SM Married Life
Translation by: ariajo
Writer: Lin Cai (Taiwan)
SM Notebook - Married Life (Part 11)

The Charity Gala was just a few days away. Xiang-zhe specially made time to accompany Shan-mei to the designer they had always patronized.
"These are new arrivals, European style . . ." the designer knew exactly what Xiang-zhe was looking for. ". . . just right for such formal occasion."
Xiang-zhe surveyed the recommended designs, stole a look at Shan-mei and selected a champagne-colored dress from the lot. "This would be perfect."
Shan-mei smiled as she took the dress from Xiang-zhe. "I won't be a sec." Was she getting used to letting Senior run her life for her? No. It was the sweetness of dependency - relying on Senior to take care of her; and the tenderness of trust - knowing that Senior saw the best in her and knew how to make her merits shine. It was the trust that no other heart can demand.
Our designer eyed Xiang-zhe thoughtfully while Xiang-zhe waited patiently outside the fitting room ?brighter smile, softer lines, totally indulging in the happiness of being a family man. Xiang-zhe has changed, she thought. Like many others, she had wondered why Xiang-zhe gave up a beauty, like Yong-xi, for a girl next door, Shan-mei. But now she knew. Yong-xi was no doubt a beauty, but one that was to be appreciated from a distant. Shan-mei, on the other hand, had a unique charm working like a magnet, drawing her admirer closer and closer. . .
The curtains of the fitting room drew back, unveiling the unique and charming Shan-mei. Xiang-zhe held his breath as he rose slowly from his chair admiring his angel approvingly. The simplicity of the cut and the demure skin-tone color enhanced Shan-mei's exquisiteness.
"Wow! This suits you perfectly, fits like second skin," the designer applauded. "Mr. Yin, you really know how to bring out your wife's best advantage."
Beneath lowered lids, Shan-mei eyed Xiang-zhe in the reflection of the mirror. Xiang-zhe's eyes burnt with love and passion, never getting enough of this tranquil sight. Overcame by shyness, she lowered her eyes . . .
Shan-mei couldn't help feeling tense on the night of the Charity Gala. She kept looking down at her dress, straightening folds that did not need to be straightened.
Did she look all right? Is everything in place? Shan-mei absent-mindedly held her hand to her chest.
"Nervous?" Xiang-zhe asked as he gently placed his arm about her shoulders.
"Ummm . . . I've never been to such . . . such formal occasion." Shan-mei took another breath, desperately trying to calm her nerves. This was the first time she appeared in public with Senior since their wedding. Nothing must go wrong. . .
"Don't worry, you are perfect. Just keep to my side and you'll be fine." Xiang-zhe said as he slipped his arm around her waist, escorting her into the ballroom.
As if a star had descended on the Gala, all eyes turned. Many glanced over with approval. Others murmured softly. . .
"Mr. and Mrs. Yin. What a pleasure!" the Chairman of SBS greeted them as they approached.
"How are you? It's been a long time" Xiang-zhe replied as he politely shook his hands.
"You surprised all of us with such sudden marriage. Some even thought this could be a shotgun marriage. HUmmm, but looking at Mrs. Yin's perfect figure, I guess rumors are rumors after all."
Really! There were such rumors going around? For the first time since their wedding, Shan-mei got her first glimpse of the spotlight they were under.
Xiang-zhe smiled casually, "SBS programs have been doing very well recently, I heard. Plenty of good comments going around." tactfully changing the topic.
"Oh, that's nothing compared to your achievements. Really, Mr. Yin, you are a strategist - anchoring the best anchor at home, so she won't be poached." Chairman of SBS said with a pinch of sarcasm. He had recently lost many of his anchors to MBS' poaching. His tone slightly bitter with that thought.
Just at this moment, Mr. Kim Jun Hao, the GM of Wen Rong Heavy Industry approached the party. "Mr. Yin" he greeted and turned to Shan-mei with a smile "Ms. Zhen Shan-mei, you're getting prettier by the day."
"Thank you." Shan-mei smiled brightly at him. What a relief to see a friendly, familiar face.
"So Mr. Yin wasn't joking at the 20th Anniversary, eh? You were really his fiance? then."
"Oh, no. . . uhm . . . it's nothing like that." Shan-mei blushed as she tried to rectify the situation.
"Actually, it was merely my wish then" Xiang-zhe came to Shan-mei's rescue as always.
"Oh, really? Well, that goes to show what a determined person our Mr. Yin is." Mr. Kim said. He knew in his heart that Xiang-zhe is the future of Wen Rong Group. He felt certain that this capable young man would bring Wen Rong Group to its ultimate.
Melodious tunes lingered in the background and floated its way into the party's ears. Xiang-zhe held out his hand to Shan-mei gentlemanly and asked, "May I?"
Excusing themselves from the group, Xiang-zhe steered Shan-mei towards the dance floor . . .
Placing her hands in his, Shan-mei allowed her body to sway and move with his flowing steps . . .
Xiang-zhe showered Shan-mei with comforting and loving gazes as their bodies moved in harmony. "Rumors and gossips are nothing new at such occasions. Don't take their words to heart, dear." There would more of such occasions in future, Xiang-zhe hoped that Shan-mei would get used to it slowly. He didn't want her to back out after the first attempt.
Shan-mei pouted her lips slightly and gave Xiang-zhe a look. "It's all your fault. You and your insisting that we get married iUmmediately."
"Of course. I had to insist." Xiang-zhe grinned. "My heart can only be at ease with you safely tugged under my wings, close by my side." He could still remember how he nearly lost her when she was to go to London. The mere thought of losing her still sent chills down his spine.
Shan-mei fixed her eyes on her perfect prince charming ?passionate eyes, lustful lips, guarding by her side always. Suddenly she felt her heart beating fast, and her cheeks burning hot. . .
As if reading her mind, Xiang-zhe leaned forward and whispered in her ears "I hope you and I are thinking of the same things right now. . ."
Realizing what he was referring to, Shan-mei averted her eyes quickly. "I don't know what you mean. . ."
"Let's go home right this moment, shall we?" Xiang-zhe said hoarsely.
Shan-mei couldn't help giggling, "But we just got here. . . I haven't even danced with the others yet."
"Ms. Zhen Shan-mei" Xiang-zhe exclaimed with mocked seriousness. "May I ask which 'others' are you planning to dance with? I've booked your dance card for the night. You're mine . . ." Xiang-zhe tightened his embrace slightly.
"Yes, sir" Shan-mei smiled sweetly. Such strong desire. Such sweet possessiveness.
Xiang-zhe swung her around as they continued dancing through the night, arm in arm. Their affection for each other so pure, unaware of all jealousies and oblivious of all envies.
Needless to say, Shan-mei didn't danced with anyone else that night. Xiang-zhe didn't give it any chance. This stunning couple was the talk of the town wherever they went . . .