All About Eve 'Uncut' -- A Spring Apart

by AAEfanatic


Episode 16B


Act 2 - Part 1. 2

SCENE: Hyung-Chul's villa, morning. 2

SCENE: Hyung-Chul's villa, morning. 2

SCENE: Outside Hyung-Chul's villa, morning. 4

SCENE: Inside Woo-Jin's car, crossing a bridge, morning. 5

SCENE: Inside Su-Jin's car, city street, morning. 6

SCENE: Inside Woo-Jin's Matiz, MBS car park, morning. 8

SCENE: Inside Su-Jin's BMW, MBS car park, morning. 9

SCENE: MBS car park, morning. 12

SCENE: MBS building main lobby, morning. 14

SCENE: MBS car park, morning. 14

SCENE: Inside the lift car, MBS building, morning. 16

SCENE: MBS car park, morning. 18

Act 2 - Part 2. 21

SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, morning. 21

SCENE: MBS patio, morning. 22

SCENE: MBS main entrance lobby, morning. 24

SCENE: MBS Conference room, morning. 25

SCENE: MBS Main Floor lift lobby, morning. 26

SCENE: MBS Camera Team office, morning. 28

SCENE: MBS Announcer 1 Team office, morning. 30

SCENE: MBS classroom, morning. 31

SCENE: MBS, rooftop, morning. 32

SCENE: MBS corridor, late morning. 32

SCENE: MBS atrium balcony, late morning. 32

SCENE: MBS main lobby, late morning. 33

SCENE: CREAM Cake House, noon. 34

SCENE: Noodle restaurant, noon. 35

SCENE: MBS car park, afternoon. 37

SCENE: MBS main gate, afternoon. 38

SCENE: MBS car park, afternoon. 39

SCENE: outside the MBS main entrance, afternoon. 39

SCENE: MBS parking lot, afternoon. 40

SCENE: outside the MBS main entrance, afternoon. 40

SCENE: MBS parking lot, afternoon. 41

SCENE: In the MBS location van, noon. 42

SCENE: MBS atrium, afternoon. 42

Act 2 - Part 3. 43

SCENE: MBS Announcer's makeup room, afternoon. 43

SCENE: MBS Newsroom, evening. 45

SCENE: MBS Announcer 1 Team office, evening. 45

SCENE: MBS 3F lift lobby, evening. 46

SCENE: Hotel exterior, evening. 47

SCENE: Hotel room, evening. 47

SCENE: MBS radio studio, evening. 50

SPLIT SCENE: Hotel room / Convenience shop, evening. 52

SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, evening. 53

SCENE: MBS Announcer 1 Team office, night 54

SCENE: MBS main entrance, night 55

SCENE: MBS main lobby, night 56

SCENE: Restaurant exterior, night 57

SCENE: Restaurant, night 57

SCENE: Private club in Gangnam, night 59

SCENE: Restaurant upper deck, night 61

SCENE: Private club in Gangnam, night 63




Act 2 - Part 1




SCENE: Hyung-Chul's villa, morning







SCENE: Hyung-Chul's villa, morning


Hyung-Chul is talking with his father on his mobile phone -- set on speaker mode -- as he dresses for work.


Hoe-Jang.......... You can't assume that any Director's vote is in the bag.


Hyung-Chul....... I know.


Hoe-Jang.......... What's your plan to build a coalition on the Board?



Hyung-Chul ties the knot in his tie as he replies ...


Hyung-Chul....... I don't have one. I won't compromise my vision for the company's future to buy a few votes.



Hoe-Jang tries to persuade his son to be more flexible.


Hoe-Jang.......... If you're going to succeed as CEO, you must be willing to cut deals to advance your position.


Hyung-Chul....... If that is what you consider success, then I'm not the same kind of person as you.


Hoe-Jang.......... Some elders on the Board see you as immature and idealistic. You need to convince them otherwise.


Hyung-Chul....... Someone showed me that it's not wrong to be idealistic. That it's worth fighting for your dreams.


Hoe-Jang.......... (frustrated) You can't make your dreams into reality, if you don't have the majority vote to win CEO!



But the father's advice falls on deaf ears.


Hyung-Chul....... Then maybe I'm not cut out to be CEO.


Hoe-Jang.......... Why come back, if you didn't really want this job and the responsibilities it carries?


Hyung-Chul....... I thought I made that clear.


Hoe-Jang.......... Son, I hardly consider that to be a sensible ...


Hyung-Chul....... Don't press, Father. We agreed I'm here solely on my own terms, remember?


He takes his suit jacket from the hanger and slips it on.



Hoe-Jang.......... Yes. I agreed, thinking you would eventually see things differently.


Hyung-Chul....... You mean, see them your way?


Hoe-Jang.......... I mean -- respecting your grandfather's legacy.


Hyung-Chul makes a final inspection in the mirror as he buttons the jacket.




Hyung-Chul....... I don't mean disrespect, but times have changed. I'm looking forward, not back, to a new legacy.


Hoe-Jang.......... Your mother would ...



The mention of his mother touches a sore spot with Hyung-Chul, and he retaliates furiously ...


Hyung-Chul....... Don't speak of Mother to me! You, of all people, have no right!


Hoe-Jang.......... Yes, but ...


Hyung-Chul abruptly shuts off further discussion ...


Hyung-Chul....... I'm hanging up now. I have to get to the office.


Hoe-Jang.......... (sternly) We'll discuss this again, later, when you ...


Hyung-Chul....... Bye.



Hyung-Chul picks up his phone and closes it with a sharp snap.


Then, staring at the phone, he exhales a long sigh ...




SCENE: Outside Hyung-Chul's villa, morning


A few minutes later, Hyung-Chul descends the steps to the outdoor car park, briefcase in hand.


His face is drawn -- still brooding over the argument with his father -- and what he will say when they next meet.


At the bottom of the stairway, he finds Su-Jin waiting in the car park.




She waves enthusiastically when she sees him.


Su-Jin............... (cheerfully) Good morning!



As the morning has hardly been going well, he responds crossly ...


Hyung-Chul....... What are you doing here?


She ignores his peeve, smiling as she explains.


Su-Jin............... I was passing by on my way to the office. You said you'd take up my offer 'another time'.


Hyung-Chul....... I did.


Su-Jin............... It's a beautiful day for a drive with the top down. I thought today might qualify?



He looks up. The morning sky is clear, with a dappling of white clouds.


She delivers her final appeal with a flick of her eyes and a raised eyebrow.


Su-Jin............... Want to give it a spin? ... Hmmm?



Hyung-Chul gazes at the red BMW Z3, tempted.


The memories it invokes, of a time when he was his own person, without the corporate burden, appeals again.


Looking back at Su-Jin, he laughs, his dark, haggard expression replaced by a youthful zeal for adventure.


Hyung-Chul....... Why not?




SCENE: Inside Woo-Jin's car, crossing a bridge, morning


Sun-Mi is riding to work with Woo-Jin in his Matiz.




Woo-Jin............ You should have waked me, and I'd have driven you home.


Sun-Mi.............. Your mom sent me ... She didn't tell you?


Woo-Jin............ Mom was asleep before I got up.


Sun-Mi.............. Oh? Then she hasn't talked with you?


Woo-Jin............ No. About what?



Sun-Mi gazes out the side window, recalling Jin-Suk's declaration ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16, in Woo-Jin's house



Jin-Suk............. It's time that you and Woo-Jin got married. ... I've already picked the date ...





Sun-Mi.............. Your mom saw me come out of your room, dressed like that.


He immediately grasps their predicament.


Woo-Jin............ You explained to her, right?


Sun-Mi.............. She wouldn't listen. You know how your mom thinks ... "men and woman alone together" and all that


Woo-Jin............ Did she scold you?


Sun-Mi shakes her head.


Woo-Jin............ Then what?



Sun-Mi's expression turns cryptic.


Sun-Mi.............. She's surprisingly modern-thinking in her attitude these days.


Woo-Jin............ What does that mean?


Sun-Mi.............. Actually, it didn't bother her to know that we'd slept together.


Woo-Jin............ Except we didn't do anything but sleep.


Sun-Mi.............. She believes what she believes.


He sighs.


Woo-Jin............ Did Mom say anything else?



Sun-Mi nods seriously.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes. A lot ... I'll tell you everything, after you come back from your trip, okay?


She flashes a disarming smile, telling him not to worry.



He glances over at her and chuckles.


Woo-Jin............ Okay. We'll talk after I get back.




SCENE: Inside Su-Jin's car, city street, morning


Hyung-Chul is driving the Z3 with Su-Jin in the passenger seat.


This early in the morning, traffic is light on the city's boulevards, and the car purrs smoothly as they tool along.




Watching Hyung-Chul enjoy himself, Su-Jin smiles, pleased her plans had worked out so well.


Su-Jin............... How do you like it?


Hyung-Chul....... Sweet. It brings back memories of London. A different feeling.


Su-Jin............... For me too. Driving in the open air creates a sense of freedom ...


While talking, she casually lifts her left foot, bending her knee, the movement riding her short skirt back into her lap.


Su-Jin............... I feel that anything goes, all limits are off, you can do anything you desire ...




Hyung-Chul tries to keep his eyes on the road, but can't completely ignore the generous display of smooth, trim thigh.


Su-Jin hears his breathing quicken, and sees his hands grip the steering wheel tighter, knuckles turning white.



Having gotten his attention, she grasps the stiletto heel of her pump, pulling it off while she explains ...


Su-Jin............... These new shoes are a bit tight ...


She flexes her foot, rotating the ankle as she continues ...


Su-Jin............... Still, I love the style, and how good they make my legs look ...



Concluding her 'spontaneous' stretching exercise, Su-Jin arches her foot and slips the shoe back on.


Her purpose accomplished, she lowers her leg.


She had broken his cool reserve. Perhaps, with a slight push, she might stoke a fire ...



Su-Jin............... Tell me, what do YOU think?


She ends the question there, objectless and ambiguous, a baited lure.


But Hyung-Chul declines to bite.


Hyung-Chul....... Eh ... about what?


She smiles.


Sun-Mi.............. Of course ... what I was talking about. If you could do anything you wanted, what would it be?


Hyung-Chul....... Right now, I'm doing what I want. I don't need anything more.


She scoffs ...


Su-Jin............... What happened to your dream of someday making it big, singing and playing your guitar?


Hyung-Chul....... That never had a real chance of happening.


Su-Jin............... You should have tried, anyway. I followed my dream, and succeeded. You might've, too.


Hyung-Chul....... But I did. I just followed a different dream.


Su-Jin............... And how did that work out? Has pursuing it brought you fulfillment? Or frustration?


Hyung-Chul doesn't answer, silently considering his long, fruitless wait for Sun-Mi ...



Su-Jin............... Life offers more than one chance to live out our dreams. We just have to take the risk.


Hyung-Chul....... (warily) What are you suggesting?


Su-Jin............... Start with something small ... easy.


Hyung-Chul....... Such as?


Su-Jin............... Like, taking a detour, and showing up late at the office for once ...


Her voice takes on a sultry tone.


Su-Jin............... There's a more 'scenic' route we could drive instead. How about it?



A smile curls his lips, and Su-Jin thinks her appeal has worked.


Then the smile fades, and Hyung-Chul's eyes narrow as a determined expression sets on his face.



Suddenly he floors the accelerator pedal. The 2.5 L, in-line 6 roars in response as the RPMs wind up.


Surging forward with a burst of speed, the car takes off, zooming down the street.




SCENE: Inside Woo-Jin's Matiz, MBS car park, morning


Woo-Jin turns his blue Matiz into a parking space in the MBS surface car park and taps the brakes.


The car slows, rolling to a gentle stop.




He looks over at Sun-Mi, and their eyes connect.


Woo-Jin............ We're here.


She smiles back with appreciation.


Sun-Mi.............. Thanks for the ride today. Now, about your trip ...


He gently nips her concern in the bud.


Woo-Jin............ Don't worry about me. I have this covered now.


Sun-Mi.............. Are you sure?


Woo-Jin............ I won't go out drinking with the crew. Not one single drop. I'll swear on the Bible, if you want.


Relieved, she smiles.


Sun-Mi.............. You don't have to go that far. I trust you, even after what happened yesterday.


Her affirmation surprises him.


Woo-Jin............ You do?


Sun-Mi.............. Because you're sincere about doing better, right?


Woo-Jin............ Sure.


He laughs uncomfortably, and drops the topic.


Woo-Jin............ Shall we go in?


She nods and smiles.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes.




SCENE: Inside Su-Jin's BMW, MBS car park, morning


At the main gate, a loud rumbling announces another arrival ...


Hyung-Chul wheels the red BWM to an empty parking slot, and brakes hard to a head-snapping stop.


He cuts the motor, and holds out the keys for Su-Jin.


Hyung-Chul....... (curtly) Here.



With the engine noise and the wind in the open cockpit, they had hardly spoken a word in the intervening time.


She looks over at him, amused.


Su-Jin............... That's all you have to say?


He drops the keys into her open palm.


Su-Jin............... You must have set a record! What's the rush?



Hyung-Chul....... I didn't want to be late for achieving my dream ...


He unclips his seatbelt, preparing to get out.


Hyung-Chul....... Thanks for the chance to drive, but let's NOT do this again.


Su-Jin............... But, my offer was for both ways.


Hyung-Chul....... I think I've had enough with one.


He reaches for the handle, and pops the door latch.



Thinking quickly, Su-Jin tries to salvage her situation ...


Su-Jin............... Hyung-Chul ... Wait ... I'm sorry.


He pauses, but doesn't turn to look at her.


Su-Jin............... Riding in the car, with you at the wheel ... I slipped back into old habits ...


She sighs, reminiscing fondly.


Su-Jin............... I really do miss our time in London. Even if it wasn't real for you, it was, for me.


Raising her hand, she points to her temple.


Su-Jin............... It's easy to make a promise up here ...


Then she pats over her heart.


Su-Jin............... But it's not so easy, following through here. The heart is the problem.


Her confession prompts a memory ...




FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 6, when Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi had a picnic at the MOCA in Gwacheon]



Sun-Mi points to her temple.


Sun-Mi........ It's very obedient here, but not here.


She pats her chest, over her heart.



Sun-Mi........ The heart is the problem.





He turns to look at Su-Jin, now more sympathetic.


Hyung-Chul....... I think I can understand that.


Su-Jin............... I know I was out of line. It won't happen again ... Well, I'll do my best, to keep that promise ...


She adds a smile to her apology.


Su-Jin............... Are we okay?


After a moment's thought, Hyung-Chul nods.


Hyung-Chul....... Let's go in. (laughs) I was serious about being on time!


Su-Jin............... Er ... could I have a hand?


Hyung-Chul....... Huh?


She looks down sheepishly.


Su-Jin............... Earlier, at your place ... I almost took a tumble.



It clicks in his head ... her micro skirt and sky high heels ...


Hyung-Chul....... Ah ... Sure.




SCENE: MBS car park, morning


Sun-Mi closes her car door and takes a step.


Then she notices Hyung-Chul alight from a red BMW and retrieve his briefcase from the back 'seat'.


Recognizing the car as Su-Jin's, she stops to watch.



Circling the Z3, Hyung-Chul opens the door for Su-Jin, reaching to assist her.


She thanks him with a warm smile as she swings her legs out.




From a distance, Sun-Mi gapes with disbelief ...





Taking Hyung-Chul's hand, Su-Jin smoothly rises from the car seat and pivots 180, turning back to close the door.


Pausing to admire the sleek roadster, she asks him ...


Su-Jin............... Want to get one for yourself?


He laughs.


Hyung-Chul....... (joking) Why should I, when I can drive yours?



She smiles happily, reaching in to fetch her bag from the back.


Su-Jin............... Call any time, and we'll go together. Okay?


Hyung-Chul....... I might just do that.


Bag in hand, she faces him again.



Hyung-Chul....... Ready to go in?



But she tilts her head to the side, scrutinizing him.


Su-Jin............... Just a moment. Something's not quite right.


He looks back at her, unsure.


Hyung-Chul....... What is it?


Su-Jin............... This ...


She reaches out to adjust his tie, then smiles approvingly.


Su-Jin............... Perfect! Now, let's go.




Seeing these blatant seductions first hand, Sun-Mi is certain Su-Jin has more than friendship as her objective.


Sun-Mi.............. What is Senior doing? Is he blind to that hussy?


Hearing her, Woo-Jin looks over and sees Hyung-Chul with Su-Jin, and then Sun-Mi's reaction.



Sun-Mi clenches the handle of her bag tighter, sets her chin forward, and starts to march off toward the other car.


Sun-Mi.............. I'll give that shameless minx a piece or two of my mind!



Woo-Jin quickly rounds the car to head Sun-Mi off, putting a restraining hand on her shoulder.


Woo-Jin............ Don't do it, Sun-Mi.




As they stroll toward the entrance together, Su-Jin slides her hand around Hyung-Chul's arm.


When he looks at her, she postulates ...


Su-Jin............... Sometimes, a woman needs the security of a man's strong arm, to keep her steady.


He chuffs a quick laugh, but nods agreeably.




Held back by Woo-Jin, Sun-Mi is reduced to shooting flaming arrows with her eyes at her new rival.




SCENE: MBS building main lobby, morning


Preceding Hyung-Chul through the revolving door into the lobby, Su-Jin again is instantly recognized.


As they walk side-by-side, every pair of eyes is riveted, following their progress toward the lifts.




As he greets people, Hyung-Chul takes note of their unusual expressions and responses.


An empty lift is waiting, doors open ...




SCENE: MBS car park, morning


Meanwhile, outside in the car park, still upset, Sun-Mi turns on Woo-Jin ...


Sun-Mi.............. Why did you stop me?!


Woo-Jin............ What good would making a scene do?


Sun-Mi.............. I'd wake Senior up to her scheming. Like I should have done for you!


Woo-Jin............ What are you talking about?


Sun-Mi.............. That night, outside your studio building, when Young-Mi was flirting with you?


Her question draws a blank look.


Sun-Mi.............. Don't you remember? ... Young-Mi claimed to have something in her eye ...



FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 2, outside Young-Mi's apartment building]



Young-Mi.... Something got in my eye.



Woo-Jin...... Now I know why so many people take pictures of women looking in mirrors.


Young-Mi.... Why? Am I pretty?


Woo-Jin...... Yup, You are.


Young-Mi.... Ouch � it�s still in there.


Woo-Jin...... Let me ...





Sun-Mi.............. I saw right through her ploy, but I didn't want to make a scene, and embarrass you.


She sighs.


Sun-Mi.............. I've always regretted holding back. Maybe things wouldn't have gone so far with you and Young-Mi.


Woo-Jin............ You don't know that, so don't blame yourself. It was my choice alone.



His answer only raises her hackles ...


Sun-Mi.............. Because you let yourself be blinded by a sad story and a pretty face! That's why!


She glares at Woo-Jin, her voice rising with her ire.




Sun-Mi.............. Why are men attracted to such skanky women? ... So disappointing!




SCENE: Inside the lift car, MBS building, morning


Su-Jin looks to Hyung-Chul, who is holding his hand poised over the lift's control panel.


Su-Jin............... Ten, please.


At the questioning rise of his brow, she elaborates ...


Su-Jin............... I'm meeting with Director Kim, about his program.



Hyung-Chul presses the 10F button.




As the doors slide shut, he speaks up ...


Hyung-Chul....... Is it always like this? Everyone staring?


She laughs lightly.


Su-Jin............... Yes. But after awhile, you hardly notice.


Hyung-Chul....... It doesn't bother you?


Su-Jin............... I know I should say something appropriately humble, but I like being the center of attention.


Hyung-Chul....... (critically) Yes, you always were somewhat of a showoff.


Su-Jin............... You disapprove? Why can't I enjoy my success?


Hyung-Chul....... Being successful is not the issue, but the attitude.


Su-Jin............... I've sacrificed, spent a lot of time and money, and work hard each day to look like this.

....................... Why shouldn't I be proud of my accomplishment?


Hyung-Chul....... It's just at times, you seem to be trying too hard for approval.



Affronted by his remark, she frowns, replying stridently ...


Su-Jin............... I'm a celebrity, why deny it? That doesn't make me prideful, just realistic of how I'm perceived.

....................... When I walk into a room, people notice. They like to look at me, and want to be like me.


Then her voice lowers, softening with perceptible emotion.


Su-Jin............... Is that so wrong, to want to be liked?



Glancing toward Su-Jin, he sees the ache in her eyes, and strikes a different tone ...


Hyung-Chul....... That's not what I meant. Perhaps we just see differently.


He looks back, into his storeroom of memories, thinking of Sun-Mi as he goes on ...


Hyung-Chul....... The woman I like is attractive, though not a striking beauty, and modest about her appearance.

....................... When she walks into a room, she could be anyone ... But when she smiles ...




Hyung-Chul....... It's as if a bright spotlight comes on, shining out a captivating charm that radiates happiness.

....................... People don't just like her, they love her and want to be with her.


He smiles to himself as he reflects ...


Hyung-Chul....... A woman like that, I'd devote my life too ... If she would accept me, that is.



Su-Jin looks at him, unsure ...


Su-Jin............... This perfect woman, is she a real person?


Hyung-Chul chuckles uneasily, averting his eyes, self-conscious about sharing his feelings directly.


The lift chimes sounds at they near F10, precluding his answer.



The doors open, revealing several people waiting to board.



Su-Jin and Hyung-Chul step off, and start walking down the corridor toward the executive offices.


Su-Jin............... What time do you want to meet in the car park tonight?


Hyung-Chul appears puzzled, so she clarifies ...


Su-Jin............... When I offered my car -- I really did mean both ways.


Hyung-Chul....... I have a late meeting. I'll take a cab.


Su-Jin............... No problem. I have work to do, too, putting everything in order.


When he doesn't make further evasions, she concludes ...


Su-Jin............... Text me the time. I'll be waiting.




SCENE: MBS car park, morning


Meanwhile, Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin move toward the building entrance as they continue their dispute ...


Sun-Mi.............. First you, and now Senior, too? Am I just unlucky when it comes to men?




Sun-Mi.............. Or are all men such idiots?



Seeing her steaming up like a pot about to boil over, Woo-Jin tries to quench the fire.


Woo-Jin............ I get it. You're jealous he came to work with her, aren't you? That's what this is about.



Sun-Mi looks away, glowering -- his accusation holds a kernel of truth -- which she fruitlessly tries to deny ...


Sun-Mi.............. I'm NOT jealous!


Woo-Jin............ Then why react like this? Don't you trust Director Yoon?


Sun-Mi.............. I thought I did. But now, I'm not so certain.


Woo-Jin............ He's a handsome, wealthy man. It never crossed your mind that women would chase after him?


Sun-Mi.............. Yes, but ...


Woo-Jin............ Either trust him, or always be worrying another woman will snatch him away. Which will it be?



Sun-Mi ponders the challenge only briefly, but the evidence leads to only one answer ...



FLASHBACK [Scenes from various episodes]




Hyung-Chul. After 1 year, 2 years, 10 years, 20 years, I want to be there for your birthdays.




Hyung-Chul. You bring hope to me. I hope I'll bring you happiness.




Hyung-Chul. I'll wait for you ... I promise ...





Sun-Mi.............. Of course I should trust Senior. He's always been good to me ... But ...


Worry clouds her face again ...


Sun-Mi.............. Su-Jin was his girlfriend before. What if she was still in his heart, but he thought she'd never return?


Her brow furrows as her worry continues.


Sun-Mi.............. It wasn't as if he was dishonest with me. Maybe it IS True Love that brought them back together.



She stops walking, her eyes widening as the implications hit home.


Sun-Mi.............. But if Su-Jin is Senior's One True Love, then what am I to him?


A queasiness begins roiling her stomach and her voice falters ...


Sun-Mi.............. I ... must be ... nothing ... right?


Suddenly lightheaded, everything is spinning.


Grimacing, Sun-Mi groans softly as she bends forward, clutching at her stomach.



Woo-Jin immediately grabs Sun-Mi before she loses balance, holding her securely.


Woo-Jin............ (anxiously) Sun-Mi! Are you all right?


She looks up at him blankly, in a daze, not comprehending.


Woo-Jin............ Should I call an ambulance?



Recovering a bit, she shakes her head, murmuring ...


Sun-Mi.............. No need ... I'm fine ... just ... need to sit ... a moment ...


Woo-Jin............ Can you walk?



He puts his arm around her shoulders, and she takes a few unsteady steps.


Sun-Mi.............. (weakly) Thanks.



But her seeming improvement relapses ...


Sun-Mi's face blanches, her eyes roll back, and she goes limp ...




Act 2 - Part 2




SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, morning


Hyung-Chul arrives at his office reception, where his secretary, Miss Lee, is already at her desk.


When she sees him, Miss Lee stands and bows in a formal greeting.


Miss Lee........... Good morning, Director.




Hyung-Chul....... Good morning. Any calls?



Miss Lee........... Yes. The Chairman called 20 minutes ago.


Hyung-Chul....... Oh?


Miss Lee........... He asked why you weren't in your office, so I told him you were in a meeting offsite.


Hyung-Chul....... You didn't have to do that.


Miss Lee........... But this is the first time you texted to inform me you'd be late, but not where you were.


Unaccustomed to being criticized by a subordinate, he unthinkingly cuts back.


Hyung-Chul....... (sharply) Is that a big deal?



She takes a moment to weigh her response, then speaks directly ...


Miss Lee........... Sir, it's embarrassing. Not knowing your whereabouts makes me appear negligent as your assistant.

....................... Although I'm just a secretary, I have pride in my work, and want to do my best every day.



Chastened, Hyung-Chul recants.


Hyung-Chul....... I'm sorry ... I'll be more considerate in the future. You did nothing wrong.


Miss Lee........... Thank you.


She looks up, relieved.


Miss Lee........... The Chairman requested you call immediately on your return.



He checks his watch.


Hyung-Chul....... Don't I have a meeting in ten minutes?


Miss Lee........... Yes, with Manager Kim Sun-Dal. In Conference 3A. The briefing is on the table, with coffee.


He smiles appreciatively at his assistant's efficiency.


Hyung-Chul....... Miss Lee, I don't know where I'd be without your help. You're remarkable!


She lowers her eyes, blushing from his unusually lavish praise.


Miss Lee........... Just doing my job, Sir.



He winks conspiratorially.


Hyung-Chul....... Then, just between us, I haven't returned to my office yet, okay?


She smiles back.


Miss Lee........... Yes, Director.




SCENE: MBS patio, morning


Sun-Mi is seated at one of the outdoor umbrella tables on the patio.




Woo-Jin approaches with a bottle of water from the vending machine. He opens the bottle, handing it to her.


Woo-Jin............ Here.


She swallows some water.


Sun-Mi.............. Thanks.


Woo-Jin............ Feeling better?


Sun-Mi.............. Yes.


She flashes a smile.


He smiles back.


Woo-Jin............ It's good to see your smile. When you fainted, for a moment you had me scared.


Sun-Mi.............. Sorry I made you worry. Did I really look that bad?


Woo-Jin............ Your face was white like the dead. You're sure you don't want to see a doctor?


Sun-Mi.............. There's no need. I was just a bit nauseous, that's all. Nothing serious.


He looks at her dubiously.


Woo-Jin............ You've had these 'spells' for about three months now, and they're getting worse, not better.


Sun-Mi.............. I'm fine... really ...


She stands up, to convince him she is back to normal.


Sun-Mi.............. See? There's nothing wrong with me now ... Let's go in.



But Woo-Jin takes out his mobile.


Woo-Jin............ You go first. I need to make a phone call.


Sun-Mi.............. All right. When are you leaving?


Woo-Jin............ After lunch.


She smiles and waves.


Sun-Mi.............. (perkily) See ya later!



Sun-Mi turns and walks away, deliberately putting a spring in her step to show he needn't be concerned.


Woo-Jin watches her off, still unconvinced despite her effort.



He flips his phone open and punches in a number, then puts it to his ear.


After three rings, the call switches to voice mail ...


Female voice..... (V.O.) The person you are calling is not available. Please leave a message.


Woo-Jin............ Mom? ... I'll call again later ...




SCENE: MBS main entrance lobby, morning


Young-Mi strides through the MBS main lobby, ignoring the people around her as she heads for the lifts.




A few seconds later, Sun-Mi enters the lobby, cheerfully greeting people as she passes them, also headed for the lifts.


She sees the doors on one closing, and takes off running.


Sun-Mi.............. Hold it please!



Recognizing Sun-Mi's voice, Young-Mi pushes the Door Close button to spite her.


Sun-Mi arrives just as the doors shut. She sees Young-Mi inside the car, glaring out at her.





SCENE: MBS Conference room, morning


Hyung-Chul and Sun-Dal are meeting in a conference room.


Sun-Dal............ Did you hear the news?


Hyung-Chul....... What news?


Sun-Dal............ Director Park collapsed in his office and was taken to the hospital, in serious condition.


Hyung-Chul....... (surprised) When did this happen?


Sun-Dal............ About half an hour ago -- maybe forty-five minutes.


Hyung-Chul....... How did you hear so quickly?


Sun-Dal............ Joo-Hee's father called her a few minutes ago, during our morning staff briefing.

....................... Didn't your father call you?


Hyung-Chul....... He called my office, but I hadn't come in yet.



Sun-Dal sips his coffee thoughtfully.


Sun-Dal............ This is good news. With Director Park off the Board, that's one less vote against you.


Hyung-Chul....... Still, I don't take pleasure in this, despite it's an opponent. It must be devastating for his daughter.


Sun-Dal............ Park Su-Jin? ... I heard that she's employed at MBS now.


Hyung-Chul....... Yes, with Director Kim's new program.


Sun-Dal's eyes widen.


Sun-Dal............ She's working with Kim? Against you? Still carrying a grudge after all these years?



Hyung-Chul's jaw tightens.


Hyung-Chul....... (sharply) It seems the past is never forgotten, even between friends.


Sun-Dal............ Sorry, I just ...


Hyung-Chul brushes it off.


Hyung-Chul....... Never mind. Actually, I met with Su-Jin, and we've put the past behind us.


Sun-Dal............ You have? Good!


He calculates mentally ...


Sun-Dal............ If her father dies, then Su-Jin will control 10% of MBS either directly or by proxy, right?


Hyung-Chul....... Actually, it's 11.5%.


Sun-Dal............ What're you going to do?


Hyung-Chul....... Huh?


Sun-Dal............ She could be the swing vote on the Board. You have to court her vote.


He snaps his finger as an idea comes to him ...


Sun-Dal............ Why not really court her? If you marry, then you've got her vote in the sack!



Hyung-Chul chuckles at the double entendre as he mentally contrasts Su-Jin with Sun-Mi ...




But then he wonders if Sun-Dal was actually serious.


Hyung-Chul....... Do you really think Su-Jin is my type?




SCENE: MBS Main Floor lift lobby, morning


As Sun-Mi waits for another lift, she wonders if Young-Mi's deliberate act is the first shot of an all-out war.




Sun-Mi.............. (aloud, to herself) What was I thinking last night, going after her like that?


She recalls her confrontation with Young-Mi ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16, at a bar]


Young-Mi.... I'll give you everything. Just let me have Director Yoon ...


Sun-Mi........ Give up, Young-Mi!


Young-Mi.... I can't. I can't give up. I've bet everything on Winning Director Yoon.

................. I can't stop here. If I stop, it's the end.


Sun-Mi........ There's no such thing as "can't stop". You just don't want to stop.



Young-Mi.... Tell me you're backing down


Sun-Mi........ Up to now, I didn't know why you and I always had to fight.

................. But now I think I know. I'm going to make you stop!





The lift chime sounds, and the doors slide open.

Sun-Mi steps into the empty car and presses 3F.


As the doors slide closed, she mulls over her vow to oppose Young-Mi ...


Sun-Mi.............. How am I going to stop her? And why should I? Senior can date, or marry, anyone he chooses.

....................... Especially now ...



Thinking back, she remembers again the surprising turn of events last night, and her aunt's rigid insistence ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16, in Woo-Jin's living room]



Sun-Mi.............. Aunty, it's not like it looks!


Jin-Suk............. As the Good Book says, "the mind is willing, but the flesh is weak" ...

....................... I'm not judging you. It's what happens when a man and a woman are alone together.




Sun-Mi.............. But nothing happened. You have to believe me!


Jin-Suk............. If not this time, next time. Or the time after. I know how it goes.

....................... You and Woo-Jin need to get married as soon as possible ... I've chosen the date, two weeks from Sunday ...





Sun-Mi.............. (aloud, to herself) I have to stop clinging to Senior like this. I have no reason to be in his life now.


She sighs.


Sun-Mi.............. We need to cut things off, finally. But how? Every time I say we're through, he refuses to listen.



Her brow creases as she ponders the situation ... then a light comes into her eyes ...


Sun-Mi.............. He listens to my program every night. What if I do it there?


She smiles to herself, as she pieces a plan together.


Sun-Mi.............. If I can find the right reading ...



The lift chime sounds, interrupting her ruminations.



The doors slide open, and Sun-Mi steps out of the car.




SCENE: MBS Camera Team office, morning


Woo-Jin comes into the office, carrying a video camera.


Another man is there, checking his camera. he looks up when he hears Woo-Jin enter.


Colleague......... Hey, Romeo!


The designation puzzles Woo-Jin.


Woo-Jin............ What are you talking about?


Colleague......... That announcer, Jin Sun-Mi, was here to see you again.


Woo-Jin............ Huh?


Colleague......... (jokingly) Are you dating all the announcers now?


Woo-Jin............ (irritated) Just cut the crap, and tell me what she wanted.


Colleague......... She left that ...


He points to a vending cup of coffee on the table ...


Colleague......... Said she couldn't wait, had a meeting.



Woo-Jin picks up the cup and sees it was on top of a handwritten note.


He picks up the note to read ...


Sun-Mi.............. (V.O. cheerfully) Woo-Jin -- Just wanted to have coffee before you left -- Sun-Mi



A grin comes to Woo-Jin's face with fond thoughts of Sun-Mi and her sunny, encouraging smile ...




Noting Woo-Jin's grin, his colleague pipes up again ...


Colleague......... Well, are you dating her, or not?



Woo-Jin looks at the man with a scowl ...


Woo-Jin............ What's it to you?


Colleague......... If you're not, can you hook me up? She's a real cute chick.


Woo-Jin............ (growling) Forget it! She's definitely not your type!


Colleague......... (chuckles) So I was right about you and her, then ...




SCENE: MBS Announcer 1 Team office, morning


Sun-Dal walks into the announcers' office and drops a set of car keys onto Joo-Hee's desk.




Kyung-Hee and Ki-Jong are by their desks, talking.


Sun-Dal turns toward them.


Sun-Dal............ Joo-Hee has to change her brakes.


He walks over to join them as Young-Mi enters the office and checks the fax machine.


Sun-Dal............ Her brakes are worn.


Ki-Jong............. Then why didn't you replace them?



Kyung-Hee sips from a water bottle as she listens in.


Young-Mi is also listening as she gets a cup for water from the dispenser.



Sun-Dal............ (joking) I wanted to go out with her and scold her.


He gestures toward Joo-Hee's desk as Ki-Jong laughs.


Sun-Dal............ Did she go somewhere?


Kyung-Hee looks over her shoulder at Sun-Dal.


Kyung-Hee........ She said she was going to train Sun-Mi.


Young-Mi suddenly stops filling her cup with water.



Sun-Dal............ Then will Sun-Mi make the 9 o'clock news?


Kyung-Hee and Ki-Jong look at Sun-Dal with surprise ...


Kyung-Hee........ Really?

Ki-Jong............. Really?


Sun-Dal............ There's only one month left. Though Sun-Mi can't do it with her current skills ...


Young-Mi looks on with alarm.




Sun-Dal............ If Joo-Hee trains her for a month then couldn't she do it for one season?


Worried, Young-Mi turns and leaves the office.




SCENE: MBS classroom, morning


Sun-Mi and Joo-Hee are seated at a table in one of the training classrooms.


Joo-Hee............ Now this line looks really long, right?


Sun-Mi.............. Yes.


Joo-Hee............ Don't let it scare you.


Sun-Mi nods.


Joo-Hee............ Just split it up where it makes sense. Watch.



Sun-Mi is listening intently.


Joo-Hee............ The subject is the building of the dam. What? The government will build a dam.




Young-Mi watches jealously through the door lite.


Joo-Hee............ They will execute their plans. Why? To secure water. Where?


Young-Mi stalks off angrily.




SCENE: MBS, rooftop, morning


On the rooftop, Young-Mi paces in circles.



Young-Mi.......... Not Sun-Mi! She can't do it ... Sun-Mi can't!




SCENE: MBS corridor, late morning


Hyung-Chul is walking down a corridor, when his mobile rings.


He takes it from his jacket, flips it open, and sees the caller ID before he answers.


Hyung-Chul....... Yes, Announcer Huh?


Young-Mi.......... Director, I hope I'm not imposing, but do you have a few minutes?


Hyung-Chul....... Yes. Should I come to your office?


Young-Mi.......... Er ... no. I'm on the atrium balcony.




SCENE: MBS atrium balcony, late morning


Hyung-Chul joins Young-Mi at the balcony railing.


Young-Mi greets him with a respectful dip of her head.


Young-Mi.......... Thank you for coming out, Director Yoon. Do you have an appointment over lunch?


Hyung-Chul....... No. Why?


Young-Mi.......... I'd like a do-over on that reward you promised, if possible.




Hyung-Chul....... Okay. Any place in particular?


She smiles.


Hyung-Chul....... Last time I chose, and it was a disaster. You choose this time.




SCENE: MBS main lobby, late morning


Jo Cho-Jeh is waiting in the MBS main lobby, watching the stream of people going coming and going.




She smiles when she sees a familiar face, and calls out loudly ...


Cho-Jeh............ Sun-Mi! Over here!



Hearing her name, Sun-Mi looks in that direction and waves back.


Picking up her pace, she hurries to where her friend is standing.


Sun-Mi.............. Sorry I'm late.


Cho-Jeh............ It doesn't matter, as long as you're buying.


They both laugh.



Cho-Jeh looks past Sun-Mi, puzzled.


Cho-Jeh............ Isn't that Young-Mi, with Director Yoon?


Sun-Mi turns to look.


Young-Mi is walking with Hyung-Chul toward the main entrance, nodding her head and smiling as they talk.



Instantly, Cho-Jeh's instinct for gossip kicks in ...


Cho-Jeh............ She seems pretty chummy with the Director. Is something going on?


Sun-Mi.............. It's nothing. They're work colleagues, can't they have a conversation?


Young-Mi and Hyung-Chul exit through the lobby doors.



Cho-Jeh............ Huh ... Doesn't it concern you?


Sun-Mi smiles weakly.


Sun-Mi.............. Let's go. I'm famished!


Sun-Mi grabs Cho-Jeh's arm and drags her toward the side entrance, where she won't be seen by Hyung-Chul.


Cho-Jeh............ Where are we going? That noodle place again?




SCENE: CREAM Cake House, noon


Young-Mi is eating lunch with Hyung-Chul at a popular Gangnam cafe.


Young-Mi.......... You made a good choice. The food is delicious!


Hyung-Chul....... What did you want to discuss?


Young-Mi.......... It's rather sensitive, so please, don't misunderstand my motives as personal.

....................... I'm only concerned about the Announcer Team, and the Company.


Hyung-Chul....... Of course.


Young-Mi.......... It has to do with Sun-Mi.


Hyung-Chul....... Oh?


Young-Mi.......... There's complaints that she's receiving special treatment.


Hyung-Chul....... Because of me? Wasn't that settled long ago?


Young-Mi.......... Now it's Senior Yoo and Manager Kim.


Hyung-Chul....... In our business, there are always rumors and petty jealousies. It's better to ignore them.


Young-Mi.......... But your reputation of opposing nepotism at MBS is at stake.


Hyung-Chul....... How so?


Young-Mi.......... It's not widely known, but Manager Kim is a close friend of Sun-Mi's father. If that came out ...


She pauses for dramatic effect ...


Young-Mi.......... It would be a scandal for the Announcer Team, and could damage your image with the Board.



A frown briefly crosses Hyung-Chul's face.


Hyung-Chul....... It may be as you say, or perhaps there are good reasons for what people perceive as favoritism ...


Young-Mi dips her head meekly.


Hyung-Chul....... So don't jump to conclusions prematurely.


Young-Mi.......... Of course. I'm just giving you a heads-up. Besides, Sun-Mi is a friend, too.


Hyung-Chul....... Honestly? Even with being at odds with her over Kim Woo-Jin?


Young-Mi.......... Actually, I'm trying to change and follow your advice.


Hyung-Chul....... I'm glad you feel that way now.


She smiles.


Young-Mi.......... It's because I look up to you as an example, someone I can put my trust in.




SCENE: Noodle restaurant, noon


Sun-Mi and Cho-Jeh are at a table for two, next to a window overlooking the street.


Cho-Jeh is occupied with her lunch, but Sun-Mi is gazing into empty space, her mind somewhere else.


Cho-Jeh............ Hey! I thought you were famished.


Sun-Mi sighs.


Sun-Mi.............. I guess I don't have much appetite today.



Cho-Jeh takes the last noodles from her bowl with chopsticks.


Cho-Jeh............ (animatedly) This is so good!


Sun-Mi watches Cho-Jeh as she shoves the noodles into her mouth.


Sun-Mi.............. Why did you say there was something going on between Young-Mi and Senior?


Cho-Jeh............ (mumbling with her mouth full) Didn't you hear the news?


Sun-Mi.............. What news?


Cho-Jeh............ Director Kim has a new cultural program, and tried to recruit Young-Mi as the host.



Skeptical whenever Cho-Jeh claims a big scoop, Sun-Mi challenges her ...


Sun-Mi.............. Where did you hear this?


Cho-Jeh............ From the mouth of Young-Mi herself, of course. She was boasting with her usual arrogance.


Sun-Mi.............. Did she accept it?


Cho-Jeh............ According to Young-Mi, Director Yoon begged her to stay on Eve's Morning, and gave her a reward.



This piques Sun-Mi's interest ...


Sun-Mi.............. Reward? Did she say what?


Cho-Jeh............ (teasingly) Ah! ... So you are concerned!



Sun-Mi thinks back, to Young-Mi's previous intentions ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 10, at the MBS 20th Anniversary celebration]


Young-Mi.... I wanted to be MBS's main announcer, but today, I realized that it could be changed.

................. Joo-Hee's our boss now, but someday it�ll be me. And then it�ll be someone else, right?



Young-Mi.... However, the owner of Mun-Yung will never be replaced ...





FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 14, in the hotel Eve's Morning team celebrates norabang]


Young-Mi.... I need to talk to you.



Hyung-Chul. It's late. Why don't we talk about it tomorrow?


Young-Mi.... I'm sorry, but it's important ...





FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16, in the bar]


Young-Mi.... I can't. I can't give up ...



Young-Mi.... I've bet everything on Winning Director Yoon!





Sun-Mi.............. Only because this wouldn't be the first time she's tried to snag him in her claws!



Zeroing in on a potentially juicy target, Cho-Jeh's instinctual radar pings ...


Cho-Jeh............ Ooh! ... Then my suspicions are true! ... What've you've been holding back?


Sun-Mi realizes that she has said too much already to her gossipy friend.


Sun-Mi.............. Er ... It's nothing, really.


Cho-Jeh eyes Sun-Mi dubiously ...


Cho-Jeh............ So first Young-Mi was clawing for the Director, but now it's nothing?



Sun-Mi's impenetrable gaze tells Cho-Jeh she will get no more information at this time.

Her nose for incipient scandal thwarted -- for now -- Cho-Jeh returns to her other passion ...


She motions with her chopsticks at Sun-Mi's untouched bowl.


Cho-Jeh............ Are you going to eat?


Sun-Mi dispiritedly shakes her head.


Cho-Jeh reaches into Sun-Mi's bowl with her chopsticks, and lifts out some noodles.


Cho-Jeh............ Then you won't mind if I finish yours, too?




SCENE: MBS car park, afternoon


Hyung-Chul brakes to a stop in the main gate car park.


Hyung-Chul....... We're here.


He shuts off the engine.


Young-Mi.......... Thanks again for the lunch.


Hyung-Chul....... It's nothing.


They both take off their seatbelts, and open the car doors to get out.




SCENE: MBS main gate, afternoon


Returning from lunch, Sun-Mi and Cho-Jeh are walking through the gate toward the main entrance.



Sun-Mi.............. It was good, right?


Cho-Jeh............ Yep. It was good, and it was free too ...


She smiles contentedly.


Cho-Jeh............ Oh yeah, I heard you're in the next season. Did you get a program promotion?


Sun-Mi.............. Why? Are you wondering where Jin-Soo is going?


Cho-Jeh............ No, no.


Sun-Mi looks at Cho-Jeh.


Sun-Mi.............. No? Don't lie.


Cho-Jeh looks over at Sun-Mi.


Cho-Jeh............ I'm really not.


Sun-Mi.............. Everyone knows you two are seeing each other.


Cho-Jeh............ They know?


She stops walking.


Cho-Jeh............ Who knows? Why would they care? We're nobodies.


She looks slyly at Sun-Mi.


Sun-Mi hits Cho-Jeh's arm with her elbow, smiling at her.


Sun-Mi.............. Silly girl. Congratulations.


Cho-Jeh smiles back at Sun-Mi.


Cho-Jeh............ Thanks.


They laugh together.



Then Sun-Mi sees Woo-Jin waiting in the MBS van.





SCENE: MBS car park, afternoon


Young-Mi is walking beside Hyung-Chul as they cross through the car park.


Young-Mi.......... Director Kim's new program is a direct challenge against you becoming President, right?


Hyung-Chul....... (noncommittally) So it seems.


Young-Mi.......... I doubt he'll find anyone to take his offer. All the announcers are loyal to you, right?


Hyung-Chul....... We're not fighting a civil war. If it is a good opportunity, a person should step up and do it.


Young-Mi.......... I know you have to speak for the Company, but I hope we have no traitors among us.


Hyung-Chul....... 'Traitor' is a strong word, Miss Huh.


Young-Mi.......... Yes, but it's what I consider anyone helping your rival ...



Young-Mi stops short, staring.


Hyung-Chul looks first at Young-Mi, then in the direction of her eyes ...


Together, they watch as Sun-Mi approaches the van with Woo-Jin inside.




SCENE: outside the MBS main entrance, afternoon


Sun-Mi taps on the van's side window to get Woo-Jin's attention.


He turns to look, but gives no other response.


Cho-Jeh waves as Sun-Mi takes a lipstick from her coat pocket and writes on the window ... "Cheer up!"




Cho-Jeh motions for him to "pep up" as she and Sun-Mi giggle.




SCENE: MBS parking lot, afternoon


Watching the scene between Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin unfold, Hyung-Chul appears resigned, but Young-Mi feigns shock.


Hearing her gasp, Hyung-Chul turns to see Young-Mi wiping 'tears' from her eyes.


He pats her shoulder consolingly.




SCENE: outside the MBS main entrance, afternoon


Woo-Jin smiles at Sun-Mi and Cho-Jeh.


Then the driver starts the van, and starts moving.



As the van drives away, Cho-Jeh is amazed at her friend's savvy move ...


Cho-Jeh............ Wow, that was smooth. I have a new respect for you.


Sun-Mi laughs.


Sun-Mi.............. I saw it in a comic book.


Cho-Jeh smiles.


Cho-Jeh............ I knew it.



Then the incongruity of Sun-Mi's flirting with Woo-Jin strikes her ...


Cho-Jeh............ But what about the girl Woo-Jin was going to marry? And how about Director Yoon?



Sun-Mi looks away, then back with a cryptic expression ...




Sun-Mi.............. Let's go.



She walks on as Cho-Jeh, stunned by the implications, calls after her ...


Cho-Jeh............ Why? Then are you giving up on Director Yoon? You can't. If you are, then give him to me!




SCENE: MBS parking lot, afternoon


Young-Mi is also watching the van drive off, as Hyung-Chul stands beside her, watching Sun-Mi go inside.


She notices his clenched fists, the only visible sign that Sun-Mi's public show of affection toward his rival disturbs him.



Young-Mi.......... What you said about giving love and letting go? In reality, it's hard to do ...


She looks at him probingly, urging an answer.


Young-Mi.......... How can you bear it so readily?



Keeping his feelings to himself, Hyung-Chul curtly disregards the question ...


Hyung-Chul....... I'm going in. Stay here until you feel better.


Reversing tack, she smiles tepidly.


Young-Mi.......... I think I'm okay now.



They start off together, walking toward the MBS entrance.


Young-Mi.......... I'll make an appointment for the dress fitting. When are you free?


Hyung-Chul....... Most evenings are open.


Young-Mi.......... Okay. I'll send you a text.


Hyung-Chul....... Good. We'll meet at the boutique then?


Young-Mi.......... Yes. Thank you.




SCENE: In the MBS location van, noon


Riding in the back seat of the van, Woo-Jin rereads what Sun-Mi wrote on the window.




He smiles to himself as he reflects on Sun-Mi's encouraging attitude and bright smile ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16, by the MBS entrance]



Sun-Mi........ "Cheer up!"






SCENE: MBS atrium, afternoon


On her way to the Announcer Team office, Sun-Mi takes a call as she passes through the atrium.


Sun-Mi.............. Aunty? ... Sure, I have a minute.


She stops walking to listen, then argues back ...


Sun-Mi.............. I haven't even told Daddy about the wedding plans yet! Only two weeks to prepare is impossible!



Walking up behind Sun-Mi, Young-Mi stops when she hears this, and quickly steps behind a column to eavesdrop.




Sun-Mi.............. What if Woo-Jin decides not to go ahead with this? Then picking out a dress is a waste of time!

........................ Aunty, honestly, I really don't want to get married now! There's no need to rush!


As she listens to her aunt, Sun-Mi sighs, realizing her protest is futile ...


Sun-Mi.............. Yes, I made an appointment at Kay Kim's for the fitting. Tomorrow night, at eight ...



She checks her watch, and frowns.


Sun-Mi.............. I gotta go, Aunty. I'll text the directions, in case you can make it. Bye!


She flips her mobile closed, then trots off, heels clicking on the terrazzo.



Young-Mi steps out from behind the column, arms folded, watching Sun-Mi leave the atrium.


Young-Mi.......... (quietly to herself) How interesting ... Marrying Kim Woo-Jin?


A devious smile curls her lips.


Young-Mi.......... I think there's someone else who should share in the happy news, too ...



She takes her mobile from her purse, opens it, and taps in a number.


Female voice..... (V.O.) Good evening. This is Kay Kim boutique. May I help you?


Young-Mi.......... I'd like to make an appointment. Tomorrow night, 8:30 ...





Act 2 - Part 3




SCENE: MBS Announcer's makeup room, afternoon


Joo-Hee is finishing up in the makeup room when Young-Mi walks in and sits down next to her.


Young-Mi.......... Joo-Hee, I'm sorry. Please forgive me.


Joo-Hee looks at Young-Mi curiously.




Young-Mi.......... I've really been depressed lately.

....................... I'll really consider your advice to become more human before becoming an anchor.


Joo-Hee's expression is frozen as she regards her subordinate suspiciously.


Young-Mi.......... But I'm so sad and envious that you seem to be favoring Sun-Mi more than me. Do you know how I feel?


Joo-Hee............ How can you still have those jealousies?


Young-Mi.......... Still ... I trust in you like an older sister. You know that I have no one else. But Sun-Mi ...



Joo-Hee interrupts, knowing that Young-Mi is about to bring up Sun-Mi's relationship with Hyung-Chul.


Joo-Hee............ OK, I got it ...


She starts to gather her things.


Joo-Hee............ You don't have to go that far. I have to go since I have work to do.



Joo-Hee gets up in a huff and walks away.


Watching her leave, Young-Mi sighs, irked that her effort to sway Joo-Hee had failed, and begins plotting her next move.





SCENE: MBS Newsroom, evening


Later that night, Young-Mi and Sun-Dal anchor the Seven O'clock News ...



Sun-Dal............ In other news, notable industrialist and philanthropist Park Ki-Wong died this afternoon at age 69.

....................... Park was President and Chairman of PK Financial, one of the country's largest investment firms.


Young-Mi.......... Mr. Park was a major benefactor of Seoul's performance arts and arts educational institutions,

....................... and recently established the Song Mi-Sook Arts Endowment Fund, in honor of his late wife.


Sun-Dal............ Next up, the evening weather report ...




SCENE: MBS Announcer 1 Team office, evening


Working at her desk in the announcer's office, Joo-Hee types on her laptop PC.


Joo-Hee............ (sighs) All done.



From her desk, Sun-Mi looks up at Joo-Hee, curious.



Sun-Mi.............. What are you doing?


Joo-Hee turns toward Sun-Mi.


Joo-Hee............ For the magazine editors. They're curious what the life of a female anchorwoman is like ...



Returning from the news studio, Young-Mi arrives at the office door.

When she hears the conversation inside, she stops, out of sight, to eavesdrop.




Joo-Hee............ I have no talent in writing. I don't know why I get so many requests.


Sun-Mi.............. Wow. That's really cool.


Sun-Mi gets up from her desk and walks over to Joo-Hee's desk as Young-Mi listens from outside the doorway.


Joo-Hee............ What are you still doing here?


Sun-Mi leans over Joo-Hee's desk to look at the article.


Sun-Mi.............. I have some research to do overnight. I also have the radio recording to do.

....................... And I have to review the Cultural clips we made.


Joo-Hee............ It must be hard. Good luck.


Sun-Mi.............. Senior, should I check your grammar and spelling?


Joo-Hee is pleased by Sun-Mi's offer.


Joo-Hee............ Would you? ... Nah. You have work to do.


Sun-Mi.............. I can finish my work tonight and look at this early in the morning.


Sun-Mi chuckles, happy to be in her Senior's good graces.


Jealous of Sun-Mi's increasing rapport with Joo-Hee, Young-Mi angrily storms off.




SCENE: MBS 3F lift lobby, evening


Hyung-Chul is riding in a lift as it stops at the 3rd floor.


The doors open.


He presses the door close button, but just as they slide together, he sees Sun-Mi walking by, and reopens the doors.




On her way to the radio studio, she is engrossed in a book of poems titled "Burying My Face In Tears".


Hyung-Chul steps out of the lift and follows Sun-Mi, who is unawares.




SCENE: Hotel exterior, evening





SCENE: Hotel room, evening


Entering his hotel room, Woo-Jin drops his luggage inside the door, and sits on the bed.




Alone, with nothing to do -- and a promise to not drink -- he mulls over what had happened last night ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16, in Woo-Jin's bedroom]


Sun-Mi.............. I'll show you! I can be that kind of woman Young-Mi is for you, too!




Sun-Mi.............. How do you see me now? ... I'll go as far as I have to, until you accept me, too!


Woo-Jin............ It's not Young-Mi who I'm drinking to forget ... it's you ...






He reflects on the conversation that led to their sharing his bed to sleep ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16, in Woo-Jin's bedroom]


Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin sit on his bed as they talk ...


Woo-Jin............ I didn't want you give up your True Love for me, so I denied my feelings, and pushed you away.


Sun-Mi.............. Don't worry. I'll keep my promise to help you.


Woo-Jin............ Why not seek your own happiness? Go back to Hyung-Chul.


Sun-Mi.............. I'm afraid it's too late ...


Tears well up as she gives in to her emotions.


Sun-Mi.............. Senior is with Park Su-Jin now. Woo-Jin ... it hurts so much, I feel like I'm going to die!


He moves closer to embrace her comfortingly.


Woo-Jin............ However things turn out, I'm certain we'll work through this together, somehow ... I promise.



Resting her head against his shoulder, she sobs freely in his arms.

When her tears are spent, she speaks gratefully ...


Sun-Mi.............. My intention was to help you, but you're the one helping me.

....................... Thank you for being the one person I can always trust to be in the right place, at the right time.


Woo-Jin............ Thank you for understanding, and not rejecting my feelings.


She sighs.


Sun-Mi.............. Why is love so difficult?



Woo-Jin............ It's late. You have work tomorrow. Go home and sleep.


But she is reluctant to leave.


Sun-Mi.............. Do you mind? Can I stay here tonight?


Woo-Jin............ You can use my room. I'll sleep on the couch.


Sun-Mi.............. The way I feel right now, I don't want to be alone. Would you stay for a while?


Woo-Jin............ Okay. But just until you sleep ...






But instead of leaving, he'd fallen asleep with her.


Woo-Jin chastises himself aloud ...


Woo-Jin............ It was my fault. What did mom say to her, that she wouldn't tell me?



He looks over at the phone on the bedside table, then reaches to pick up the handset ...




SCENE: MBS radio studio, evening


After following Sun-Mi to the radio broadcasting studio, Hyung-Chul watches through the studio observation window.


Sun-Mi is at the microphone, reading aloud from a book ...




Sun-Mi.............. During the months since I broke up with you,

....................... I couldn't let my heart settle and I was really confused.

....................... After the meeting with you, you were the one

....................... who made me realize the world is beautiful.

....................... You made me appreciate my life and myself...



Listening, Hyung-Chul has the feeling that she is reading this especially to him.




Sun-Mi.............. I learned to be thankful for being born.

....................... Just as much as I loved your heart, I love the people of this world.

....................... Even if I see one flower on the side of the road,

....................... I think of all the times I spent with you.

....................... The days I rested my head on your shoulder,

....................... the days we sat by the ocean watching the sunset,

....................... I really loved those times together...


The more he hears, the heavier her words weigh in his heart.


Sun-Mi.............. This spring will be a spring apart from each other, right?



Sadness and longing cloud Hyung-Chul's face as he considers how apt those words are.


Sun-Mi.............. This glow will be a knife that stabs my memory.


Unable to listen further, Hyung-Chul takes a last look at Sun-Mi, and turns away.



Sun-Mi.............. I beg for you to be happy. Goodbye.




Hyung-Chul walks off slowly, pondering Sun-Mi's words, and their complicated relationship.





SPLIT SCENE: Hotel room / Convenience shop, evening


Meanwhile, Woo-Jin is talking on the hotel room phone to his mother ...


Woo-Jin............ What did you say to Sun-Mi this morning?




Jin-Suk............. We talked about the situation last night.


Woo-Jin............ Did she tell you that nothing happened?


Jin-Suk............. Like 'nothing happened' with Young-Mi ... until it did?


Woo-Jin............ Mom! It's not the same. Listen to me!


Jin-Suk............. I don't want to hear any more! You've caused enough problems already.


Woo-Jin............ What does that mean?



Exasperated, she exhales a short, sharp breath.


Jin-Suk............. It means that you and Sun-Mi are going to marry as soon as possible.


Woo-Jin............ Mom! Don't force Sun-Mi into this!


Jin-Suk............. Who's forcing anyone? Sun-Mi told me she'd considered this herself.

....................... She's choosing her wedding dress tomorrow.


Woo-Jin............ What about me? Don't I have a choice?


Jin-Suk............. You made your choice last night! Sun-Mi is a person with old-fashioned sensibilities.

....................... After sharing your bed, who else can she honestly marry now?




SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, evening


Seated at his desk, Hyung-Chul replays Sun-Mi's reading on her program in his mind.


He remember the expression on her face as she said them ...



FLASHBACK� [Previous scene from this episode, in the radio recording room]


Sun-Mi.............. This spring will be a spring apart from each other, right?

....................... This glow will be a knife that stabs my memory.



Sun-Mi.............. I beg for you to be happy.

....................... Goodbye.





He recalls another time ... when she had asked him to remember her expression and words, also solemnly spoken ...



FLASHBACK� [Scene from Episode 06, at Yuldong Lake]


Sun-Mi.............. Kim Woo-Jin, I beg for you to be happy ...



Sun-Mi.............. You really have to be happy.





Comparing the similarity, he comes to a conclusion ...


Hyung-Chul....... This can't be coincidence. Sun-Mi did this deliberately, knowing I'd be listening.


Slowly, as he contemplates, the realization chills his heart.


Hyung-Chul....... Is she telling me ... that we're through?




SCENE: MBS Announcer 1 Team office, night


Coming back to the Announcers' office after her news broadcast, Joo-Hee finds Young-Mi and Sun-Mi at their desks.


Joo-Hee............ You're both still here?


Sun-Mi turns in her chair.


Sun-Mi.............. I just finished broadcasting my radio show.


Young-Mi looks up from her computer.


Young-Mi.......... I'm drafting some segments to use on next week's Eve's Morning programs.


Joo-Hee............ Oh? Isn't that the writers' job?


Young-Mi.......... They're 'Missing Children' follow ups. Director Yoon asked specifically that I prepare them.


She flicks her eyes at Sun-Mi, with a smug smile.



Sun-Mi firmly meets Young-Mi eyes, and counters ...


Sun-Mi.............. Senior asked everyone to draft some of their segments. It's not just you.



Young-Mi frowns at Sun-Mi's deliberate use of 'Senior' to emphasize her close relationship.


Sun-Mi turns back to Joo-Hee, and smiles warmly.


Sun-Mi.............. Senior, how was the broadcast?


Joo-Hee............ Pretty routine ... the usual.


She sighs.


Joo-Hee............ It's a slow week. Without any major lead stories, our instapoll-rankings were down another 2 points.



Young-Mi.......... The Seven O'clock News went up two points today, and five for the week, without hot lead-ins.


She looks over at Joo-Hee with a smirk.


Young-Mi.......... Senior, is it true? I heard rumors the news lineup may be changing next season.


Both Joo-Hee and Sun-Mi stare at Young-Mi for the audacity to directly challenge her Senior's position.



Offended, Joo-Hee marches over to her desk without another word.


Grabbing the strap of her office bag, she shoulders it and starts back toward the door.


But as she passes Sun-Mi's desk, she stops and turns back.


Joo-Hee............ Sun-Mi?


Sun-Mi looks up, surprised to be addressed.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes?


Joo-Hee............ Do you have time to go with me for a drink?



When she hears this, Young-Mi stops typing on her laptop and scowls.


But Sun-Mi is all smiles.


Sun-Mi.............. Sure. Let me get my bag.


She reaches down to pick up her bag from under the desk, and then stands.


Joo-Hee............ Ready?


Sun-Mi.............. Yes.



As the two walk out together, Young-Mi glares at Sun-Mi's back. When they are out of earshot, she fumes jealously ...


Young-Mi.......... You want to lift up Sun-Mi above me? Not if I stop you first!




SCENE: MBS main entrance, night


After work, Hyung-Chul comes out of the MBS lobby's revolving door, prepared to hail a cab for home.


He sees Su-Jin's car parked outside the entrance.


She is standing by the car, wearing a different dress from that morning.




Hyung-Chul is surprised ... with the announcement of her father's death, he hadn't expected Su-Jin would be there.



Seeing him, she smiles and waves.


Su-Jin............... Finally, you came out!


Hyung-Chul....... I heard about your father, and feel for your loss. Why are you here?


Su-Jin............... There's nothing I can do for my father now, but I made a promise to you.


Hyung-Chul....... You waited all this time? I'm sorry.


Su-Jin............... Being sorry is meaningless, when standing here half the night has left me famished!


He laughs.


Hyung-Chul....... Where do you want to eat?


Su-Jin............... Since you're buying, someplace expensive and elegant seems appropriate.


She tosses him the car keys.


Su-Jin............... You chose. Let's go.




SCENE: MBS main lobby, night


Sun-Mi and Joo-Hee are walking together through the main lobby.


Joo-Hee............ What cocktails do you like?


Sun-Mi.............. I'm not sure. I usually just drink wine or beer.


Joo-Hee............ Let me introduce you to some of my favorites then.


Sun-Mi appears dubious at drinking hard liquor.


Sun-Mi.............. Er ... okay, Senior.



They push through the double doors together.


Outside, Hyung-Chul is just driving away in Su-Jin's car.


When Sun-Mi sees them, she freezes, staring after the car.



Noticing Sun-Mi stop, Joo-Hee turns her head to look, but doesn't see the car.


Joo-Hee............ Sun-Mi? Are you all right?



Shaking off her stupor, Sun-Mi flashes a weak smile.


Sun-Mi.............. I felt a bit off for a moment, but I'm fine now.


Joo-Hee............ You're sure? You look peaked.


Sun-Mi smiles wider.


Sun-Mi.............. Actually, I'm looking forward to those introductions you mentioned. Shall we go?




SCENE: Restaurant exterior, night


Su-Jin and Hyung-Chul are at ON River Station, a fine dining restaurant located in Gangnam-gu's Han River Park.





SCENE: Restaurant, night


Finishing their dinner, they talk over coffee ...




Su-Jin............... My father? I hadn't spoken with or seen him since my mother's funeral last year.


Hyung-Chul....... Then, you weren't aware of his recent health problems?


Su-Jin............... No, but he was never upfront about his personal matters.


Hyung-Chul....... Then this was a surprise to you?


Su-Jin............... Actually, it's a relief. Father was alcoholic, with a violent temper when he drank ...



She gazes out the window, at the lighted ramp leading onto the floating restaurant.


Su-Jin............... He made Mother's life a daily misery, though she tried to hide it from me.


With a troubled expression, she looks back at Hyung-Chul.


Su-Jin............... Still, despite everything, I loved my father. I don't know why.


Hyung-Chul....... There's a natural bond between parents and children, that exists despite circumstances.


Su-Jin............... All I wanted was to please him, to have his approval and love ... but I was never good enough ...


Tears are rolling in her eyes as she unloads her burden.


Su-Jin............... (angrily) He always demanded more ... and better ... How I hated him at times!


Hyung-Chul....... I can understand. My Mum was like that, too, always pushing for perfection.


Su-Jin............... But now ... I'll never know, if some day, he might've said I'd done well ... and was proud of me.



A sob bursts from her throat. Embarrassed, she buries her face in her hands so he can't see her tears.


Hyung-Chul....... Go ahead, cry if you want to.


He waits while she sobs quietly, until she composes herself again.


Su-Jin............... I ... I'm sorry. I didn't want you to see me like this.


Hyung-Chul....... It's all right.


He holds out his handkerchief for her.


Hyung-Chul....... Here ... Dry your tears.


Su-Jin............... Thanks.


She takes the cloth and dabs her cheeks.



Hyung-Chul....... What are your plans now?


Su-Jin............... With Father gone, I'm on my own, except a distant uncle in the United States I've never met.


Hyung-Chul....... No friends?


Su-Jin............... I lost contact with schoolmates long ago. And with modeling, I was always on the move.


She smiles hopefully.


Su-Jin............... Which makes me glad that Fate brought us together again ...




SCENE: Private club in Gangnam, night


Sun-Mi and Joo-Hee are seated at a table in a high-class club frequented by Seoul's chaebols.


Sun-Mi.............. Wow! This place is so elegant!


Joo-Hee............ Hyung-Chul never brought you here before?


Sun-Mi.............. No. He says since I'm old-fashioned, I wouldn't be a good drinking partner.


Joo-Hee smiles.


Joo-Hee............ Let's see if we can change that tonight, okay?


Hearing this, Sun-Mi's lips curl into a grin.


Sun-Mi.............. Do you think so?



A middle-aged waiter, dressed in black tuxedo, delivers their drinks.


Waiter.............. I hope everything is to your satisfaction, Miss Kim. How is the Director's health?


Joo-Hee............ He's quite well, thank you.


The man bows respectfully.


Waiter.............. Enjoy, Ladies.



After he leaves, Sun-Mi speaks up.


Sun-Mi.............. It looks like you come here often.


Joo-Hee............ (jokily) Yeah ... Probably too much.


Curious, Sun-Mi looks at the cocktails.


Sun-Mi.............. What was it you ordered?


Joo-Hee............ A Perfect Manhattan.


Sun-Mi.............. And for me?


Joo-Hee............ A Whiskey Daisy. It's sweeter and not too strong, for beginners. I think you'll like it.



They bring their glasses together in a toast.




Sun-Mi.............. Cheers!

Joo-Hee............ Cheers!


Joo-Hee sips from her glass, then looks over to watch Sun-Mi.


Sun-Mi takes a tentative taste.


Joo-Hee............ Don't be afraid.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes.


Aware Joo-Hee is testing her, she boldly gulps down a full mouthful ...


The alcohol burn in her throat immediately makes her gag. Quickly, she covers her mouth to muffle her coughs.



Joo-Hee smiles humorously.


Joo-Hee............ Too strong?



Red-faced, Sun-Mi chokes out a reply ...


Sun-Mi.............. Er ... no ... I just had to clear my throat.



Joo-Hee raises a bemused eyebrow.


Joo-Hee............ Good. I'll order the next one stronger, then.


Gritting her teeth, Sun-Mi nods as she braves another swallow.



Joo-Hee............ I'm curious ... how did you meet Hyung-Chul in London?


Glad for a respite from having to drink, Sun-Mi sets down her glass.


Sun-Mi.............. There's not much to say. I was crossing the street, and he knocked me down with his car.


Joo-Hee's eye widen with surprise.


Joo-Hee............ He did that?


Sun-Mi.............. I wasn't hurt badly, just a few bruises.


She smiles wistfully as she thinks back to that fateful summer.


Sun-Mi.............. But how Senior tells it, it wasn't his fault, but Fate, because our paths had crossed before.


Joo-Hee nods knowingly.


Joo-Hee............ Third time is charm? Right?


Sun-Mi.............. Yes! How did you know?


Joo-Hee............ Because I grew up with Hyung-Chul, I know everything about him ...


With a wry smile, she tips her glass and drains it, then goes on, her voice tinged with regret.


Joo-Hee............ Too much, actually, as he tells it.


Sun-Mi.............. It must be hard for you, to talk about him in front of me.



Then Joo-Hee leans closer, as if sharing a secret ...


Joo-Hee............ Actually, you're probably the only person I can say these things to.


Incredulous, Sun-Mi wonders if Joo-Hee is serious.


Sun-Mi.............. Why is that?


Joo-Hee............ Since you also love him, I know you can understand my feelings.


She motions toward Sun-Mi's half-empty glass.


Joo-Hee............ Drink up, and I'll order another round.




SCENE: Restaurant upper deck, night


After dinner, Su-Jin and Hyung-Chul go up to the restaurant's upper deck, overlooking the Han River.




Su-Jin............... Smoke?


Hyung-Chul....... Sure.



He takes his cigarette case from his jacket, and opens it for her, then takes one for himself, and puts the case back.

Flicking his lighter open with his thumb as she puts her cigarette to her lips, he lights hers first, then his.


They both lean on the railing, looking down at the murky water, contemplating their own thoughts.


After a few puffs, she speaks up.


Su-Jin............... I'm sorry for imposing on you tonight.


Hyung-Chul....... Not at all. A person has to open up with someone. You can't keep it all bottled inside.


Su-Jin............... Although it's only been a few days, I feel closer to you now than from all the time we spent before.


Hyung-Chul....... Oh?


Su-Jin............... Perhaps it's because we're older, and more experienced, we see things differently now.


Hyung-Chul....... What do you mean?


Su-Jin............... Back then, in London, I never imagined you in a suit, preparing to take over your family's business.


Hyung-Chul....... Yes, my goals have changed since then. And yours?


Su-Jin............... I suppose now I'm following you, with responsibility soon to be resting on my shoulders, too.


Hyung-Chul....... Your father's business?


Su-Jin............... His will stipulated everything goes into a trust, then to me at age 29. That's six months from now.


Hyung-Chul....... And, until then?


Su-Jin............... First, I have a contract with MBS to fulfill for the next season. And second ...



She gazes out across the river, at the lights on the far bank, as she continues ...


Su-Jin............... At the hospital today, I had time to think, and a lot to think about. The past ... and the future ...


She taps her cigarette to knock off the ash from the tip.


Su-Jin............... What I'm trying to say ... About that woman you described this morning? The perfect one for you?



He takes a drag and exhales a long plume of smoke.


Hyung-Chul....... That was just a figure of speech. What about it?



Su-Jin turns and faces him.


Hyung-Chul casually flicks the ash off the end of cigarette and turns his head to look at her.


She smiles hopefully, lowering her eyes demurely for a moment.


Then she looks up again, directly into his eyes, and declares boldly ...


Su-Jin............... I want to become that woman to you ...




SCENE: Private club in Gangnam, night


Sun-Mi and Joo-Hee are continuing their conversation over drinks in the club.


Joo-Hee............ So, which is your favorite? The Daisy? Old Fashioned? Margarita? Or this one?




Sun-Mi takes another sip from her Cosmopolitan, tilting her head to the side as she ponders the question ...


Sun-Mi.............. Actually, I'm glad that I met them all.


She giggles tipsily.


Sun-Mi.............. So ... how about introducing me to one more, hmm?


Joo-Hee laughs.


Joo-Hee............ I think we've both had enough. Let's finish these and call it a night, okay?



Smiling, Sun-Mi nods agreeably.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes ... But first, Senior, I have a question. I hope you don't take it wrong.


Joo-Hee............ Go on.


Sun-Mi.............. Why did you ask me out tonight?


Joo-Hee............ Actually, I thought we could get to know each other better, not only as colleagues, but friends.


Sun-Mi.............. I'd like that, too.


Joo-Hee............ And because we're both a bit drunk, we can be honest with each other, right?


Sun-Mi.............. (nodding) Mmm ...


Joo-Hee............ So as a friend, let me give you some honest advice ...


She sips from her drink.


Joo-Hee............ Don't become like me, living your life for love, wallowing in a bar, drowning your regrets.


Upending her rocks glass, she drains the remainder, then sets the empty tumbler down.


Joo-Hee............ Trust your heart to a man who loves you, not to the man you love.

....................... I made that mistake, and have only the scars on my heart to show for it.


Sun-Mi.............. Are you talking about Senior?


Joo-Hee............ Do you think it's a coincidence that Park Su-Jin has appeared with him again, at this particular time?


Sun-Mi.............. She claims its Fate that brought them back together.


Joo-Hee............ Fate? I suppose she'd think that, as an unwitting character in a tragic play.


Sun-Mi.............. What play? What are you talking about?


Joo-Hee............ I was left the fool when the curtain came down on Act 1, years ago in London.

....................... And if the plot repeats itself, yours will be the same fate when Act 2 closes here.


Sun-Mi.............. Senior, you're speaking in puzzles.


Joo-Hee............ Am I? Then I'll speak directly ...



She peers into the dregs of her Whiskey Sour like a fortune teller gazing into her glass ball.


Joo-Hee............ We both love a man who is incapable of returning that love, because love has no meaning for him.

....................... His parents' failed marriage left an unhealed wound, a deep void in the center of his heart.

....................... When someone gets too close, rather than face the truth with them, he sets up a diversion to avoid it.



It takes a moment for Sun-Mi's alcohol-addled brain to make the connection ...


Sun-Mi.............. Park Su-Jin? He's using her again, because he wants to break up with me, too?


As the possibility that what Joo-Hee is saying is true sinks in, Sun-Mi struggles to accept it.


Sun-Mi.............. This makes no sense! Senior is not that kind of person, who would do this to me.



Joo-Hee............ It's not because he wants to, but because he sees the alternative as worse.


She looks directly into Sun-Mi's eyes, to show her sincerity.


Joo-Hee............ Spare yourself the heartache and regrets I've endured, and avoid my fate ...


Taking both of Sun-Mi's hands in hers, she appeals ...


Joo-Hee............ End things with Hyung-Chul -- now -- before it's too late!







To Be Continued...