All About Eve 'Uncut' -- A Spring Apart
by AAEfanatic
Episode 16A
SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul's apartment, early morning
SCENE: Hangang Park, car park, early morning
SCENE: Hangang Park, Seorae Island, early morning
SCENE: Bakery Cafe in Mapo, morning
SCENE: Hangang Park, Seorae Island, early morning
SCENE: Coffee shop in Mapo, morning
SCENE: Hangang Park, Seorae Island, morning
SCENE: Eve's Morning studio, morning
SCENE: MBS corridor, afternoon
SCENE: MBS building rooftop, afternoon
SCENE: MBS Announcer 1 Team office, afternoon
SCENE: MBS corridor, afternoon
SCENE: MBS car parking garage, afternoon
SCENE: Woo-Jin's house, evening
SCENE: Street outside Woo-Jin's house, night
SCENE: Woo-Jin's living room, night
SCENE: Young-Mi's studio apartment, night
SCENE: Woo-Jin's photo studio, night
SCENE: Sun-Mi's bedroom, night
SCENE: Hyung-Chul's villa bathroom, night
SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul's apartment, early morning
[Sound of a phone ringing] Buzzzz ... buzzzz ... buzzzz ...
Hyung-Chul awakens. Groggy from sleep, he peer at the bedside digital clock.
The time is 4:30.
He closes his eyes, intending to go back to sleep and let the answering machine pick up.
[Sound of a phone ringing] Buzzzz ... buzzzz ... buzzzz ...
[Hyung-Chul's voice on the answering machine] I can't answer the phone right now. Please leave a message ...
Sun-Mi.............. (V.O. on the phone) Senior? It's me.
Instantly Hyung-Chul's eyes open. He sits up and grabs the handset anxiously ...
Hyung-Chul....... What is it, Sun-Mi?
Sun-Mi.............. (V.O. on the phone) I'm sorry. It's early, but can you come out?
SCENE: Hangang Park, car park, early morning
Predawn light glows low in the eastern sky as Hyung-Chul drives to Hangang Park.
He slows, then stops the BMW in the empty car park.
Alighting, he walks toward a bridge that crosses over to Seorae Island.
SCENE: Hangang Park, Seorae Island, early morning
Hyung-Chul comes to the eastern end of the island, to the arranged place where he is to meet Sun-Mi.
He sees her standing on the barren tip, looking to the East.
Dongjak Bridge spans the river nearby. In the distance, the IRC69 building rises above other office towers on Yeouido.
The eastern sky is gray, with low-hanging clouds hugging the city skyline.
He walks up to stand beside her.
A stiff breeze blows off the water, the gusts blowing Sun-Mi's hair into her face.
She turns to speak to him ...
Sun-Mi.............. Thank you for coming out, Senior.
Hyung-Chul....... But why here?
A faint smile curves her lips before she turns back to gaze into the distance ...
Sun-Mi.............. Do you remember in London, I told you about a place I came to watch the sunrise?
Hyung-Chul recalls where and when she'd told him that ...
FLASHBACK� [Scene from Episode 3, in London]
On an early morning bike ride, Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi watch the sun rise over Tower Bridge.
Sun-Mi............. There's a special place I go in Seoul, on the Han River, to watch the sun rise, too... ���������������������� Senior, sometime when you come to Seoul, I'll take you there!
Hyung-Chul....... This is it?
Sun-Mi.............. Yes. If the weather's right, it's beautiful to see ...
In the east, beyond the double-level Banpo Bridge, dull gray clouds have now completely obscured the horizon.
Sun-Mi.............. What do you think, Senior? What will the dawn bring today?
Her serious tone makes Hyung-Chul pause, wondering if he wants to know the answer ...
SCENE: Bakery Cafe in Mapo, morning
Crossing the quiet street from where she's parked her car, Young-Mi approaches the bakery shop.
She enters the door, looking for the person who had summoned her.
Director Kim Eun-Ki, seated at a table for two near the entrance, sees her enter.
Eun-Ki.............. Good morning, Announcer Huh. Please have a seat. I took the liberty of ordering.
He motions to the table, where wisps of steam waft off two cups of coffee are set next to a tempting selection of bakery.
Eyeing him warily, Young-Mi slides onto the chair across the table from him.
He takes a sip from his cup, then smiles congenially.
Eun-Ki.............. You must be wondering why I called you out so early to this place.
She returns a chilly smile ...
Young-Mi.......... Your message did pique my interest.
Eun-Ki.............. I have a matter to discuss with you, and at the office tongues might wag if we were seen together.
Young-Mi.......... Are you concerned about your reputation, or mine?
He laughs quietly.
Eun-Ki.............. There's no need to be suspicious, Announcer Huh. I assure you that I've no untoward intentions.
Young-Mi.......... Then why the secrecy?
Eun-Ki.............. When playing poker, you hold your cards closely, right?
Young-Mi.......... (impatiently) Please speak clearly. I don't have time to waste beating around the bush.
Eun-Ki.............. All right ... I have an offer to make, and it concerns the next female anchor on the News At Nine ...
SCENE: Hangang Park, Seorae Island, early morning
As dawn approaches, the sky brightens.
Clouds still obscure the horizon where the sun is rising, but the morning seems not so ominous now.
Hyung-Chul....... It looks like we won't see the sun this time.
Sun-Mi.............. Someone once wrote ... 'Even hidden by dark clouds, the sun still shines. So I can be happy today.'
Hyung-Chul....... Someone?
Sun-Mi.............. My mother, in her diary. On the day she learned her condition might be terminal.
Hyung-Chul....... She was a brave woman.
Sun-Mi.............. I've often thought about her feelings then. How could she be happy, when facing an uncertain future?
Although the question is rhetorical, he senses that Sun-Mi is not talking about her mother, but herself.
Hyung-Chul....... You didn't call me out today, just to watch the sunrise, did you?
Sun-Mi.............. Senior ...
Even after rehearsing all night what she'd intended to tell him, she hesitates, uneasy.
Hyung-Chul steps in to fill the silence ...
Hyung-Chul....... Is it about last night? What happened? If ... if I was out of bounds ...
Sun-Mi.............. No ...
A gap opens in the clouds, and she interrupts herself as orange-yellow beams streak out, dispelling the gray gloom.
Sun-Mi.............. Senior ... Look!
But instead of the sunrise, Hyung-Chul is taking mental pictures of Sun-Mi's face bathed in the rosy light.
Then just as quickly as it opened, the gap closes, hiding the sun again.
Hyung-Chul....... That was a good sign, I hope, for today. What do you think?
A few seconds pass, Sun-Mi gazing out over the river in silence, before she turns to Hyung-Chul and answers ...
Sun-Mi.............. Senior, there is something important I have to tell you ...
SCENE: Coffee shop in Mapo, morning
Director Kim Eun-Ki and Young-Mi are engaged in conversation over his offer ...
Young-Mi.......... You want me to side with you?
Eun-Ki.............. All I need is your cooperation.
Young-Mi.......... And in return, the anchor slot is guaranteed?
Eun-Ki.............. You have exceptional talent and beauty, Announcer Huh. It would be good for the Company, too.
Young-Mi.......... Why should I, when Director Yoon has the upper hand, with his father as Chiarman?
Eun-Ki.............. The Board is split on Director Yoon's vision for the future, and his reforms are not universally accepted ...
He stops to sip from his cup.
Eun-Ki.............. There's no guarantee he will succeed his father.
Young-Mi.......... You've still not given me a good reason.
Eun-Ki.............. If Director Yoon wins, then his favorite, Jin Sun-Mi, will take the prize ... Do you have an alternative?
Young-Mi.......... (guardedly) Okay, you have a point.
Eun-Ki.............. Ah! ... A woman as intelligent as she is beautiful ...
Young-Mi.......... What do you want me to do?
Eun-Ki.............. It's very simple. You merely have to ...
SCENE: Hangang Park, Seorae Island, morning
Sun-Mi is still with Hyung-Chul on the point of Seorae Island, looking out at the Han River ...
Sun-Mi.............. I can't let Woo-Jin continue on like this.
He turns to look at her with a sense of relief, thinking ... Is that all she wanted to tell him? ...
Sun-Mi.............. Woo-Jin's struggling right now. And Ms. Song is like a mother to me. I can't just leave him like this.
She faces him.
Sun-Mi.............. Senior, you said it was the last time as we sent Woo-Jin and Young-Mi to England.
He nods.
Sun-Mi.............. But I don't see it as the last time.
She turns away again, fixing her gaze at the opposite shore, gathering courage to continue.
He waits a second, wondering if she's afraid to ask his help again, and speaks first ...
Hyung-Chul....... What do you want?
Sun-Mi.............. Senior, don't be heartbroken because of me anymore ...
She looks up, directly into his eyes, to leave no doubt that her mind is made up.
Sun-Mi.............. From now on, don't care about me.
Caught by surprise, he draws a deep breath ...
Hyung-Chul....... Help Woo-Jin. If you're the only one who can, then do it.
Sun-Mi.............. I'm not just helping him. If I ... get married to Woo-Jin, what will you do? I might do that.
Hyung-Chul....... Then ...
He pauses, struggling with his words ...
Hyung-Chul....... Then I'll stop waiting for you. But until then, I'll do what I want...
....................... Help Woo-Jin now, and sometime, come back to me. Don't think of anything else.
....................... Just do what you want. Dump all your troubles and worries on me.
Sun-Mi.............. Senior ...
Her emotions threaten to spill over into tears. The lump in her throat makes it hard for her to talk.
Sun-Mi.............. Why are you making me feel so selfish?
Hyung-Chul....... I'm not doing this because I like it.
....................... If Woo-Jin means as much to you as you mean to me then I can understand.
....................... Just remember that I'll always be waiting for you.
He has given his promise, but she cannot promise anything in return.
Sun-Mi struggles to hold back her tears. She decides to go before she breaks down in front of him.
Sun-Mi.............. Goodbye, Senior.
She starts walking away.
He calls after her, to be sure she understands his intentions.
Hyung-Chul....... I'll wait for you.
She stops in mid-stride.
Hyung-Chul....... ... I'll wait.
Sun-Mi looks over her shoulder at him.
She longs to go back and find comfort in his embrace and support in his strength.
Yet she can't. She has to find the strength in herself, if she is to help Woo-Jin.
He nods to reassure her that he is serious by his promise.
Sun-Mi smiles faintly in return, to reassure him she will be all right.
Then, before her tears break through to expose her weakness, she turns away again and walks off.
Hyung-Chul lets her go, watching her back, determined that this is not the end between them ...
SCENE: Eve's Morning studio, morning
Sun-Dal............ Next up, our Cultural Corner ...
After a second's pause, he prompts again ...
Sun-Dal............ Jin Sun-Mi? What do you have for us today?
But Sun-Mi doesn't respond ...
She is focused on Camera 3, where the usual observer is missing today ...
Jin-Soo discreetly reaches over under the bench, and taps Sun-Mi's leg to alert her.
Sun-Mi.............. Huh? ... Oh! ... Yes ...
The live audience titters at her confusion.
Sun-Mi flushes red with embarrassment ...
Sun-Mi.............. Er ... This weekend we have several new events opening. Let's take a look ...
SCENE: MBS corridor, afternoon
The Eve's Morning team files out of a conference room after a meeting.
Kyung-Hee........ (to Ki-Jong) Let's have lunch together.
Ki-Jong............. Great! Where do you want to go?
Jin-Soo looks to Sun-Mi and Young-Mi ...
Jin-Soo............. How about it? ... Sun-Mi? ... Young-Mi?
Young-Mi.......... Sure, why not?
Sun-Mi.............. Sorry, I have to record my radio program now.
Kyung and Ki-Jong turn one way down the corridor, followed by Jin-Soo and Young-Mi.
Sun-Mi goes the other way, but takes just a few steps, when she notices Hyung-Chul in the corridor, waiting for her.
Gathering her resolve, she walks by without a word, studiously ignoring him as if he isn't there.
But he grabs her arm, forcing her to a halt.
Hyung-Chul....... I have something to say to you.
Sun-Mi.............. (coldly) I don't need to hear it. Let me go!
But paying no attention to her plea, he starts off, dragging her along with him.
Sun-Mi.............. Senior! What are you doing?
Hyung-Chul....... (irately) Making you listen, whether you want to or not!
Sun-Mi opens her mouth to protest, but then sees people are watching, and gives up resistance.
Behind them, Young-Mi stops, and speaks to Jin-Soo.
Young-Mi.......... I'm sorry, I just remembered something I have to do. Let's do lunch another time?
Jin-Soo............. Sure, but ...
Not waiting for him to finish, she turns back to follow Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi ...
SCENE: MBS building rooftop, afternoon
Hyung-Chul leads Sun-Mi to the rooftop, where they can talk privately.
Sun-Mi.............. (glowering) What's so important you have to kidnap me here!
Hyung-Chul....... Kidnap? Isn't that a bit harsh? Would you rather I came to your office?
They are unaware that Young-Mi is eavesdropping discretely.
Sun-Mi.............. (tersely) If it's about this morning, don't try to change my mind!
He sighs, tired of her obstinance.
Hyung-Chul....... Please, hear me out. Then you can go.
Reluctantly, she relents ...
Sun-Mi.............. All right. But be brief, I have to be somewhere.
He takes a deep breath before he speaks ...
Hyung-Chul....... Can't you help Woo-Jin and be with me, too? Why must it be one or the other, not both?
Sun-Mi ............. Because ... it's not just helping him. It's his mother, too ...
She looks away.
Sun-Mi.............. Seeing her only son like this is breaking her heart. I owe her too much to let that happen.
Hyung-Chul....... Then what you said about marrying him ... It's not because you love him?
Sun-Mi.............. Love is not just a matter of 'is' or 'is not' -- I care about Woo-Jin ...
Turning back, she looks directly into his eyes, so he can see she is serious.
Sun-Mi.............. I care because I love him. Because I love his mother. Because I can't stand by and do nothing.
In response, he pleads his case ...
Hyung-Chul....... And what you said to me? Was it not true?
FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 15]
Sun-Mi........ Senior! ... I like you, just you and not anybody else. Please believe me.
Sun-Mi.............. Senior, those are my honest feelings. But regardless of my feelings, I have a duty to fulfill, too ...
She sighs.
Sun-Mi.............. Family comes first ... always. I hope you can understand my situation.
Hyung-Chul....... Then you will marry Woo-Jin?
Sun-Mi.............. If the only way to make Woo-Jin forget Young-Mi, is by taking her place in his heart, I'll do that.
Hearing this, Young-Mi scowls.
Shaken by her answer, Hyung-Chul draws up his resolve ...
Hyung-Chul....... Until that happens, I won't give up. Like I said, I'll wait for you ... I promise!
Sun-Mi.............. I appreciate that, Senior. But I won't hold you to that promise ... Instead I'll ask another.
Hyung-Chul....... (eagerly) Yes, anything ...
Then Sun-Mi says what she'd never thought she would say to him ...
Sun-Mi.............. From now on, ignore me ... don't speak to me, or call me, or leave me cards ...
Hyung-Chul....... (stunned) But ...
Sun-Mi.............. .Don't even look at me, and ... please erase all the pictures you've taken of me with your eyes ...
Hyung-Chul....... But ...
She looks at him with a certainty in her eyes that wasn't there before.
Sun-Mi.............. Don't make this harder than it already is ... Goodbye, Director Yoon.
Leaving Hyung-Chul grasping for a response, she turns her back to him and walks away.
Observing from her hiding place, Young-Mi is just as surprised as Hyung-Chul by Sun-Mi's decision.
A devious smile curls her lips as she formulates her next moves ...
Young-Mi.......... (quietly, to herself) You're making this so easy, Jin Sun-Mi ...
SCENE: MBS Announcer 1 Team office, afternoon
At the end of the workday, the announcers prepare to leave the office.
Female staff...... I'm heading off first.
Male staff......... I'm heading out too.
They go out together.
Jin-Soo............. I'm thankful that another day has ended and I can go home ...
He looks at Ki-Jong, to make his point.
Jin-Soo............. I'm leaving my cold-hearted supervisor's side, and going to my warm home.
Kyung-Hee smiles and laughs.
Ki-Jong............. I'm leaving my stupid subordinate's side and going home.
Kyung-Hee gets her purse ready.
Kyung-Hee........ No matter how hot it is stop messing around.
Sun-Mi and Young-Mi smile.
Kyung-Hee........ We're going home to avoid you two. (meaning Jin-Soo and Ki-Jong)
She stands and walks away from her desk.
Kyung-Hee........ I'm leaving.
Ki-Jong looks around.
Ki-Jong............. Me too.
Ki-Jong quickly stands and walks from his desk ...
He pauses by Jin-Soo and makes some sound, then quickly follows Kyung-Hee out the door.
All.................... Take care.
Jin-Soo bows to Joo-Hee.
Jin-Soo............. Goodbye, Joo-Hee.
Jin-Soo turns and walks out the door.
Joo-Hee............ Sure.
Sun-Mi.............. Senior, I'm leaving as well ...
She stands.
Joo-Hee............ What did you do about the radio?
Sun-Mi.............. I made a recording.
Joo-Hee............ Good job. Take care.
Young-Mi frowns when she sees Joo-Hee's friendliness toward Sun-Mi.
Sun-Mi.............. Yes.
Sun-Mi smiles and dips her head politely, then leaves the room.
Joo-Hee smiles as she watches Sun-Mi leave.
Young-Mi also watches Sun-Mi leave, then unhappily, looks down at her work.
Young-Mi.......... Senior, you're being nice to Sun-Mi lately ...
Joo-Hee looks over at Young-Mi.
Young-Mi.......... It's not like before.
Joo-Hee............ Maybe. Sun-Mi lacks a lot as an anchor, but she has a warm heart.
Young-Mi stares at her desk as she listens to Joo-Hee's indirect criticism.
Joo-Hee............ You can get skills by working hard, but you can't get a warm heart that way, right? ...
....................... You can't become an anchor through skill alone.
Young-Mi looks over at Joo-Hee, to make her point.
Young-Mi.......... So are you saying "Become a human before you become an anchor?"
Joo-Hee............ Isn't it time for you to do the news?
Joo-Hee turns back to her work, as Young-Mi ponders the situation for a moment.
Young-Mi.......... I'll leave now.
Joo-Hee............ (blankly) Sure.
At odds, the women exchange cold glares.
Angry at this down turn of her fortunes, Young-Mi gets up to leave.
SCENE: MBS corridor, afternoon
Young-Mi is walking down the corridor to the news studio when she comes across Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin talking.
She stops to listen ...
Woo-Jin............ Go first. I told you I have work to do.
Sun-Mi.............. What work? I know you're all done ... You're going drinking again, right?
Woo-Jin............ Jin Sun-Mi.
Sun-Mi.............. Oppa! Let's go, OK?
Sun-Mi takes Woo-Jin's hand, then sees Young-Mi watching them and freezes.
Woo-Jin looks over his shoulder to see Young-Mi staring at them.
Young-Mi walks past Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin, looking the other way.
SCENE: MBS car parking garage, afternoon
In the parking garage, Sun-Mi is ahead of Woo-Jin, leading the way to his car.
Woo-Jin continues to protest her insistence on escorting him home like a wayward child ...
Woo-Jin............ Sun-Mi ...
She gets in the car front passenger seat, then Woo-Jin gets in the driver's side.
Woo-Jin............ Sun-Mi!
She turns to face him.
Sun-Mi.............. I made a promise to your mom that I wouldn't let you get near alcohol.
Woo-Jin............ I'm not drinking.
Sun-Mi.............. OK, you're not. So let's go home.
Woo-Jin............ Sun-Mi, what's the matter with you?
Sun-Mi turns away and looks out the windshield, surprised to see ...
Hyung-Chul is walking to his car, which just happens to be parked on the other side of the passageway.
He stops when he notices Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin in the car together.
Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin stare back, uncomfortable with the unexpected encounter.
Woo-Jin............ Get out ...
Sun-Mi ignores him and puts her seatbelt on.
Woo-Jin............ It's Director Yoon.
She looks up at Hyung-Chul, then over at Woo-Jin.
Sun-Mi.............. It's OK. Let's go.
Hyung-Chul gets in his car and drives away as they watch.
Sun-Mi sets her face determinedly as Woo-Jin starts the car and moves forward.
Eun-Ki is having dinner with his sister, Eun-Ok, at her home ...
Eun-Ok............. Did you speak with Announcer Huh?
Eun-Ki.............. Yes. This morning.
Eun-Ok............. How did she react?
Eun-Ki.............. She'll sell her soul to be the next News At Nine anchor.
Eun-Ok............. Then she agreed?
Eun-Ki.............. Yes. She'll do exactly as we planned.
Eun-Ok............. (gloating) What did I tell you?
He looks at his sister a bit resentfully.
Eun-Ki.............. All right. There's no need to brag.
Eun-Ok............. I don't want you to forget who you will owe for your success.
SCENE: Woo-Jin's house, evening
Sun-Mi and Jin-Suk are on the couch in Jin-Suk's living room.
Jin-Suk offers some fruit on a skewer to Sun-Mi.
Jin-Suk............. Really, because of you ... How long has it been?
....................... I was able to go and eat out with my son for the first time in a while.
....................... I'm not sure what to tell you.
Sun-Mi looks thoughtfully as she recalls her youth ...
Sun-Mi.............. When I'd cry because the other kids made fun of me for not having a mother, you would give me a hug.
Jin-Suk looks at Sun-Mi dotingly.
Sun-Mi.............. If it weren't for you, whose shoulder would I have cried on?
....................... I fell asleep on your back and you held me. I can't forget that.
Jin-Suk smiles wistfully and gives Sun-Mi a warm hug.
Woo-Jin opens the door and comes out of his bedroom.
Caught by surprise, Sun-Mi and Jin-Suk break off their embrace and look away sheepishly.
Woo-Jin............ Please give me something to drink.
Jin-Suk............. Sure. Hold on.
Jin-Suk gets up and walks over to the kitchen.
Woo-Jin sits down on the couch next to Sun-Mi as she wonders what he is going to say.
Woo-Jin............ You ... Don't do everything my mom tells you to ... She'll trap you.
Sun-Mi looks away for a second, then back at Woo-Jin as she disagrees.
Sun-Mi.............. Why would she? You shouldn't say that.
Woo-Jin............ She'll tell you to be her daughter-in-law like she used to ...
He looks away.
Woo-Jin............ Go your own way.
Sun-Mi.............. Oppa.
She turns to face Woo-Jin, intending to say more, then hears Jin-Suk approaching.
Jin-Suk............. Here ...
Jin-Suk is carrying a tray with two glasses of juice.
Sun-Mi moves over to make room on the couch for Jin-Suk.
Jin-Suk............. Here, have a nice drink.
She sits next to Sun-Mi and hands her a glass as Woo-Jin picks up the remote and turns the TV on.
On the TV, Young-Mi is announcing the 7PM News.
Young-Mi.......... (On TV) A Seoul wedding parlor is in dispute with about 100 newlyweds.
....................... They still have not received their wedding pictures after 1-1/2 years.
Woo-Jin stares at the TV, then turns toward Sun-Mi, who is also staring at Young-Mi.
Young-Mi.......... (On TV ) The newlyweds are suffering because of these irresponsible parties.
....................... Now for the report by Reporter Kim Joo-Hyung.
Sun-Mi looks over at Jin-Suk, then back at Woo-Jin.
He quickly turns the TV off, looking uneasy, then stands as he speaks ...
Woo-Jin............ Sun-Mi, don't you have to go home?
Sun-Mi.............. Yeah, I will. I should go.
She stands up.
Jin-Suk............. You want to leave?
She stands, too, and gestures to Woo-Jin.
Jin-Suk............. Woo-Jin, give her a ride now.
Woo-Jin............ Ok.
Sun-Mi grabs her bag.
Sun-Mi.............. I'm going now, Ms. Song.
Jin-Suk............. OK.
Jin-Suk pats their backs as they walk past.
SCENE: Street outside Woo-Jin's house, night
Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin walk out to the street.
Sun-Mi.............. Go inside. It's close anyway ... Let's go to work together. I'll come here tomorrow morning.
Woo-Jin............ Don't come.
Sun-Mi looks at Woo-Jin stubbornly.
Sun-Mi.............. It's up to me.
She smiles.
Sun-Mi.............. Sleep well. And you can't have any alcohol. Got it?
He laughs.
Woo-Jin............ I won't drink. We don't have alcohol at home either.
Sun-Mi smiles back.
Sun-Mi.............. Did you know? It's the first time you've smiled in a while.
Sun-Mi looks away with a grin.
Sun-Mi.............. Wow, I'm lucky today.
Sun-Mi.............. I'm leaving.
Sun-Mi waves goodbye.
Woo-Jin watches Sun-Mi walk off, then turns to go back to his house.
SCENE: Woo-Jin's living room, night
Woo-Jin comes into the living room, where Jin-Suk is on the couch, reading a magazine.
Jin-Suk............. That was quick.
Woo-Jin............ Sun-Mi said I didn't need to send her home ... She's coming in the morning, to ride with me to work.
Jin-Suk............. (smiles) Oh? That's nice.
He speaks seriously to his mother ...
Woo-Jin............ Mom? Don't push Sun-Mi like this.
Jin-Suk............. All I asked her to do, because you and she are close, is to look out for you.
Woo-Jin............ You didn't need to say it directly, you want her to be your daughter-in-law. She knows that already.
Jin-Suk............. (chuckles) You know how stubborn she is. Nobody can make Sun-Mi do what she doesn't want to do.
Woo-Jin............ Just stop it, Mom! ... I'm going to the studio.
Jin-Suk............. This late?
Woo-Jin............ I have a couple of projects due this week. Don't wait up.
After leaving the office, Hyung-Chul shares a drink with Sun-Dal ...
Hyung-Chul....... You're sure about this?
Sun-Dal............ There's no doubt. Kim is ready to move with his new program. He's challenging you directly.
Hyung-Chul....... Any idea which announcer he wants for the host?
Sun-Dal............ I got a tip that he's scouting Huh Young-Mi.
Hyung-Chul....... Young-Mi?
Sun-Dal............ Why are you surprised? He's aiming for a ratings war, and Eve's Morning is leading now.
Hyung-Chul....... It's a shrewd move. I'd do the same, if I were him.
Sun-Dal............ What should we do about it?
Hyung-Chul....... Nothing.
Sun-Dal............ (surprised) You're not going to try and stop him?
Hyung-Chul....... Someone once gave me good advice, that a person who will betray you is not worth the trouble.
Sun-Dal............ Then who will replace her on Eve's Morning?
Hyung-Chul....... Could Sun-Mi do it?
Sun-Dal............ I thought you were against that, because of how it looks concerning your relationship with her.
Hyung-Chul....... That won't be a problem.
Sun-Dal............ (puzzled) Is there something you're not telling me?
Hyung-Chul gulps down his drink before he answers with a shrug ...
Hyung-Chul....... Why does there have to be something? ... I just think it's time we gave Sun-Mi another chance.
SCENE: Young-Mi's studio apartment, night
Young-Mi is sitting at her desk, trying on a new pair of earrings.
Young-Mi.......... (aloud to herself) So, Jin Sun-Mi, do you think it'll be easy to make Woo-Jin forget me? ...
Young-Mi.......... He belongs to me! I'll destroy him before I let you take him away.
She glances over at the telephone as if expecting a call, and smiles evilly.
Young-Mi.......... And when I finish with Woo-Jin, then, Jin Sun-Mi, I'll destroy you, too ...
SCENE: Woo-Jin's photo studio, night
The door to Woo-Jin's photography studio opens and he comes in, carrying a backpack.
He sees the answering machine light flashing, and sits down in a chair by the telephone.
Opening his backpack, he takes out a bottle of whiskey and puts it by the phone.
He considers opening the bottle to have a drink, but hesitates as he recalls Sun-Mi's admonition, and his promise ...
FLASHBACK [Scene from earlier the same day]
Sun-Mi........ Sleep well. And you can't have any alcohol. Got it?
Woo-Jin...... I won't drink. We don't have alcohol at home either.
Sun-Mi........ Did you know? It's the first time you've smiled in a while ... Wow, I'm lucky today.
Woo-Jin............ Sun-Mi is right. Why drink?
He presses the answering machine 'Message' button.
Female voice..... (V.O.) You have one new message ...
[Machine beeps]
Young-Mi.......... (V.O.) Oppa? It's me ...
Hearing Young-Mi's voice startles Woo-Jin.
Young-Mi.......... (V.O.) What I said in London may have been too harsh. But you have to understand ...
He reaches to press 'Delete', then pauses with his finger on the key as she continues.
Young-Mi.......... (V.O.) Regardless of how I feel about you, a cameraman can't help me to achieve my goals ...
He stares at the answering machine.
Young-Mi.......... (V.O.) On the other hand, you are a man, so there's still is ONE thing you can do for me ...
Her voice lowers to a sultry purr ...
Young-Mi.......... (V.O.) Why not come by, and stay the night? For old times' sake ... Give me a call, hmm?
Woo-Jin's hand is trembling as he presses the 'Delete' key.
Female voice..... (V.O.) Message deleted, you have no new messages.
He lowers his head into his hands, fighting the urge to pick up the phone and make the call.
Woo-Jin............ (aloud, to himself) Forget it! She's just toying with you ...
His eye goes back to the telephone, and he moves to reach for the handset.
Woo-Jin............ But how can I ever forget her?
Instead, Woo-Jin grabs the whiskey bottle. He removes the cap, and throws down a long swig ....
SCENE: Sun-Mi's bedroom, night
Sun-Mi opens the door to her room, walks in and closes the door.
She drops her bag on the bed, and sits down.
She touches the gemstones on her anklet as she considers the situation with Hyung-Chul and Woo-Jin.
FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 13, at Sun-Mi's birthday celebration]
Hyung-Chul. After 1 year, 2 years, 10 years, 20 years, I want to be there for your birthdays ... Here ... a present.
Sun-Mi........ This must be a pearl. My birthstone, right? ... What are these?
Hyung-Chul. Peridot. My birthstone. Your pearl is from the bottom of the ocean and this is from outer space. ................. But they're together now.
SCENE: Hyung-Chul's villa bathroom, night
Hyung-Chul soaks in his tub, nursing a glass of wine, as he ponders the situation with Sun-Mi ...
FLASHBACK [Scenes from various Episodes]
Hyung-Chul. Your pearl is from the bottom of the ocean and this is from outer space. ................. But they're together now.
Hyung-Chul. When I think you're closer, you take a step backward. It's interesting, but it's tiring, too.
Sun-Mi........ Why are you so good to me?
Hyung-Chul. I'm not so sure why either. If you find out why, tell me.
Sun-Mi........ Senior, there is something important I have to tell you ...
Hyung-Chul. Help Woo-Jin. If you're the only one who can, then do it.
Sun-Mi........ Love is not just a matter of 'is' or 'is not' ... ................. I care about Woo-Jin, because I love him ... ................. Because I love his mother ... ................. Because family comes first ... always.
Hyung-Chul. Then you will marry Woo-Jin?
Sun-Mi........ If the only way to make Woo-Jin forget Young-Mi, is by taking her place in his heart, I'll willingly do that.
Sun-Mi........ From now on, ignore me ... ................. Don't speak to me, or call me, or leave me cards ... ................. Don't even look at me, and ... ................. Erase all the pictures you've taken of me with your eyes ...
Woo-Jin...... Get out ... It's Director Yoon.
Sun-Mi........ It's OK. Let's go.
He contemplates the coming days, over which he has no control and little influence.
Previously, in his Cold War with Sun-Mi, he could do something. But now, he can only wait, and hope.
He sips the wine as he recalls Joo-Hee's encouragement during that hard time, which he had taken to heart ...
Joo-Hee............ (V.O.) To the last moment, your Mother never gave up hope ... Did God honor her prayers?
The pictures taken with his eyes -- of the angel her prayers had delivered into his life -- scroll through his mind ...
FLASHBACK [Scenes from Episodes 3 and 4, when Hyung-Chul first met Sun-Mi in London]
Joo-Hee............ (V.O.) If the answer is 'Yes', then learn from your Mother ...
To Be Continued...