AAE -- For Better For Worse

Chapter 27

by LoveCR2

edited by All-About-AAE




After fleeing from the conference room Sun-Mi had immediately texted her friend Cho-Jeh to meet up.


"I was shaking like a leaf," she relates her experience as they huddle together on the top steps of the main studio's auditorium seating. "As soon as I stepped into the room, my mind became a blur. Just seeing him makes me want to cry. I'm supposed to be over this! What's wrong with me?"


"There's nothing wrong, that a bit of honesty can't fix," Cho-Jeh scolds. "First, stop pretending you're not totally in love with him. Second, confess your feelings and tell him that you were wrong to break up. And third, do whatever it takes to steal him back out of Yoo Joo-Hee's clutches."


This is exactly opposite of what Sun-Mi wants to hear, and she grumblingly airs her objections. "I'd look like a fool, doing that now! And what if he did come back to me, then regrets it? He'd resent me forever!"


"Where is your confidence in True Love that you claim to believe in?" Cho-Jeh rebukes her soundly. "You tell others to fight for love, yet you slink away, tail between your legs, at the first wisp of opposition."


"But even if I wanted to, Senior is to be engaged Sunday. It's too late."


"It's never too late!" Cho-Jeh insists. "There's still two days."



Exasperated, Sun-Mi rises to her feet. "This isn't helping!" she complains. "I called you for some assurance, that I'm doing the right thing."


"A friend tells the truth when you can't tell right from wrong yourself," Cho-Jeh retorts, standing up, too. "It's better you say what you need to say, than regret your silence forever..." She waits, but when Sun-Mi doesn't reply, continues, "I have no more to say. It's up to you to find your happiness from now on."



Cho-Jeh walks away, leaving Sun-Mi to watch her back, still so agitated that her legs are trembling. She sits on the steps again, before she collapses.


"I shouldn't cry," she reminds herself. "I should be strong, and not cry. Crying will only dehydrate the body. It's not healthy."


But then she hears her father's voice, "Don't hold it in. Cry if you want to. Sometimes, that is the best thing to do..."


The tears come suddenly, unbidden. She couldn't stop them anyway if she tried. Covering her mouth to stifle her sobs, Sun-Mi lowers her head onto her legs, letting all her pain and sorrows pour out.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



Fifteen  minutes to air, Sun-Mi is busy in the announcer's makeup room, putting the finishing touches on her face. She scrutinizes her reflection carefully, to be sure that the thick layer of concealer around her eyes hides any signs of puffiness. As sad as her heart is, she has learned the discipline of professional broadcasters -- that nothing, even the deepest personal tragedy -- is allowed to stop the show from going on.


"You'll be fine," she encourages herself. "Just read your lines, and everything will be fine."



Unexpectedly, Joo-Hee comes in the door and sits down next to Sun-Mi.


"Senior," Sun-Mi turns toward Joo-Hee and dips her head in a polite, but distant, greeting.


"You made a difficult decision," Joo-Hee acknowledges Sun-Mi's situation.


Sun-Mi looks away without a reply, hoping Joo-Hee will drop the unpleasant topic.


"You're going to be great. I have faith in you," Joo-Hee surprisingly gives a word of encouragement.


Sun-Mi smiles half-heartedly. Ironically, only a short time ago, their circumstances were reversed. Now she, instead of Joo-Hee, is the one resigned to giving up Hyung-Chul and pursuing a successful career as the best means of living with a broken heart and forgetting the past.


"Today's your last show?" Joo-Hee seeks verification that indeed Sun-Mi is leaving on schedule.


"Yes," Sun-Mi confirms with a nod.


"I'll watch it," Joo-Hee tells her, then stands up to leave.


Sun-Mi's eyes follow Joo-Hee, wondering why she had come by. Was it really to encourage her? Or did she have another motive?


"Senior?" she calls to Joo-Hee before she exits the room.


Joo-Hee turns back. "Yes?"


"Tell me, honestly, is it really true, about Hyung-Chul being betrothed and losing MBS unless he marries you?" Sun-Mi spills out her doubts.


"Didn't you talk with Hyung-Chul, like I told you?" Joo-Hee queries. "Do you have so little confidence?"


Sun-Mi averts her eyes, having never found the courage to broach that matter.



Joo-Hee narrows her eyes, regarding Sun-Mi icily. "I only gave him up to you because he was enraptured and I believed you were sincere. But it seems you're nothing but another wishful Cinderella, after all," she scoffs brutally. "I thought you had some integrity. Frankly, you're such a disappointment to me."


Seconds pass while Sun-Mi stares blankly into the mirror, stunned as if Joo-Hee had slapped her. The sound of her mobile buzzing finally rouses Sun-Mi from the stupor. She picks up the phone and checks the message...


'Five minutes to air'


"Sorry, I have to leave first," she abruptly announces, dipping her head respectfully to Joo-Hee. "It's time."


Leaving her mobile on the counter with her makeup kit, Sun-Mi hurries off.