All About Eve 'Uncut' -- A Spring Apart

by AAEfanatic


Episode 18A


Act 4 - Part 1. 1

SCENE: Exterior of Sun-Mi's apartment building, morning. 1

SCENE: Sun-Mi's kitchen, morning. 2

SCENE: Exterior of MBS building, morning. 2

SCENE: MBS corridor, morning. 3

SCENE: Art Club dressing room, afternoon. 4

SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, afternoon. 5

SCENE: MBS 1B canteen, afternoon. 7

SCENE: Art Club dressing room, afternoon. 8

SCENE: MBS dressing room, afternoon. 9

SCENE: MBS main entrance, evening. 10

SCENE: MBS main lobby, evening. 11

SCENE: Limousine, evening. 12

SCENE: Boutique, evening. 14

SCENE: Gala red carpet event, evening. 18

SCENE: Hospital room, evening. 18

SCENE: Seoul street, evening. 20

SCENE: Gala red carpet event, evening. 22

To Be Continued ... 23




Act 4 - Part 1




SCENE: Exterior of Sun-Mi's apartment building, morning





SCENE: Sun-Mi's kitchen, morning


While drinking her morning tea, Sun-Mi is talking on her mobile.




Sun-Mi.............. It just happened last night, so I wanted to tell you first, Daddy.


....................... I'm a bit nervous, since there isn't much time to get ready.



Gwi-Sung.......... Of course I'll be watching! You'll do great!


Sun-Mi.............. Thanks. You're always so encouraging.


Gwi-Sung.......... Are you still coming home this weekend?


Sun-Mi.............. I wish! But with the Gala program to prepare for, I'll be way behind on my work.


Gwi-Sung.......... Come as soon as you have some time, then.


Sun-Mi.............. Yes. I will.




SCENE: Exterior of MBS building, morning





SCENE: MBS corridor, morning


Sun-Dal and Hyung-Chul are conversing as they walk along.


Hyung-Chul....... Can we meet later today, to discuss the ratings projections?




Sun-Dal............ How about tomorrow? I have to leave the office early today.


....................... Joo-Hee insisted that I escort her on the Gala red carpet, and I have to pick up my tux.


He sighs.


Sun-Dal............ I have to be uncomfortable the whole night, just for a ten-minute walk!



Hyung-Chul....... I know the feeling, so I always try to avoid those showy events.


Sun-Dal............ But you're the emcee! How can you do that?



Hyung-Chul....... I told Joo-Hee I have a business meeting late this afternoon, and couldn't make it.


....................... Later I'll sneak in the back way, and skip out on all the up front glitz.




SCENE: Art Club dressing room, afternoon


Su-Jin comes into the dressing room to find Sun-Mi critically scrutinizing her Gala red carpet gown in the mirror.


Su-Jin............... Is something wrong? It's almost time to leave.




Sun-Mi.............. It's this dress. It's not right.


Su-Jin............... Why not? You look gorgeous in it!


Sun-Mi.............. I know, and that's why I'm regretting that I can't wear it tonight.


Su-Jin............... You thought it was fine at the boutique. What's changed since then?



Sun-Mi.............. I'm the Gala emcee now, and Director Yoon is escorting me.


Su-Jin............... I should have guessed it was about Director Yoon. You think he won't approve?



Sun-Mi.............. It's not about him, but me. On my own, I can be as flamboyant and adventurous as I dare.


She sighs.


Sun-Mi.............. But when I'm beside Senior, that version of myself seems out-of-place, a phony.


....................... I feel like I should be the person he knew and liked, the "old-fashioned" me.



Su-Jin smiles.


Su-Jin............... But isn't that being a "phony" too, changing yourself to be what someone else wants?



Sun-Mi.............. Except that the "old-fashioned" version of Sun-Mi is the real person.


....................... The "new" me is just playing dress-up -- remember what you told me?



Su-Jin............... Yes. But this isn't the time for second thoughts. What can you do about it now?


....................... You have to go with the dress you have, not the one you want.



Sun-Mi.............. There's another choice. I'm wearing Young-Mi's gown in the Gala program.


....................... I can change into that now instead.



Su-Jin............... Then, be quick. The limos will be here soon.


Sun-Mi.............. Don't worry, I wouldn't miss this for anything!




SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, afternoon


Hyung-Chul is working at his desk, when his secretary, Miss Lee, enters.


Miss Lee........... These are the magazines you requested.


....................... I've also clipped out recent articles, just as you asked.




She places the papers on his desk.


Hyung-Chul....... That was quick! Thank you.


Miss Lee........... I don't mean to intrude, but I was wondering ... what do you intend to do with these?



Hyung-Chul....... Though Announcer Jin won't speak to me, she will give interviews to reporters.


....................... This way I can find out what she has to say, and send my support telepathically.



Miss Lee........... Do you really believe telepathy works?



Hyung-Chul....... Even if there is the slightest chance it will, I'll make the effort.


....................... This is a tough time for Sun-Mi, being in such a high profile position with a new program.


....................... I'll do whatever I can to help her succeed.



Miss Lee smiles at her director's unabashed devotion.


Miss Lee........... Then perhaps there's something you should know.


....................... Last night my friend in Wardrobe had an emergency alteration to do.


....................... It was for Announcer Huh Young-Mi's Gala program gown, that you bought her.



Hyung-Chul....... Do you know why?



Miss Lee........... Apparently, Jin Sun-Mi is replacing Huh Young-Mi as the program emcee.


....................... Choi Jin-Soo got sick last night, so she has to play Buzzy in his place.



Hyung-Chul....... I hadn't heard about the change yet. Thanks for the information.


Miss Lee........... Is there anything else?


Hyung-Chul....... Yes ... hold my calls for the next hour or so, please. I don't want to be interrupted.



After Miss Lee leaves, Hyung-Chul lays out some of the items across his desk, so he can see them.




While deciding which to read first, he muses over the recent development.


Hyung-Chul....... So, Sun-Mi is now the Gala emcee? Hmmm ...




SCENE: MBS 1B canteen, afternoon


In the canteen, Cho-Jeh is talking on her mobile ...


Cho-Jeh............ I'll come to the hospital right after I get off. See you then!




She rings off and is about to close her phone, when another call comes in.


She puts it to her ear.


Cho-Jeh............ Sun-Mi? ... Sure ... Where? ... I'll be there, right away!




SCENE: Art Club dressing room, afternoon


Rushing into the dressing room, Cho-Jeh sees Sun-Mi by the mirror.


She is holding up the front of her gown with one hand, while tugging on the back zipper with the other.



Sun-Mi.............. (frantically) It's stuck!



Cho-Jeh quickly takes over from Sun-Mi.


Cho-Jeh............ Here, let me try.


She pulls on the zipper.




Cho-Jeh............ It won't go up any further. But it's not stuck. The dress is too small!


Sun-Mi.............. It can't be! Last night, after the alterations, it fit me perfectly!


Cho-Jeh............ Well, it doesn't fit now! You must've swollen up overnight.


Sun-Mi.............. No way! My other clothes fit the same. I don't know how this could've happened!



Cho-Jeh............ Let me try again. I'll see if I can force it.


She tries the zipper again.


Cho-Jeh............ It would help if you stopped fidgeting. Can't you hold still?



Sun-Mi.............. Sorry. I'm itching all over. It must be a nervous reaction to all the stress.



Cho-Jeh............ Hmm ...


She wrinkles her brow, pondering the situation.


Cho-Jeh............ Let's try something. Breathe in deep first, then exhale out all the air and hold it.



Sun-Mi does as instructed, breathes deep in and out, then holds her breath.



Cho-Jeh............ It moved a little! Try to hold still, while I pull it up.


She slowly works the zipper up.


Cho-Jeh............ Stop squirming! ... It's coming!



Meanwhile, Sun-Mi is turning blue in the face.


Cho-Jeh............ Just a little more! ...


Sun-Mi.............. (whispering) Hurry up! I can't hold it much longer!



Cho-Jeh............ It'd help if you didn't wriggle so much!


She finally gets the zipper closed.


Cho-Jeh............ Done! How does it feel?



Sun-Mi grimaces.


Sun-Mi.............. It's really tight! I can barely breathe.



Cho-Jeh............ Will you be okay?


She starts rubbing her hands together.



Sun-Mi.............. It's just walking and reading a script. I'll manage.


....................... But this itching is driving me crazy!



Cho-Jeh............ Whatever you have must be catching! My hands are itching now, too!




SCENE: MBS dressing room, afternoon


Preparing for the Gala, Young-Mi puts on the Buzzy Bumble Bee costume.




She glares angrily at herself in the mirror, frustrated that her plans had gone awry.



Young-Mi.......... I hate you, Jin Sun-Mi! How can you have such good luck?!


....................... But tonight, your luck is going to run out!




SCENE: MBS main entrance, evening


Limousines line up outside MBS, waiting to transport the company's celebrities to the Gala.





SCENE: MBS main lobby, evening


Dressed for the Gala, Joo-Hee waits impatiently in the main lobby, muttering to herself ...


Joo-Hee............ Everyone is here, except Jin Sun-Mi!


She shakes her head and sighs, annoyed.


Joo-Hee............ Why is she always so much trouble?



The lift doors slide open, and Sun-Mi alights from the car.


She sees Joo-Hee near the lobby entrance doors, looking back at her.




The expression on Joo-Hee's face tells Sun-Mi everything she needs to know.


Lifting up her skirt, she crosses the lobby at a trot, all she can manage in the too-tight dress.


[ sound of high heels tapping ]



She stops in front of Joo-Hee, wheezing for air, trying not to squirm from the nettlesome itching.


Sun-Mi.............. Sorry (gasp) I'm (gasp ) late (gasp) Something happened (gasp) to the (gasp) dress!



In no mood for excuses, Joo-Hee scolds her.


Joo-Hee............ It's about time, everyone's waiting! Yours is the first limo in line.



Looking out the glass doors, Sun-Mi sees the limousines parked along the curb.


At the first limo, the chauffeur is standing by the open side door, waiting for his passenger's arrival.



Recovering her wind, Sun-Mi can speak almost normally now.


But the itching is getting worse, and she can't hide it anymore.


Sun-Mi.............. I don't see ... Director Yoon ... Is he already ... in the limo?



Joo-Hee............ This morning, Director Yoon had a last-minute conflict come up. He can't make the event.


....................... I was so busy, I forgot to call and tell you.



Sun-Mi.............. Then I'm going in the limo alone?


Joo-Hee............ Yes, it was too late to make new arrangements.



Watching Sun-Mi, Joo-Hee notices her constant fidgeting.


Joo-Hee............ Is something wrong?



Sun-Mi forces a smile.


Sun-Mi.............. It's nothing. Just nerves.


Joo-Hee............ Well, then, get going!



Sun-Mi hurries out the entrance doors.


Once she is outside, she complains to herself ...


Sun-Mi.............. All that worrying for nothing!



At the limo, the chauffer nods to her.


Chauffer........... You're Announcer Jin Sun-Mi?


Sun-Mi.............. Yes.


Chauffer........... This way, please.



As he moves to assist Sun-Mi into the car, from inside a familiar but unexpected voice greets her.


Hyung-Chul....... Announcer Jin, finally you're here! I was worried ...




SCENE: Limousine, evening


In the limousine back seat, the atmosphere is frosty.


Sun-Mi sits uncomfortably, looking away out the side window.


After Hyung-Chul's initial greeting, an awkward silence has held sway.




Sun-Mi's itching has become more intense, but she forces herself to hold still.


Yet the effort is straining, and perspiration dots her brow.



Despite her attempts to hide it, Hyung-Chul is aware that something is out of sorts.


Hyung-Chul....... You seem uncomfortable. If it's because of me ...



Sun-Mi.............. (snaps) Everything doesn't have to be about you, Director!



Rebuffed, he probes another way to bridge the frigid no-man's-land between them.


Hyung-Chul....... You look very lovely today in that dress.


She retorts coldly.


Sun-Mi.............. Ironic, isn't it? Last year, Young-Mi wore a dress that you'd bought for me.


....................... How quickly circumstances can reverse, and when least expected.



Hyung-Chul....... Sun-Mi, if you have something to say, then say it directly.


Sun-Mi.............. As if you didn't already know!


Hyung-Chul....... No, I don't ... Just like I don't know what I did to make you break up with me.



She glares at him incredulously.


Sun-Mi.............. ME break up with YOU?! ... Hah! ... You were the one who broke up with me first!



Hyung-Chul....... What?


Sun-Mi.............. You didn't even have the courtesy to tell me, so I was the last to know!



Puzzled by her accusations, he attempts to placate her ire.


Hyung-Chul....... It seems we have a misunderstanding ...



He stops when he sees Sun-Mi start vigorously twisting and turning in her seat.


Finally, the itching had become too agonizing for her to suppress it any longer.



Suddenly she gasps in horror, then frantically shrieks ...


Sun-Mi.............. Senior! Don't look!




SCENE: Boutique, evening


Hyung-Chul is on his mobile to Joo-Hee, explaining their circumstances.


Hyung-Chul....... Sorry, I should've called sooner, but we had to deal with the problem first.




Joo-Hee............ (V.O. on the phone) That's understandable. Where are you now?


Hyung-Chul....... At Madame Kim's boutique. Fortunately, it was close by.


....................... Unfortunately, the stain cannot be removed in the time available.


....................... I'll be talking with Madame Kim on what options we have. ... See you soon ... Bye.



He rings off as Madame Kim approaches with a concerned expression.


Madame Kim..... It was no accident. Someone deliberately tampered with that dress!


Hyung-Chul....... You're saying that it was sabotaged?


Madame Kim..... Come with me, and see for yourself.




They walk over to where Sun-Mi's gown is laid out on a table.


Madame Kim..... There's no question. Look -- see how these seams were altered to make the dress tighter?


Hyung-Chul....... Yes. Like she said. But how did it just fall apart?



Madame Kim..... That's the real sabotage! A much more sophisticated effort.


....................... They were resewn using a special polymer thread that degrades with moisture.


....................... Once the wearer perspires, even a little, the seams will start to weaken.


....................... And with the dress so tight, the fabric was constantly in contact with her skin.



Hyung-Chul....... So it could be just a matter of minutes, before the gown failed?



Madame Kim..... Right, and then it would come apart in an instant -- a massive wardrobe failure!


Hyung-Chul....... How devious!


Madame Kim..... The plotter was not only devious, but cruel, wanting to torture their victim in the process.


....................... So they coated the inside of the dress with itching powder.



Hyung-Chul....... That explains why Sun-Mi was squirming so much.



Madame Kim..... But it also left nothing to chance. The constant movement added to the stress on the seams.


....................... Even if the threads weren't completely degraded, the gown would've soon pulled itself apart.



Hyung-Chul....... Who'd go to such an extreme to do something like that?



While they are talking, Sun-Mi strides into the room, wearing a silk dressing gown tied at the waist.




Having overheard the Hyung-Chul's question, she answers bitterly ...


Sun-Mi.............. Huh Young-Mi, that's who! She's angry that I'm the emcee while she has to play Buzzy.


....................... After everyone left last night, she must have gone to Wardrobe and altered the dress.



Hyung-Chul....... That's a serious charge, a big scandal for the Company if it's true. Can you prove it?



Sun-Mi.............. You don't believe me? Besides the motive and opportunity, Young-Mi also had the ability.


....................... Do you know she used to sew her own clothes?



Hyung-Chul....... Regardless, whether Young-Mi did it or not doesn't matter.


Sun-Mi.............. What do you mean? Isn't she going to be disciplined for doing this to me?!



Hyung-Chul....... Right now, only the three of us, and the perpetrator, knows what really happened.


....................... Everyone else thinks that the dress had to be replaced because I spilled coffee on it.


....................... So we must never speak to anyone the truth about this. Agreed?



Madame Kim nods.


Madame Kim..... I certainly don't need the bad press if it were found out one of our dresses fell apart!



But Sun-Mi is appalled.


Sun-Mi.............. It's not right! You're letting her get away with murder!



Hyung-Chul....... Seriously, Sun-Mi, is that what it was? Murder?


....................... Aside from some discomfort, and a bit of embarrassment, what harm did you actually suffer?



Sun-Mi.............. But ... But ... It's the principal that matters!



Hyung-Chul....... Then, I should fire Young-Mi, simply because you feel that's the justice due to her?


....................... MBS is a broadcasting company, and talent like hers is a rare commodity.


....................... We can't afford to lose our best people over what is at the level of a childish prank.



Sun-Mi.............. How can you put it so lightly? Young-Mi wanted to humiliate me in front of everyone!


Hyung-Chul....... You'd rather be humiliated by rumors about this happening in the limo alone with me?



Grumbling, Sun-Mi concedes his point.


Sun-Mi.............. Still, it's not right!


Hyung-Chul....... What's more pertinent is that you get a new gown so we can be at the Gala ...


He checks his watch.


Hyung-Chul....... In about thirty minutes!



Sun-Mi knits her brow as she mulls over the unlikelihood of that happening.


Sun-Mi.............. Is that even possible? It's at least a fifteen minute drive, if the traffic is light.


....................... How can I choose a gown and get it fitted in such a short time?



Madame Kim smiles confidently.


Madame Kim..... Not to worry. As soon as Director Yoon called, I put my entire team to work on a replacement.


....................... I know I took liberties, but it's a gorgeous dress. I think you'll love it!



A young woman enters the room.


Madame........... Yes, Eun-Hee?


Eun-Hee........... We're waiting to check the fit.


Madame........... Excellent! Announcer Jin, are you ready?


Sun-Mi.............. Yes, I've washed off all that nasty itching powder, and feel so much better!


Madame Kim..... Good! Go on, and I'll come by in a minute. I need to speak to Director Yoon first.



After Sun-Mi leaves with Eun-Hee, Madame Kim talks quietly with Hyung-Chul.


Madame Kim..... This is the gown you previously ordered, for Sun-Mi to wear at the Gala.


....................... Fortunately, I hadn't returned it yet.



Hyung-Chul....... I thought so. But don't tell her, please.


Madame Kim..... As you wish. Shall we go now, and see how it looks?




SCENE: Gala red carpet event, evening


Outside on the red carpet, limousines line up to unload their celebrity cargo.


Paparazzi, mingling with the general public attending the Gala, gather to view the spectacle.





SCENE: Hospital room, evening


Cho-Jeh sits beside Jin-Soo's hospital bed as they watch the MBS live broadcast of the Gala red carpet.


Jin-Soo............. (whining) Can't we watch the baseball game instead?



Cho-Jeh............ What do you mean? This is the social event of the season!


....................... All the top TV and movie stars come out to be seen on the red carpet.




Jin-Soo............. Who cares? I'd rather see a green infield than a red carpet.


Shrugging uninterestedly, he looks back to the TV.



A moment later, his eyes widen with keen interest.


Jin-Soo............. Hey, isn't it Choi Ji-Woo getting out of that limo?



Cho-Jeh............ Huh?



He leans forward to see better.


Jin-Soo............. Wow! She's really hot in that dress!


....................... Did you say all the stars are coming out to be seen, like this?




Having her fiancee gush over another woman to her face irks Cho-Jeh.


Acting quickly, she grabs the remote and flips the channel over to the baseball game.



Jin-Soo............. Hey! What're you doing! I was watching that!


Cho-Jeh............ Didn't you say, Sweetie, that you wanted to watch the game instead?



Grinning ear to ear, Jin-Soo leans back against the pillow comfortably, pleased with himself.


Jin-Soo............. Yes, I did ...



SCENE: Seoul street, evening


The limo transporting Sun-Mi and Hyung-Chul speeds to the Gala ...




Hyung-Chul is on his mobile with Joo-Hee.


Hyung-Chul....... (O.S. inside the car) We're five minutes away.


Joo-Hee............ (V.O. on the phone) I'll tell the coordinator to expect you last.


Hyung-Chul....... See you later.


[ click on the phone line ]



After he rings off, Hyung-Chul encourages Sun-Mi ...


Hyung-Chul....... (O.S. inside the car) We'll be there just in time.


Sun-Mi.............. (O.S. inside the car) That's such a relief. Thank you so much.


Hyung-Chul....... I'm just glad everything worked out.


Sun-Mi.............. I want to apologize for my behavior, earlier.


Hyung-Chul....... It's understandable, wearing that dress then.



Sun-Mi.............. Actually, it wasn't that. I was upset about having to walk the red carpet with you.


....................... But if it hadn't been for your help, Senior, tonight would've been a disaster.


....................... I realized how petty I was acting, and that I needed to apologize. How can I make it up to you?



He seizes the opportunity to set things right between them.


Hyung-Chul....... Earlier, there was something I wanted to say. Can we meet after the program?



Sun-Mi.............. Em ... that is ... I have a date afterward. Sorry.



Hyung-Chul....... Oh ...


He tries to hide his disappointment with a nonchalant attitude.


Hyung-Chul....... Perhaps another time then?



Feeling guilty after all he'd done to save the day for her, Sun-Mi offers a consolation.


Sun-Mi.............. But I can give you ten minutes. Will that be enough?



He smiles back.


Hyung-Chul....... Ten minutes is all I need.




SCENE: Gala red carpet event, evening


The last limousine in the line slowly rolls up to the unloading position and stops.


An attendant moves in to open the rear passenger-side door.


[ sound of car door opening ]


The attendant steps back as a woman inside swings her legs out of the car.


Planting her feet firmly on the red carpet, she waits for a helping hand ...




Meanwhile, over the public address system, the event emcee announces ...



Announcer........ (O.S.) Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for attending the Children's Charity Fund Gala red carpet.


....................... Closing out our event are tonight's fund-raising program emcees,


....................... the host of MBS' Art Club, Jin Sun-Mi, and MBS Executive Director Yoon Hyung-Chul ...




To Be Continued ...