All About Eve 'Uncut' -- English Style

by AAEfanatic


Episode 3B


Act 2. 2


SCENE: London, Arirang restaurant, night 2

SCENE: London street, night 3

SCENE: London, MacDonald's restaurant, night 5

SCENE: London street outside Sun-Mi's aunt's home, night 6

SCENE: London, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night 7

SCENE: Seoul, Woo-Jin's studio, night 8

SCENE: London, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night 9

SPLIT SCENE: Seoul, Cho-Jeh's home / London, Sun-Mi's bedroom.. 10

SCENE: Cambridge, Jesus Green, morning. 11

SCENE: London, snooker hall, evening. 11

SCENE: Seoul, MBS Announcer makeup room, morning. 13

SCENE: Cambridge, Darwin campus, afternoon. 15

SCENE: Cambridge, Darwin campus, afternoon. 17

SCENE: Cambridge, Darwin campus, afternoon. 17



Act 2



SCENE: London, Arirang restaurant, night


Sun-Mi is surprised to see Hyung-Chul has come into her aunt's restaurant.


Hyung-Chul acts surprised at seeing Sun-Mi there, too...




Sun-Mi.............. Huh? We meet again?


He gives her a jaunty grin...


Hyung-Chul....... Don't they say, three times is charm?



Meanwhile, Gwi-Sun is wondering...


Gwi-Sun............ When did you two meet before?


Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi exchange a glance asking who should explain...


Sun-Mi.............. Auntie, he's the guy who knocked me down with his car.


Gwi-Sun............ What?!


She turns apologetically to Hyung-Chul...


Gwi-Sun............ Sun-Mi is my brother's daughter, the niece I told you was visiting this summer.


A light comes to Hyung-Chul's eyes... while Sun-Mi sees a red flag...


Hyung-Chul....... Ah, yes...


Gwi-Sun............ She can be a bit blur at times. I'm sorry she inconvenienced you by her carelessness.



Sun-Mi stares at her aunt, astounded...


Sun-Mi.............. Hey! It wasn't all my fault!



Gwi-Sun ignores her niece's protest...


Gwi-Sun............ I owe you a debt for sending Sun-Mi to the hospital and waiting with her, to be sure she was all right.


Hyung-Chul....... Not at all, the time was quite interesting. Your niece is a... er... 'remarkable' young woman.



Sun-Mi shoots him a dart with her eyes, but his positive opinion encourages Gwi-Sun...


Gwi-Sun............ Sun-Mi, Hyung-Chul is dining alone. Why don't you join him for dinner tonight?



The last thing Sun-Mi wants is appear complicit with her aunt's transparent matchmaking effort...


Sun-Mi.............. But� but I'm working!



Gwi-Sun stands her ground, and issues a firm command, that Sun-Mi can't refuse...


Gwi-Sun............ No 'buts'... do what I tell you. We'll get on fine.


Given no choice, Sun-Mi frowns and reluctantly concedes...


Sun-Mi.............. Yeesss, Auntie.



A couple enters the restaurant, and Gwi-Sun turns away to greet them...


Gwi-Sun............ Welcome! ... For two? ... Let me show you to a table...



As Gwi-Sun leads the couple off, Hyung-Chul looks at Sun-Mi and shrugs.


Hyung-Chul....... If you'd really prefer not...


But Sun-Mi has already decided to use the opportunity, and responds with a smile.


Sun-Mi.............. Didn't you say 'three times is charm'? Well, this is your chance to charm me...


Hyung-Chul....... You know I only meant it as a figure of speech.



Sun-Mi eyes dance with mirth...


Sun-Mi.............. Is that so?


Hyung-Chul....... Then, shall we sit down to eat?


She shakes her head...


Sun-Mi.............. I eat here all the time. Let's go somewhere else...



SCENE: London street, night


After leaving the Arirang restaurant, Sun-Mi and Hyung-Chul are ambling together along the street, talking.



Sun-Mi.............. I'm sorry. I didn't know London was this small.


She chuckles at the improbability with him.



He quickly directs the conversation to his purpose for coming to see her...


Hyung-Chul....... Has your English gotten better?


Sun-Mi.............. Better? I can't even understand half of anything.


Hyung-Chul....... It takes time. You'll get it soon. It gets easier.



Trying to learn more about him, she diverts the conversation...


Sun-Mi.............. When did you come here?


Hyung-Chul....... 11th grade. During the overseas study boom. I came over then.


She laughs.


Sun-Mi.............. Please don't be so polite. I'm much younger than you.


Hyung-Chul....... All right then...


Sun-Mi smiles, pleased he has agreed so easily.


Hyung-Chul....... I'm your senior in many different ways.


Sun-Mi smiles again and nods.



He is surprised at Sun-Mi's gentle, congenial behavior, after the volatility she displayed during their first two meetings...

Returning to the previous topic, her English ability, he fishes for an opening...


Hyung-Chul....... Well then, you must be in Mrs. Brown's class.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes. Senior, she drives me crazy. Have you heard an accent that bad?


He laughs.


Hyung-Chul....... It's a dialect.


Sun-Mi.............. (surprised) Really?



SCENE: London, MacDonald's restaurant, night


Sun-Mi and Hyung-Chul are eating hamburgers in a booth at a MacDonald's restaurant.


He takes a drink from his coffee as he watches her chow down on a Big Mac.


Hyung-Chul....... We could've gone to a nicer place...



She finishes chewing the bite of hamburger before she replies...


Sun-Mi.............. Actually, I've been craving for a hamburger since this noon.


Hyung-Chul....... Oh?


Sun-Mi.............. When I get something into my mind, I can't let it go until it's settled.


Hyung-Chul....... (chuckling) They call that being 'tenacious'.


She puts down the hamburger and leans forward, with a stern expression, flaring her eyes...


Sun-Mi.............. That's me, all right -- tenacious...


Then she sits back and laughs.


Sun-Mi.............. But my Daddy calls it just being plain stubborn!


He chuckles with her, but doesn't respond, sensing she has something more to say first...



Sun-Mi reaches for her coffee cup, focusing her attention on it as she speaks...


Sun-Mi.............. My Auntie was pretty blatant, trying to fix us up. I hope you don't mind...


Hyung-Chul....... Isn't that the elders' desire, that their children have a better life?


Sun-Mi.............. Yes, but it's still annoying.


Hyung-Chul....... Perhaps, but your Auntie does have good taste in men, don't you think?



She glances up, expecting to see he is joking, but he is looking at her soberly.


Sun-Mi.............. (pouting) Huh! ... You're so arrogant!


He grins at her petulance...


Hyung-Chul....... But not if it's true, right?


She realizes that he was teasing her from the start... and laughs.



He joins her, laughing, then decides it's a good time to make his move...


Hyung-Chul....... Your aunt doesn't know about your boyfriend in Seoul?


Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) She knows, but doesn't approve.


He raises a quizzical eyebrow.


Sun-Mi.............. It's not about Woo-Jin. She's on the outs with his mother, who's 'close' with my father.


Hyung-Chul....... (nodding sympathetically) Your life seem quite complicated right now.



She looks away and sighs again.


Hyung-Chul....... What I said this afternoon, about people needing someone to lean on... I meant it.



Sun-Mi turns back with a weak smile...


Sun-Mi.............. I appreciate that. I'm sorry for acting so badly... Honestly, I thought you were trying to hit on me.


Hyung-Chul....... (grinning) What if I was?


She casts a doubtful eye on him.


Sun-Mi.............. Why would someone like you be interested in someone like me?


Hyung-Chul....... It's true what I told your Auntie, in some ways, you're a remarkable person.


Sun-Mi.............. Tsst! You don't have to say that.


Hyung-Chul....... Didn't you say, this was my chance to charm you?


She laughs as she nods...


Sun-Mi.............. I did.


Hyung-Chul....... Then why not give me a real chance?


Sun-Mi.............. What?


Hyung-Chul....... Let's get to know each other better... just friends, of course.


Sun-Mi.............. (thoughtfully) I'd like that.


Hyung-Chul....... What are you doing later this week?


Sun-Mi.............. Umm... Just working at the restaurant... Why?


Hyung-Chul....... If you like, I can show you around, see the sights from an insider's perspective.


Sun-Mi.............. Actually, I would like that.


Hyung-Chul....... Then, we're set. It's a date.



He chuckles at a thought...


Sun-Mi.............. What is it?


Hyung-Chul....... Like I said earlier, three times is charm.


Sun-Mi realizes what he means, and laughs, too...



SCENE: London street outside Sun-Mi's aunt's home, night


The silver BMW Z3 slows to a stop in front of Sun-Mi's aunt's house.



Sun-Mi gets out of the car and smiles gratefully at Hyung-Chul.


Sun-Mi.............. Thank you.


Hyung-Chul....... Don't be so concerned about the letter your savior wrote to you. Have a good sleep.


She nods.


Sun-Mi.............. OK... Goodbye.


Hyung-Chul....... (in English) Good night.


Sun-Mi waits at the curb, watching Hyung-Chul drive away.



SCENE: London, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night


Sun-Mi comes into her bedroom and puts her bag and books on the desk.


Not ready to sleep yet, she sits down and picks up a textbook to study...


Then she reconsiders and looks at her bag, takes the letter from Seoul out, and smooths the crumpled paper.




As Sun-Mi starts reading the letter, she imagines the voices of Woo-Jin and Young-Mi as they write:


Woo-Jin............ (voiceover) Why haven't you called? You're OK, right?


Young-Mi.......... (voiceover) It's me Young-Mi. I miss you Sun-Mi.



SCENE: Seoul, Woo-Jin's studio, night


A previous night ...


Woo-Jin is at the computer in his studio, speaking aloud as he types, with Young-Mi sitting behind him, watching.


Woo-Jin............ Have you learned a lot of English? You're not resorting to body language are you? Ha ha ha.


He looks at Young-Mi, and continues...


Woo-Jin............ Even if you miss me, be patient and study hard. Also, keep in touch, OK?



Young-Mi, impatient to get a word in, leans forward, and says to Woo-Jin.


Young-Mi.......... Let me write.



She moves up beside Woo-Jin at the computer and starts typing as she talks...


Young-Mi.......... It's hot there too, right? It's no joke here. Today, I went to the swimming pool with Woo-Jin and Jun-Mo.


Woo-Jin............ Why did you say that?


Young-Mi.......... What's wrong with that?



FLASHBACK� [Seoul, at an indoor swimming pool, on a previous day]





Young-Mi keeps typing the letter, speaking the words aloud, as Woo-Jin watches.


Young-Mi.......... It was really, really fun. I drank so much water that I can still smell the swimming pool.

....................... He's such a prankster.


Woo-Jin............ (to Young-Mi) It was Jun-Mo, not me. Let's make that clear.


Young-Mi.......... I'm just telling her how fun it was.


Woo-Jin laughs.



SCENE: London, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night


Sun-Mi is still reading the letter from Seoul...


Young-Mi.......... (voiceover) If you were here we'd have gone together. Hurry and come back so we can have fun.


He cuts in and takes over typing as he speaks...


Woo-Jin............ (voiceover) The pictures at the bottom are sticker pictures we took when Young-Mi moved out.


Sun-Mi looks over the pictures.



Woo-Jin............ (voiceover) We all went out after she moved.



Leaving the letter at her desk, Sun-Mi goes to lie down on her bed, upset...



She recalls what Young-Mi said to her on the phone.


Young-Mi.......... (voiceover) If I were you I'd study my butt off. Why are you concerned about Woo-Jin?

....................... It's awkward anyway...



SPLIT SCENE: Seoul, Cho-Jeh's home / London, Sun-Mi's bedroom


Troubled and unable to sleep, Sun-Mi has called her friend, Cho-Jeh, in Seoul, for a woman-to-woman chat...




Sun-Mi.............. So... what do you think I should do?


Cho-Jeh............ Do you really like Woo-Jin that much?


Sun-Mi.............. When I left Seoul, I wasn't sure. I thought by coming here, I'd be able to clear my head.


Cho-Jeh............ And?


Sun-Mi.............. Now, I really miss him. I don't want to give him up.


Cho-Jeh............ Then you're a fool to just sit there, and do nothing while Young-Mi tries to steal him away!


Sun-Mi.............. What can I do? He's oblivious to Young-Mi's scheming!


Cho-Jeh............ It's because Woo-Jin takes you for granted. Once he realizes he might lose you, he'll wake up.


Sun-Mi.............. You really think so?


Cho-Jeh............ Until Young-Mi came, weren't you taking Woo-Jin for granted?



Cho-Jeh hit the nail on the head, raising a spike of guilt in Sun-Mi...


Sun-Mi.............. Yeah... I get it...


Cho-Jeh............ You need to make him jealous. What about those two guys you met? Anything brewing?


Sun-Mi.............. I already considered that. But I don't know...


Cho-Jeh............ Why not?


Sun-Mi.............. Actually, I feel guilty just thinking about the idea of two-timing Woo-Jin.


Cho-Jeh............ Remember, it's for a good cause... to get him away from Young-Mi. You're doing Woo-Jin a favor.



Sun-Mi ponders Cho-Jeh's reasoning for a few moments...


Cho-Jeh............ Well? Yes or no?


Sun-Mi.............. When you put it like that, it doesn't seem so bad.


Cho-Jeh............ That's more like it! Which guy are you going with? Do you have an idea?


Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) Let me think about it some more...



SCENE: Cambridge, Jesus Green, morning


Hyung-Chul takes a run in the morning at Jesus Green, a popular Cambridge park on the River Cam...




SCENE: London, snooker hall, evening




John leans into the table. Taking aim, with a firm stroke, he pots the last ball.


Hyung-Chul....... Good shot!


John................. Another?



Hyung-Chul chuckles and shakes his head.


Hyung-Chul....... No thanks. I'm in deep enough as it is. But congratulations. You played well.



John puts his cue stick on the felt and shakes his friend's hand.


John................. What's with you lately? Your concentration is off.


Hyung-Chul....... I've had some things on my mind lately.


John................. Care to unburden over a few beers? I'll buy.


Hyung-Chul....... Nah... Thanks anyway. I better get some sleep.


John................. (shrugs) Suit yourself.



Hyung-Chul picks up his backpack from the floor and slings it over his shoulder.


Hyung-Chul....... Oh, by the way... How's our wager coming?


John................. You were right about Sun-Mi being pretty conservative. But she's warming up to me.


Hyung-Chul....... (chuckles) Hand-holding is a long way from making out.



John looks over at Hyung-Chul suspiciously...


John................. How did you know?


Hyung-Chul quickly covers his slip...


Hyung-Chul....... That's par for the course. Holding hands, and hugs... Korean girls like to hug.

....................... But kiss? That's a higher fence to cross.


John................. Now you tell me! Are all Korean girls like this?


Hyung-Chul....... Mostly the 'goody-two-shoes' types, like Sun-Mi, who worry about their reputations.


John................. What's wrong with giving your girl a kiss?


Hyung-Chul....... Traditional Korean society frowns on public displays of affection. Even between husbands and wives.


John scratches his head...


John................. What?


Hyung-Chul....... Women who act that way are seen as 'loose', and a bad rep hurts their prospects for a good marriage.


John................. You mean 'arranged marriage', right?


Hyung-Chul....... Even if it's not formally arranged, parents and family still have a lot of influence.


John................. So what's the ideal husband material?


Hyung-Chul....... Practically every girl in Korea has a 'Cinderella' complex, hoping to meet a 'Prince Charming'.


John................. Like a knight on a white horse?


Hyung-Chul....... Not quite. These girls may appear romantic, but their romance rooted in hard realism...

....................... The 'prince' must be a handsome, wealthy scion with a nice car and big house, at least if you believe TV.



John ponders this new information...


John................. So I'm fighting against the entire Korean society, just to get a kiss?


Hyung-Chul....... More or less... I didn't write the rules. It's still not too late to call it off.


John................. Maybe it's a lost cause, but I have to give it a shot, if I want to keep my British pride intact.


Hyung-Chul laughs.


Hyung-Chul....... Fine with me. You can have your pride, while I enjoy my steak...



SCENE: Seoul, MBS Announcer makeup room, morning


Joo-Hee enters the makeup room.


Joo-Hee............ (to someone leaving the room) Good morning.



She walks over to the makeup tables, where Sun-Dal is sitting on the left side.


Joo-Hee............ (to Sun-Dal) You came out early.


Sun-Dal............ What's up?




Sun-Dal notices that she is wearing a dark suit.


Sun-Dal............ Are you going to wear that when you broadcast?


Joo-Hee............ Yes. Is something wrong?


Joo-Hee looks over at Sun-Dal.


Sun-Dal............ It's a little depressing for a morning show. Why don't you change into a brighter color?


Joo-Hee............ Why should I do that?


Sun-Dal............ Wear this outfit when you do the evening news. For the morning wear something brighter. ...

....................... If you're presenting a program, you should wear a matching outfit for the program. In this program you're not a news announcer, you're an MC. Anyone knows that.


Joo-Hee............ I'm not an MC, I'm an anchor. ... Everyone has a different goal.

....................... But I didn't compete with hundreds of people to become an MC. I want to be a national TV announcer.


Sun-Dal............ That's a personal dream. In the company ...



Joo-Hee, not wanting to hear another lecture from him, interrupts.


Joo-Hee............ Yes... (sighs) ... Since the station tells me to, I do it.


Sun-Dal seems surprised at her attitude.


Joo-Hee............ I know that they're using us because celebrity MCs are expensive.


She looks over at Sun-Dal, showing her displeasure.


Joo-Hee............ But am I some entertainer? If I joke and laugh with comedians in the morning and be a serious newscaster at night...


She briefly looks back at the mirror.


Joo-Hee............ what sort of credibility would that news have?


Sun-Dal............ That�s why you have to adjust and be flexible.


He gestures with his hand.


Sun-Dal............ On a game show you have to match it...

....................... When you�re at the news center, you have to match that...

....................... You can�t do that? Who specializes in only one thing these days? ...


Joo-Hee appears frustrated.


Sun-Dal............ They sing, act, do commercials, and are DJs.


Joo-Hee............ I don�t want to be like that...


Sun-Dal is taken aback.


Joo-Hee............ I�d choose one minute of news over 60 minutes of a variety show.



Joo-Hee starts to put on makeup.


Sun-Dal............ The problem is that you don�t have a choice. Oh well, if you hate it that much then resign!


Joo-Hee looks at Sun-Dal, appalled at his 'suggestion'...


Joo-Hee............ Senior!


Sun-Dal points with his finger at her.


Sun-Dal............ Be grateful there�s a station that wants you. Get changed quickly.



Sun-Dal gets up and walks away, then turns and points at Joo-Hee with his finger again to emphasize his words.


Sun-Dal............ That�s an order from your superior.


He snaps his finger and leaves the room.


Joo-Hee sighs and turns back to the makeup mirror.



SCENE: Cambridge, Darwin campus, afternoon


Sun-Mi and John are sharing a bench on First Island. She holds an open textbook in her hands.


Sun-Mi.............. How do you have so much time to help me? Don't you have to work now?


John................. An intern at a broadcasting company gets the odd hours nobody else wants.

....................... Since I work a lot of late nights and weekends, I'm free in the afternoons.


Sun-Mi.............. So what it like?


John................. Sometimes exciting, often tedious. But generally interesting.


Sun-Mi.............. (excitedly) When I graduate, I wanna work for MBS!


John................. MBS?


Sun-Mi.............. The top Korean broadcast company. My dream's to be the nine o'clock news anchor.


John................. Good for you!


Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) But who I'm kidding? I can't barely pass the Freshman English.


John................. Hey... You'll do better after this summer.



She frowns, doubting his assurances.


Sun-Mi.............. I like to believe that, but...


John................. Let's take a break now. Want to go for lunch?


Sun-Mi smiles


Sun-Mi.............. I brought the lunch today...


She takes out a lunchbox from her bag and opens it. Inside are a dozen pieces of kimbap.




John................. What's this?


Sun-Mi.............. Korean kimbap. Try one.


John................. May I?


She smiles...


Sun-Mi.............. No need to be so polite.



He chooses a piece and takes a bite...


John................. Wow! This is good!


Sun-Mi.............. You really like it?


John................. Mmmm.



He devours the piece in a few quickly bites.


John................. Delicious!


Sun-Mi.............. Have another. Help yourself.


John................. Thanks, I will.



He takes another piece, but instead of eating it, holds it up near her mouth.


Surprised, she wonders what he is doing...


Sun-Mi.............. What's this?


John................. You haven't had one yet. You must be hungry, too.


Sun-Mi.............. I'm fine. You eat it.


John................. I feel guilty eating your lunch, while you haven't had even one piece... Come on. Eat!


She lowers her eyes and smiles bashfully.


Sun-Mi.............. Ehm...



Sun-Mi leans forward and cautiously takes a nibble.


John raises the kimbap higher, so as she takes the next bite, she is looking into his eyes.


She finishes the kimbap slowly, her heart pounding furiously, watching him watch her until she swallows the last morsel.


John................. Better?


She nods.


Sun-Mi.............. Thanks.



He takes another piece of kimbap from the lunch box and holds it out.


John................. Here. Have another.


Sun-Mi hesitates, looking from the kimbap to John.


John................. I insist.


Again he feeds her the piece of kimbap, like the first...



SCENE: Cambridge, Darwin campus, afternoon


Standing in the shadow of Old Granary, Hyung-Chul is watching John and Sun-Mi from across the River Cam...


He recalls John's boast from the previous day...


... "I'll have her eating out of my hand soon" ...



Hyung-Chul....... That jerk actually got his way with Jin Sun-Mi!


His brow furrows as he considers John's wager... "Double or nothing, if I get to first base by week's end" ...


A steel resolve comes to his eyes...


Hyung-Chul....... Not if I can do anything about it!



SCENE: Cambridge, Darwin campus, afternoon


Unaware that they are being watched, John continues to feed the kimbap to Sun-Mi.

As she takes the last bit into her mouth, his fingers brush her lips.


Startled by the unexpected contact, Sun-Mi freezes. Instinctively, her face colors and she looks away self-consciously.


Romantic scenes from K-dramas she's watched flash through her mind... kissing scenes...



Noticing her reaction, he apologizes...


John................. I was careless... Sorry.



Sun-Mi debates what she should do now, back off, or follow through with her scheme, now that the door is open?


She considers Cho-Jeh's advice again ... "Remember, it's for a good cause" ... and decides to take the plunge.


Taking a deep breath first, she looks directly into John's eyes.


Sun-Mi.............. Don't be sorry, John ... I'm not.



Not expecting this from her, he is pleasantly surprised...


John................. You're not?


Sun-Mi.............. Honestly, you wanna kiss me, right?



Stunned by her frank statement, he's caught at a loss for words.


John................. Uh...


Sun-Mi.............. Remember, I said I let you know later?


John................. Yes.


Sun-Mi.............. You do still like me?


John................. Of course.


Sun-Mi.............. So why hold back?



Perplexed by Sun-Mi's sudden reversal from her usually reserved behavior, John adopts caution.


John................. Here? Now? ... You're kidding, right?



In response, Sun-Mi smiles enigmatically...


Then she closes her eyes, raises her chin, and puckers her lips slightly, in anticipation...






To Be Continued...