All About Eve 'Uncut' -- English Style

by AAEfanatic


Episode 3A


Act 3. 1


SCENE: Cambridge, Darwin College classroom, morning. 1

SCENE: Cambridge, Darwin campus, late morning. 1

SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's living room, afternoon. 1

SCENE: Cambridge train station, afternoon. 1

SCENE: London bus, afternoon. 1

SCENE: London street, afternoon. 1

SCENE: London street, afternoon. 1

SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's car, afternoon. 1

SCENE: London street, afternoon. 1

SCENE: London street, afternoon. 1

SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's car, afternoon. 1



Act 3



SCENE: Cambridge, Darwin College classroom, morning

(All dialog in this scene is in English)


Sun-Mi attends her first English class, taught by instructor David Robinson...




He opens the session by asking questions of each student, so everyone has to speak English.


Robinson.......... And how old are you Sean Paul?


Sean Paul......... 20 years of age.


Robinson.......... Thank you. ... And Sun-Mi. ... Where are you from?


Sun-Mi.............. From Korea.


Robinson.......... And how old are you?


Sun-Mi.............. I am 20 years old.


Robinson.......... And what brings you to England?


Sun-Mi.............. I'm going to study English.



SCENE: Cambridge, Darwin campus, late morning

(All dialog in this scene is in English)




Sharing a bench in a sunny part of the Darwin campus, John meets Sun-Mi to help with her English lesson...



Sun-Mi turns to a page in her textbook, showing John...


Sun-Mi.............. I need study this chapter for tomorrow's lesson. I don't get it ... what I supposed to do.


John................. Let's see.


He takes the book from Sun-Mi and browses through the pages.


John................. There are a lot of exercises here. Are you supposed to do all of them for tomorrow?


Sun-Mi.............. I'm not sure. It so confusing.


john................. Do you remember what your instructor said?


Sun-Mi.............. Mrs. Brown? ... Umm... uh ...


John................. Sun-Mi, is there a problem?


Sun-Mi.............. Er... I can't understand her English, anything she say...



Upset with herself, Sun-Mi's cheeks flush with embarrassment.


Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) My English so bad... Sorry.


John................. I can understand you, so it's not that bad.


She looks at him skeptically...


Sun-Mi.............. You really think so?



John smiles as he closes the textbook and sets it on the bench, the looks directly in Sun-Mi's eyes.


John................. Has anyone ever told you, Sun-Mi, how pretty you are when you blush?



Flustered by his personal comment, Sun-Mi turns beet red. She puts her hands up to hide her face and turns away.


John................. Why are you embarrassed?


Sun-Mi.............. Because, I'm not so special you should say that...


John................. Don't you think it's for the other person to decide, who is special or not?


Not knowing what to say in reply, she stays silent...


John................. Sun-Mi, I like you.



Sun-Mi.............. (stunned) Huh?!


She isn't sure, with her poor English comprehension, if she heard correctly...


Sun-Mi.............. What did you say?


John................. We've just met, so I know this may be a surprise, but I hope we can get to know each other better...


Sun-Mi.............. Er...


John................. I thought afterwards, if you like, we could do lunch together, too?



She is perplexed at how to deal with this unexpected situation.


Sun-Mi.............. (tensely) Sorry... I don't know how to say.


He smiles awkwardly.


John................. That's fine. You don't have to say anything, so forget it. I just wanted you to know my feelings.



He picks up the textbook again, and turns to the chapter.


John................. Why don't we start with the lesson?


Relieved that she is off the hook for an answer, she relaxes a bit.


Sun-Mi.............. Okay.


He hands the open book to her. Sun-Mi focuses on the textbook, keeping her eyes averted from his.


John................. Let's try the exercise, "Identifying the Main Clause of a Sentence".


Sun-Mi.............. (nods) Okay.


John................. Read each line out loud. If you're not sure of some words, just try to pronounce them.


Sun-Mi.............. (nods) Umm...


John................. (encouragingly) Don't be afraid of making a mistake. Everyone has to learn sometime.


Sun-Mi.............. (nods) Yes...



He waits for her to read the first line, but instead she rests the textbook on her lap and looks at him.


John................. Sun-Mi, did I say something wrong?


Sun-Mi.............. No... I got something to say first.



He is curious -- and apprehensive -- about what it is.


John................. Yes? Go on...


She flashes a bashful smile at him...


Sun-Mi.............. Thanks, John... For be honest with me... I let you know later, okay?



SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's living room, afternoon

(All dialog in this scene is in English)


Hyung-Chul is making lunch when his phone rings... he goes to pick up...


Hyung-Chul....... Hello?


John................. (O.S. on the phone) Hey, buddy! Are you up for a match this afternoon?


Hyung-Chul ....... (humorously) Oh? I thought you'd be too busy for that anymore.


John................. (O.S. on the phone) These things take time, you know. So, how about it?


Hyung-Chul ....... I don't have anything on my schedule. Where?


John................. (O.S. on the phone) There's this hall I've heard of, down in Sutton.


Hyung-Chul....... That's quite a ways. Why go there?


John................. (O.S. on the phone) They have a drink special today.


Hyung-Chul....... (laughs) All right. What time?


John................. (O.S. on the phone) How's three-thirty?


Hyung-Chul....... You got it. Text me the address, and I'll meet you.



SCENE: Cambridge train station, afternoon


Sun-Mi is at the station platform, boarding the one-thirty train back to London.



As she sits down in the carriage, she recalls what John had told her...


John................. (voiceover, in English) I know this may be a surprise, but I hope we can get to know each other better.


Sun-Mi.............. (berating herself) Why didn't I see this coming? Cho-Jeh was so right.




FLASHBACK�[Scene from Episode 3]



Cho-Jeh........... Study date? ... Are you sure he doesn't like you?


Sun-Mi............. I'm not looking for a boyfriend.


Cho-Jeh........... But surely he does, even a little... Do you like him?


Sun-Mi............. We only just met. Don't go off writing stories already.


Cho-Jeh........... Then do you like him, or not like him?


Sun-Mi............. He treats me nicely... Why shouldn't I like him?





Sun-Mi sighs and looks out the carriage window, pondering the situation...


Sun-Mi.............. (speaking to herself) Yes, why shouldn't I like him... Can't a man and woman be just good friends?



The train starts moving.


Sun-Mi looks at the text books in her lap, and exhales a long sigh.


She has another boring two-hour commute to kill, before she gets home...



SCENE: London bus, afternoon

(All dialog in this scene is in English except as noted)


Exasperated, Sun-Mi closes her English textbook and gazes out the bus window, deep in thought...




Focusing on her studies is impossible, all she can think about is Woo-Jin and Young-Mi back in Seoul...



FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 2, on the street after Young-Mi is attacked]







FLASHBACK�[Scene from Episode 2, in Sun-Mi's bedroom]






While she is distracted, the bus comes to a halt.


Sun-Mi looks outside and realizes that she is at her stop...


Sun-Mi.............. Hold on a minute!



She gets up from her seat and tries to push past a person standing in the aisle to get to the front door.


He holds the pole with one hand, blocking her path to exit the bus.


Sun-Mi.............. Excuse me.



The guy is slow to move, so Sun-Mi forcefully removes his hand from the pole and runs down the steps to the street.


Sun-Mi watches the bus drives away, and then turns to go back the half-block back to the crosswalk.




SCENE: London street, afternoon


As Sun-Mi ambles along the sidewalk, she is mulling everything in her head...


Sun-Mi.............. (voiceover) It's okay to like Woo-Jin, Young-Mi... Don't hold back because of me.


Sister Agnes...... (voiceover) It always takes two to make love work... when the other isn't willing, it's useless.


Sun-Mi.............. (voiceover) I believe in True Love! If two people are destined for love, nothing can keep them apart!


Sister Agnes...... (voiceover) What if it isn't Kim Woo-Jin, but someone else, who is that person?


Cho-Jeh............ (voiceover) Then do you like him, or not?


John................. (voiceover, in English) Sun-Mi, I like you... I hope we can get to know each other better.



Unable to put resolve her uncertainties, Sun-Mi sighs...


Sun-Mi.............. (muttering to herself) Why do things have to be so complicated?



SCENE: London street, afternoon


Hyung-Chul is driving his silver BMW Z3 M Roadster, headed for his match with John...




SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's car, afternoon

(All dialog in this scene is in English)


Hyung-Chul makes a phone call from his mobile...


John................. (O.S. on the phone) Yes?


Hyung-Chul....... John, looks like I'll be late. I hit construction and had to take a detour.


John................. (O.S. on the phone) Okay, where are you right now?


Hyung-Chul checks a street sign as he passes.


Hyung-Chul....... Malden Road, headed south.


John................. (O.S. on the phone) Well, step on it, okay? I'll be waiting at the bar.


Hyung-Chul....... Got it. I'll be there as soon as possible...



SCENE: London street, afternoon


Hyung-Chul brakes to a stop as a crosswalk light turns red in front of him.




Sun-Mi is walking slowly toward the crosswalk, still lost in thought...



She absently glances at the crossing light. Seeing the "WALK" sign, she returns to her worries.


As she starts across the street, the "DON'T WALK" sign begins flashing.




Impatient to get moving again, Hyung-Chul is watching for the signal to change.


When it finally turns green, he hits the accelerator hard...


The car surges forward... then he looks ahead, to see every driver's nightmare... someone right in front of his car.


He slams on the brakes, but his reflexes are not quick enough...



Sun-Mi, catching something moving in her peripheral vision, turns in shock to see a car almost on top of her...



In the next second, the car's bumper hits her legs, just before it screeches to a halt.


Knocked off her feet, Sun-Mi lands on the bonnet of the silver BMW.




Horrified, Hyung-Chul watches as the pedestrian he just hit slides off and drops to the pavement.


Panic seizes him... had he just killed someone?




Sun-Mi lies on the pavement in front of the car, unconscious...




SCENE: London street, afternoon


Immediately, Hyung-Chul jumps out of the car.


He sees the woman lying on the pavement, unconscious, her schoolbooks strewn about on the street.


Crouching over her, he is surprised to see that she is the same girl he'd seen in the restaurant, and in the Porter's Lodge.


With relief he sees she is breathing, and there is no blood spilled, but to be safe decides to call '999' for an ambulance.



He stands and turns away to go back and get his cell phone from the car, as Sun-Mi starts to move...


Sun-Mi.............. (grumbling) You can knock me down, but not help me up?



Hyung-Chul looks back, and sees the Sun-Mi pushing herself up to a sitting position.


Hyung-Chul....... (anxiously) Are you all right?



Staring at him, although still a bit dazed, Sun-Mi is definitely upset...


Sun-Mi.............. (irately) Someone just hit me with his car, and then asks me if I'm fine? What an idiot!



Her sudden switch from victim to aggressor surprises him...


Hyung-Chul....... (defensively) Isn't the idiot the person who steps into the street without looking first?


At the put-down, her temper boils...


Sun-Mi.............. Even so, you're not supposed to run me over! I was in the crossing!


Hyung-Chul....... Except you don't have right-of-way when the light flashes... You need to be more watchful.



Sun-Mi, knowing she wasn't paying attention, but not wanting to admit fault, just glares at Hyung-Chul.


Hyung-Chul....... Should I call an ambulance? You have a scrape.



Sun-Mi slowly moves one hand up to her head, then to her cheek, wincing as she touches the raw abrasions.


Sun-Mi.............. No. I'm fine, I think...


She rubs her sore shoulder and arm where she'd hit the pavement.


Meanwhile Hyung-Chul is picking up her scattered books from the street.

He drops them into the back of his car, then goes back to help Sun-Mi up, extending his hand.


Hyung-Chul....... Here. Allow me.


She looks up at him with a sullen frown.


Sun-Mi.............. (harshly) Now you want to help? Tsss... I don't need it...



She slowly gets up by herself, putting a hand the car to keep a shaky balance.



Hyung-Chul notices her face is turning pale.


Hyung-Chul....... Hey, take it easy. You don't look too well.


Sun-Mi.............. I... I'm all right.


Hyung-Chul....... You should go to a hospital for a checkup. You did hit your head.



Sun-Mi gives him an impatient scowl that says bluntly... mind your own business!


Sun-Mi.............. I don't need a doctor. I said I'm fine!


Hyung-Chul....... At least, let me drive you home.



Irritated he won't take no for an answer, Sun-Mi shakes her head, rebuffing his offer.


Sun-Mi.............. (coldly) I told you already -- I'm all right! Where'd you put my books?


Hyung-Chul....... They're in my car.



Sun-Mi takes one step forward, but then her eyes roll back, and she faints.


Hyung-Chul reacts quickly, catching Sun-Mi before she hits the ground...


He pats her face lightly, hoping to bring her back to consciousness. to no avail.

Looking around, he finds no one to give aid...




As Hyung-Chul worries about what to do, he recalls passing a sign for Ealing Hospital earlier... and decides...




Hyung-Chul....... Okay, Miss. You're going to the hospital, like it or not!


He scoops Sun-Mi's limp body up in his arms and carefully deposits her in the front seat of the car.

Removing her shoulder bag, he tosses it into the back, and then straps her in with the seatbelt.


Returning to the driver's seat, he executes a tight U-turn and roars off, back the way he came...



SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's car, afternoon


On the way to Ealing Hospital...


Hyung-Chul, stopped at a traffic light, notices a sign for Kingston Hospital at the intersection.


His mobile rings, and he picks it up to answer.


Hyung-Chul....... Yes? John?


John................. (O.S. on the phone) Hey? Did you get lost?


Hyung-Chul....... Sorry. Something just came up. We'll have to postpone match to tonight.


John................. (O.S. on the phone) Sure. What happened?


Hyung-Chul....... I'll tell you later. Gotta go now. Bye...


He hangs up before John can reply.



Hyung-Chul looks over at Sun-Mi... and recalls his conversation with Joo-Hee, that now seems almost prescient...


Joo-Hee............ (voiceover) What are you waiting for, Fate to drop some girl right into your lap?



The traffic light changes. Hyung-Chul turns right, heading for Kingston Hospital, only minutes away.

On the passenger seat beside him, Sun-Mi is regaining consciousness...


Sun-Mi.............. (mumbling) Ohhh... What happened?


Hyung-Chul....... You fainted.


Sun-Mi.............. Why am I in your car?


Hyung-Chul....... We're going to a hospital.


Sun-Mi.............. (grumbling) I told you already, I don't need a doctor!


Hyung-Chul....... I don't think you're in any condition to make that decision.


Sun-Mi.............. (under her breath) So arrogant! Deciding for someone else!


Hyung-Chul....... (chuckles) Should I just have left you lying on the street?



She shoots a fiery dart with her eyes that says... Jerk! How could you even consider that!


Sun-Mi.............. (loudly) Stop the car! I want to get off!



Seeing her react in such a feisty manner, Hyung-Chul's worries fade that she is seriously injured.


Hyung-Chul....... Sorry. We're doing things my way now.


She glares at him, sulking, her lips pressed into a childish pout, but doesn't reply.


Hyung-Chul....... Good. I'm glad you agree.


Sun-Mi turns away to stare out the side window, giving Hyung-Chul the cold shoulder.



Ignoring her pique, he ponders the coincidences of the past several days, and what they may portend...


... Koreans have a saying: Meet a stranger by chance three times, and you're fated to marry ...





To Be Continued...