All About Eve 'Uncut' -- English Style

by AAEfanatic


Episode 4A


Act 1. 1

SCENE: London, outside Gwi-Sun's house, timelapse - afternoon to night 1

SCENE: London, outside Gwi-Sun's house, night 2

SCENE: London, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night 3

SCENE: London, Gwi-Sun's backyard, night 4

SCENE: London, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night 5

SCENE: London, Gwi-Sun's backyard, night 6

SCENE: London, Gwi-Sun's kitchen, morning. 7

SCENE: London, outside Gwi-Sun's house, night 9

SCENE: London, Sun-Mi's Aunt's, early morning. 10

SCENE: London, Thames River, dawn. 11

SERIES OF SCENES: Various locations in London, morning. 12

SCENE: London, Buckingham Palace, morning. 13

SCENE: London, Mayfair, Claridge's Hotel and Restaurant, morning. 14

SERIES OF SCENES: Various locations in London, morning to afternoon. 16

SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul's apartment, afternoon. 20

SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment, night 21

SCENE: Seoul, Sun-Dal's bedroom, night 22

SPLIT SCENES: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment / Seoul, Sun-Dal's bedroom, night 23




Act 1



SCENE: London, outside Gwi-Sun's house, timelapse - afternoon to night




Hyung-Chul drives up to Sun-Mi's Aunt's house and parks on the lot.



He alights from the car, goes to the door, and rings the doorbell several times, but no one answers ...





Hyung-Chul waits for Sun-Mi to return, sitting in the driver's seat, reading the car owner's manual.





Hyung-Chul leans against his car, smoking a cigarette as he waits.



SCENE: London, outside Gwi-Sun's house, night


Hyung-Chul is napping in the car.


Headlights briefly shine on the car, as Gwi-Sun's Volvo slows and turns into the driveway.


The sound wakes Hyung-Chul. He watches as Sun-Mi and her aunt get out of their car.


Then he gets out, too.


Gwi-Sun stops and looks at him, but Sun-Mi averts her eyes.


Hyung-Chul....... Sun-Mi!


Ignoring him, she walks immediately to the door, unlocks it, and goes inside.


Gwi-Sun, watching their interaction, appears perplexed.



Frustrated in his attempt to reach out to Sun-Mi, Hyung-Chul opens the driver's door of his car to get back in.


Gwi-Sun............ Hyung-Chul.... wait...


He watches as she approaches his car.


Gwi-Sun............ I apologize for my niece's rude behavior just now.


Hyung-Chul....... Don't. Sun-Mi has every right to be angry.


Gwi-Sun............ Why? What happened?


Hyung-Chul....... She didn't tell you?


Gwi-Sun............ Sun-Mi hasn't said anything since she came to work at the restaurant, but I could tell something's wrong.


Hyung-Chul....... Shall I explain?


Gwi-Sun............ No need. Whatever it was, the two of you can work it out between you.


Hyung-Chul....... I have my doubts. She was pretty fierce earlier.


Gwi-Sun............ You have to understand Sun-Mi. When she feels wronged, she reacts strongly.


Hyung-Chul....... (chuckling) 'Strong' is an understatement. Should I go in and try to talk with her?


Gwi-Sun............ Not yet. After the fire, comes the ice, before she's willing to talk.


Hyung-Chul....... Ice?


Gwi-Sun............ She freezes you out, won't say a word she doesn't have to.


Hyung-Chul....... How long does that last?


Gwi-Sun............ That depends on what it is. If just a small disagreement, she's not too bad.


Hyung-Chul....... And what is the worst someone can do?


Gwi-Sun............ Keep something secret from her, while others know... More than anything, she hates that.



Hearing this, he groans quietly, inwardly kicking himself.


Seeing his response, Gwi-Sun surmises what happened...


Gwi-Sun............ You could be in for a long cold spell then.


Hyung-Chul....... (hopefully) Days?


Gwi-Sun............ Maybe weeks. Sun-Mi can be a drama queen and get her hackles up, just because. Let me talk to her...



He nods, but is thinking it over...


Hyung-Chul....... I have an idea. Let me try it first.


Gwi-Sun............ (conspiratorially) Really? What are you thinking?


Hyung-Chul....... Auntie, do you know Sun-Mi's favorite flower?


Gwi-Sun............ Red roses, I think she said once.


Hyung-Chul....... Thanks. First I have to go home and get something, and then...



SCENE: London, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night


Sun-Mi is at her desk, pen in hand, going through  exercises as she studies for English class.

An alarm clock on the desk shows 12:20 AM.


She turns a page, quietly reading the lesson aloud to herself ...


Sun-Mi.............. Yesterday... John... went to the...


Her brow furrows, and she marks on the page with a pen... then smiles...


Sun-Mi.............. Yesterday... Bob... went to the school... Tomorrow, Bob will go to the school...



She sighs and puts down the pen, resting her elbows on the desk and burying her face in her hands.


Sun-Mi.............. (aloud to herself) I'm such an idiot! So stupid...


When she looks up, tears rim her eyes.


Sun-Mi.............. No wonder Young-Mi stole Woo-Jin away so easily...



[from O.S. faint guitar music and unintelligible singing can be heard]


Sun-Mi looks over at the window, puzzled. She gets up from the desk and goes to look out.


[from O.S. the music and singing is louder]


Her damp eyes grow wide, and she wipes the tears away with her hands.


Sun-Mi.............. What?


As she looks down into the backyard, a smile curves her lips...



SCENE: London, Gwi-Sun's backyard, night


Hyung-Chul stands in the backyard, looking up at Sun-Mi's lighted bedroom window as he strumming his guitar.



He is singing Shenandoah's hit country song from the late 1980's, 'Two Dozen Roses' ...


Hyung-Chul....... (singing in English) to your house last night. I done you wrong and I want to make right...


He sees Sun-Mi at the window, and sings louder.


Hyung-Chul....... (singing) You said I'm not welcome here. I know it oughta be perfectly clear...



Sun-Mi opens the window sash...


Hyung-Chul....... (singing) But I can't help but wonder what it might be like...


Sun-Mi.............. Senior!


Hyung-Chul....... (singing) If I had two dozen roses, and an old bottle of wine...


Sun-Mi.............. (louder) Senior!


Hyung-Chul....... (singing) If I really could've hung the moon, would it change your mind...



He stops singing.


She motions for him to come closer...


He walks up near the house, directly under her window.


Sun-Mi.............. What are you doing?!


Hyung-Chul....... What does it look like? Trying to persuade you I'm sincerely sorry.


Sun-Mi.............. Like this?! It's so embarrassing! What if the neighbors hear!?



He strums a few bars on his guitar...


Hyung-Chul....... So? I'm not embarrassed, if it convinces you to come down and talk with me.


Sun-Mi.............. Why do you have to be such a jerk! Why should I ever speak to you again?


Hyung-Chul....... (shrugs) Well, I can't force you, but I'm a patient man...



He starts strumming and singing again...


Hyung-Chul....... (singing) If I could cry a little harder, and get a little less sleep at night...


Sun-Mi.............. (exasperated) Senior!


Hyung-Chul....... (singing) If I had two dozen roses would it change your mind...



Frustrated he won't listen to her, she thinks of an idea...


Sun-Mi.............. Just a minute... Don't go anywhere!



He smiles to himself, thinking his plan is working...


Hyung-Chul....... (singing) Oh I must have been a fool back then, To lose something that you can't have again...



Sun-Mi leaves the window.


Hyung-Chul he looks down to watch the back door, expecting to see her coming out any moment.


Hyung-Chul....... (singing) I've done all that I know to do, and second guessed my every move...



Overhead, he hears a noise...


Hyung-Chul....... (singing) But I can't help but wonder how it might have been...


Sun-Mi.............. (loudly) Senior!


Hyung-Chul stops singing and looks up, just in time to get a bucketful of cold water splashed in his face.


Sun-Mi.............. If you think this idiotic performance would move me, think again! ... Go away! Leave me alone!


She slams the sash closed.



SCENE: London, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night


Retreating quickly from the window, empty bucket in hand, Sun-Mi smiles impishly, pleased with her trick...


Sun-Mi.............. (aloud to herself) That will teach him!



She waits, expecting to hear Hyung-Chul's angry reaction... but hearing nothing, goes back to the window.


Peering out again, she sees he is gone, and her smile dims...


Sun-Mi.............. (worriedly) Was I too harsh?


She sets the empty bucket on the floor and sits on her bed, contemplating the situation, justifying her actions...


Sun-Mi.............. So what if he was trying to apologize? He made a fool of me... that jerk!



[from O.S. guitar music can be heard again]


Sun-Mi's eyes light up, and she goes back to the window to look out.



Below, Hyung-Chul is strumming his guitar, but now he is wearing a rain slicker.


Hyung-Chul....... (singing in English) I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain. What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again...


Seeing him, Sun-Mi smiles widely, impressed by his persistence...



SCENE: London, Gwi-Sun's backyard, night


Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi are sitting at the backyard patio table, drinking wine.


He has removed the rain slicker, and has a towel around his shoulders for his wet hair.


A bouquet of two dozen roses is on the table, next to the wine bottle.


Sun-Mi.............. The roses are beautiful, but you didn't have to buy them.


Hyung-Chul....... It wasn't I had to, but I wanted to.


Sun-Mi.............. (smiling) Thank you... I'm sorry now, I did that trick on you.


Hyung-Chul....... I'm sorry that I didn't tell you everything from the beginning. I was wrong.


Sun-Mi.............. Actually, you really didn't do anything wrong. I was just upset with myself, that I didn't realize it.



He waits a few moments, then ventures...


Hyung-Chul....... So we're okay?



She glares at him sternly, and makes a threatening fist...


Sun-Mi.............. If you EVER keep ANYTHING from me like that again, I'll never forgive you, got it?"


He playfully salutes to her...


Hyung-Chul....... Yes, Ma'am. I got the message.


Sun-Mi chuckles at his antics...


Sun-Mi.............. That's better. Now, what should I do about John?


Hyung-Chul....... What are you thinking?


Sun-Mi.............. One side of me wants to kill him, but the other misses him... Do you think he really liked me?


Hyung-Chul....... John is a player. Of course he liked you, he likes every cute girl he meets.


Sun-Mi.............. He did treat me pretty nicely. Do you think I should try to see him again?



Hyung-Chul shakes his head at her cluelessness about men...


Hyung-Chul....... Forget anything like that. He's likely already moved on to the next girl.


Sun-Mi.............. (disappointed) Really? You think so?


Hyung-Chul....... Why go back to him? Don't they say, 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'?


Sun-Mi.............. (puzzled) What does that have to do with me?


Hyung-Chul....... (smiles) There's a person sitting in front of you right now, if you want to date.


Sun-Mi.............. (scoffs) Huh! ... What makes you think I'd want to date you?



He smiles and answers, with mock seriousness...


Hyung-Chul....... I'm good-looking, have a nice car, excellent future prospects, sing well, and am very romantic...


He points to his guitar.


Sun-Mi.............. (nodding) That's all true... but you forgot one thing.


Hyung-Chul....... What?


She glares at him...


Sun-Mi.............. You're also so arrogant!


The she smiles at her joke, and they both laugh.


Hyung-Chul....... Does that mean you're turning me down as a boyfriend?


Sun-Mi.............. Thanks for the offer, but frankly, I don't think I should date anyone right now...



She places her hand over her heart and pats her chest lightly...


Sun-Mi.............. Even if I wanted to, my heart isn't ready for that yet...


Hyung-Chul....... It's understandable. So instead of dating, why don't we go back to where we started?


She considers his proposal...


Sun-Mi.............. Friends?


Hyung-Chul....... (nods) Friends.


She smiles sunnily.


Hyung-Chul....... It's settled then...



He raises his wine glass...


Hyung-Chul....... Here's to a glorious friendship!


She raises her glass, too. They touch with a celebratory clink of crystal, but her mood is thoughtful...


Sun-Mi.............. Yes... to friendship...



SCENE: London, Gwi-Sun's kitchen, morning




Sun-Mi is humming a tune while making lunch at the kitchen counter, when her aunt comes in...


Gwi-Sun looks again when she sees Sun-Mi's smiling face.


Gwi-Sun............ My! ...You're in good spirits today!


Sun-Mi.............. (smiling) Yes.


Gwi-Sun............ What was that all about last night, when we came home?


Sun-Mi.............. It was nothing, Auntie.


Gwi-Sun............ Nothing? But I heard voices outside later...


Sun-Mi.............. Okay. It was something. Senior and I talked things over.


Gwi-Sun............ Do you want to tell me about it?


Sun-Mi shakes her head...


Sun-Mi.............. Sorry, he's coming soon to send me to school, so I don't have time right now.



Gwi-Sun smiles, pleased to hear that her plans for Sun-Mi to be with Hyung-Chul appear to be working out...


Gwi-Sun............ So you're going to date him now?


This isn't what Sun-Mi wants to hear, and she protests vigorously...


Sun-Mi.............. Auntie, we're not dating! Just good friends.


Gwi-Sun............ Friends?


Sun-Mi.............. I've decided I'm too young to date seriously. First I want to finish my studies and start a career.


Gwi-Sun............ That's all good, but don't just close yourself off to the possibility.


Sun-Mi.............. I have plenty of time to fall in love. I don't need a boyfriend right now...



(O.S. the doorbell sounds)


Sun-Mi.............. Oh! That must be Senior!


She quickly takes off her apron and pushes her hair back out of her face.


Sun-Mi.............. (anxiously) Do I look okay? How's my face?



Gwi-Sun eyes her niece, amused at Sun-Mi's sudden fussiness over her appearance...


Gwi-Sun............ (teasing) Pretty! ... You look prettier every day...


Sun-Mi.............. (annoyed) I know what you're thinking... Can't a girl look nice just for herself, and not some guy?


Gwi-Sun............ (nods knowingly) Yes... but honestly?


A sparkle brightens Sun-Mi's eyes...


Sun-Mi.............. Honestly? Well, maybe it's just a little for a guy, too...


They share a brief laugh together.



(O.S. the doorbell sounds again)


Gwi-Sun............ Go and invite him in. I'll pack up the lunch box.



After Sun-Mi leaves the room, Gwi-Sun chuckles to herself as she finishes the lunchbox...


Gwi-Sun............ Just good friends, eh?



SCENE: London, outside Gwi-Sun's house, night


That night, Hyung-Chul sends Sun-Mi back to her aunt's house...



Hyung-Chul....... We're here.


When Sun-Mi doesn't respond, he sees that she has dozed off.


He decides to wait for a while to see if she will wake up on her own, and watches her...


He thinks about the last time she was unconscious in his car after the accident, fearing she was seriously injured.


Hyung-Chul....... (musing aloud) You must be a real Sleeping Beauty. to sleep so long. Should I try a kiss?


Then he remembers Sun-Mi's fierce reaction in the hospital, when he'd joked about kissing 'Sleeping Beauty'.


Hyung-Chul....... (chuckling) Better I wait, than give you a reason to slug me again...



Sun-Mi stirs, then begins speaking quietly in her sleep, barely above a whisper...



Sun-Mi.............. Kim Woo-Jin, why is it her, and not me? I was always the one by your side...


Hyung-Chul leans closer to hear better.


Sun-Mi.............. You're so bad! I'm gonna curse you! ... You'll regret treating me like this...


He reaches, intending to shake her shoulder and wake her up...


Sun-Mi.............. I'll get a better boyfriend ... I really will!


Hyung-Chul pauses to hear more...


Sun-Mi.............. I'll show you I can be happy with someone else and not you... I'll be so happy!


Then he sees a tear run down her cheek.


Sun-Mi.............. But why do I still feel so sad, like I'm gonna die?



He waits a few seconds, listening for more, but Sun-Mi is silent now, so he gently shakes her shoulder.


Hyung-Chul....... Hey! Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.


Slowly, her eyes open. Seeing his face close to hers, she startles.


Sun-Mi.............. Eek!


He quickly backs away, to give her space...


Hyung-Chul....... (cheerfully) Finally, you're awake.


Sun-Mi.............. (irately scolding) Senior! What were you doing? You scared me!



She looks out of the car, and is surprised to realize that she is home already.


Sun-Mi.............. Oh... when did we get here?


Hyung-Chul....... Some time ago. You were acting the Sleeping Beauty again.


She blushes, self-consciously adjusting her hair...


Sun-Mi.............. You just watched me sleep? Why didn't you wake me up? I don't like anyone to see me like that.


Hyung-Chul....... Then you're saying, I should have done something to wake up Sleeping Beauty?


He gives her a wink and puckers his lips.


She laughs nervously, wondering if he is serious, or joking... and quickly changes the subject.


Sun-Mi.............. Thanks for the ride again today, Senior. And dinner. It's a lot nicer going with you, than by myself.


Hyung-Chul....... Anytime you need a ride to anywhere, just call me.


Sun-Mi.............. (smiling) Yes.



She opens the door and alights from the car, but instead of going right to the house, she lingers.


Hyung-Chul....... What is it?


Sun-Mi.............. One more thing... I saw you have a bicycle at your house. Do you ride a lot?


Hyung-Chul....... Not so much recently.


Sun-Mi.............. Well... it's a little embarrassing to impose, but my Auntie has a bike, and... um...


He gets the hint...


Hyung-Chul....... I know a great route to cycle London. Would you like to join me?


Sun-Mi.............. (relieved) Can I?


He nods.


She smiles warmly at him...


Sun-Mi.............. Thank you, Senior.


Hyung-Chul....... You better go in now. I'll be back early, before dawn, so we can watch the sunrise over the Thames.


Sun-Mi.............. (excitedly) I love sunrises! ... I'll be waiting.



SCENE: London, Sun-Mi's Aunt's, early morning




Hyung-Chul arrives well before dawn to collect Sun-Mi.


He loads her Aunt's bicycle onto his bike rack for the drive back to his Millwall apartment, in Central London.




SCENE: London, Thames River, dawn


Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi arrive in time to watch the sun rise over Tower Bridge from London Bridge.


At the early hour, they have the view to themselves.



Sun-Mi leans on the bridge railing, impressed by the scene...


Sun-Mi.............. This is so nice. Seeing London by night is exciting, but early in the morning, it's so peaceful.


Hyung-Chul....... Without all the crowds, this is one my favorite places to come, especially when I want to think.


Sun-Mi.............. There's a special place I go in Seoul, on the Han River, to watch the sun rise, too...


Her eyes sparkle enthusiastically.


Sun-Mi.............. Senior, when you come to Seoul sometime, I'll take you there!


Hyung-Chul....... If I ever go back to Seoul, I'll take you up on that offer.



His negative attitude piques her curiosity...


Sun-Mi.............. Don't you have family to come back to?


Hyung-Chul....... Just my father. But it's probably better I don't see him.


Sun-Mi.............. Huh?


Hyung-Chul....... When we meet, it always stresses him, and he has a bad heart. I don't want to put him in an early grave.


Sun-Mi.............. You should try to understand him, Senior, even if it's hard.



Uncomfortable talking about his filial relationship, he changes the subject...


Hyung-Chul....... We should get going. We have a lot to see yet...


She gets his vibe, and passes on further questions...


Sun-Mi.............. (cheerfully) So, where are we going next?



SERIES OF SCENES: Various locations in London, morning


Thames River - The Globe ...


From London Bridge, they head west along Queen Elizabeth's Walk, past the Globe Theatre.




Thames River - Palace of Westminster ...


Soon they can see the Palace of Westminster where the Houses of Parliament meet.

The honey-colored Clipsham limestone glows in the golden morning light.


As they approach, Big Ben, the Great Clock of Westminster housed in Elizabeth Tower, chimes the hour.




Parliament Square


Crossing Westminster Bridge, they come to Parliament Square, where a statue of Winston Churchill presides.




SCENE: London, Buckingham Palace, morning


They stop at Buckingham Palace, London residence of Queen Elizabeth, for a break.




Hyung-Chul....... It's a popular tourist thing, to watch the Changing of the Guard here. It's quite a production.


Sun-Mi.............. When do they do it?


Hyung-Chul....... Usually at 11AM. We can come back sometime.


Sun-Mi.............. Can we? I'd like that.



Sun-Mi's stomach growls loudly, and she blushes self-consciously.


Right away, Hyung-Chul guesses at the reason...



Hyung-Chul....... Did you skip breakfast?


Sun-Mi.............. Em... I was running late when you came. (shrugs) You know, getting ready.


Hyung-Chul....... (chuckling) Why do women always put looking pretty first?


She glares at him, her eyes narrowed, offended he's making fun of her again...


Sun-Mi.............. Why do men always like looking at a pretty woman, but are never concerned about her well-being?


He realizes that she is right... he hadn't considered that...


Hyung-Chul....... How about breakfast? I know a good place that's open early, about 15 minutes from here.


Sun-Mi.............. I thought you'd never mention it....


She grabs his arm and pulls him over to their bikes.


Sun-Mi.............. Let's go. I'm starving!



SCENE: London, Mayfair, Claridge's Hotel and Restaurant, morning



At Claridge's, Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi have breakfast in The Foyer and Reading Room.



Sun-Mi is looking at the breakfast menu...


Sun-Mi.............. This is too elegant! We could've just gone to McDonald's.


Hyung-Chul....... You can go to McDonald's anywhere. But this place is only in London.


Sun-Mi.............. (smiles) That's right. Thank you, Senior.


Hyung-Chul....... What are you going to eat?


Sun-Mi.............. I don't know. What do you recommend?


Hyung-Chul....... I especially like Eggs Benedict with smoked salmon and truffles...


He looks in the menu, to browse the selection...


Hyung-Chul....... Their eggs are the best in London. But whatever you choose, you can't go wrong.


Sun-Mi.............. Scrambled? Omelette? Poached? ... Or perhaps canapes instead?


She puts her menu down and sighs...


Sun-Mi.............. I honestly don't know why it's so hard for me to make decisions.



He looks up from the menu at her...


Hyung-Chul....... Are you talking about the food, or the situation back in Seoul?


Sun-Mi.............. I know I should forget it, because I can't do anything from here, but I feel so helpless.


He listens with empathy -- his situation in Seoul is complicated, too -- and recalls what she'd said in her sleep...


Hyung-Chul....... Is that why you wanted to date with John? To get back?



She turns away, shame-faced...


Sun-Mi.............. Am I so transparent? I thought by having a 'better' boyfriend, I could make him jealous. Isn't that stupid?


Hyung-Chul....... Actually, I do get it. No one wants to live at the mercy of circumstances.


She looks back at him, encouraged...


Sun-Mi.............. Thanks for understanding, and not criticizing. I feel a little better now.


Hyung-Chul....... You'll feel even better, after you eat something. Shall we order?


Sun-Mi.............. (smiles) Yes... 'Carpe diem', right?



She picks up the menu again, this time with determination... glances at it, and immediately signals their waiter...


Waiter.............. Yes, Miss?


Sun-Mi.............. (in English) I'll have the scrambled eggs, with mushrooms, and a side of bacon...



SERIES OF SCENES: Various locations in London, morning to afternoon


Hyde Park


Arriving at Hyde Park, they bike under the Wellington Arch, joining other bicyclists and pedestrians on the Broad Walk.





For a break from cycling, Hyung-Chul hires a pedallo and they make a circuit on The Serpentine, passing the Lido.




Regent's Park


Biking the short distance from Hyde Park to Regent's Park, they lap the Outer Circle first, then the Inner Circle.


Parking their bikes, they stroll the Queen Mary's Gardens.


The historic garden has the largest collection of roses in London, featuring 12,000 flowers of 400 different varieties.




This garden is the site of the Triton and Dryads Fountain by William McMillian, installed in 1936.




Regent's Canal


From Regent's Park near the Zoo, they follow the canal towpath eastward.



They stop to watching the narrowboats pass through the Camden Lock with other tourists.




Victoria Park


They follow the canal to Old Ford Road, then bike the short distance to the gates of Victoria Park.



Cycling around the park, they take a moment to view the Baroness Angela Burdett-Coutts drinking fountain, built in 1862.




Before leaving the park, they take refreshments at the Pavilion Café.



From a table on the terrace they can overlook the West Boating Lake while they snack.




SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul's apartment, afternoon


Hyung-Chul enters his apartment carrying grocery bags, followed by Sun-Mi with more bags.


They put the bags onto his kitchen table, and start unpacking groceries into the cupboard and refrigerator as they talk...



Hyung-Chul....... Let me get the chopping board out, and we'll cook together.


Sun-Mi.............. No need, just show me where to find things. I'll cook dinner for you.


Hyung-Chul....... You don't have to do that.


Sun-Mi.............. You also didn't have to treat me all day. Just consider it my 'thank you' for a wonderful time.


Hyung-Chul....... (pondering) You want to keep things even?


Sun-Mi.............. More or less.


Hyung-Chul....... All right... What are you making?


Sun-Mi.............. Kimchi stew. Auntie always said that a refreshing kimchi stew hits the spot when you're hungry.



She opens the refrigerator, sees the beer cans filling an entire shelf, and laughs.


Sun-Mi.............. Do all single guys just live on beer?


Hyung-Chul....... (joking) That's for my guests.


She looks at him and smiles...


Sun-Mi.............. You can be my 'guest' today. So grab a beer and relax while I get started...



She puts on an apron while he pops open a can of brew and heads for the living room.


There, he notices the answering machine light flashing, and pushes the Message button to listen...


Machine voice... You have one new message.


Joo-Hee............ Hi... It's me. Why haven't you called? I miss you... I'm sending a special package for your birthday...



He presses the delete button and looks up to see Sun-Mi chopping at the cutting board, watching him.


Sun-Mi.............. You said you didn't have a girlfriend.


Hyung-Chul....... She's just an old friend; our families go way back together.


Sun-Mi considers his words doubtfully, not completely convinced.


Sun-Mi.............. Really? It didn't sound that way.


Hyung-Chul....... (frowning) Maybe to her it means more than it does to me...


Sun-Mi.............. I think I understand her feelings then.


Hyung-Chul....... (defensively) It's not like your situation. It's completely different.



Sun-Mi hears the unhappiness in his voice, and offers to lend an ear...


Sun-Mi.............. If you want to talk about it, Senior, I'll listen.


Hyung-Chul....... Sorry, but I'd rather not.


She know not to pry further...


Sun-Mi.............. (smiling) It won't take long for me to finish. 'When you're upset it helps to eat something comforting.'


She teasingly sticks out her tongue at him...


He laughs...


Hyung-Chul....... You're copying me, right?


Sun-Mi.............. Uh-huh. If it was good advice for one, it's good advice for another.


Hyung-Chul....... (cheerfully) I'm anxious to see if your cooking skills match your Auntie's.


Sun-Mi.............. (laughs) Don't expect too much, or you'll be disappointed!


Hyung-Chul....... (joking) Don't worry. I have low expectations...



Feigning insult, Sun-Mi slams the knife down hard on the chopping board, startling Hyung-Chul ...


Sun-Mi.............. If you keep talking like that, I can leave anytime I want!



Not sure whether she is joking or serious, he hurriedly apologizes...


Hyung-Chul....... All right, I'll take that last part back. Peace?


Sun-Mi.............. That's better...


She displays a smug smile, celebrating her little victory...



SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment, night


After dinner and sending Sun-Mi home, Hyung-Chul sits on his living room couch, contemplating...


Joo-Hee............ (voiceover) Hi... It's me... I miss you... I'm sending a special package for your birthday.


Sun-Mi.............. (voiceover) You said you didn't have a girlfriend... If you want to talk about it, Senior, I'll listen.



He recalls his remark to John in the Arirang, just before he saw Sun-Mi for the first time ...


Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) Koreans have a saying: Meet a stranger by chance three times, and you're fated to marry ...




FLASHBACK  [Scenes from Episode 3]


Sun-Mi working in the Arirang Restaurant ...



Sun-Mi in the Darwin College Porter's Lodge ...



Sun-Mi in the accident ...







He picks up the phone handset and makes a call...



SCENE: Seoul, Sun-Dal's bedroom, night


The phone in Sun-Dal's bedroom rings, waking him up to answer it...


Hyung-Chul....... (on the phone) It's me...


Sun-Dal............ (half asleep) Huh? Why are you calling now?


Hyung-Chul....... It's 8 AM, why aren't you up and at work already?


Sun-Dal............ This is my day off, to sleep in. I was out late last night, drinking... with Joo-Hee


Hyung-Chul....... You took care of her, right?


Sun-Dal............ I commiserated with her, if that's what you mean. But honestly, I don't get it...


Hyung-Chul....... What?


Sun-Dal............ Joo-Hee is a nice, smart, girl, with a hot package. Why aren't you crazy about her?


Hyung-Chul....... I don't see Joo-Hee that way. She's like a sister. When are you going to declare your true feelings to her?


Sun-Dal............ What's the point? I'm invisible. She can only see you now.


Hyung-Chul....... That may be changing.


Sun-Dal............ How so?


Hyung-Chul....... I met someone. The girl I think I'm fated to marry...


Sun-Dal sits up in his bed, suddenly alert...



SPLIT SCENES: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment / Seoul, Sun-Dal's bedroom, night


Sun-Dal............ What? When did this happen? How did you meet this girl?


Hyung-Chul....... Actually, it was an accident... a literal accident, when I hit her with my car. But she was alright.


Sun-Dal............ Tell me more...


Hyung-Chul....... She's a summer English student, and a Broadcasting Journalism major back in Seoul. CUK, like Joo-Hee.


Sun-Dal............ You don't mean...


Hyung-Chul....... Yep. She wants to work for MBS after Uni, as a newscaster.



Sun-Dal is instantly skeptical...


Sun-Dal............ How convenient! Does she know who you are, by any chance?


Hyung-Chul....... No. I haven't told her.


Sun-Dal............ Better be careful. What if she's just looking for someone to back her for the Nine O'clock News?


Hyung-Chul....... This girl's not like that. She's honest, sincere, with integrity... and for your curiosity, she's cute, too.


Sun-Dal............ Only cute? ... So what's this girl's name? Her family?


Hyung-Chul....... She's the niece of the owner of the Arirang Restaurant here in London. Her name is Jin Sun-Mi.



Sun-Dal's mouth drops open...


Sun-Dal............ Jin Sun-Mi? Are you serious? Her father is my good friend. She's like a niece to me, too...


Hyung-Chul....... (surprised) No way!


Sun-Dal............ (sternly) No way is right! Sun-Mi is just a kid, too young for you. So back off!


Hyung-Chul....... I hear you. I'm keeping things as 'friends' for now, until I come back to Seoul. Three years.


Sun-Dal............ You told me you were never coming back.


Hyung-Chul....... I feel differently now. I'll even put up with my father.



Sun-Dal laughs...


Sun-Dal............ For a girl? It really does look like the 'love bug' has bitten you, my friend.


Hyung-Chul laughs, too...


Hyung-Chul....... Actually, I can hardly believe it myself... but I've never felt this serious about anyone.


Sun-Dal............ (threatening) You mess around with Sun-Mi, or do anything to hurt her, and you'll answer to me! Am I clear?


Hyung-Chul....... Yes, Sir! ... I got it...





To Be Continued...