AAE Boxful of Memories

Written by: Margie


Deciding that she couldn't wait any longer, San Mei put down the magazine and stood up. However rich or famous the guy was, he had no right to keep her waiting. All the other directors were punctual for the photo shoot, why wasn't he?

She started to pack up her camera equipment. The manager was hovering nervously near the door, poking his head out now and then to check if the MD has arrived. He rushed towards her when he saw her packing up.

"Are you leaving already? Please wait a bit longer."

"I've waited more than 40 minutes, I can't wait any longer. My time is precious to me too, Manager Choi."

The manager threatened. "If you leave, our company may decide to terminate your service contract for this portfolio."

She handed him a business card. "OK, I'll be at my studio until 9:00 pm. If your boss can come to my studio before then, I can take his photograph and together with the other photographs, I'll deliver the portfolio to your office -- Friday, I think. If he doesn't turn up, then I can only promise to deliver the portfolio until after my exhibition."

"You expect our managing director to go personally to your studio?"

"I assure you my studio is not a hovel. Your boss will be quite comfortable having his photograph taken there."

"But, I don't think you should ..."

She picked up her bag and heads towards the door. "Just let MD Yoon knows. I really have to leave now or I'll be late for my 8:00 pm client." She turned back to the manager. "Oh, please let me know whether he's coming, or not coming, to my studio this evening."

Back at her studio, after attending to the last appointment, San Mei stretched her tired limbs. It had been an especially long and tiring day for her. She had been running here and there the entire day -- keeping her appointments at the studio, finalizing the arrangements for the photo exhibits and rushing over to First Corp. for the photo-taking session, only to be kept waiting 40 minutes for nothing.

She hoped that all the exhibits will be sold. The commune desperately needed funds to keep it going. She would not dream of giving up her grandparents' dream -- not without lending a hand. They had poured in blood, sweat and tears in the commune. Her parents do try their best, but without residents and with expenditures increasing every month, it was a 'wait and see' solution.

She recalled the sadness on her parents' faces.

"There isn't much left of our savings. We may have to close down the commune," her father sighed, "I've been a failure as a son."

"How much do we need to settle the urgent bills?"

She gasped when her mother mentioned the amount. "That much? Maybe I can contribute a bit more each month."

Her father patted her hand. "You have already contributed so much time and money to the home, I can't let you do more."

"How about if I exhibit my works to raise funds? If there's good response, the proceeds should help to cover several months' expenditure. After that, we can try to look for a sponsor. Don't worry, we'll take it one day at a time. Worrying isn't good for your blood pressure."

San Mei checked her watch - 2100 -- made one last check on the locks, pulled down the blinds to the door and 'softened' the lights. She had a bedsit in the studio. It saved a lot of commuting time. On weekends, she stayed at the commune. Hunger pangs reminded her that she hadn't eaten for hours.


Just as she was pouring hot water into the cup of instant noodles, the doorbell rang. She decided to ignore the bell. Can't the person tell the studio is closed?

The bell pealed again. She walked to the door and without opening it, said "We're closed."

"MD Yoon is here to have his photo taken."

"It is now," she looked at her wristwatch, "exactly 10 minutes past 9:00 pm, which means the studio is closed."

San Mei said firmly, "Please call my receptionist to make another appointment for the alternate week. Goodnight."

Another voice, authoritative yet persuasive, spoke behind the door. "But you're still in your studio and I'm already here. Saves both of us time if we can do the photo-session now."

She switched on the lights and pulled up the blinds. She could see three young men standing outside the glass-paned door.

The tallest of the three -- probably someone with authority -- nodded. Hand on the knob, she said quietly, "I'm still here because I live here. That doesn't mean I work 24 hours a day."

One of the two young men responded angrily, "You are very disrespectful to my employer. Do you know who our MD..."

He was however, stopped by his boss.

"I apologise. Our flight was delayed, so we came directly from the airport. There was no time to call you."

Manager Choi did not mention that.

San Mei unbolted the door and stood aside for them to enter.

"Thank you." MD Yoon motioned for his staff to wait outside the door.

"I'll get the equipment ready. If you need to neaten up, the restroom is through there. If not, please sit there."

MD Yoon didn't bother to check his appearance and sat down the seat facing the camera.

San Mei positioned the camera tripod and turned on the spotlights. She looked into the camera and zoomed in on his image. Unlike most people who were nervous in front of the camera, he looked poised and confident.

"Must be used to having his picture taken," San Mei mumbled to herself.

"Right, everything's ready. Are you ready, Sir?" she announced, checking his image through the lens. "There's a tiny piece of paper on your hair."

He touched his hair. "Here?"

"No, more to the left side, near your forehead ... No, not there ..."

San Mei walked up to him and removed the tiny paper and patted down his hair. "Please look into the camera, Sir. That's just fine." She clicked the shutter. "Just one more shot, please. Okay, we're done."

MD Yoon stood up and buttoned up his jacket. "Thank you and once again, I apologise for making you wait this afternoon."

She shrugged. "Don't dwell on it -- I've forgotten already."

He looked around her studio and noticed the cup of noodles. "Did I interrupt your dinner?"

San Mei smiled. "I'll just pop it in the microwave -- won't even take a minute."

"Let me take you out for dinner. I kept you waiting this afternoon and now, I made you miss dinner."

"I'm fine. I don't like having heavy meals late at night."

"It's not really late. We can just have coffee and some snacks or sandwich."

She shook her head, but thanked him. "The portfolio will be ready Friday."

He nodded and held out his hand. "Thank you again. Goodnight."


That Friday morning, Hyong-chul instructed his manager. "I'd like to take a look at the portfolio before you present it to the board."

"I'm afraid we have not received it from Ms. Zhen yet."

"Didn't she say she will deliver it today? Please call her."

The manager hesitated. "I tried to call her about 10 minutes ago but her phone's not switched on. I tried her studio and the receptionist said Ms. Zhen's at the art gallery, finalizing arrangements for the exhibition tomorrow."

"What exhibition?"

He passed the papers to Hyong-chul. "It's in the papers. Ms. Zhen is exhibiting her photography works."

The intercom buzzed. "Ms. Zhen is here."

Hyong-chul stood up. "Show her in, please."

"Good morning, MD Yoon, Manager Choi."

Noticing her flushed cheeks, Hyong-chul inquired, "Did you arrive from the gallery?"

"How did you know about that?"

After Manager Choi explained what had happened, she replied, "I had promised that the portfolio will be delivered today." She handed it to Hyong-chul.

"Can I offer you anything -- coffee, ginseng tea?"

"Thank you, but I have to return to the gallery."

She spoke to the manager, "If there's any problem, please call me at the gallery." She scribbled the number on the back of her business card and handed it him. "Thank you."

With a bow and a wave, she dashed out of the office.


On the day of the exhibition, San Mei was kept on her toes from opening time until closing time. The exhibition was a great success. Except for a couple of photographs, everything was snapped up. She hadn't thought that people were willing to pay such high prices for her works.

She tidied up the hall and placed her equipment onto a trolley. Taking one last look to ensure she hadn't left anything behind, she pushed the trolley out the entrance and headed towards her jeep. A young man was leaning against her car.

"MD Yoon?" She squinted. "What are you doing here?"

"Let me help you."

After completing the task, he replied, "I was waiting for you."

"Waiting for me ... I don't understand. Your people are not happy with the portfolio?"

"Do you know of any dining place worth recommending?"

"You could have waited until Monday. Anyhow, I can't do any immediate changes as I will not be at the studio tomorrow."

"I don't have any free time next week." He closed the door and turned to her. "You don't like eating at night, right? We can just have sandwiches and coffee -- you choose."

She hesitated as she still had a lot of work to do. "I'll make an exception this time." Actually, she was hungry because she had been too busy to eat.


He looked around the tent of the eating place and remarked. "It's surprising there are still so many customers here at this time of the night."

"Not that surprising because the food here is really good. That aunty is a terrific cook." She handed him a pair of chopsticks. "What changes do you want me to make to the portfolio?"

"We'll come to that later. You know, I remember that night when I went to your studio, you had also missed dinner. You're causing havoc to your digestive system. One should eat regular meals at regular times. If your stomach's empty all the time, you'll suffer gastric pains."

"What makes you think I missed dinner?"

"From the way you eat."

San Mei put down her spoon. "MD Yoon. You do not really want to talk about the portfolio -- so, what is your real motive?"

He chuckled. "You're right. Actually, the directors are happy with your work. No complaints at all."

"That's wonderful! I will send you my bill next week."

"Yes, you do that. I heard that the exhibition was to raise funds for the commune."

"Where did you learn that from?" Her tone was cool, because she did not like people to know about it.

He sensed her displeasure. "You're not happy that I know about it?"

She shook her head. "Not just you - but anyone. I'd prefer to keep this confidential. I want people to come in, look at the exhibits and buy the pictures if they like them. And if they didn't, it would be perfectly alright. I don't want them to feel obliged to buy just because the exhibition is to raise funds."

"I was there for a short while."

San Mei looked up in surprise.

"You were preoccupied with the details, so I didn't think it necessary to let you know. A friend introduced me to your father. He mentioned that if not for the sake of the commune, you would not have put up your works for sale. I understand the photographs meant a lot to you. It was a very noble thing to do."

She replied thoughtfully, "Yes, they meant a lot to me, because behind every picture, there is a story and memories. The pictures are sold -- but up here -- in my mind -- I still have the memories. They're more precious, because they can't be sold or bought."

"And does a man features in any of these memories?"

"What -- a man? You mean someone special?"

He nodded.

Thinking of her grandfather and father, she replied, "Yes, as a matter of fact -- not just one, but two men."

They ate in silence, both deep in thought. San Mei suddenly noticed that they were the last two customers, and joked, "We'd better leave now, or aunty would make us do the dishes too."


Several days later, HC's assistant delivered a box to San Mei. When she asked after his welfare, he said that MD Yoon had returned to England.

"England? You mean he was transferred from England?"

"MD Yoon is based in England. He arrived in Seoul on the first night we came to your studio."

Hearing that, San Mei felt bad for having acted so childishly. She felt disappointment too, that he left the country without any word. But then, he wasn't obliged to let her know anything, as they had met only a couple of times and she couldn't even claim to be on a friendly footing with him.

"So he won't be coming back to Korea?" Why was she asking so many questions? Better stop it before the guy thinks she's interested in his MD.

"MD Yoon went back to England for his engagement. I'm not sure myself when he'll return to Korea with his fiancée."

Though surprised, she asked the assistant to forward her congratulations to them. Later, alone in her studio, she opened the box. Inside were her photographs -- those she had put up for sale at the exhibition. There were two letters inside. She opened the one with her name on it.

Ms. Zhen,
I have returned to England to sort out some problems. Forgive me for not saying 'Goodbye'. I came to Korea for business discussions and for what I thought was a tiresome 10-minute photo-taking session. You proved how wrong I was.

What did he mean by that?

Thanks to you, I finally managed to see everything in a clearer perspective upon my return to Korea. Now I know what I must do when I return to England. I kick myself for not having done it years ago. I know I will hurt many people I care about -- but this is better than living a lifetime of grief and lies.

Is he talking about his engagement?

In this box, you will find something familiar to you. I am returning the pictures to their rightful owner. I hope that in doing so, I can also claim a part of your memories, because for a while, I shared them with you. However, I have retained one that I had become attached to.

The other letter is an invitation to enlist the old folks' commune as a part of First Corp.'s community project. In this connection, FC will be responsible for all operational expenses of the commune, as well as the provision of medical attention to the residents. We will organize events for them and earn good publicity for the company in return. So, unlike what you think, this offer is not based on charity. Please do not decline my good intention or I will be most unhappy.

Lastly, I will always pray for your happiness. May you and your 'special someone' enjoy a fairy tale ending.

-- HCY

He really believed I had someone special! San Mei's heart was beating with conflicting emotions. She was very touched that he had returned her pictures and his generous offer to help the commune, but decided she couldn't accept such a big donation. Also, she hadn't fully understood the contents of his letter.


Wednesday morning, San Mei drove to FC. As soon as she entered the building, she could sense tension in the air. The two receptionists were talking and crying softly at the same time.

One was saying, "Oh, poor MD Yoon. I can't believe the Chairman would be so heartless!"

The other wailed, "Does this mean that I won't see him anymore?"

San Mei tapped lightly on the counter. "Excuse me. I am here to see Manager Choi."

As they went back to their tasks, her eyes caught the headlines in the newspapers --

FC Chairman Disowns Only Son!
FC Heir Loses Everything!
HC Yoon Chooses Freedom Over Inheritance!

As soon as she was seated in Manager Choi's office, she asked, "What happened to MD Yoon?"

Choi shook his head sadly. "When he returned to England, MD Yoon defied his father's wishes and refuses to get engaged. The Chairman was enraged and immediately issued a statement that MD Yoon is no longer his son. Not only that, MD Yoon is also relieved of his duties as MD of FC and of all affiliated companies."

"Where is MD Yoon now?"

"No one knows. He left the family home after the fallout with his father. His mother just called me. She believes he is back in Korea." He read the lawyer's letter. "I'm sorry, but this will take time to sort out -- probably after the crisis."

"That doesn't matter -- I came to return the offer anyway. But I'm more concerned about MD Yoon. How is he taking this? Where is he?"

Choi San smiled. "You seem to care very much about MD Yoon."

"This is a very big blow to him. As a friend, of course I'm worried about him."

Leaning forward, he patted San Mei's hand. "Don't worry too much, Ms. Zhen. In FC, WH Yoon may be Chairman, but it's his wife, Madam Choi, who wields the power. She is a traditional woman and thinks the world of her husband -- but she is a mother first, a wife second. You must understand, Ms. Zhen, the Chairman is from the old school, which means things must be done just so. His word is law -- even when it comes to his son's marriage. MD Yoon finally found the voice to defy his father. As soon as he returned to England, he told his father he will marry a woman of his own choice and not one chosen by his father. Do you know why I'm telling you all this?"

She shook her head.

"It's because I think Hyong-chul will contact you."

San Mei was doubtful. "I think you're wrong. We only met a couple of times. He must have other friends in Korea."

Choi disagreed, "Friends of his age are all in England. Most of those he knows here are family friends. He won't try to contact me because I work for FC -- but you, you have no ties with his family."


"San Mei, you had a mysterious call when you were out."

"Who was it?" Josie wouldn't win any 'Receptionist of the Year' title, but she is hardworking and willing to learn and that's good enough for San Mei.

Blinking her eyes, Josie replied, "He didn't say -- that why's it's mysterious."

"Maybe he's a client. Did he leave a number or say when he'll call again?" San Mei asked patiently.

"He didn't volunteer, so I did not ask. But I gave him your mobile phone number."

"Josie, I've told you many times not to give just anyone my mobile number."

She brought out the mobile phone from her bag, remembering, "Oh no! I forgot to send it for repairs."

Since there are just the two of them, San Mei usually lunched with Josie when she's not busy. As today was one of those quiet days, they locked up the studio early and headed towards their favorite eating place.

The aunty called out to her. "Ms. Zhen, your friend was here last night."

San Mei was puzzled. "My friend?"

"That young man you had dinner with on Saturday night? He was here for dinner and I asked him why you weren't with him. He looked troubled, so I did not ask anymore. Did both of you have a fight?"

"Did he say anything else?"

"No. He just ate his dinner quietly, paid for it and left."

The phone was ringing when they arrived back at the studio and Josie hurried to answer it.

"This is ZSM Studio -- yes, Ms. Zhen is here." She handed the mouthpiece to San Mei. "It's the mystery caller."

"Zhen San Mei here -- can I help you? --- It's really you? -- But where are you now? --- I see --- I think it's alright, but please wait a second ..."

San Mei covered the mouthpiece and said to Josie, "We have no other appointments this afternoon, so you can go home."

Josie dithered. "But I don't have any appointment either."

"Go shopping then or just go home and sleep."

"You won't cut my pay?"


"Thanks for letting me stay here."

Earlier Hyong-chul had explained that he did not want to stay in a hotel as his mother expected him to and would want him to return to England. He needed to be on his own for while to do some serious thinking. He had spent the past two nights in a modest inn in a quiet part of the city.

"The room is rather small." San Mei couldn't help thinking how awkward he must feel with all the frills on the curtains and the beddings." If you prefer to stay at the commune, I can fix it up for you."

"No, it's too public there -- your studio is safer. I gather you know what happened."

She nodded. "Manager Choi told me a bit. You don't mind, do you?"

"No -- it's common knowledge already." He looked around the room. "Why do women like the frilly stuff?"

"Because we're women -- that's why. If we like things that men like, then we're not women, right?"

He laughed. "That's good logic." San Mei was relieved to share a light-hearted moment with him. At least, he's not thinking about his problem.

"You can unpack your things and hang your clothes in here. I've removed most of my things, so there's quite a lot of ample space. The bathroom's just the next door knob away and you can stash your luggage -- oops!"

San Mei had turned too quickly while moving about the room and collided into him. Next thing she knew, her sandals slipped on the floor mat and both tumbled onto her bed -- with her on top.

Face-to-face -- eyes level with each other -- she noticed for the first time, how long his eyelashes were. Her nose was almost touching his. Her soft body was on top of his hard and toned length and her hands were on his chest. She was finding it hard to breathe and she suspected, so was he. When she felt his arms wrapping around her waist, she realized the intimate position they were in. She pushed herself up and got off his body.

"Now you'll agree with me that this room is small. I'm sure you're used to a much bigger room in England." She gasped. "I shouldn't have brought that up."

He smiled and got up from the bed. "I'm the one who should say sorry -- I'm depriving you of your bed and room. Actually, I don't mind roughing it out on the studio floor."

"I don't think that's a good idea. Josie comes in early to clean, so it wouldn't be very convenient. We'll also have to think of something to tell Josie. You can't possibly hide in the room all day."

"I have to ask this -- will my staying here cause any misunderstanding between you and your 'friend'?

She said seriously. "No, rest assured it won't. He's very understanding."


"Your brother?" Josie was sure she'd heard right when San Mei introduced the handsome hunk as her brother, but she was skeptical. "You never told me you had a brother." Still, she couldn't wipe that smile from her face -- thinking she wouldn't mind it a bit if she has to work on Sundays too. Her hand was still feeling 'tingly' from their handshake.

"Oh, he was taken away without my parents' knowledge by one of my relatives as a young boy and only very recently, managed to trace us."

Josie couldn't take her eyes of San Mei's brother, who was looking at some photographs on the wall. "Why isn't he staying with your parents -- not that I'm not happy he's staying here."

"It's too noisy there. He's writing a book, so he needs peace and quiet. If you need help with anything, you can ask my brother to help -- but try not to bother him unnecessarily."

At times, when he's 'not writing a book', Hyong-chul would wander out around the studio. As he was keen to learn about photography, San Mei gave him some pointers on the proper lightings and angles. Josie, who was smitten with Hyong-chul, would try to 'corner' him and monopolise his attention.

One afternoon two weeks' later, San Mei returned to the studio after an appointment and found a group of Josie's friends waiting to have their pictures taken.

When Hyong-chul spotted her, he was relieved. "I told them I was not the photographer, but they insisted that I take their pictures. You'd better take over."

"Oh no! They would never forgive me if I did. Anyway, your skill is pretty good, so oblige them," she deliberately refused to help him out.

Later that evening in the dark room, while reaching for a box of film rolls, she noticed the box of photographs HC had returned to her.

"Can I come in?" A light tap and Hyong-chul entered. "What are you doing on that stool?"

"I want to get that box."

"Come down from there and I'll get it for you."

She turned around. Hyong-chul held her waist to help her down, but did not immediately release her.

"MD Yoon ..."

"Don't say anything ... just let me hold you -- even if for 5 minutes, I'd be satisfied."

Wordlessly, he held her in his embrace. Not knowing what she should do, she let her arms hang limply by her sides.

He whispered in her ear, "Wrap your arms around me -- please, I need your warmth."

"Hyong-chul ... we shouldn't."

He turned his face towards hers. "Please, only for 5 minutes -- that's all I ask."

Slowly, she placed her arms around him. He moved even closer to her and caressed her cheek with his lips before releasing her.

"Thank you."

He reached up and brought down the box. "You wanted this box?" Without looking at her, he added, "Let's go for a drive. I have something to tell you."


Hyong-chul drove to a quiet street near the outskirts of town, and switched off the engine.

Opening the window to let in the fresh breeze, he said quietly. "My mother came to the studio today when you were away."

When she did not answer, he turned to her. "You're not surprised?"

San Mei shook her head. "I knew, sooner or later, your parents would find you. I think she knew all along where you were."

Hyong-chul laughed quietly. "You're right, she did. She knew if I had wanted to go back, I would, when I'm ready to. If you ask me now -- am I ready to return to England, I would answer -- I really don't know."

"All my life, I've always adhered to my father's wishes. I never felt he was my father -- more like a dictator. He cracks the whip, I obey. What clothes I should wear -- what friends I should make -- what university I should attend and even, which woman I should marry -- so much so, that I hate myself for not standing up to him and I hated that that kind of life. But then I met you."

His eyes glistened, but when he turned towards her, he was smiling.

"I've had a chance to see how independent you were -- that you had your own studio and had achieved such a sterling reputation for your works while still so young; I was impressed. When I learnt that you were so selfless, as to part with something you had collected through the years and treasured so much -- in order to give to others -- you inspired me. Because you felt that was what you should do, and you just went ahead. It was all your own choice."

She found her voice. "That was what you meant in your letter?"

He nodded.

"I've always wanted to thank you for the pictures. But I still do not know which photograph you kept. I haven't had time to go through the sales inventory."

He recited from memory. "It was a picture of a little girl on the beach, wearing a swimsuit and barefooted -- writing some words in the sand with a tree branch. She was laughing at the photographer and showing a 'Peace' sign."

San Mei smiled. "And could you make out the words that were written on the sand?"

"It was -- 'I love my grandpa.' You were that little girl and the photographer was your grandfather?"

She answered, "Yes, I was the little girl. But I did not put up the picture for sale, because the picture was not my 'work'. I wonder how it got mixed with the exhibits."

"It must have been fate."

"So, what are you planning to do? Return to England with your mother?"

"I may have to -- at least for a short while. It's not because my father has retracted his earlier announcement, but because I have to accept my commitments. My mother needs me, but I would like to stay in Korea. It can be arranged."

"I'm glad to hear that. Whatever happened between you, your father's blood runs in your veins."

He smiled wryly. "I've wanted to ask you for a long time. Why is it, I've never met your boyfriend? I've never picked up any of his calls for you, either. How can you like a man who doesn't appreciate you at all?"

She laughed. "I never said I have a boyfriend at all."

"You did," he insisted. "I asked you if a man featured in your memories and you said 'Sure'. When I asked if your friend would misunderstand about my staying at the studio, you said 'he's very understanding.' "

"The first time, I was referring to the two men in my life -- my grandfather and my father. And my father, who is also my friend, is the understanding sort."

He looked incredulously at her. "You deliberately misled me? Why did you do that for? Do you know how much grief you caused me?"

"What grief did I cause you?" She asked innocently.

"You knew I was attracted to you from the start. And I know you're attracted to me too -- your response in the dark room was hard to ignore."

She blushed. "What do you mean my response?"

"Let me prove it to you again."