All About Eve  'Uncut' — The Cold War

by AAEfanatic


Episode 12A


Act 4. 1


SCENE: Street outside MBS, night 1

SCENE: Outside Sun-Mi’s home, night 1

SCENE: MBS Newsroom studio, morning. 2

SCENE: MBS conference room, morning. 3

SCENE: At CREAM Cake House, noon. 3

SCENE: MBS record archives, morning. 4

SCENE: MBS tape editing room, morning. 4

SCENE: MBS tape editing room, afternoon. 4

SCENE: Hyung-Chul’s office, morning. 5

SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, afternoon. 5

SCENE: Pub near MBS, night 6

SCENE: MBS elevator, morning. 6

SERIES OF SCENES: Various locations, night 7

SCENE: The Jin kitchen, night 7

SCENE: Hyung-Chul’s office, morning. 7

SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, morning. 8

SCENE: MBS canteen, morning. 8

SCENE: Director Kim’s office, afternoon. 8

SCENE: Hyung-Chul’s office, afternoon. 9



Act 4



SCENE: Street outside MBS, night


Sun-Mi walks out the MBS side gate and starts off down the empty sidewalk, berating herself...


Sun-Mi.............. Idiot! What was I doing, calling him? ... So stupid!


She has only goen a short distance when a dark car zooms up on the street from behind her.

The car stops at the curb a few steps in front of her, emergency flashers on.


She recognizes the car as Hyung-Chul’s, but keeps walking past it, deliberately looking the other direction, away from the street.

The driver’s door of the car opens and Hyung-Chul gets out. He looks at Sun-Mi with an expression of exasperation.


Hyung-Chul....... Jin Sun-Mi, wait up!


Sun-Mi doesn’t stop or look back, quickening her pace. But with a couple of long, fast strides Hyung-Chul catches up to her.

He grabs Sun-Mi by her right wrist and spins her around to face him.


Hyung-Chul....... What are you doing?


Sun-Mi.............. (irritated) What if someone sees us together? Are you trying to start another scandal?


She tries to pull her hand free.


Sun-Mi.............. Let me go!


Hyung-Chul....... (sighs) Just get in; I’ll send you home.


Sun-Mi.............. (coldly) I can send myself home!


Her obstinance reminds Hyung-Chul of other times she’d turned down his offer of a ride when she was angry at him...



FLASHBACK  [Scenes from Episodes 7 and 11]




Hyung-Chul....... (sternly) In the past, I’ve humored your stubbornness, but not today!


Sun-Mi remains defiant, challenging him to make her go against her will.


Hyung-Chul doesn’t bother to argue the point, but tightens his grasp on her wrist and starts pulling her toward his car.

The shocked look on Sun-Mi’s face shows her surprise that tonight, he is definitely not taking “no” as an answer!


Sun-Mi.............. (shouting) Senior! ... Stop! ... You can’t! ...


By this time, they were at the passenger door of the car. Hyung-Chul stops and turns to look at Sun-Mi.


Hyung-Chul....... (mimicking her earlier words) What if someone overhears us? Are you trying to start another scandal?


She glares at him, but says nothing. He opens the car door.


Hyung-Chul....... Get in... that’s an order!



SCENE: Outside Sun-Mi’s home, night


Hyung-Chul’s car pulls up beside a white iron fence and stops.


Sun-Mi is sleeping in the passenger seat of his car. He reaches over and moves her hair away from her face, which wakes Sun-Mi up.



Hyung-Chul....... We’re here.


Sun-Mi.............. Already? When did I fall asleep?


Hyung-Chul....... I’m not sure either.


Sun-Mi.............. You just watched me sleep? You should’ve woken me up. I didn’t want you to see me like this.


Hyung-Chul ...... It’s because it’s me, right?


Sun-Mi looks at Hyung-Chul sullenly.


Hyung-Chul....... You don’t want me to see you like this. It’s because it’s me that you call me on days like these.


Sun-Mi looks away as if scolded.


Hyung-Chul....... It’s because of me that you get angry. How I wish those were all true...


Sun-Mi looks back at Hyung-Chul.


Hyung-Chul....... (smiling) because it’s you.




Sun-Mi thinks about what Hyung-Chul said. They look at each other for a moment, and then she hurriedly starts taking off her seatbelt.


Sun-Mi.............. I want to go.


They both get out of the car at the same time.


Sun-Mi.............. Just go, Senior, just go.


Hyung-Chul....... I’ll watch you go inside. Don’t think too much. Just sleep tight.


Sun-Mi.............. You should just go. I don’t like letting you watch me walk away. Because it’s you. Goodbye.


Sun-Mi runs down the alley and around the corner as Hyung-Chul watches.




SCENE: MBS Newsroom studio, morning




Sun-Dal and Hyung-Chul are looking over the announcers’ desk in the News Center. Sun-Dal squats down and points under the desk.


Sun-Dal............ That’s where Sun-Mi found her cell phone, way back there.


Hyung-Chul....... I see your point. It certainly could have been planted like she said. Did anyone else see anything?


Sun-Dal............ I talked with everyone, but got nothing definite. It’s all circumstantial; Sun-Mi can’t prove it wasn’t she who did it.

....................... But Sun-Mi isn't usually so careless... I'd believe her.


Hyung-Chul....... (nods in agreement) So what are you suggesting?


Sun-Dal............ We're short-handed as it is, and having Sun-Mi sit at home on suspension wouldn't help matters.

....................... I'd think taking her off the News should be enough punishment. That's all Director Kim required last night.


Hyung-Chul....... It was a serious mistake, and we can't be seen showing any favoritism to anyone right now.

....................... Suspend Jin Sun-Mi without pay, according to policy.


Sun-Dal............ What about the Morning Show? I can’t have a different co-host every day.


Hyung-Chul....... Put Huh Young-Mi in the slot.


Sun-Dal looks carefully at Hyung-Chul, to be sure he is serious.


Sun-Dal............ How will that make Sun-Mi feel? She already lost the news to Young-Mi, and now this?


Hyung-Chul....... (wryly) Since when are the previous announcer’s feelings considered?


Sun-Dal............ I see Joo-Hee spoke to you.


Hyung-Chul....... Yeah, she tried an end run around you. Frankly, after this incident, it looks like she might have been right.


Sun-Dal............ Okay, I get it. You’re both ganging up on me now. But why Young-Mi?


Hyung-Chul....... I want to see how Young-Mi does with some lighter programming.


Sun-Dal............ Why?


Hyung-Chul....... I’ll fill you in later. Just do it.



SCENE: MBS conference room, morning


Sun-Dal and Joo-Hee are talking together in a conference room.


Joo-Hee............ I heard from my father that Director Kim is calling for a special meeting of the Board.


Sun-Dal............ Because of the Sun-Mi incident, Kim sees an opening to attack Hyung-Chul on the cost of reorganization and training.

....................... He intends to call for a vote from the Board on retaining Hyung-Chul as Director of Planning.


Joo-Hee............ (irate) So in just one careless moment, Jin Sun-Mi not only negated months of hard work by the entire department,

....................... Hyung-Chul's position in the Company is being threatened? She's been trouble before, but this is too much!


Sun-Dal............ Look, I know you don’t like Sun-Mi, but this wasn't her fault.


Joo-Hee............ You really beive her story blaming someone else? Isn't it about time you stopped taking her side in everything?


A knock sounds at the door.


Sun-Dal............ Come in.


The door opens and Sun-Mi enters.


Sun-Mi.............. Senior Kyung-Hee said I would find you here.


Sun-Dal............ Please, take a seat.


Sun-Mi sits down across the conference table from her suerpvisors.


Sun-Dal............ You'll need to write a letter of apology reflecting on your behavior. Leave it on my desk before you go home tonight.


Sun-Mi.............. (lowers her eyes) Yes, Team Leader.


Sun-Dal............ Until a decision is confirmed, you are relieved of all broadcasting duties.

....................... And, beginning tomorrow, you will be suspended, without pay.


Sun-Mi.............. But... Senior... I swear I didn’t do it! ... It’s not fair! ... Please!


Sun-Dal............ (reluctantly) I'm sorry, but this decision is out of our hands... it’s the new policies...


Joo-Hee............ (impatiently, to Sun-Dal) Stop beating around the bush, and say it clearly. She deserves to know...

....................... (to Sun-Mi) Team Leader Kim appealed on your behalf, but this was on order from Director Yoon.


Sun-Mi is shaken when she hears this, but she tries to keep from showing it.

Sun-Dal immediately tries to soften the blow...


Sun-Dal............ The consequences are clearly stated in the new Personnel Employment and Retention policies.

....................... Director Yoon had no other choice; his hands were tied. Try to understand his position...


Ashen-faced, Sun-Mi stands up to leave.


Sun-Mi.............. I'd better go now. i have that letter to write...


Joo-Hee............ Actually, Sun-Mi, consider yourself fortunate; it’s only a few weeks suspension.

....................... In the past you could have been fired on the spot...


Sun-Mi.............. (nods) Yes, Senior. I'll leave first.


Sun-Mi bows and leaves the room.

Sun-Dal looks at Joo-Hee and shakes his head out of sympathy.


Sun-Dal............ She took that pretty hard...


Joo-Hee............ What did I tell you? It wouldn't be long before something blew up...


Sun-Dal............ I suppose you're happy then. This will certainly improve your chances with Hyung-Chul.


Joo-Hee............ (sighs) Honestly, I feel sorry for Sun-Mi. This is not how I expected things to go...



SCENE: At CREAM Cake House, noon




Hyung-Chul and Joo-Hee are sitting at a table in CREAM Cake House in Gangnam-gu.


Joo-Hee............ I really liked that last restaurant. Why come here today?


Hyung-Chul....... Didn’t you want everyone to see us together? That guy, at the table by the door, he’s a reporter.


Joo-Hee............ (smiling) I wondered why he kept looking our way. Yesterday, I was asked to do a magazine interview.

....................... They asked if you could be there, too. (hopefully) Can you?


Hyung-Chul....... Just say I’m already booked. There’s no need to do more than the minimum to keep up appearances, right?


Joo-Hee............ (cynically) And I thought you were actually enjoying the extra time with me.


Hyung-Chul....... Don’t take it personally. It’s not that I don’t appreciate you, but I thought I made myself clear.


Joo-Hee............ (sighs) You did... Then how are thing going with Sun-Mi?


Hyung-Chul....... I thought we’d made some progress, but recently when we happen on each other, she won’t even look my way.


Joo-Hee............ What did I tell you? If I were Sun-Mi, after everything that’s happened I’d think you were toying with me.

....................... And in a way, aren’t you, by constantly raising her hopes that something could ever come of your relationship?


Hyung-Chul....... (stiffly) I think that’s something for Sun-Mi and me to discuss, not you.


Joo-Hee............ (shrugs) Sorry, I was just offering some advice. As a woman, I can see things better from her perspective.


A waitress appears with menus, which she places on the table in frontof each of them.


Waitress........... Anything to drink, first?


Hyung-Chul....... Just coffee.


Joo-Hee............ Me, too.


Waitress........... I’ll be back in a minute for your orders.


The waitress walks off, and Hyung-Chul contemplates what Joo-Hee had just said.


Hyung-Chul....... You’re right. Perhaps I could use a different perspective on some things.

....................... Tell me, what do you do when you’re feeling really down about your job?


Joo-Hee sees he is serious, and becomes concerned.


Joo-Hee............ Is the situation with Director Kim becoming that troublesome? I can talk to my father on your behalf.

....................... Now that we’re ‘engaged’ he’s spoken more favorably about you.


Hyung-Chul....... (smiles) No need for that. Consider it a rhetorical question.


Joo-Hee takes a few moments to ponder.


Joo-Hee............ Mmm... For me, I like to look back over the the accomplishments in my work when I’m facing a setback.

....................... Remembering those times encourages me to keep trying to achieve the next level.


Hyung-Chul....... (nods) Spoken like a true career woman. Thanks, now I know what to do... Shall we order?


He picks up his menu and opens it. Joo-Hee eyes him curiously, but decides not to press further...



SCENE: MBS record archives, morning


Hyung-Chul is looking for video tapes in the MBS archives.



A records room staffer moves one of the storage racks so Hyung-Chul can access a particular tape.


Staff................. Director, it’s on this side.


Hyung-Chul....... Thank you.



SCENE: MBS tape editing room, morning


Hyung-Chul is watching as a tape editor shows him how to do video editing.


Editor............... You turn this button and press the other one. We use these buttons to edit the film frame by frame. Please try it.


Hyung-Chul....... I see.


Hyung-Chul tries the controls.


Editor............... No, no. Go back a little bit. Again.


Hyung-Chul tries again.


Editor............... No, no. Not like that. (laughs) Press it a few more times and turn it.


Hyung-Chul tries it again.


Editor............... That's it. Well done.



SCENE: MBS tape editing room, afternoon


The TV monitor is playing a tape of Sun-Mi’s first day on the The Morning Show. Sun-Dal, Joo-Hee, and Sun-Mi are on the set.

Hyung-Chul fast-forwards the tape. Then he makes another edit.


Sun-Mi.............. (on TV) I’ll try my best.


Hyung-Chul smiles and laughs, then makes the final edit.

He switches the monitor over to the live news feed of Young-Mi doing the 7pm News.



Young-Mi.......... (on TV) For the first time, a chemical was inserted into a living virus ...


Woo-Jin comes into the editing room.


Woo-Jin............ Director...?


Hyung-Chul....... Reporter Kim, come in.


Woo-Jin ........... What are you doing here?


Hyung-Chul....... I wanted to learn a bit about editing.


Hyung-Chul....... (turns from the TV toward Woo-Jin) If you’re not busy, have a seat.


Woo-Jin sits down.


Hyung-Chul....... (watching the TV admiringly) Young-Mi is outstanding.


Woo-Jin looks at Hyung-Chul, wondering at his sudden interest in Young-Mi.


Woo-Jin............ Well... Sun-Mi...



Hyung-Chul....... She has been suspended of all duties. Does it bother you?


Woo-Jin............ (looks away uncomfortably) Not at all.


Hyung-Chul....... Are things going well with Young-Mi?


Woo-Jin looks curiously at Hyung-Chul.


Hyung-Chul ...... Did you know that I’m envious of you?


Woo-Jin............ (surprised) Me?


Hyung-Chul....... What do you do other than work as a cameraman? Let’s work together soon on a program.



SCENE: Hyung-Chul’s office, morning




Sun-Dal is talking with Hyung-Chul in his office.


Sun-Dal............ A new morning show? Why?


Hyung-Chul....... The present show is dated. Viewers are ready for something new and better.

....................... With a fresh concept, we could be that ‘something’, and finally beat out KBS in the time slot.


Sun-Dal............ The Good Morning show was Director Kim’s concept. He won’t be happy about this.


Hyung-Chul....... (smiles) This is solely about the ratings. How Director Kim feels is not my concern.


Sun-Dal............ (grins back) What do you have in mind?



SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, afternoon


At mid-afternoon in the Announcer 1 Team office, Joo-Hee and Sun-Dal are at their desks, and Young-Mi is at the copy machine.

The other office colleagues are chatting together at the conference table.


Lee Kyung-Hee charges into the office, her face flushed with anger. She marches up to Kim Sun-Dal’s desk.


Kyung-Hee........ Team Leader Kim! What is going on? Answer me!


Everyone in the room looks up from their work. Sun-Dal raises his hands, indicating for Kyung-Hee to settle down.


Sun-Dal............ (humorously) You might tell me the question first...


Kyung-Hee ....... (calmer) I just heard Announcer Soo Dae-Fan was let go today. Why wasn't I consulted?


Sun-Dal............ It’s the new policy. Everything is handled through Personnel now.


Kyung-Hee ....... What about the supervisor’s opinion? Doesn’t that matter anymore?


Sun-Dal............ To maintain objectivity in the process, the decision was taken out of the supervisor’s hands.

....................... Announcer Soo failed to meet the minimum performance standards on the program, right?


Kyung-Hee........ But that program has never had good ratings; why should all the burden be on the announcer?


Sun-Dal............ Then who, the manager in charge of radio programming? (i.e. Kyung-Hee)


Kyung-Hee........ (appalled) Team Leader Kim!


Ki-Jong............. (jokingly) How about the Director of Programming instead?


Sun-Dal............ All right, enough! Kyung-Hee, pick anyone to fill the slot temporarily, while we find a permanent replacement.


The two female colleagues look at each other, then collect their papers and quietly steal out of the room together.

Since everyone is focused on the confrontation at Sun-Dal’s desk, no one notices them leave, except Young-Mi.


Kyung-Hee........ (exasperated) You think radio is easy? It takes a special talent to succeed there.


Sun-Dal............ Okay, I get your point. But who is available?


Young-Mi raises her hand to get Sun-Dal’s attention.


Young-Mi.......... Team Leader Kim?


Sun-Dal............ Yes, Young-Mi?


Young-Mi.......... In University, Jin Sun-Mi won a contest and a scholarship with her radio spot. Everyone raved about it.

....................... Why not ask her to do the program?


Joo-Hee............ That's right, I'd forgotten I judged that competition. Sun-Mi won the popular vote hands down.

....................... She'd be excellent for the slot.


Kyung-Hee........ (dubiously) But... Sun-Mi’s on suspension... how can she do it?


Sun-Dal............ Technically, her suspension is from TV broadcasting. She could do a radio program.


Kyung-Hee........ But Team Leader! If the ratings don't improve, then...


Sun-Dal............ (impatiently) A minute ago you were desperate for a new announcer. Now you don’t want one?

....................... It’s settled. Call Jin Sun-Mi back in tomorrow morning.


Young-Mi.......... Excuse me, but I have to leave first.


Outside in the corridor, Young-Mi smirks in self-congratulation.


Young-Mi.......... (to herself) Let’s see if your good luck can help you now, Jin Sun-Mi!



SCENE: Pub near MBS, night


Hyung-Chul and Sun-Dal are sitting at the bar of their favorite watering hole near MBS, nursing a couple of beers...


Sun-Dal............ You say Director Yoo tabled the motion? So that’s the end of it?


Hyung-Chul....... Until the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, anyway.


Sun-Dal............ You know, if you actually married Joo-Hee, things could go much easier for you with the Board.


Hyung-Chul....... My problems with the Board are solely because I relied on my father to get this far.

....................... Do you really think I’d have their respect, if I had to rely on my wife to achieve the next level?


Sun-Dal............ Is that what’s eating at you about Joo-Hee? What others think of your ability as a man to succeed for yourself?


Hyung-Chul....... I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t part of it. It’s impossible for me to look at Joo-Hee, and not think of business.

....................... I don’t want to mingle love and career in marriage like my father did, and chance the same outcome.


Sun-Dal............ But why Jin Sun-Mi? When I think about it, you don’t have much in common at all to make a successful match.

....................... What does she have to offer, that you’d go to so much trouble for her?


Hyung-Chul takes a long, slow swig of beer, taking his time to contemplate the question while he rewinds the memories...



Then he smiles, as if the answer that comes to him is a private joke.


Hyung-Chul....... When I think about it, my friend, I’m not certain either. If you ever find out, tell me.


Sun-Dal laughs and finishes off his beer before he speaks again.


Sun-Dal............ Oh, by the way, you should know... We called Sun-Mi back in, to do a radio program...



SCENE: MBS elevator, morning




Sun-Mi crosses the MBS main lobby, walking to the elevators. She enters a waiting car. As the doors start to close, Young-Mi steps in.

The two women exchange chilly glares as the doors close.


Young-Mi.......... So you really came back?


Sun-Mi.............. Yes. Team Leader Kim said he has a special assignment for me.


Young-Mi.......... Did Team Leader Kim tell you that I’m the new permanent co-anchor on the Morning Show?


Sun-Mi is surprised by the news, but wants to know more...


Sun-Mi.............. Team Leader Kim... chose you?


Young-Mi.......... Actually, it was Director Yoon’s decision. It seems Management has finally recognized where the true talent is.

....................... But I felt sorry for you, so I practically begged them to give you another chance...


Sun-Mi.............. (disbelieving) Why would you do that for me?


Young-Mi.......... (smirks) Don’t you know? Having someone like you around just makes me look all the better...


Sun-Mi clenches her hands into tights fists, keeping herself from saying or doing something she might regret later.

The elevator stops and the doors open. Young-Mi steps out, and then turns around to face Sun-Mi.


Young-Mi.......... Just don’t blow it this time... Since I recommended you, it could stain on my reputation, too.


Before Sun-Mi can think of a retort, the elevator doors close.



SERIES OF SCENES: Various locations, night




In one of the MBS Radio studios...


Sun-Mi is seated in front of the microphone, with a script on the table in front of her. When the PD motions to her, she begins...


Sun-Mi.............. Good evening. This is “Seoul’s Top Pop” on MBS Music Radio FM 95.9...



In Mrs. Song’s convenience store


Mrs. Song is checking out a customer in the store, when she hears Sun-Mi on the store speakers...


Sun-Mi.............. (O.S.) I’m, Jin Sun-Mi, your host for tonight. I’ll be taking your requests and playing the day’s top songs.....


Jin-Suk looks up at the radio, surprised.


Jin-Suk............. Sun-Mi?



In Hyung-Chul’s office...


Hyung-Chul is working at his desk, smiling as he listens to Sun-Mi’s voice on the radio...


Sun-Mi.............. (O.S.) Next we have the lead track from FINKL’s new album...



In Young-Mi’s car...


Young-Mi is driving home after the News, with hercar radio on...


Sun-Mi.............. (O.S.) We’ll be back in a minute, after this announcement by our sponsors...


Young-Mi reaches for the radio tuner, and turns it off. She smiles contentedly, knowing she is far ahead of Sun-Mi now.



SCENE: The Jin kitchen, night




In the Jin home, the door opens and Sun-Mi comes in. She is wearing a black pants suit and carrying her black work bag.


Sun-Mi.............. (calling loudly) Daddy, I'm home!


Gwi-Sung.......... (calling from O.S.) Back already? Did you eat?


Sun-Mi sets the bag down by the door and walks into the kitchen. Gwi-Sung is washing dishes, humming a popular song.


Sun-Mi.............. (smiles) Since when did you start listening to the latest hits?


He stops and turns to face her.


Gwi-Sung.......... Since my daughter started playing them on the radio!


Sun-Mi.............. (appreciatively) You've been listening to my program?


Gwi-Sung.......... (grinning) From the first night. Didn't you know? I'm Announcer Jin Sun-Mi's biggest fan!


Tears glisten in her eyes as Sun-Mi swallows the sudden lump in her throat. She goes over to her father and hugs him tightly.


Gwi-Sung.......... (surprised) Hey... what did I say to deserve this?


Sun-Mi.............. I'm just happy to have at least ONE fan...


He pats her back comfortingly.


Gwi-Sung.......... Care to talk about it?


Sun-Mi.............. What is there to say? (sighs) My ratings were down again this week...



SCENE: Hyung-Chul’s office, morning


Sun-Dal sits on the edge of the couch in front of Hyung-Chul’s desk as they talk.


Sun-Dal............ Can’t we make an execption, this one time?


Hyung-Chul....... You want to give Sun-Mi another break? But that's how she got into this mess in the first place.


Sun-Dal............ (defensively) What are you getting at?


Hyung-Chul....... Didn't you keep Sun-Mi on the 7PM News, when normal procedure was to bring Young-Mi back?


Sun-Dal............ But that was because Sun-Mi got so much audience support...


Hyung-Chul....... I recall that's also how she won the slot on the Good Morning show, right?


Sun-Dal............ You were the one who made that decision!


Hyung-Chul....... True. But at the time I didn't know Sun-Mi's segment had aired on the day with historically the highest ratings.

....................... Perhaps you could remind me who scheduled the trainee's segments?


Sun-Dal reluctantly raises his hands in defeat...


Sun-Dal............ Okay... okay, enough! I admit that I’ve favored Sun-Mi. But it's because I'm good friends with her father.

....................... He dotes on her so much, and I thought I could pay him back this way for a few favors I owed.


Hyung-Chul....... And the consequences were that Sun-Mi got handed too much, too soon.


Sun-Dal............ I never expected it would come to this.


Hyung-Chul....... But it has, and this is something we can't fix.


Sun-Dal............ You're just gonna let it happen?


Hyung-Chul....... It's out of our hands now...



SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, morning


The Announcer 1 Team is gathered around the office conference table, reading the latest ratings reports.

Young-Mi idly flips through the pages, looking bored. Sun-Mi concentrates on the report, her face despairing.

Jin-Soo is reading over Sun-Mi’s shoulder, while Lee Kyung-Hee looks on with concern.

Seemingly nonplussed, Ki-Jong repeatedly tosses a baseball up into the air, catching it with the mitt in his other hand.


Sun-Mi.............. (sighs deeply) The ratings are even worse than last week’s!


Kyung-Hee........ Don’t worry, Sun-Mi. They’ll turn around eventually. You’ll see.


Jin-Soo............. (cheerfully thoughtless) Think of the positive side: they can’t go any lower!


Ki-Jong............. (rolls his eyes) Shut up, “Minefield”!


Young-Mi smirks as she listens to their conversation.


Jin-Soo............. (to Young-Mi) Why are you looking so pleased?


Young-Mi.......... My programs are all up this month. The Good Morning  show is in second place now.

....................... (to Sun-Mi) Sorry... it’s just the facts.


Sun-Mi looks away, angry about Young-Mi's deliberate cut, but holds her tongue.


Young-Mi gets up from the table, and is walking out the door as Sun-Dal comes in.

He sees the group gathered around the conference table with the ratings reports.


Sun-Dal............ What’s with the long faces? You’d think someone died!


Kyung-Hee........ You some better news?


Sun-Dal............ (points to Sun-Mi) Jin Sun-Mi, can we have a word?


Sun-Mi.............. Huh?


Sun-Dal............ Come out with me. Now.


Curious glances pass around the table, as everyone wonders what is going on.

Slowly, Sun-Mi gets up, and follows Sun-Dal out.



SCENE: MBS canteen, morning


Sun-Dal takes Sun-Mi to the nearby canteen, and hands her a white envelope.


Sun-Dal............ I thought this was better to do in private...


Sun-Mi looks at him questioningly.


Sun-Dal............ (reluctantly) It’s your official ‘Third Strike’ notice. The Review Committee meets this afternoon. You should be there.


Sun-Mi is visibly shaken. Sun-Dal puts a hand on her shoulder to steady her.


Sun-Dal............ Sorry. There was nothing I could do...


Sun-Mi.............. (attempts a weak smile) Actually, I was expecting it. I just didn’t think the reality would feel quite... like this.


Sun-Dal............ You’re okay?


Sun-Mi.............. (nods) Yes. I’m fine.


SunDal takes his hand off Sun-Mi’s shoulder, although she still seems in a bit of a daze.


Sun-Mi.............. If that's all, I have a lot to think about...


Sun-Mi slowly walks off down the corridor as Sun-Dal watches.



SCENE: Director Kim’s office, afternoon


Hyung-Chul comes into Director Kim Eun-Ki office. He looks tired and distracted.


Hyung-Chul....... You wanted to see me?


Eun-Ki picks up the file on his desk and waves it at Hyung-Chul.


Eun-Ki.............. Isn’t Announcer Jin your Junior? I could spare you the embarrassment at having to terminate your own staff.


Hyung-Chul....... You're asking me to make an exception to the rules?


Eun-Ki puts the list down and shakes his head dismissively.


Eun-Ki.............. What do they teach the youth in university these days? Only numbers and profits?

....................... Business is first about people; loyalty and trust are important in an organization, too.


Hyung-Chul....... And your point?


Eun-Ki.............. A deal: My vote to reinstate Announcer Jin, in exchange for a future consideration.


Hyung-Chul....... (tersely) I don’t do deals.


Eun-Ki.............. (nods) I expected as much. I just wanted to show I don’t hold a grudge.


Hyung-Chul....... If that’s all you wanted to say, I’m finished here.


Eun-Ki.............. I'll see you at the Committee meeting, then.


Hyung-Chul turns and walks away. But as Eun-Ki watches Hyung-Chul leave, a smile comes to his face.



SCENE: Hyung-Chul’s office, afternoon


Hyung-Chul is at his desk, talking with Sun-Dal.


Hyung-Chul....... What happened? Sun-Mi missed the Committee hearing.


Sun-Dal............ When I gave her the notice this morning, she seemed to take it pretty hard. But I thought she was going to be there.


Hyung-Chul....... I wonder where she is hiding herself?


The intercom buzzes, interrupting Sun-Dal. Hyung-Chul pushes the ‘Talk’ button.


Hyung-Chul....... Yes?


Secretary.......... (O.S. over the intercom) Announcer Jin is here to see you.


Hyung-Chul....... Send her in. And hold all my calls.


Secretary.......... (O.S. over the intercom) Yes, Sir.


A moment later, the door opens and the secretary is there with Sun-Mi.

Her eyes downcast, Sun-Mi pauses at the threshold.


Hyung-Chul....... (formally) Come in, Announcer Jin.


Sun-Mi steps forward, and the secretary closes the door.


Hyung-Chul stands up and walks around his desk, closer to Sun-Mi.


Hyung-Chul....... I was expecting you at the hearing.


Sun-Mi.............. (quietly) I have something to say first...


Hyung-Chul....... (sternly) I have something to say, too.


She looks up, her face tense, eyes flashing a warning...


Sun-Mi.............. (tersely) I don’t need another lecture, Director Yoon! I know how you feel: I’m childish, naïve, and unprofessional.

....................... I’ve failed to meet your expectations. So I decided to spare you any more trouble over me... Here!


Sun-Mi thrusts a white envelope with the words  “Resignation Letter” printed on it at Hyung-Chul.


Hyung-Chul takes the envelope and looks at it for a moment, and then rips it into pieces, as Sun-Mi watches, wide-eyed.


Hyung-Chul....... (calmly) I can’t accept this.


Sun-Mi.............. (irately) Why not? Why can’t I resign?


Hyung-Chul....... Because it’s too late. At the hearing today, the vote was unanimous... You’re fired...


Watching the confrontation, Sun-Dal is expecting an explosion from Sun-Mi when she hears this.

But instead the room goes eerily quiet as Sun-Mi and Hyung-Chul just stare at each other...




To Be Continued…


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