All About Eve  'Uncut' — The Cold War

by AAEfanatic


Episode 11B


Act 3. 7


SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, afternoon. 7

SCENE: MBS canteen, afternoon. 8

SERIES OF SCENES: Various locations, afternoon. 8

SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, night 9

SCENE: Young-Mi’s hospital room, night 10

SCENE: Outside the hospital entrance, night 10

SCENE: Hospital corridor, night 11

SCENE: At the hospital entrance, night 11

SCENE: Hospital nurses’ station, night 11

SCENE: Outside the hospital, in a small park, night 11

SCENE: Young-Mi's hospital room, night 12

SCENE: Outside the hospital, night 13

SCENE: In a bar, late night 13

SCENE: Woo-Jin’s home, night 14

SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul's villa, late night 15

SCENE: Sun-Mi's room, late night 16

SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul's villa, morning. 16




Act 3



SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, afternoon


Sun-Dal enters the Announcer 1 Team office, to find Joo-Hee and Kyung-Hee arguing heatedly.

Ki-Jong and Jin-Soo are also in the room, looking as if they are trying to ignore the dispute.


Joo-Hee............ Anyone, except Sun-Mi!


Sun-Dal............. What are you talking about?


Joo-Hee............ The 7 o’clock news is just as important as the 9 o’clock news. I can’t let Sun-Mi do that.


Kyung-Hee......... She is the only one who’s available for that slot.


Joo-Hee............ Anyway, she can’t do it. I don’t trust her.



Kyung-Hee slams the stack of files in her hands down on her desk.


Kyung-Hee ........ (upset) Then, you do the 7 o’clock too. What’s the reason you can’t trust someone at all?


Sun-Dal............. (to Joo-Hee) You better come out.


Sun-Dal walks to the office door.


Sun-Dal............. (to Joo-Hee, more firmly) Come out, now.


Joo-Hee glares at Kyung-Hee, and then reluctantly follows Sun-Dal.


Ki-Jong............. (making appropriate facial expressions) Maybe I could report with Sun-Dal.

....................... “Good evening, this is your 7 o’clock news from MBS.”


Kyung-Hee jabs her elbow into Ki-Jong’s side.



SCENE: MBS canteen, afternoon


Sun-Dal and Joo-Hee are seated at a table in the canteen, discussing his decision to assign Sun-Mi as the new 7 O’Clock News anchor.


Sun-Dal............. Give me some good reasons.


Joo-Hee............ She still has a long way to go, you know that too.


Sun-Dal............. I know her skills better than you. Anything else?


Joo-Hee............ You should consider the previous newscaster.


Sun-Dal............. Young-Mi doesn’t like it? If the previous announcer’s opinion matters so much,

....................... then should we ask the announcer you replaced “Are you happy with the 9 o’clock news?”



Joo-Hee glares at Sun-Dal.


Sun-Dal............. Anything else?


Joo-Hee............ (laughs and sighs) No.


Sun-Dal............. Why not? I know you’re always rational.


Joo-Hee............ (sighs again and looks away) Hey.


Sun-Dal............. I’ve got one for you. It’s because Sun-Mi is with Hyung-Chul, right?


Joo-Hee............ (smiles weakly) I know better than that.


Sun-Dal............. If you’ve tasted the despair of love, why don’t you care for other’s despair too?


Joo-Hee............ (defensively) Why don’t you get things straightened up?

....................... I was just saying that Sun-Mi’s not ready for the news, that’s it.

....................... Of course, I have no right to manipulate your decision. I know that.


Sun-Dal looks at Joo-Hee without speaking. Noticing his attention is focused on her, Joo-Hee smiles uncomfortably and laughs.

Then she gets up and walks away, leaving Sun-Dal at the table, contemplating.



SERIES OF SCENES: Various locations, afternoon


MBS news studio


Sun-Dal goes to the news studio and sits down in his chair. He recalls Joo-Hee’s first day on the news.






Joo-Hee...... For the North East area, this region will be affected by the typhoon. That’s it for the weather forecast.


Sun-Dal....... Today was Yoo Joo-Hee announcer’s first day. She will do her best to provide you with the most accurate news.

................. Thanks for joining us today and have a pleasant evening.




Sun-Dal pulls out a cigarette and starts to light up, then sees the “No Smoking” sign and puts the cigarette away.



Young-Mi’s hospital room


Young-Mi is reading in her hospital bed just before the 7 o’clock news broadcast.

She puts the book down and sighs.



MBS news studio


Sun-Dal and Sun-Mi are in the anchor seats at the news desk, preparing for the imminent broadcast.


Sun-Dal............. Are you nervous?


Sun-Mi.............. (anxiously) Yes, I’m gonna have a heart attack.


Sun-Dal............. That has never happened before. Joo-Hee and Young-Mi were nervous, too. You have to overcome it. You can do it.


Sun-Mi nods in reply.



Producer........... Anchors standby.


The “ON AIR” light comes on.


Producer........... Anchor!


Sun-Dal............. Good evening, this is the MBS 7 o’clock news.



Young-Mi’s hospital room


Young-Mi is watching the MBS TV News from her hospital bed. She has tears of anger and frustration in her eyes.


Sun-Mi.............. (on the TV) The government is causing damage to the forests ...


Sun-Mi.............. (on the TV) In Kyung-Ki, the government issued residential permits to companies which are known

....................... to damage the environment.  We should pass on the beauty of our environment to our children.



Hyung-Chul’s office


Hyung-Chul is watching the newscast from his office desk.


Sun-Mi.............. (on the TV) Choi Soon-Ki reports.



SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, night




Returning from her debut on the 7 O’Clock News, Sun-Mi walks into the Announcer 1 Team office.


Sun-Mi.............. I'm back.



Kyung-Hee......... Sun-Mi, you did a very good job.


Ki-Jong............. Wow, you did too good of a job. That’s not good for my chances ...


Sun-Mi.............. (modestly) Senior!


Kyung-Hee......... You were great!


Jin-Soo............. Gosh, I have a headache.


Sun-Mi.............. Why?


Jin-Soo............. I thought you’d be my partner if I did the 7 o’clock news. You know, we’re the new generation for this company...


Ki-Jong and Kyung-Hee quietly laugh.


Ki-Jong............. Hey, you...


Jin-Soo............. But, if you’re too ahead of me... Give me a break.


Sun-Mi laughs.


Ki-Jong............. Jin-Soo!


Jin-Soo............. Yes


Ki-Jong............. You don’t need to worry.


Jin-Soo............. I don’t need to? You’re right. It will work out anyhow.


Ki-Jong............. Of course, it’s almost impossible that you will be the main announcer for any news. Save your worrying for later.


Sun-Mi covers her mouth to supress her laughter.


Ki-Jong............. OK, let’s go. We’ve got the gig to work on.


Ki-Jong walks off.


Jin-Soo............. I’m not going. How dare you look down on me!


Kyung-Hee......... Get ready. We're going to pay YingMei a visit.



SCENE: Young-Mi’s hospital room, night


Woo-Jin walks into Young-Mi’s hospital room. Seing him, she immediately becomes agitated.


Young-Mi........... (shouting) Get out!


Woo-Jin............ (anxiously) Young-Mi, what’s the matter?


Young-Mi .......... (shouting) Get out! This is all because of you!


Young-Mi throws a pillow at Woo-Jin.


Young-Mi .......... (shouting) You made me like this!


Young-Mi throws a book from the nightstand at Woo-Jin.


Young-Mi .......... (shouting) Go ahead and make Sun-Mi your girlfriend too!


Young-Mi throws a tissue box at Woo-Jin.


Woo-Jin ........... Don’t talk like that.


Young-Mi .......... Why not? This is me. I don’t care what others say. You say you love me, but Sun-Mi is more important to you.


Woo-Jin turns towards the door and takes a step to leave.


Young-Mi .......... Where are you going? You jerk!


Woo-Jin quickly turns back to face Young-Mi, but she hides her head under the covers.

Woo-Jin crouches to pick up the things Young-Mi threw, as footsteps sound at the open doorway.


Ki-Jong............. (cheerfully) Here we are!


Others.............. Hi... Good evening... We’re here...


Ki-Jong comes through the door followed by the rests of the group from the office.  Sun-Mi is in the back.

Everyone stops and stares, astonished at seeing Woo-Jin cleaning up the mess, and Young-Mi crying under the covers.




SCENE: Outside the hospital entrance, night




Hyung-Chul drives up and stops in front of the hospital. He gets out of the car and takes a gift basket with him.



SCENE: Hospital corridor, night


The Announcer 1 Team is gathered in the corridor outside Young-Mi’s room, when Woo-Jin come out and closes the door.


Woo-Jin ........... (quietly, with an air of sharing confidentially) Young-Mi is still on medications, ans she's not acting like herself.

....................... Please come back tomorrow, when she’ll probably be feeling better.


Ki-Jong............. Okay, so let’s come back again tomorrow.


The group starts walking toward the elevator lobby, with Woo-Jin accompanying them.

As the others file into the elevator cab, Sun-Mi hangs back.


Sun-Mi.............. Woo-Jin, you’re sure there’s nothing I can do?


Woo-Jin ........... Actually, there is. Let’s go down and talk.


Last, Woo-Jin and Sun-Mi go into the elevator, and the door closes.

At the same time the adjacent elevator door opens, and Hyung-Chul steps out, carrying the gift basket he had brought from his car...



SCENE: At the hospital entrance, night


Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin are standing in the hospital entrance, watching the rest of the MBS employees walk away.


Sun-Mi.............. What’s going on?


Woo-Jin ........... (sighs) Young-Mi thinks you’rere trying to take over her slot on the news.


Sun-Mi.............. (exasperated) But that was Manager Kim’s decision! Besides, it’s just temporary, so why is she worried?


Woo-Jin ........... Understand, it’s not just about the job. Young-Mi thinks I’m cheating on her, too, behind her back.


Sun-Mi.............. (lips tighten) She’s jealous of you and me? That’s ridiculous!


Woo-Jin ........... I know that. Maybe it’s just the meds she’s on right now.


Sun-Mi.............. (incredulous) Why do you keep making excuses for Young-Mi? Can’t you see what she is really up to?


Woo-Jin looks around to see if anyone is listening.


Woo-Jin............ Let’s not talk about this here.



SCENE: Hospital nurses’ station, night


Hyung-Chul approaches the floor nursing station, where a young nurse is seated by a computer terminal.


Hyung-Chul........ Excuse me, but where can I find patient Huh Young-Mi?


Nurse............... Just a moment, Sir, while Icheck... Room 316. (pointing) Down that corridor.


Hyung-Chul........ Thank you.



SCENE: Outside the hospital, in a small park, night


Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin are seated on a bench in a garden area of the hospital grounds.


Woo-Jin ........... (sighs) I proved to be wrong, right?


Sun-Mi.............. You knew she was like this, right? You must be happy that you made me jealous. Why be like this?


Woo-Jin ........... I thought I knew all about her. ...

....................... But just when I thought she was mine, she became a totally different person, someone I never knew.


Sun-Mi.............. Someone said that she used to fall in love frequently, but as she got older,

....................... she realized that it takes her whole life to love just one person. ...

....................... It takes your whole life to understand and get to know one person.


Woo-Jin ........... I don’t know who said that, but that’s just what I need now.


Sun-Mi.............. (smiles) It was my mom.


Woo-Jin looks at Sun-Mi.


Sun-Mi.............. I read it from her diary. Maybe she wrote it when she was dying.

....................... I didn’t understand it before, but I guess I can understand it now a bit. ...

....................... Young-Mi ... I know you still love her. You can’t change your feelings that easily.


Woo-Jin ........... You sound so mature today.


Sun-Mi smiles as Woo-Jin looks at her. He puts his arm around Sun-Mi’s shoulders, and she leans her head against his arm.




SCENE: Young-Mi's hospital room, night


Hyung-Chul is sitting beside Young-Mi’s bed. The box of tissues is back on her bedside table, and she is sitting up in the bed.

She appears calm and collected, with her hair combed and no sign of her earlier angry rant.


Hyung-Chul........ So, how do you feel?


Young-Mi........... (smiling deferentially) I’m OK. I was so scared at first though, of the anesthetic ...


Young-Mi and Hyung-Chul both laugh at her joke. As they are laughing, Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin open the door and step into the room.


Young-Mi........... (looking concerned) Sun-Mi. Woo-Jin, Where have you been?


Hyung-Chul stands up and steps away from the bed, as if to make room for Woo-Jin.

Sun-Mi compares her recent snub by Hyung-Chul to his apparent warm interaction with Young-Mi, and nods a polite but chilly greeting.


Woo-Jin............ (to Hyung-Chul) How do you do.


Hyung-Chul........ Woo-Jin, this must be hard for you.


Young-Mi........... (jokingly) No, I'm the one who is suffering.


Hyung-Chul looks at Young-Mi, and she smiles back at him. Just then, Jin-Suk opens the door to the room.


Jin-Suk.............. I guess, here... ?


Woo-Jin............ Mom, you're here?


Young-Mi........... (nods) Hello, Auntie.


Jin-Suk.............. I didn’t know that you were all here.


Young-Mi........... Good evening.


Jin-Suk walks up to Young-Mi’s bed, looking at her with a motherly concern.


Jin-Suk.............. You should forget about the news. If you’re sick, go to the hospital right away, OK?


Young-Mi........... (smiles and nods meekly) I’m OK now.


Jin-Suk.............. Thank goodness it was only appendicitis! You don’t know how worried I was about you.


Hyung-Chul looks at Sun-Mi, who glances back momentarily, and then fixes her eyes on the floor, ignoring him.


Woo-Jin............ Introductions... (to his mother) This is Yoon Hyung-Chul, the Executive Director of MBS. ...

....................... (to Hyung-Chul) This is my mother.


Hyung-Chul........ (bows slightly) How do you do. I'm Yoon Hyung-Chul.


Jin-Suk.............. (bows slightly) Pleasure to meet you.


Young-Mi........... Uncle came just now. Why didn't you come together?


Jin-Suk.............. He was here?


Jin-Suk looks at Woo-Jin with surprise, then back at Young-Mi.


Young-Mi........... (nods, smiling) Yes.

....................... (to Hyung-Chul) You know, Sun-Mi’s family and Woo-Jin’s family are just like one family. I envy them so much.


Hyung-Chul........ (looking at Sun-Mi) Oh... I see.


Sun-Mi looks away, uncomfortably.


Young-Mi........... Oppa, could you hand me the juice?


Woo-Jin............ Sure. (looks at his mother)


Jin-Suk.............. Hey, hey, hey, let me take care of it.


Woo-Jin............ No, mom, it’s OK.



Woo-Jin gets a juice bottle from the small refrigerator and hands it to Young-Mi.


Young-Mi opens it and hands it to Hyung-Chul – not Jin-Suk!


Young-Mi........... Here, for you.


Sun-Mi glances at Hyung-Chul to see his reaction to her deliberate flirtation.

Hyung-Chul looks first at SM, then to Young-Mi, and takes the juice bottle from her.


Hyung-Chul........ Oh, thanks.


Young-Mi........... Thanks for being here like this. I do appreciate it.










Sun-Mi looks away, rolling her eyes at what had just happened.


Sun-Mi.............. (to Young-Mi) I better get going.


Young-Mi........... (sarcasticly) So soon?


Sun-Mi.............. (to Jin-Suk, looking for support) Auntie, are you leaving?


Jin-Suk.............. (a bit flustered) Er... No, I mean ...


Sun-Mi.............. (tersely) I'm leaving then. Bye.


Sun-Mi, glancing at Hyung-Chul as she turns, leaves the room. Not knowing what to say, Jin-Suk just watches her leave.


Hyung-Chul........ (to Jin-suk) But you just got here. Do stay a little longer... I better go now too.


Young-Mi........... (smiling) I’ll see you at work. I will drop by your office.


Hyung-Chul........ Yes, see you later when you get better.


Young-Mi........... (smiling) Thank you.


Hyung-Chul........ (bows slightly) Excuse me now.


Jin-Suk and Woo-Jin bow slightly in response.


Young-Mi........... Bye.


Hyung-Chul quickly leaves the room, hoping to catch up with Sun-Mi.



SCENE: Outside the hospital, night


Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi walk together out of the hospital entrance. The atmosphere between them is tense.

They de not look at each other or speak as they walk along the sidewalk.

When they near his car, Hyung-Chul turns to Sun-Mi briefly, and points to the car.


Hyung-Chul........ I’ll drive you home.


Sun-Mi.............. (coldly) No need. I can go back by myself. Drive carefully, Director Yoon.


She bows respectfully, then walks away.

Hyung-Chul gets in his car and drives past Sun-Mi without slowing or sending a glance in her direction.

Sun-Mi stops walking and watches Hyung-Chul drive off until his car turns the corner.



She thinks sadly about how distant they have become from each other.



SCENE: In a bar, late night


Joo-Hee is at the bar of a pub, drinking a beer, alone. She recalls how Sun-Dal had lecturered her that afternoon, about her attitude.

She takes a sip from her beer as she contemplates...



FLASHBACK  [Scene from Episode 11, that afternoon, in the MBS canteen]



Sun-Dal............. Give me some good reasons....


Joo-Hee glares at Sun-Dal.


Sun-Dal............. I’ve got one for you. It’s because Sun-Mi is with Hyung-Chul, right?


Joo-Hee............ (smiles weakly) I know better than that.


Sun-Dal............. If you’ve tasted the despair of love, why don’t you care for other’s despair too?


Joo-Hee............ Why don’t you get things straightened up? I was just saying that Sun-Mi’s not ready for the news, that’s it...



FLASHBACK  [Scene from Episode 9, afternoon, on the MBS rooftop]



Joo-Hee............ Was Sun-Mi that other girl you mentioned?  She looks good. I’ll wait and see.



FLASHBACK  [Scene from Episode 10, night,  at the MBS 40th Anniversary Celebration]



Hyung-Chul........ Father, this is the woman I plan to marry....




A determined expression comes over Joo-Hee's face.


Joo-Hee............ (aloud to herself)  This has gone far enough... Someone has to talk some sense into that man!



SCENE: Woo-Jin’s home, night


Jin-Suk and Woo-Jin walk into their home’s living room from the entrance door.


Jin-Suk.............. You better watch out.


Woo-Jin............ What?


Jin-Suk.............. Young-Mi was flirting with that other guy.


Woo-Jin looks away awkwardly.


Jin-Suk.............. You can’t let her go?


Woo-Jin fidgets awkwardly, but doesn’t answer.


Jin-Suk.............. She’s fooling around, right?


Woo-Jin............ (smiles awkwardly) No, She’s outgoing, that’s what she is.


Jin-Suk.............. (scoffs) Outgoing?


Jin-Suk opens her bedroom door and goes in, and closes the door.


Woo-Jin walks slowly over to the couch, puts his bag on the floor, and sits down to think about what happened that evening.

Although he doesn't want to admit what she said was true, he knows his mother is right.



FLASHBACK  [Scene from Episode 11, in Young-Mi's hospital room]









It was obvious to everyone, that Young-Mi was making a move on Hyung-Chul, in a direct challenge to Sun-Mi... and himself...

He briefly closes his eyes and lays his head back against the couch as he ponders what he should do about Young-Mi.



SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul's villa, late night


The doorbell rings repeatedly as Hyung-Chul goes to his apartment door. He finds Joo-Hee outside, pushing the button.

She smells strongly of alcohol and is clearly inebriated.


Hyung-Chul........ Joo-Hee? Why are you here at this hour?


Joo-Hee............ How long have you lived here, and you haven't invited me over to see your new place?


Hyung-Chul looks at her, openly showing his irritation that she is there.


Joo-Hee............ Well, aren't you going to ask me in for some tea?


Without waiting for his answer, Joo-Hee takes a step forward, and Hyung-Chul moves to the side to let her pass.

She drops her office tote in the entry, steps out of her high heels and slips her stockinged feet into a pair of slippers.

She walks, unsteadily, into the apartment toward the living room, as Hyung-Chul tags along close behind in case she stumbles.


Joo-Hee manages to navigate her way to the nearest couch and plops down on it.

She starts looking around the apartment, and doesn't appear impressed.


Joo-Hee............ It looks just like your old place. Same décor, furniture... You even kept this old love seat!

....................... This brings back old memories... shopping together with your mum, searching for the perfect loveseat...

....................... It’s ironic, isn’t it? That this is the first chance I’ve had to sit in it since then.


She pats the upholstered arm and looks up at Hyung-Chul with a nostalgic glimmer in her eyes.

He pretends to have not caught her blatant hint, and sits down instead on the facing couch across the coffee table.


Hyung-Chul........ But you didn't really come here to talk about the furniture...


Joo-Hee............ Tonight, after a few drinks, I thought about you.


Hyung-Chul........ Couldn't it have waited til morning, at the office?


Joo-Hee............ Actually, once I’m sober again, I won’t have the nerve... (pauses to take a deep breath)

....................... Is it only because of your parents’ problems that you don’t want to be with me? Frankly, I find that hard to believe.


Hyung-Chul looks at her, trying to decide how to answer.


Joo-Hee............ (continuing) I keep asking myself, what does Jin Sun-Mi have, that I don't, that you are so obsessed with her?

....................... How can she have such a hold on you?


Hyung-Chul........ Why torture yourself like this? Sun-Mi is Sun-Mi, and you are you. There's no point in comparing.


Joo-Hee............ Why not? In every way, I'm a better match for you. Our families’ history, our place in society, even...


Hyung-Chul........ (breaking in) together our inheritances in MBS have a majority control of the voting stock?


Joo-Hee............ (looking away) I wasn't going to go there... really... but isn’t that what your mother wanted?


Hyung-Chul........ (bitterly) It’s what I heard my whole life. My grandfather's company was my legacy. It meant everything to Mom...

....................... (adamantly) But not to me! I'll never marry just for business’ sake, or money, like my father.


Joo-Hee............ (sarcastically) So it’s ‘true love’ and not rebellion, which is driving this... infatuation? Cut the crap...


Hyung-Chul........ Then you tell me.


Joo-Hee............ Isn’t it because Jin Sun-Mi is that kind of simple, naïve girl who feels like a breath of fresh air in a stale room?

....................... Whose bright smile gives you that warm feeling when she shines it into the darkness of your cold heart?


Hyung-Chul........ Okay, you have a point. But it’s not only that... she is the first person that I want to make happy.


Joo-Hee............ But once you bring Sun-Mi into our world, with all its hypocrisy and pretense, won’t she become as jaded as us?

....................... How long will she be smiling? How long before the pressures of conformity and responsibilitychange her too?


Hyung-Chul........ I won’t let that happen; I’ll protect her...


Joo-Hee............ Just like you’re doing now? Is Jin Sun-Mi happier now, than if she’d never met you?


Hyung-Chul’s mouth tightens imperceptivity, but he ignores her question.


Hyung-Chul........ I’ll make some coffee first, and then I'll send you home.


Joo-Hee realizes that her concerns have fallen on deaf ears, and concedes the attempt to persuade him... for now.


Joo-Hee............ (smiles weakly) Sure... At least I can say then I didn't leave empty handed.


Hyung-Chul gets up and goes to the kitchen to brew the coffee.


Joo-Hee leans to the side and rests her head on the cushioned arm of the loveseat. She closes her eyes, and immediately falls asleep.


From the kitchen, Hyung-Chul sees that Joo-Hee is fast asleep. He brings a blanket from the bedroom to cover her.

For a few moments Hyung-Chul stands over Joo-Hee, watching her with a mix of sadness and nostalgia.


Hyung-Chul........ (quietly) Joo-Hee... I'm sorry, but we can't go back there, not anymore...



SCENE: Sun-Mi's room, late night


At home, Sun-Mi has showered and changed into pajamas. She is lying in bed, ready for sleep, but her mind won't rest.

She is going over the events of the night, wondering how she might have handled things differently at the hospital.

Getting angry, and brushing Hyung-Chul off so rudely just played into Young-Mi's schemes.


She sits up and turns on the light on the bedstand.


A light rap sound on her door.


Gui-Sung........... Sun-Mi?


Sun-Mi.............. Yes, Daddy... come in.


Gui-Sung opens the door and comes in with a coffee mug in his hand.


Gui-Sung........... I brought some warm cocoa; to help you sleep.


He sits on the bed and hands her the cup. Sun-Mi takes a sip and smiles at the smooth, pleasant chocolate taste.


Sun-Mi.............. How did you know?


Gui-Sung........... The look on your face when you came back. Something's bothering you, right?


Sun-Mi.............. I guess I can't keep any secrets from you, can I?


Gui-Sung........... Do you want to talk about it?


She takes another swallow and sets the mug on the nightstand.


Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) Actually, there's not much to say. I need to figure some things out first, and clear my own mind.

....................... Tonight I was thinking about Mom... What she wrote about taking a lifetime to learn to know and love someone.


Gui-Sung........... That was in her diary, right?


Sun-Mi.............. Yes. I boasted to someone that I understood what that meant. I felt very mature saying it.

....................... But then I did something very immature. And now... I really think I don't have a clue...


Gui-Sung puts his arm around Sun-Mi's shoulders and gives her a light squeeze.


Gui-Sung........... (smiling) I'm 50 years old this year, and sometimes I still don't think I have a clue...


Sun-Mi.............. (frowns) That's not very encouraging, Daddy. I was looking for some advice.


Gui-Sung........... Here's what I've learned. When I don't have a clue, I go to someone who I think does.

....................... Think it over carefully, and don't be afraid to face the problem., and you'll know the right thing to do.


Sun-Mi.............. (smiles) I'm ready to go to sleep now.


Gui--Sung.......... So quickly? But you haven't finished you cocoa.


Sun-Mi.............. I don't need it now. You're right; I know what to do. I was just afraid to take the chance.


Gui-Sung stands up and helps Sun-Mi pull up the covers and tuck her in. He leans over and give her a light kiss on the forehead.


Gui-Sung........... Sweet dreams...


Sun-Mi.............. Good night Daddy.



SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul's villa, morning




Joo-Hee awakens to finds herself on the loveseat with a light blanket covering her. She hears some noise in the kitchen and looks.

Hyung-Chul is making breakfast at the stove. He picks up an egg, cracks the shell open, and drops the contents into a mixing bowl.

Dressed casually on his day off, devastatingly handsome with sleeves rolled up and top buttons open, it reminds Joo-Hee of past times.


Hyung-Chul........ You're finally awake, sleepyhead.


Joo-Hee............ (grumbling) My head feels awful.


Hyung-Chul........ Come and eat a bit, you’ll feel better.


Joo-Hee............ Can I use your laundry first? I must have spilled something on my shirt at the bar.


Hyung-Chul........ It’s in the bathroom.


Joo-Hee gets up and shuffles across toward the bathroom, passing by the kitchen.


Joo-Hee............ (mumbling) Maybe I’ll take a shower, too...


Hyung-Chul........ (cheerfully) Make it quick. Breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes.





Working at the cooktop, Hyung-Chul expertly flips an omlette in the frying pan and slides it onto an empty plate.

He takes the plate and places it on the kitchen table, set for two.


The doorbell rings.


Hyung-Chul........ (calling) Just a minute!


Wondering who it could be at such an early hour, he walks to the entrance and opens the door.

Sun-Mi is standing outside, waiting. She is dressed for work in a skirt suit and heels. Before he can say anything, she speaks first.


Sun-Mi.............. Senior, I know it's early, but about last night... Can we talk...


Hyung-Chul........ (awkwardly) Er... that might be difficult right now. Could we meet up later?


Then Sun-Mi's sees the woman's shoes and handbag parked by the door... and recognizes them as Joo-Hee's...

Eyes wide, she looks up at Hyung-Chul, her face red with embarrassment over her unintended intrusion.


Sun-Mi.............. I'm sorry. This must be a bad time...


At that moment, behind Hyung-Chul, the bathroom door opens and Joo-Hee steps out with her back to them.

She is wearing one of Hyung-Chul's long-sleeved, long-tailed white dress shirts, and drying her hair with a towel.


Shocked, Sun-Mi’s mouth drops open when she sees Joo-Hee, faced with an awkward situation that suddenly turned disasterous.


Joo-Hee............ (looking into the kitchen) Sorry I took so long... Hyung-Chul? Are you in the bedroom?


Hearing Joo-Hee's voice, Hyung-Chul turns to look. Instantly, he realizes the incriminating situation has put him in a jam with Sun-Mi.


But while Hyung-Chul is looking the other way, wondering how to handle the sensitive situation, Sun-Mi decides for him.

She makes a hasty retreat, running away from what she doesn’t want to see, or think about...



To Be Continued…


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