All About Eve 'Uncut' -- English Style

by AAEfanatic


Episode 3A


Act 4. 2


SCENE: Kingston Hospital emergency room, afternoon. 2

SCENE: Seoul, Young-Mi's new apartment, night 3

SCENE: Kingston Hospital emergency room, afternoon. 4

SCENE: Seoul, restaurant, night 6

SCENE: Kingston Hospital corridor, afternoon. 9

SCENE: Kingston Hospital parking lot, afternoon. 10

SCENE: London, Gwi-Sun's kitchen, night 12

SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment balcony, night 13

SCENE: London, Gwi-Sun's kitchen, night 14

SCENE: Seoul, Mall arcade, night 14

SERIES OF SCENES: various locations and times. 15

SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment balcony, night 16

SPLIT SCENES: Seoul, Cho-Jeh's home / London, Sun-Mi's bedroom 17

SPLIT SCENES: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment / Sun-Mi's bedroom, night 18



Act 4



SCENE: Kingston Hospital emergency room, afternoon

(All dialog in this scene is in Korean except as noted)


In a curtained-off examination area, Sun-Mi sits on a portable hospital bed, watching Hyung-Chul fill out some forms.


He hands a clipboard back to a nurse waiting nearby.


Hyung-Chul....... (in English) This is all you need?


Nurse............... (in English) Yes... A doctor will be with you shortly.


As the nurse leaves, she pulls the curtain closed.



Sun-Mi glares at Hyung-Chul accusingly...


Sun-Mi.............. Why did you say you were my cousin and guardian?


Hyung-Chul....... You were hardly in a condition to take care of yourself, right?



She looks down at the floor, scowling...


Sun-Mi.............. I've never been so humiliated! Being carried in like some helpless child!


Hyung-Chul....... What was I supposed to do, after you fainted again in the car? Drag you in by your feet?


Sun-Mi.............. I told you already, I didn't faint; I just dozed off!



At her denial, Hyung-Chul chuckles...


Hyung-Chul....... You were a real Sleeping Beauty, then.


Sun-Mi.............. (grumbling) What do you mean by that?


Hyung-Chul ...... Don't you know the fairytale?


Sun-Mi.............. Of course! I'm no dummy!



A twinkle comes to Hyung-Chul's eyes, as he devilishly grins...


Hyung-Chul....... Then you know that the only way to wake Sleeping Beauty was by Prince Charming's kiss...


Sun-Mi reddens with embarrassment. Then her eyes spark as her jaw clenches...


Sun-Mi.............. (angrily) You... jerk!



She throws a punch with all her strength, hitting him hard in the upper arm with her fist...


Hyung-Chul....... Ouch! ... Hey! What was that for?


Sun-Mi.............. (loudly) How dare you take advantage of me!


Hyung-Chul....... Shhh! ... Why is your voice so loud? People may be listening.


Sun-Mi.............. (louder and angrier) Why shouldn't I be loud? It's MY virtue that's been violated!



Hyung-Chul tries to correct the situation...


Hyung-Chul....... Relax, nothing happened... Really, I was just kidding!



But Sun-Mi isn't appeased. She gets off the bed and squares off with him...


Sun-Mi.............. You think it's funny, pretending to sexually assault a helpless female?!



He rubs his sore arm, backing away as he watches her warily...


Hyung-Chul....... (grumbling) You, helpless? Are you kidding ME now?



She dismisses his pretense that her fist could have injured him as ridiculous...


Sun-Mi.............. Humpf! That was nothing! Wait 'til I really get mad, and then see what I can do!


Responding to the threat, he blasts back at her...


Hyung-Chul....... I was wrong. You're not Sleeping Beauty ... You're more like Malificent!



Insulted, Sun-Mi gives him tit for tat, as the last word...


Sun-Mi.............. And you're not Prince Charming ... You're just a real jerk!



SCENE: Seoul, Young-Mi's new apartment, night


Woo-Jin and Jun-Mo carry boxes up from the photography studio into Young-Mi's new apartment on the floor above.




Jun-Mo............. Woo-Jin, let’s have a cup of coffee.


Woo-Jin............ All right.


Jun-Mo walks over to Young-Mi, while Woo-Jin walks to the kitchenette.


Jun-Mo............. I put your books here.



Young-Mi is making the bed.


Young-Mi.......... Cool.


Jun-Mo pretends to fall and lands on the made-up bed.


Jun-Mo............. Don’t push. Don’t push.


Woo-Jin............ Hey, what are you guys doing?



Gwi-Sung walks over to YM and Jun-Mo.


Young-Mi slaps Jun-Mo’s back with both hands as a warning.


Woo-Jin walks over to Jun-Mo.


Woo-Jin............ What are you doing on someone else’s bed?



He grabs Jun-Mo’s feet and pulls him off the bed.


Gwi-Sung.......... Listen up guys. Staying in your workshop was one thing, but this place has no boys allowed. Got it?


He gestures with his hands to emphasize his point.


Gwi-Sung.......... So now, let’s go eat.


All laugh.


Gwi-Sung.......... Eat a lot.


Jun-Mo throws his hands up and cheers...



SCENE: Kingston Hospital emergency room, afternoon

(All dialog in this scene is in Korean except as noted)


A woman doctor pulls the curtain aside, immediately noticing the icy atmosphere between the two occupants.


Doctor.............. (perfunctorily, in English with a strong Scottish brogue) Miss Sunmi Jin? ... I'm Doctor Jennings. Tell me what happened.


Sun-Mi.............. Huh?


Hyung-Chul steps forward and speaks up...


Hyung-Chul....... (in English) Doctor, my cousin just came from Korea. She doesn't speak much English.



Sun-Mi glares at Hyung-Chul, surprised he is intervening...


Sun-Mi.............. Who gave you the right to speak for me?!


Hyung-Chul....... Just let me do the talking, okay? Your English is terrible.


Sun-Mi.............. How do you know my English ability?! Did I speak English in front of you?


He decides not to say he'd seen her struggling with English in the Porter's Lodge...


Hyung-Chul....... Fine! You're on your own.



Sun-Mi looks at the doctor, who is impatiently waiting for an answer, and reality sinks in...


Sun-Mi.............. Okay... go ahead... you talk to her.


Hyung-Chul....... (in English) Doctor, my cousin is very clumsy. She tripped over her own feet...


Hearing this, Sun-Mi glares at Hyung-Chul again...


Sun-Mi.............. Why did you tell her I'm clumsy?! It was you that knocked me down with your car!


Hyung-Chul....... If they learn it's a car accident, then there'll be more trouble.


Sun-Mi.............. Humph! Trouble for you... I'm just the victim here!



He ignores her complaints, speaking again with the doctor...


Hyung-Chul....... (in English) After falling, she fainted twice, but says she's okay, so I'm worried that her brain is damaged.



Sun-Mi is aghast when she hears this...


Sun-Mi.............. What?! There's nothing wrong with my brain!


Doctor.............. (in English) What did she say?


Hyung-Chul....... (in English) She said -- How to translate? -- Um, that her brain feels scrambled, like the eggs.



Upset, Sun-Mi punches him in the arm again.


Hyung-Chul....... (in English) See? She has such a bad temper...


Doctor.............. (in English) It's possible she has a mild concussion. I'll need to do a full exam, to be sure.


Hyung-Chul....... (in English) Yes, Doctor. I'll tell her.


Doctor.............. (in English) Ask her to take off her clothes, except underwear, and put on this gown.


She points to a hospital gown hanging on a hook on the wall.


Doctor.............. I'll be back in a few minutes.


Hyung-Chul....... Thank you, Doctor.



The doctor leaves and pulls the curtain closed.



Now that they are alone, Sun-Mi makes a threatening fist again...


Sun-Mi.............. You think I have a bad temper? I'll show you how bad my temper can be!!


He smiles, amused...


Hyung-Chul....... Go ahead, hit me again, if it makes you feel better.



Sun-Mi drops her fist, and her belligerence.


Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) Why am I so unlucky? Why did I have to come to England? ... This is all her fault!


Hyung-Chul....... Huh? What are you whining about now?


Sun-Mi.............. (snaps) It's none of your business!


Hyung-Chul....... Whatever... The doctor will be back soon. You should get changed now.



Sun-Mi gapes at him, astounded by his brashness...


Sun-Mi.............. You want me to undress in front of you?!


Hyung-Chul....... (irritated) I didn't say that... why are you accusing me?


Sun-Mi.............. Huh! ... First you joke about kissing me, now it's watching me undress?!



Hyung-Chul has had enough unreasonableness from a spoilt 'summer English brat'...


Hyung-Chul....... Tssst... Do you think that I'd want to see you undressed?


He makes an obvious sweep over Sun-Mi with his eyes and smirks...


Hyung-Chul....... Your body type doesn't seem that special to me.



She doesn't think this joke -- if it is one -- is funny, and lashes back...


Sun-Mi.............. What did you say?! Now you criticize my body, too, after trashing my brain?!


Hyung-Chul....... Why are you acting like a child? Grow up, little Miss...



His condescension only exacerbates her ire...


Sun-Mi.............. Did I make these circumstances by myself? Did I? Is it all my fault?


Hyung-Chul....... (unapologetically) Okay, maybe I went a bit over the line, too...



She isn't appeased by his apparent insincerity...


Sun-Mi.............. What kind of a man treats a woman this way? You're a jerk, with no sense of chivalry!


He trades insult for insult...


Hyung-Chul....... And you're a shrew, with no sense of gratitude!



Shocked at his words, she pushes him toward the curtain with both hands...


Sun-Mi.............. I don't have to listen to this! ... Get out!



Faced with her continuing intransigence, he throws in the towel...


Hyung-Chul....... Fine... I'm leaving. You're on your own from now! ... Good luck!


Jerking the curtain aside, he storms out...



SCENE: Seoul, restaurant, night


At the restaurant, Jin-Suk (Woo-Jin's mother) also comes to celebrate Young-Mi's new apartment...




All are seated at a table around a barbeque grill.


Gwi-Sung.......... You guys worked hard today. Eat up.


Jin-Suk............. Yeah, you guys eat more.


Gwi-Sung.......... Come on, eat some.


Jin-Suk............. (to Young-Mi) Do you like your room?


Young-Mi.......... Of course. It’s the first time I’ve had my own room in 20 years. I’m so thankful to Mr. Jin.


Gwi-Sung.......... Study hard and become a great person. That’s all there is to it.


Jun-Mo............. (coughs) When you said "great person" I choked.



All laugh.


Gwi-Sung reaches over to Jun-Mo with the tongs.


Gwi-Sung.......... (jokingly) You runt.


Young-Mi.......... Coming together like this, we’re like one family.


Jin-Suk............. One family? We’re from four separate families.



Young-Mi’s smile turns to a frown.


Woo-Jin laughs, trying to lighten the mood...


Woo-Jin............ To people who don’t know, we look like one. Mom, Dad, brothers, and sister.



Young-Mi looks at Woo-Jin, smiles and nods.


Jun-Mo’s cell phone rings, he opens it and puts it to his ear.


Jun-Mo............. This is Ahn Jun-Mo … Hey, So-Hui … So-Hui, today’s the 3rd?

....................... Sorry, sorry, I was moving things and forgot about it. No, don’t worry. I’ll fly over to you. OK.


He puts the phone away, and pushes Young-Mi back so he can see Woo-Jin clearly.


Jun-Mo............. Hey, I have to go.


Woo-Jin............ Who was it?


Jun-Mo............. Today’s So-Hui’s birthday. She’s gonna kill me.


He looks at Gwi-Sung.


Jun-Mo............. I’m sorry I have to go first.


Gwi-Sung.......... What is it? Eat some more.


Jun-Mo............. Oh, no. I’ve had enough.


He stands to leave.


Jun-Mo............. Next time you need help moving, call me.


Gwi-Sung.......... Good job today.


Jun-Mo............. Thanks.


Jun-Mo starts to leave but turns back.


Jun-Mo............. Next time take us to a sushi house.


All laugh.


Jun-Mo............. Take care.


Jun-Mo walks away.



Young-Mi laughs and turns toward Gwi-Sung.


Young-Mi.......... Your cup is empty. Want another glass?


She picks up a bottle.


Gwi-Sung.......... Really? Should I?


Young-Mi starts to pour.




But Jin-Suk grabs the bottle from Young-Mi’s hand...


Jin-Suk............. Women shouldn’t pour the alcohol.



Jin-Suk then pours it herself as Young-Mi frowns in reaction to her put down.


Gwi-Sung.......... Don’t embarrass her like that.


Jin-Suk............. Don’t take it like that. I’m just trying to teach you.


Woo-Jin sighs.


Woo-Jin............ Mom.


Jin-Suk............. What? Want me to pour some for you too?


She holds the bottle towards Woo-Jin.


Jin-Suk............. You be careful too. Don’t take alcohol from just any girl.


Young-Mi smiles weakly, clearly embarassed...


Young-Mi.......... When we go home, let’s take sticker pictures.




SCENE: Kingston >Hospital corridor, afternoon


Sun-Mi comes out of the Emergency Room, to find Hyung-Chul waiting in the corridor...


Seeing him, she frowns...


Sun-Mi.............. I thought you were leaving.



He grins at her good-naturedly...


Hyung-Chul....... How could I? Your stuff is still in my car...


Sun-Mi.............. (grumbling) Oh... right...


Hyung-Chul....... Are you still upset?



She gives him a cold stare...


Sun-Mi.............. Someone puts me down, makes fun of me, and then abandons me? What do you think?



He looks amused, but knows she is right...


Hyung-Chul....... Okay, I got it. Do you want an apology?



She shoots him a chilly dart...


Sun-Mi.............. No need... I'll just get my stuff now...



They walk together down the corridor to the exit.


Hyung-Chul....... The doctor spoke to me while you were getting dressed.


Sun-Mi.............. Oh?


Hyung-Chul....... She said you seemed under a lot of stress and are anemic, and that's possibly why you fainted.


Sun-Mi.............. (irked) She told me that, too.


Hyung-Chul....... She said to be sure you got good rest, and ate regularly. So be sure to follow her instructions.


Sun-Mi.............. (exasperated) Look! My English isn't that bad... I don't need your useless repetition!



They are at the exit doors now, which automatically open as they approach...


Hyung-Chul....... Look, about what happened today...


Sun-Mi.............. I've already forgotten it. It was just an unfortunate incident, no big deal.




SCENE: Kingston Hospital parking lot, afternoon


As Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi cross the parking lot, he tries to make conversation, despite Sun-Mi's offish attitude...




Hyung-Chul....... Still, it's a relief you're OK. You could've been seriously injured.



Finally she hears a word spoken in sympathy, to which she warms a bit...


Sun-Mi.............. Yes, I'm sorry. I alarmed you, huh?


Hyung-Chul....... What were you thinking about so intently?



Not wanting to discuss her personal life with a stranger, she brushes him off...


Sun-Mi.............. (stiffly) I wasn't seriously injured, and your car isn't damaged. So things are fine now, right?


She touches the bonnet of the car, to make her point.



Hyung-Chul....... They say you should come back tomorrow. You have your appointment slip, right?


Sun-Mi searches her pockets, and pulls out a folded paper.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes, it's right here.


Hyung-Chul....... That doctor's name is Dr. Jennings. Do you remember? Do you need a ride to get back here?



She sighs, then shows a tired smile at his deprecating attitude...


Sun-Mi.............. I didn't injure my brain.


Hyung-Chul....... Seeing you finally smile, I can relax a bit. Next time, pay attention crossing the street. You were really in a daze.




She is getting tired of his bothersome nagging...


Sun-Mi.............. Yes, I'll be careful. Please give me my books and bag.



But he persists in trying to 'help' her...


Hyung-Chul....... I'll give you a ride. Get in.



Finally, she puts her foot down, brushing him off curtly...


Sun-Mi.............. No, I'm all right.



Stung by her unexpected refusal, Hyung-Chul walks over to the car and takes Sun-Mi's bag out.



Fearing that her anger might lead to a lawsuit against him, he tries to head her off...


Hyung-Chul....... It wasn't my fault. No need to be mad. If we look at things legally, I shouldn't be held responsible.



Sun-Mi walks up to Hyung-Chul and takes her bag, and then sets him straight...


Sun-Mi.............. I'm not mad at you. I'm really fine. Don't worry. I can walk on my own.


She bows politely.


Sun-Mi.............. Goodbye.


Sun-Mi walks away, rubbing her upper arm where it is sore from the accident.




Hyung-Chul watches Sun-Mi as she leaves...


He tosses his keys up in the air and catches them, trying to look nonchalant.


But Sun-Mi doesn't look back as he'd hoped, to see he is being cool about the whole matter...



SCENE: London, Gwi-Sun's kitchen, night


Sun-Mi is eating dinner at the kitchen table, while her Aunt, Gwi-Sun, gets some rice from the rice cooker by the sink.




Gwi-Sun............ You were lucky that you met a good person. You should have brought him to my restaurant.


Sun-Mi doesn't reply...



Gwi-Sun walks over to the table and sits down across from Sun-Mi, wanting more  information...


Gwi-Sun............ What was his name? Foreign student? Contact info?



Sun-Mi is unhappy at the grilling... It's all that's been on her mind, and she just wants to forget it...


Sun-Mi.............. I didn't ask.


Gwi-Sun............ Why didn't you? What if there are after-effects?


Sun-Mi.............. I'm fine. Nothing's wrong with me.


Gwi-Sun............ You don't know for sure.



Sun-Mi looks at her aunt, exasperated...


Sun-Mi.............. Auntie, stop talking about it. I'm fine. If something happens later, I'll think about it then.



Gwi-Sun scrutinizes Sun-Mi's face carefully...


Gwi-Sun............ Did something happen in Seoul? You're not acting like yourself.


Sun-Mi.............. There's nothing like that. I'm just stressed that something like this happened as soon as I got here.



SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment balcony, night


Hyung-Chul pushes the sliding door open with his arm and steps onto the balcony overlooking Millwall Outer Dock...



His friend John is lounging outside, at the railing.


Hyung-Chul....... Here...


He tosses a can of Foster's to John.


John................. Thanks.


John pops open his beer and takes a long swig.


Hyung-Chul joins him at the railing and does the same.


For a few minutes, they watch the maneuvering boats of a twilight sailing session from the Docklands Sailing and Watersports Centre.



John................. Your practice has really paid off.


Hyung-Chul....... You think so?


John................. You've never run the table before like that.


Hyung-Chul....... (chuckles) I'm going to enjoy dining at your expense the rest of the summer.


John................. You don't have to rub it in.


Hyung-Chul....... Yeah? I'm enjoying this tremendously!



SCENE: London, Gwi-Sun's kitchen, night


Sun-Mi and her aunt, Gwi-Sun, continue their conversation at the dining table...


Gwi-Sun............ How was class today?


Sun-Mi.............. One instructor's boring, I can hardly stay awake. The other, I can't understand a word she says.



Figuring that Sun-Mi needs a distraction from her brooding, Gwi-Sun persists...


Gwi-Sun............ Do you like your classmates? Don't just keep to yourself. Make some friends.


Sun-Mi.............. This girl from Japan is nice, but it's hard for us to talk, I don't understand a word she says, either.



Gwi-Sun smiles, realizing that Sun-Mi's accent must be just an unintelligible for that Japanese girl.


Sun-Mi.............. (grumbling) I know what you're thinking...



She gets up from the couch.


Sun-Mi.............. I'm gonna go upstairs now and sleep.


Gwi-Sun............ Are you sure you're okay?


Sun-Mi.............. (petulantly) Stop nagging me! I said I'm all right!



SCENE: Seoul, Mall arcade, night


Later, after dinner...


Gwi-Sung, Young-Mi, and Woo-Jin take sticker pictures, while Jin-Suk unhappily waits outside the booth.




SERIES OF SCENES: various locations and times


London, Sun-Mi's bedroom


Instead of sleeping, Sun-Mi makes phone calls back to Seoul...




Seoul, Gwi-Sung's home


The phone rings in Sun-Mi's father's living room, but no one is home.




Seoul, Woo-Jin's photo studio


The phone rings in Woo-Jin's studio, but no on answers there, either.




SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment balcony, night


Tired of Hyung-Chul's boasting, John changes the subject to something less sensitive to his ego...


John................. Tell me about this 'problem' you ran into today. Since you were so vague, I'm assuming it has a name?


Hyung-Chul....... Yeah. That same girl you're trying to date... Jin Sun-Mi.


John................. You met up with her?



Thinking that Sun-Mi will tell John about their accident, Hyung-Chul decides to reveal his side first...


Hyung-Chul....... In a manner of speaking, yes... We met by a car-pedestrian accident.


John................. What? How did that happen?


Hyung-Chul....... I was in a hurry to meet up with you, when she stepped out into the street against the light.


John................. Was she hurt?


Hyung-Chul....... Just a few scrapes. It could've been worse. The doctor said she was fine.


John................. So you went with her to a hospital?


Hyung-Chul....... She fainted, so I drove her to the hospital for a checkup.


He pauses to take a sip of beer, thinking about Sun-Mi...


Hyung-Chul ...... It seems she's under a lot of stress -- not eating or sleeping well -- wandering about in a daze.


John................. What's her problem?


Hyung-Chul ...... Hard to say, she wouldn't talk about it. Something back in Seoul, I gathered, about another girl.



John gives his friend a puzzled look...


John................. For someone trying to avoid those 'summer English brats', you seem pretty involved with this one.



Hyung-Chul moves quickly to dispel the idea...


Hyung-Chul....... No way! It's not what you think.



John isn't persuaded by his friend's denial...


John................. Really, if you like her, I'll back off. We only compete in the snooker halls, not with women.


Hyung-Chul....... I just feel some responsibility for what happened, that's all. She's definitely not my type.


John................. Then you don't mind if I still go for that summer fling?


Hyung-Chul....... Suit yourself. But frankly, I think she carries a lot of baggage.



Confident, John isn't deterred...


John................. Since I've already made an investment, I'd like to get some return for my efforts.



Hyung-Chul thinks of Sun-Mi's vehemence when thinking that he'd 'violated her virtue' at just suggesting a kiss...


Hyung-Chul....... (laughs) Don't say I didn't warn you!


John................. You doubt me? How about a wager, then?


Hyung-Chul....... What's the stakes?


John................. Double or nothing on your win today, if I get to first base by week's end.



Hyung-Chul raises his beer can to John's...


Hyung-Chul....... You're on. It's a deal.



SPLIT SCENES: Seoul, Cho-Jeh's home / London, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night


Frustrated at not being able to contact her family, Sun-Mi has called her friend in Seoul, Cho-Jeh...


Cho-Jeh............ How is it going with your English guy-friend?


Sun-Mi.............. Since he said he liked me, nothing.


Cho-Jeh............ You need to show him you're interested.


Sun-Mi.............. I can't do that, what if reality set in and he's changed his mind? It'd be too embarrassing.


Cho-Jeh............ Hey! Don't write yourself off so easily.



But Sun-Mi continues with her self-disparagement...


Sun-Mi.............. You know, if guys prefer girls like Young-Mi, what do I have to offer?



Cho-Jeh has heard enough...


Cho-Jeh............ If I could put my hand through the phone, I'd slap some sense into you for saying that!


Sun-Mi.............. Yeah, but that's how I feel right now...



Cho-Jeh realizes that Sun-Mi isn't saying something...


Cho-Jeh............ This isn't like you. What happened?


Sun-Mi.............. Nothing. Everything's fine...


Cho-Jeh............ Really? 'Fess up.


Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) Today some Korean guy knocked me down with his car. That's all.


Cho-Jeh............ That's all? ... Did you say he's Korean? What kind of car? Is he good-looking?


Sun-Mi.............. Cho-Jeh! ... Are you a broken record player? Don't you care if I got hurt?


Cho-Jeh............ (dismissive) If you were hurt that badly, you wouldn't be talking to me now, right?



Sun-Mi hadn't considered that...


Sun-Mi.............. Oh. Yeah.


Cho-Jeh............ But how is it you meet a new guy every other day in London? I'm jealous.


Sun-Mi.............. It's not like I'm trying. Things just happened.


Cho-Jeh............ So... is he a Prince Charming, or not?



That makes Sun-Mi recall Hyung-Chul's bad joke...


Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) You know that the only way to wake Sleeping Beauty was by Prince Charming's kiss...


Angry over the whole encounter, she snaps at Cho-Jeh...


Sun-Mi.............. Okay... that's enough... I'm hanging up!


Cho-Jeh............ Hey... what did I say?


Sun-Mi ............. Bye!



SPLIT SCENES: London, Hyung-Chul's balcony / Sun-Mi's bedroom, night


Hyung-Chul is on the balcony, reflecting on the day's experience with Sun-Mi...


Hyung-Chul....... She's definitely trouble!... I'll be lucky, if I never see that ungrateful brat again!



* * * * * *


After she puts down the handset on its cradle, Sun-Mi grumbles to herself about Hyung-Chul...


Sun-Mi.............. Him?! A Prince?! ... I'll be lucky, if I never see that rude jerk again!...







To Be Continued...