All About Eve 'Uncut' -- A Spring Apart

by AAEfanatic


Episode 17B


Act 3 - Part 2. 1

SCENE: Jeju airport runway, night 1

SCENE: Airplane cabin, night 2

SCENE: Seoul hospital room, night 3

SCENE: Hospital entrance, night 4

SCENE: Hospital lift lobby, night 4

SCENE: Hyung-Chul�s club, night 6

SCENE: MBS canteen, morning. 9

SCENE: MBS stairwell, morning. 11

SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, morning. 11

SCENE: Outside Woo-Jin's house, night 12

INTERCUT SCENES: Hospital exterior / Sun-Mi's hospital room, night 13

SCENE: Young-Mi's apartment, night 19

SCENE: MBS Yeouido Studios, morning. 19

SCENE: MBS rooftop, morning. 20

SCENE: MBS main lobby, morning. 21

SCENE: MBS Announcer 1 Team office, morning. 21

SCENE: MBS radio studio, evening. 23

SCENE: MBS corridor, afternoon. 23

SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, night 24

SCENE: Woo-Jin's car, night 25

SCENE: Pub near MBS, evening. 25

SCENE: Han River Seongsan Bridge, night 26

SCENE: Han River at Seongsan Bridge, night 27

SCENE: Pub near MBS, evening. 28

SCENE: Han River at Seongsan Bridge, night 28

SCENE: Director Kim's office, evening. 30

SCENE: Han River at Seongsan Bridge, night 33

SCENE: Director Kim's office, evening. 35

SCENE: CREAM Cake House, night 36




Act 3 - Part 2





SCENE: Jeju airport runway, night





SCENE: Airplane cabin, night


As the corporate jet taxies for takeoff, Hyung-Chul is talking on his mobile ...




Sun-Dal............ (V.O. on the phone) Should I send a car to the airport?


Hyung-Chul....... No need. My transport is already arranged.


Sun-Dal............ Don't blame me. You gave explicit orders that you wanted no contact, for any reason.


Hyung-Chul....... Some reasons supersede direct orders. Give Joo-Hee my regards.


Sun-Dal............ You can do that yourself. She's right here.



Mindful of his dispute with Joo-Hee over the vote for CEO, Hyung-Chul declines ...


Hyung-Chul....... Sorry, I have to go. The flight attendant just warned that we're about to take off.



He closes his phone and sits back in his seat, thinking back ...



FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 8]



Hyung-Chul. Do you believe in telepathy?


Sun-Mi........ They say telepathy only works if two people truly care for each other.




Hyung-Chul....... (V.O.) Sun-Mi, if you can read my thoughts, then you know I'm coming back for you.


....................... Forgive me. Let me be stay by your side again, and I'll never leave you ... I promise.




SCENE: Seoul hospital room, night


Woo-Jin sits beside Sun-Mi's bed, praying aloud ...


Woo-Jin............ God, please heal Sun-Mi. Bring her back to the people who love her and need her ...




Woo-Jin ........... I'm the one at fault, so if there's no other way, take my life in exchange for ...


A rustle of bedcovers makes him pause mid-thought.



Opening his eyes, Woo-Jin sees Sun-Mi looking at him through half-opened eyes.


Sun-Mi.............. (murmuring drowsily) What happened, Woo-Jin?



Sun-Mi.............. Who are you giving your life for?




SCENE: Hospital entrance, night




A black Mercedes limo slows to a stop at the hospital main entrance doors.


The rear passenger-side door opens. Hyung-Chul alights, and closes the door.


The limo drives away as Hyung-Chul walks into the entrance.




SCENE: Hospital lift lobby, night


Hyung-Chul is waiting for a lift.


[ lift chime ]


The doors in front of Hyung-Chul slide open, and he steps inside the lift car.


He reaches to press the button for the 13th floor as the doors start to close.


Man's voice....... (V.O.) Hold it, please!



Hyung-Chul instead presses the Door Open button.


The doors reopen, revealing Gwi-Sung waiting to board the lift.




The two men greet each other with a respectful nod.


Hyung-Chul....... Mr. Jin.


Gwi-Sung.......... Director Yoon, it's good to see you again. So you came to see Sun-Mi?


Hyung-Chul....... Yes. I was on a business trip and just learned that she is in a coma.


Gwi-Sung smiles.


Gwi-Sung.......... You mean, WAS in a coma. Kim Woo-Jin called less than an hour ago to say she'd woken up.


For a moment, the news stuns Hyung-Chul.


Hyung-Chul....... Really? How is she?


Gwi-Sung.......... We were so worried about brain damage after all this time, but it seems she's fine.


Hyung-Chul....... That's a relief. You said Kim Woo-Jin was with her at the time?



Gwi-Sung.......... Yes. He's stayed by her side every night since the operation, truly devoted to Sun-Mi.


Hyung-Chul....... Er ... yes.


Gwi-Sung.......... This was to be their wedding day, maybe it's why she came back now, because of that.


Hyung-Chul remains silent, mulling over the reminder of what might still happen.


[ lift chime ]


The doors open.


Hyung-Chul motions for Gwi-Sung to exit first.



Gwi-Sung steps ahead, into the lobby, but Hyung-Chul remains on the lift.


Gwi-Sung.......... Aren't you coming?


Hyung-Chul....... Please go ahead. This is a time best suited for family.


The older man considers, and nods agreement ...


Gwi-Sung.......... Oh ... Sure.


Hyung-Chul....... I'll visit again, after Sun-Mi has rested.


Gwi-Sung.......... Then, good night, Director Yoon.


Hyung-Chul....... Good night.



As Gwi-Sung walks off, the lift doors close.




SCENE: Hyung-Chul's club, night


After leaving the hospital, Hyung-Chul goes for a drink at his private club.




Pouring himself a shot of whiskey, Hyung-Chul ponders the unexpected turn of circumstances regarding Sun-Mi ...


Gwi-Sung.......... (V.O.) This was to be their wedding day. Maybe it's why she came back now, because of that.




FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16]



Sun-Mi........ I'm not just helping him. If I ... get married to Woo-Jin. I might do that ...





FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16]



Sun-Mi.............. I intended to tell you before. But it happened so quickly ...





Gwi-Sung.......... (V.O.) Woo-Jin stayed by her side every night since the operation, truly devoted to Sun-Mi.



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from this Episode]



Hyung-Chul....... If I see he cares for you as much as I do ... I think that finally, I can let you go ...





FLASHBACK [Previous scene from this Episode]


Hyung-Chul.......Sun-Mi, I know now that I can never forget you, or stop waiting for you ...





Facing a conundrum with no solution except a life of despair, he abruptly downs the shot ...



He follows that drink in quick succession with another, then looks over at the piano.



Hyung-Chul stands and removes his suit jacket, draping it over the chair.


Then he goes to the piano, sits down, and begins to play ...


[ Melody of "Da Julkkeoya" (I'll Give You Everything) ]





SCENE: MBS canteen, morning


Joo-Hee is getting coffee in the break area when Young-Mi sees her and hurries over.


Young-Mi takes the cup from the coffee machine for Joo-Hee.



Young-Mi.......... I will get it for you.


Joo-Hee............ (coldly) OK, you have it.


Young-Mi.......... Senior.


Joo-Hee turns toward Young-Mi.


Joo-Hee............ It's fine. You don't need me to rise up anymore. Isn't that right?


Young-Mi.......... Is it about the file? I didn't delete it. You've got to believe me.


Joo-Hee............ I don't care whether you did it or not.


....................... I'm a bit disappointed, because I thought you and I were the same.



She walks away from Young-Mi, as Sun-Dal comes into the break area.


Sun-Dal............ Yoo Joo-Hee.


Joo-Hee............ Senior.


Sun-Dal............ I've got your car back.


Joo-Hee............ Thanks.


Young-Mi walks past them.




Sun-Dal............ But you know what? They said somebody cut off the brake line.



Young-Mi stops dead in her tracks when she hears this.



Joo-Hee............ Really? Who could do such a thing?


Sun-Dal............ Who knows? Maybe the mechanic made a mistake or maybe somebody else did it.


Young-Mi drops her cup of hot coffee, spilling some onto herself.


Young-Mi.......... Gosh, it's hot!




Sun-Dal rushes over to Young-Mi.


Sun-Dal............ Huh Young-Mi? Are you OK?


Young-Mi.......... Yes, I'm fine ... Excuse me.


Young-Mi walks away quickly.


Watching her, Joo-Hee wonders at Young-Mi's unusual behavior.




SCENE: MBS stairwell, morning


Anxious that her scheme may be discovered, Young-Mi runs up the stairwell and goes into the women's washroom.



Hiding in a stall, she considers that Woo-Jin may expose her crime recorded on the security tape ...



FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 16]



Young-Mi.... Woo-Jin.


Woo-Jin...... What is it? Are you doing this because of the tape?





Immediately, Young-Mi starts contriving a plan to save herself ...




SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, morning


Hyung-Chul....... Come in.


Sun-Dal enters Hyung-Chul's office, and sits in the chair by his desk.


Sun-Dal............ Did you see this?


He places a tabloid newspaper on the desk, showing side-by-side pictures of Hyung-Chul and Park Su-Jin.


[ Newspaper headline: "Mun-Yung Heir Courts Top Fashion Model" ]


Hyung-Chul shrugs ...


Hyung-Chul....... I can't control rumors.


Sun-Dal............ Yes, but ...



Hyung-Chul cuts him off with a stern expression ...


Hyung-Chul....... We have more important issues to deal with today. Let's move on.




SCENE: Outside Woo-Jin's house, night


Woo-Jin parks his car, then sees Young-Mi waiting by the entrance gate.


She stands and looks at Woo-Jin as he sits in the car.


Woo-Jin appears uneasy -- after walking out on her to stay with Sun-Mi in the hospital, he doesn't know what to say.



He alights from the car and walks past Young-Mi without acknowledging her.




Young-Mi.......... Oppa, please, come back to me ...


Woo-Jin stops to listen.


Young-Mi.......... (Quietly) Let's just start all over again.



He turns around and looks at Young-Mi, undecided.


Young-Mi.......... I still love you, and I know you will never leave me. We can do it, let's start over.


Woo-Jin............ Is it about the tape? Is it that important to you? Is it?


Young-Mi.......... Yes... It's about the tape ... You've got that right. I almost killed somebody ...


....................... I was trying to kill somebody with my bare hands ...


....................... But you know what? I will do it again if I have to.


She steps over to Woo-Jin.


Young-Mi.......... I'm that scary and evil. With these hands ...


Her chin is trembling.


Young-Mi.......... Even to Joo-Hee ... I'm scared, Oppa.


....................... When you were with me I wasn't this scary, because I wanted to look good to you.


....................... Because you were my conscience. I'm really afraid of myself. Oppa, please help me.


....................... You've got to hold me.



She stands in front of Woo-Jin with tears rolling down her face.


Young-Mi.......... Don't give up on me. Please. I'm begging you.


Woo-Jin walks away from Young-Mi, undecided on what to do.



Young-Mi looks after Woo-Jin, then her face turns hard as she follows Woo-Jin inside.





INTERCUT SCENES: Hospital exterior / Sun-Mi's hospital room, night


Sun-Mi's hospital room


Sun-Mi is sitting in her hospital bed, reading a magazine.



She turns the pages until she comes to an article about Hyung-Chul.



[ Article headline: "Yoon Hyung-Chul, Mun-Yung Group's Successor" "Possible Rumored Engagement" ]



Reading the article prompts Sun-Mi to think of Park Su-Jin and her intentions ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scenes in Episode 16]



Su-Jin............... It's Fate, that Hyung-Chul and I have this opportunity to rekindle the past after so long.




Su-Jin............... Let's relive those carefree days in London.




Su-Jin............... With my support you can be the next President of MBS.

....................... Together, we can save your family legacy ... Will you marry me?




Su-Jin............... You're the person standing between 'me' and 'him' becoming 'us'.

....................... I won't give up. I'll win Hyung-Chul back, even if I have to walk through you!




Sun-Mi.............. Why are men attracted to such skanky women? ... So disappointing!




The phone rings and she picks it up.


Sun-Mi.............. Hello?... Yes, Senior ... No ... Thanks for the other day, Senior ... Taking me to the hospital.




Outside the hospital


Hyung-Chul sitting in his car, in the car park outside the hospital Emergency Room doors ...



Hyung-Chul....... I did what I should do .... What are you doing now? Can I come?





Sun-Mi's hospital room


Peeved because of Hyung-Chul's dallying with Su-Jin, Sun-Mi is in no mood to see him.



She quickly thinks up an excuse ...


Sun-Mi.............. No. Daddy ... will be here in a minute.



Hyung-Chul sounds suspicious of her refusal ...


Hyung-Chul....... (V.O. on the phone) Oh, I see.


Sun-Mi.............. Where are you now?




Outside the hospital



Hyung-Chul....... Here? The station parking lot ... OK. I'll see you at work then.


He closes his phone.




Sun-Mi's hospital room


From his voice, Sun-Mi vaguely feels that Hyung-Chul's answer doesn't ring true.


She puts the phone down, pondering their inability to speak honestly to each other.





Outside the hospital


Disappointed by Sun-Mi's refusal, Hyung-Chul starts his car and drives away from the hospital car park.





SCENE: Young-Mi's apartment, night


Woo-Jin stands by the window of Young-Mi's studio apartment, looking out into a rainy night.




Young-Mi.......... Woo-Jin, why don't we leave Seoul? We could go abroad.


She walks over to Woo-Jin and holds him.


Young-Mi.......... And I won't be overly ambitious again.


Woo-Jin............ You want the tape back?



Young-Mi hesitates before responding ...


Young-Mi.......... No, you keep it.


Woo-Jin turns to face Young-Mi and they embrace.




SCENE: MBS Yeouido Studios, morning


After the previous night's rain, the morning sky is clear and sunny ...





SCENE: MBS rooftop, morning


Woo-Jin and Young-Mi meet on the office rooftop before starting their work day ...




Young-Mi.......... Have you spoken to Sun-Mi yet?


Woo-Jin............ She's just recovered. How can I tell her the wedding is off? She'll be terribly hurt.


Young-Mi.......... Why are you always concerned about Sun-Mi's feelings, instead of mine?


Woo-Jin............ It's not like that!


Young-Mi.......... Make a choice -- Jin Sun-Mi or me!



He looks away, upset at, what is to him, her petty behavior.


Woo-Jin............ Okay, if you insist.


Young-Mi.......... Today?


Woo-Jin............ Tonight. I promise.




SCENE: MBS main lobby, morning


Sun-Mi is enthusiastically greeted as she walks through the MBS main lobby.


Male voice........ Good morning, Announcer Jin.


She dips her head respectfully.


Sun-Mi.............. Good morning.



Female voice..... Good to see you!


Sun-Mi.............. Thank you.



Female voice..... Glad to see you're back, Sun-Mi.


Sun-Mi nods and smiles.


Sun-Mi.............. I'm happy to be back ...




SCENE: MBS Announcer 1 Team office, morning


Sun-Mi enters a mostly deserted office. Only Joo-Hee is at her desk.


She greets Joo-Hee with a cheerful voice and beaming smile.


Sun-Mi.............. Good morning, Senior!


Joo-Hee looks up and smiles back.


Joo-Hee............ It's good to have you back again, Sun-Mi.


Sun-Mi.............. Thank you.


Joo-Hee............ You're not joining your program review meeting today?



Sun-Mi shakes her head as she sets the bag she's carrying on her desktop.


Sun-Mi.............. Not until tomorrow.


Joo-Hee............ I see.



Joo-Hee returns to her work.


Sun-Mi sits down and moves her bag to the floor under her desk.


She looks over at Joo-Hee, and continues their conversation ...


Sun-Mi.............. Daddy said you came to visit me in the hospital with Team Leader Kim.




Joo-Hee looks up.


Joo-Hee............ Yes. We were concerned about you. When will you return to Eve's Morning?


Sun-Mi.............. My first corner is next Monday. We're highlighting a fashion show of this season's wedding dresses.


Joo-Hee's lips curve into a shallow smile.


Joo-Hee............ I'll have to watch then ...




SCENE: MBS radio studio, evening


Sun-Mi enters the radio studio's control room to visit her production team.


Sun-Mi.............. Thank you for taking care of me that night.


PD................... It was nothing. Director Yoon was the real hero.




Assistant PD...... (gushing) He was amazing! You're so lucky.


Sun-Mi lowers her eyes, embarrassed.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes.


PD................... When are you coming back to do the program?


Sun-Mi.............. It's not certain. The doctor said I shouldn't take on too much work at first.


Assistant PD...... But it's not the same without you, Sun-Mi. You made this show what it is.



Hearing this, Sun-Mi smiles ...


Sun-Mi.............. WE all made the show what it is. But what if someone else can do it better than me?


The PD and her assistant stare at Sun-Mi, shocked.


PD................... What are you saying?


Sun-Mi.............. Nothing stays the same forever, right?


Assistant PD...... You're not coming back?


Sun-Mi.............. I didn't say that, so please don't spread rumors. But it may be time for a change ...




SCENE: MBS corridor, afternoon


Leaving the radio control room, Sun-Mi is on her way back to the Announcer 1 Team office.


[ mobile phone ringtone ]


She opens her phone and puts it up to her ear.




Sun-Mi.............. Oppa? ... Tonight after work? ... Yes, there's something I want to tell you, too ...




SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, night


Hyung-Chul is working at his desk.


[ rapping sound ]


Hyung-Chul....... Come in.


He looks up, to see Joo-Hee standing in the doorway.




Hyung-Chul....... What do you want?


She smiles.


Joo-Hee............ A truce.


Hyung-Chul....... Okay. I'm good with that.


Joo-Hee............ Shall we go for a drink?




SCENE: Woo-Jin's car, night


After work, Woo-Jin picks up Sun-Mi to have a talk.




She is all smiles, while he is pensive.


Sun-Mi.............. It was so good to be back in the office, and see everyone again!


Woo-Jin............ You're unusually happy tonight, Sun-Mi.


Sun-Mi.............. That's because we're driving together.


Woo-Jin............ We've driven together a thousand times, why is tonight so different?


Sun-Mi.............. Just because ...


Woo-Jin............ Because why?


Sun-Mi.............. There doesn't have to be a 'why', does there? Isn't it enough that we're here, now?



He ponders for a moment -- about how they had almost lost her -- then grins.


Woo-Jin............ Yes, it is enough ...




SCENE: Pub near MBS, evening


Hyung-Chul and Joo-Hee talk over drinks.




Hyung-Chul....... Congratulations. I heard all about it from Sun-Dal.


Joo-Hee............ Thanks. I'm still half in shock.


Hyung-Chul....... That someone asked to marry you?


Joo-Hee............ No. That it wasn't you, and I still said 'yes'.



Hyung-Chul takes a sip, and puts the glass down.


Hyung-Chul....... You made the right choice. Sun-Dal's a good man, he'll be devoted to you.


Joo-Hee............ I know, but this also means it's officialy the end of you and me.


Hyung-Chul....... You still have regrets?


Joo-Hee............ Yeah. For all those years wasted , when the guy was right in front of me all the time!


She sighs forelornly.


Joo-Hee............ Now I'll have to find another reason to come out and drink, since I can't cry over you anymore.



His brow creases in concern.


Hyung-Chul....... Joo-Hee ... Forget the past. This is your chance for happiness.


She smiles.


Joo-Hee............ Relax. It was just a joke, between friends ...




SCENE: Han River Seongsan Bridge, night





SCENE: Han River at Seongsan Bridge, night


At the Han River, Woo-Jin and Sun-Mi alight from the car to talk ...



Woo-Jin............ What did you want to tell me?


Sun-Mi.............. You go first.


Woo-Jin............ About the wedding ... has my mom said anything to you?


Sun-Mi.............. You mean, about rescheduling it?


Woo-Jin............ Yeah. I'm sure she'll want to choose the next auspicious date.


Sun-Mi.............. How do you really feel?


Woo-Jin............ I want you to be happy, but ...


He hesitates, divided over what to say.


Sun-Mi.............. But because of Young-Mi, you don't want to marry me, right?



Her guess surprises him.


Woo-Jin............ How did you know? That's exactly what I was going to tell you.


....................... As long as my heart is divided over Young-Mi, your life will be miserable.



Sun-Mi.............. Actually, I was thinking the same thing.


....................... As long as my heart is divided over Senior, you'd be miserable married to me, too.



Woo-Jin............ I'm glad we finally got this straightened out between us.


Sun-Mi.............. Me too.


Woo-Jin............ So, if we don't get married, what are we going to do?


Sun-Mi.............. (jokily) Let's take a walk.




SCENE: Pub near MBS, evening


Hyung-Chul and Joo-Hee are still talking at the pub ...



Joo-Hee............ By the way, have you seen Sun-Mi since she woke up?


Hyung-Chul....... I tried, but she's freezing me out.


Joo-Hee............ What do you expect? Cavorting off with another woman while she's in the hospital.


....................... If it were me, I'd be giving you a lot more than a cold shoulder!



He exhales a short, exasperated sigh.


Hyung-Chul....... There you go again! Acting as if you have a right to dictate my life.


A hurt look crosses her face ...


Joo-Hee............ Someone has to look out for you. If not me, who?


Hyung-Chul....... Sorry ... Anyway, thanks for making the call. What did you say to Park Su-Jin?


Joo-Hee............ I only asked what she'd want someone else to do in that situation.


Hyung-Chul....... Then you've changed your opinion of her?


Joo-Hee............ I didn't say that. But even a skank can have a sense of common decency.




SCENE: Han River at Seongsan Bridge, night


Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin stroll along the Han river with the massive bridge looming overhead ...




Sun-Mi.............. Actually, I have a confession. I never intended to go through with the wedding.


Woo-Jin............ Why not?


Sun-Mi.............. I could tell you were only trying to appease your Mom. I was, too.


Woo-Jin............ Then why pretend?


Sun-Mi.............. After meeting Senior at the wedding boutique, I saw it as a way to test his sincerity.


Woo-Jin............ Why do you doubt Director Yoon?


Sun-Mi.............. Because being Cinderella doesn't happen in real life, only in fairytales.


Woo-Jin............ Who said you're a Cinderella?



His question prompts memories from what had been a amazing day for Sun-Mi ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scenes from Episode 10]



Hyung-Chul. Father, this is the woman I plan to marry.




Young-Mi.... How do you feel being a Cinderella?





Sun-Mi.............. Does it matter? But, honestly, what do Senior and I have in common? We only met by chance.


....................... Why would Senior prefer someone like me, instead of Yoo Joo-Hee, or Park Su-Jin?


....................... I'm just an ordinary person. It doesn't make sense.



Woo-Jin............ Maybe to him, you're not ordinary, but special.


He thinks of his own complicated relationship with Young-Mi ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 14]



Young-Mi.... I'm just sick of seeing you. So I want you and your camera to get lost for good. Please.





Woo-Jin............ Besides, since when does love have to make sense?




SCENE: Director Kim's office, evening


Director Kim is working at his desk.


[ light rapping on door ]



He looks up.


Eun-Ki.............. Yes?


Su-Jin............... (V.O.) Am I interrupting? Your secretary wasn't there.


Eun-Ki.............. She's gone for the day ... Come in.


[ sound of door closing ]


He stands and steps around his desk as he talks ...


Eun-Ki.............. What brings you up here, President Park?




Su-Jin............... We're not unfamiliar now, so why not dispense with formalities? Su-Jin is fine.


Eun-Ki.............. Very well, Su-Jin it is. Likewise, Eun-Ki.


Su-Jin............... I wanted to see you before I left for the day. About our progress.


Eun-Ki.............. Certainly. Have a seat.



Su-Jin sits down at the conference table.


Eun-Ki.............. Something to drink?


Su-Jin............... Coffee?


Eun-Ki.............. I was thinking something stronger.


Eun-Ki.............. Bourbon suit you?



She chuckles lightly at his breach of business rules.


Su-Jin............... In the office?


Eun-Ki.............. It's after hours, and more convenient here than some smokey bar.


She nods.


Su-Jin............... You're the boss.



Eun-Ki walks over to his desk and opens a drawer.


Taking out a bottle of Evan Williams Single Barrel Vintage 1996, he holds it up for her to see.


Eun-Ki.............. Only the best for my special guests.


Smiling coyly, she twists some loose strands of hair around her fingers.


Su-Jin............... Am I?




Keeping his gaze focused intensely on Su-Jin, Eun-Ki walks over and places two tumblers on the table.


After sitting down, he pours both glasses half full.


Su-Jin takes her glass in hand.


Raising his drink, he makes a toast ...


Eun-Ki.............. To the success of Art Club!




SCENE: Han River at Seongsan Bridge, night


Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin continue their conversation under the bridge ...



Sun-Mi.............. There's something I need to talk about, and I can only confide in you.


Woo-Jin............ Go on, I'm listening.


Sun-Mi.............. When I first told Senior I needed to help you, even that it could mean we'd marry,


....................... he promised to wait for me until that happened, and not let me go.


She sighs regretfully.


Sun-Mi.............. Hearing that made me happy then. But now I feel so shameless.


Woo-Jin............ You're not responsible for his decisions. Sun-Mi.


Sun-Mi.............. I know, but after Park Su-Jin appeared, he changed. This is what's confusing me.


....................... While claiming he still wanted us to get back together, he also said he could let me go!



Woo-Jin............ When did that happen?


Sun-Mi.............. That night we were to meet. While I was with him, before you came.


Woo-Jin............ But you said you were discussing the morning show with him.



Sun-Mi.............. We'd just had an argument concerning you. Could I say that?


He nods, seeing her point.



Sun-Mi.............. At the time it surprised me, but I figured he was just expressing frustration. Then ...


Her throat tightens, making her struggle to choke out the words ...


Sun-Mi.............. Then I read that he -- he went on holiday -- to Jeju with Su-Jin -- while I was in the hospital.



Hearing this rankles Woo-Jin ...


Woo-Jin............ He actually did that?!


Sun-Mi.............. I saw it in the gossip tabloids. I didn't know what to think, so I've been avoiding him.


Woo-Jin............ Maybe it's not as it looks. What's his relationship with Park Su-Jin?



Sun-Mi.............. On one hand, he says that they're just good friends now.


....................... But on the other, she told me her goal is to marry him, she'll do anything to make that happen.



Woo-Jin............ Do you think she's persuaded him?



Sun-Mi.............. Su-Jin is his perfect match. She has everything that I'm not.


....................... I can't blame Senior, if he prefers her over me.



They stop walking, having returned back to his car.



Sun-Mi.............. I know I shouldn't worry, or be jealous, but I can't help myself.


....................... And Senior's not the kind of person to go behind my back.


....................... But when I see Su-Jin with him, they look so good together, I feel like I'm dying inside ...


Tears smart in her eyes.


Sun-Mi.............. Like my heart has stopped and I can't breathe.


....................... What will I do if I -- I actually lose him?



The floodgates open, and she breaks down, sobbing.


Woo-Jin pulls Sun-Mi closer, tightly into his embrace.




Woo-Jin............ Go ahead, cry it out. I'm not going anywhere.




SCENE: Director Kim's office, evening


Su-Jin and Eun-Ki continue their after-hours drink ...




Eun-Ki.............. Is everything on schedule? The premiere is coming up soon.


Su-Jin............... We finished dressing the set today. You should come to see it sometime.


Eun-Ki.............. How about tonight?


Su-Jin............... Everyone's already gone, so the studio is empty, but I can show you around.


Eun-Ki.............. Let's do it.



They finish off their drinks.


Eun-Ki takes the glasses and bottle back to conceal in his desk.



Su-Jin............... By the way, have you chosen a host?


Eun-Ki.............. We've narrowed the list of candidates. Why?



Retrieving his suit jacket, he slips it on as he returns to the table.


Su-Jin............... I'm working on the costuming concepts. Having a face to put to it helps.


Eun-Ki.............. We still need final confirmation.


Su-Jin............... If it's only a few, I could still make faster progress.


His eyes narrow at her unusual persistence.


Eun-Ki.............. Does it matter if you have to wait a few more days?


She responds with a confident smile.


Su-Jin............... Not really. With my skills, I can style MBS' next top star in a single day if I have to.



He eyes her admiringly.


Eun-Ki.............. I like that attitude -- you're a remarkable woman.



Raising a saucy eyebrow, she quips back ...


Su-Jin............... Isn't that why you hired me?


They share a light laugh.


Eun-Ki.............. Shall we go?



Su-Jin............... Mmm.


She stands.


Moving ahead of Su-Jin, Eun-Ki opens the door for her.



When she steps past him out into the corridor, Eun-Ki briefly places his hand on the small of her back.


Su-Jin says nothing, but as they walk off, she slips her hand around his arm.




Eun-Ki.............. I'm thinking, afterward, of a reward for your accomplishment. How does dinner sound?


Su-Jin............... Very appetizing!


Eun-Ki.............. It's time we got to know each other better.


Su-Jin............... I'd like that ...




SCENE: CREAM Cake House, night


Woo-Jin and Sun-Mi go to a pojangmacha (street stall) for a late-night snack ...



Woo-Jin............ Eat up. Crying takes a lot of energy out of you.


She averts her eyes, still embarrassed by her outburst of tears.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes.



Picking up his chopsticks, Woo-Jin moves some tasty morsels onto her plate.


Woo-Jin............ Here.


Sun-Mi.............. Thanks ... I'm sorry, crying in front of you over another man.


Woo-Jin............ It's because you love him. No need to be sorry for that. Cry on my shoulder anytime you like.


Sun-Mi.............. You're always the right person in the right place, just when I need someone.



Guiltily, he shrugs off her praise, brandishing his chopsticks at the ready.


Woo-Jin............ Shall we?



They eat in silence. Woo-Jin chows down with gusto, but Sun-Mi appears distracted, hardly downing a bite.


Eventually, Sun-Mi puts down her chopsticks, and looks across the table at Woo-Jin, waiting.



He looks up, sees her grave expression, and swallows his mouthful.


Woo-Jin............ What is it?


Sun-Mi.............. Woo-Jin, there's something else I have to tell. But don't say anything to anyone, okay?


Her solemnity piques his curiosity.


Woo-Jin............ Sure. What is it?


Sun-Mi.............. While recovering in the hospital, I had a lot of time to think. Seriously.


He responds thoughtfully ...


Woo-Jin............ I suppose an experience like yours is a reason to reevaluate what's really important in life.


....................... Like "making every moment count", or "stopping to smell the roses", things like that?



His earnest remarks bring a brief, sheepish smile to her lips.


Sun-Mi.............. Actually, I was mostly puzzling over what to do about Senior and Su-Jin and me.


Woo-Jin............ You should resolve things soon, otherwise it will be awkward at work.


Sun-Mi.............. Exactly. As long as I'm on Eve's Morning, I can't avoid Senior, and seeing him now is too hard.



He chuckles uneasily at her dilemma, reminded of his own.


Woo-Jin............ It's complicated, eh?



Sun-Mi nods, her face dead serious.




Sun-Mi.............. That's why I've decided to quit MBS ...





To Be Continued ...