AAE -- Wishes Of The Heart

Chapter 179

written by LoveCR2 -- 2005

edited by All-About-AAE -- 2018


"All the money in the world is meaningless, compared to losing a single precious pearl." -- Min-Cho Atwater





"Congratulations! ..."


Hyung-Chul gives Sun-Dal a hearty slap on the back as he comes in the door...


"So you have a living Valentine now to celebrate! How are mother and baby doing?"


"Little Ah-Ri is doing fine, making a lot of fuss, but Joo-Hee is exhausted," Sun-Dal answers, sounding worn out himself. "She's sleeping now, so I was able get away for the meeting."


"And Mi-Rae and Dae-Hyun?" Hyung-Chul inquires about the other children as they head for the home's study.


"Staying with my parents until Joo-Hee is back from the hospital," Sun-Dal explains, pausing in the corridor outside the double doors leading into the room. "I still can't believe it -- ten months ago, we were childless, and now we have three kids, and a nanny!"


"They say blessings always come in threes," Hyung-Chul quips with a chuckle.



In the study, Yoon Jong-Ki and Yoo Seung-Hwan are nursing whiskeys while they wait for Hyung-Chul and Sun-Dal to join them...


As Hyung-Chul settles down in one of the leather upholstered chairs arranged around the coffee table, Sun-Dal goes for the bar. Bringing two empty tumblers and a full decanter, he sits down on the couch and pours Kentucky's finest, handing one to Hyung-Chul.


"To the new father!" Jong-Ki offers a toast, raising his glass.


"Cheers!" the others call as they join in, imbibing liberally.


When the first round winds down from lack of fuel, Hyung-Chul refills the glasses...


"Let me pour you a drink this time," he says jovially to his friend, kicking off the next round.



Once everyone is well lubricated, Sun-Dal opens a humidor on the coffee table and hands out the Cohiba Dominicans.


"Enjoy these while we can," he tells the other men as they cut off the heads, "Once Joo-Hee is back, I've made a vow to stop smoking. She's adamant that I don't pass the 'habit' on to the kids."


"What? Are you so hen-pecked already?" Jong-Ki chimes in with a laugh, rolling the cigar in his hand as he toasts the foot with a cedar spill until the entire circumference is smouldering.


"But she has a point," Sun-Dal defends his decision. "Anyway, it's not like I didn't get a reward in return."


"I hope you negotiated for something as pleasurable as these," Seung-Hwan remarks with a wink as he blows out a mouthful of savory smoke.


Sun-Dal grins widely. "It's possible you might have another grandchild about this time next year," he hints.


That prompts another round of cheer, before the men get down to business...



"The latest is that the FSC has reached a settlement with Atwater," Hyung-Chul brings the other men up to date. "Apparently in a rush to file the paperwork, his lawyer made a few clerical errors, but that was enough for Kim to force renegotiations."


"And the upshot?" Seung-Hwan asks hopefully.


"Kim and his allies will hold 51% of the stock, and a one-vote majority on the Board, assuming Atwater cooperates with us," Hyung-Chul lays out the situation. "But there's still a chance we can peel off one of Kim's supporters to swing the vote our way."


"But is Atwater willing to work with us?" Jong-Ki questions their chances. "I heard the two of you got into a rumble at the hospital over what happened to Sun-Mi."


"It was pretty one-sided," Hyung-Chul describes the incident succinctly. "Hardly a fight."


"But with Jin Sun-Mi in the hospital, and the other principals not Koreans, it all but guarantees Kim will be voted in as the next Chairman," Seung-Hwan voices his concern.


"Is Atwater planning to name someone in Sun-Mi's place before the vote?" Sun-Dal asks, considering possible ways to salvage their cause.


"No one," Hyung-Chul reports. "He's convinced Sun-Mi will recover."


"And if she doesn't?"


"He'll place the blame personally on me."


"Do you think Atwater would join up with Kim as revenge?" Jong-Ki raises the likelihood.


"He didn't say that," Hyung-Chul is quick to defend Min-Cho. "I don't think it really matters to him what happens with MBS."


Seung-Hwan is surprised at this. "But what about his investment? He could lose a fortune!"


"Atwater apparently doesn't care about money either," Hyung-Chul replies. "In fact, his exact words to me were, 'All the money in the world is meaningless, compared to losing a single precious pearl' ..."



"What do you think he meant by that?" Seung-Hwan wonders aloud. "Isn't he into diamonds?"


But contemplating on those words, Hyung-Chul becomes lost in thought...


... we're like a rare meteorite from the heavens and a precious pearl from the sea, now come together ...



After watching his friend's silent reverie for a minute, Sun-Dal intrudes, "What is it, Hyung-Chul?"


"I had a sudden feeling that I can't explain, not in words," Hyung-Chul replies cryptically, getting up from his chair.


"What's going on, Son?" Jong-Ki asks, concerned at his odd behavior.


Without hesitating, Hyung-Chul goes out the study door, calling back with firm conviction, "There is something important that I have to do -- right now -- or I won't be able to... I may be too late, already..."