AAE -- Wishes Of The Heart

Chapter 107

written by LoveCR2 -- 2005

edited by All-About-AAE -- 2017


"Now, say that you like me, that I'm important to you. And make it believable." -- Jin Sun-Mi





"Have you heard a word I said?"


Jin-Woo puts down the rental listings sheet, and turns his attention to Sun-Mi...


Perched on the adjacent barstool with the heels of her bright yellow half-d'Orsay Manolos hooked over the footrest, she is leaning over her third vodka martini, elbows on the bar, staring at the olive garnish with clouded eyes...


Making a determined effort to eschew the gratuitous view offered by the brief hem of the cobalt blue, belted Michael Kors slipdress she'd worn straight from work, he focuses his concentration on Sun-Mi's gaunt, tired face, trying to ascertain her state of mind as he waits for her response...



But, drifting in a haze of alcohol, Sun-Mi is lost in her thoughts...


... 'Do dreams foretell the future? Or do they only reflect the wishes of your heart?' ...


... 'It's two hearts, entwined together at creation, and now fused for eternity' ...


... 'I was living a dream, but then I woke up and realized that it was a wish for a life that wasn't mine' ...


... 'My life is one of dreams, Senior, while yours is one of realities. We're a meteorite from the heavens and a pearl from the sea' ...


... 'One part of my heart is still looking back, the other is looking forward. And my head is going in circles, looking both ways' ...


... 'If you really meant that... if you really want to help... just stop talking and hold me, for five minutes' ...


... 'Forget me... Don't look back, only to the future; with no regrets... And I'll do the same for you... That way, we can both be happy'...


... 'I know now, without a doubt in my heart, that I can be happy... without you' ...


... 'Is it right to receive a whole heart, while giving only part of one in return?' ...


... 'Now I'm just a laughingstock in London too, all because of you! ... I hate you! ...I'll never speak to you again!' ...


... 'Actually, to be honest... I've decided to move on. Don't forgive me, don't wait for me ... I won't be coming back' ...


... 'The answer is dreams... Entering the world of dreams and never coming out. Living in dreams for the rest of time' ...



After a reasonable time passes, Jin-Woo tries again to get her attention. "Sun-Mi? Let's go for something to eat. You look like a ghost."


"Huh?" she suddenly starts, blinking as she turns a vacant gaze on him. "Do I really look like the dead?"


"It was just a figure of speech," he clarifies. "But you've been sitting here for almost ten minutes without a word..."


"Sorry, my mind keeps wandering," Sun-Mi apologizes. "Going in circles, trying to make sense of things. But I just keep getting more lost."


"I have that feeling too, sometimes," he acknowledges. "The things we regret..."


"Could it be that I'm just... afraid?" she wonders, asking herself more than him.


"Afraid of what?"


"Getting too close, maybe..."


"You're speaking to the king of avoiding close relationships," he jokes, then says seriously. "Something's happened. Tell me..."


"Today I declared independence. No more looking back, only forward," she explains in a wavering voice. "I'm drinking to celebrate, and intend to get totally wasted!... Tsst! Aren't I a pathetic fool?"


"You may be drunk, but you're not a fool." Jin-Woo states positively.


With alcohol-fueled bravado, she proclaims, "Here's to freedom, and a better tomorrow!"


Raising her drink, she guzzles it down with a few quick gulps. Then, waving the empty glass, she calls to the bartender in English, "Another like this, Sir..."


Jin-Woo grabs the glass away and sets it down. "Haven't you had enough for tonight?" he protests quietly.


Sun-Mi puts her hand over her heart. "Not until I can't feel anything here," she declares, and calls again in English, "Bartender!"



Waving the bartender off, Jin-Woo redirects the conversation by asking, "What's prompted this sudden desire to move? You told me Min-Cho was fine with you staying in his place."


Sun-Mi sighs unhappily. "Because I did something stupid, and cruel. I dumped him with an email," she relates her actions from the morning. "I can't believe I did that! ... He might forgive me, but how can I forgive myself? Even a shameless woman has limits, so I have to move out as soon as possible."


"My client owns several buildings in the Bronx," Jin-Woo says as he fishes out another list from his jacket. "The locations are not as convenient to your office, but definitely more affordable. Why don't you take a look?"


Sun-Mi sits up straight and says instead, "I have a better idea. Let's dance."


She slips off the barstool, keeping a hand on it for balance as her thin stiletto heels contact the floor. Then she shucks off her cream yellow Alexander McQueen blazer, draping it on the back of the stool, over her purse. Her dress is sleeveless, the spaghetti straps baring comely shoulders, nape, and prominently defined collarbones.


Sipping his Old Fashioned while trying not to stare, Jin-Woo considers her proposition...


"What are you waiting for?" she asks, her eyes showing more spark than before, now that she is up and moving.


"I'm not very good at dancing," he says, hoping to persuade her to give up the idea.


"That's okay, because I'm a verrry good dancer," she boasts tipsily, pulling on his arm. "Don't worry, it's as easy as walking, when you're with the right person..."



Gripping his arm tightly to steady herself, Sun-Mi leads Jin-Woo the few steps to the dance floor, where she throws her arms around his neck and leans into him for support. Even in 110mm heels, her head barely tops his shoulder. Awkwardly, he puts his arms loosely around her back, as a slow, romantic ballad starts playing...


"See? It's easy," she encourages him as they slowly shuffle from one foot to the other, "Don't be so stiff."


"Yes," he replies, relaxing a little, becoming comfortable with the simple step, having Sun-Mi in his arms.


"That's better," she murmurs, resting her head on his chest and closing her eyes, immersing herself in the music.


They dance together this way for another minute, when Sun-Mi says, "Since I'm a little drunk, I'll be direct. Do you think I have nice legs?"


He is surprised by the question. "Why do you ask that?"


"I saw you looking, earlier," she smugly lets him know she'd been aware of his attentions. "I don't mind, just tell me, honestly."


"Ehm... yes, you have nice legs," he replies, then confesses preemptively, "Your collarbones are nice, too."


She giggles drunkenly, "You noticed?"


"Sun-Mi, this isn't like you. I think we should..." he tries to change the subject, but she interrupts him...


"Don't think, just hold me tighter," she demands. "Hold me like you really mean it..."


He draws his arms tighter, feeling the heat of her body pressed against his. "Like this?"


"Mmmm..." she purrs. "Now, say that you like me, that I'm important to you. And make it believable."


"I... like you. You're important to me," he complies cautiously, exactly as instructed, wondering where she is intending to take this.


"Humpph! ... Saying it like that, you're not very believable, " she complains petulantly. "Again..."



The music fades off, and a song with a faster tempo starts up...



Jin-Woo stops moving and holds Sun-Mi back a little so he can look into her face, then notices tears are wetting her cheeks.


"Don't cry anymore... I want you to be happy," he says gently, speaking with his full heart and feelings, "I like you, Sun-Mi, very much... Since the first moment we met, you've become the most important person in the world to me."


"I knew that," she raises her eyes, sparkling with tears, to meet his. "Why did you take so long to tell me?"


Seeing the welcoming smile playing on her moist, luscious red lips... Jin-Woo fights temptation...


"Maybe because... I just couldn't believe it myself," he answers hesitantly. "Afraid of getting too close."


"I think I have the solution for your problem," she claims. "This..."


Before Jin-Woo can even wonder what she is talking about, Sun-Mi pulls his head down with her arms as she stretches up on tiptoe.



Then she kisses him, ardently, on the mouth...