Editor's Talk

Special Corner

F for all the Fun times we have together. R for Rooting for me always…. I for the Immensely lovable person you are …. E for being all Ears for me …. N for Not saying "YES" everytime…. D for the Dozen of Hugs

You mean so much to me

Sunmi : Thank you for all the care and concern you've given me. In spite of all the unreasonable things I did to you, you've still remained by my side. I hope you won't see me off at the airport. I don't wish or want to let you see me leaving. There are things which a person feels he has to do right away. When I'm in England, I will be strong. Thank you very much for everything you've done. Goodbye, Senior.

Hyung Chul : Sunmi! There are things which a person feels he has to do right away. Marry me. Don't leave. Sunmi,, I love you.

For the happy ending of love, let this be the starting point of us. We shall walk hand in hand to start growing our friendship. F r i e n d s !! Let's come walking hand in hand together. We're waiting for the day we could meet again. The day that we will truly enjoy ourselves with joy and warmth.

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