All About Eve 'Uncut' -- English Style

by AAEfanatic


Episode 4B


Act 4. 1

SCENE: London, Outside Gwi-Sun's house, night 1

SCENE: London, Inside Gwi-Sun's house, night 2

SCENE: London, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night 2

SCENE: London, Gwi-Sun's kitchen, night 3

SCENE: London, Outside Sun-Mi's aunt's house, morning. 4

SCENE: London, Driving In Hyung-Chul's BMW, afternoon. 5

SCENE: London, Airport Departures check-in, afternoon. 8

SCENE: London, Airport Departures Hall, afternoon. 8

SCENE: London, Outside the Airport 12

SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's building foyer, afternoon. 12

SCENE: London, Inside Hyung-Chul's flat, afternoon. 13

SCENE: Airplane in flight, afternoon. 14

SCENE: Airplane cabin, afternoon. 15




Act 4



SCENE: London, Outside Gwi-Sun's house, night



Hyung-Chul's BMW smoothly rolls into the driveway and stops.


He looks over and sees -- with no surprise -- that Sun-Mi is sound asleep in the passenger seat.


Hyung-Chul....... Sun-Mi? We're here.


She stirs, but doesn't awaken.


Hyung-Chul....... Sun-Mi?


He lightly touches her shoulder, attempting to rouse her gently.


Still asleep, she pushes his hand away...


Sun-Mi.............. (mumbling) Stop it, Woo-Jin.



Giving up, he alights from the car. Circling round the front, he opens the passenger-side door and unfastens her seatbelt.


Hyung-Chul....... Wake up, Sleeping Beauty, or I'll have to carry you.


When she doesn't respond, he leans down over her...


Hyung-Chul....... I gave you fair warning.


With little effort, he lifts Sun-Mi up in his arms and carries her to the house...



SCENE: London, Inside Gwi-Sun's house, night


Gwi-Sun is sitting in the living room, reading a magazine.


[Doorbell sounds from O.S.] Ding-dong...


Gwi-Sun............ (aloud to herself) Who could it be at this hour?



She goes to the door and opens it... her eyes widen in surprise...


Outside, Hyung-Chul is cradling Sun-Mi in his arms.


He grins at Gwi-Sun, a bit sheepishly.


Hyung-Chul....... Hello, Auntie. We're back.



Gwi-Sun hurriedly welcomes him inside.


Gwi-Sun............ Come in, come in... What happened to Sun-Mi?


Hyung-Chul....... Nothing she can't sleep off.



He steps inside, waiting for direction on what to do next.


Gwi-Sun takes Sun-Mi's bag from his hand, sets it aside, and heads for the stairs.


Gwi-Sun............ Take Sun-Mi up to her bedroom. This way...



SCENE: London, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night


Gwi-Sun leads the way into Sun-Mi's bedroom.


Gwi-Sun............ Lay her on the bed... Careful!


Hyung-Chul....... Yes.


He eases Sun-Mi down on top of the bedcovers, placing her head on a pillow.



Gwi-Sun frets over Sun-Mi...


Gwi-Sun............ Tsk-tsk!... This girl... she can be so much trouble! ...


She removes Sun-Mi's shoes, setting them on the floor.


Gwi-Sun............ Trying to act grown up, when she's still just a child...



Meanwhile, Hyung-Chul is browsing Sun-Mi's desk, and notices a photo of Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin together.




SCENE: London, Gwi-Sun's kitchen, night


Hyung-Chul and Gwi-Sun sit at the kitchen table, talking over a cuppa...


Gwi-Sun............ Thank you for bringing Sun-Mi back safely. I'm sorry she's such a bother.


Hyung-Chul....... It's my fault. I should have kept her from overindulging.


Gwi-Sun............ Nonsense! It's not your responsibility. I'll scold her properly in the morning.


Hyung-Chul....... Please go easy, Auntie. Sun-Mi's facing a 'complicated' situation back home in Seoul.


Gwi-Sun............ Yes, I've heard all about it, from my brother...


She gazes into her tea wistfully...


Gwi-Sun............ Sun-Mi wears her heart on her sleeve, like her mother... Filling her head with romance about True Love.


She looks up at Hyung-Chul.


Gwi-Sun............ I'm grateful you watched out for Sun-Mi. It helped to keep her from brooding on her problems.


Hyung-Chul....... Actually, it was good for me, too, spending time with her.


Gwi-Sun............ Let me be direct -- what are your intentions regarding Sun-Mi?



The frank question catches him by surprise...


Hyung-Chul....... Er... What?


Gwi-Sun............ Women can sense these things. You do like Sun-Mi, right? It's more than 'just friends' for you?


Hyung-Chul....... Honestly, yes. But Sun-Mi's still young, and needs to find her way in life first...


Gwi-Sun............ (smiling) That's the answer I was hoping to hear.


Hyung-Chul....... Then, I have your support?


Gwi-Sun............ Not that it means much. Sun-Mi has her own mind, as you've already found out.


Hyung-Chul grins but says nothing.



Gwi-Sun checks the time...


Gwi-Sun............ It's late. I won't keep you any longer.



They both stand up.


Hyung-Chul....... Thank you for the tea.


Gwi-Sun............ Tomorrow, will you meet us at the airport to send Sun-Mi off?


Hyung-Chul....... Yes...


He thinks for a moment, then looks at her seriously...


Hyung-Chul....... Actually, Auntie, I'd like to ask a favor...



SCENE: London, Outside Sun-Mi's aunt's house, morning


Sun-Mi pulls her wheeled luggage down the front steps of her aunt's house.


Gwi-Sun............ I'm sorry. It's because a big group suddenly came.


Sun-Mi.............. It's OK. I can do things by myself now. I can speak English. What's the problem?


She laughs.


Gwi-Sun............ You were only here for a few weeks.




Hyung-Chul drives up to the house.


Gwi-Sun............ Hyung-Chul's here.


Hyung-Chul gets out of the car.


Hyung-Chul....... Hello.


Gwi-Sun............ (to Hyung-Chul) I'm sorry for asking you to do this. Come by the restaurant later. I'll give you a treat.


Hyung-Chul opens the boot of the car and walks over to get Sun-Mi's luggage.


Hyung-Chul....... No need. Just make me a lunch-box.


He picks up the luggage.


Gwi-Sun............ A lunch?


Sun-Mi is laughing as she remembers how he ate her lunch that day.


Gwi-Sun............ All right. I'll make you ten if you need it.


Hyung-Chul....... Thank you.


Sun-Mi and her aunt laugh.



Sun-Mi puts her smaller bag in the back seat and gives her aunt a hug.


Sun-Mi.............. Aunt, I'll come again.


Gwi-Sun............ OK. Also, your dad...


Sun-Mi.............. I know.


They both glance at Hyung-Chul, who acts busy with the luggage.


Sun-Mi.............. (quietly) I'll tell him to remarry soon, so don't worry.


Hyung-Chul overhears Sun-Mi's words and looks up at her.


Gwi-Sun............ You little cutie.


They laugh and hug again.


SCENE: London, Driving In Hyung-Chul's BMW, afternoon


Hyung-Chul is taking Sun-Mi to the airport.


Sun-Mi.............. I'm sorry you had to come out all the way here, when the airport is so close to your house.


Hyung-Chul....... No problem. I'm glad I can help out when things come up.


Sun-Mi.............. But this didn't just occur by chance, you know.


He feigns ignorance...


Hyung-Chul....... Oh?


Sun-Mi.............. My Auntie planned it to get us alone. She's still trying to match-make. I hope you don't mind.


Hyung-Chul....... Not at all. It's what good Auntie's do for their favorite nieces, hope for their future happiness.


Sun-Mi.............. Still, it's a bit annoying, having people assume they know what's best for you.


He grins and gives her a flirtatious wink.


Hyung-Chul....... You don't think your Aunt chose well?


She smiles at his joke.


Sun-Mi.............. You're so arrogant!



They drive on several more seconds, as Sun-Mi considers what to say about the previous night's events...


Sun-Mi.............. About last night... Auntie scolded me this morning...


She looks away sheepishly...


Sun-Mi.............. She said you had to carry me up to my bedroom.


Hyung-Chul....... (grins) It's something I seem to do recently.



They are approaching the crosswalk where he knocked her down with his car...




They both remember the accident, when he'd carried her, unconscious, into the hospital...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 3, after the accident]






Sun-Mi.............. It's a bit embarrassing, but thanks again for taking care of me.


Hyung-Chul....... No problem, I've already forgotten it.


Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) It seems I'm always imposing on you...


Hyung-Chul....... Isn't that what good friends are for?



The light changes to red and Hyung-Chul slows to a stop.



When Sun-Mi realizes where they are, she turns thoughtful...


Sun-Mi.............. Actually, you've been taking care of me from the first day ...


She turns to face him and convey her sincerity...


Sun-Mi.............. I'm truly glad we met, Senior. I feel I'm lucky to know you.


She smiles to cover her feelings of sadness at leaving.



Sun-Mi.............. Anytime you're in Seoul, please look me up.


Hyung-Chul....... I'll do that.


Sun-Mi.............. You have to let me treat you.


Hyung-Chul....... With what? Steaks?


Her eyes dance mirthfully as she shakes her head at his guess...


Sun-Mi.............. Hamburgers.



His eyes twinkle as he jokes back...


Hyung-Chul....... So if that guy in Seoul gives you more trouble, just dump him and come to me!



She pretends as if giving his idea serious consideration...


Sun-Mi.............. Hmmm ... If I do, what will you treat me with?



The light changes to green, and Hyung-Chul accelerates the BMW forward.


He grins teasingly...


Hyung-Chul....... Something expensive, of course, for such a momentous event.


Sun-Mi.............. Steaks? ... Lobster?


Hyung-Chul....... Nope.


His secrecy only drives her curiosity harder...


Sun-Mi.............. Come on, Senior, tell me. What is it?


Hyung-Chul....... Sorry. You'll find out... on our first official date.


Sun-Mi.............. (laughing) Still so arrogant!



SCENE: London, Airport Departures check-in, afternoon

(All dialog in this scene is in English)


Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi are at the airport check-in counter.


Ticket agent...... Thanks for taking a flight with us. Take care. Bye bye.



Hyung-Chul....... Bye, thank you.


They walk away from the check-in.



SCENE: London, Airport Departures Hall, afternoon


Hyung-Chul brings a drink to Sun-Mi as she waiting at a table.



Hyung-Chul....... You'll be happy in Seoul. You'll see your dad and Woo-Jin.


Sun-Mi smiles when she hears Woo-Jin's name.


Hyung-Chul....... Did you buy a gift for the person who saved your life?


Sun-Mi.............. Nope, not yet.


She looks around.


Sun-Mi.............. It's a mystery, what should I get?


Hyung-Chul....... I thought so... so I bought one.



Hyung-Chul takes a small wrapped gift box from his pocket and places it on the table.


Hyung-Chul....... Don't make things complicated. Give this to her.


Sun-Mi looks surprised.


Sun-Mi.............. What is it?


Hyung-Chul....... A necklace. It's not any old cheap necklace. It's for your life savior.


Sun-Mi looks down.


Hyung-Chul....... If I see you in Seoul then introduce me. If she's wearing this necklace, I'll recognize her.


Sun-Mi.............. It looks wonderful.


She looks up a Hyung-Chul expectantly.


Sun-Mi.............. There isn't one for me?


Hyung-Chul....... Huh? Isn't it a big present just to have known me?


She laughs at his words, then looks at him with amusement.


Sun-Mi.............. You're so arrogant.



She looks down bashfully.


Sun-Mi.............. I bought something for you.


She takes the gift from her bag.


Hyung-Chul....... Oh really?


He starts to open the gift.


Hyung-Chul....... What is it?


He removes a porcelain music box topped with a Peter Rabbit figurine from the box.



Hyung-Chul....... Wow.


Sun-Mi.............. (smiling) Cute, isn't it?


Hyung-Chul....... (puzzled) But it doesn't really suit my character.


He turns it around to see all sides.


Sun-Mi.............. It suits me. It's up to the giver anyways.


Hyung-Chul....... (smiling) Thank you.



Hyung-Chul puts the gift back into the box.


She looks at the box for Young-Mi.


Sun-Mi.............. Thank you.


He checks his watch.


Hyung-Chul....... You have to go now.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes.



Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi walk down some stairs into the gate area.




Sun-Mi.............. Then when are you coming?


Hyung-Chul....... I need to be here at least three years.



They walk a bit then stop and turn to face each other.


She looks shyly at Hyung-Chul.


Sun-Mi.............. Even though I'm not here eat well, and don't be depressed.

....................... Study hard and come back as a dashing man. See you in Seoul.



They laugh.


Hyung-Chul....... All right! This is a British goodbye.


He gives her a hug.


Hyung-Chul....... Take care.


She smiles at him.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes. You too.


He kisses her on the cheek.


Hyung-Chul....... Bye.


At first embarrassed by his public show of affection, she smiles, then waves goodbye.


Sun-Mi.............. Bye.




He waits as she goes through security.


Sun-Mi looks back and bows respectfully.


He waves to her.


She waves back and walks into the concourse.


Hyung-Chul watches until Sun-Mi is out of sight.


Deep in thought, he walks off slowly.



SCENE: London, Outside the Airport


Outside the terminal, Hyung-Chul gets in his car, and drives off.




SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's building foyer, afternoon


From the airport, Hyung-Chul returns directly back to his flat.


When he arrives, Su-Jin is waiting for him in the building's entryway.




Su-Jin............... Hi!


Hyung-Chul....... What are you doing here?


Su-Jin............... What does it look like? ... Waiting for you.


Hyung-Chul....... (exasperated) Why not just call, if you have something to say?


Su-Jin............... Because it has to be said in person.


Hyung-Chul regards Su-Jin warily, wondering what is up...



SCENE: London, Inside Hyung-Chul's flat, afternoon


Hyung-Chul leads Su-Jin into his apartment as they talk.


Hyung-Chul....... John tells me that you're staying in London a few extra days.


Su-Jin............... Yes. I have something I needed to do.


Hyung-Chul....... With John? I heard that you two hit it off.


Su-Jin............... John was nice to help me out, but my family will never accept a non-Korean, so there's no future there.


Hyung-Chul....... Does John understand that?



Su-Jin............... He's a player, so I doubt he cares...


She appears indifferent in conversing on the matter, but then her expression shifts....


Su-Jin............... How is it going with Jin Sun-Mi, now that her class is finished?


Hyung-Chul....... She's fine. I just took her to the airport.


Su-Jin............... Will you see her again, in Seoul?


Hyung-Chul....... That's not something I want to discuss with you. Didn't you have something to tell me?


Su-Jin............... (smiling) Mmm ... Could you get me a glass of water first?


Hyung-Chul....... Sure.



She waits by the couch while he goes to the kitchen and takes a glass down from the cabinet.


Su-Jin............... Actually, I was wondering if we could pick up from where we left off?


He opens the fridge to get the chilled water bottle, answering guardedly...


Hyung-Chul....... And where is that?


Su-Jin............... Your birthday. I promised you a present, but didn't have a chance to give it.



He fills the glass, and returns the bottle back into the fridge...


Hyung-Chul....... What present?


Su-Jin............... Let me show you.


After closing the frig, Hyung-Chul turns to look at Su-Jin, and almost drops the glass...



Su-Jin smiles, pleased by his stunned reaction...


Su-Jin............... I thought you'd like it ... I picked this out specially for you.


Hyung-Chul, struggling for what to say, just stares blankly.


Su-Jin............... Are you going to just stand there and gawk like a fool, or come over and unwrap your present?



SCENE: Airplane in flight, afternoon




SCENE: Airplane cabin, afternoon


On the flight back home, Sun-Mi is apprehensive...


Sun-Mi.............. (aloud to herself) What will we say when we meet again?



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 4, the previous night at the restaurant]



Sun-Mi.............. But even when I think there must a misunderstanding, I'm unsure.


Hyung-Chul....... It's sadder when you don't say everything you want to. Try telling him how you really feel.


Sun-Mi.............. I'll try to have the courage.


Hyung-Chul....... Speak from the heart, then it'll work out.





Sun-Mi.............. Senior's right, I just need to make things clear to Woo-Jin.


She sighs deeply.


Sun-Mi.............. But if it's True Love, why am I still thinking about Senior, and missing him already?





To Be Continued...