All About Eve 'Uncut' -- English Style

by AAEfanatic


Episode 4B


Epilog. 1

SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment building car park, afternoon. 1

SCENE: London, inside Hyung-Chul's apartment building entry, afternoon. 2

SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment, afternoon. 3

SCENE: Seoul, Catholic University of Korea, afternoon. 6

SCENE: Seoul, street, afternoon. 8

SCENE: Seoul, Sun-Mi's home, night 9

SCENE: Seoul, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night 10

SCENE: Seoul, Sun-Mi's bedroom, midnight 16

Afterword. 20







SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment building car park, afternoon

(All dialog is English)


Hyung-Chul's silver BMW Z3 speeds into the car park, engine revving as the driver makes the tight turn through the gate.




With a loud screeching of brakes, the car pulls up beside John's beat up Cortina.


John is at the wheel. He turns to Hyung-Chul enthusiastically.


John................. It drives better than I expected! I'll pick it up next Monday for my date. Sarah's going to be impressed.


Hyung-Chul....... Sarah?


John................. I met her working the MacDonald's on Rose Crescent, when I went there with Sun-Mi once.


Hyung-Chul....... (laughs) You're quick on the rebound.


John................. Hey, I may still get that summer fling in before term, so I might need your car every night for the week.



Hyung-Chul gives him a sour look as they alight...


Hyung-Chul....... It was just for one week, max, remember?


John................. Next time, don't be so cocky, doubling on a whim when you're already down.


Hyung-Chul....... You don't have to rub it in.


John................. (laughing) Why not? I had to listen to your boasting, so I'm taking my turn now, while I can.


Hyung-Chul....... (grumbling) Fine. Have your jollies.



They start up the stairs, John watching his friend with concern...


John................. Is something bothering you?


Hyung-Chul....... No. Why do you ask?


John................. You were really off your game today. Sure nothing's going on?


Hyung-Chul....... (curtly) I'm fine ...



SCENE: London, inside Hyung-Chul's apartment building entry, afternoon

(All dialog is English)


Hyung-Chul opens the door and steps inside.


Hyung-Chul....... I was just distracted today, is all.



John follows him in and closes the door.


John................. Could it be ... Su-Jin?


Hyung-Chul....... (scoffs) Su-Jin is the farthest from my mind right now.



They start down the corridor toward Hyung-Chul's apartment.


John is reminded of the earlier scene when Su-Jin stormed out ...



FLASHBACK� [Previous scene from Episode 4, earlier that day]



Su-Jin............... What are you gaping at like an idiot?!


John................. Er...


Su-Jin............... Get out of the way, John.



John................. Su-Jin? Wait!





John................. You think she won't be back, to try again?


Hyung-Chul....... Not likely... I burned that bridge, for good.


John................. Just exactly what happened?


Hyung-Chul....... (testily) Like I said before, you don't want to know. So drop it, OK?


He unlocks the door, and pushes it open.



John................. (grumbling) Fine, if you're going to be like that ...



SCENE: London, Hyung-Chul's apartment, afternoon

(All dialog is English except as noted)


Hyung-Chul enters his apartment, trailed byJohn, who is still probing persistently ...


John................. What about Sun-Mi then? You haven't said a word about her recently.



Hyung-Chul looks tiredly at John, and throws him a bone...


Hyung-Chul....... There's not much to say. We spent some time together, and I sent her off at the airport.


John................. She just left? That's it?


Hyung-Chul....... Yup.


John................. Still 'just friends' ... nothing more?


Hyung-Chul....... Uh-huh.


John................. I don't get it...



Hyung-Chul goes to the refrigerator and takes out two cans of beer, handing one to John.


Hyung-Chul....... Here you go.


John................. Thanks...



They head for the couch.


Hyung-Chul....... Remember that old Korean saying? Meet a stranger by chance three times, and you're fated to marry.


John................. So you think Sun-Mi is the one?


Hyung-Chul....... Bingo!


John................. But I thought you weren't superstitious.


Hyung-Chul....... I wasn't, until it happened to me.


John................. What if she doesn't feel the same way? Those are some pretty long odds you're gambling on.


Hyung-Chul....... I'm willing to take that chance, and wait 'til she graduates.


John................. That's more than three years away! You won't look at any other girls in the meantime?


Hyung-Chul....... That's right. Instead I'm going to focus on studying ... and the day I finally will beat you at snooker.



They pop the tabs and sit down together on the couch.


John................. Well... Here's to you and Sun-Mi and happily ever after!


Hyung-Chul....... Cheers!


They raise their cans for the toast, and guzzle down the beer.



Noticing the message button is flashing on the answering machine, John gestures toward it.




John................. Looks like you had a call.


Hyung-Chul leans forward and hits the Play key...


Voice on answering machine: "You have one new message..."



They hear sobbing, followed by Sun-Mi's bitter words...


Sun-Mi.............. [O.S. in Korean]You lied to me. All you said is a pack of lies!



John looks over at Hyung-Chul, curious ...


John................. Whatever she said, it sure didn't sound very good.


Hyung-Chul....... (smiling) Actually, it was great.


He nonchalantly finishes off his beer and gives John a celebratory grin.



John................. How's that?


Hyung-Chul....... As you could tell, Sun-Mi is upset. It's because she feels I misled her...


He reaches for the Peter Rabbit music box on the coffee table, then picks it up for a closer look.




Hyung-Chul....... But like you said before, if she felt nothing for me, she wouldn't have bothered.


John nods, then motions towards the Peter Rabbit.


John................. What's that?


Hyung-Chul....... It's a parting gift, from Sun-Mi.


John................. (jokingly) Another belated birthday present?


Hyung-Chul....... Nope. Something to remind me of her, she said. What do you think?



He hands Peter Rabbit to John, who chuckles as he hefts the music box in his hand.


John................. I think I have this little guy to thank.


Hyung-Chul....... What do you mean?


John................. Now I know what distracted you, to my good fortune.



He places the figurine back on the coffee table and stands up.


John................. Let's go. I'm savoring a thick slab of prime rib right now, medium rare, at your expense...




SCENE: Seoul, Catholic University of Korea, afternoon


Sun-Mi is walking on campus when she hears a car horn...


[O.S.] Beep ... beep ...


She turns around to see Woo-Jin's car behind her.


Woo-Jin............ (waving) Sun-Mi!


She waves back.


He turns off the engine and gets out of the car.




Woo-Jin............ It's been a while.


She looks down, embarrassed, as she recalls what happened the night she went to his home for coffee.


Sun-Mi.............. Er...


Woo-Jin............ The watch runs great, and looks good, too...



He raises his arm to show her the new watch on his wrist.


Sun-Mi.............. Ehm... that's nice...


Woo-Jin............ About what you said that time...


Sun-Mi.............. (sharply) I was tired from jetlag -- I wasn't thinking clearly. Just forget everything, okay?



Amid the strained atmosphere between them, they both struggle for what to say next.



Young-Mi arrives on the scene. When she sees Sun-Mi with Woo-Jin, she frowns angrily.


Young-Mi.......... (harshly) Kim Woo-Jin! Over here!


Startled out of his thought, he turns to look.


Woo-Jin............ Huh?


His eyes light up as he breaks into a wide grin.


Woo-Jin............ I wanted to surprise you by coming.



Seeing the loving expression in his eyes, Sun-Mi's heart crumbles.



Young-Mi briefly glances at Sun-Mi, but ignores her as she walks up to Woo-Jin, taking his arm.


Having taken possession back, she smiles triumphantly over Sun-Mi's obvious defeat.


Young-Mi.......... (coyly) Did you wait very long for me, oppa?


Woo-Jin............ No. I just arrived.


Young-Mi.......... Let's go back home, oppa. I'm hungry, and ...


She moves closer and stage whispers into his ear...


Young-Mi.......... I'm missing your hugs and kisses terribly.



Woo-Jin's face flushes red, as he suspects that Sun-Mi has overheard...


Woo-Jin............ Uh, sure.


He looks at Sun-Mi, and thinking he should say something, fumbles out some words...


Woo-Jin............ Er, we've gotta go back now ... Sun-Mi, do you need a ride?



Young-Mi shoots an icy glare at Sun-Mi, declaring that option is D.O.A. as far as she is concerned.


Sun-Mi gets the unspoken message, loud and clear...


Sun-Mi.............. (coldly) Thanks, but you go first, with Young-Mi. I have something else to do now.


Woo-Jin............ Sure. Um ... see ya later.



Sun-Mi forces a smile and waves...


Sun-Mi.............. Bye then.



Young-Mi turns to Woo-Jin, looking unhappy though she'd won the battle.


Young-Mi.......... (impatiently) Come on! Now, Woo-Jin!



They get into his car. Woo-Jin starts the engine and drives off.


As Sun-Mi watches them leave together, a tear trickles down her cheek.




SCENE: Seoul, street, afternoon


Sun-Mi aimlessly wanders the streets nearby her university, pondering her circumstances...



Her mind keeps going back to the situation between her and Woo-Jin and Young-Mi, mulling it over repeatedly...



FLASHBACK� [Previous scene from Episode 4]



Sun-Mi.............. I saw that frame in Young-Mi's room too. Are you two so close that I can't get in between?




Sun-Mi.............. Before I went to London, that night Young-Mi and I were attacked, what I saw was a misunderstanding, right?




Sun-Mi.............. I thought about it a lot in London... Young-Mi's so pitiful. You sympathize, because you have a good heart...


Woo-Jin............ It's not sympathy, it's love. I love Young-Mi...





SCENE: Seoul, Sun-Mi's home, night


Gui-Sung is in the living room, reading the newspaper, when he hears someone at the door.


He puts the paper down in anticipation...



The door opens and Sun-Mi trudges in, backpack slung over her shoulder, carrying some papers in her hand.


Gui-Sung........... You're finally back!


Sun-Mi.............. (dully) Sorry, Daddy... Your dinner is late. I'll get to it right away.



He is concerned when he sees her peaked face.


Gui-Sung........... No need, it can wait... Are you all right? You look pale.


Sun-Mi.............. I'm just tired. I'll be fine.



She shows him a wan smile as she walks into the kitchen.


Sun-Mi.............. I brought the mail in. I'll leave it on the counter...


Gui-Sung........... Anything important?


Sun-Mi.............. Just some bills, and your magazine.



Gui-Sung returns to browsing the newspaper.



But when Sun-Mi drops the mail on the counter, she notices a colorful postcard among the envelopes.


Glancing up, she sees her father has his nose in the paper, and slips the card into her backpack.


Sun-Mi.............. I'll go up to my room to rest, then.



She heads out from the kitchen, toward the stairs.


Gui-Sung looks up and smiles indulgently at his daughter...


Gui-Sung........... Take your time and rest well. Don't worry about dinner, I'll order in a pizza.



She walks up to him and bends down to give her father a grateful hug...


Sun-Mi.............. Thanks, Daddy. You're the best!




SCENE: Seoul, Sun-Mi's bedroom, night


Sun-Mi puts down her backpack and sits on the bed.




Taking the postcard from her backpack, she smiles as she sees the photograph of Tower Bridge on the Thames River...




The picture brings back memories of the day she went bicycling with Hyung-Chul, and watched the sunrise together...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 4]



Sun-Mi.............. This is so nice. Seeing London by night is exciting, but early in the morning, it's so peaceful.


Hyung-Chul....... Without all the crowds, this is one of my favorite places to come, especially when I want to think.


Sun-Mi.............. There's a special place I go in Seoul, on the Han River, to watch the sun rise, too ...

....................... Senior, when you come to Seoul sometime, I'll take you there!




Sun-Mi turns the postcard over, to read the message hand-written on the backside...



Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) Jin Sun-Mi -- I was thinking about you today, and if you're doing well...


Sun-Mi smiles happily, pleased to hear this.


Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) Your Auntie gave me a lunchbox. As I write, I'm eating tasty kimbap by the River Cam...



Sun-Mi pictures the bench on Darwin College's First Island, where she often went to daydream, and sometimes study.



FLASHBACK� [Previous scene from Episode 3]





She wistfully recalls the time Hyung-Chul ate her lunch there, while she wasn't paying attention.



FLASHBACK� [Previous scene from Episode 3]



Sun-Mi.............. My lunch! ... I only ate two.



Hyung-Chul....... You're so stingy. Even with just food.



Sun-Mi.............. You're calling me stingy? You hit me with your car just because I was thinking!

....................... Now you eat my whole lunch too! ... Aren't you overdoing it?





Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) If you were here, your shining smile and cheerful voice would make this a perfect day.



Sun-Mi sighs, again regretting the harsh message she'd left on his answering machine...



FLASHBACK� [Previous scene from Episode 4]



Sun-Mi.............. You lied to me. All you said is a pack of lies!




Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) Don't be sad over that guy. You're still young, with plenty of time for love.


Pensively, she considers his advice for a few moments.


Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) But if he keeps making you cry, just bring all your troubles to me, like before.


This brings to mind the night she'd cried in front of him in Cambridge...



FLASHBACK� [Previous scene from Episode 4]


Hyung-Chul....... Here, stop crying.






Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) Even though you're half a world away, just call, and I'll be there for you. I promise.



Grateful tears fill her eyes. She stops to wipe them away with her palm so she can read on.



Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) Study harder, and become even prettier before we meet next time, okay? Hwaiting!


Sun-Mi smiles at his joking, remembering his boyish grin.



FLASHBACK� [Previous scene from Episode 3]



Hyung-Chul....... For your boyfriend, right?




Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) Though it happened by accident, like you said, meeting you was fortunate for me, too...


Sun-Mi nods in agreement.


Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) Now whenever I see my lighter, I always think of that night under a sky filled with stars...


She smiles as she pictures the impromptu 'birthday cake' she had devised.



FLASHBACK� [Previous scene from Episode 4]



Hyung-Chul....... It's the best birthday cake I've ever had.




Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) The present you gave me this summer, I'll always treasure...


Sun-Mi pauses to puzzle ... He hadn't seemed that appreciative of the Peter Rabbit music box at the time.



FLASHBACK� [Previous scene from Episode 4]



Hyung-Chul....... But it doesn�t really fit my character.



But when she reads on, his meaning becomes clear...


Hyung-Chul....... (voiceover) Because it's you, I'm a happy man... Your London friend -- Yoon Hyung-Chul



As Sun-Mi ponders this, her heart warms, and her spirits rise with gratitude...



Sun-Mi.............. (happily) Senior, why are you so good to me?




SCENE: Seoul, Sun-Mi's bedroom, midnight


After eating a late pizza dinner with her father and taking a long, relaxing hot bath, Sun-Mi emails back to Hyung-Chul...



Sun-Mi.............. (voiceover) My dear Senior in London -- Your third postcard came today...


She glances up at the postcards displayed on the wall by her desk and smiles.



Sun-Mi.............. (voiceover). Like a refreshing kimchi stew, it hit the spot, just what I needed to lift my spirits.

....................... It's as if you had read my thoughts before I had them. Are you prescient? Ha-ha...


Then her face turns serious as she continues...



Sun-Mi.............. (voiceover) I didn't write before, because I was too ashamed. But now I feel encouraged to.

....................... I'm sorry I spoke harshly that day. Please understand, it's not you I was upset with, but myself.




Sun-Mi.............. (voiceover) My heart insists to cling on when my head tells me to let go. Pathetic, isn't it?.

....................... But I'll try to put that all behind me, and focus on a better future after I finish my studies...




Sun-Mi.............. (voiceover) Looking back from life here in Seoul, I remember fondly our time together in England.

....................... Like you said, perhaps our meeting wasn't just an accident, but was arranged by Fate...




Sun-Mi.............. (voiceover) What else explains finding someone half a world away to help carry me in a difficult time?

....................... Unlikely as a star high in heaven meeting a pearl deep in the sea... Senior, when will I see you again? ...



She thinks back to their parting moment at the London Airport...



FLASHBACK� [Previous scene from Episode 4]


Hyung-Chul....... I'll be here at least three more years.


Sun-Mi.............. Even though I�m not here, eat well, and don�t be depressed. Study hard and come back a dashing man..


They both laugh.


Sun-Mi.............. See you in Seoul.



Hyung-Chul....... This is a British goodbye...






Sun-Mi.............. (voiceover) I'm looking forward to your next card. ^^ ... Your friend in Seoul -- Jin Sun-Mi.



After she clicks the SEND button, Sun-Mi mulls over the whirlwind of events during her brief time in England...



FLASHBACK� [Previous scenes from Episodes 3 and 4]


Sister Agnes...... Every dark cloud has a silver lining, and after every storm is a clear sky.

....................... This is your day to seize. So be bold, believe in yourself.

....................... Don't be afraid to step out in faith and move forward.






Musing to herself, Sun-Mi wonders what the future holds...


Sun-Mi.............. Next time we greet each other, Senior, will it be ... English style?













"At first ... I thought I was so unlucky, but meeting you was a pretty good thing." -- Jin Sun-Mi


Every love story has a beginning, when the future OTP meet for the first time, and the question arises -- Is this merely a chance encounter, a random circumstance of life, or is it something greater, a harbinger of predestiny?


Although the ending is already determined, I hope this expansion of the All About Eve storyline added some insightful chapters into the budding love relationship between Sun-Mi and Hyung-Chul.


-- AAEfanatic