All About Eve 'Uncut' -- A Spring Apart

by AAEfanatic


Episode 16B


Act 2 - Part 1. 1

SCENE: Hyung-Chul's villa, morning. 1

SCENE: Hyung-Chul's villa, morning. 1

SCENE: Outside Hyung-Chul's villa, morning. 3

SCENE: Inside Woo-Jin's car, crossing a bridge, morning. 4

SCENE: Inside Su-Jin's car, city street, morning. 6

SCENE: Inside Woo-Jin's Matiz, MBS car park, morning. 8

SCENE: Inside Su-Jin's BMW, MBS car park, morning. 9

SCENE: MBS car park, morning. 11

SCENE: MBS building main lobby, morning. 13

SCENE: MBS car park, morning. 13

SCENE: Inside the lift car, MBS building, morning. 15

SCENE: MBS car park, morning. 17




Act 2 - Part 1




SCENE: Hyung-Chul's villa, morning







SCENE: Hyung-Chul's villa, morning


Hyung-Chul is talking with his father on his mobile phone -- set on speaker mode -- as he dresses for work.


Hoe-Jang.......... You can't assume that any Director's vote is in the bag.


Hyung-Chul....... I know.


Hoe-Jang.......... What's your plan to build a coalition on the Board?



Hyung-Chul ties the knot in his tie as he replies ...


Hyung-Chul....... I don't have one. I won't compromise my vision for the company's future to buy a few votes.



Hoe-Jang tries to persuade his son to be more flexible.


Hoe-Jang.......... If you're going to succeed as CEO, you must be willing to cut deals to advance your position.


Hyung-Chul....... If that is what you consider success, then I'm not the same kind of person as you.


Hoe-Jang.......... Some elders on the Board see you as immature and idealistic. You need to convince them otherwise.


Hyung-Chul....... Someone showed me that it's not wrong to be idealistic. That it's worth fighting for your dreams.


Hoe-Jang.......... (frustrated) You can't make your dreams into reality, if you don't have the majority vote to win CEO!



But the father's advice falls on deaf ears.


Hyung-Chul....... Then maybe I'm not cut out to be CEO.


Hoe-Jang.......... Why come back, if you didn't really want this job and the responsibilities it carries?


Hyung-Chul....... I thought I made that clear.


Hoe-Jang.......... Son, I hardly consider that to be a sensible ...


Hyung-Chul....... Don't press, Father. We agreed I'm here solely on my own terms, remember?


He takes his suit jacket from the hanger and slips it on.



Hoe-Jang.......... Yes. I agreed, thinking you would eventually see things differently.


Hyung-Chul....... You mean, see them your way?


Hoe-Jang.......... I mean -- respecting your grandfather's legacy.


Hyung-Chul makes a final inspection in the mirror as he buttons the jacket.




Hyung-Chul....... I don't mean disrespect, but times have changed. I'm looking forward, not back, to a new legacy.


Hoe-Jang.......... Your mother would ...



The mention of his mother touches a sore spot with Hyung-Chul, and he retaliates furiously ...


Hyung-Chul....... Don't speak of Mother to me! You, of all people, have no right!


Hoe-Jang.......... Yes, but ...


Hyung-Chul abruptly shuts off further discussion ...


Hyung-Chul....... I'm hanging up now. I have to get to the office.


Hoe-Jang.......... (sternly) We'll discuss this again, later, when you ...


Hyung-Chul....... Bye.



Hyung-Chul picks up his phone and closes it with a sharp snap.


Then, staring at the phone, he exhales a long sigh ...




SCENE: Outside Hyung-Chul's villa, morning


A few minutes later, Hyung-Chul descends the steps to the outdoor car park, briefcase in hand.


His face is drawn -- still brooding over the argument with his father -- and what he will say when they next meet.


At the bottom of the stairway, he finds Su-Jin waiting in the car park.




She waves enthusiastically when she sees him.


Su-Jin............... (cheerfully) Good morning!



As the morning has hardly been going well, he responds crossly ...


Hyung-Chul....... What are you doing here?


She ignores his peeve, smiling as she explains.


Su-Jin............... I was passing by on my way to the office. You said you'd take up my offer 'another time'.


Hyung-Chul....... I did.


Su-Jin............... It's a beautiful day for a drive with the top down. I thought today might qualify?



He looks up. The morning sky is clear, with a dappling of white clouds.


She delivers her final appeal with a flick of her eyes and a raised eyebrow.


Su-Jin............... Want to give it a spin? ... Hmmm?



Hyung-Chul gazes at the red BMW Z3, tempted.


The memories it invokes, of a time when he was his own person, without the corporate burden, appeals again.


Looking back at Su-Jin, he laughs, his dark, haggard expression replaced by a youthful zeal for adventure.


Hyung-Chul....... Why not?




SCENE: Inside Woo-Jin's car, crossing a bridge, morning


Sun-Mi is riding to work with Woo-Jin in his Matiz.




Woo-Jin............ You should have waked me, and I'd have driven you home.


Sun-Mi.............. Your mom sent me ... She didn't tell you?


Woo-Jin............ Mom was asleep before I got up.


Sun-Mi.............. Oh? Then she hasn't talked with you?


Woo-Jin............ No. About what?



Sun-Mi gazes out the side window, recalling Jin-Suk's declaration ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16, in Woo-Jin's house



Jin-Suk............. It's time that you and Woo-Jin got married. ... I've already picked the date ...





Sun-Mi.............. Your mom saw me come out of your room, dressed like that.


He immediately grasps their predicament.


Woo-Jin............ You explained to her, right?


Sun-Mi.............. She wouldn't listen. You know how your mom thinks ... "men and woman alone together" and all that


Woo-Jin............ Did she scold you?


Sun-Mi shakes her head.


Woo-Jin............ Then what?



Sun-Mi's expression turns cryptic.


Sun-Mi.............. She's surprisingly modern-thinking in her attitude these days.


Woo-Jin............ What does that mean?


Sun-Mi.............. Actually, it didn't bother her to know that we'd slept together.


Woo-Jin............ Except we didn't do anything but sleep.


Sun-Mi.............. She believes what she believes.


He sighs.


Woo-Jin............ Did Mom say anything else?



Sun-Mi nods seriously.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes. A lot ... I'll tell you everything, after you come back from your trip, okay?


She flashes a disarming smile, telling him not to worry.



He glances over at her and chuckles.


Woo-Jin............ Okay. We'll talk after I get back.




SCENE: Inside Su-Jin's car, city street, morning


Hyung-Chul is driving the Z3 with Su-Jin in the passenger seat.


This early in the morning, traffic is light on the city's boulevards, and the car purrs smoothly as they tool along.




Watching Hyung-Chul enjoy himself, Su-Jin smiles, pleased her plans had worked out so well.


Su-Jin............... How do you like it?


Hyung-Chul....... Sweet. It brings back memories of London. A different feeling.


Su-Jin............... For me too. Driving in the open air creates a sense of freedom ...


While talking, she casually lifts her left foot, bending her knee, the movement riding her short skirt back into her lap.


Su-Jin............... I feel that anything goes, all limits are off, you can do anything you desire ...




Hyung-Chul tries to keep his eyes on the road, but can't completely ignore the generous display of smooth, trim thigh.


Su-Jin hears his breathing quicken, and sees his hands grip the steering wheel tighter, knuckles turning white.



Having gotten his attention, she grasps the stiletto heel of her pump, pulling it off while she explains ...


Su-Jin............... These new shoes are a bit tight ...


She flexes her foot, rotating the ankle as she continues ...


Su-Jin............... Still, I love the style, and how good they make my legs look ...



Concluding her 'spontaneous' stretching exercise, Su-Jin arches her foot and slips the shoe back on.


Her purpose accomplished, she lowers her leg.


She had broken his cool reserve. Perhaps, with a slight push, she might stoke a fire ...



Su-Jin............... Tell me, what do YOU think?


She ends the question there, objectless and ambiguous, a baited lure.


But Hyung-Chul declines to bite.


Hyung-Chul....... Eh ... about what?


She smiles.


Su-Jin.............. Of course ... what I was talking about. If you could do anything you wanted, what would it be?


Hyung-Chul....... Right now, I'm doing what I want. I don't need anything more.


She scoffs ...


Su-Jin............... What happened to your dream of someday making it big, singing and playing your guitar?


Hyung-Chul....... That never had a real chance of happening.


Su-Jin............... You should have tried, anyway. I followed my dream, and succeeded. You might've, too.


Hyung-Chul....... But I did. I just followed a different dream.


Su-Jin............... And how did that work out? Has pursuing it brought you fulfillment? Or frustration?


Hyung-Chul doesn't answer, silently considering his long, fruitless wait for Sun-Mi ...



Su-Jin............... Life offers more than one chance to live out our dreams. We just have to take the risk.


Hyung-Chul....... (warily) What are you suggesting?


Su-Jin............... Start with something small ... easy.


Hyung-Chul....... Such as?


Su-Jin............... Like, taking a detour, and showing up late at the office for once ...


Her voice takes on a sultry tone.


Su-Jin............... There's a more 'scenic' route we could drive instead. How about it?



A smile curls his lips, and Su-Jin thinks her appeal has worked.


Then the smile fades, and Hyung-Chul's eyes narrow as a determined expression sets on his face.



Suddenly he floors the accelerator pedal. The 2.5 L, in-line 6 roars in response as the RPMs wind up.


Surging forward with a burst of speed, the car takes off, zooming down the street.




SCENE: Inside Woo-Jin's Matiz, MBS car park, morning


Woo-Jin turns his blue Matiz into a parking space in the MBS surface car park and taps the brakes.


The car slows, rolling to a gentle stop.




He looks over at Sun-Mi, and their eyes connect.


Woo-Jin............ We're here.


She smiles back with appreciation.


Sun-Mi.............. Thanks for the ride today. Now, about your trip ...


He gently nips her concern in the bud.


Woo-Jin............ Don't worry about me. I have this covered now.


Sun-Mi.............. Are you sure?


Woo-Jin............ I won't go out drinking with the crew. Not one single drop. I'll swear on the Bible, if you want.


Relieved, she smiles.


Sun-Mi.............. You don't have to go that far. I trust you, even after what happened yesterday.


Her affirmation surprises him.


Woo-Jin............ You do?


Sun-Mi.............. Because you're sincere about doing better, right?


Woo-Jin............ Sure.


He laughs uncomfortably, and drops the topic.


Woo-Jin............ Shall we go in?


She nods and smiles.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes.




SCENE: Inside Su-Jin's BMW, MBS car park, morning


At the main gate, a loud rumbling announces another arrival ...


Hyung-Chul wheels the red BWM to an empty parking slot, and brakes hard to a head-snapping stop.


He cuts the motor, and holds out the keys for Su-Jin.


Hyung-Chul....... (curtly) Here.



With the engine noise and the wind in the open cockpit, they had hardly spoken a word in the intervening time.


She looks over at him, amused.


Su-Jin............... That's all you have to say?


He drops the keys into her open palm.


Su-Jin............... You must have set a record! What's the rush?



Hyung-Chul....... I didn't want to be late for achieving my dream ...


He unclips his seatbelt, preparing to get out.


Hyung-Chul....... Thanks for the chance to drive, but let's NOT do this again.


Su-Jin............... But, my offer was for both ways.


Hyung-Chul....... I think I've had enough with one.


He reaches for the handle, and pops the door latch.



Thinking quickly, Su-Jin tries to salvage her situation ...


Su-Jin............... Hyung-Chul ... Wait ... I'm sorry.


He pauses, but doesn't turn to look at her.


Su-Jin............... Riding in the car, with you at the wheel ... I slipped back into old habits ...


She sighs, reminiscing fondly.


Su-Jin............... I really do miss our time in London. Even if it wasn't real for you, it was, for me.


Raising her hand, she points to her temple.


Su-Jin............... It's easy to make a promise up here ...


Then she pats over her heart.


Su-Jin............... But it's not so easy, following through here. The heart is the problem.


Her confession prompts a memory ...




FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 6, when Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi had a picnic at the MOCA in Gwacheon]



Sun-Mi points to her temple.


Sun-Mi........ It's very obedient here, but not here.


She pats her chest, over her heart.



Sun-Mi........ The heart is the problem.





He turns to look at Su-Jin, now more sympathetic.


Hyung-Chul....... I think I can understand that.


Su-Jin............... I know I was out of line. It won't happen again ... Well, I'll do my best, to keep that promise ...


She adds a smile to her apology.


Su-Jin............... Are we okay?


After a moment's thought, Hyung-Chul nods.


Hyung-Chul....... Let's go in. (laughs) I was serious about being on time!


Su-Jin............... Er ... could I have a hand?


Hyung-Chul....... Huh?


She looks down sheepishly.


Su-Jin............... Earlier, at your place ... I almost took a tumble.



It clicks in his head ... her micro skirt and sky high heels ...


Hyung-Chul....... Ah ... Sure.




SCENE: MBS car park, morning


Sun-Mi closes her car door and takes a step.


Then she notices Hyung-Chul alight from a red BMW and retrieve his briefcase from the back 'seat'.


Recognizing the car as Su-Jin's, she stops to watch.



Circling the Z3, Hyung-Chul opens the door for Su-Jin, reaching to assist her.


She thanks him with a warm smile as she swings her legs out.




From a distance, Sun-Mi gapes with disbelief ...





Taking Hyung-Chul's hand, Su-Jin smoothly rises from the car seat and pivots 180, turning back to close the door.


Pausing to admire the sleek roadster, she asks him ...


Su-Jin............... Want to get one for yourself?


He laughs.


Hyung-Chul....... (joking) Why should I, when I can drive yours?



She smiles happily, reaching in to fetch her bag from the back.


Su-Jin............... Call any time, and we'll go together. Okay?


Hyung-Chul....... I might just do that.


Bag in hand, she faces him again.



Hyung-Chul....... Ready to go in?



But she tilts her head to the side, scrutinizing him.


Su-Jin............... Just a moment. Something's not quite right.


He looks back at her, unsure.


Hyung-Chul....... What is it?


Su-Jin............... This ...


She reaches out to adjust his tie, then smiles approvingly.


Su-Jin............... Perfect! Now, let's go.




Seeing these blatant seductions first hand, Sun-Mi is certain Su-Jin has more than friendship as her objective.


Sun-Mi.............. What is Senior doing? Is he blind to that hussy?


Hearing her, Woo-Jin looks over and sees Hyung-Chul with Su-Jin, and then Sun-Mi's reaction.



Sun-Mi clenches the handle of her bag tighter, sets her chin forward, and starts to march off toward the other car.


Sun-Mi.............. I'll give that shameless minx a piece or two of my mind!



Woo-Jin quickly rounds the car to head Sun-Mi off, putting a restraining hand on her shoulder.


Woo-Jin............ Don't do it, Sun-Mi.




As they stroll toward the entrance together, Su-Jin slides her hand around Hyung-Chul's arm.


When he looks at her, she postulates ...


Su-Jin............... Sometimes, a woman needs the security of a man's strong arm, to keep her steady.


He chuffs a quick laugh, but nods agreeably.




Held back by Woo-Jin, Sun-Mi is reduced to shooting flaming arrows with her eyes at her new rival.




SCENE: MBS building main lobby, morning


Preceding Hyung-Chul through the revolving door into the lobby, Su-Jin again is instantly recognized.


As they walk side-by-side, every pair of eyes is riveted, following their progress toward the lifts.




As he greets people, Hyung-Chul takes note of their unusual expressions and responses.


An empty lift is waiting, doors open ...




SCENE: MBS car park, morning


Meanwhile, outside in the car park, still upset, Sun-Mi turns on Woo-Jin ...


Sun-Mi.............. Why did you stop me?!


Woo-Jin............ What good would making a scene do?


Sun-Mi.............. I'd wake Senior up to her scheming. Like I should have done for you!


Woo-Jin............ What are you talking about?


Sun-Mi.............. That night, outside your studio building, when Young-Mi was flirting with you?


Her question draws a blank look.


Sun-Mi.............. Don't you remember? ... Young-Mi claimed to have something in her eye ...



FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 2, outside Young-Mi's apartment building]



Young-Mi.... Something got in my eye.



Woo-Jin...... Now I know why so many people take pictures of women looking in mirrors.


Young-Mi.... Why? Am I pretty?


Woo-Jin...... Yup, You are.


Young-Mi.... Ouch � it�s still in there.


Woo-Jin...... Let me ...





Sun-Mi.............. I saw right through her ploy, but I didn't want to make a scene, and embarrass you.


She sighs.


Sun-Mi.............. I've always regretted holding back. Maybe things wouldn't have gone so far with you and Young-Mi.


Woo-Jin............ You don't know that, so don't blame yourself. It was my choice alone.



His answer only raises her hackles ...


Sun-Mi.............. Because you let yourself be blinded by a sad story and a pretty face! That's why!


She glares at Woo-Jin, her voice rising with her ire.




Sun-Mi.............. Why are men attracted to such skanky women? ... So disappointing!




SCENE: Inside the lift car, MBS building, morning


Su-Jin looks to Hyung-Chul, who is holding his hand poised over the lift's control panel.


Su-Jin............... Ten, please.


At the questioning rise of his brow, she elaborates ...


Su-Jin............... I'm meeting with Director Kim, about his program.



Hyung-Chul presses the 10F button.




As the doors slide shut, he speaks up ...


Hyung-Chul....... Is it always like this? Everyone staring?


She laughs lightly.


Su-Jin............... Yes. But after awhile, you hardly notice.


Hyung-Chul....... It doesn't bother you?


Su-Jin............... I know I should say something appropriately humble, but I like being the center of attention.


Hyung-Chul....... (critically) Yes, you always were somewhat of a showoff.


Su-Jin............... You disapprove? Why can't I enjoy my success?


Hyung-Chul....... Being successful is not the issue, but the attitude.


Su-Jin............... I've sacrificed, spent a lot of time and money, and work hard each day to look like this.

....................... Why shouldn't I be proud of my accomplishment?


Hyung-Chul....... It's just at times, you seem to be trying too hard for approval.



Affronted by his remark, she frowns, replying stridently ...


Su-Jin............... I'm a celebrity, why deny it? That doesn't make me prideful, just realistic of how I'm perceived.

....................... When I walk into a room, people notice. They like to look at me, and want to be like me.


Then her voice lowers, softening with perceptible emotion.


Su-Jin............... Is that so wrong, to want to be liked?



Glancing toward Su-Jin, he sees the ache in her eyes, and strikes a different tone ...


Hyung-Chul....... That's not what I meant. Perhaps we just see differently.


He looks back, into his storeroom of memories, thinking of Sun-Mi as he goes on ...


Hyung-Chul....... The woman I like is attractive, though not a striking beauty, and modest about her appearance.

....................... When she walks into a room, she could be anyone ... But when she smiles ...




Hyung-Chul....... It's as if a bright spotlight comes on, shining out a captivating charm that radiates happiness.

....................... People don't just like her, they love her and want to be with her.


He smiles to himself as he reflects ...


Hyung-Chul....... A woman like that, I'd devote my life too ... If she would accept me, that is.



Su-Jin looks at him, unsure ...


Su-Jin............... This perfect woman, is she a real person?


Hyung-Chul chuckles uneasily, averting his eyes, self-conscious about sharing his feelings directly.


The lift chimes sounds at they near F10, precluding his answer.



The doors open, revealing several people waiting to board.



Su-Jin and Hyung-Chul step off, and start walking down the corridor toward the executive offices.


Su-Jin............... What time do you want to meet in the car park tonight?


Hyung-Chul appears puzzled, so she clarifies ...


Su-Jin............... When I offered my car -- I really did mean both ways.


Hyung-Chul....... I have a late meeting. I'll take a cab.


Su-Jin............... No problem. I have work to do, too, putting everything in order.


When he doesn't make further evasions, she concludes ...


Su-Jin............... Text me the time. I'll be waiting.




SCENE: MBS car park, morning


Meanwhile, Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin move toward the building entrance as they continue their dispute ...


Sun-Mi.............. First you, and now Senior, too? Am I just unlucky when it comes to men?




Sun-Mi.............. Or are all men such idiots?



Seeing her steaming up like a pot about to boil over, Woo-Jin tries to quench the fire.


Woo-Jin............ I get it. You're jealous he came to work with her, aren't you? That's what this is about.



Sun-Mi looks away, glowering -- his accusation holds a kernel of truth -- which she fruitlessly tries to deny ...


Sun-Mi.............. I'm NOT jealous!


Woo-Jin............ Then why react like this? Don't you trust Director Yoon?


Sun-Mi.............. I thought I did. But now, I'm not so certain.


Woo-Jin............ He's a handsome, wealthy man. It never crossed your mind that women would chase after him?


Sun-Mi.............. Yes, but ...


Woo-Jin............ Either trust him, or always be worrying another woman will snatch him away. Which will it be?



Sun-Mi ponders the challenge only briefly, but the evidence leads to only one answer ...



FLASHBACK [Scenes from various episodes]




Hyung-Chul. After 1 year, 2 years, 10 years, 20 years, I want to be there for your birthdays.




Hyung-Chul. You bring hope to me. I hope I'll bring you happiness.




Hyung-Chul. I'll wait for you ... I promise ...





Sun-Mi.............. Of course I should trust Senior. He's always been good to me ... But ...


Worry clouds her face again ...


Sun-Mi.............. Su-Jin was his girlfriend before. What if she was still in his heart, but he thought she'd never return?


Her brow furrows as her worry continues.


Sun-Mi.............. It wasn't as if he was dishonest with me. Maybe it IS True Love that brought them back together.



She stops walking, her eyes widening as the implications hit home.


Sun-Mi.............. But if Su-Jin is Senior's One True Love, then what am I to him?


A queasiness begins roiling her stomach and her voice falters ...


Sun-Mi.............. I ... must be ... nothing ... right?


Suddenly lightheaded, everything is spinning.


Grimacing, Sun-Mi groans softly as she bends forward, clutching at her stomach.



Woo-Jin immediately grabs Sun-Mi before she loses balance, holding her securely.


Woo-Jin............ (anxiously) Sun-Mi! Are you all right?


She looks up at him blankly, in a daze, not comprehending.


Woo-Jin............ Should I call an ambulance?



Recovering a bit, she shakes her head, murmuring ...


Sun-Mi.............. No need ... I'm fine ... just ... need to sit ... a moment ...


Woo-Jin............ Can you walk?



He puts his arm around her shoulders, and she takes a few unsteady steps.


Sun-Mi.............. (weakly) Thanks.



But her seeming improvement relapses ...


Sun-Mi's face blanches, her eyes roll back, and she goes limp ...





To Be Continued...