All About Eve 'Uncut' -- A Spring Apart

by AAEfanatic


Episode 18A


Act 1 - Part 2. 1

SCENE: MBS canteen, afternoon. 1

SCENE: MBS Announcer 1Team office, evening. 4

SCENE: Executive's club, evening. 6

SCENE: Sun-Mi's bedroom, night 8

SCENE: Hyung-Chul's club, evening. 10

INTERCUT SCENES: Sun-Mi's bedroom / Sun-Mi's gate, night 13

SCENE: Exterior of Young-Mi's apartment building, morning. 18

SCENE: Young-Mi's apartment, morning. 18

SCENE: Exterior of Sun-Mi's home, morning. 20

SCENE: Sun-Mi's home, morning. 20

SCENE: Young-Mi's apartment, morning. 22

SCENE: Sun-Mi's home, morning. 24

SCENE: Young-Mi's apartment, morning. 25

SCENE: Inside a taxi, morning. 26

SCENE: Young-Mi's car, morning. 30




Act 1 - Part 2





SCENE: MBS canteen, afternoon


After the surprise of meeting Su-Jin in Director Kim's office, Sun-Mi leads her to the canteen for a private confrontation.


While Sun-Mi waits at a table by the windows, Su-Jin stops at the vending machines.


Su-Jin............... You take tea, right?


Sun-Mi glares at her in stony silence.




Su-Jin comes over to the table, carrying two vending cups.


She places the cups on the table as she sits down opposite Sun-Mi.


Su-Jin............... What did you want to tell me?


Sun-Mi.............. When I agreed to emcee Art Club, I didn't sign onto this!


Su-Jin............... Are you implying we can't work together?


Sun-Mi.............. Work together?! I can't even stomach having a cup of tea with you!


Su-Jin............... Surely as professionals, we can move beyond our personal issues?




She extends her hand across the table.


But Sun-Mi refuses the conciliatory offer.


Sun-Mi.............. I believe I've made my position clear!


Su-Jin............... Then you're going to back out?



Sparks fly in Sun-Mi's eyes as her voice rises heatedly ...


Sun-Mi.............. Why should I be the one to resign? Why not you?!


Su-Jin smiles at that assertion.


Su-Jin............... Do you have the skills to design this program yourself?


Sun-Mi.............. We can bring someone else in. No one is irreplaceable.



Su-Jin............... Really? My contract reserves all IP rights. You'll have to recreate the entire concept.


....................... Even if you found the talent, there isn't time before the season premiere.



Sun-Mi remains adamant.


Sun-Mi.............. We'll do the best we can in the time available!



But Su-Jin presses her point.


Su-Jin............... Directors Yoon and Kim have declared a ratings war between Art Club and Eve's Morning.


....................... With your lack of skills, you might as well quit now. You can't hold a candle to Huh Young-Mi!



Her criticism cuts, reminding Sun-Mi of another competition she faced with Young-Mi ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 15 ]


Young-Mi.... Let's not play games. We'll bet our lives on it! You definitely lack the abilities.


................. Whether Yoon Hyung-Chul and Kim Woo-Jin, you lose. You can't hold a candle to me ...






Glowering at Su-Jin, she spits back ...


Sun-Mi.............. I'll take my chances! I'd rather lose, than win with YOUR help!


Having had enough, Sun-Mi stands to leave.


Sun-Mi.............. You have until Monday to resign. Otherwise I'll insist that Director Kim fire you!



Su-Jin's jaw tightens at the threat, but she holds her tongue.



Sun-Mi.............. I'll handle things from here on my own, so don't show your face again!


Done saying her piece, Sun-Mi turns away and marches off.



Watching Sun-Mi's back, Su-Jin ponders this latest twist.


Su-Jin............... Demand what you will, Jin Sun-Mi, but this isn't over ...



Su-Jin............... Things are just starting to get interesting.




SCENE: MBS Announcer 1Team office, evening


It is dark outside the office windows as Joo-Hee wraps up a long day's tasks.



Except for Sun-Mi, the rest of the staff have gone.



Joo-Hee turns off her computer and closes the screen, then picks up her office tote as she stands up.


Approaching Sun-Mi's desk, she stops to talk.



Focused on her work, Sun-Mi doesn't look up or otherwise acknowledge her supervisor.


Joo-Hee clears her throat to get Sun-Mi's attention before she speaks ...


Joo-Hee............ You've been working hard. It's a Saturday night, don't you have any other plans?



Sun-Mi stops typing and looks up at Joo-Hee.


Sun-Mi.............. Huh?


Joo-Hee smiles invitingly.


Joo-Hee............ Let me buy you a drink.



Instead of dutifully accepting the invitation, Sun-Mi turns back to her computer.


Sun-Mi.............. I'm sorry, Senior, but I have a lot to do right now.


Without waiting for Joo-Hee's response, she resumes typing.



Ignoring the snub, Joo-Hee persists ...


Joo-Hee............ Is it for Director Kim's new program? I heard that you're the MC.



Expecting criticism, Sun-Mi turns defensive and brusquely snaps back ...


Sun-Mi.............. Yes? ... What about it?!



Before her Junior can dig herself into a deeper hole, Joo-Hee pulls rank.


Slamming her tote down on the desk, she sternly demands proper deference ...


Joo-Hee............ Jin Sun-Mi!



Called out, Sun-Mi stops typing and stands meekly.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes, Senior?




But instead of a scolding, Joo-Hee raises a question ...


Joo-Hee............ Did you do this because of a problem between you and Hyung-Chul?



Sun-Mi turns averts her eyes toward the windows, debating with herself over how much to disclose.


Reticence wins out, and she uneasily skirts the question ...


Sun-Mi.............. Er ... why would you suppose that?



Softening her authoritative stance, Joo-Hee makes another attempt.


Joo-Hee............ Rumors are spreading recently. I'm concerned and thought you might have something to say.



Again Sun-Mi refuses to open up.


Sun-Mi.............. Didn't you teach us to ignore rumors, and consider only facts?



Unable to persuade Sun-Mi, Joo-Hee leaves with a word of caution and clemency ...


Joo-Hee............ Just be sure that you're considering only facts, too, before you do anything rash.


....................... You must be tired after a long day. Don't stay too late.



Sun-Mi dips her head respectfully, grateful for the absolution.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes, Senior.



Joo-Hee picks up her bag, and walks out the door.


Alone, Sun-Mi wonders aloud to herself ...


Sun-Mi.............. How much does she know?




SCENE: Executive's club, evening


Eun-Ki and Su-Jin meet at his club for an after-work drink ...




Eun-Ki.............. Announcer Jin Sun-Mi seemed unhappy to see you. How is it coming along?


Su-Jin............... Actually, she wants me off the program.


Eun-Ki.............. Why, is there a problem?


Su-Jin............... To be frank, we have a history she refuses to put aside.


Eun-Ki.............. Don't worry, I'll set her straight on that point. Anything else?



Su-Jin is unsparing in her straightforward assessment.


Su-Jin............... Is Jin Sun-Mi really the best MBS has for this slot? Why her, and not anyone else?



Eun-Ki is just as direct in his response.


Eun-Ki.............. Because I want to win, and I'm convinced Announcer Jin is the one who can do it.



Unconvinced, Su-Jin argues her case.


Su-Jin............... But I've reviewed her tapes, and in my opinion, she's lacking considerably.


....................... Her delivery is uneven, and the image she presents is, well, hard to take seriously.



Eun-Ki.............. I know -- As an announcer, Jin Sun-Mi has a poor record with any of her programs.


....................... But I regard that as a matter of miscasting by Director Yoon and his toady Kim Sun-Dal.



Su-Jin............... What do you mean?



Eun-Ki.............. Every rookie Announcer dreams she will be queen of the newsroom, anchoring the News At Nine.


....................... For personal reasons, they indulged Jin Sun-Mi with her dreams, instead of grounding her in reality.


....................... We almost lost a budding talent in the process, a mistake I'm hoping to rectify directly myself.



Su-Jin............... By that, you mean Art Club?



Eun-Ki.............. Exactly. In the right slot, I believe Jin Sun-Mi will show herself as one of MBS' best announcers.


....................... She just needs the proper guidance and environment to develop her latent talents.


....................... That's why I hired the best, to create the perfect vehicle to make this happen.



Contrarily, Su-Jin tries to temper his enthusiasm.


Su-Jin............... Respectfully, I don't have a magic wand to make Cinderella into a Princess overnight!



Eun-Ki.............. Understood ... Just focus on what you were hired to do, and leave the rest to her.


....................... If Jin Sun-Mi has the stuff inside that I believe she has, she'll only need some refinements.



Su-Jin............... Okay. I'll adjust the concept, and bring in a personal trainer for Sun-Mi.


He nods thoughtfully.


Eun-Ki.............. Bill MBS for the changes, but no trainer. I'd like you to personally see to that.


Su-Jin............... But I already told you, she won't ...



He raises his hand to still her protest.


Eun-Ki.............. I'll ensure Announcer Jin's cooperation.


....................... You make sure everything, including Jin Sun-Mi, is ready for the premier.


His eyes narrow in determination.


Eun-Ki.............. I want to crush Eve's Morning right out of the gate!



Su-Jin............... Isn't that expecting too much? It takes time to build up an audience.


Eun-Ki.............. That's why I'm dumping a fortune in PR and marketing to build up a buzz, and also ...


He raises his glass.


Eun-Ki.............. Doubling your bonus if it happens.


Su-Jin lifts hers to his and they salute ...


Eun-Ki.............. To a success premiere!



Su-Jin............... I'll start working on a new image for Jin Sun-Mi, immediately.



Eun-Ki nods approval.


Eun-Ki.............. Excellent! That's the attitude I want to see.


He drains his glass with a long swig.


Eun-Ki.............. Now that we've dispensed with business, let's relax a bit. Another round? Dinner?



Su-Jin sets aside her barely touched drink.


Su-Jin............... I'd love to, Eun-Ki, but it was a long day and I'm really tired. Another time?


He chuckles at the transparent brushoff.


Eun-Ki.............. You don't have to humor me, Su-Jin. Just say 'No' if you don't want to.


She smiles back flirtatiously.


Su-Jin............... I'd rather say 'Yes', but really do have to rest.



Standing to leave, Su-Jin offers a consolation ...


Su-Jin............... Will you walk me to my car?




SCENE: Sun-Mi's bedroom, night


Gwi-Sung enters Sun-Mi's room, carrying a plate of cut fruits.



[ clatter of typing on a keyboard ]


Sun-Mi is at her desk, focused on her laptop screen.


Gwi-Sung.......... Here's some tasty refreshments!



She smiles as she pivots her chair to look.


Sun-Mi.............. Thanks, Daddy.


Gwi-Sung.......... You came home late, and you're still working?


Sun-Mi.............. It's for a new program, and there's a lot that isn't ready.


Gwi-Sung.......... Don't you have someone to help?



Sun-Mi smiles ruefully, thinking of her confrontation with Su-Jin that afternoon.


Sun-Mi.............. That�s another story, but ...


She sighs deeply, her expression troubled.


Sun-Mi.............. The problem is that I'm not very good at it. So I have to work harder to do well.



Hearing her say this, he frowns.


Gwi-Sung.......... But you were just seriously ill in the hospital!


Sun-Mi.............. Not everyone sees it that way. I'm still expected to carry my own weight.


Gwi-Sung.......... Why not ask Director Yoon to give you some relief? He'll understand.



At the suggestion, Sun-Mi's eyes spark in protest ...



Sun-Mi.............. Daddy! I can't ask Senior for favoritism!



Gwi-Sung.......... Hmmm ...


He nods, seeing her point.


Gwi-Sung.......... But now that I'm thinking about it, you should invite Director Yoon here sometime for dinner.


Sun-Mi.............. Er ... Uh ... Whatever for?


Gwi-Sung.......... Because of that night he brought you to the hospital.


Sun-Mi.............. I already thanked him for sending me.


Gwi-Sung.......... But at the hospital, he ...



Intent on quickly changing the topic, Sun-Mi creates a diversion ...


Sun-Mi.............. Oh my! Look at the time! ...


She pointedly makes a show of checking her wristwatch.


Sun-Mi.............. I'd like to chat more, Daddy, but I have a lot to do yet tonight.



He wonders at her odd behavior, but says nothing about it.


Gwi-Sung.......... I'll go down then.


Sun-Mi.............. See you for breakfast? You cook, and I'll do the dishes.


Gwi-Sung.......... Okay ... But at least take a break and rest.


Sun-Mi.............. Don't worry about me, Daddy. Go to bed ...




SCENE: Hyung-Chul's club, evening


As Su-Jin enters the club, she is greeted at the door with a formal bow.


Waiter.............. Welcome.




Su-Jin............... Has Director Yoon Hyung-Chul arrived?


Waiter.............. Yes. He's expecting you ... Follow me.



He leads her to Hyung-Chul's table.



Hyung-Chul looks up as Su-Jin seats herself in the adjacent chair.


A cigarette dangles between his lips, and a half-empty glass sits in front of him.



Su-Jin dismisses the lingering waiter with a nod.


Hyung-Chul takes a last drag and stubs out the cigarette.



Hyung-Chul....... Bourbon?


Su-Jin............... Thanks.


Hyung-Chul....... You're late.


Su-Jin............... I hope you haven't waited long. Director Kim called me out for a 'social drink'.



As he fills her glass, Hyung-Chul lifts a questioning eyebrow.


Hyung-Chul....... When did Kim start being social with his staff?


She shrugs nonchalantly.


Su-Jin............... When has he had such an attractive woman on his staff?



Hyung-Chul....... Tsst ...


Dismissing her arrogance, he shifts to the purpose of their meeting.


Hyung-Chul....... What did you have to tell me?




Su-Jin............... I met with Sun-Mi today. For Art Club.


Hyung-Chul....... Oh? How did it go?


Su-Jin............... Not as well as expected. Is she always this troublesome?


Hyung-Chul....... Something happened?


Su-Jin............... Let's just say, we had a 'difference of opinions'.



He nods, having had a few of those himself.


Hyung-Chul....... Give Sun-Mi time. She'll come around eventually.



Su-Jin............... I hope so. Director Kim is expecting Art Club to beat Eve's Morning at the premiere.


Hyung-Chul....... That's unusually confident, even for him. Is he expecting me to ease up, for Sun-Mi's sake?



Su-Jin creases her brow thoughtfully.


Su-Jin .............. Maybe I've misread his intentions. He seems sincere that Sun-Mi has the talent to succeed.


....................... And he's preparing for an all-out contest against Eve's Morning.



Hyung-Chul....... That doesn't worry me ...


He upends his glass, draining it with a long swallow.


Hyung-Chul....... It's that Sun-Mi is avoiding me again ...


Taking the decanter, he pours a refill.


Hyung-Chul....... I never thought I'd say this, but I'm beginning to lose hope things will ever change.



Su-Jin gazes into her drink as she replies with a twinge in her voice ...


Su-Jin............... Despairing over love? I'm sorry, but I can't help you there anymore.


Hyung-Chul....... I know.



She idly swirls the amber liquid, then sets the glass down.


Su-Jin............... But I can offer some encouragement.


Standing up, she invites him to join her.


Su-Jin............... Let's play together. It will ease your mind better than another drink.


Hyung-Chul....... You're right ...



They go to the piano and sit on the bench together.


Su-Jin puts her hands on the keys, but waits.


Su-Jin............... You choose.



Hyung-Chul starts playing a familiar melody ...


[ piano arrangement of Brian Crain's Northern Lights, the bumper music from Sun-Mi's radio show ]



After a few notes, Su-Jin joins in, but shoots a quizzical glance to Hyung-Chul.


He smiles.


Hyung-Chul....... When I hear this tune, somehow I feel closer to Sun-Mi ...




INTERCUT SCENES: Sun-Mi's bedroom / Sun-Mi's gate, night


[ piano arrangement of Brian Crain's Northern Lights, continues throughout ]



Sun-Mi's bedroom


[ muted clatter of keyboard typing]


Just out of the shower, Sun-Mi is back at her desk, working on her laptop.





Sun-Mi's gate


A dark blue BMW sedan drives up and stops near the gate to Sun-Mi's house and parks.


From the driver's seat, Hyung-Chul looks up at the lighted window of Sun-Mi's bedroom.





Sun-Mi's bedroom


[ muted clatter of keyboard typing]




Sun-Mi stops typing and sips from a coffee mug.


After setting it down on the desk next to her computer, she yawns widely, covering her mouth with her hand.


Pushing her chair back, she stands and -- raising her arms up over her head -- stretches to energize her fatigued body.



For a moment, Sun-Mi gazes longingly over at her comfortable bed.


Instead she returns to her desk and resumes working.




Sun-Mi's gate


The sky is graying with predawn light as Hyung-Chul smokes a cigarette, passing the time in his solitary vigil.




He stubs out the butt and stifles a yawn as he gets back into the car.


Shortly, he notices Sun-Mi's bedroom light go out ...




Hyung-Chul smiles to himself, content for now to give his support from a distance.


Hyung-Chul....... You've worked hard tonight, Sun-Mi ... Now sleep well ... Sweet dreams ...



Closing his eyes, he envisions the words flying up to her room and hovering protectively over Sun-Mi as she sleeps.




Sun-Mi's bedroom


Dozing in bed, Sun-Mi suddenly opens her eyes.




She rolls over, turning to look, first around the room, then toward the window.


Seeing and hearing nothing out of the ordinary, she pulls the bedcovers up tighter over her.



Then, as she drifts back to sleep, Sun-Mi lingers over a fond memory, a smile resting on her lips.



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 8 ]







Sun-Mi's gate



Sitting in his car, Hyung-Chul rubs his tired eyes.




As he reaches for the ignition key, he looks toward the white wrought iron gate, and recalls a surprising moment ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 7 ]



Sun-Mi........ An English style goodbye!





With a wistful smile, he starts the engine, puts the car into gear, and slowly drives away.



[ piano music fades out ]




SCENE: Exterior of Young-Mi's apartment building, morning





SCENE: Young-Mi's apartment, morning


[ sounds of water splashing ]



As Young-Mi washes her hair, she reflects on how the seeds of dissention she planted have apparently born fruit ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 17]


Young-Mi.... You broke up with him? ... Is that true?



Sun-Mi........ Director Yoon said that?


Young-Mi.... So you have broken up.





FLASHBACK [Previous scene from this Episode ]


Hyung-Chul....... Do you have a minute, to come to my office?


Sun-Mi.............. No -- I have an appointment ... with Director Kim.


Hyung-Chul....... Let's talk later, then.



Sun-Mi.............. What's there to talk about? Haven't we said enough already? ... Goodbye, Director Yoon!





[ shower water shuts off ]


Young-Mi grabs a towel and dries her hair, as a new scheme begins to form in her mind ...




Young-Mi.......... I need to make a move -- today -- before Sun-Mi tries to patch things up again ...




SCENE: Exterior of Sun-Mi's home, morning





SCENE: Sun-Mi's home, morning


Sun-Mi and her father are eating breakfast together.



Gwi-Sung.......... Why are you so surprised that I told you to bring Director Yoon home once?


Sun-Mi looks at him questioningly.


Sun-Mi.............. What do you mean? What happened while I was in the hospital?



Gwi-Sung.......... While you were sick, Director Yoon watched you all night.


....................... I couldn't come because I had work. He swore to me that he'd take good care of you.


....................... But of all daughters, why mine? And what would he protect you from?


....................... We should invite him over once on a day off like this ...



Dumbfounded, Sun-Mi is dismayed as a sinking feeling settles in her heart.



Her father notices her expression.


Gwi-Sung.......... You really didn't know?


Sun-Mi.............. (silence)


Gwi-Sung.......... So you didn't even say thank you?


Sun-Mi.............. (silence)


Gwi-Sung.......... That's no good.



Aware that she has likely misjudged Hyung-Chul's intentions, Sun-Mi ponders what she can do to fix her mistake ...





SCENE: Young-Mi's apartment, morning


While Young-Mi puts on her makeup, she devises her plans for the day ...





Young-Mi.......... (V.O.) It's a topic for the next broadcast. I wanted to show you first ...





Young-Mi.......... (V.O.) Thank you for the lunch. I'm glad that we can meet and talk as friends now ...





Young-Mi.......... (V.O.) Since we share similar struggles, let's support and comfort each other ...




SCENE: Sun-Mi's home, morning


Meanwhile, Sun-Mi and her father continue their breakfast chat ...



Gwi-Sung.......... Do you have any other questions?


Sun-Mi.............. Was Senior also with me while I was in the coma?


Gwi-Sung.......... He'd left on a business trip before the operation, and didn't know what happened.


....................... He only flew back on the night you woke up, after he'd heard how serious your condition was.





Sun-Mi.............. So he WAS with me that night? But I don't remember seeing him.


Gwi-Sung.......... We came up in the lift together. When I told him you just awoke, he decided not to impose and left.


Sun-Mi.............. You're sure Senior wasn't there while I was still unconscious?


Gwi-Sung.......... Right. Why?


Sun-Mi.............. I vaguely remember thinking he had something important to tell me, so I had to wake up.


Gwi-Sung.......... It must've been your imagination then. Woo-Jin said you were pretty woozy at first.



For a few moments, Sun-Mi contemplates the disjointed, hazy memories of coming back to consciousness.


Abruptly her eyes widen as she is struck by a startling, incredible possibility ...


Sun-Mi.............. It can't be ... can it?!



Her sudden excitement intrigues her father's curiosity.


Gwi-Sung.......... Can't be what?



But Sun-Mi's mind is already taking flight.


Sun-Mi.............. I'll tell you later, Daddy. I'm going upstairs to change.



Gwi-Sung.......... Now?


He looks over at the mess in the kitchen.


Gwi-Sung.......... But the dishes ...



Sun-Mi.............. Sorry, but you'll have to do them yourself. I have to go out and see Senior, right away.


He grins.


Gwi-Sung.......... You have a date today with the Director? Why didn't you say so before?


Sun-Mi.............. Umm ... It's not exactly a date ...





SCENE: Young-Mi's apartment, morning



Young-M does a final check of her face in the mirror on her desk. Satisfied, she grabs her purse to go.


At the door, she reaches for the handle, then glances down at her shoes, reconsidering ...


Young-Mi.......... Hmmm ... Too workaday.



Turning to the wardrobe closet, Young-Mi steps out of her heels and opens the doors to peruse her shoe shelves.


She selects a pair, places them on the floor, and slips her feet into the stylish stilettos.




Looking in the entry wall mirror, Young-Mi appraises the change approvingly.


Young-Mi.......... That's much better ... for a date.




SCENE: Inside a taxi, morning




Riding in the back seat of a taxi, Sun-Mi frets, kneading her hands impatiently.


Berating herself, she grumbles under her breath ...


Sun-Mi.............. So blur ... Why didn't I see it clearly before? ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 8 ]



Sun-Mi........ I knew there was a reason why I wanted to come outside ... Did you call me?






FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 8 ]



Hyung-Chul. At some place like this, I sent a telepathic message, asking someone to come out, but it didn't work.


Sun-Mi........ That's because they say telepathy only works if two people have true love for each other ...





Sun-Mi.............. I talk about True Love, yet don't recognize when it's right in front of me!


She stares out the cab window, agonizing.


Sun-Mi.............. What if it's too late? ... I'm such an idiot!



She leans forward to speak to the driver ...


Sun-Mi.............. Sir, can you go faster?




He glances up into the rearview mirror.


Driver............... I'm already at the limit, Miss.


Sun-Mi.............. Please? It's something that if I don't do it right now, I may not be able to!



The road-weary driver frowns skeptically, scoffing at the young, well-dressed woman's plight...


Driver............... What could be that important for a pretty lady on a sunny Sunday morning?



Sun-Mi pleads again, hoping her heart felt appeal will move the cynical cabbie.


Sun-Mi.............. Sir, I made a big mistake, that I now regret. It's about love ... True Love!



Something in her voice catches his attention.


Driver............... Just a minute ...


He scrutinizes Sun-Mi in the rearview mirror, then his eyes brighten with recognition.


Driver............... You're Jin Sun-Mi, from Musical Postcards, right? The one they call the 'Goddess of Love'?



Embarrassed, Sun-Mi lowers her eyes modestly.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes. That's me.



Driver............... I thought you sounded familiar! When I tell the other drivers, they won't believe my good luck!


Sun-Mi.............. Huh?


Cracking a smile, he explains ...


Driver............... A lot of us started listening regularly to your show after our fares began requesting it.



His brow wrinkles thoughtfully as he continues ...


Driver............... So this is about True Love, eh? Now, that IS something important!


....................... Why didn't you say that from the beginning?



Returning his attention to the street, he floors the accelerator.


[ engine revving up ]


Deftly steering the taxi, working the horn with one hand, the driver swerves around the cars blocking his way.


[ loud blares of a car horn ]



The taxi speeds off, zipping past the other cars ...




SCENE: Young-Mi's car, morning




As Young-Mi drives, she mulls over the failure of her schemes to entice Hyung-Chul ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 10 ]


Young-Mi.... There's something in my eye. Could you blow on it, please?







FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 12 ]


Young-Mi.... I just stopped by to say thank you, for visiting me in the hospital ...








FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 12 ]


Young-Mi.... Thanks for finding my mobile ... are you going to the ballgame?







FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 15 ]


Young-Mi.... I'd ask you to dance, but you'd probably refuse me, right?







FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16 ]


Young-Mi.......... This dress is all I had to change into ...







FLASHBACK [Previous scenes from Episode 16 ]


Young-Mi.......... Jin Sun-Mi, what's this?! ... You and Woo-Jin are going to marry?







FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 16 ]


Young-Mi.......... There are so many dresses to choose from. I definitely need your help ...






With a long sigh, she sums up her fruitless efforts.


Young-Mi.......... Regardless of what I try, nothing seems to work ...



FLASHBACK [Previous scene from Episode 12 ]


Young-Mi.... You keep pushing me away. What am I lacking compared to Sun-Mi?






Young-Mi.......... If I don't succeed today, I may never have another chance.



Desperate, she prays ...


Young-Mi.......... Dear God, please ... This once, I'm asking for your help.


....................... Please -- do this for me, and I'll be a better person from now on -- I promise!




To Be Continued ...