I'd come for some of your whiskey. I'm surprised your door isn't locked."


Xiang Zhe himself seated on the luxuriously padded sofa in the sitting room put down his tumbler of liquor and looked at Zian Da with a cool gaze. The subdued clinking sounds from the bathroom indicated that they were not alone in the suite.


"Am I disturbing you?" Zian Da asked cautiously. He had a sheaf of papers in his hands.


Xiang Zhe smiled wryly. "No. It's only Mr. Janitor in the bathroom fixing a leaking faucet."


Zian Da lowered himself into the chair beside Xiang Zhe and reached for the bottle of whiskey that stood at the end of the table. He poured himself a glass. After that, he spread out the sheaf of papers.


Xiang Zhe didn't like the disquiet that threaded Zian Da's voice. "What is this?" he asked impatiently. He was tired; after all it had been a long day for him – a grueling drive from Seoul.


"Well … now that the Director of Planning of MBS has revealed his interest in Zhen Shan Mei, it would be difficult to hand in an Assessment report. No matter how unbiased and truthful the assessment is, people are going to talk. Here are the assessment reports so far. We will finalise our evaluation on Sunday after reviewing their assignments and tomorrow's course work."


Xiang Zhe stilled. "So?" he almost snapped, losing patience with Zian Da's prissy ways. He picked up the papers and glanced through them quickly. "I see, Yong Xi has given very low grades to Shan Mei. So have you while the remainder of the crew has rated her very highly.

And this student, Xu Ying Mei, whoever she is, is getting top grades from Yong Xi and you, while the rest of your team, isn't too taken with her."


"I can't help wondering, that's all."


Xiang Zhe shrugged. "Zian Da, give Shan Mei whatever assessment you think it's fair. Just don't follow blindly Yong Xi's thinking. Let me warn you, it won't make an iota of difference to me. After Shan Mei graduates from university, I'm going to marry her. I've decided to take her on, as my personal assistant, in my Planning department. Shan Mei doesn't know anything about this offer yet. Keep this information to yourself."


Zian Da's mouth was in a grim, tight line, wondering whether this bit of news he had just heard was good or bad.


Xiang Zhe shot Zian Da a brief, quelling glance, as if to signal the end of a most unnecessary conversation. But Zian Da wasn't going to let Xiang Zhe off so easily.


When he spoke again, his voice sounded confused and censoring. "Marry Zhen Shan Mei? Yong Xi was convinced you loved her."


"I never did anything to make her think that."




"Nothing! You can ask my mother." Xiang Zhe sounded adamant.


Zian Da, convinced that Xiang Zhe was telling the truth, cursed beneath his breath, aware he was making a complete fool of himself.


"Now that you know that I was never interested in her, what's stopping you from courting her? Why are you so eager to give her up?" Xiang Zhe asked, intrigued.


"It's not a question of giving her up. She was never interested in me. I believed Yong Xi when she told me that you had feelings for her." He shrugged and sighed, like a man tired of fighting.


"Go for it, man, if you really love her," Xiang Zhe said, giving Zian Da an encouraging pat on his shoulder. Then he lifted his glass of whiskey and toasted success for Zian Da's courting of Miss Liu Yong Xi. After that Zian Da returned to his own room.


Soon after, the hotel's janitor emerged from the bathroom. "Mr. Yin, the faucet is fixed. If it bothers you again, just let me know. Tonight I'll be working all night on this floor."


"Thank you, Mr. Janitor," Xiang Zhe said as he showed the janitor out and locked the door after him. He went back to the sofa and poured himself another drink. His mind was in turmoil. Finally, stretching out his tired arms and yawning, Xiang Zhe got up from the sofa and went to bed. He was asleep almost as soon as he'd stripped and fallen onto his bed.


The next morning, by the time the eastern sky had a faint brushing of pearly pink to outline the hills, Xiang Zhe had awakened, He punched up the pillows behind his head so that he could study the dull glow of a cloudy mountain dawn, and think.


Until now, his world has consisted of simple, straight forward concepts such as justice, honour, duty and vengeance. He had been in this odd state since awakening, memories of last night still cruising in his mind. One moment he would be contemplating his own weakness not to pursue vengeance but to seek the truth so he would have closure. Vengeance would not bring his elder brother back to life, but would hurt people along the way. The next, he would find himself thinking of Shan Mei and how he planned to woo her until she abandoned her invisible cloak of shyness. He could still feel her warmth and her gentle hands on his shoulders when they danced, charming and bewitching him until he thought the only thing worth winning was Shan Mei's love. Her unusual combination of naivete and mischief had captivated him totally.


Xiang Zhe felt his elder brother, wherever he might be up in the heavens, wouldn't want him to do anything rash or stupid. Thinking along these lines, he would no longer have to feel the lack of guilt if he ever looked at AD Kim again – that he, instead of his elder brother, was alive. Yes, he decided as he walked out of the hell he had locked himself in for the past 10 years, he was blameless, even though he was well and alive and his brother dead. He felt much better because everything in life was fated – to each, his destiny. Shan Mei had convinced him to let go, and soothed him over with her 'karma' logic – whatever will be, will be.


Chapter 4

About the same time that Xiang Zhe was lying awake in his bed musing, the hotel was just beginning to stir from its overnight quietness. The overnight receptionist and security guard were getting ready to get off duty at 6. The chef and his team of kitchen hands were working at getting breakfast ready for the hotel guests. Down on the ground floor, the housekeeping staff was moving about getting the common areas cleaned.


One cleaning maid, who had worked at the hotel since its opening, pushed her cart of cleaning equipment into the Recreation Room. One look around and she heaved a tired sigh – the guests who were in the Recreation Room the night before were surely an untidy lot. She went around straightening the chairs, cushions and the coffee tables. Then she went to the hearth wanting to start a fire for some kind of warmth. She looked for the prong to clear out the overnight ash residue. "Careless lot," she cursed when she couldn't find the prong. She continued with her cleaning tasks around the room, finally clearing away the Cluedo cards left lying on the gaming table.


The security guard was signing his Log Book casually – another uneventful night, he thought, when a loud, piercing scream broke the deadly silence. The chilling scream came from the library? or was it the Recreation Room? He dropped the pen and the book and ran quickly down the hall, first popping his head into the library, then the Recreation Room. He saw the cleaning maid standing, galvanized, in one corner of the room, over a dark, shadowy bulk.


"Ah-nee, what's the matter? What was that scream all about?" the security guard asked. When no answer or noise came from the cleaning maid, the security guard switched on all the lights in the room and walked further into the room.


"Oh my God," he belched unbelievingly. "Looks like that drunkard professor of last night who made all that racket outside the hotel. Ah-nee, don't touch anything." With that, the security guard ran back to the Reception desk and demanded that the receptionist quickly ring up to Miss Lim's room and MBS Mr. Kim's room and ask them to get to the Recreation Room immediately, the receptionist also inform the hotel’s Manager.


Miss Lim was the first to rush toward the Recreation Room after she was summoned urgently by the wake-up call. When Kim Zian Da arrived at the scene a few seconds later, he saw Ms. Lim standing, immobilized, in the little group.


A chill, that had nothing to do with the draft of cold air, went through them, leaving them with a deep sense of dread, as they both stood there. Zian Da finally identified the source of the cold draft. It came through the broken window.


A body was sprawled, face-down, on the floor. The smell of death was heavy in the air. The man's shirt collar and hair were stained red with blood. There was no doubt to his identity. It was Associate Dean Kim.


Ms. Lim opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out. She took an instinctive step back. She stared at the out-flung arms. Then she made herself move forward again. With a sense of great dread, she crouched down and started to check for a pulse. "Don't touch him!" warned Zian Da.


Ms. Lim gave a muffled cry, put her hand to her mouth and turned quickly away from the gory scene. Zian Da tried to breathe through his mouth as he stared at Ms Lim and the body on the floor. He turned to the security guard. "Will you please call the police? This looks like something deadly serious."


As the security guard, suddenly shaken awake, realized the gravity of the situation, rushed back into action and hurried over to the Reception Desk, Zian Da whipped out his hand phone and called Xiang Zhe in his room with the information.


When Zian Da's call came through, Xiang Zhe was at that time in the midst of dressing. He had frowned, aware subconsciously of a vague sense of unease niggling inside of him. It has begun a few minutes ago and, thinking something had happened to Shan Mei, he rushed through his morning wash and dressing, wanting to call Shan Mei before she went down to the Restaurant for breakfast.


"What?" Xiang Zhe almost shrieked down the phone. "Dead? Am I hearing this correctly? Zian Da, it's too early in the morning for this kind of joke."


"Xiang Zhe, I'm in no joking mood. Associate Dean Kim is as dead as the fish we had for dinner last night."


The hotel’s owner and management did not have other choice than joint hand in hand with the Police and MBS to reveal the true killer since they were all in the same boat.


By the time Xiang Zhe was down in the Recreation Room, a team from the police homicide squad was crawling all over the place investigating. The library had been turned into the temporary Police Interrogation Room and one after another of the hotel staff moving around the premises was questioned by the local police detective.


Zian Da and Ms. Lim had been ordered by the police detective to stand by so they could interrogate them later. The forensic pathologist was helping the ambulance people get the body onto the stretcher while the fingerprint experts continued to work in the Recreation Room, especially around the area where the corpse was discovered.


Xiang Zhe walked to the window and glanced out into the garden. "The police know who did it?" he quietly asked Zian Da. When no answer was forthcoming, Yin Xiang Zhe quickly surmised the situation and took charge.


"Wake up the whole crew and get them all down here at once." He turned to Ms. Lim who was waiting to be interrogated by the police chief and ordered, "Get your girls down here immediately."



They walked out of the lift and started down the wide, windowed hall that led to the hotel's elegantly rustic lobby, turned a corner and arrived at the Recreation Room. The MBS team crowded around Zian Da, while the girls from the university went straight to Ms. Lim's side, all of them full of worry for the lady who was known around campus as a loyal and trusted aide of Prof. Kim. She looked utterly bereft.


They helped Ms. Lim to the nearest sofa. The fingerprint expert came up to them and suggested they stay out of the recreation room. "I'm still taking finger prints and I won't want any disturbance. Why don't you people go into the Restaurant, have some breakfast and wait to be summoned. I can promise you this is going to be a long day. This is the first time something like this has happened in this hotel. Our Police Chief is taking this matter very seriously." With that advice from the fingerprint expert, the entire MBS group moved to the restaurant. Xiang Zhe was grateful – he really needed a few cups of very, very strong coffee to straighten out his brain.


Since Ms. Lim was the one to enter the Recreation Room and confirm that the corpse was that of AD Kim, the detective from the police homicide squad questioned her first. She was also Professor Kim's 'right hand'.



When the police detective asked her whether she knew why the Professor left the hotel last night and headed to the local club, she said he just mentioned that he needed some fresh air after that day's meeting with the Director of Planning of MBS who happened to be the brother of his late student. She had felt his uneasiness when he divulged the information.


She told the Police the Yin Xiang Jie tragedy. She added that at that time she wasn't yet an employee of the University. She had been working as Prof. Kim's secretary for only 5 years and she found him as an energetic Professor, but lately, she hardly knew him anymore.


The Police asked her to elaborate more on her statement. "Well," Ms. Lim told the police, "I got the job because of my fast reaction. I remembered, at that time of the interview, I was told to wait for my turn to be interviewed. I overheard Prof. Kim yelling to his secretary to locate an old issue of "Time" magazine.


After hearing this I got up from my chair and rushed to the 'Palace' barbershop on University Drive. My Uncle Joon owned this barbershop, and I knew he always kept stacks of old issues of American magazines for his customers to read while waiting for their turn for haircut.


When my turn came for the interview, I gave that special issue of Time magazine to Prof. Kim. He was so delighted, he immediately hired me on the spot."


"Why do you think Prof. Kim was so desperate for this issue of Time magazine?"


"He later told me that there was an article on the best fishing spots around the world. When he had the time, he would love to visit these places."


Then the Police detective questioned, "What did you mean Miss Lim when you said you hardly knew him anymore?"


Miss Lim tried to find words to best describe the feeling.


The detective became impatient and asked another question. "Were you and the late Prof. dating?"


She answered the question in a harsh tone, "I don't shit where I eat."


She informed the police detective of what Prof. Kim did to Zhen Shan Mei's father. The last thing she remembered about him was when he told her that teaching no longer gave him that enthusiastic synergy. Lately, he found it boring, unlike the first time. Now, it was all like just a memorizable pages but seeing those eager eyes from the young students was the reason for him to keep teaching.


And when the police detective asked where she was during that time she said she was feeling unwell after she saw Prof. Kim back to his room, so, she took the medicine and went to bed early. "You can check with the hotel pharmacy about my headache and then with the receptionist about me helping Prof. Kim to his room after he arrived back quite drunk."


"What happened when you saw Prof. Kim into his room?"


"I got him a few hot towels, then gave him a glass of hot tea. After that I wanted to leave, but he pleaded with me to stay back a little while. He wanted to talk to a friend."


"Then ,,,?"


"In a very distressed voice, he rambled on about feeling very unhappy. He had not been able to sleep properly for a long time. He was sick of angling and wanted to give all his fishing gear away. He asked whether I knew of anyone wanting a complete range of fishing rods and equipment. I suggested that he could put up an advertisement in the Students Notice Board. I was sure many students would welcome such good stuff free. He then admitted fishing was the root of his guilt and unhappiness.


Ten years ago when he insisted the students proceed to the rafting site, and ignored the prevailing bad weather reports, he had a selfish agenda. He had heard of some angler sighting a very rare and big type of bass in that river. He wanted to try his luck and see whether he could catch it. If he succeeded, his angler friends and members from the Bass Fishing Club would show him more respect instead of always sneering behind his back.


He did not care for the safety of his students. And because of wanting to one-up on angler Zhen all the time, he betrayed the trust the university board of trustees had placed upon him, by leaking confidential information to another bidder for a contract to build the new library. He regretted his actions, but he couldn't turn back the clock. What was done was done."


"Afterwards …?"


"I tried to soothe him by suggesting that he go off to bed. After a good night's sleep, he should feel much better tomorrow. When he saw me hitting lightly at my head, he asked what was wrong with me. When I told him I had a headache, he apologized for delaying me. He pushed me out of his room, and asked me to take my own advice, about sleeping early." When Ms. Lim finished making the statement, she again began sniffling into her handkerchief. "And that was the last time I saw Prof. Kim alive."


Someone walked into the Library. It was the police chief. He was a small, wiry man with an aura of competence and command. He might be a small-town law enforcer, but he knew his business. "What's going on here?" he sounded dryly annoyed.


Ms. Lim swirled around.


The police detective gave the Chief a rundown on his interrogation and the signed statements he had gathered so far. The Chief rubbed at the frowns on his forehead and began thinking deeply in silence.


"If there's more than one person involved in this thing, it's going to get much more complicated. Yeah, it's a possibility." He gazed hard from under his lashes at the police detective.


"He seems to have no close friends or relatives."


"What about a lover?" asked the police Chief as he turned toward Ms. Lim.


Ms. Lim sniffled into her handkerchief again. "Everyone who knows Prof. Kim at the university says he didn't have a love life. Didn't seem to be interested in women!"


"Men?" The Police Chief questioned.


Ms. Lim shook her head. "Or men, either. All he cared about was staying in his quarters if he was not at the university. One time I went to his house to deliver some important office papers. He was painting a fishing scene."


The two officers laughed between themselves. "Maybe a closet psychopathic killer himself – killing off fishes on the canvas!"


The Chief watched his assistant emerged from the recreation room and started toward him. "Any luck?" the assistant asked, eyeing his boss, the detective, and Ms. Lim in the room.


"No. What about you?"


"I went over every square inch of the grounds, the gardens, even checked the flower beds along the outside of the Recreation Room. Nothing – not even a ghost of a footprint! If the window was smashed from the outside, we didn't find any prints on the outside footpath. Don't forget, it was raining quite heavily last night, yet we weren't able to come up with anything. A criminal mind at work here! I hope we'll be able to find some clues in their bedrooms"


An hour later, after a fruitless search of the gardens and the building premises, one of the police detectives on the case came back to the recreation room to check that the white-chalked outline of the body was still clear and not erased off. He then closed the door of the room, locked it and pocketed the keys.



While Ms. Lim was being interrogated, Yin Xiang Zhe and his MBS team began talking about live coverage on the current situation, in one quiet corner of the almost deserted restaurant. He wanted full coverage on the story, since they were the only TV station right on the spot. Zian Da was supposed to keep an open line with MBS in Seoul so they could have concurrent coverage because a roving reporter from MBS had been dispatched to Seoul National University, to see whether there was any clue leading to Prof. Kim's murder – enemy, etc.


After the MBS crew had gone to set up the necessary things for live and full coverage, Xian Da and Liu Yong Xi stayed behind with Xiang Zhe in the dining room, and from the looks on their faces anyone could tell that they had something to discuss with this young Director of Planning.


"Xiang Zhe, are you insane? What do you have in mind?" Xian Da asked, trying to find some explanations for Xiang Zhe's decision.


"Xiang Zhe, do you know what this means?" Yong Xi added.


Of course to Xiang Zhe, it was like opening up an old wound, and with the full exposure on television, viewers could reach the conclusion that Xiang Zhe could end up being the prime suspect – one with the motive to kill Prof. Kim. In this way, his name and his family's reputation could be flayed and these two senior employees at MBS did not want to dig their own grave.


For Yin Xiang Zhe, this was the point of no return. After his brother died, although his major was Business Administration, he loved to read and collect John Grisham' books like The Firm, The Chamber, A Time To Kill and many others. He wanted to know and understand about Law but in popular language. He wanted so badly for Prof. Kim to be punished with capital punishment, "an eye for an eye", or perhaps the humiliation in front of the public would be enough, and sometimes the judgment from public was more cruel than the death sentence itself.


He remembered yesterday afternoon at the preliminary Introduction meeting, not only were the students' attention especially focused on him, but the late Prof. Kim had paid special attention on him too. Xiang Zhe could feel uneasiness eating at the professor, when he mentioned his name with additional "Yin Xiang Jie's brother".


Xiang Zhe wanted to know how Prof. Kim got his reprieve; he wanted the MBS broadcasting system to become a reliable source for one who valued justice and truth. For many, may be he was just another spoiled brat from upper class society who sought sensation and publicity. In truth, he wanted the public to know what kind of man Prof. Kim was, his real character and above all, he wanted MBS to reveal the killer to the public. It was not just about the minorities and the poor, justice involved for all.


"Just do it! Ok ?" he ordered.


In particular, he wanted to know which lawyer represented Prof. Kim when his brother died because he/she should be good if this lawyer could help Prof. Kim escape his father's lawyer.


The two seniors left the room in hesitation, although they nodded their heads in front of him as an agreement to his explanation. Kim Xian Da decided to call Mr. Chairman regarding the situation that happened in the hotel, and Liu Yong Xi could not agree more At that moment, Xiang Zhe called Zian Da back but waved Yong Xi on to carry out her duties.



Bad news traveled fast, according to an age-old adage. Reporters from Seoul and the surrounding regions had arrived by helicopters and converged around the hotel.


As soon as Xiang Zhe emerged with Zian Da from the Restaurant, he realized that he was surrounded by a handful of reporters. Microphones and minicams were everywhere. A camera was suddenly thrust into his face.


"Director Yin, how long have you known Prof. Kim?" A hard-eyed reporter held up a microphone.


"Is it true you never forgave Prof. Kim for the accidental death of your elder brother?"


"Is it true you used this Training Clinic as an excuse to get close to Prof. Kim?" another reporter demanded.


"What does Prof. Kim's death mean to you?"


"Do you feel justice has finally been meted out?"


Xiang Zhe looked at the man who asked the last question. "No comment!"


"What does this mean?"


"This means," Xiang Zhe said calmly as he and Zian Da forged a path through the throng, "that MBS have a job to do at Mt. Seorak. We are in the midst of putting out a comprehensive live coverage on events leading up to the time of discovery of Prof. Kim's body, so viewers can have a true picture of the situation here."


"Do you hope to sway viewers' sympathy towards your family's situation?"


"There'll be no need for such a thing. We will be honest in our reporting. And now, if you'll excuse us, we have a lot of work to do."


"But, Director Yin, ……"


"Gentlemen, there will be no further questions, please. When they are ready, the police will issue a statement. In the meantime while you people are here, if you happen to come across something interesting relating to this case, please liaise with us so we can include your findings in our reporting. Of course, credit will be given to you," Zian Da said swiftly. He quickly finished carving out a path through the swirling reporters for Xiang Zhe. After that, they quickly disappeared into the MBS makeshift tent where the MBS crew had camped out.


Chapter 5

By Nenggeulis


The MBS crew who had arrived for the Training Clinic was set to work, linking up with MBS headquarters to bring live coverage of the murder of Associate Dean Kim Moon Soo of Seoul National University to viewers.


Programme Supervisor Kim Zian Da was still trying to talk Xiang Zhe out of live coverage, worried of repercussions for the station, resurrecting the drowning tragedy 10 years ago of the Yin heir, Yin Xiang Jie, who was supposedly groomed to take over the running of the station. Viewers might reach wrong conclusion that the present Director of Planning could be implicated in the murder case.


Burying his face in an open palm, Xiang Zhe seemed to be praying for a moment. When he lifted his head, he smiled thinly. "Do go on, Zian Da. You were saying?"


"Great. I can just see the headlines – MBS Heir Suspected of Murder, or MBS Heir is Prime Murder Suspect because He Has Motive. Xiang Zhe, that kind of publicity will certainly hurt the ratings of the station."


Xiang Zhe glared at Zian Da. "Do you really believe I care about the adverse publicity? What I want is unbiased, candid reporting. Truth will prevail." There was a short, brittle pause. Xiang Zhe's earlier wry smile disappeared from his face. "Zian Da, the matter is out of our control here."


When Xiang Zhe would not listen to advice, Zian Da immediately phoned Yin Senior in Seoul giving him a rundown of the latest happenings, including Xiang Zhe's plan for live coverage. A pack of reporters from other newspapers had already arrived at the hotel.



"Zian Da, what do you mean that you think Xiang Zhe's decision of doing live coverage from Seorak isn't such a good one?" Yin Senior asked from the back seat of the limousine. He was on his way to his lawyer's office when Zian Da's call came through from Mt. Seorak.


Zian Da's jaw tightened. "The whole scenario is quite scary, I admit. To be honest, I'm more concerned about the murder case than Xiang Zhe. The type of coverage that Xiang Zhe has in mind may open up a whole can of worms. He seems like a man on a vendetta. "


"What are the police doing about the case?" Yin Senior demanded.


"They are doing the best they can do. The police chief here in this mountain town is a man named Han. He's very nice and very earnest, but the fact is, he's got a small force and it's not exactly high-tech or state-of-the-art. Today's homicide case, I suspect, completely overwhelmed him."


"I think I'll talk to the Chief Police Officer (CPO) here in Seoul. The future of my son is in question. I'll ask him to go with me to Seorak and help with the investigation. My wife and I, together with our lawyer, will arrive at Seorak by helicopter in 3 hours' time. How's Xiang Zhe coping?"


"Mr. Chairman, I'm so relieved to hear that you intend to arrive soon. I don't know how the police got wind of Xiang Jie's accidental death so many years ago. On the surface, it looks as if Xiang Zhe has a motive for killing Associate Dean Kim. Naturally, since the time of the murder has been established by the pathologist as past midnight, Xiang Zhe of course was already in his room asleep. In fact, we were all already in bed by that time."


"Just don't let the paparazzi get too close to Xiang Zhe. Let him know that we'll be arriving soon."


"Yes, Mr. Chairman." After Zian Da hung up the phone he went in search of Xiang Zhe.



Back in the restaurant where the students had gathered, no one spoke. They all looked badly shaken by the incident. Suddenly, Zhao Di cried, "Did this thing happen to Prof. Kim because we played Cluedo?"


Shan Mei continued, "We shouldn't have played it. Thinking back, the idea was quite scary."


"Well, we did it, so what!" Ying Mei snapped back. "I really hate her, first for she always have the best things in her life and secondly for exaggerating the scariness of Cluedo" Ying Mei convinced herself although it was Zhao Di, and not Shan Mei, who had dithered about the board game, Cluedo.


Ying Mei then continued aloud, "The one who murdered Mr. Kim must be an outsider, since I've noticed that broken window and glass debris were spread inside the recreation room when we first entered the room this morning."


At that moment, Ms. Lim walked into the Restaurant. She appeared to be badly shaken. Shan Mei immediately ran forward and helped Ms. Lim to a chair at their table. The waiter lolling around the dining room came with a pot of fresh, steaming hot coffee. Shan Mei looked at him gratefully.


When her composure returned, Ms. Lim, staring at them blankly, only said, "None of us are allowed to leave the hotel grounds, and please do not start to talk randomly to the reporters who arrived this morning. You girls should know how good these reporters are at twisting facts around. Let the MBS crew do their reporting. Try to help whenever or wherever they allow you. Take this opportunity as some kind of learning experience." The eight students huddled around the table, taking slow, quiet sips of their coffee.



"Good morning, Mr. Kim," the police detective handling the interrogation greeted Kim Zian Da as he indicated to a chair across the table in front of him.


Zian Da returned the greeting, then sat down, waiting for the detective to start his grilling.


The detective looked over Zian Da carefully. The man appeared calm, but cautious. "So, Mr. Kim, Ms. Lim told me earlier that you arrived on the scene only a few minutes after her. Is this correct?"




"Did Ms. Lim ask you to meet her in the Recreation Room this morning?"


"No. I received a call in my room on the 6th floor from the hotel receptionist on duty. She was the one who told me to hurry down to the Recreation Room. An accident had occurred."


"Were you alone in your room?"




"How well do you know Prof. Kim?"


"Not well at all, I'm afraid. Before this training clinic, I've only heard of him."




"When Ms. Lim faxed to me, about a week ago, a list of the participants from the University for this training clinic, so our office could make the necessary hotel reservation."


"I understand MBS is in charge of the Training Clinic for some students from Seoul National University. The group arrived yesterday sometime in the morning and had a full day of activities. Correct?"




"Any night time training activity last night?"


"No. After dinner, the students had free time, but they were given assignments to prepare for this morning's case study session."


"I understand you all gathered in the Recreation Room after dinner?"


"Yes. The students gathered around the large game table and played a board game known as Cluedo. Myself and the MBS crew joined in as well."


"All night?"


"Not all night. We stopped playing around 10.30, 10.45 p.m."


"Anyone missing from the group?"


"Well ……MBS Director of Planning, Director Yin Xiang Zhe, and a university student, Miss Zhen Shan Mei. Prof. Kim did not join in the activities too.


"Were these three people together?"


"No, as far as I can tell. Director Yin and Miss Zhen went for a drive. I don't know where Prof. Kim went to, but he was not with us."


"What time did you leave the recreation room?"


"We were informed the hotel elevator would stop running from midnight for maintenance. So we stopped playing and returned to our rooms at around 11 p.m."


"Did you notice anything abnormal in the room when you left?"




"Did anyone stay behind?"


"No. I saw everyone out before switching off the lights in the room.

I closed the door behind me when I left."


"You went straight back to your room?"


"Well …. I returned to my room but stayed only a few minutes. I went to the corner suite on the 6th floor where our Director Yin was staying. I wanted to have a drink with him."


"Was Director Yin back in his room already?"


"Yes. When I joined him, he was already in his sitting room having a whiskey."


"What time was that?"


"I'd say around 5 minutes past 11."


"He was alone in his suite?"


"No. The hotel janitor was in the bathroom fixing a leaking faucet."


"Did you see the janitor?"


"No, but I heard tinkering noises coming from the bathroom. That was when I asked Mr. Yin about the noises and he told me the janitor was in there."


"So you did not see any person. You only heard about the janitor from Director Yin. What time did you leave Director Yin's room?"


"I only stayed 10 minutes. Director Yin looked tired. I didn't want to disturb his rest."


"Did you hear anything, like someone moving around, outside your room during the night?"


"Yes and No. When I returned to my room I was so tired, I fell asleep almost immediately. But I was subconsciously aware of some unfamiliar sounds going on because I knew the janitor had stopped the elevator on our floor and did the regular maintenance work to the elevator. So I was not worried at all. I must say this mountain air is very refreshing and relaxing. I slept very soundly and only woke up when I received the call from the receptionist this morning before 6 a.m."


"So, what happened when you arrived at the scene?"


"I saw Miss Lim standing in one corner of the room over a dark, shadowy bulk. The hotel security guard and cleaning maid were with her. The room was brightly lit so I switched on all the lights in the hallway as well and walked further into the room toward them."




"I asked Miss Lim what was going on. She was standing there like zombie unable to say anything. I noticed a lifeless body on the floor. He looked like Prof. Kim. At once, I ordered the security guard, who had been standing there too stunned to move, to call the police immediately. After that, I phone Director Yin asking him to hurry down to the Recreation Room."


"Why did you call Director Yin?"


"Director Yin is the most senior member of MBS on the premises. Since MBS is the one sponsoring the Training Clinic, in a way MBS is responsible for the entire group. So, in my humble opinion, Director Yin has the right to be aware of what's going on. He'll eventually be the one to answer questions from the press on behalf of MBS."


The detective nodded his head in silent acceptance. He quickly recapped with Zian Da what he had said during the interrogation. When Zian Da agreed in general that was the gist of his answers, he signed his statement and before he left the room, the detective reminded him that he might be called back again for another interrogation.


Before Zian Da returned to the MBS makeshift tent, he strolled over to a quiet corner in the gardens, lit up a cigarette. As he smoked, he wondered what the hell was going on. This was not the first time MBS had sponsored a Training Clinic for the students from Seoul National University. In fact, it was at such a training clinic a few years back, that MBS managed to evaluate the performance of Liu Yong Xi and when she graduated, she was offered a position with the television station. MBS had been doing this for years, making sure they had first review of the students' potential. Many employees in the various departments of MBS were recruited this way and had worked out very well within their ranks. Why should this time be any different? But it was, bringing with it troubles beyond his wildest imaginings.


Was it because Xiang Zhe was part of the team? Oh dear, speaking of Xiang Zhe, he had to let him know what happened at the interrogation session with that sour-faced detective. Zian Da crushed out his cigarette and hurried off in search of Xiang Zhe.



After Ms. Lim had a sip of her coffee, she felt calmer and then she remembered a message she was supposed to pass on. "Zhao Di, the detective wants to see you. He's waiting for you in the Library."


Next on the list for interrogation was Zhao Di. Of course she was nervous like hell when she was asked to sit down and answer some questions. The questions were almost similar to those posed to the other students.


Zhao Di, being a blabber mouth, said more than she was supposed to, and when she started talking, the detective in the room could not shut her up. She went on to talk about Prof. Kim's habits, the few friends he had around the campus and his almost non-existent social life apart from his obsession with fishing. "Detective, if you want to know how a recluse lived, you should ask Ms. Lim to describe the life of Prof. Kim. He was Recluse No. 1, if ever there was one on campus. I had never seen him sharing a bottle of soju with anybody in the canteen. If you want my opinion, he was pathetic!


"You just mentioned fishing. Did Prof. Kim ever organize any fishing trips for the students?"


"I haven't heard about any. Even if he did, I'm sure no one would go. We've enough of him during school hours, we don't want to spend more time than necessary with him."


"So you mean to say you don't like him?"


"Hey, I never said that. I don't find him amusing that's all."


"What about the other students. Anyone, in your mind, disliked Prof. Kim?"


"Well, I can think of at least two of my classmates. They really hated him because he was forever trying to underscore them on their assignment papers for the subjects he taught. In fact, he tried to underscore mine one time, but my father hauled him into the Dean's office and gave him a dressing down."


"So, do you think these two classmates have a motive to harm Prof. Kim?"


"Even if they had, they wouldn't be able to do it. They are presently participating in another Training Clinic sponsored by the Chosoon Publishing Group." Zhao Di gave the detective an innocent grin after she said that.


The Detective looked at her glumly, thinking angrily that the gregarious girl was cheeky. After leading her on with a few more questions, he found her answers juvenile in substance and no help at all. Zhao Di, with her scatter-brained and frank disposition, didn't look anything or talk like a killer.


What a waste of time. Zhao Di went searching for Shan Mei and Ying Mei and told them that the police detective wanted to see them.


Chapter 6

By Nenggeulis


As they walked along towards the Recreation Room, Ying Mei tugged at Shan Mei's hand and advised her not tell the detective of her father's relationship with Prof. Kim. Ying Mei felt a sense of triumph when she noticed that Shan Mei looked shocked. Shan Mei's eyes were questioning Ying Mei, "How do you know about my father's relationship with Prof. Kim?" Suddenly Shan Mei darted an irritated glance at Zhao Di who had decided to walk with them. Zhao Di's face become dark and frightened and she felt extremely uncomfortable. She realized she had betrayed a confidence with her blabber mouth!


As Shan Mei made her way to the library she did not show any nervousness.


Shan Mei took her time to walk down the hall slowly, enjoying the time to reminisce of her time with Xue Zhang last night. She immediately felt better. She recalled the events after last night's simple celebration of their one month anniversary. She could not help asking her beau the true reason of his sudden appearance at Seorak. He answered her questions with a multiple choice of reasons.


1. because he was missing her terribly

2. he could not stand to be away from her that long

3. in order to protect her from the horrible beast

4. to make a peace with his own mind

5. because he liked her a lot


Hearing his sweet answers made her heart jump to seventh heaven, but she could not help laughing by his reason of protecting her from the horrible beast. She asked casually, "What beast?"


"Hey, don't laugh, my little Princess. This beautiful nature surrounding can be dangerous sometimes." Shan Mei saw a savage grimace crossed his face. She could see the change in his face after he said those words – it seemed like he was hiding something from her.


"Xue Zhang, are you okay?" She could not resist asking as if she wanted to wipe away his worries.


He took her hand and enveloped her in his warm embrace, inhaled her sweet fragrance, and murmured, "Please, be careful when you have out door activities tomorrow."


She pushed him away from her and looked at his face in puzzlement. He grinned and patted her head with tenderness. His arms dropped away from her and taking a deep breath, he glanced at her and saw that she was waiting for some explanation.


He smiled a little and turned his face to look up into the sky above, as if he was considering something carefully. Finally he decided to share his secret with her. "Hmm, actually, your faculty outing team leader Prof. Kim…," he paused, not sure how to finish his statement.


He continued to look at her in silence. He heard she say, "Yes, what about Prof. Kim …?" She waited and after releasing a long sigh, he told her about the accident that happened to his beloved brother XiangJie. With misty eyes, he told her everything he felt. She saw his eyes closed several times and her eyes too began to go misty. Finally she couldn't stop the tears from flowing – like a river – she occasionally wiping away the tears with the back of her hand.


"Xue Zhang, I am sorry." And that was all she could say after hearing the whole story about his brother's tragedy. "Xue Zhang, can … can I hold you ?" In her hesitation and compassionate gesture at least that was all she could offer. Words weren't needed anymore.


Just as the three of them neared the library, Shan Mei's hand phone rang. She jolted from her daydream. She flipped open the cover and answered. It was her Xue Zhang. Shan Mei began smiling as soon as she heard his voice.


"Shan Mei, are you alright? Just keep calm and do not panic or become nervous when the detective questions you. Remember, I'm always here for you. All you have to do is call me, understand? Zian Da told me the detective was very nice when he was interviewed." What a boyfriend, Ying Mei, who standing next to Shan Mei, thought enviously.



The interrogation took place in the library, which had been transformed into a semi dark police office. Shan Mei never had anything to do with police business before. She never did any misconduct. The only crime she ever committed was skipping classes with her friends Zhao Di and Xu Ying Mei to go shopping.


She stepped into the room hesitantly. She looked around and found a pair of eyes fixed on her sharply.


"Ms. Zhen Shan Mei?" the detective questioned as he bade her to the chair in front of him.


Shan Mei nodded. "Please, take a seat," the detective continued as he took a blank sheet from a stack of papers.


"Miss Zhen, you are staying in Room 412?"




"Sharing with someone?"


"Yes. My room mate is also my best friend in class, Zhao Di."


"Obviously you know Prof. Kim quite well since you have been studying at Seoul National University for 4 years already. What do you think of him?"


"He was okay although he could be quite strict at times."


"Ever been real strict with you?"


"Some times. But I took that as a good sign. Showed that he cared about our progress. He really wanted all of us to do well. After all, he had a lot of experience in the academic world."


"Were you ever angry with him?"


"Not angry I would say. Frustrated, yes. Many times I thought I did exceptionally well on an assignment paper, yet I didn't rate the score that I thought I deserved. I've approached him a few times about this and he simply told me I should work harder."


"Do you think he had any enemies at the university?"


"I really wouldn't know. After class hours, I seldom stay around the campus and join in any extra-curricular activities unless Prof. Kim insisted it was a compulsory class activity to be graded."


"Were you in your room all night last night?"


"Yes. I returned to my room at 10.45, took my shower and waited for my roommate to return so we could start preparing our assignment for the next day."


"What time did your roommate return?"


"Zhao Di came back at about 11 p.m."


"Any one on your floor you heard walking around after midnight?"


Shan Mei screwed up her face and concentrated on thinking. Finally, she shook her head and said, "No. We were too busy discussing our points that I did not hear anything. We did not go to bed till around 2 a.m. If someone near us had made a noise, I would have heard it."


"Are you nervous being questioned by the police?"


"A bit because I've never had any dealings with the police," Shan Mei answered cautiously, wondering what the police detective was leading up to.


"I'm also a bit scared remaining up here at Mt. Seorak because my other good friend has her own theory on the murder case."


"This is most interesting. And who, may I ask, is this good friend and what is her theory?"


"She's Xu Ying Mei and she is staying in Room 414, right next to ours." Shan Mei then informed them about her friend's theory regarding this murder case.


A policeman, wearing a trench coat over his suit, walked in. He must be some big shot because the detective stood up and gave the man a polite nod. "Good morning, Boss."


"So, Detective," the 'Boss' asked as he dumped some things on one end of the table, "how is the interrogation of the suspects coming along?"


Shan Mei's heart tripped. It’s beating sped up, and she was sure one of the two men beside her could hear it. She struggled to breathe naturally.


"About as well as could be expected," the detective answered without being specific.


"Hope we get the murderer soon. Here's the murder weapon in the plastic bag. We also found a crumpled up piece of paper, which appeared to be some kind of message in Prof. Kim's room. Sgt. 2257 will be here very soon to collect these items and deliver them to the forensic dept."


The detective nodded his head in understanding. He then turned his attention back to Shan Mei. "Miss Zhen, I am given to understand that your father and Prof. Kim have a long standing grudge of some kind. This grudge came to a head when bidding was called for the construction of the university library building."


Both the police chief and the detective looked carefully at Shan Mei when she answered hesitantly. "Ye..s, there was supposed to be an age-old grudge. It happened long ago in their Fishing Club. My Pa was not angry with Prof. Kim when the building contract was awarded to another contractor. After all, Pa told me he didn't lose anything. Time was the only thing he invested in the project, doing the preliminary research and costing. In fact, he wanted to invite Prof. Kim to a fishing trip to thank him. During the course of the research, Pa met up with several old friends, and because of this, several new profitable contracts came his way. If he had undertaken construction of the new library wing, he would have done it at a loss, just because I was a student of that university. Sir, you didn't think that I would kill Prof. Kim for something so negligent? After all, I had nothing to do with Prof. Kim in the bidding deal. I'm surprised at you!"


The police chief, after hearing her explanation, just nodded in agreement. "Miss Zhen, you misunderstood us. We are carrying out an investigation. We have to cover all grounds. Nothing to worry about if you had not done anything wrong. Anyway, you have been most cooperative and we thank you." After that, they released her and told her they would call her again if necessary.


After Shan Mei left the interrogation room, the detective looked at the police chief and said, "Boss, Zhen Shan Mei has a rock-solid alibi for the entire time that the murder was supposed to be committed."


"What is it and did it really cover the time from 12 midnight to 2 a.m.? Forensic confirmed the murder was committed between 12 midnight and 1.30 a.m., right?"


"She and her classmate, the one sharing the hotel room with her, were together working on some assignment they were asked to hand in the next day – something about intellectual games to evaluate industry practices. They had their notes in their laptops to prove it."


"Detective, have you spoken to this Yin fellow yet? Bet he could give you some interesting information."



"I have him scheduled later after lunch. I want to watch the special report MBS is pushing out on the lunch time news. I only have one more girl to interview. After that I'll start grilling that top gun from MBS. He looked arrogant." The detective shook his head about a few times then shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know but that guy just rubs me the wrong way. Something just doesn't gel here."


The police chief let off a loud hoot. "Junior, the only things that are rubbing you the wrong way are very obvious. He's rich, young, well educated, extremely presentable and damn good looking -- all the things you have wanted to be ever since you were a young boy. Something doesn't gel because you're wondering why is someone who has everything be carrying a 10 year old grudge around." He gave a heavy slap on the detective's wide shoulder, then sauntered out of the room and made his way to the MBS makeshift tent, to see what Yin Xiang Zhe and the MBS crew were up to.



When Xu Ying Mei entered the Interrogation Room, the detective indicated a chair to her. He asked the same questions he had posed to the other students. When she was asked how she felt about Prof. Kim, Ying Mei said that she was not too impressed with Prof. Kim as a lecturer; he might have been a good administrator.


"I'm baffled, Ms. Xu. One of your friends told us of your interesting theory about the murder. She said, according to your theory, the killer could be an outsider, not a hotel guest. Why do you think that way?"


Xu Ying Mei then explained she arrived at that conclusion from what little she saw when she was at the Recreation Room briefly that morning.


"Miss Xu, what other interesting deductions have you come up with since you have a whole morning in the restaurant to ask around. Maybe I should hand this case over to you," the detective said sarcastically. "You already seem to know so much. Much more than I do, and I wonder why?"


"I told you, it began with Cluedo!" Ying Mie started to cry.


"Don't give me that nonsense. Cluedo is just a game," the detective answered back in a harsh tone.


"So, what is your real opinion about Prof. Kim?" This time the detective persisted in a firm voice. "I want the truth."


"Well, I told you before, didn't I?"


"Nothing more?"


Ying Mei tried to answer the detective's question in as calm a voice as possible. "No more – no less; I want to be honest."


"At this training clinic your other friends had to prepare their assignments for the next day. Were you and your team mate doing the same thing last night?"


"I like to work by myself; I could never stand working in a team or with another student. In this way I can control everything."


"So, you like to be in control. Did you manage to finish your assignment?"




"What time did you go to bed then?"


"Round about 11.30. I was so tired, I fell asleep almost instantly."


"And you shared Room 414 with your classmate?"




"Since you have been working on theories, do you have any idea why Prof. Kim was in the recreation room last night? He wasn't there when you guys were in there playing your game or when you left, right?"


"He wasn't there when we were in there. May be he heard a strange noise later, after we had left, coming from the recreation room and he wanted to make sure that it wasn't any threatening or dangerous."


"You don't think maybe he wanted to meet some one in there," asked the detective.


Ying Mei laughed caustically. "The only one who would meet him would be his right hand, Miss Lim. She didn't mind being at his beck and call."


"Ms. Xu, sorry to bother you, but allow me to ask you one more question."


"What else?" Ying Mei choked out.


"Since you have been so sure right from the beginning that an outsider was involved in this homicide," the detective began drawling, "what about looking at the situation from a different angle. Any idea whether any one from within the hotel or your group was involved?"


Ying Mei looked slightly shocked. She didn't say anything.


"Yes, Ms. Xu, someone in this hotel, may be more than one person and may be someone you know."


Seeing her face screwed up in thinking, the detective clarified the position better. "No, not the hotel's employees and not Ms. Lim."


The detective went on. "Maybe you are trying to convince yourself not one of your friends could be a killer. You're all sensible, grown-up kids."


Ying Mei felt vulnerable – the detective had read her mind so accurately.


"Director Yin and Miss Zhen Shan Mei are very close. Is there a possibility they might have acted together. You know, Miss Zhen's father has a grudge against Prof. Kim, and Mr. Yin's elder brother died indirectly because of a wrong decision taken by Prof. Kim. What do you think?"


The detective continued with his prodding. "The way I see it, yes, there's a strong possibility the two of them could be partners in crime like Bonnie and Clyde. Can you see anything there?"


The detective kept questioning Ying Mei and when she refused to answer or offered a suggestion, he became quite incensed and frustrated.


"Ms. Xu, we called you in here to answer questions and not sit there acting dumb," the detective scolded with impatience.


"You are aware that Director Yin and Ms. Zhen have a special relationship?" he repeated the question and Ying Mei didn't deny it.


"Try to picture this: they went to Director Yin's room and planned it carefully, their idea began to evolve when they saw the murder weapon handily available in the recreation room. Most probably Prof. Kim heard strange noises in the recreation room and went to investigate. When he entered the room, he saw the glass debris, he squatted down to check. In that instance he was hit with something heavy from the back. Director Yin departed from the room and together with Ms. Zhen, they quickly returned to their rooms and slept soundly till morning."


The detective eyed Ying Mei closely. "Strange that no finger prints were found at the scene of the crime? Weird, isn't it?"


Ying Mei nodded her head in agreement. Finally, she said, in a deliberately slow voice, "Very interesting deduction. I had wondered whether the murder did in fact happen the way you described it, except I don't agree that they discussed their plans in Director Yin's room. This would have aroused attention. They might have worked out all the details when the two of them went for a drive earlier in the night."


"Yes, Miss Xu, you have a valid point there. I liked hearing your views on this." The interview ended and the detective told Ying Mei not to stray from the hotel grounds. He would call her back for another interview. He had found her 'theories' very interesting and helpful.


When Ying Mei left the interrogation room, she felt somewhat bemused. She had finally said out what had been eating at her jealous heart – she had got stupid Zhen Shan Mei and that obscenely rich and handsome Director Yin pushed into a corner, simply by agreeing with the detective's assumptions and dropping a few hints.


Zhao Di ran forward to greet Ying Mei as soon as she entered the dining room and asked whether the interrogation went well. Ying Mei didn't say anything, she simply brushed by Zhao Di and found a corner seat for herself. She didn't have enough courage to look Shan Mei directly in the face.


Chapter 7


When it was time for Xiang Zhe to go to the library for his interview with the detective, Shan Mei walked along with him to keep him company.


"Xue Zhang?" she whispered helplessly.


"It's going to be okay." He touched her hand gently and turned his gaze downwards. "I'll see you later back at the restaurant."


"I won't go back. I'll wait here for you outside the library."


"What about the Training Clinic?"


"You think it's still on when every MBS staff member on the premises is busy with the live broadcasting?"


Shan Mei sat in one of the two big sofas along one wall of the hallway with her hands clenched in her lap, telling herself she must not give in to tears again. Xue Zhang was going to be okay.


Xiang Zhe turned away, but not before Shan Mei glimpsed the weary pain in his eyes.


"Xue Zhang, my dear Xue Zhang." He did not hear her rise from her seat, but Shan Mei was suddenly behind him, her arms going around his waist. She hugged him with a fierce protectiveness, as if she could banish forever from his mind the sight of his elder brother's dead body when it was fished out of the river.


"You thought I might question your integrity?" Shan Mei asked sadly. She was appalled at the workings of his mind. "I believe in you whole-heartedly."


"Thank you, Shan Mei," Xiang Zhe whispered softly as he reluctantly loosened her arms. He continued to walk forward and entered the library, and the police detective waiting inside rose to his feet as a gesture of courtesy. He also used this time to observe this young gentleman carefully. At the same time, he flipped through the pile of statements he had so far gathered, that was on the table.


For Xiang Zhe, this was the first time he was put under police interrogation. He tried not to look nervous, even though his stomach felt as if butterflies were running riot in it. As he came into the room and approached the table, he acknowledged the detective's courtesy with a polite nod. The detective smiled reassuringly and indicated to him the chair.


The detective already had in his possession a police profile on Xiang Zhe, from the Police Headquarters in Seoul. From Mr. Kim Zian Da's statement, he already gathered some information that Yin Xiang Zhe was not there among the students when they were in the Recreation Room. The profile from Headquarters also included several pages about the rafting accident of his late brother. The television set in the library also showed more in-depth reporting of the connection between Yin family and Prof. Kim.


"Director Yin, I am given to understand that you arrived on the scene of the murder shortly after the body of Prof. Kim was discovered. What did you see?"


"I saw what the others who were already there saw. I walked around and noticed broken shards of glass on the floor. I also noticed a broken window. The situation looked serious, so I told the receptionist to wake up my MBS team, as well as the students from the university. Gave instructions for them to dress and hurry down."




"I guess they should know what had happened. And, when the police arrived and needed information, maybe some of them could provide answers."


"Director Yin, did you know this Prof. Kim when he was alive?"


"Yes. But not very well. You most probably knew from our MBS reporting since you have the television on and I notice it's tuned to MBS channel, that Prof. Kim was the lecturer who conducted an outdoor activity for the students from the Seoul University, ten years ago. During this outing, my brother was lost in the raging waters of the river, and several weeks later his dead body was found trapped among some rocks. At that time, I was very young but the dreadful accident had left a deep scar in my memory."


"I'm sorry. After that mishap, did you ever try to make contact with Prof. Kim?"


"No. After that traumatic experience for my family, my father sent me out of Seoul, to continue my studies in England. I only returned to Seoul not more than two months ago."


"What about after your return?"


"No contact. I've tried to forget the incident. Only the pain is still buried inside my heart."


"How did you know Prof. Kim would be joining the training clinic?"


"I did not until my friend, who is a participant in this training clinic, told me that this training clinic would be led by Prof. Kim and his right hand, Ms. Lim."


"When you heard this news, did you decide to use this chance to avenge your brother's death?"


"Nothing so dramatic or sinister," Xiang Zhe snorted a soft laugh. "I simply wanted to be with my friend. We haven't seen each other for a few years. Now that I'm back in Seoul, I wanted to make up for lost time. When I heard that she would be participating in this training clinic, I asked myself why don't I use this opportunity to spend time with my friend and also see how my MBS crew worked while they have an outdoor activity"


"Where did you go last night? I understand you were not part of the group amusing themselves in the recreation room?


"I was out for a drive with a friend."


"I presume this friend is Miss Zhen Shan Mei?"




"Did you meet Prof. Kim while you were out for your drive?"


"No. The only time I met him was when he introduced me to the students at the Introductory Meeting yesterday afternoon. He recognized me as the younger brother of his former student, the very dead Yin Xiang Jie."


At that moment, before the detective could ask his next question, the police chief opened the door to the room. The detective stood up immediately and walked around the table to meet his boss.


Xiang Zhe swirled around in his seat and his stiff back relaxed somewhat when he heard some commotion behind him.


Entering the room with the police chief was a group consisting of his parents, their lawyer and an imposing-looking man he recognized vaguely as the Chief Police Officer for the whole of Seoul's Metropolitan district. Xiang Zhe arose from his seat immediately and went up to his parents. His mother was hugging him and running her hands over his face, to make sure he was okay.


The police detective who had earlier worn the look of a hunting hound on the scent of a rabbit was not pleased with this interruption. He felt he was making some headway with his interrogation with this Director Yin. Although the Director gave a persona of calmness on the surface, the detective knew that he was almost cracking up with inner nervousness.


Outside on the hallway, Shan Mei sitting on the sofa knew a part of her had hoped against hope that when the interrogation deepened, Xue Zhang could extricate himself even without an alibi, but it seemed that police detective was not prepared to loosen up on his grilling. When she saw a group of important-looking people walking into the interrogation room, she felt some reprieve coming Xue Zhang's way. She clasped her hands together and mouthed a silent prayer of thanks.


Xiang Zhe turned back to stare at the detective in stunned amazement. "Sir, my lawyer has just arrived from Seoul." Relieved that he finally had access to legal representation, Xiang Zhe felt the cold tension in his gut unknot.


The local police chief introduced the detective to the Chief Police Officer. He asked the detective, "How's the interrogation coming along?"


Taking into consideration the seniority ranking of this officer, the detective kept quiet and only gave a gentle shrug.


The local police chief then gave a brief update of the case to the CPO.



"So, Forensic had confirmed that the time of death was between 12 midnight and 1.30 a.m. So what's the problem?"


The detective looked silently at his boss, who gave a brief nod of his head.


"Well, Sir, I was just going to establish whether Director Yin was away from his room, at any time, during those hours. It was important to clarify this point, because Director Yin seemed to be the only here at Seorak with a motive for ……."


The rest of the detective's sentence was left unsaid when the CPO shot him a cold, icy stare that froze his words before they left his mouth. "Detective Han, be careful with your choice of words. We don't want to be slapped with a defamation lawsuit when this case is over. What about the other hotel guests?" the CPO asked carefully.


"Well," the detective began carefully, "the main group staying at the hotel was the MBS group. There were 4 other foreign guests – Americans – and after I talked to them, primarily to ask whether they heard anything around the hotel between the hours of midnight and two, they confirmed they heard nothing neither did they know who Prof. Kim was. They left this morning to continue their tour to Daejon, but they left their forwarding addresses just in case we need to contact them again."


The CPO standing by the table began trifling through a stack of papers. "These the statements from those you have interrogated already?"


"Yes, Sir."


"So, Detective, your only grouse with Director Yin here is he is not able to prove that he did not stray from his room the whole of last night."


Just then, a soft buzz and vibration came from Xiang Zhe's hand phone. "Excuse me, Sir," he smiled sheepishly, "a message alert." After his apology, he retrieved his phone from the breast pocket of his jacket. It was a SMS message reminder.


Xiang Zhe regarded the chief solemnly. "Oh, a SMS message was sent to my hand phone at 12.30 a.m. this morning. I was already fast asleep by that time, no wonder I was not aware of this message. There's no caller identification." He walked over to the CPO and showed him the message highlighted on the hand phone display screen.


The CPO took the hand phone from Xiang Zhe and read out the message: WAIT FOR YOU LATER AT THE RECREATION ROOM AT 12.15 A.M. COME.


"Hold it right there." The police chief said as he folded his hands on the table and leaned forward. "Are you trying to tell us that some bastard deliberately SMS'd you so if you received the message and was curious enough, you would get your butt down to the Recreation Room at about the time of the murder? Walking through the lobby, you would be in full view of the receptionist and the hotel security guard?"


"I suppose that was the implication, wasn't it? The real culprit wanted me at the scene of the crime, didn't he?"


"Director Yin, you think just because I'm stationed at a laid-back out-of-the-way police station that doesn't see real action on a daily basis, you can fool me into believing an anonymous SMS message, sent so conveniently, could let you off the hook? You want us to believe the one who sent the message could not be you?"


Xiang Zhe opened his mouth, clearly to defend himself, but stopped just as a policeman who had stood guard outside the Library, hurried into the room and told the police chief that the hotel's servicing janitor accompanied by the hotel’s manager wanted to see him urgently.


The CPO shot out an arm and in an authoritative voice snapped, "Han, no assumptions here. I want to deal with real facts. Get this hand phone back to the network and let their IT wizards trace the message source. And get the paper message found in Prof. Kim's room back here. I want these to be sent to Seoul, the hand phone to the Network for unscrambling and the paper message to the forensic document examiner in Seoul to identify the author of the message."


Yin Senior who had been sitting on the side, next to his wife, immediately sprang into action. "Yes, Brother, I agree 100% with what you said. My helicopter is waiting, on standby, ready to leave for Seoul any minute.


When all this was said, the police chief gave the policeman a brief nod. He went outside and opened the door, telling the janitor to go in.


The police chief fixed the janitor with a curious look. "What's this, Janitor Choi? I want an explanation and it'd better be good. I'm very busy right now. Take a seat."


"You're getting it, sir. And I would prefer to stand. This won't take long."


Out of the corner of his eye, Xiang Zhe saw the janitor take a step closer to the table.


"When I awoke just 30 minutes ago, my wife asked whether I knew anything about the murder case at the hotel. I knew nothing because I had left the premises as soon as I got off duty. My wife heard rumors going around that Mr. Yin, the Director of Planning of MBS, who was staying at the hotel was the main suspect. Chief, you know I'm a simple family man, with a good wife, a beautiful 1 month old daughter and a good job. I don't want to rock the boat or get myself involved in any mess. But I cannot let an innocent man be accused of doing something he never did." The janitor gripped his old hat nervously when he saw the ferocious look on another man sitting by the police chief. From the metal decorations on his uniform, it was obvious he was someone of very high ranking in the police force. The janitor was not a well educated man, he was afraid to say the wrong things.


The police chief understood his nervousness and his family background very well. In a softer tone, he said, "Yes, Choi, we understand. The CPO here knows the people living around these parts are simple folks. Our families have enjoyed close friendship since our grandfathers' days. I'll accept your words. Please continue."


"Last night, I was on duty and worked on the 6th floor most of the time. Next week the hotel is expecting a large group of Hash Harrier runners so management asked me to make sure everything was in order. There were some cracks on the back stairwell on the 6th floor, so I decided to apply a fresh coat of cement to seal up all the cracks for safety measure in case those crazy harriers decide to run up and down the stairs and may accidentally trip. Last night I did not want any guest to use the back stairs on the 6th floor, so I cordoned off the area and decided to work on that floor, so I could keep watch that no one would go spoil the wet cement. I was dry-cleaning the corridor carpet when Mr. Yin returned to his room about 10.45 p.m. A few minutes before 11 p.m. he emerged from his room and complained about a leaking faucet in his bathroom. After collecting my tool box I went into his bathroom and began my repairs. While I was in Mr. Yin's bathroom, I knew he had a visitor because I heard his and another man's voice coming from the sitting room. After a while, the visitor left. When the faucet was fixed, Mr. Yin thanked me and I left the room. Outside the corridor, I resumed my cleaning of the carpet. Then, precisely at midnight, I stopped the elevator on the 6th floor and proceeded with routine maintenance – the usual lubricating, checking of pulley cables, checking the lighting in the elevator cab. When the job was completed at about 3 o'clock, I opened a deckchair and placed it in a position so I could watch the elevator and the back stair door at the same time. Exactly at 5 a.m. I restored running service of the elevator. I rode downstairs and signed the log book at Reception before driving home. I never saw Mr. Yin coming out of his room last night, after he closed his door on me."


Xiang Zhe rose from his seat and went forward to give Janitor Choi a tight, grateful handshake. The people in the room were smiling and releasing sighs of relief. All except the detective. He ran a hand over his eyes and the frowns appearing on his forehead, with a disgusted look on his face.


"Thank you Janitor Choi. You may now go home and continue your rest. Come back in the evening to sign your statement."


After the janitor left the room, the CPO looked singularly at the detective and said, "This has taken a heavy load off our minds."


The local police chief remarked, "I'm not sure if this is good news or bad news because it means we have to start from scratch. The statements given so far don't give a hint. We, in the investigation business, have a saying – when the picture doesn't make sense, draw a new one."


"Maybe we should look again at the reports so far collected from another perspective," the CPO advised. Then he turned to the detective and said, "Detective Han, I'm taking you with me back to Seoul so you can continue to sit on this case. Always wanting the chance to prove yourself as a hot shot detective, haven't you? I'm giving you the chance now. Go home and pack an overnight bag. You fly back to Seoul with the paper message and Director Yin's hand phone in 30 minutes' time. Your uncle and I will handle things up here. We'll tie up loose ends over here soonest possible so these people can return to Seoul, back to their studies and to their jobs."


Yin Senior immediately seconded the CPO's instructions. "My helicopter has been instructed to stand by."


After the detective hastened out of the room, the CPO then glanced over to the police chief. "Brother Han, don't tell me you have any objections to me taking your best detective back to Seoul to help with this case? You know you've always wanted better prospects for your nephew! This Prof. Kim's case has caught the imagination of every Korean citizen, thanks to MBS's diligent and honest reporting. Han Junior's talents are wasted here. We need his aggressive style of investigation in a metropolis like Seoul where the crime rate is soaring every day. When this case sees a breakthrough, I want Han Junior to be transferred to Seoul permanently. Get it?"


Chapter 8


Yin Senior called Zian Da on the hand phone.


"Yes, Mr. Chairman?" Zian Da answered cautiously because he didn't want to get the blame for Xiang Zhe's stubborn behavior in case the old man came hammering down on him.


"Ah, Zian Da!" Yin Senior greeted Zian Da jovially. "Is the live reporting coming along well?" Zian Da, on noting the light and relaxing tone in the Chairman's voice almost doubled up with surprise. "That rascal Xiang Zhe," he laughed to himself, "always managing to twist his old man around his long, elegant fingers."


"No problem so far, Mr. Chairman" Zian Da continued.


"Good. Now listen. We need rooms because we'll be staying over one night before flying back to Seoul tomorrow. One for me and my wife, one for the CPO, and one for our lawyer. Yes, before I forget. You let the pilot know that he'll be flying the detective back to Seoul Police Headquarters. Land the helicopter at the nearest helipad and have a MBS car pick the detective up and send him to Police headquarters. The pilot then returns here. Got everything down?"


"Yes, Mr. Chairman. I'll go now and arrange everything."


"And Zian Da, get the group, our crew as well as the students from the university, assembled at the main function room at 5 p.m. later this afternoon. The CPO wants a serious talk with the group. That's all for now."


"Mr. Chairman, the news reporters hounding us may want to participate too."


"Let them. We've nothing to hide. In fact, we want this case to be as open as possible, so everyone has an obligation to smoke out the suspect and help solve this case. Yes, issue them an open invitation too. Get Banqueting to set up an afternoon tea buffet because these wolves are always hungry for a scoop. This afternoon's assembly will be very interesting." When Yin Senior hung up, he looked at the CPO and the two men laughed heartily at some private joke only the two of them seemed to understand.


The local police chief began to sulk a bit, accepting the fact that he was losing control of the case. The CPO from Seoul had effortlessly taken the case out of his hands, and he didn't like it one bit. The only consolation was his nephew had been sent to Seoul to follow up this case. He prayed the boy would make full use of this hard-gained opportunity and prove his mettle. Getting posting to Seoul Police Headquarters would not only mean promotion but, maybe, instant recognition – a dream for most law enforcers working in the back-water regions.


Xiang Zhe was the first to emerge from the interrogation room. He quickly made his way toward Shan Mei who was pacing anxiously up and down the hallway. He grasped her hand and whispered her name gently. "Shan Mei, everything is alright now." He looked happy and relaxed, so Shan Mei believed him. Mrs. Yin was the next out of the room. She glanced over to the sweet young woman who was standing beside her son. She recalled seeing the same sweet young woman sitting on the sofa when they first arrived at the interrogation room.


"Ah, sweet child, what is your name?" Mrs. Yin asked Shan Mei as she walked up to them. "By the way I am Xiang Zhe's mother."


"I am Zhen Shan Mei, Madam," Shan Mei answered with a smile plus a little respective bow. Mrs. Yin also noticed that the girl had a beautiful and sincere smile. No wonder their son, Xiang Zhe, was so crazy about her. He had never stopped talking about her ever since he returned from UK.


Mrs. Yin then turned to Xiang Zhe and said, "Well, my dear son, you should invite Ms. Zhen to our house when we are back in Seoul, right dear?" She glanced at her husband Mr. Yin for his approval. Mr. Yin smiled and confirmed he could not agree more. As for Xiang Zhe, he had a satisfied grin all over his face. Seeing this, Shan Mei dropped her head to hide her crimson face.


Shan Mei excused herself saying she had to return to her group. Xiang Zhe very reluctantly let her leave. The group then went up to their rooms. Since Mr & Mrs Yin were occupying a VIP suite, they all went into the suite for a brief meeting.


Since their lawyer and the CPO were close family friends, the Yins didn't feel embarrassed at all when they talked openly about Xiang Zhe's situation. Mrs. Yin didn't realize that her younger son was so badly hurt because of Xiang Jie's fatal accident. "Son, please forgive us for thinking you purposely wanted to show what a controversial personality this Prof. Kim was. We believe that your crew has done good solid, honest reporting, but is it necessary to tread on a man who is no longer alive? I didn't bring you up to act so revengeful."


"No, Mom. There was nothing malicious in my thoughts although, in the television reporting, I had wanted to emphasize Prof. Kim's double standards when dealing with different situations. However, when the crew began investigating, they didn't need me to spur them on to add salt and vinegar to their findings. The truth spoke for itself, although I could not understand the situation of ten years ago."


Mrs. Yin revealed to her son, "Son, I was the one who gave Prof. Kim the reprieve, because I finally realized even if we won the battle in court, it still could not bring your elder brother, our beloved son, back from the grave. Miraculously, after the reprieve was granted, a miner working around the area found your brother's body. The discovery itself made us joyously happy."


Xiang Zhe glanced at his mother and then turned slowly toward his father. A fierce storm of emotion had gathered in his eyes. "Dad, what's this – joyously happy – when Elder Brother was found dead?"


"Son, your mother is telling you, in her own way, that we changed our mind about pursuing Prof. Kim through legal channels. We didn't want to go after Prof. Kim in order to get revenge for your brother's death. Sooner or later, the man will not be able to live with his conscious."


Yin Senior added, "Xiang Zhe, even if Prof. Kim was found guilty, the punishment would only be from 1 year minimum to 5 years maximum imprisonment because the prosecution would convict him the death as murder or manslaughter. At the most, because of legal complications, the jury could only convict him of accidental negligence. That was why after several long discussions with Mr. Lawyer here and Uncle CPO and your mother praying asking for enlightenment through the GOD that we reached the reprieve decision."


"Mom, hard as I hated it, I made myself stop and think over Elder Brother's situation very carefully and sensibly, although I must confess at first I did want very badly to take revenge. But thanks to my lovely friend, Zhen Shan Mei who taught me to let it go and make peace with my heart, I let go of the unhappy past and began looking forward to a happy and fulfilling future. She also added that GOD would punish the culprit, because he would not be able to get away from his Karma."


"Dear Son," his mother whispered. "I had hoped you had put aside your foolish sense of responsibility. Xiang Jie chose his own destiny. You must not continue to blame yourself."


The CPO then assured Xiang Zhe. "Young man, don't you worry. As soon as we received the necessary forensic results, we'll be able to lay our hands on the real culprit or culprits. Meanwhile you people take a rest. I have to go see the local chief again. We have to prepare for the 5 p.m. meeting. Xiang Zhe, make sure you accompany your parents to the main function room at 5." With that the CPO left the Yins and went looking for the local police chief.


As soon as the group was assembled at the main function at 5, the local police chief and the CPO walked on to the stage. The reporters who had already crowded into the room jockeyed for the most vantage spot.


A big screen on the stage was lit up and a message appeared: "PLEASE TAKE ME BACK, I'LL WAIT FOR YOU IN THE RECREATION ROOM AT 12.15 A.M. TONIGHT." "QUEENY"


"Members of the group assembled here this afternoon, I want you to know that we found this message, written out in pencil on a piece of paper, in Prof. Kim's room. Who is Queeny? If anyone can recognize this writing by someone in your group, please come and see me or Police chief Han here. We want to know who this Queeny is because she can most probably help us in our investigation."


The police clerk handling the laptop next showed a picture of a prong on the screen. The CPO then continued. "This cast-iron prong was found hidden under some thorny rose bushes out in the garden. Has anyone seen this prong before?"


Kim Zian Da shot up an arm and stood up. "Yes, Sir. I think this prong was the one by the fireplace in the Recreation Room. I used it last night to rake out the ashes before I added more firewood to the hearth."


"Did you notice it by the hearth in the Recreation Room when you were there early this morning?"


"No. My attention was drawn only to Miss Lim and the body on the floor. I didn't look around anywhere else."


"I want to warn you people to be wary of any strangers around here. We can assume we are dealing with a very cunning and devious murderer because no fingerprints were found on this murder weapon although it was badly stained with blood. No finger prints could be found in the recreation room. If you can recognize the writing, contact us. Or if you suspect any one or think you have uncovered any clues, don't hesitate to come to us at once. We have done as much as we possibly could on the premises and around the surrounding grounds. Tomorrow afternoon, after lunch, your bus will take you all back to Seoul. The local forensic department will release Prof. Kim's body also tomorrow afternoon. Your Miss Lim has been in constant contact with the university management. I have been asked to announce that a wake for Prof. Kim has been arranged to take place at the university's chapel in two days' time."


After a few questions were taken from the floor, and appropriate answers given, the CPO dismissed the assembly, since dinner was being served at the Restaurant. The reporters in the room were invited to stay back and enjoy the tea buffet.


That night after dinner, the Yin's lawyer remained in his room spending the time to comb carefully through the photostat copies of the statements he had made earlier. Three hours into the tedious work, he found a discrepancy. He went over to the CPO's room with the papers. "Brother CPO, take a look at this statement. Xu Ying Mei said she went to bed at 11.30 p.m. She only stated that she shared the room with Jung Soo-jin. She didn't say anything about her room mate being there with her in the room when she went to bed. Let's have a look at Jung Soo-jin's statement."


The CPO went through his stack of papers and pulled out a sheet. He handed it to the lawyer. One quick scan through it, the lawyer immediately looked up at the CPO with a triumphant look. "Brother, I suggest you get the girls up here in your suite tomorrow morning to talk further with them."



Down in the function hall where the MBS group had gathered after dinner, Ahn Jun Mao was the most vocal when he found out about the handwriting message. "Oh, how romantic, it's a crime of passion," insisted Jun Mao.


When no one paid any special attention, he began to make an analysis of the situation. "Listen you guys, I think I've got the whole thing down pat. Queeny was a woman who once had a relationship with the late Prof. Kim and he left her. She was so desperate to have him back, she followed him to Seorak, coming in to the hotel through one of the side doors, slipped the message under his door and waited for him in the recreation room at the appointed time. She imagined the Professor back in her arms again, but once again he rejected her. She became so furious and consumed with jealousy, she grabbed the first thing she saw – the heavy cast-iron prong from the fireplace. She hit hard Prof. Kim on the head. He fell and broke his skull. Blood was splattered everywhere. She was so gripped with fear, she jumped out of the window, ran out to the main road, realizing she was still holding onto the prong. She threw it quickly away and then she vanished into the darkest night."


After a brief pause giving himself enough time to take a swallow of his coffee, Jun Mao continued. "The killer may be planning to produce some fake evidence to mislead the investigation," Jun Mao declared with an air of smugness.


"This is complicated stuff. But what's the motive?" someone in the group asked.


There was a long silence when Jun Mao mulled over that. 'From m interest in suspense thrillers, there are usually just three basic motives for murder – greed, passion and revenge."


"There's no obvious financial motive," declared Ms. Lim. "That leaves passion and revenge."


"I'd say revenge is the most likely one."


Jun Mao turned toward Shan Mei, gave her an intent stare and said, "Who do you know who would kill Prof. Kim and want to get revenge by implicating that both you and Director Yin were the culprits? You don't have much in common. The two of you don't even move in the same social circle."


"Yes, you're right Jun Mao. Both Director Yin and Shan Mei don't know the same people or have the same enemies," Woo Jin insisted.


"Well, I first met Director Yin when I was in London for a term learning English a few years back. You're right Jun Mao, we don't have any common friends. What about the 'passion' angle? Don't forget, a message from someone calling herself Queeny was found in Prof. Kim's room. Queeny was his wife? If this Queeny was his avenger, why did she wait until now to get even? How did she get up here? The security guard said he heard nothing and saw no strangers lurking around."


Ms. Lim shook her head when she answered. "Prof. Kim didn't have any family. There were no relatives listed in his file. No one came forward to claim anything at the time of his death."


Jun Mao's thinning audience gave a half-hearted applause. "Yin Mei, what do you think since you always have an inquisitive mind?" Shan Mei asked.


Before Ying Mei could answer, Woo Jin sidled up to her and whispered something into her ear. Seconds later, Ying Mei and Woo Jin sauntered out of the room, down the stairs and went to the MBS makeshift tent which was being dismantled.



The next morning, the CPO instructed police chief Han to contact Ms. Lim.


"Sir, I don't think we should alert this Xu Ying Mei. She was the one who tried to convince Junior and me that the job was done by an outsider. Later, she tried to make it seemed like Director Yin and Miss Zhen worked together to get rid of Prof. Kim."


CPO stood up and paced around his room slowly, a palm smoothing down his sleekly-combed hair. "This is very interesting. I see your point. Then I suppose it's best to do this discreetly through Miss Lim. Tell these three girls not to panic. We simply want to verify some points in their statements. Remember, discretion is important at this time. We don't want to alert any one, especially not that Xu Ying Mei."


Moments after Police Chief Han left in search of Miss Lim, the CPO heard the expected knock on the door to his suite. "Come in, the door is not locked."


When Jung Soo-jin, Park Yu Jin and Kim Hye Kyo cautiously and quietly opened the door, and entered, they expected to see a dragon. Surprisingly, the CPO was seated in a big, leather armchair beside a coffee table. On the table was a big teapot with 3 cups and saucers. He himself had a cup of thick, dark coffee in front of him. He looked like a kind Father Christmas.


Just then the police chief also entered the room after a knock, came toward the coffee table and sat down in the other armchair.


The CPO began asking, first with Jung Soo-jin. "Miss Jung, according to your statement here, the night of Prof. Kim's death, you were not in your room, Room 414 with Miss Xu Ying Mei. Where were you?"


Jung Soo-jin swallowed a dry lump down her throat. She looked nervously at her other two friends. "We..l..l, as stated in my statement, after dinner, I was in the recreation room and played Cluedo with my classmates. Because we had an assignment to complete, Yu Jin, Hye-kyo and I left at 9.30. I returned to my room, gathered some of my things and then went to join Park Yu Jin and Kim Hye-kyo in their room 418."


"Who else left the room with you three girls?"


"No one, just the three of us." Suddenly Soo-Jin's eyes brightened up and she said belatedly. "Of yes, Xu Ying Mei. She came into the room just as I was going to take a shower. Thinking she wanted to have a shower too, I left the bathroom to her and decided to take my shower in Room 418. You know, Ying Mei doesn't like talking much to any of us, so we let her be."


Chapter 9


The CPO ruminated over the bit of information about Xu Ying Mei, then he began interrogating again. "Okay, so you packed your things and went over to Room 418 to join your friends. What time did you return to your room?"


"The next morning when we were woken up by the hotel receptionist, asking us to dress and assemble downstairs to meet Miss Lim in the recreation room. I had spent the night with Yu Jin and Hye-kyo."


"To complete an assignment handed out by the MBS training leaders?"


Soo-jin gave a short laugh. "Initially. We completed our assignment before midnight. I stayed back because we had bought a lot of snacks from a roadside snack shop along the road up to Seorak. You may not believe it, but all three of us share the same birthday. The three of us decided to have a small, private overnight celebration. It was almost three when we finished eating up our snacks. I was too tired to move. Yu Jin and Hye-kyo told me to spend the night in their room."


"Did you hear any movement along the corridor when you were doing your assignment?"


"No. Room 418 is the last room at one end of the corridor. The only sound we heard was our own laughing."


The CPO looked at the other two girls and said, "If any one of you two girls have different answers to Soo-jin, especially like who you saw around the 4th floor acting strangely or suspiciously, let me know. If the three of you will go over to the small dining table in that corner and write out your statements, then have them signed, we would be so relieved."


Hye-kyo suddenly shot up an arm and said softly, "Excuse me Sir, I just remembered something. Soo-jin forgot to mention that we saw Miss Lim when we went to her room at 10 p.m. We wanted to invite her to join our little party later. However, she complained of a headache and had just returned to her room to get some money to buy some aspirins at the pharmacy. All three of us went down to the pharmacy with Miss Lim when she wouldn't let us go and buy the medication for her. After the purchase we accompanied her back to her room. She was told to take at least 2 aspirins which would help her sleep well. Right, Soo-jin, Yu Jin?" Hye-kyo asked and glanced at both the girls for their concurrence.


"Very interesting indeed. Now, hurry up with your statements. I understand your bus will be leaving the hotel at 2, immediately after lunch."


"But, Sir, we don't know how to write out a statement. The first one was done by the detective when he interrogated us."


"Simply follow the same style. Insert the questions I asked, then write out your answers carefully next to the questions. Police chief Han is here to offer advice if you need assistance. Girls, I need your help in this instance. Your signed statements are very important to us."


"Sir, have we done something wrong? You haven't asked any of our other friends back for second interrogations."


"Don't worry. In fact, you have done something very right. Just don't let the others know that you have been called back for second interrogation. Is that understood? Thank you."


The girls sat down at the table and stared at one another with quizzing looks, their eyes asking whether this CPO was being honest with them – that they were not suspected of having done anything wrong. They finally shrugged off their fears and began writing out their second statements in earnest.


Though the lunch served was very sumptuous, a somber feeling of despondency seemed to have descended upon the room that noon. Everyone at the luncheon had on a sober facial expression. No more excited chatter like the first day they sat down, also for lunch, when they arrived at the hotel. Now, they couldn't wait to hop onto their bus and leave. At the same time, they felt sad to be leaving such a beautiful place. Not just leaving, but they felt they did not have much opportunity to truly benefit from the training clinic before it was so depressingly disrupted.



Chairman Yin, together with his wife, their lawyer and the CPO had earlier boarded their helicopter and flew back to Seoul.


Zian Da was organizing the loading of the transmission equipment into the storage compartment of the bus; Miss Lim in the meantime was hurrying her students on to the bus. As Shan Mei was about to board the bus, Xiang Zhe walked in long strides to her side. He took her overnight bag off her hands and herded her aside. He whispered softly, "Shan Mei, I want to see you home. I feel I have an obligation to your father to make sure you arrived home safely. Another reason is I feel the need to explain to him the situation up here on Mr. Seorak." When Shan Mei looked hesitant, Xiang Zhe simply told Zian Da that he was driving Shan Mei back to Seoul.


Both of them stood there and watched the MBS bus move slowly out of the hotel's parking lot and onto the main mountain road. Shan Mei waved goodbye to Zhao Di who was sitting by a window seat. Zhao Di waved back and sighed, "This Shan Mei is so lucky, getting a personal driver who will send her home in such a fancy sports car."


Ying Mei's mouth twisted into an ugly smirk. "Well, Zhao Di, let me remind you, a person's good luck cannot last forever. One day, misfortune will come calling. That can happen any day, maybe tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. Just don't carry on complacently thinking good fortune will be there forever."


Zhao Di turned around and simply gave Ying Mei a blank stare, not wanting to understand her cryptic message. "Yes, of course, you wouldn't want to wish good fortune for Shan Mei. After all, we all can see how jealous you are of her, for catching such a rich and handsome boyfriend. Wake up, not everyone can get as lucky as Zhen Shan Mei."



After the MBS bus disappeared from view, Xiang Zhe carried Shan Mei's overnight bag to his car and dumped it into the back seat where his own overnight bag was. He then opened the car door for Shan Mei and helped her onto the low, luxurious passenger seat. After he eased into the driver's seat, he turned around and said, "I really want to see you home. I feel obligated to explain the whole Seorak incident to your father."


Xiang Zhe smiled slowly when he noticed Shan Mei fidgeting nervously in her seat. He caught Shan Mei's chin on the edge of his hand and leaned down to kiss her briefly – a quick, hungry kiss that left her slightly breathless. She gazed at him, wide-eyed. "What was that for?" she asked.


"For championing my honor and integrity back there at the Seorak hotel."


She flushed. "Don't be ridiculous. We both knew you didn't do anything to Prof. Kim."


"I know it." Xiang Zhe's eyes gleamed. "But how can you be so certain? You weren't with me."


"That kind of thing just isn't your style. You might confront Prof. Kim or asked your lawyer to re-open the case. But you wouldn't resort to underhand tactics that could result in physical injury or …..or worse."


Silence fell again. Shan Mei said nothing as she recalled earlier when they were walking through the hotel lobby and out to the hotel's parking lot, Xue Zhang had looked disturbed and his eyes had glinted harshly, when he saw Woo Jin walked up to her, clasped her hands and then whispered something into her ear. She suddenly realized he might have misinterpreted the intimate exchange.


She waited until her safety belt was securely fastened and Xiang Zhe was comfortable behind the wheel before she began. "About Kim Woo Jin," she said quietly.


Xiang Zhe paused, his hand on the ignition. He glanced her way, his eyes concealed behind his sunglasses. "What about him?"


She gazed straight ahead at the row of parked cars and buses in front of her. "Brother Woo Jin was just telling me that his crew members told him they had graded me very highly in the Evaluation Report." Xiang Zhe simply gave a lazy shrug of his shoulders as if he didn't believe the conversation was as innocent as that. Shan Mei continued, "For the record, Woo Jin and I had begun having problems before you came onto the scene. I suspected that his heart was elsewhere engaged. Well, it's not important now."


"You mean you loved him even though you knew he was seeing someone else?"


"He told me himself that he was interested in Xu Ying Mei."


Xiang Zhe folded his hands on top of the steering wheel and stared out over the hood of the car. "You didn't answer my question. Did you love him?"


"Whatever it was I felt for Woo Jin was founded on misunderstanding and errors in judgment. My judgment. Nothing is ever quite what it seems on the surface, just like Mr. Kim's murder case."


He turned with unexpected speed, whipping around in the seat, catching her by the shoulders, hauling her toward him. "Please don't give me meaningless answers. Did you love him? Yes or No, so simple!'


She went very still, hardly daring to breathe. "Back at the beginning? Yes, I loved him. Is that what you wanted to hear?"


His jaw tightened, she could see her own reflection in the lenses of his glasses.


"No," he said. "It's not what I wanted to hear. But I had to know the truth."


"Stop it," she ordered gently.




She touched his taut jaw with her fingertips. "Woo Jin killed my love for him before you came on the scene. You don't have to think you ruined the great love of my life, okay?"


"Was it the great love of your life?"


"No." She hesitated. "Looking back, it never was great, and it wasn't love; something more akin to sibling caring."


He did not move for a long time, just sat there studying her intently from behind the shield of his sunglasses. He looked as if he wanted to say something but changed his mind. His angry eyes glinted dangerously.


Her teeth caught her trembling lower lip as Shan Mei suddenly felt the faint memory of death hovering in the background. Gripped with sudden cold and sadness, she shuddered and longed to press her face on Xiang Zhe's sleeve, on somebody's sleeve, and when ultimately he let his hand leave the steering wheel and put his arm around her to draw her against him. She became unresisting, relieved and grateful for the sudden warmth.


"But how deeply were you involved?" he blurted out, then stopped, trying hard to keep his probing in check.


"So shallow that even a baby could frolic safely about."


He gurgled with laughter and bent his head and kissed her instead. It was a different kind of kiss, unlike the one he had given her earlier. There was a deeply buried hunger in it, not for sex, she realized, but for something else. An unmistakable possessiveness about the kiss.


Shan Mei's face was faintly flushed but Xiang Zhe looked pale. One lock of his hair fell across his forehead and his eyes looked as if they had tears in them.


He wrapped her close against him and held her very tightly. His mouth trailed all over her face, along her neck to her ear when he whispered gruffly, "I want to be the great love of your life." He continued to nip and kiss around her jaw line, ending up sipping the hollow at the base of her throat, not giving her the chance to say anything except savor the joy of his kisses.


Shan Mei tried to free herself from Xiang Zhe's arms. In an embarrassed voice, she reminded him, "Xue Zhang, we're in a very public place."


Instead of loosening his arms, he tightened his hold and laughed wickedly, "So what. If these people cannot bear to see me kissing my girlfriend, they should do the decent thing and look the other way."


It was a long time before he released her, turned the key in the ignition, and drove out of the parking lot.


She felt herself grow warm in the glow of love that she saw in his eyes. This was the real thing, she thought. This was the love that would last a lifetime. She knew that as surely as she knew that the sun would rise!



Xiang Zhe depressed a button on the intercom. His secretary answered almost immediately, "Yes, Director?"


"Miss Lee, please hold all incoming calls. We don't want to be disturbed."


He then leaned back against the back of his executive chair and looked at the police detective carefully. "Why are you telling me all this now, PD Han?"


"My team-mates and I had taken a long time to sit and think over the police reports. We put all the evidence together and came up with an interesting conclusion."


"What was the conclusion?" Xiang Zhe asked very carefully.


"It seemed to us," the police detective said slowly, "that someone was deliberately trying to set you up. Someone wants us to believe you're behind Prof. Kim's death."


A deathly silence filled the room.


"A very logical conclusion," Xiang Zhe finally said grimly. He exchanged a silent glance with Zian Da who was sitting in on the meeting too. Then he looked at the police detective again. "How did this come about?"


"The SMS message you received with no caller's identification. The geeks at the mobile network managed to unscramble the coded calls coming into your hand phone. They traced that mysterious call to a mobile phone number."


The police detective then put the piece of paper on the desk in front of Xiang Zhe.


Xiang Zhe looked blankly at the number and name without an immediate hint of recognition. He passed the paper to Zian Da. One glance at the name, Zian Da recognized it immediately. "Damn it to hell." He sank slowly back into his seat across the table from Xiang Zhe.


"So how did this person get your private number? I understand your hand phone number is blocked," the detective made a passing remark.


"An interesting question." Xiang Zhe sank further into the back of his chair as he picked up the piece of paper again, studied it intently. Deep frowns were beginning to appear on his forehead. "And one which I don't have an answer." He looked at Zian Da because he couldn't think of anything to add to his statement.


Zian Da quickly sat up, his eyes suddenly alert and sheepish-looking at the same time. "I recollect now. That night at the hotel when we were informed the hotel elevator would stop operating at midnight for maintenance, do you remember Yong Xi made a call to you?"


"y..e…s,.." Xiang Zhe answered slowly. "She didn't have her hand phone with her, neither did I. This Xu Ying Mei very kindly offered Yong Xi the use of her hand phone."


"Very kindly? More like a very lethally-devious, calculated gesture," the police detective concluded immediately.


Xiang Zhe flicked a searching glance at Zian Da and then nodded. "Apparently so." He didn't say anything any more. He was too busy trying to control the rage that was mounting in him. This Xu Ying Mei, for whatever reason best known to herself, had gone to a great deal of trouble trying to destroy him and Shan Mei. He leaned back slowly into the chair again and asked the detective what he was going to do next.


"I'm waiting for the other detective on this case to put together the final shred of evidence he managed to gather when he returned after visiting this Xu Ying Mei's hometown for investigation. The forensic document examiner was 80% certain the writing on that scrap of paper matched closest to hers when he went through a batch of university examination papers from their class and also samples from Year 2. As soon as the evidence is ready, we'll haul her back to the police station and tear her to shreds. I cannot believe someone so young can be so cold-blooded. Director Yin, I am sorry the publicity was pretty rough on your family."


"Yes." Not unlike what they had gone through ten years ago when his brother went missing in the rafting accident, Xiang Zhe acknowledged

silently. "Detective Han, I'm not bearing any grudges. I understand you were just doing your job. By the way, how do you like it here in Seoul? A long way from the refreshing, clean, clear air of Seorak, eh?"


Detective Han smiled gratefully. "Oh by the way, I don't have to remind you two gentlemen here that this is confidential information that must not leak out." He then stood up, gave Xiang Zhe a polite nod and said something about wanting to return to his office – that there was too much information to sort out at that point. Both Xiang Zhe and Zian Da saw the police detective to the office elevator. After that Xiang Zhe turned to Zian Da and said grimly, "Come with me."


Back in his office and seated behind his executive desk, he looked intently at Zian Da. Taking a sheaf of papers lying near his computer, he pulled out Xu Ying Mei's Assessment report from the sheaf and threw it in front of Zian Da. "Take a good look at the evaluations on this. You and Yong Xi gave almost perfect scores to this murderer, while the rest of the MBS team only gave her mediocre scores. In fact the scriptwriter gave her a very low score and the P.R. manager almost negated her completely."


Xiang Zhe then pulled out Shan Mei's Assessment report. "This is the only student who was considered qualified for employment with MBS. Both the Scriptwriter and the P.R. Manager wanted Shan Mei in their departments. Makes me wonder whether you are the right person to handle future training? You don't seem to be able to tell the difference between real sincerity and competence from falsehood and pretentiousness."


Zian Da clasped his hands very tightly as he sat nervously in front of Xiang Zhe. "Sorry," was all he could muster. He gave Xiang Zhe an uncertain glance as he rose from his seat and started for the door. "I'll be in the office if you need me." He let himself out of Xiang Zhe's office, closing the door softly behind him, his head hung down low in shame.


A long time later, Xiang Zhe slouched into the armchair in his office and wrapped his hands around a glass of whiskey he had poured for himself. He was still shaking. "Whoever sent that message intended for me to be found standing over that body when someone arrived on the scene. It would have been perfect timing. 'Vengeful DoP of MBS kills Associate Dean of University because he was responsible for the death of his elder brother, Yin Xiang Jie.' The real culprit would then have been in the clear."


Just the very thought had Xiang Zhe breaking out in sweat. Xiang Zhe gave a visible shudder and took another swallow of whiskey. He decided to go home and see his parents.



Chapter 10


When the maid announced that Master Xiang Zhe had arrived home, Mrs. Yin Senior immediately rushed out from the kitchen and gave her son a bear hug. "Dear Son, you arrived just in time. Uncle CPO and Detective Han are in the study with your father, discussing Prof. Kim's case. They are positively sure a break-through is imminent. Go join them while I go and prepare your favorite seaweed soup."


Xiang Zhe entered the study and greeted the three gentlemen seated around the coffee table vigorously enjoying an exchange of sorts. Yin Senior waved him over to the chair next to where he was sitting. "Son, come. We are indulging in some kind of early celebration here."


The police detective was just about to summarise his latest findings. "Sir," Detective Han began, "a pattern has emerged. Someone wants us to believe Director Yin was at the scene of the murder. Xu Ying Mei, during interrogation, tried to drop hints that Director Yin and Miss Zhen conspired together to have Prof. Kim murdered. Now, we know who sent the sms message to Director Yin. The forensic document examiner has matched the writing on the paper to Xu Ying Mei's out of the 50 handwriting samples he was shown from the university students in the Class Year 2 & 4. It will be interesting if the final link reveals that this brash, young woman is not only devious and cunning, but a cold-blooded murderer. Hard to believe and accept, at this stage!!!


The CPO turned his attention to Xiang Zhe and asked, "Xiang Zhe, do you know this Xu Ying Mei?"


"No, not at all although I've heard Shan Mei mentioned her name a few times. I met her the first time at the Training clinic up at Seorak."


Xiang Zhe's eyes were bleak as he met the CPO's across the table. There was a deep weariness etched in Xiang Zhe's face. There was also caution.


"Director Yin, it's best if you don't mention anything to Miss Zhen," the detective said.


"I'll admit it might complicate things," the CPO concurred. "For some reasons, may be for now, it might be better to keep our assumptions private."


"What reasons?" Xiang Zhe demanded "Shan Mei has a right to know. After all, she is also the other party being set up by this devious woman!" Xiang Zhe reminded the CPO.


"Right now there's not enough substantial proof yet. We are gathering more evidence against Xu Ying Mei in order to tighten the noose around her so tight that she would not be able to talk her way out of this one. If Miss Zhen inadvertently leaks something, Lord only knows what this Miss Xu will do. Don't forget, this girl is very cunning and capable of doing anything."


"Yes, I see we've got a difficult situation here, one with a lot of unknown factors." Xiang Zhe accepted the situation although he was not happy with it. He didn't like keeping any important secrets from Shan Mei.



Two afternoons later, Xu Ying Mei was escorted from campus, when her last class for the day was over, to Police headquarters for further interrogation. On entering the interrogation room, she was relieved to see a familiar face, that of Detective Han.


"Sorry, Miss Xu, we meet again, in connection with the Professor's case. We have investigated all possible clues, leaving no stones unturned. Our investigations and forensic experts have turned up some very astounding results." Detective Han's eyes bored into Ying Mei's as he said that.


"Obviously, I must now be the main suspect that you've hauled me back for a second interrogation?" Ying Mei interrupted the detective.


"Let me remind you that we, law enforcers, do not simply want to talk to you for social reasons. We have reason to believe that you know more about the case than you tried to let on. Our forensic document expert, after examining countless samples using the latest state-of-the-art technology, has identified you as the author of that written message found in Prof. Kim's hotel room. Because of that, we sent a detective to the village you were originally from to find this 'Queeny' person. He uncovered much proof that led us to believe you master-minded the whole incident all by yourself. You were also perverting the course of justice by trying to implicate Director Yin and Miss Zhen Shan Mei. This is another very serious offence."


"How can you accuse me of such a hideous crime without proof? I want to see a lawyer!"


"Miss Xu, we have all the proof that we need to nail you. After our interrogation, if we take you into custody, your civil rights will allow you access to legal representation. In fact, the court has a panel of volunteer lawyers who provide legal advice and legal representation free of charge."


A police constable came in with 2 paper cups of hot, steaming coffee. "Thank you, Private 8892," Detective Han acknowledged, then he pushed a coffee in front of Xu Ying Mei. "You'll need this. I can tell you today's session is going to be long."


Ying Mei, her stubborn sense of false bravado quickly crumbled but she tried to battle on. "Detective, you better hurry up. I have many assignments to complete before my graduation."


The detective, taking a sip of his coffee, looked at Ying Mei with bemusement in his eyes, wondering how this girl had the nerve to believe that she would be graduating when she was mired in such deep filth. She was deluding herself if she thought she would be walking out of the police station today, un-cuffed.


"Miss Xu, are you familiar with the name 'Queeny'?" the detective asked softly. Ying Mei's face turned ashen because she did not expect this question. She did not reply.


"Miss Xu, I repeat the question again. Do you know this Queeny?" the detective persisted.


When Ying Mei still maintained her silence, the detective continued, "Let me tell you. My man was in your village recently collecting evidence. We have all the proof that we will need to get you a life sentence. If you cooperate, we'll plead with the judge for a lighter sentence. Miss Xu, you're very young, 23. 24 years old? Damn good look and extremely intelligent. You can still have a future when you are released maybe in 10 years' time. If you don't cooperate, you'll die in prison, at that time looking a very ugly old hag. So what say you? You cooperate and I'll do my best to help you plead for leniency."


After a few hesitating moments and dark fears darting around her eyes, Ying Mei finally relented. "So, your man managed to visit my village?" she asked, lowering her head. After a while she shot her head up and asked, "How did you guys figure out it was me?"


"Through a logical process of elimination," Detective Han laughed. "Miss Xu, you are not the only one sitting here with a criminal mind," the detective snorted with a derisive sneer.


Ying Mei had a look of disbelief on her face. The detective then began enumerating several points, counting them off against his fingers.


1. "You wrote that message to Prof. Kim, using the name 'Queeny' to

bait the professor. You know why.


2. You used the hotel back stairs to get downstairs thinking you

had avoided the hotel staff in the front lobby. However you

didn't know the janitor was working at the backstairs that night

with cement. He had somehow spilled some cement and a

footprint, not his, was found when he went to clean up the mess

2 days later. He alerted the police chief at Seorak. There

were only 2 sets of footprints on those stairs. One set

belonged to the Janitor and the other set belonged to you. How

did we know? Your roommate in Room 414 told us which pair of

shoes you wore at the training clinic. Did you not kick up a

big fuss when you attended Prof. Kim's wake and later found your

sandals missing? Want to know where your sandals went to?" He

then held up a clear plastic bag with her pair of sandals in it.


3. Everyone at the hotel had an alibi on the night of Prof. Kim's

murder. The guests who did not, do not even know who Prof. Kim

was You, however, were in your room by yourself. Your room mate

was in another room the whole night. You tried to conceal this



4. You were the one who sent the anonymous SMS message to Director

Yin. His hand phone showed the message was received at 12.30

a.m. Only the murderer would know the exact time that Prof. Kim

was killed. You gave yourself 15-20 minutes, enough time to make



5. You tried to implicate two innocent people.


6. You tried to conceal the fact that you know someone by the name

Of 'Queeny'.


I don't need to tell you more. Sooner or later more facts will be revealed. I want to give you the opportunity to confess so the situation will look better for you. It shows the prosecution that you are really feeling penitent for your actions."


Slowly, Ying Mei saw the futility of her situation. She had struggled long enough. She felt extremely tired. Maybe it was time to concede and let the law take over. She began to ramble on. Detective Han simply let her because he knew that whatever she was saying was already being recorded by a machine connected to the television screen in the adjoining room. Most probably, the CPO was at that moment, viewing the current recording.


According to Xu Ying Mei, her mother left her before she turned 6 and her mother's whereabouts had not been heard of since, as far as she knew. She didn't remember much about her mother.


When her mother was still married to her father, she had reminded her father for more times than he could recall, how much she hated him for keeping her in the hellhole of a village, and as soon as she was able to, she would move to a bigger town where there would be decent restaurants, shops and better job opportunities paying more money.


Ying Mei's mind suddenly went back in time and her eyes glinted with a faraway look. She was 16 years old, she was a very hungry little school girl with pride and joy. One time she visited Phei Ren Xu's house to have dinner with his mom. Phei Ren Xu was her boy friend to whom she had lost her innocence. In this way, she would get her hands on money so she could afford to buy brand new clothes and live in a big fat place. She thought she could make herself happy. Phei Ren Xu was a powerful gang leader in their neighborhood at that time.


One day Phei Ren Xu’s mom invited her to have dinner at their place. While they ate, they started to chat. First they chatted about school until she made a comment about Xu Ying Mei’s mom. It happened Phei Ren Xu's mom knew Xu Ying Mei's mom.


Ying Mei still remembered what she said, "I don't understand your mom, why she left with that Mr. Kim. He was only a fresh graduate student from University. I didn't like him at all." Phei Ren Xu stopped what he was doing and stared at his mom. Ying Mei heard Phei Ren Xu kicking his mother under the table, signaling for her to drop the topic.


"Sorry, Ying Mei, forget what my mom just said,' Phei Ren Xu tried to smoothen the situation.


After they finished dinner, Phei's mom went into the kitchen and she asked him what was all that about? Phei told her about Ying Mei's mom who ran away and left Ying Mei to be with Mr. Kim. Soon Ying Mei's Pa arrived at Ren Xu's house to pick her up. He never knew about Ying Mei's "sideline" activities besides school.


On the way home, Ying Mei told her Pa about the information from Phei's mom and with anger she asked him why he didn't tell her about this. Her father answered, "It's none of your business." He added a little later, "It's true that your mom ran away with Mr. Kim but he kicked her out after 2 years. At that time we were already divorced yet I asked her to come back to us, but your mom refused and said she already has lost her rights. She left and I never heard about her again."


Father and Daughter never mentioned her name ever since. All those years were so hard on them. Ying Mei's Pa was a loving and caring father. Through time he changed into a monster after a few drops of liquor. He became violent. By that time Ying Mei was bored with Phei Ren Xu. Because of that she spent lots of time in studying, hoping one day she could escape from her Pa and Phei Ren Xu and make a better life for herself.


Like an answered pray, the opportunity finally came, although it was almost like blessing in disguise. Ying Mei's father met with a fatal accident at his working place. He was hospitalized and died after 3 days. That was when she met Zhen Shan Mei's father for the very first time.


Zhen Senior was Ying Mei's answer to a better life. She almost forgot the warmth and care of home. She thought she would have all the things that she had dreamed of. She really loved to stick around Zhen Senior, until she saw Zhen Shan Mei, his precious daughter.


Ying Mei always wanted to be the center of everything, especially attention. Her father used to say "Ying Mei is like her mom in every way."


Ying Mei remembered her mom was beautiful. Before they moved to the city, they lived in a village. Her father was an accomplished farmer. Not a farmer exactly, more as a commodities speculator. Mr. Xu indulged his wife hopelessly – her wishes were his command. He called his wife by the affectionate name 'Queeny' given to her by his father-in-law, although she was officially known as Roh Si Yeon. One day her Pa bought and stocked a large quantity of rice to face the long dry season and expected failed crops after hearing reports of adverse weather condition. He was hoping the price for rice would rise because of that catastrophe. When that happened, they would reap a large profit margin from it.


Unfortunately, the government thought differently. They imported rice from Vietnam and Thailand in huge bulk to stabilize the price. Mr. Xu did not have a choice but release all of his stocks onto the market in order to avoid more losses.


Her father suffered financially, because most of the stocks were financed by loans from the bank, and half of the funds, which came from the loans, were used to buy things that her mom fancied. They lost everything, and they had to leave the village. Ying Mei was only 5 ½ years old at that time.


Two months after that, her Mom happened to meet a Mr. Kim. His outlook impressed and captivated Ying Mei's Mom. In turn, the woman charmed and fascinated the 'green' Mr. Kim. Four months later she left her husband and daughter behind and chose to go live together with this Mr. Kim.


Ying Mei never thought that she would ever meet Mr. Kim, until she entered University. She was shocked when she noticed from the class syllabus that the lecturer teaching Basic Communication would be that Mr. Kim who had run away with her mother. Ying Mei then asked Phei Ren Xu to check up on Mr. Kim's background. He confirmed the lecturer was truly the same Mr. Kim. She kept the information to herself.


She then decided to re-invent her image through lies, when Zhao Di began asking questions about her and her family background.


Zhao Di reaffirmed Ying Mei's past with Shan Mei. When she answered honestly, Ying Mei became so incensed, that she asked Phei Ren Xu's gang to harm Shan Mei. When it happened, she appeared and acted as the heroine who saved the distressed princess.


Ying Mei's behavior was like an old saying, "When you know which side of your bread is buttered, you used the knife as well." After that ambush, Zhen Senior sent Shan Mei to Cambridge, UK to improve her English. It was there that she met and became friends with Director Yin Xiang Zhe.


Ying Mei's hunger for attention and jealousy of Zhen San Mei prompted her to meet and confront Prof. Kim about his past.


From Prof. Kim, she knew that he kicked her mother out after only 2 years cohabitating as husband and wife in a de facto relationship, because of her unsavory character. He never heard about her again.


After that, Prof. Kim would always grade her papers with "As" so it became such that only Shan Mei and Ying Mei scored the best grades in class. Her relationship with Prof. Kim was so – so. He knew who she was, so they kept the distance due to mutual respect.


Ying Mei didn't know why but she became obsessed with Zhen Shan Mei. She wanted everything that Shan Mei possessed. EVERYTHING and SHE MEANT EVERYTHING, by hook or by crook. She had thought that the one with the prettier face would win the race.


She participated in the MBS training clinic not because the program was good. She only wanted to see Shan Mei fall, be humiliated as she had lured Shan Mei's faithful supporter, Woo Jin, away to be her boy friend. Ying Mei always gloated over the fact that Woo Jin's mom had accepted her as her future daughter-in-law.


Well, for a time, it looked like Ying Mei was on the road to heaven,until the appearance of Director Yin broke spell. His handsome features obsessed her that she almost went over the edge. When she saw the drunken Mr. Kim, it triggered her anger and an idea began to germinate in her mind -- kill the professor and let the 'golden couple' taste the prison cell coldness.


When she was in that Recreation Room, all she could think of was to stop the game. Something fierce buried deeply in her guts was eating her up. She wanted to forget who she really was and was having delusions of grandeur.


The misery she suffered for so long would not have happened if her Mom had not run away with Prof. Kim. She wanted her revenge, but she did not want to go to prison for it.


Her plan began to formulate. Ying Mei used to copy her mother's handwriting which was a childish scrawl. She was sure she still could do it. Most people who knew her mother, knew her as 'Queeny'.


She waited until every one was back to their own room, after playing Cluedo, when she found a piece of paper and started to write – "PLEASE TAKE ME BACK, I'LL WAIT FOR YOU IN THE RECREATION ROOM AT 12.15 A.M. TONIGHT"… "QUEENY"


A little before the appointed time, she arrived at the recreation room, by the back stairs, found the iron prong, open the lower window,coming out through it and found the stone to break it, to make it looked like the stone was thrown from the outside. She was lucky; the heavy rain had muffled the crashing sound of broken glass. She hurriedly went to Mr. Kim's room, slipped the note under his door,knocked on his door, hurried back to Recreation room, took the iron prong, leaned back behind the shelving racks and waited.


After a while Prof. Kim entered the recreation room. "I tensed up so bad I felt cold and frozen," Ying Mei confessed.


"Queeny" he quietly whispered. "Are you really here? Everything is over between us. We broke up long time ago, and I don't want you anymore."


"I became so mad when I heard what he said. Gripping the cast-iron prong tightly, I hit him with all the strength I could muster right on the back of his head. 'This is for what you have done to Mom, Pa and Me!' I yelled at him. God, I wanted to smash his skull into pieces."


She did not bother to check whether he was alive or not. She escaped through the broken window and ran out into the chilly night. She threw out the iron prong, then went back inside the recreation room, loosened her sandals and went to the bathroom, checked whether there were bloodstains on them. After that she returned to her room via the back stairs. She slept very well for the rest of the night.


Ying Mei released a heavy sigh as if a 100-ton burden had been offloaded from her shoulders. Detective Han took out a cigarette from his pack and offered it to her. Ying Mei accepted it gratefully. He lit it up for her. She inhaled deeply and gave the detective an enigmatic smile. Then she blew out a stream of smoky 'O's into the air. Feeling of release and satisfaction coursed through her, even though she knew the inevitable jail time was waiting around the corner for her


Chapter 11 (Conclusion)


Xiang Zhe sat down beside his parents on the sofa in their living room as the CPO recounted the results of the investigations and the final confession from Xu Ying Mei.


"We had it figured out fairly accurately. Xu Ying Mei set out to get revenge. Got to give her credit for doing her homework. She studied the family and the situation at the Training Clinic thoroughly before she made her move. Then she chose 2 weak points – Xiang Zhe and Shan Mei. She tried to pass the suspicion on to them. She must have decided that either one of you could take the rap for murder."


"I can just see the headlines -- Bitter Brother's vengeance ends in Murder." Xiang Zhe snapped his fingers. "Just like that, she gets her revenge. One is dead, and one goes to prison, most probably for life, if convicted for murder."


Xiang Zhe's mouth twisted in a humourless smile. "I'm still befuddled how this Xu Ying Mei knew about Xiang Jie's case."


"Young man, this woman had pre-meditated the plan looking around searching for scapegoats. It was easy to get information on Xiang Jie's case from the internet. Nothing is sacred or secret anymore nowadays."



"Ying Mei…. Ying Mei, look at me." Woo Jin begged, his voice almost breaking. But Ying Mei didn't want to look at him. In fact she looked almost everywhere except at Woo Jin.


"Ying Mei, please let me know what we can do for you? I'm losing sleep over you every night. Your lawyer phoned me this morning again, saying you are not giving him instructions. Do you want to change another lawyer? Please say something. I'm going crazy."


"This is my business. I've done my talking already. The only person I will want to talk with is Detective Han. He's on top of the case, not you!"


"What about the lawyer?"


"He's a complete idiot. He just doesn't understand what I want. I've told him he's fired. Why does he still go to you? Doesn't he understand the word 'fired'?"


"Ying Mei, he's just trying to help, to do the best for you. Do you want another lawyer? I'll talk to Legal Aid tomorrow."


"I don't want another lawyer. I hate the whole damn lot of them. I hate the whole world. The world is so unfair. I hate all men. They are all scumbags. My father was a loser, Phei was a user, and Prof. Kim was a cheat!"


"What about me, Ying Mei? I love you."


"You? …." Ying Mei snorted a disdainful laugh. "You're just a fool. I never loved you. I only wanted to take you away from Shan Mei, to make her suffer the feeling of loss. She is only a silly, cry baby. Why should she end up with all the best things in life that I crave for? And her best friend, Zhao Di is no better than a frivolous scatter-brain. How can they hope to aspire to anything great? They don't have the brains, the beauty, the talent that I have …. The only surety they have is their fathers, always indulging them shamelessly. I'm tons better than them, why don't I have a father? Nothing ever works out the way it's supposed to. It is not fair, you know? It is just not fair. Anyway, it doesn't matter now, it's too late." Her eyes had the chilling gleam of someone crazed.


"You're right," Woo Jin said, defeated. "It doesn't matter now. What matters is that you stop blaming other people, especially Shan Mei, for everything that has ever gone wrong in your life and start dealing with reality. Maybe, then, your life will be a lot easier and happier."


Ying Mei had known frustration, sporadic attacks of bitterness and those minor lapses of unhappiness during childhood and youth, but now, in the face of all this futile helplessness, she finally knew the real meaning of unhappiness. Yes, this fool, sitting in front of her, separated by a mesh netting window, was finally saying something right. Stop craving for material things. Stop blaming others for all the wrong that had happened in her life.


She rose from her seat and without a word, she walked off to where a police woman was standing guard, ready to open the security door to escort her back to her detention cell.


"Ying Mei, ….. Ying Me…….," Woo Jin called but Ying Mei had already disappeared from view. Looking dejected and hapless, he rose from his seat and slowly dragged his feet out of the visitors' room.



Zian Da was in the MBS Director's office discussing some change in programme scheduling, when Xiang Zhe's secretary buzzed through on the intercom, "Director Yin, a Miss Zhen Shan Mei is here to see you." Xiang Zhe was so stunned, he almost fell over in his chair. His senses seemed to have deserted him completely all of a sudden.


"Director Yin? ….Director Yin, are you there?" Miss Lee's questioning voice boomed over the intercom again.


"Yes, Miss Lee. Send Miss Zhen in right away. After that, arrange for two cups of black coffee to be delivered to my office. Thank you."


Zian Da heard that – only two cups of coffee, eh? Okay, he got the hint. He was not wanted, he was excess baggage.


Xiang Zhe had moved around his desk just as Shan Mei walked in through the door. He held out his hands, pulled her quickly in and shut the door after her. "Shan Mei, finally, you come to visit me. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Xiang Zhe asked smilingly but he could see sad shadows lurking behind her glassy eyes. Feeling that she was not ready to talk, he led her to the sofa.


He glanced at Zian Da and silently indicated the door. Zian Da got up without a word and left the room. Xiang Zhe allowed the silence to fall as the door closed behind Zian Da before turning his attention back to Shan Mei. "Shan Mei, what happened?"


Shan Mei stared at Xiang Zhe, her lower lip trembling. Her eyes filled with tears. "I'm okay," she finally said tremulously, after she managed to blink the last of the tears out of her eyes.


"You know you're not alright, otherwise you would not come to visit me in the office. Do you know? This is the first time you have stepped into my office on your own initiative, although I have invited you countless times in the past."


"It's Brother Woo Jin. He's in bad shape. Did you see him at work today?"


"I haven't seen him around. I'll ask his department head." Xiang Zhe then buzzed his secretary and asked her to check whether their roving reporter Kim Woo Jin was at work that day. "No, Miss Lee, I don't want to see him. I just want to know whether he came in to work today. Thank you."


Xiang Zhe cocked an eyebrow at Shan Mei as if asking her whether what he just did was what she wanted him to do. She gave him a warm, approving smile.


No sooner had he released his finger from the intercom button, the tea lady came in with two cups of coffee. Xiang Zhe gave her an appreciative nod, after that she hurried out of the room, her face wreathed in smiles.


He then moved away from his desk and joined Shan Mei on the sofa. "Any reward?" he asked wickedly.


"Yes," she answered demurely, then proceeded to pinch him hard on his lower arm.


"Ouch!" he squealed softly into her ear. "Boy, you're a little tyrant. If you keep doing this, I'm not going to marry you."


Shan Mei at once became still, her face blushing profusely as she answered, "Who is going to marry you?"


"You are, of course!" He rolled up his shirt sleeve and laughingly pointed to the red pinch mark on his arm and announced vehemently, "You can't disclaim ownership now, you have just branded me! I am now your man."


Before Shan Mei could throw back a retort, Miss Lee was on the intercom. Xiang Zhe returned to his seat. "Director Yin, Mr. Kim Woo Jin had called in sick this morning. He would be off for the next two days."


He swiveled his chair around to face Shan Mei. "You heard that! He's off sick. What do you want me to do? The man is entitled to have some time off if he's sick."


"He's home drinking himself senseless because his heart has been shattered. Two afternoons ago, when he visited Ying Mei, she told him she had never loved him. Xue Zhang, is it possible to transfer him to another position that will keep him so busy he will have no time to drown himself in self-pity?"


Xiang Zhe pondered that for a long moment. He picked up a pen and tapped it absently on the surface of the desk. Shan Mei brought his cup of coffee to him, then she took the chair across the desk from him. Xiang Zhe smiled secretly to himself. Yes, he definitely loved the feeling of being pampered by Shan Mei.


"Xue Zhang, please look at it this way. As far as he was concerned, he gave her his heart completely. What did Ying Mei give him back in return? A baleful of heartache! I doubt he would be able to find his way out of this mess if we don't help him."


"Okay, let's discuss this rationally. If you were in my position, what would you do?"


Now, it was Shan Mei's turn to concentrate on finding a feasible solution. Xiang Zhe looked on besottedly at her. He really loved to watch her whenever she was in 'concentration' mode.


"Alright. I think if management values his services and believes he can contribute further to the growth of the company, then management will have to be understanding and find a solution that will both help the man and benefit the station. The station could assign two jobs to Woo Jin. This will help keep him busy. At the same time, the station will gain."


When Shan Mei finished her rationale, Xiang Zhe smiled broadly and, with a serious face, said, "Excellent thinking, Shan Mei. I like your rational approach to problem solving. You're hired."


"Xue Zhang, please be serious. I thought we were going to find a way to try and help Brother Woo Jin?"


"If I come up with another solution, will you promise to stop worrying about Woo Jin? Worry about me, for a change, okay?"


Shan Mei threw Xiang Zhe another warm smile, nodding her head at the same time. "I'll set up a little coffee corner in your office and come every afternoon to make you coffee, if you want."


"Now, we are getting somewhere. What else will you do for me?"


"I'll buy you lunch today. How about that?"


"Princess, you're on. Let's go."


"But you haven't told me what solution you have in mind for Brother Woo Jin?"


"Girl, feed me first."


Shan Mei laughed as they emerged from Xiang Zhe's office and caught the elevator to the car park to his car. After lunch, Shan Mei directed Xiang Zhe in his car to Woo Jin's home.


When Woo Jin opened the door, he was surprised to see Shan Mei and Director Yin. "What are you doing here, Shan Mei?"


"We came to see you," answered Shan Mei. Her 'we' included Xiang Zhe who was following behind her.


Without a word, Woo Jin moved away from the door. "Brother Woo Jin, don't be so rude. Director Yin is here to see you and he asked me to tag along." Xiang Zhe shrugged, trying his best to overlook the blatant snub.


Woo Jin then padded his way to the liquor cabinet in the kitchen to get another bottle of whiskey. His face showed the strain of having learned who and what Xu Ying Mei really was. He brought the whiskey back to the coffee table. He had two glasses with him. He poured a glass for Xiang Zhe, and one for himself. He was about to take a sip, when he put the glass down again.


Woo Jin stood up and looked at Xiang Zhe and said, "If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to Shan Mei alone."


Xiang Zhe frowned. "I don't think that's such a good idea. Shan Mei and I don't have any secrets. We are here today because Shan Mei is very worried about you. I understand you have recently been through hell. I'd like to suggest something. I'm making this suggestion in good faith. Do you think going away for a while would help your situation? You know, a change of scenery? BBC's Training Manager has offered MBS a place with their Roving News Team covering north and north-east England for 6 months. I would like to send you over. You can bring back a lot of new concepts and techniques that will improve efficiency in our News division."


After Woo Jin downed his whiskey, he looked at Shan Mei, his pained eyes asking for her opinion. Xiang Zhe saw this little exchange and fumed inside at this Woo Jin, believing he was trying to wheedle his way back into Shan Mei's soft heart. When Shan Mei looked everywhere but not at him, Woo Jin realized it was his life, he had to make his own decision; no one else could make it for him.


In an embarrassingly gruff tone, he answered, "I'll think about it."


"Yes, you do that. I understand you are taking two days off. Let me have your decision when you're back at work. Going to London will be a fresh start. Just make sure you don't take those English girls too seriously."


"Yes. I learned my lesson too late. I dare to admit that one can never trust a woman like Ying Mei. She's the kind of woman who's always got an angle."


Shan Mei walked away from the sofa and looked out of the window. "I wouldn't say that Ying Mei had an easy life. She said that things seldom worked out for her. None of her big plans ever gelled."


She walked back and sat down next to Woo Jin on the sofa. "Say you'll accept the offer, Brother Woo Jin. It will be good for you," Shan Mei said with gentle sympathy. Xiang Zhe felt a flash of searing jealousy when he saw Shan Mei giving Woo Jin's arm a gentle squeeze. He was afraid. Afraid that Woo Jin would use his current heartbreak to soften Shan Mei's tender, caring heart.


"Shan Mei, you don't have to worry about me. I've gotten over Ying Mei. What I can't get over is the fact that I've been such an absolute, blind fool." Woo Jin eyed Shan Mei meaningfully. Xiang Zhe caught the look and fumed again.


"Do you guys want to stay for dinner?" Woo Jin grudgingly asked Xiang Zhe.


Shan Mei was the one who answered back. "Thank you but we have to rush off. Xue Zhang has promised to help me choose a graduation gown."


"Yeah, I understand. Sorry, I forgot graduation would only be a month away from today. Hey, imp, I'll pay for the gown. You deserve it."


"Thank you very much but someone has already insisted on paying."


Woo Jin threw a challenging glance at Xiang Zhe, who immediately negated the thought. He held up his arms in surrender to Woo Jin and laughed, "Sorry, I lost out too. Uncle Zhen was the one who insisted on paying."



The green, luscious university grounds teemed with graduating students and their guests roaming around, all looking for the best spots for photo-snapping. Xiang Zhe and his parents were there to celebrate Shan Mei's convocation. It was the first time that Chairman and Mrs. Yin met Zhen Senior and Auntie Shu. They were all very proud of Shan Mei as they crowded close together to pose for a photo. Ahn Jun Mao didn't have a moment to spare. He was busy with either a camera or a video camera all afternoon. He had promised Woo Jin he would get everything on video so Woo Jin could watch the replay on his computer in England at the earliest possible time.


Auntie Shu used the opportunity to thank Director Yin for sending Woo Jin for training with BBC, such a prestigious broadcasting station. She agreed the six months away from Seoul would do him a world of good.


Chairman Yin was standing by his wife when she pulled Shan Mei aside and whispered excitedly, "Xiang Zhe told me he has proposed to you."


"He has?" At that moment it seemed to Shan Mei that everything in the entire universe had ceased moving except her heart. It was pounding. Did that sneaky Xue Zhang considered that playful joke in his office a marriage proposal? What cheek!


"Shan Mei, I hope you will give my son a fair chance. He cares very deeply for you. And you'll be good for him. I want my son to be happy. I know Xiang Zhe can make you very happy too."


Chairman Yin then asked, "Shan Mei, where's your father? I want to talk to him about some re-construction work for a 20 storey building recently acquired by Wen Rong."


Xiang Zhen walked over with Auntie Shu when he heard his father asking for Zhen Senior. "Dad, did you ask for Uncle Zhen?"


"Yes. We want to invite Shan Mei's father and Aunt Shu to dinner at our place this evening, since you two young ones would be attending the Graduation Ball."


Xiang Zhe began to look around earnestly. Finally he saw Uncle Zhen coming out of the university Administration Block. He went up to him and asked, "Uncle Zhen, meeting up your friend in the Administration Office?"


"Just came out of a meeting with the university's board of trustees. They wanted to give me the contract to build the school library. I've declined the offer. I feel so much lighter and happier now."


"Pa, I think we'd better head for home, if I want to have enough time to prepare for tonight's Ball and you take Auntie Shu home to rest before your dinner with Xue Zhang's parents."


After Xiang Zhe confirmed a time to pick Shan Mei up at her home later in the evening, the two families parted way. Jun Mao was invited to dinner at the Yin's residence too. He was excited and rushed home, wanting enough time to press his afternoon's work on CD and DVD so the senior citizens could enjoy the show after dinner. He also needed to upload the images onto his web site ready for Woo Jin, who had left for London 3 weeks ago to began his 6 months' training stint with BBC.


In the car, on the drive home, Zhen Senior told his daughter, "Shan Mei, there's something I want you to know. Your friend is a fine young man. It was so sporting of him to do what he did for Woo Jin. I like him very much. I'm just so sorry about his elder brother." Zhen Senior rubbed the bridge of his nose and exchanged a quick glance with Aunt Shu through the rearview mirror.



Very early one Saturday morning, when Shan Mei had already been working with MBS's Public Relations Division 4 months, they drove to Mt. Seorak, because Xiang Zhe wanted to spend the weekend at Lho Kal Mountain Hotel and Resort. They brought many gifts for Janitor Choi and his family. While visiting with Choi, Xiang Zhe offered him a job. "Mr. Choi, Miss Zhen and I will be getting married next month. There is an opening for a Maintenance Manager in the building where we will be setting up home." Seeing a spark of interest in Mrs. Choi's eyes, Xiang Zhe continued, "It's all very compact, I would say. The building's management office, which includes the maintenance office, a general workshop and a storeroom, is set up on the ground level of the building. We also have a 100 sq. meter 3-bedroom apartment on the same level for the maintenance manager. A security firm provides 24-hour security, 7 days a week. We'll be occupying the penthouse. I'll need you to look after the rooftop garden, and your wife to help Shan Mei keep the apartment clean. Maybe Mrs. Choi can spare 3 hours a day for us? The 20-storey building is located in an up-market neighbourhood, with good schools and shops within its precinct."


The Choi's exchanged glances and Shan Mei could tell Mr. Choi was wavering. "Mr. Choi, it's not that you'll be all alone in Seoul. Detective Han is settling down very nicely there." She then smiled conspiratorially and volunteered a bit of juicy gossip. "We think he too won't be alone for long. It's an open 'secret' that he's courting Director Yin's secretary."


Choi's eyes flew wide open. Slapping his hands soundly on his lap, he turned to his wife and laughed, "See Honey? Didn't that rascal Han always said he wanted to marry a city girl?"


Shan Mei was cradling the Chois' little baby and cooing to her, while Xiang Zhe made arrangements with Janitor Choi for he and his family to visit Seoul the following week to look over the building and sign the employment contract. As they were leaving the Choi's simple abode, Choi asked, "Director Yin, you talk as if the building belongs to you. Does it?"


Xiang Zhe smiled and gave Choi a slight nod of his handsome head. With a warm handshake, he assured Choi sincerely, "Mr. Choi, you won't regret your decision to move to Seoul and work for us."


The End




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