AAE -- For Better For Worse
Part 3 -- Chapter 09
by LoveCR2
edited by All-About-AAE
Burning with curiosity at finding out Sun-Mi's 'surprise', Hyung-Chul immediately opens the door in response to her voice.
Inside, he stares wide-eyed at the unexpected change confronting him.
What had been a cheerful nursery -- with brightly colored animals painted on the walls, a crib with attached mobile, white cupboards for the layette, and a rocking chair to help sooth the baby to sleep -- was now repurposed into an expanded dressing room for Sun-Mi.
Methodically scanning the room, he quickly takes in the extent of the remodeling...
The joining wall between the former nursery and dressing room was gone, with the combined space triple the original size. The new layout included additional hanging and drawer cupboards, and more shelves for shoes and accessories, doubling the storage capacity.
Situated in the center of one wall, a large tri-panel, full-length lighted mirror replaced the old single-panel.
The small vanity table, that had been shoehorned into a cramped corner, was upgraded to a spacious desk with side drawer pedestals and a lighted makeup mirror. A half-dozen vases arrayed on the desktop held the most recent week's roses he'd sent.
Near the window, a deep scarlet microfiber upholstered chaise lounge, accompanied by a small, glass-topped occasional table, was conveniently positioned for resting, reading, or contemplation.
At the room's center, a freestanding cupboard, with shallow drawers for jewelry and lingerie, provided a large countertop for laying out accessories while assembling an outfit.
Overhead, indirect lighting cast a warm, muted ambiance throughout the room, with halogen track-mounted spots located to dramatically highlight strategic points.
In the open space between the free-standing cupboard and the mirror, Sun-Mi faces the doorway, watching him. She has changed from her pale blue gingham Burberry housedress and kitten heels into a bright red Natori silk short kimono dressing gown and tall Maison Ernest metallic gold mules.
"What do you think of my new boudoir?" she asks, a mischievous smile playing on her lips at the look of confusion on Hyung-Chul's face.
"Well... it certainly is a surprise," he answers tersely, despite her alluring appearance, sounding a bit miffed at her undertaking such a major expense without his advice and consent.
Sun-Mi's expression turns contrite. "I hoped you wouldn't mind... Do you?"
Hyung-Chul sees the disappointment in her eyes and pivots to a more accepting tack. "If it makes you happy, then I approve. But why?"
"After speaking with Doctor Lee, I came to agree with you -- that it was time to give up and do something else. So I had the nursery packed away into storage," she explains the change. "Seeing it made me feel sad."
"I get that," he empathizes. "But all this...?"
"It really wasn't my intention, at first. I just wanted my own space, like you have with your office. So I repainted and bought the chaise lounge and table and placed them in here. But the room still needed something else to complete it. That's when I decided to add some storage for the overflow from my dressing room," she steps through the progressive development to what he is seeing. "And then one thing just led to another..."
"Having two rooms meant I'd always be going back and forth to get what I needed. Then I got the idea to make it more convenient by combining the two rooms. So I had the wall taken down, and the entire space rearranged to be more efficient and useful. Doing that made room for the larger vanity and the new mirrors."
She pauses at the dubious expression on his face, then goes on...
"Maybe you wonder if it's worth the effort and expense. But a better design really does make it easier to dress and do my makeup. And that's important if I want to always look my best ... for my husband, of course!"
"Okay..." Hyung-Chul sums up her logic, to conclude, "So you did this for yourself, but it was really all for me?"
Sun-Mi's eyes perk up and her smile beams brightly. "Senior is the most understanding husband!" she exclaims happily.
But he still has questions. "Why didn't you let me know before?"
"Because I didn't want to distract you from your work with frivolous matters, when I already knew what I wanted," she justifies her presumptive solo actions.
"You really needed more space?"
"Of course! You know how crammed it was getting. Besides, I have to upgrade my entire wardrobe. As Executive Vice President, you wouldn't want your wife to be underdressed, would you?" Sun-Mi shares her reasoning.
He chuckles. "You already knew?"
"When I read in the paper that the BBC was reorganizing your division into a wholly-owned subsidiary, I called your boss," Sun-Mi explains her source of information. "Was that your surprise for me?"
"Yes. I didn't want to tell you before, because the Company hadn't made the official announcement. It's still possible that the position could go to someone else."
"Who? You're the one who deserves it! You did all the leg work to build up the contacts and negotiate the contracts," she points out proudly, "They'd be fools to choose someone else!"
"Whether I get the promotion or not, I'm more concerned about you," he replies. "Did you do all this just to distract your mind? Are you honestly at peace with not having children? You're not just saying this because of me?"
"Actually... that was my motivation at first," she admits. "But once I considered it dispassionately, I realized that it was not as much about wanting children as about failing at my goal. If I couldn't be a mother, then what was my purpose in life? Who was I supposed to be?"
She steps closer, standing right in front of him.
"I pondered that for a long time, searching for the answer," she relates her struggle, "until it was staring me right in the face. In trying so hard, I'd missed what was most important. I had made a vow, and I needed to keep it -- to stay by your side, and love you with all my heart for all my life. It was that simple."
"I know I haven't been very good up to now. I'm selfish, and petty, and demanding. I gave you so much trouble," she confesses, promising, "Maybe I never will be the wife you deserve, but I'll try to do better from now on."
"Don't think like that," Hyung-Chul bids her, "No one could be better for me, than you."
He extends his arms around her back, embracing Sun-Mi. "I missed being with you so much."
She smiles, reminding him, "You said that every day!"
"But talking on the phone, and holding you in my arms, are not the same," he states, elaborating on the comparison, "I can't smell you, feel you, or see you over the phone. And I certainly can't taste your lips..."
Gazing into his intensely ardent eyes, Sun-Mi feels her face flushing in response. She tilts her head up to meet his mouth with hers, hungry for the reconnection after so many days apart.
"Is this what you were thinking as you were coming home?" she asks after they part for a necessary breath.
"Its just the start. I had a lot of time to think," Hyung-Chul teases as to his intentions.
"I had a lot of time to think, too," Sun-Mi playfully replies, "so I prepared something..."
"Another surprise?" he asks, his interest piqued.
"Actually, it's something I bought," she hints.
"Something for you, that is actually for me?" he guesses, applying her previous logic.
Sun-Mi grins, impishly cocking an eyebrow. "More or less. Let me show you."
She pushes lightly against his chest, and he releases her from his arms.
Stepping back, Sun-Mi demands as before, "Now, close your eyes, Senior! And don't peek!"
"Okay," he complies, humoring her again.
After waving her hand in his face, to be sure he wasn't peeking, Sun-Mi unties the belt of her kimono. Sliding the silky fabric off her shoulders, she lets it fall to the floor around her feet.
"Senior, you can look now," she gives permission. "Tell me what you think..."