All About Eve 'Uncut' — The Cold War
by AAEfanatic
Episode 11B
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, afternoon
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, noon
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, afternoon
SCENE: Corridor outside the Announcer 1 Team office, night
SCENE: MBS car parking garage, night
SCENE: Jin home kitchen, night
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, night
SCENE: In Sun-Mi’s home, night
SCENE: Sun-Mi’s bedroom, night
SCENE: MBS corridor, afternoon
SCENE: Charity Gala reception, night
SCENE: Charity Gala stage, night
SCENE: Hyung-Chul’s car, night
SCENE: Hyung-Chul’s bedroom, night
It is a typical work day in the Announcer 1Team office, with everyone at their desks, including Young-Mi and Sun-Mi.
Joo-Hee is at her desk, working on some reports. She makes notes on several pages and puts them into a large manila envelope.
Then she walks over to Young-Mi's desk.
Joo-Hee............ Young-Mi?
Young-Mi.......... (looking up) Yes?
Joo-Hee............ It’s your day off the news, right?
....................... Can you do some research for my speech at the Professional Women’s Business Organization luncheon?
Young-Mi.......... (smiling) Of course. When do you need it?
Joo-Hee............ This afternoon, so I can prepare for the speech tomorrow.
Young-Mi.......... (unhappily) I’m sorry, Senior. I have a location shoot this afternoon, and I need to prep for that.
Joo-Hee............ (sighs) Then I’ll have to do it myself later.
Joo-Hee starts back to her desk. Sun-Mi looks up at Young-Mi, then over at Joo-Hee.
Sun-Mi.............. Senior?
Joo-Hee looks back at Sun-Mi.
Joo-Hee............ (irritated) Yes, what is it now? I’m really busy!
Sun-Mi.............. (cheerfully) I have time to do it for you.
Joo-Hee............ Are you sure? Some of the sources are in English.
Sun-Mi.............. Please, give me the chance.
Joo-Hee............ (reluctantly) Very well, then. Here.
Sun-Mi sends a smug look in Young-Mi’s direction as Joo hands her the envelope.
Joo-Hee............ Be sure to list citations for the sources, so I can check them.
Sun-Mi.............. I'll start on it right away!
Joo-Hee............ Oh… I’ll need an assistant at the luncheon, too. Can you make it?
Sun-Mi.............. (smiling) Yes, Senior. When do you...
Just then Sun-Mi’s cell phone rings.
Sun-Mi.............. Excuse me...
She checks the Caller ID on her phone, and smiles as she puts the phone to her ear the call, forgetting Joo-Hee was waiting.
Joo-Hee shakes her head and goes back to her desk.
Sun-Mi.............. Thanks for calling back, Auntie… Right, it's a special dinner for Daddy’s birthday.
Young-Mi pretends to be busy working as she eavesdrops on Sun-Mi’s phone conversation.
Sun-Mi.............. (continuing) He’s coming at 8:30. I’m going shopping after work first, so I’ll meet you at 7:00. Okay, bye…
Sun-Mi puts her cell phone away and starts reading the papers Joo-Hee just gave her.
Young-Mi looks up at Sun-Mi, and a crafty smile crosses Young-Mi’s face as she hatches another scheme.
In the Announcer 1 Team office, Ki-Jong leans over and says something quietly to Kyung-Hee and points to his watch.
Kyung-Hee hurriedly grabs her purse as Ki-Jong goes to Jin-Soo and bats him lightly on the head.
Ki-Jong............. Hey, Minefield! Let’s go!
Jin-Soo............. (surprised) Huh?
Ki-Jong............. We’ll be late for the game!
Jin-Soo............. (muttering) Yeah, I’m coming…
Jin-Soo gets up to go with Ki-Jong, but is surprised to see that Kyung-Hee is going with them.
Jin-Soo............. Is Senior Lee joining us?
Ki-Jong............. You think that women aren’t interested in baseball? Lee Kyung-Hee is our guest announcer today!
....................... She's interviewing the players’ wives before the game. Pay attention, idiot, and you might learn something, okay?
Jin-So............... (gulps) Yes, Senior…
As the three pass by Sun-Mi working at her desk, Jin-Soo taps her on the shoulder and shows her the time on his watch.
Jin-Soo............. You haven’t taken a break all morning. Don’t forget to eat lunch.
Sun-Mi.............. (smiling tiredly) Bring back a hamburger for me, will you?
Jin-Soo............. (wide-eyed) You’re kidding, right?
As they are talking, Joo-Hee storms into the office, steaming and waving some papers in her hand.
Joo-Hee............ (to no one in particular) Oh! Those writers just drive me crazy!
Joo-Hee sees the gathering at Sun-Mi’s desk. With a frown on her face, she marches over to speak with her.
Jin-Soo moves away, as Sun-Mi quickly pushes her chair back and stands up to greet Joo-Hee with a dip of her head.
Sun-Mi.............. Senior?
Joo-Hee............ (sharply) Finished with the research yet?
Sun-Mi.............. (apologetically) Er… I’m still working on the English...
Joo-Hee............ (frustrated) You’re not done, but you have time to gab around? So incompetent! I knew I couldn’t count on you!
Sun-Mi hangs her head, ashamed at being scolded.
Sun-Mi.............. I’m sorry. I’ll finish it as soon as possible.
Ki-Jong............. (grabbing Jin-Soo) Let’s go…
Ki-Jong drags Jin-Soo off. Kyung-Hee gives Joo-Hee a disgusted look, and then follows Ki-Jong out, too.
Their other colleagues, sensing this is a good time to take a break, quickly clear out, leaving only Joo-Hee, Sun-Mi, and Young-Mi.
Young-Mi puts aside her work and speaks up.
Young-Mi.......... Don’t be so hard on Sun-Mi. She tries her best, even if she is a little slow.
Sun-Mi, unhappy with Young-Mi ‘defending’ her, glares at he but says nothing.
Joo-Hee............ (to Young-Mi) I suppose you’re right... perhaps I expected too much.
....................... (to Sun-Mi) Just put everything into the envelope and leave it my IN box; I’ll look at it later.
Sun-Mi.............. (grumbling) Yes, Senior.
Joo-Hee............ (smiles at Young-Mi) You been working hard lately. How about going for lunch? My treat.
Young-Mi.......... (smiles excitedly as she stands) Thank you, Senior! Where are we going?
Joo-Hee............ (walking off)There’s a new place in Mapo I’ve wanted to try...
Young-Mi and Joo-Hee go out the door together.
Sun-Mi watches them leave jealously, then looks back at the unfinished research and sighs. She sits down and starts working again.
Sun-Mi is at her desk, carefully checking through a stack of papers. She glances up at the wall clock and notes the time is 5:00 PM.
Sun-Mi.............. (aloud to herself) All done! And plenty of time left.
She picks up the finished papers, and puts them into a large manila envelope along with the diskette she was working on.
Going over to Joo-Hee’s desk, she places the envelope into the IN box as her cell phone rings.
Sun-Mi returns to her desk to read the incoming text message: ‘KIM WOO-JIN: come to the editing room now’
Sun-Mi.............. (puzzled, aloud to herself) What does he want now?
She closes the phone, grabs her office tote, and walks out of the office into the corridor.
Turning left, Sun-Mi slings her tote over her shoulder and hurries down the corridor as she starts to make a call on her cell phone.
Rounding the corner, she runs smack into a mail cart pushed by a young man coming from the other direction.
Colliding with the cart, Sun-Mi loses her balance. Although startled, the man quickly collects his wits and grabs Sun-Mi before she falls.
Sun-Mi.............. Ouch! Oww…
The mail clerk waits until he is sure Sun-Mi is securely back on her feet before he releases her.
He bends down to pick up Sun-Mi's cell phone from the floor while she rubs her left elbow where it hit the metal cart in her fall.
Mail Clerk.......... Miss, are you all right?
Sun-Mi.............. Sorry… I was in a hurry…
Mail Clerk.......... No, it was my fault… Say, aren’t you Announcer Jin Sun-Mi?
Sun-Mi.............. (embarrassed) Yes… Do I know you?
Mail clerk.......... The name is Ryoo Seok-Hun.
He holds out his hand. Sun-Mi stops rubbing her sore elbow, and they shake hands.
Sun-Mi.............. (thinking) Mr. Ryoo, I don't recall seeing you before.
Seok-Hun.......... .That... er... I've just started at this job.
When they finish their handshake, he gives Sun-Mi her phone back.
With her attention now off her own slight injury, Sun-Mi takes the moment to really look at Seok-Hun.
He has the slight, wiry build of a runner; Sun-Mi had felt the strength in his arms as he’d securely held her from falling.
Appearing to be about her age, his quick, friendly smile and warm eyes seem to not have a care in the world behind them.
Sun-Mi.............. Thanks.
Seok-Hun.......... (smiling) It’s my pleasure, Announcer Jin.
Sun-Mi.............. I’ll try to be more careful next time.
Seok-Hun.......... It's okay. I’ll be watching out for you.
Sun-Mi.............. (dips her head) Mr. Ryoo, I have to go now.
With a look of mortification on her face, Sun-Mi hurries off and Seok-Hun starts pushing the mail cart again.
* * * * * *
Concealed in a doorway across from the announcers’ office, Young-Mi watched Sun-Mi’s incident with the mail cart contemptuously.
Young-Mi.......... (quietly to herself) How can such an idiot be so lucky?
She smiles and closes the cell phone in her hand.
Waiting until Sun-Mi has gone around the corner, she walks into the Announcer 1 Team office and places her bag on her desk.
Then she goes to Joo-Hee’s desk and picks up the manila envelope Sun-Mi had put into the IN box.
Checking in the envelope, she sees the papers and diskette. Then she puts the envelope under some papers in the OUT box.
Young-Mi.......... (aloud to herself) Maybe today your luck runs out, Jin Sun-Mi…
Hearing footsteps in the corridor, she quickly walks to the office door. She is relieved to see it is the mail clerk with his cart.
Seok-Hun.......... (smiles) Good evening, Announcer Huh.
Young-Mi hears a woman’s heel taps approaching quickly, and turns to look.
Young-Mi.......... Sorry, I was just leaving...
Without waiting for his response, Young-Mi immediately leaves in the direction away from the approaching footsteps.
Seok-Hun goes into the Announcer 1 Team office, collecting mail from the OUT boxes.
Sun-Mi is hurrying back to the Announcer 1 Team office, her cell phone up to her ear as she walks.
Sun-Mi.............. (aloud to herself) Why don’t you pick up, Kim Woo-Jin? Didn’t you just text me?
As she rounds a corner, not paying attention, Sun-Mi almost runs into the office mail cart… again.
But just in time, Seok-Hun deftly swerves it out of her way, preventing another collision.
To her chagrin, Sun-Mi realizes it is the same man she had run into before.
Sun-Mi.............. Sorry! I wasn’t paying attention.
Seok-Hun.......... No problem, Announcer Jin. Didn’t I say I’d keep a sharp watch out for you?
Sun-Mi.............. (embarrassed) I don’t know why I’m always so clumsy,…?
Seok-Hun.......... Ryoo... Ryoo Seok-Hun... remember?
Sun-Mi.............. Thanks for being so quick to avoid another mishap, Mr. Ryoo.
Seok-Hun.......... Actually, since we’ve met twice now, there’s no need to be so formal. Call me Seok-Hun.
Sun-Mi.............. (smiling) Sure. Thank you, Seok-Hun. I’m sorry; it was my fault again.
Seok-Hun.......... Don’t blame yourself. Just being in the way makes it partly my responsibility, too.
....................... If you have a minute, let me buy you a coffee or something; you seem pretty frazzled right now.
Sun-Mi appears touched by his taking responsibility and offering to help when he could have put all the blame on her.
Sun-Mi.............. Sorry, I can’t talk now, I have to go… Perhaps another time?
Seok-Hun.......... (laughs) Hopefully it won’t be meeting like this again.
Sun-Mi dips her head to excuse herself, and hurries the last few steps to the Announcer 1 Team office.
Going inside, she sees Joo-Hee standing by her desk, arms crossed, an annoyed expression on her face.
Joo-Hee............ (harshly) Did you finish the research?
Sun-Mi.............. (proudly) Yes, it’s all done! I left everything on your desk.
Sun-Mi sets her tote down and starts putting things away on her desk so she can leave, but Joo-Hee continues to glare at her.
Joo-Hee............ Where did you say you put the envelope?
Sun-Mi.............. (focused on her task) In the IN box, like you asked.
Joo-Hee............ (irritably) I looked there, and everywhere else. It’s not here!
Sun-Mi looks up, surprised, and comes over to Joo-Hee’s desk. She goes through the mail in the IN box.
She frantically checks again through the stack of envelopes and papers, but the envelope is missing.
Sun-Mi.............. (anxiously) But… I left it right here, just a few minutes ago!
Joo-Hee............ (sighs, exasperated at Sun-Mi’s apparent incompetence) Whatever… Just print out another copy for me.
Sun-Mi.............. I… I can’t. I put the diskette in the envelope, too. Everything was on that diskette...
Joo-Hee............ Jin Sun-Mi! … Of all the... You didn’t keep a backup on your computer?! ... I knew this was a mistake...
....................... Why did I ever think I could trust you?!!!
Sun-Mi is cringing under Joo-Hee’s harsh scolding.
Sun-Mi.............. I'm sorry… But I know I put the envelope there, I really did!
Young-Mi walks in the office. Glancing briefly at Joo-Hee and Sun-Mi, she goes to her desk as if she had heard and seen nothing.
Sun-Mi looks accusingly over at Young-Mi, who is taking some papers from her bag and arranging them on her desk.
Young-Mi looks up at Sun-Mi and smiles.
Young—Mi......... Don’t look at me to cover for you; I just got back from my location shoot.
At a loss about what happened to the envelope, and not wanting Young-Mi to witness her being scolded further, Sun-Mi gives up.
Sun-Mi.............. (apologetically, to Joo-Hee) Senior, I don’t know what I can do… I'm sorry...
Joo-Hee............ (sternly) Sorry won't do it. Start over!
Sun-Mi.............. But… but… that could take all night! I already have important plans…
Young-Mi.......... (cutting in) Senior, if Sun-Mi is busy, I could do it for her instead. I know how important this speech is to you.
Sun-Mi looks at Young-Mi, wondering if she is sincere, or just trying to get in better graces with Joo-Hee.
Joo-Hee............ (to Young-Mi) No. This is Sun-Mi’s problem, she caused it; she can fix it herself.
....................... (to Sun-Mi) Work all night if that’s what it takes, but have everything on my desk before you leave!
Sun-Mi.............. But Senior…
Joo-Hee............ (heatedly) If you can’t do this job competently, perhaps you should consider finding another one!
....................... So stop making excuses for your carelessness, and do your work properly the first time!
Sun-Mi.............. (dejectedly) Yes, Senior…
Joo-Hee............ (to Young-Mi) Wear your best suit tomorrow. I need someone I can count on at the luncheon with me.
Young-Mi.......... But... Sun-Mi?
Joo-Hee............ Don’t worry about Jin Sun-Mi. (sarcastically) I’m sure that she has ‘important plans’…
....................... Come out now, let’s talk about what I need you to do…
Sun-Mi wants to complain at the unfariness of having her reward given to Young-Mi, although she still has to do the work.
But instead she holds her tongue rather than get herself into more trouble with Joo-Hee and sits down to start over.
Joo-Hee............ (to Young-Mi) It will be a good opportunity for your career, to meet some important people...
As Joo-Hee leaves the office with Young-Mi, Sun-Mi glares after them, so upset with what had just happened that she is trembling.
Anxiously, she looks up at the wall clock, and sees the time is 6:15 PM.
Sun-Mi ponders how could so much go wrong in just a few minutes… how could she be so unlucky? … or was it just bad luck?
She looks to where Young-Mi had left with Joo-Hee. Then she sits down at her desk and prepares herself to start over.
Sun-Mi.............. (determinedly, aloud to herself) There’s still two hours left…
Young-Mi is waiting by Woo-Jin’s car in the car parking garage when he walks up. He looks tired.
Young-Mi.......... (smiling) How was your day?
Woo-Jin............ Everything went okay. Why are you here?
Young-Mi takes a cell phone from her office tote and shows it to him.
Woo-Jin............ Gee, I didn’t even realize it was missing. Where did you find it?
Young-Mi.......... In the editing room; I went to find you after I got back.
Woo-Jin............ You were looking for me?
Young-Mi.......... Can’t I miss you, too? (smiles)… Let’s go together.
Woo-Jin............ (surprised, but pleased) Okay… Get in.
They get into the car and put on their seat belts.
Woo-Jin............ I can’t go out with you tonight. There’s a dinner for Mr. Jin.
Young-Mi.......... I know. I heard from Sun-Mi. Unfortunately, she has to work late tonight. So let’s go shopping.
Woo-Jin............ (curious) Shopping?
Young-Mi.......... (smiles) Well, someone has to cook dinner for Mr. Jin, right?
Woo-Jin............ (nods) Okay. I’ll help, too.
Woo-Jin starts the car, and drives off.
Jin Gwi-Sung (Sun-Mi’s father), Song Jin-Suk (Woo-Jin’s mother), Woo-Jin, and Young-Mi are seated around the dinner table.
The remains of their dinner clutter the table, but one place setting is untouched.
Gwi-Sun pushes his chair back and pats his belly.
Gwi-Sung ......... Ah!… That was delicious!
Woo-Jin............ (proudly) Isn’t Young-Mi’s cooking skill the best?
Young-Mi.......... (modestly) Woo-Jin helped, too.
Woo-Jin............ (laughs) I only chopped vegetables.
Gwi-Sung.......... (to Jin-Suk) You certainly don’t have to worry about your son starving!
Young-Mi.......... Mother did the final seasoning, that’s why everything was so tasty.
Jin-Suk smiles at the word ‘Mother’. With Young-Mi becoming a well-known celebrity, she is proud to have her as a daughter-in-law.
Jin-Suk............. Nonsense! I won’t take credit from where it is due.
Young-Mi.......... (frowning) Too bad Sun-Mi missed the dinner.
Jin-Suk............. (irritated) That girl! Making big plans, then dropping out at the last minute!
....................... (looks accusingly at Gwi-Sung) I guess it’s true that the acorn falls close to the tree, doesn’t it?
Young-Mi.......... But it wasn’t Sun-Mi’s fault she had to work.
Gwi-Sung.......... Woo-Jin, call Sun-Mi and find out when she’s coming back.
Woo-Jin............ Yes, sir.
Woo-Jin takes out his phone and calls Sun-Mi.
Woo-Jin............ Hello, Sun-Mi? … When are you coming?… Yes, we’ve finished dinner… Okay, bye.
Young-Mi.......... What did she say?
Woo-Jin............ Sun-Mi says she’ll be staying late to finish.
Young-Mi.......... What a pity! Why don’t you all relax and watch TV, while I do the dishes. Then we'll have the cake.
Young-Mi starts collecting the dirty dishes into a stack on the table. She picks up the stack and turns toward the sink.
Jin-Suk............. Be careful! (to Woo-Jin) You… Help her.
Young-Mi.......... It’s okay, I used to wait tables.
Woo-Jin reaches for the stack of plates, but somehow the plates tip and dump food all over the front of Young-Mi’s dress.
Young-Mi.......... (startled) Oh my!
Woo-Jin............ I’m sorry. I was clumsy.
Young-Mi.......... It wasn’t your fault. My hands slipped.
Jin-Suk............. (fretting) Didn’t I tell you? Always listen to your mother.
Young-Mi looks at her soiled dress and sighs.
Young-Mi.......... (apologetically) Yes, Mother. I’ll remember from now on. But, what am I going to do with this mess?
Jin-Suk............. (to Gwi-Sung) Give her one of Sun-Mi’s dresses to wear. Sun-Mi shouldn’t mind.
Gwi-Sung.......... You can wash up in the bathroom upstairs, Young-Mi.
Young-Mi.......... (dips her head politely) Thank you, Uncle. I’ll go up to change, and do the dishes later.
Woo-Jin............ Don’t rush. I’ll take care of the dishes, Young-Mi.
Young-Mi.......... (smiles) Thank you, Mother.
Young-Mi leaves the kitchen and heads for the stairs. Jin-Suk gets up and puts on an apron, preparing to do the dishes.
Jin-Suk............. Come on, Woo-Jin. Let’s get to work.
The wall clock in the Announcer 1 Team office shows 9:20.
Sun-Mi is working at her desk, furiously typing on her computer. She is angry and sad, about to cry.
Tears roll in her eyes, threatening to spill over as she quickly switches from window to window, reassembling the lost information.
Man................. Hello? Is Announcer Yoo Joo-Hee here?
Sun-Mi looks up to see a man at the door, with a mail cart.
Sun-Mi.............. No. She’s still in the News Room. Can I help you?
Man................. I’m the night mailroom clerk. This envelope…
He shows Sun-Mi a large manila envelope. She immediately recognizes it as the missing envelope she had put on Joo-Hee’s desk!
Immediately, she rushes over to him and takes the envelope. Inside are the missing papers and diskette.
Sun-Mi.............. (relieved) Where did you find it?
Man................. It was by the postage meter… YooJoo-Hee’s name was on the papers inside.
Sun-Mi.............. How did it get to the mail room?
Man................. (shrugs) Beats me. Maybe someone put it into the OUT box by mistake.
....................... Anyway, I thought I should bring it up before I clocked out, just in case it was important.
Sun-Mi.............. (overjoyed) Thank you so much! You don’t know how important this is to me!
Man................. (smiling) Glad I could help. Anyway, I’ll leave now.
Watching the man leave, pushing his mail cart, reminds Sun-Mi how, earlier that day, when she’d run into another mail cart.
Somehow, in the time she was away from the Announcer 1 Team office, going to the editing room, the envelope had gone missing...
Sun-Mi returns home, ready to confront Young-Mi. But on entering the house, she hears the sounds of singing inside.
Voices.............. (O.S. singing) Happppy Birthday to you… Happppy Birthday to you…
Sun-Mi comes in to see her father, Woo-Jin, Jin-Suk, and Young-Mi gathered around a lighted birthday cake on the kitchen table.
All.................... Happppy Birrrrth-day… (singing suddenly stops)
Gwi-Sung.......... (looking surprised) Sun-Mi, you came back?
Young-Mi.......... You finished everything already?
Woo-Jin............ Join us, Sun-Mi!
Jin-Suk............. Come, you’re just in time!
Sun-Mi sees that Young-Mi is wearing the dress that Hyung-Chul had bought for her to wear at the MBS Anniversary Celebration.
Furious, she charges into the kitchen. As Sun-Mi nears, Young-Mi stands up. The others watch on uncertainly.
The two women face off, Sun-Mi eyeing Young-Mi accusingly, Young-Mi feigning innocence.
Sun-Mi.............. How clever of you, moving the envelope from Joo-Hee’s IN box to the OUT box!
Young-Mi.......... What are you talking about?
Sun-Mi.............. I remembered seeing your bag on the desk, BEFORE you claimed that you came back.
....................... No one else was around, except Yoo Joo-Hee, so it had to be you!
Young-Mi.......... Do you have proof? Why would I do that?
Sun-Mi.............. So you could mess me up, and take my place tonight! Only a person like you could be so evil!
Young-Mi.......... All I wanted to do is help Uncle celebrate his birthday. Ask Woo-Jin… he’ll tell you.
Sun-Mi.............. Then why are you wearing my dress?
Young-Mi.......... Mine got soiled, and Uncle said you wouldn’t mind if I wore one of yours.
Sun-Mi ............. But why choose THIS one? You knew what it meant to me!
Young-Mi.......... (upset) Fine, I’ll take it off, if that will make you feel better!
Sun-Mi.............. I don’t care now; you can have it! I’d have to toss it out, anyway, after YOU touched it!
Woo-Jin............ (harshly) Sun-Mi! Why are you acting like this?! Young-Mi was just trying to help.
Sun-Mi.............. (losing her temper) You can fool the others, Huh Young-Mi, but not me! I won’t let you get away with it!
....................... This is my home, not yours! A stinking weed like you doesn’t belong here!
Everyone is shocked, hearing Sun-Mi’s angry tirade. Before Young-Mi can respond, Sun-Mi slaps her hard, on the face.
Sun-Mi tenses, her arm raised, expecting Young-Mi to try and slap back like before, butYoung-Mi backs away as tears fill her eyes.
Sun-Mi.............. (loudly) Now you’re trying for sympathy with those false tears? GET OUT, don't make me hit you again!
Sun-Mi moves toward Young-Mi, threateningly, but Gwi-Sung steps in between them.
Jin-Suk puts her arms around Young-Mi protectively to comfort her, while glaring angrily at Sun-Mi.
Gwi-Sung.......... That enough, Sun-Mi!
Gwi-Sung stands, arms crossed, looking sternly at his daughter until she relents and backs off.
Sun-Mi.............. But, Daddy!
Gwi-Sung.......... Go up to your room! I’ll talk to you later, young lady!
Sun-Mi stares at her father, shocked. Not only is he taking Young-Mi’s side, he’s scolding her like a child — in front of Young-Mi!
Not wanting to break down in front of everyone and humilitate herself even more, she turns away and runs up the stairs.
Woo-Jin and Gwi-Sung and Jin-Suk look at each other, shocked and puzzled by Sun-Mi’s incoherent outburst.
Young-Mi begins crying, as if she was the victim and completely innocent. Gwi-Sung pats her back comfortingly.
Gwi-Sung.......... I’m sorry, Young-Mi. This was uncalled for.
Young-Mi.......... (speaking between sobs) Uncle… I know Sun-Mi… doesn’t like me… I'll go away...
Jin-Suk............. Nonsense, you’re my daughter-in-law. You belong here as much as anyone.
Gwi-Sung.......... Yes. You’re like a daughter to me, too. Don’t worry. I’ll get this settled.
Young-Mi looks up and smiles as she stops crying.
Young-Mi.......... Thank you. You’re all so good to me. Please just forget this happened.
Woo-Jin............ Come on, Young-Mi. I’ll drive you back.
Gwi-Sung comes upstairs to speak to Sun-Mi. He goes to her closed bedroom door and knocks lightly.
Gwi-Sung.......... Sun-Mi?
He listens, and through the door hears the sounds of muffled crying. He turns the doorknob; it is unlocked. He opens the door wide.
Inside, the lights are off. The room is illuminated only by silvery rays of moonlight streaming through the ceiling skylight.
Sun-Mi is lying on her bed, her face buried in the pillows, sobbing.
Gwi-Sung goes over and sits on the bed, next to Sun-Mi, and softly pats her on the back as he waits for her to settle down.
Gradually her sobs quiet until the room is silent.
Gwi-Sung.......... Did you eat anything before you came home?
Sun-Mi shakes her head.
Gwi-Sung.......... Should I bring up some fruits and warm milk?
Sun-Mi rolls over, onto her side, to face her father. Her eyes are red and puffy, her makeup smeared and face wet from tears.
She looks up and attempts a feeble smile.
Sun-Mi.............. I don’t think fruits and milk will help, this time.
Gwi-Sung.......... (sighs) I wish you two could get along. Was the dress really that important?
Sun-Mi.............. Daddy, it’s not just the dress. Today my report for Senior Yoo Joo-Hee was lost; that’s why I had to stay late.
....................... Young-Mi was there when it happened; I’m sure she did it deliberately to get me into trouble!
Gwi-Sung.......... Now, why would Young-Mi do that?
Sun-Mi.............. She's jealous and wants everything I have... even you!
Gwi-Sung.......... Enough of that! Young-Mi is willing to let this go, so you should, too.
Sun-Mi sits up suddenly, looking at her father with complete incredulity.
Sun-Mi.............. Daddy, you can’t believe me? You really can’t believe me? Would I lie to you?
....................... You know what kind of person I am. I’m not a stranger, I’m Sun-Mi, your only daughter! Me!
Gwi-Sung.......... Of course you are. Why say that?
Fresh tears roll down Sun-Mi’s cheeks.
Sun-Mi.............. Because, tonight, when I came… You, and Woo-Jin, and Auntie… you looked so happy together with Young-Mi…
....................... (voice breaks with a deep sob) Daddy, I felt so… so sad inside… like you’d forgotten I was your daughter first…
Gwi-Sung embraces Sun-Mi in a fatherly hug, as she cries on his shoulder.
Gwi-Sung.......... (quietly) There, there... Sun-Mi, everything will be all right...
Returning to MBS from the Professional Women’s Business Organization luncheon, Joo-Hee and Young-Mi are chatting as they walk.
Joo-Hee............ Thanks for volunteering to work the Charity Gala. You didn’t have to, just because you came today.
Young-Mi.......... I’m glad to help out, because I have a special interest in children and family.
....................... And I want to help you be successful as the Gala Committee Chair, too.
They arrive at the door to the Announcers’ Office and walk in.
Joo-Hee............ Thanks, I’ll need lots of help. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into!
Young-Mi.......... I just hope I won’t disappoint you, Senior.
Joo-Hee looks over at Sun-Mi’s desk, where Sun-Mi is hunched over her desk, looking miserable.
Joo-Hee............ You’d have to try really hard, to disappoint me as much as some others have.
The usual sounds of activity in the office suddenly cease, and all eyes turn toward Sun-Mi.
Young-Mi quietly moves aside to her desk, while Joo-Hee passes Sun-Mi as she heads for her own desk in the corner.
Sun-Mi stands politely to greet Joo-Hee with a dip of her head, but Joo-Hee doesn’t even acknowledge her.
Sun-Mi.............. (timidly) Senior? How did your speech go at the luncheon?
Joo-Hee............ (stiffly) I’ve no time to chat now; I have a meeting to attend. Why not ask Young-Mi? She was there.
The reminder that Young-Mi had taken her place is a bitter pill to Sun-Mi, but she persists in her effort to make up with Joo-Hee.
Sun-Mi.............. I’m sorry… I don’t know how the envelope got sent to the mail room; but I’m sure it wasn’t me.
Joo-Hee picks up some papers and walks over to Sun-Mi, standing right in her face.
Joo-Hee............ (harshly) I don’t want to hear it. Being sorry, and making excuses, is useless. What matters is keeping promises!
....................... Until you do that consistently, people will continue to see you as immature and unprofessional in your work!
Joo-Hee’s comment takes Sun-Mi back to her previous confrontation with Hyung-Chul:
FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 11a, where Sun-Mi argues with Hyung-Chul]
“Jin Sun-Mi, when will you grow up?” … “You are childish and have no sense of judgement!” …
Sun-Mi straightens her back and looks directly into Joo-Hee’s eyes to convey the gravity of her intentions.
Sun-Mi.............. What will it take, Senior, for you to give me another chance? Should I get down for you?
Sun-Mi makes a move to get down on her knees and kowtow, but Joo-Hee, not wanting to be put on the spot, stops her.
Joo-Hee............ That’s not necessary. If you want another chance, I need volunteers to help at the Charity Gala.
Sun-Mi.............. Whatever it is, I’ll do it.
Joo-Hee............ Okay. Talk to Young-Mi, she’s in charge of volunteers.
Sun-Mi glances over at Young-Mi, who gives her a contemptuous smirk in return.
Sun-Mi.............. (griping) Young-Mi…?
Joo-Hee............ (irritated) You just said you’d do anything! I’m sure Young-Mi can find something you won’t screw up!
Irritated, Joo-Hee walks out, leaving Sun-Mi demeaned in front of her peers again.
And as Young-Mi savors her latest triumph over Sun-Mi, another plot starts wending its convoluted way in her devious mind.
Joo-Hee and Young-Mi are taking a coffee break in the canteen.
Joo-Hee takes a sip of vending coffee as Young-Mi closes a thin folder and sets it on the table.
Young-Mi.......... That’s all for the program checklist. Is there anything else I can do this afternoon?
Joo-Hee............ Thanks, but with your help, everything’s under control now. By the way, how about Jin Sun-Mi?
Young-Mi.......... Sun-Mi? I put her in charge of the special children’s performance. (scoffing) She fits right in with those kids.
Joo-Hee............ That was a great idea. Seeing some of the orphanage children ought to open the pocketbooks!
Joo-Hee has another sip of coffee.
Young-Mi.......... (eagerly) This morning, I found the cutest costumes for their flower song. You’ll see what I mean tonight.
Joo-Hee............ So you’re going to surprise me?
Young-Mi.......... (smiles mischievously) I think it’ll be a surprise for everyone…
Joo-Hee takes the last sip of coffee from the cup. She grimaces, crushes the empty cup, and puts her hand on her stomach.
Young-Mi.......... Is something wrong Senior?
Joo-Hee............ My stomach feels funny. I’m sure it’s just butterflies. I’m a bit nervous about tonight’s fundraising drive.
Young-Mi.......... Maybe you should take a little rest now, until you feel better.
Joo-Hee............ You’re right; I’m feeling a bit lightheaded, too. I’ll go down to the infirmary.
Joo-Hee stands up, wavering on her feet as she grasps the chair back for support.
Young-Mi.......... You don’t look well at all. Should I accompany you, Senior?
Joo-Hee shakes her head and grimaces again.
Joo-Hee............ (weakly) No, I’ll be fine…
Joo-Hee shuffles slowly away, hunched over and holding her stomach.
Young-Mi takes a sip of coffee as she watches Joo-Hee walk off. Then she stands up and takes a small vial from her jacket pocket.
She smiles as she looks at the bottle in her hand for a moment, and then drops it back into her pocket.
At the Charity Gala's pre-event cocktail hour, held in a ritzy hotel basllroom, as the male emcee, Hyung-Chul is working the crowd.
Dressed in a formal black tuxedo, he appears uneasy, as if he’d rather be anywhere else than at this event.
Young-Mi arrives, wearing the dress that Hyung-Chul had bought for Sun-Mi to wear at the MBS 40th Anniversary Celebration.
When she comes in the door, Hyung-Chul does a double-take. He quickly ends his conversation with another executive.
Hyung-Chul....... Excuse me; I need to speak with someone who just arrived...
* * * * * *
As Hyung-Chul approaches Young-Mi, she greets him with a polite dip of her head.
Young-Mi.......... Director Yoon, I need to talk with you. Joo-Hee had to…
Hyung-Chul....... I know; please come out with me first.
Hyung-Chul quickly leads her out to the hotel foyer, where they can talk with some privacy.
Hyung-Chul....... Sun-Dal called from the emergency room. The doctors said it was just an upset stomach, from nerves.
Young-Mi.......... That's such a relief! When Joo-Hee left in the ambulance, I wanted to go with her, but she made me take her place.
Hyung-Chul....... Thanks for helping us out tonight.
Young-Mi.......... Actually I'm a bit nervous. This is my first time to host such an important event. Do I look okay?
She steps back and does a full 360-degree turn, pivoting expertly on the pointed toes of her tall stiletto-heeled pumps.
Seeing Young-Mi wearing the dress he'd specially chosen for Sun-Mi gives Hyung-Chul an odd feeling in hsi gut.
He recalls the day Sun-Mi modeled it in Ms Kim's boutique, pivoting in much the same way to show him how it looked...
FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 10, when Sun-Mi models the dress Hyung-Chul bought for her]
It wasn't just the similarity that made him pause — it was that Young-Mi actually appeared to wear the dress better than Sun-Mi!
Throughout the entire Anniversary Celebration, Sun-Mi had seemed stiff and uncomfortable in the dress, like he felt now in his tux.
But Young-Mi, despite her alledged nervousness, moved gracefully and at-ease, as if being the star of attention was second-nature.
Young-Mi.......... Well, what do you think? Doesn’t it fit me well?
The question broke through Hyung-Chul's reverie, bringing him back to the present...
Hyung-Chul....... Er… Certainly... The dress suits you nicely.
Young-Mi.......... I know, this is Sun-Mi’s... It must be a surprise. Should I explain?
Hyung-Chul....... (stiffly) No need; it's none of my business.
Young-Mi.......... I don’t want any misunderstandings: Sun-Mi gave it to me. She said unless I took it, she would toss it out.
Hyung-Chul....... (surprised) She said that?
Young-Mi.......... Maybe you look down on me for taking charity, but I don’t have a rich father to support me... I mean…
....................... Sun-Mi has plenty of other nice clothes in her closets, so maybe she didn’t need this dress any more.
....................... But it seemed to me a waste to toss such an expensive and beautiful dress into the waste bin...
Hyung-Chul....... (no response)
Young-Mi.......... (continuing) and I didn’t have time to shop, so this is the only appropriate dress I had to wear. I’m sorry…
Hyung-Chul....... There’s no need to apologize. As I said before, the dress suits you nicely. Please wear it anytime.
Young-Mi.......... (smiles) Thank you. You’re being gracious.
Hyung-Chul....... (checking his watch) The event is about to begin. Shall we go in?
He extends his elbow for Young-Mi, she slips her hand around his arm, and they walk into the ballroom together.
Young-Mi smiles as all eyes turn toward them, and several camera flashes from the media covering the event record the scene.
She catches a few jealous-looking eyes sending darts to spite her good fortune, and returns a smug smile in response.
Tonight, she is the Cinderella with her Prince Charming, Young-Mi thinks to herself. And Sun-Mi?... Well, she is occupied elsewhere...
Young-Mi is at the podium, located on stage left, speaking into the microphone.
Young-Mi.......... Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed your evening to up now. Next, we have a special program for you.
....................... This year’s charity drive is raising funds to support the many needs of orphans in our country.
....................... Please remember that as you enjoy the program, and generously open your hearts to the children.
Hovering a step behind her, Hyung-Chul smiles and claps lightly to encourage the audience. In response, they applaud politely.
Young-Mi.......... Announcer Jin Sun-Mi, you may send out the children now…
Two dozen pre-school children appear from behind the curtain on stage right, holding hands in small groups.
They are costumed to look like flowers: body and arms as the green stem and leaves, with heads in the centers of the blossoms.
Each blossom is a circle of overlapping, brightly colored daisy-like petals, colored either yellow, pink, orange, white, violet, or red.
The children march out on stage to steady applause from the audience, some bashful, while others are bold and mug for the audience.
The older children form up in a crooked line across the stage, but the younger ones wander aimlessly around or play on the low risers.
Sun-Mi appears next on stage, made up and dressed to look like a chubby bumble bee in a black-and-yellow striped costume.
She has large wings on her back, extra legs dangling at her sides, and a pair of long springy antennae attached to her head.
The audience roars with laughter as she flits around the stage, wings, legs, and antennae flopping, chasing down wayward children.
Under the hot stage lights, by the time she is finished, perspiration dots her forehead, and she is soaked inside the full body costume.
Finally Sun-Mi gets the children lined up on the risers, ready for the song they had rehearsed, and the orchestra begins playing.
Sun-Mi faces the children and starts energetically directing their arm motions, trying to keep everyone in unison as much as possible.
From the podium, Young-Mi looks on with a wry smile, as with every move Sun-Mi’s fat ‘bee-hind’ wiggles and bounces.
Glancing over at Hyung-Chul, she is certain in her mind that Sun-Mi is making a total fool of herself in front of him.
Surely after today, he can't look at Sun-Mi and see her as a serious contender to anchor the news, or to marry into his level of society.
Hyung-Chul’s car approaches Young-Mi’s apartment building and brakes to a stop outside the door.
Young-Mi takes off her seatbelt, and turns toward Hyung-Chul.
Young-Mi.......... Thank you. I was really nervous at first, but standing by you gave me the confidence to go on.
Hyung-Chul....... I don't think it was me. That impromptu speech was quite touching; it really moved the audience to generosity.
....................... I wasn't aware that you took such a personal interest in the plight of disadvantaged children.
Young-Mi.......... It was from my heart, my life wasn’t easy growing up; I suppose that experience still influences me strongly today.
Hyung-Chul....... (awkwardly) I see...
Young-Mi.......... Sorry. You carry enough burdens from your responsibilities as Director.
....................... I shouldn't add the unhappy details of my personal life on top of them.
Hyung-Chul....... Don’t think like that, Young-Mi. Nobody lives alone. Everyone leans on other people and burdens them.
Young-Mi.......... I appreciate that... I don't want to be presumptuous, but I feel our situations have something in common.
Hyung-Chul....... Oh?
Young-Mi.......... I think people easily misunderstand us, despite our intentions.
Hyung-Chul....... In my situation, that comes with the job, I don't take it personally.
Young-Mi.......... Even when it's someone close? I've found that only makes the sting harder.
Hyung-Chul....... (looks away silently)
Young-Mi.......... I'm sorry if I stepped over the line. It's because when I trust someone, I naturally speak more frankly.
....................... I hope you can believe I'm not the kind of person others make me out to be.
Hyung-Chul....... (awkwardly) Well… it’s getting late.
Young-Mi opens her car door and alights, as Hyung-Chul does the same.
They stand on opposite sides of the car looking over the top at each other in the dim light from the distant streetlight.
Hyung-Chul....... Again, thanks for your effort tonight, Announcer Huh.
Young-Mi.......... Good night, Director. I hope my words weren't offensive.
Hyung-Chul....... (slight smile) Not at all. Good night.
As Young-Mi walks to the door of the apartment building, Hyung-Chul waits outside his car for her to go inside.
At the door, Young-Mi turns and smiles as she nods to him; then she goes in and up the stairs.
Hyung-Chul gets into his car and sits for a while, thinking, before he drives away.
From the entrance door of her building, Young-Mi watches Hyung-Chul drive off with a satisfied expression.
Besides making Sun-Mi look totally ridiculous, she believes she has driven another wedge between Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi.
Soon, she thinks, the gap will be wide enough for her to insert herself closer to him.
As Hyung-Chul sleeps in his bed, he is dreaming:
FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 10]
Hyung-Chul is in Madame Kim’s fashion boutique, waiting while Sun-Mi tries on the designer dress he bought for her.
The curtains open… he sees Sun-Mi with her back turned towards him… But when she turns around, Hyung-Chul is surprised to see that it is Young-Mi, not Sun-Mi, wearing the dress!
Ms. Kim............ Wow! She looks really great. I knew he’s good at picking dresses.
Young-Mi.......... Sun-Mi gave the dress to me. Otherwise she would throw it out.…
Startled by the strange outcome, Hyung-Chul suddenly awakens. Shaken, he sits up in his bed., staring into the darkness.
What could this dream mean? he wonders, brooding over the possibilities, and what they might portend for the future…
To Be Continued...
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