All About Eve 'Uncut' -- A Spring Apart

by AAEfanatic


Episode 17B


Act 3 Part 1. 1

SCENE: Seoul hospital corridor, night 1

SCENE: Seoul hospital staff offices, night 2

SCENE: Jeju resort hotel corridor, night 2

SCENE: Seoul hospital corridor, night 3

SCENE: Jeju resort hotel corridor, night 3

SCENE: Seoul hospital corridor, night 4

SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night 5

SCENE: Seoul hospital corridor, night 5

SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night 7

SCENE: Sun-Mi's hospital room, night 9

SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night 10

SCENE: Sun-Mi's hospital room, night 11

SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night 12

SCENE: Sun-Mi's hospital room, night 14

SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night 16

SCENE: Sun-Mi's hospital room, night 17

SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night 18

SCENE: Sun-Mi's hospital room, night 20

SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night 22

SCENE: Sun-Mi's hospital room, night 29

SCENE: Helicopter cabin, night 29




Act 3 Part 1





SCENE: Seoul hospital corridor, night


[ Dramatic, fast-paced music ]


[ Sound of four ascending chimes ]


Female voice..... (V.O.) Code Blue. Room 13-041 ...


[ rapid footsteps and rumbling wheels ]



Responding to the code, EMTs jog down a corridor, pushing a medical crash cart.




SCENE: Seoul hospital staff offices, night


[ Dramatic, fast-paced music continues ]


[ hurried staccato clacking of high heels ]




Running from her office, a woman doctor also responds to the code.




SCENE: Jeju resort hotel corridor, night


Hyung-Chul comes out of his hotel room into an empty, quiet corridor.


[ sound of door closing and latching ]


He walks slowly toward the door of Su-Jin's suite.





SCENE: Seoul hospital corridor, night


[ Dramatic, fast-paced music ]


[ hurried footsteps and rumble of cart wheels ]


Rounding a corner, the crash cart veers to the side, heading toward the wall.


EMT1................ Watch out!


EMT2................ I've got it.


They reorient the cart, and resume pushing.




EMT2................ (grumbling) Why do we always get a call just when it's break time?


EMT1................ Quit complaining!




SCENE: Jeju resort hotel corridor, night


Hyung-Chul stands outside the door to Su-Jin's suite.




He raises his right hand, hesitates, then knocks.


[ rapping sound ]


From inside the room, he hears a muffled invitation ...


Su-Jin............... (V.O.) Come in. It's unlocked.




SCENE: Seoul hospital corridor, night


[ Dramatic, fast-paced music ]


[ clacking of high heels growing louder ]



The doctor appears from an intersecting corridor.


Catching up to the EMTs, she frowns, chastising them.


Doctor.............. Why are you dawdling? Do I need to push, too?



Admonished, the EMTs pick up their pace.




SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night


[ soft melody of recorded music -- Brian Crain's Northern Sky  -- playing ]


Hyung-Chul pushes the door open.


Light from the corridor streams into the dimly lit foyer and sitting area.


He steps inside. Behind him, the door swings shut.


[ sound of door latching ]



Not seeing Su-Jin, he pauses momentarily until his eyes adjust, then goes further in.


To his right, he sees Su-Jin ...


She is waiting the open doorway to the suite's bedroom, silhouetted by the soft glow of the bedside sconces ...





SCENE: Seoul hospital corridor, night


[ Dramatic, fast-paced music ]


[ clatter of hurried footsteps and rumbling of cart wheels ]



The EMTs push the crash cart at a fast jog, with the doctor trailing.



EMT1................ What's the situation, Doctor Jung?


Doctor Jung....... V-Tach. Female, 26. She's recovering from cardiac arrest, and is in an extended coma.


( Editor's note : Ventricular Tachycardia [V-Tach] is a faster than normal heart rate that can lead to a heart attack )



EMT2................ Who's the patient?


The doctor checks her chart.


Doctor Jung....... Her name is ... Jin Sun-Mi.


The EMT is astonished.


EMT2................ Did you say Jin Sun-Mi? The MBS Radio announcer?


Doctor Jung....... Yes ... Do you know her?


EMT2................ Who doesn't know 'Seoul's Goddess of Love'?


EMT1................ (chuckling) You're a fan?


EMT2................ No. My sister listens to Sun-Mi on Musical Postcards  every night.


Doctor Jung....... Humph! ... Who has time for such useless tripe?


EMT2................ (jokingly) Maybe you should make some, Doc, considering how your ...



She cuts him off abruptly with a harsh glare, chiding the pair again ...


Doctor Jung....... Is this the best you men can do? Even a woman in heels can go faster!



Demonstrating her point, she hustles past the EMTs and sprints ahead.



[ high heels clacking loudly ]



Chagrined, the EMTs glance at each other, shrug, then start pushing the cart faster.


They resume a broken conversation, huffing for breath between words ...


EMT1................ Why ... bring that up ... with the Doc?


EMT2................ Gee ... I was only ... offering ... some advice.


EMT1................ Huh? ... Do you have ... a death wish?




SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night


[ soft melody of recorded music -- Brian Crain's Northern Sky  -- playing ]


Hyung-Chul stops when he sees Su-Jin.


She turns to face him, posing in the doorway with a smile both inviting and assured.


He gazes over her feminine form, swathed in gauzy layers of silk chiffon, caressing her curves with his eyes.




Su-Jin approaches with measured steps, placing one tall stiletto precisely in front of the other.


Her fluid motion swirls the gossamer fabric in a shimmery, translucent cloud around her.


Stopping about a meter away, she waits for him to speak.



Hyung-Chul....... I have something to tell you.


Su-Jin............... Me too ... I have something to tell you.



His eyes drift over her shoulder, looking into the bedroom beyond.


Hyung-Chul....... Maybe, it's the same thing?


She smiles beguilingly.


Su-Jin............... First, shall we dance?


She steps forward. Raising her right hand, her left rests on his shoulder.




He takes the outstretched hand and places his right hand on her side in basic closed ballroom position.


Su-Jin nods that she is ready ...



Unfamiliar as dance partners, they start off in a slow, tentative two-step.


Su-Jin............... You're tense ... Relax. Let the music carry you.


Hyung-Chul....... Sorry, I don't dance very often.


She smiles encouragingly.


Su-Jin............... Then we should do this more often.



They continue to haltingly dance, focusing on their steps, in silence ...


[ mellow music continues ]




SCENE: Sun-Mi's hospital room, night


[ Dramatic, fast-paced music ]


[ clacking of high heels becoming louder ]



Well ahead of the EMT's, Doctor Jung bursts through the open doorway of Sun-Mi's room.


Alerted by her footfalls, Woo-Jin meets her halfway, distraught.


Woo-Jin............ Nurse! Sun-Mi can't breathe!


She tries to go around him, but he grabs her by the wrist.


Woo-Jin............ (loud and insistent) She needs a doctor! Now!




With a practiced twist of her arm, Doctor Jung breaks her wrist free from his grasp.


Doctor Jung....... (curtly) I AM a doctor! ...


She glares icily at Woo-Jin.


Doctor Jung....... NOW ... get out of my way!


Surprised by her brusque, authoritative manner, he yields.



Pushing past Woo-Jin, the doctor goes to Sun-Mi and quickly assesses her condition.


Immediately, she begins rapid chest compressions ...





SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night


[ soft melody of recorded music -- Brian Crain's Northern Sky  -- playing ]


Hyung-Chul and Su-Jin are continuing their dance in the dimly lit suite.


They now move smoothly to the music, pivoting slowly with successive steps, swaying with the rhythm ...




With no need to focus on their steps anymore, they converse as they dance ...


Su-Jin............... Thank you for this holiday. The time with you I'll never forget.


Hyung-Chul....... It was meaningful for me, too.


Su-Jin............... I hope I haven't disappointed you.


Hyung-Chul....... Actually, you've been a help. I'm glad you're here.



Turning his head to look at Su-Jin, he notices tears in her eyes.


Hyung-Chul....... Is something wrong?


Su-Jin............... No. Everything is perfectly right ...



They lapse into silence again.


Hyung-Chul slips his hand around her back.


Gradually they draw closer, and Su-Jin rests the side of her head against his shoulder ...



[ mellow music continues ]




SCENE: Sun-Mi's hospital room, night


[ Dramatic, fast-paced music ]


[ quick footsteps and the rumble of cart wheels ]



The EMTs push the crash cart into the room and close to the bed.


Meanwhile, Doctor Jung continues chest compressions on Sun-Mi.




It only takes a few seconds to unpack and connect the sensor leads to Sun-Mi.


The crash cart's monitor comes to life, displaying Sun-Mi's vitals.



EMT1................ BP 90/60. Heart rate 210.


Doctor Jung....... Put her on 15 lpm oxygen.


EMT2 ............... Got it.



The doctor ceases compressions and moves clear.


The EMT secures an oxygen mask over Sun-Mi's mouth and nose.


Opening the valve, he watches the gauge needle move to the prescribed setting.


EMT2................ Oxygen on. 15 lpm.


EMT1................ BP dropping, 87/55. Heart rate increasing, 215.




Doctor Jung....... Inject 150mg amiodarone in the IV.



The EMT locates a syringe in the crash cart drawer and empties it into Sun-Mi's IV tube.


EMT2................ Aminodarone in.



Doctor Jung....... Let's see if her heart stabilizes first. But get the defibrillator ready, just in case.


EMT1................ Yes.




SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night


[ soft sounds of recorded music -- Brian Crain's Northern Sky  ]


Hyung-Chul and Su-Jin are continuing to dance together.


[ music fades ]


They stop but don't separate.


She keeps her head resting on his shoulder.


He embraces her tightly with both arms.



Su-Jin............... (wistfully) If only this moment could go on forever ...



Su-Jin............... But having you hold me for five minutes will have to do.



She raises her head to look at him.


Looking back, Hyung-Chul's eyes fixate on Su-Jin, scrutinizing her intently.


Suddenly self-conscious, she smiles bashfully ...


Su-Jin............... Why are you looking at me like this?


Hyung-Chul....... How else should a man look at a beautiful woman he has in his arms?


Su-Jin............... Is that all I am to you? Nothing more?



Her question prompts a memory in Hyung-Chul's mind, of another night ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16


Su-Jin............... That woman you described ... the perfect one for you?



Su-Jin............... I want to become that woman ...





Hyung-Chul....... Before, what I came here to say -- I'm ready to answer your question.



Su-Jin recalls their conversation on the plane flying to Jeju, and her question ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 17



Su-Jin............... Is this about business, or love?





She lightly pushes away.


He reads her signal and releases her from his embrace, stepping back to put a space between them.


Su-Jin............... Then ... you've made your decision?


Hyung-Chul....... Yes ...




SCENE: Sun-Mi's hospital room, night


[ Dramatic, fast-paced music ]


Gathered around Sun-Mi's hospital bed, the medical team monitors her status.




As the doctor observes Sun-Mi, her thoughts go back to another place and night ...


[ fast music fades ]



FLASHBACK [Scene - Doctor's bedroom]


[ Melody of Brian Crain's Northern Lights begins playing softly ]


Doctor Jung is listening to the radio as she lies in bed.



Sun-Mi.............. Welcome back to "Midnight Musical Postcards" where we travel the road of Life and Love together ...

....................... I am Jin Sun-Mi, and our next card is signed 'Second Sister' in Seoul. She writes ...


[ Light cough ]


Sun-Mi.............. "My True Love is studying overseas to be a heart surgeon, and will return next year.

....................... I worry if he will accept my love, or reject me. I don't think I can live without him.

....................... I cry myself to sleep every night. Otherwise I'm smart, but a fool in love. What should I do?"




She envisions Sun-Mi in the studio, continuing the broadcast of her radio program ...



FLASHBACK [Scene - MBS radio studio]


[ Melody of Brian Crain's Northern Lights playing softly ]


Sun-Mi.............. 'Second Sister', crying dehydrates the body. It's harmful to health. So I never cry over Love.

....................... Instead trust your heart. Express your feelings openly to him. That way you can take a step forward.



Sun-Mi.............. I hope this next song encourages you.


[ music fades ]


Sun-Mi.............. Friends, don't hold back on loving today, fearing your heart may be broken.

....................... A broken heart doesn't stop, but keeps on beating in hope for love tomorrow ...





[ Dramatic, fast-paced music resumes ]


EMT1................ BP 85/50. Heart rate 225.


EMT2................ Doc? The patient is not responding! ... Doc?!


Doctor Jung snaps out of her reverie, back in the present ...



EMT1................ BP 80/48. Heart rate increasing ... 230 ... 233 ...


EMT2................ Should I give her another dose?


Doctor Jung....... No. It's too risky to delay any longer. Prepare the patient for cardioversion ...




SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night


Su-Jin............... (V.O.) You've made your decision?


Hyung-Chul....... (V.O.) Yes ... I've thought seriously about it and ...




Su-Jin............... Let me speak first. After I finish, if you have anything left to say, say it then.


Hyung-Chul....... All right. Go first.


Su-Jin............... Just before you came in, I received a message from Yoo Joo-Hee, to pass on to you.


....................... Apparently you're not answering your mobile, and it was too important to wait any longer.



Hyung-Chul....... What's so important that Joo-Hee would speak to you?


Su-Jin............... It's Jin Sun-Mi. Since her operation, she's been hospitalized ... in a coma.


The news hits Hyung-Chul like a gut punch, leaving him staggered, his face ashen.


Su-Jin............... She's stable for now, but her heart is weak. It's possible she doesn't have long to live.



Hyung-Chul closes his eyes, taking in a long, deep breath.



Su-Jin watches his pallid face worriedly ...


Su-Jin............... Oppa? Are you all right?



Opening his eyes, Hyung-Chul looks back at Su-Jin resolutely.


Hyung-Chul....... I have to go back to Seoul ... tonight.


He takes out his mobile.


Su-Jin............... Don't bother. The last flight left 20 minutes ago. The next leaves tomorrow at 6:30 am.


He looks up at her, surprised that she already had checked.


Su-Jin............... I understand your concern for Jin Sun-Mi, but there's nothing you can do for her now.


She lowers her voice seductively.


Su-Jin............... Why not stay here tonight, with me, and we'll go back as planned in the morning?


But her suggestion falls on deaf ears.


Hyung-Chul....... I'll arrange for a charter. Whether a help to Sun-Mi or not, I want to be at her side ...




SCENE: Sun-Mi's hospital room, night


[ Dramatic, fast-paced music ]


Woo-Jin watches with concern as the EMT quickly applies the defibrillator hands-free pads to Sun-Mi's chest.


Woo-Jin............ Doctor, what's happening with Sun-Mi?


Doctor Jung....... She isn't responding to medication, so we have to shock her heart back to normal.


Woo-Jin............ Could she ... die?


Doctor Jung....... If we don't act immediately, cardiac arrest is likely, and death is possible.


His face blanches.




The doctor notices his shaky appearance.


Doctor Jung....... You'd better sit down. I don't need two unconscious patients on my hands.


Woo-Jin quickly sits on the bedside chair, dropping his head into his arms.



EMT1................ BP 77/45. Heart rate 235.


EMT2................ Patient ready.


Doctor Jung....... Set for 'Sync' and charge to 120.


EMT2................ Charging ...


Doctor Jung....... Prepare to shock.


EMT2................ Ready .... Clear ...



EMT1................ Wait!


Doctor Jung....... What is it?


EMT1................ The heart rate is dropping ... 220 ... 190 ... BP is rising ... 90/62.


EMT2................ (sighs) Thank God!


EMT1................ Heart rate 130 ... 100 ... BP 110/80 and steady now.



Hearing this, Woo-Jin rouses himself and looks up.


Woo-Jin............ What happened?


Doctor Jung....... I'm not sure. Possibly the medication worked after all. She's coming back to normal.




SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night


Faced with Hyung-Chul's persistence, Su-Jin concedes.


Su-Jin............... I understand now, what I mean to you.




Hyung-Chul....... I'm sorry, Su-Jin, to disappoint you this way.


He flips open his phone to make the call.


But before he can tap in a number, Su-Jin puts her hand on the phone and closes it.


Su-Jin............... There's no need. It's already taken care of.


At his puzzled expression, she elaborates ...


Su-Jin............... My father's company jet is on the way to Jeju. A helicopter will fly you from here to the airport.



He realizes then, that Su-Jin had already made the arrangements before he'd come to her room.


Hyung-Chul....... Aren't you coming, too?


Su-Jin............... That would be a bit awkward, right? I'll follow on tomorrow, with your luggage.


Hyung-Chul....... Why are you doing this?


Su-Jin............... You weren't the only one who had to make a decision tonight.


Swallowing the sudden lump in her throat, she steadies her voice before continuing ...


Su-Jin............... Letting someone go doesn't mean love comes to an end, right?


He nods.


Su-Jin............... Tomorrow , maybe I'll regret. Maybe I'll curse myself for being a fool ...


....................... I need you so much ... But right now, the truth is, Jin Sun-Mi needs you more than I do.



Hyung-Chul....... Su-Jin ...



He reaches out to her, but a shake of her head makes him pause.


Su-Jin............... The copter will be landing soon, in the car park. Go now.


Hyung-Chul....... I know it's insufficient, but, thank you. I won't forget this.


She forces a thin smile.


Su-Jin............... When you finish what you have to do, you can come back. I'll be waiting.


Hyung-Chul nods, but their expressions show that neither believes that is likely.




Hyung-Chul....... Then, I'll leave first.



Su-Jin watches stoically as he turns his back and walks away.


[ sound of door opening and closing ]


Only after she is alone, does she left the tears freely roll down her face.




SCENE: Sun-Mi's hospital room, night


Doctor Jung watches over Sun-Mi as the EMTs pack up the crash cart.


EMT1................ That's it. Done.


Doctor Jung....... You both worked hard. I'll stay with the patient for a few more minutes ...




Doctor Jung....... You two can go now.


Both EMTs......... Yes.



While the EMTs slowly trundle out with the crash cart, she speaks to Woo-Jin ...


Doctor Jung....... Fortunately, it was just an arrhythmia. She was lucky, it could have been much worse.


Woo-Jin............ That's a relief! Thank you Doctor.


He grins apologetically.


Woo-Jin............ I'm sorry about earlier ... I just didn't think someone so young and attractive could be a ...


He abruptly catches himself ...


Woo-Jin............ Oops ... I'm digging the hole deeper, right?



Doctor Jung....... No offense taken. It happens a lot ... Sometimes I'm mistaken for an actress playing a doctor.


With a shake of her head, she sends her short bob flying, striking a pose with head cocked to one side and arms folded.


Doctor Jung....... What do you think?


They both laugh.


Woo-Jin............ Thanks. For going easy on me.


Doctor Jung....... It's because you remind me of someone who has a habit of saying exactly the wrong thing, too.


Woo-Jin............ A boyfriend?


She looks down, wistfully reflecting ...


Doctor Jung....... He should be, but he's studying in the States now.


....................... How about you? What's your relationship to Jin Sun-Mi? Hmm ...


Raising her eyes again, she gives him a slow once-over.


Doctor Jung....... Handsome, talented, but still unattached older brother, perhaps?




He chuckles at her guess.


Woo-Jin............ Actually, I'm Sun-Mi's fiancee , sort of ...


Her cheeks flush pink.


Doctor Jung....... Oops, my mistake ... Sorry.


Woo-Jin............ The truth is, growing up, I was like an older brother to Sun-Mi. So you were also right, too.


They share another laugh.



She checks her wristwatch.


Doctor Jung....... I have another appointment soon. Call the nurse if you have any concerns.


Woo-Jin............ Thank you , Doctor ... er ...



Extending her hand, she introduces herself ....


Doctor Jung....... I'm Jung Yu-Jin.


He reciprocates.


Woo-Jin............ Kim Woo-Jin.


They briefly shake.



Woo-Jin............ Say ... you wouldn't be the daughter of Dr. Jung Jae-Bong, the famous heart surgeon?


She nods, affirming his recognition.


Yu-Jin............... It seems I've been outed. How do you know my father?


Woo-Jin............ I did video work for MBS News' recent feature on his pioneering heart therapies.


....................... Wasn't he nominated for next year's Humanitarian Award?



Yu-Jin............... Yes. Father is the person I admire most and want to follow as a physician.


She glances at her watch again.


Yu-Jin............... Sorry, I really must be going.


Woo-Jin............ Nice meeting you, Doctor Jung.


Yu-Jin............... Likewise, Mr. Kim. Until next time ... ?



Yu-Jin exits the room.


[ heels clicking at a steady pace ]


With an amused grin, Woo-Jin waits until she gone, then turns his attention back to Sun-Mi ...




SCENE: Su-Jin's hotel room, night


[ muted engine and rotor sounds of a helicopter in flight ]


From her hotel room window, Su-Jin watches as the helicopter flies off with Hyung-Chul ...



[ helicopter engine and rotor sounds fade off ]



As the aircraft recedes into the dark sky, she reflects back ...


Su-Jin............... (V.O.) These days we were together ... I was living in a dream ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scenes in this episode]











Su-Jin............... (V.O.) Through the moments we shared ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scenes in this episode]








Su-Jin............... (V.O.) And the memories we made ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 17]







Su-Jin............... (V.O.) We opened our hearts to each other ... bared our hopes and sorrows ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scenes in this episode]








Su-Jin............... (V.O.) Overcame the pain of the past ... and opened a door to future happiness ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scenes in this episode]







Su-Jin............... (V.O.) We were about to step out ... discover where this new path would take us ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene in this episode]







Su-Jin............... (V.O.) If only I hadn't answered that call ... Then I'd have had nothing to say ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene in this episode]



Su-Jin............... Let me speak first. After I finish, if you have anything to say, say it then.





Su-Jin............... (V.O.) Even if you get hurt, it's better to say the truth and regret ...


....................... Because that way you can take a step forward.



FLASHBACK [Previous scene in this episode]


Su-Jin............... I need you so much ... But right now, the truth is, Jin Sun-Mi needs you more than I do.





Su-Jin............... (V.O.) People do extraordinary things for love ... endure hardships and heartache ...


[ faint helicopter engine and rotor sounds ]


Su-Jin............... (V.O.) And those who give everything -- sacrifice their lives for others -- we laud as heroes ...



Su-Jin............... (V.O.) But what about someone who sends the man she loves to another woman?


[ helicopter engine and rotor sounds fade ]




SCENE: Sun-Mi's hospital room, night


Alone with Sun-Mi, Woo-Jin turns down the lights and prepares for a long night's vigil ...



Ensconced beside Sun-Mi's bed, he watches her closely for any hint of another relapse ...



Woo-Jin............ Sun-Mi, I'll stay beside you through this ... This time, you can trust me.


....................... And should the worst happen -- I'll protect and take care of you -- I promise.




SCENE: Helicopter cabin, night


[ roar of helicopter engine and rotors ]



Pilot................. We'll be at the airport in 10 minutes, Director Yoon.


Hyung-Chul....... Thank you. You've worked hard.



As Hyung-Chul waits, his thoughts go back ...


... to the last picture he'd taken of Sun-Mi with his eyes, and the promise he'd made to her ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 17]


Hyung-Chul....... I'll do as you asked, Sun-Mi ...



Hyung-Chul....... I'll stop waiting for you, and erase you from my heart.





Hyung-Chul....... (V.O.) I have to break that promise, Sun-Mi. I will never forget you, or stop waiting for you ...





To Be Continued...