All About Eve 'Uncut' -- The Cold War
by AAEfanatic
Episode 11A
SERIES OF SCENES: Previous events from Episode 10.
SCENE: Outside Hyung-Chul's apartment building, night
SCENE: MBS car parking lot, morning
SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, morning
SCENE: The Morning Show studio, morning
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, afternoon
SCENE: MBS side entrance, night
SCENE: Conference room, afternoon
SCENE: ramen noodle shop, night
SCENE: MBS elevator lobby, night
SCENE: Alley outside Sun-Mi's home, night
SCENE: Sun-Mi's living room, night
SCENE: Inside Young-Mi's apartment, night
SCENE: Inside Sun-Mi's bedroom, night
SCENE: MBS main lobby, morning
SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, morning
SCENE: MBS conference room, morning
SCENE: MBS conference room, morning
SCENE: MBS The Morning Show studio, morning
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, morning
SCENE: MBS corridor, afternoon
SCENE: MBS classroom, afternoon
SCENE: MBS Main Entrance Lobby, morning
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, morning
SCENE: MBS camera equipment room, afternoon
SCENE: Seoul prison, afternoon
SCENE: Young-Mi's apartment, night
SCENE: MBS elevator car, morning
SCENE: Outside the MBS Yeouido Studios, morning
SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, morning
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, afternoon
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, night
SCENE: MBS Atrium balcony, night
SCENE: Inside a local bar, night
SCENE: In Hyung-Chul's private club, night
SCENE: In a local bar, night (continued)
SCENE: Sun-Mi's bedroom, morning
SCENE: Outside Hyung-Chul's villa, afternoon
In a private club, after dinner
Hyung-Chul is conferring with his father, Mun-Yung Chairman Yoon Hoe-Jang, and rival Director Kim Eun-Ki.
The recent drop in ratings has shaken investor confidence in MBS.
Hyung-Chul....... When we buy something it has to look good.
....................... If the audience is tempted by the appearance, that will guarantee the investment.
Chairman Yoon.. So you're saying we have to secure popular newscasters to raise the program rating score?
....................... Induce investment from shareholders?
Hyung-Chul....... (nods)
Chairman Yoon.. (turns to Director Kim) Why don't you let him work on it then?
Director Kim...... (reluctantly) Okay.
In Hyung-Chul's office, morning
The office wall clock shows 10:50 am as Hyung-Chul and Sun-Dal confer over plans to hire freelance announers.
Hyung-Chul....... What do you think of hiring freelancers?
Sun-Dal............ (worried) But someone could lose their jobs.
Hyung-Chul....... You've got to help me.
Sun-Dal............ I can't, they're like family to me. I can't sacrifice my own lamb.
Hyung-Chul....... Please, for the company's sake.
Sun-Dal............ (shocked) Mun-Yung Group is better than that.
Hyung-Chul....... (laughing) Give me a list. We'll decide later.
In the MBS atrium, afternoon
Sun-Mi and Kyeong-Hee are sitting in the MBS third floor atrium, discussing the rumored layoffs.
Sun-Mi.............. But how can they do this to us? How could we trust any company?
....................... They just swallow us if we're sweet and spit us out if we're bitter. They said the company is like family.
Kyeong-Hee ..... That's why reality bites.
In an MBS corridor, after work
Hyung-Chul and Sun-Dal are scheduled meeting to sign a contract with a free-lance announcer.
Sun-Mi confronts them the tenth floor elevator lobby.
Sun-Mi.............. (sounding frustrated) I need to talk to you.
Hyung-Chul....... (appearing bothered) I'm busy now, maybe later.
The two men continue walking past Sun-Mi. She turns toward them and speaks to their backs.
Sun-Mi.............. (angrily) You want to hurt your family and bring in some celebrity? ... Answer me please!
Sun-Dal ........... (looks to Hyung-Chul for his response)
Hyung-Chul....... (feigning indifference) Let's just go.
They continue walking, ignoring Sun-Mi's angry frustrated glare as she watches them leave.
Sun-Mi waits at the entrance of Daelim Acrotown, a luxury residential complex in Gangnam-gu's Dodok-dong neighborhood.
It is late in the evening and rain is pouring down. Hyung-Chul drives up in his car, sees Sun-Mi, and stops.
Hyung-Chul alights from his car and walks over to Sun-Mi.
Hyung-Chul....... (concerned) How long have you been here? You should've called first.
Sun-Mi ignores his question, and angrily goes right to the point.
Sun-Mi.............. We, the whole staff, are counting on the Company. But you treat those celebrities better than us. Why?
Hyung-Chul....... (peeved) They're not just some celebrities. They didn't become famous in a day.
....................... They worked hard and we need their names. We're a broadcast company.
Sun-Mi.............. (coldly) I'm very disappointed with you.
Hyung-Chul....... (impatiently) Jin Sun-Mi, when will you grow up? I know what you're thinking.
....................... But I'm in a different position than you. Can't you just understand me?
Sun-Mi.............. (coldly) I thought you'd be different from the others...
Hyung-Chul....... (conscendingly) You've got to see the bigger picture. Why don't you try harder and become a celebrity?
....................... Why do you care about such untalented people?�
Sun-Mi.............. (icily) Are you finished?
Hyung-Chul....... (casually) Well, let's stop talking about it. Come in, have some tea.
Hyung-Chul he takes Sun-Mi's hand, but she pulls it away.
Sun-Mi.............. (angrily) I don't need it! I'm not here for some tea! ... Goodbye!
Rebuffed, Hyung-Chul just stares at Sun-Mi as she angrily stalks off into the driving rainstorm.
For a moment, he considers going after her, and even takes a step in that direction, but stops short.
From experience, Hyung-Chul knows the futility of attempting to reason when Sun-Mi is angry. Besides, she picked this fight, not him.
Fed up with her stubborness (as he see it), he stalks off into the building, leaving Sun-Mi to stew in her own juice.
The next morning, at MBS...
Woo-Jin parks his car in the surface lot at the main MBS building entrance. Sun-Mi is in the passenger seat beside him.
As soon as the engine is off she unfastens her seatbelt and turns to speak to him with a grateful smile.
Sun-Mi.............. Thanks for the ride. I'd be late otherwise.
Woo-Jin............ Any time. Since Young-Mi got her own car, I've driven alone. It's good to have some company again.
Sun-Mi.............. It's nice to have someone... I can count on.
Woo-Jin turns to look at Sun-Mi, concern creasing his brow.
Woo-Jin............. You hardly said a word the entire time. That's not like you. Is something wrong?
Sun-Mi turns away, at first reluctant to answer, then she looks directly at Woo-Jin.
Sun-Mi.............. Tell me frankly, do you think I'll ever be a good announcer? I mean, compared to Young-Mi...
Woo-Jin............. Why compare yourself to Young-Mi? You have different personalities, and different abilities.
Sun-Mi.............. (glumly) Someone said I was childish and untalented; that I should work harder to make myself into a success.
Woo-JIn............ You think he was comparing you to Young-Mi?
Sun-Mi.............. Who else?
Woo-Jin............. (scoffs)If he did, then he's an idiot!
Sun-Mi.............. He's not an idiot. Actually, he's probably the smartest person I know.
Woo-Jin............. Being smart doesn't make a person right. Don't let anyone tell you that you won't succeed!
Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) I wish I was as confident as you. Senior Joo-Hee and Team Leader Kim are always correcting my work.
....................... Everyone in the office thinks I'm a real dummy, that I got my job because of Senior... I mean, Director Yoon.
Woo-Jin............. Why listen to them? It only counts what you think, Sun-Mi. Not anyone else.
Sun-Mi.............. (contemplatively) Sometimes, I wonder... I still don't know why I wasn't kicked out after failing the final exam.
....................... Was Senior secretly supporting me? It's a possibility, right? Maybe that's why he was hiding his true identity...
Woo-Jin............. (encouragingly) Didn't you say it was because he liked you, that he was afraid you'd break off with him?
Tears fill Sun-Mi's eyes as she looks away, out the car window.
Sun-Mi.............. What if he thought... (swallows) I really did break off with him?
Woo-Jin sees Sun-Mi's chin trembling, and l puts his hand over hers in a comforting move.
But Sun-Mi slips her hand away and wipes at her tears while she composes herself.
Woo-Jin............. Did something happen?
Sun-Mi.............. Last night, Senior and I... we argued. First, about the retrenchments... He just wouldn't listen!
....................... I was so angry at what he said, I had to leave right then... before I slapped him!
Woo-Jin............ Has he tried to contact you?
Sun-Mi.............. (shakes her head) I stayed up late, waiting for his call, even a a text... Now... I don't know what to do...
Woo-Jin............. (smiles consolingly) Couples always have disagreements. Look at me and Young-Mi...
Sun-Mi.............. But always before, it didn't matter what it was; Senior was always was patient and warm towards me.
....................... But yesterday, he was different... so cold and angry... it was scary. Why did he act that way? Am I wrong about him?
Woo-Jin............. Don't blame yourself. Really, how long have you been together, anyway? So for you and Director Yoon...
Sun-Mi.............. (interrupting) You don't have to say it. Realistically, I know, we actually haven't known each other that long.
....................... Still, what would you do, if it was you and Young-Mi?
Woo-Jin............ I'd take the lead and move quickly so she knows I don't hold anything against her.
Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) I suppose you're right. But what if he doesn't?
Woo-Jin............ If he treats you badly, let me know! Director or not, I'll deal with him, okay?
Sun-Mi.............. You don't have to do that for me.
Woo-Jin............ LIke you said, you can count on me!
Sun-Mi.............. (smiles) We've talked long enough. It's almost time for work.
They both get out of the car. Woo-Jin walks around the car to Sun-Mi.
Woo-Jin............ I'll walk you to the elevator. Come on.
Sun-Mi slips her hand around Woo-Jin's arm and they start off.
Woo-Jin............ You'll be okay?
Sun-Mi.............. (smiles widely) Just seeing you cheers me up. I'll be all right.
In the next row of cars, Hyung-Chul is sitting in his BMW, watching as Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin walk away arm in arm.
His face is grim as he comtemplates the scene he had surreptiously observed since they arrived.
Hyung-Chul is working at his desk when a light rap sounds on his office door. He looks up to see Sun-Dal.
Sun-Dal............ Got a moment?
Hyung-Chul....... (smiles) I always have time for my best drinking buddy.
Sun-Dal walks in and casually sits down on the arm of the upholstered couch in front of Hyung-Chul's desk.
He notices a real estate brochure advertising a new villa complex, and out of curiosity picks it up to look more closely.
Opening the brochure, he sees a sales contract inside.
Sun-Dal............ You bought a new apartment? What's wrong with your place?
His reasons for moving are not something that Hyung-Chul wants to discuss at the moment.
Hyung-Chul....... (shrugs) I was tired of living there. Anyway, the price is up since I bought it. I'll make a tidy profit.
He holds his hand out for the brochure, and Sun-Dal gives it back to him, but not before he notices the location.
Hyung-Chul takes the brochure and puts it away in a desk drawer.
Sun-Dal............ (grins) Isn't that development near Jin Sun-Mi's home?
Hyung-Chul....... (coughs twice) I know you didn't come here to talk real estate investments, so what's up?
Sun-Dal............ Here's the budget sheet I put together on the new educational program expenses.
....................... With Park Mi-Yeong's contract on top of it, you're spending a fortune, you know.
Sun-Dal hands the papers to Hyung-Chul. Hyung-Chul glances at them and picks up a pen to sign the approvals.
Hyung-Chul....... You can't get a good product without a significant investment. How about your team? Are they ready to support this?
Sun-Dal............ I wish. With all the rumors going about, everyone's worried about being retrenched; I haven't seen morale so low.
Hyung-Chul....... (sternly) Then remind them that if this program fails, it could mean their jobs, too.
Sun-Dal............ (shocked) You're kidding, right?
Hyung-Chul....... With the stock down, the vultures are circling; someone is snapping up large blocks of our public shares.
Sun-Dal............ You mean a hostile takeover is in the works?
Hyung-Chul....... We can't rule it out. And with that comes the inevitable management shakeup... you get my point?
Sun-Dal............ (sitting up straighter) Loud and clear! I'll see that everyone is focused.
Hyung-Chul....... Good. I'll be tied up in executive meetings for the next several days, so I need you to run things.
....................... Set up an introduction for Park Mi-Yeong, and explain the new educational initiative to both Announcer Teams.
....................... We need the initial program plans finished by the weekend, so PD Shin can schedule the previews.
Sun-Dal............ Don't worry! You can count on me!
Hyung-Chul....... And... I need that retrenchment list finished and posted soon. Stop dragging your feet.
Sun-Dal............ (reluctantly) Yes, Sir! ... But even if it's only tentative, how are those on the list gonna feel when they see it?
Hyung-Chul....... There's nothing we do about that. But at least it will stop all the speculating.
In The Morning Show studio, the ON AIR light goes out.
PD................... (loudly) Okay, that's it for today. Thank you for working hard!
At the studio desk, Sun-Dal and Sun-Mi gather up their script papers, preparing to leave the set.
But instead of her usual smile and chatter to her co-host and the set crew, Sun-Mi is silent, and her face somber.
Sun-Mi.............. (stands to leave) I'm going first.
Sun-Dal............ (sternly) Just a minute, Jin Sun-Mi! I want a word with you.
Sun-Mi.............. (worried) Yes?
Sun-Dal............ What is going on these days? Are you trying to scare away our few remaining viewers?
Sun-Mi.............. (guiltily) I'm sorry. I have a lot on my mind. It's hard to smile when I'm upset.
Sun-Dal............ Focus on your work first and forget about everything else, if you want to be successful at this job.
Sun-Mi.............. (sulking) I'm hearing that a lot lately.
Sun-Dal............ (softer) Look at it this way, Sun-Mi. Being upset about these circumstances won't change anything, will it?
Sun-Mi.............. (exasperated) But how can you just stand by and let them hurt people like this?
Sun-Dal............ (quietly) I feel the same as you. This team is like family to me, but I have to look out for myself, too.
....................... Losing our jobs won't help anyone else. So you just do what you have to do, and hope tomorrow is better.
Sun-Mi.............. (disbelieving) Is that how you really feel?!
Sun-Dal............ (shrugs) That's reality. We just have to accept it.
In the Announcer 1 Team office, the entire staff is busy at their desks. Everyone, that is, except Sun-Mi...
Sun-Mi is staring vacantly at her computer screen, stewing over her argument with Hyung-Chul.
She repeats his blunt reproach over and over in her mind:
"Jin Sun-Mi, when will you grow up? ... Why don't you work harder, and become a celebrity, too?"
Joo-Hee looks over and notices Sun-Mi's idleness.
Joo-Hee............ (irritated) Jin Sun-Mi?!
Sun-Mi, fully engrossed in her thoughts, doesn't hear Joo-Hee.
Joo-Hee............ (louder, impatiently) Announcer... Jin... Sun... Mi!
Sun-Mi.............. (flustered) Huh?... Oh... Yes, Senior?
Joo-Hee............ (loudly and sarcastically, so everyone in the office can hear) Where is your head today?!
....................... Daydreaming about your boyfriend again?
As Joo-Hee intends, Sun-Mi is the center of attention in the office, with everyone's eyes on her.
Sun-Mi.............. (embarrassed) I'm sorry. Is there something you wanted?
Joo-Hee stands and grabs some papers from her desk.
Joo-Hee............ (loudly) I want a word with you. Come out...
Sun-Mi looks at Joo-Hee hesitantly, apprehension written over her face.
Joo-Hee............ (forcefully) Right now!
Sun-Mi gets up and follows Joo-Hee out of the office, into the corridor.
A few steps down the corridor, Joo-Hee turns and glares at Sun-Mi.
Joo-Hee............ (irately) Do you think that because you're Director Yoon's favorite now, you can do whatever you like?
Sun-Mi.............. (staring at the floor) Senior... it's just that...
Joo-Hee............ (scoffs) How someone with such mediocre skills and poor grades ever was hired is beyond me!
Sun-Mi.............. (quietly) I'm sorry, I'll try and do better.
Joo-Hee............ I'm only doing this for your own good, after what happened at the Anniversary Celebration...
....................... Rumors are spreading, that you had an affair in England with Director Yoon while you were in university.
The direct accusation shocks Sun-Mi.
Sun-Mi.............. (looks up) It was nothing like that! Senior and I... we were only good friends. We still are. You have to believe me!
Joo-Hee............ (adamantly) It's not what I believe that matters, but the public perception. Do you want that kind of reputation?
Sun-Mi.............. (looking down) No, Senior.
Joo-Hee............ Then stop acting like some love-sick puppy, and do your job right!
....................... I'm keeping an eye on you. Don't expect me to cut you any slack!
Sun-Mi.............. (sheepishly) Yes, Senior.
Joo-Hee............ (waving the papers) Now, run these back to the writer... And tell him to read my notes this time!
Joo-Hee shoves the papers into Sun-Mi's hand and strides back to the office, leaving Sun-Mi watching her back.
When Joo-Hee steps into the office afte scolding Sun-Mi, Kyung-Hee and Ki-Jong exchange a concerned glance.
Kyung-Hee........ Did you have to treat Sun-Mi like that?
Joo-Hee............ Why not? I'm busy, and she apparently had nothing better to do.
Kyung-Hee........ What do you have against Sun-Mi? I know she can be blur sometimes, but she means well.
Joo-Hee............ (contemptuously) In broadcasting, good intentions aren't enough. It's actual performance that counts.
....................... Have you noticed her behavior lately, and her performance?
Kyung-Hee........ (angrily) Was your level of skills was that much better when you started?
Joo-Hee............ (smugly) Obviously better than yours! When did you make News Anchor? Oh, that's right... you never did!
Kyung-Hee........ (furiously, in revenge) That's true, but I also wasn't the one dumped by the Director, either!
Tension in the office reverberates in the ensuing silence as Kyung-Hee glowers at Joo-Hee.
Ki-Jong puts his hand on Kyung-Hee's arm and shakes his head.
Everyone else keeps their head down, pretending to have not heard the heated exchange between the two Senior women.
Joo-Hee stares at Kyung-Hee, struggling to say something, shaken that her personal failure is on public display.
Seeing the crushed expression on Joo-Hee's face, Kyung-Hee knows she has crossed the line, but is still livid.
Kyung-Hee........ (sarcastically) I'm sorry, that wasn't called for.
Joo-Hee............ (forced smile) It's nothing. Let's all get back to work
Still outside the office door, Sun-Mi had heard the entire exchange inside.
Glumly, she considers her situation...
... already everyone believed she is stupid and untalented, and owes everything to Senior's backing.
... now they also think she had an affair with Senior in England, and stole him away from Joo-hee.
Discouraged, Sun-Mi trudges off to deliver Joo-Hee's message...
Sun-Mi.............. (to herself) What's the point? Now that everyone thinks I'm an idiot, and a slut, I might as well resign...
After work, Cho-Jeh is lingering at the side entrance doors of the MBS Studios complex when Sun-Mi comes out.
Still pondering her troubling work situation, Sun-Mi doesn't notice Cho-Jeh as she passes by.
Cho-Jeh............ (indignantly) Jin Sun-Mi! Are you blind?
Sun-Mi.............. (surprisesd) Cho-Jeh? Why are you waiting here so late?
Cho-Jeh............ (offhandedly) Oh, no reason. By the way, did everyone else in your office knock off yet?
Sun-Mi.............. (smiles knowingly) Do you mean Choi Jin-Soo?
Cho-Jeh............ (pouts) Did I say his name? Why would I be waiting for him?
Sun-Mi.............. He went to the baseball field this afternoon, to interview some players.
Cho-Jeh............ (looks disappointed) What about you? Got a date with your Prince Charming?
Sun-Mi.............. (irritated) Didn't I tell you before, he's not my Prince Charming! We're only friends!
Cho-Jeh............ Ouch! You don't have to be so angry about it!
Sun-Mi.............. (smiles apologetically) Sorry. It's been a bad day.
Cho-Jeh............ Eating something will make you feel better. Come on, I'm starving! What do you want to get?
Sun-Mi.............. How about ramen?
Sun-Dal comes to the executive conference room. He looks inside and sees Hyung-Chul is alone, reading from a report.
He announces his presence by a light rap on the door.
Hyung-Chul....... (looking up) Come in, and close the door.
Sun-Dal enters and closes the door as instructed. He walks up to Hyung-Chul and drops the retrenchment list on the conference table.
Sun-Dal............ (disgusted expression) Here's the list you wanted.
Hyung-Chul....... (looking up) Thanks. Take a seat.
As Sun-Dal stis down, he notices how haggard Hyung-Chul's face appears, and his attitude changes from annoyance to concern.
Sun-Dal............ You look exhausted.
Hyung-Chul....... (shrugs) How did it go?
Sun-Dal............ You were right; putting up the list settled things down in the office.
....................... It helps that everyone is so busy on the new educational program, they don't have time to gripe.
Hyung-Chul....... And Lee Kyung-Hee?
Sun-Dal............ (smiles slightly) Not happy, of course, but she's a real trooper. You wouldn't know by looking at her.
Hyung-Chul....... I'll make sure she is well rewarded for her trouble, if we survive, that is...
Sun-Dal............ If? Is it that serious now?
Hyung-Chul....... The Board called an emergency meeting; that's what I've been preparing for. Have a look.
Hyung-Chul slides a thick binder over to Sun-Dal. He flips through the first several pages, and lets out a low whistle.
Sun-Dal............ Reorganize the entire Company?
Hyung-Chul....... Perception is everything. We need a dramatic move to restore stockholder confidence, so they won't bail out.
Sun-Dal............ (grins) If I'm reading correctly, it's also a blueprint to cut the feet out from under Director Kim.
Hyung-Chul....... (smiles) You didn't hear that from me...
Sun-Dal............ You think Kim will go down without a fight?
Hyung-Chul....... He won't have a choice. By leaking rumors of our department's 'retrenchments' he left a wide-open door.
....................... Now if he objects, he'll look like an obstructionist at best; at worst, like he's colluding with outside interests.
Sun-Dal............ (laughs) So the trap Kim intended for you, caught him instead?
Hyung-Chul....... (nods smugly) Originally, I'd planned the move next year. But the present crisis forced my hand.
Hyung-Chul reaches to take the binder back from Sun-Dal.
Hyung-Chul....... (seriously) Besides my father, you're the only one who knows this. Don't tell anyone, not even Joo-Hee.
Sun-Mi is having dinner with Cho-Jeh, as they talk about her problems with Hyung-Chul.
Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) It's been three days, and Senior hasn't called. Not even a text! Maybe I should go and apologize.
Cho-Jeh............ (talking as she chews) I saw this TV drama once, where the girl kept forgiving the guy and apologizing to him.
....................... But each time, the guy treated her worse than before...
Cho-Jeh stops to take a drink.
Cho-Jeh............ Finally he dumped her, saying he couldn't respect a person who wouldn't stand up for herself. What a jerk!
Sun-Mi.............. That's TV! Senior isn't that kind of person.
Cho-Jeh............ Still, you have to set limits. Prince Charming or not, he shouldn't treat you like a doormat! Let him take the first step.
Sun-Mi.............. (worried) But if he doesn't...?
Hyung-Chul and Sun-Dal are walking toward the elevator lobby on the third floor.
Sun-Dal............ Hey... did you get back to Sun-Mi after the other night?
Hyung-Chul....... We met briefly, but that was all. After we had some more words, she left pretty upset.
Sun-Dal............ (frowns) She still is, and it's affecting her work. (sighs) Once Sun-Mi gets her teeth set, she doesn't let go.
Hyung-Chul....... (humorously) You don't say?
They arrive at the elevators, and Hyung-Chul stops. The digital clock between the doors shows 9:20 in bright red numbers.
On the small TV monitor, Joo-Hee is reading the news. Sun-Dal's attention goes right to Joo-Hee as he continues the conversation.
Sun-Dal............ Sun-Mi doesn't look strong, but she can be tenatious when she wants to.
Hyung-Chul....... Yeah, I know.
Sun-Dal............ Oh?
Hyung-Chul....... She's frozen me out.
Sun-Dal............ Then just lay low, let the storm pass. Pushing Sun-Mi just makes her dig in her heels harder.
....................... With modern women, you have to let them take the initiative or they'll feel resentful.
Hyung-Chul....... Since when did you become an expert?
Sun-Dal............ Take Joo-Hee, for example... things happen on her schedule, or they don't. So I've made a point to humor her.
....................... Our relationship has improved now that she feels I treat her as an equal. You should do the same with Sun-Mi.
The elevator arrives and Hyung-Chul steps in, but Sun-Dal stays out.
Sun-Dal............ I'm going over to the news studio.
Hyung-Chul....... (grins) Watching Joo-Hee do the news in person?
Sun-Dal............ Joo-Hee said she wants to go over the educational program staffing afterward.
Hyung-Chul....... (grins) Sure... on her schedule!
Sun-Dal............ (shrugs sheepishly) Care to join us at the club?
Hyung-Chul....... You handle it with Joo-Hee. I have something to do right now...
Later that night, Sun-Mi is walking in the alley toward her home. Seeing her gate prompts a memory:
FLASHBACK� [Scene from Episode 8, where Sun-Mi finds a rose on her gate in the morning]
In the early morning, Sun-Mi comes out the door of her house, stretches and yawns. She sees a long-stemmed red rose wrapped in a plastic tube, stuck in her gate.
Sun-Mi.. (chuckling) What kind of idiot doesn't even know his girlfriend's address? ........... I knew there was a reason why I wanted to come outside.
Sun-Mi.. (laughing as she takes the flower off the gate) Did you call me?
But as she comes closer, Sun-Mi sees there is no flower is waiting for her this time. She smiles at her foolish hopes...
Sun-Mi.............. (speaking to herself) We aren't even talking right now. Why should he do that?
Sun-Mi opens the door from the vestibule and steps into the house. Her father, Jin Gwi-Sung, is reading the day's newspaper.
He hears her come in and puts down the newspaper.
Gwi-Sung.......... Sun-Mi... Did you eat yet?
Sun-Mi places her bulging office tote on the floor near the stairway and walks toward the living room.
Sun-Mi.............. Yeah, I had dinner with Cho-Jeh... By the way, was anything left at the gate today?
Gwi-Sung.......... You've asked that several times now. Are you expecting a package or something?
Sun-Mi.............. (disappointed) No. It's nothing.
Gwi-Sung.......... (sees Sun-Mi's discouraged, tired expression) You look pale. Are you feeling unwell?
Sun-Mi.............. (flashes a quick smile) I'm just a little tired. After a relaxing bath, I'll feel revived.
Gwi-Sung looks down at Sun-Mi's tote by the stairs.
Gwi-Sung.......... You stay late at the office, and still bring work home to do every night?
Sun-Mi.............. We're putting together a new program. Everyone's working harder, not just me.
Gwi-Sung.......... Of course work is important, but you must watch your health, too. I could speak to Kim Sun-Dal for you...
Sun-Mi.............. (eyes widening) Daddy... No! I can handle it myself; I'm not a child anymore!
Gwi-Sung.......... (tenderly) Don't be upset. You're my precious daughter; until you have a husband it's my duty to watch over you.
....................... Seeing things like this, how can I not worry a little?
Sun-Mi.............. (regretfully) I'm sorry, Daddy; it's been a long day. I'm going up now.
Gwi-Sung watches with fatherly concern as Sun-Mi picks up her office tote and slowly trudges up the steps.
Young-Mi is cooking dinner in the kitchen. On the table, three long-stemmed red roses are displayed in a crystal vase.
The door opens, and Woo-Jin comes in, carrying a grocery bag.
Woo-Jin............ I brought fresh fruits for after dinner.
He sets the bag on the kitchen counter, and embraces Young-Mi from behind.
Young-Mi.......... (sullenly) I'm tired. After we eat, could you just leave?
Woo-Jin............ But we haven't seen each other all day. I miss you.
Woo-Jin gives Young-Mi a kiss on the cheek. Then he notices the vase of roses.
Woo-Jin............ (frowning) Another stem tonight? Who's sending you flowers?
Young-Mi.......... (smiles slyly) Who do you think? A secret admirer...
Woo-Jin............ (angrily) Don't joke like that with me!
Young-Mi.......... (irritated) Who's joking? If you don't watch out, someone better might take your place.
Woo-Jin............ Young-Mi, can't you be satisfied with what you have? Why are you so ambitious?
Young-Mi pushes Woo-Jin away.
Young-Mi.......... (coldly) Until you've gone hungry every night, watching your father drink up all his wages, don't criticize me!
Woo-Jin............ But that's all past. You have a good career; you even got the 7 O'Clock News your first season.
Young-Mi.......... Maybe I have it today; but there's someone, who has everything, waiting to snatch the little I have.
Woo-Jin............ You mean Sun-Mi?
Young-Mi.......... (bitterly) Just watch and see... If Sun-Mi ever gets the chance, she'll try and take the 7 O'Clock News too!
Woo-Jin............ Don't be ridiculous! Why would Sun-Mi do that?
Young-Mi.......... Sun-Mi has always been lucky. She thinks she can have anything she wants, just because she always has.
....................... I'm the only one good enough to beat her luck. So she played Cinderella to get a Prince's backing...
Woo-Jin............ Young-Mi, just drop it. There's no point in being jealous.
Young-Mi turns away and stares at the vase of roses.
Young-Mi.......... (eyes narrowing) I'll beat Jin Sun-Mi at her own game! You'll see... I'll be the queen of MBS!
With her wet hair wrapped in a towel and a robe over her pajamas, Sun-Mi is working diligently on her computer at her bedroom desk.
The clock on the computer screen shows 1:00 AM.
Gwi-Sung comes in, bringing a bedtime snack.
Gwi-Sung.......... (cheerfully) Warm milk with fruits will help you sleep better.
Sun-Mi.............. (briefly glances up, still preoccupied with her work) Oh... Thanks, Daddy. Just leave it here.
Gwi-Sung places the plate and glass next to Sun-Mi's computer. He goes over to her bed and sits down.
Sun-Mi, with her attention fully absorbed in her computer screen, doesn't notice.
Gwi-Sung.......... Sun-Mi, can we talk?
Sun-Mi.............. (turning to look) Huh?
He pats the bed beside him. Sun-Mi smiles and comes over to sit next to her father.
Gwi-Sung puts his arm around Sun-Mi, and she rests her head against his shoulder.
Gwi-Sung.......... Remember bedtimes when you were little?
Sun-Mi.............. Uh-huh. You'd bring me fruits and warm milk, read me a story, and tuck me in.
Gwi-Sung.......... (sighs wistfully) Now, you're too grown up for storybooks, or for tucking into bed...
Sun-Mi.............. (contentedly) Mmmm...
Gwi-Sung.......... Are you sure this is what you want for your life? Working so hard for a career?
Sun-Mi.............. Are you implying I should just quit my job and get married?
Gwi-Sung.......... No, but I want you to be happy. Your mother and I were married right out of college.
....................... Although we were only together a short time, those were the happiest years of my life.
Sun-Mi.............. (pouts) What does that make me? An unhappy old maid at 25?
Gwi-Sung.......... (chuckles) Of course not. But life is about more than a career. We all need someone special to share it with.
Sun-Mi.............. (snuggling closer) You're special to me, Daddy... and Auntie, too... and Woo-Jin oppa... I don't need anyone else.
Gwi-Sung.......... You used to dream about marrying Woo-Jin. Don't let one disappointment hold you back.
....................... What about that colleague, who bought your dress?
Sun-Mi.............. (wry smile) I'm not so sure. We don't seem very compatible.
Gwi-Sung.......... Your Auntie mentioned a friend has a son coming back from America soon...
Sun-Mi.............. (silence)
Gwi-Sung.......... Will you at least think about it?
Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) I'm so busy right now. The last thing I need is a relationship.
Gwi-Sung.......... I take it that's a 'No'?
Sun-Mi.............. (smiles slightly) I'll let you know when the time is right, Daddy.
Father and daughter share a warm hug. After their embrace, Gwi-Sung stands up.
Gwi-Sung.......... I'm going down. Don't work too late.
Sun-Mi.............. (nods) Just a little longer.
Gui-Sung........... (looks longingly) Good night, Sun-Mi.
Sun-Mi.............. (smiles affirmatively) Good night, Daddy.
Sun-Mi watches her father leave the room and go down the stairs. She looks over at the fruit and milk and smiles reflectively.
Her face saddens as she thinks about her troubled relationship with Hyung-Chul and where it might lead... or not.
It is a sunny morning when Hyung-Chul strolls into the MBS lobby. He greets others as he walks toward the elevators.
Hyung-Chul enters his office, followed by his secretary.
Hyung-Chul....... The program rating sheet?
Secretary.......... Here you go (hands him the papers he requested)
Hyung-Chul looks over the chart, which shows a significant and sharp change for one program.
He smiles as he makes notes on the chart in several places.
Secretary.......... The conference is ready, sir.
Hyung-Chul....... (checking his watch) OK.
As Hyung-Chul enters the conference room, everyone at the table respectfully stands.
Hyung-Chul....... (speaking to the group) Have a seat.
He takes his seat at the head of the table as they all sit down.
Assistant........... (places a binder on the table in front of Hyung-Chul and opens it)
Hyung-Chul....... The educational program hosted by our guest host was well received. I hope you will continue to work on it.
....................... I heard we are changing scriptwriters for the sitcoms. Have you seen to it?
Manager 1........ Yes. But we are in the middle of a tug-of-war with other stations. The price keeps going up.
Hyung-Chul....... Just quote our ceiling price and tell the other party we cannot wait any longer.
....................... A decision has to be made. Though we pay less, remind them we have the best production facilities.
Manager 1........ (nodding) Yes.
Manager 2........ By the way, sir, the stock price of MBS rose by 8.7% yesterday.
Hyung-Chul....... (looks up from his papers to listen)
Manager 2........ They say it's an uptrend. People are optimistic. Thanks to your new policy the stockholders are...
Hyung-Chul recognizes the man's attempted flattery and impatiently cuts him off.
Hyung-Chul....... (interrupting) OK. That's enough... How are the drama programs doing?
After dismissing the meeting, Hyung-Chul lingers behind at the conference table to look over the reports again.
Assistant........... Congratulations, Director.
Hyung-Chul....... (grumbling) Prepare papers to transfer Manager Oh to a remote station. I can't stand his constant flattery.
Assistant........... Yes, sir. Which station do you have in mind?
Hyung-Chul....... (jokingly) Can we open one in Pyongyang?
Assistant........... (seriously, as if he didn't get the joke) I'll get right on it, Sir.
Hyung-Chul....... (looking at his watch, sees it is 8:45am, then laughs) But first, bring some coffee.
His Assistant nods and leaves the room, moving quickly. Hyung-Chul picks up a TV remote control and turns on a TV monitor.
The Morning Show comes on. Sun-Mi and Sun-Dal are seated at the announcers' desk.
Sun-Dal............ (on the TV) What's up next, Announcer Jin Sun-Mi?
Sun-Mi.............. (on the TV) For our last segment, To See The World, we're exploring the country of Switzerland...
Hyung-Chul's assistant arrives with a paper cup of vending coffee, notes Hyung-Chul's eyes are glued to the TV.
Assistant........... (coughs to get attention) Your coffee, Director?
Sun-Mi.............. (continuing on the TV) ... beginning at the city of Bern...
Hyung-Chul extends his hand for the cup, but keeps his eyes on the TV monitor.
Assistant........... (speaking over the sound of the TV) Anything else, Director?
Sun-Mi.............. (continuing on the TV) ... It's Switzerland's capital and largest city...
Hyung-Chul's eyes still glued to the monitor, focused on Sun-Mi.
Assistant........... Director? You're due in the Announcer 1 Team office in ten minutes.
Hyung-Chul....... There's plenty of time. Bring the Programming Committee to the office. I'll meet you there.
Hyung-Chul waves him off, but he waits a few more seconds in case his boss has anything to add.
Sun-Mi.............. (continuing on the TV) ... Reporter Park Min-Woo was in the city recently, to take us to the highlights of...
Assistant........... Nine minutes now, Director...
The Assistant walks out, waiting until he is out of Hyung-Chul's sight to express his incredulity.
On the Morning Show� studio set, Sun-Dal and Sun-Mi sign off the end of the broadcast.
Sun-Dal............ (cheerfully smiling) Today will be a new bright day. I think it'd be better if you could have a picnic this weekend.
Sun-Mi.............. We'll see you tomorrow morning this time.
Sun-Dal............ Goodbye.
Sun-Mi.............. Goodbye.
PD................... Well done.
Sun-Dal............ Thanks.
Sun- Mi............. Thanks.
Sun-Dal............ (to Sun-Mi) Good job.
He gives her a light pat on the back.
Sun- Mi............. (smiling happily) Thanks.
Hyung-Chul is wrapping up his speech to the assembled annmouncer staff.
Hyung-Chul....... The future of MBS depends on this new program. You can also contact me if you have any better ideas.
Sun-Dal enters the office with Sun-Mi following him.
Young-Mi is getting a cup of coffee from the dispenser.
Sun-Dal............ (to Hyung-Chul) Good morning.
Hyung-Chul....... (to Sun-Dal and Sun-Mi) Well done on The Morning Show.
Sun-Dal............ Thanks.
Sun-Mi dips her head, but says nothing. Hyung-Chul looks directly at Sun-Mi, but she turns her back to show she is still angry at him.
Young-Mi walks up with a cup of coffee and hands it to Hyung-Chul, giving him an ingratiating smile.
Young-Mi.......... (sweetly) Here's your coffee.
Hyung-Chul....... Thanks.
Sun-Mi looks at Hyung-Chul briefly, signaling her contempt at how willingly he accepts Young-Mi's fawning flirtations.
Hyung-Chul ignores Sun-Mi's eye darts and addresses the staff with his closing remarks.
Hyung-Chul....... I'm sorry to interrupt your work, but I just wanted to say the education program got better, all thanks to you.
Sun-Mi.............. (grumbling) It got better because you spent so much money.
Sun-Dal............ (embarrassed by Sun-Mi's lack of respect, scolds her) Jin Sun-Mi!
A tense silence seizes the office for five seconds, with everyone staring at Sun-Mi because of her impertinence.
Sun-Mi, undaunted, refuses to back down with an apology, turning her back to Hyung-Chul defiantly.
Hyung-Chul deescalates the situation by ignoring Sun-Mi and continuing with his pronouncement.
Hyung-Chul....... I know you all worked hard. I won't disappoint you either. Please continue to work hard in the future.
Hyung-Chul leaves the room, followed by the programming committee and others.
Sun-Dal with a stern expression, slaps Sun-Mi on the back as a way of reinforcing his reprimand.
Sun-Mi returns Sun-Dal's frown and sits down at her desk, unrepentant. Jin-Soo stares at Sun-Mi in astonishment.
Kyung-Hee........ (walks up to Sun-Mi) If this is because of my situation, don't do it. It's not good for you.
Sun-Mi.............. He makes me upset. When I'm upset, I can't smile.
....................... How can he be smiling so much? He's hurting so many other people.
Kyung-Hee is at a loss what to say.
Ki-Jong appears beside Kyung-Hee, to attract her attention.
Ki-Jong............. You're running late.
Kyung-Hee........ (to Sun-Mi) OK, I'll talk to you after the meeting.
Sun-Mi.............. (tersely) Yes. Please go.
Young-Mi sits down at her own desk, facing Sun-Mi.
Young-Mi.......... (sneering) Your confidence isn't based on your capability.
....................... You're just bragging about your relationship with Mr. Yin, right?
Sun-Mi regards Young-Mi with an expression saying this was none of her business.
Sun-Mi.............. What?
Young-Mi ......... Would you be so arrogant otherwise? Not many people can behave like you do in this society!
Sun-Mi.............. Don't judge others by your own perspective.
Not wanting to talk about the matter further, Sun-Mi leaves the office.
Word about Sun-Mi's confrontation with Director Yoon immediately spread across MBS.
A few minutes later, Sun-Mi received a text from Jo Cho-Jeh to meet up in the atrium.
Cho-Jeh............ No matter how angry you were... You're really something, Sun-Mi. How could you say that to the Director?
Sun-Mi.............. (brashly) So what if it's the Director?
Out of the blue, someone grabs Sun-Mi by the wrist and jerks her away from Cho-Jeh.
The 'someone' turns out to be Hyung-Chul! Ignoring Sun-Mi's resistance and complaints, he drags her off, across the lobby.
Cho-Jeh............ (awed) What does he see in Sun-Mi? Gosh, he's so handsome when he's angry!
Cho-Jeh pulls at her arm, imitating Hyung-Chul pulling Sun-Mi away.
Hyung-Chul and Sun-Mi arrive at the end of the long, curved glass-walled corridor outside the classrooms.
He is still pulling Sun-Mi along behind him by the wrist, but she has not given up her resistance and verbal complaints.
People in the corridor watch the surprising scene with a mix of alarm and amusement.
Sun-Mi.............. (loudly) Senior! Stop this! What are you doing!
Hyung-Chul....... (irately) Be quiet and just come with me!
Suddenly realizing that she is the center of attention, Sun-Mi stops resisting and silently follows Hyung-Chul's lead.
In their wake, murmurs and glances follow the powerful Director and his reluctant detainee.
Hyung-Chul brings Sun-Mi to a vacant classroom where they can talk privately. Once inside, he loosens his grip on her wrist.
Sun-Mi pulls her hand free, and they glare angrily at each other for a few seconds.
Hyung-Chul....... I know how you feel. I understand you. But how can you embarrass me in public like that?
Sun-Mi.............. (scoldingly) You were lucky... If I was alone with you, it would have been worse.
....................... You stole everything from others, and you're proud of it now? Did you think we'd give you a thank you note?
....................... If you felt embarrassed, then good for you!
Hyung-Chul....... (dissmissively) What a pity!
He turns to leave the room.
Sun-Mi.............. (harshly) Senior, I understand why you did that, because it is your habit. You're a hypocrite!
Hyung-Chul....... (condescendingly) You're very consistent too. You are childish and have no sense of judgment.
Sun-Mi turns on her heel and stalks out of the classroom.
Hyung-Chul watches her leave, wondering what just happened between them.
After Hyung-Chul went off with Sun-Mi, Cho-Jeh remained in the atrium, where she called Jin-Soo to come and meet her.
Cho-Jeh............ (excitedly) You should have seen Sun-Mi's face when Director Yoon dragged her off!
....................... He was so angry... and so handsome!
Jin-Soo............. You mean they're having a lover's quarrel?
Cho-Jeh............ Weren't they together at the Company Anniversary?
Cho-Jeh sees Sun-Mi approaching from a distance.
Cho-Jeh............ (whispering) Shh! Sun-Mi is coming! Don't let her see us!
Jin-Soo............. Hey! What the...
Cho-Jeh pushes Jin-Soo behind the nearby column, but peeks out to watch Sun-Mi.
Cho-Jeh............ I wonder what just happened with Director Yoon? Sun-Mi looks mad enough to slap someone!
Jin-Soo............. (astonished) Jin Sun-Mi slapped the Director?
Cho-Jeh............ Forget it! It's just a figure of speech.
Jin-Soo............. (confused) Are you saying Jin Sun-Mi did, or didn't, slap Director Yoon!
Cho-Jeh............ (loudly) All I said was Jin Sun-Mi looked angry enough to have slapped him!
Jin-Soo............. Shhh! If someone overhears, they might think that Sun-Mi actually slapped Director Yoon!
Cho-Jeh............ Idiot! Why did you say that?
Jin-Soo............. (cringing) I did? Out loud?
Jin-Soo looks around the atrium anxiously, to see if anyone was nearby and might have overheard him.
Three women walking together, appear behind him. They glance at Jin-Soo and Cho-Jeh before continuing their conversation.
1st woman........ Did I hear that guy just say Jin Sun-Mi actually slapped Director Yoon?
2nd woman....... It's possible. I heard she criticized him right to his face this morning too, in front of everyone!
3rd woman....... Jin Sun-Mi sure has a lot of nerve! She must think she's the Queen of MBS.
2nd woman....... I hope she didn't bruise that handsome face. (sighs) Think maybe I'll get a chance at him now?
1st woman........ You a Cinderella, too? Stop dreaming!
The three women share a laugh as they walk away.
Cho-Jeh............ Look what you've done! By tomorrow, the whole Company will hear it!
Jin-Soo............. (nervously) Sun-Mi will be furious! What are we going to do?
Cho-Jeh............ We? Since when are �we' doing anything together? We're not even good friends!
Jin-Soo............. You're Sun-Mi's good friend. You have to help me explain to her!
Cho-Jeh............ (exasperated) Help you? Sun-Mi is the one who needs help now.
Jin-Soo............. But what can you do about it?
Cho-Jeh............ (determined) I'm not sure, but whatever it is, now you owe Sun-Mi big! Come on...
Cho-Jeh grabs Jin-Soo by the wrist and drags him off.
Sun-Mi enters the MBS main lobby through the revolving doors. She greets some people with a smile and a cheerful "Good morning!".
Oddly, they pass by without a word in response. Others sneak surreptitious glances in her direction and whisper as she walks by.
By the time Sun-Mi steps into a waiting elevator cab, she is thoroughly puzzled.
Sun-Mi enters the Announcer 1 Team office. As she walks in, the two female staffers whisper something unintelligible to each other.
At his desk, Jin-Soo hunches down, trying to be unnoticeable. Ki-Jong shoots an unspoken message to Kyung-Hee with his eyes.
In response, she closes the report she is reading and returns a subtle nod.
Sun-Mi.............. (cheerfully) Good morning, everyone!
No one in the office responds. In the awkward silence, Sun-Mi glances at Young-Mi, who returns a smirk that makes Sun-Mi uneasy.
Sun-Mi walks over to her desk and sets her tote down. But before she can take her seat, Kyung-Hee approaches.
She grabs Sun-Mi by the arm, propelling her towards the door.
Sun-Mi gives Kyung-Hee a puzzled look.
Kyung-Hee........ Come on, let's have some coffee...
A few minutes later in the canteen, Kyung-Hee is sitting at a table i, watching Sun-Mi fill two paper cups with vending machine coffee.
A couple of women walk into the canteen, but when they see Sun-Mi, immediately turn around and leave the area.
Sun-Mi brings the cups over and hands one to Kyung-Hee as she sits down at the table.
Sun-Mi.............. Why is everyone acting so strangely?
Kyung-Hee........ You really don't know? Didn't I ask you not to do this for me? Why cause such trouble for yourself?
Sun-Mi.............. What trouble?
Kyung-Hee........ The rumor is you argued with Director Yoon yesterday and even slapped him! Did you really?
Sun-Mi.............. (shocked) We had some words, but that was all... Who would say something like that?!
Kyung-Hee........ It doesn't matter, if it didn't happen. But you'd better watch yourself, and stop making waves.
Sun-Mi.............. (plaintively) Senior, I didn't do anything wrong! I didn't!
Kyung-Hee........ (sternly) Right or wrong isn't the point. You could get into real trouble.
Sun-Mi.............. I just can't stand by and let things go on like this!
Kyung-Hee........ I know you mean well, but people will only misunderstand, even more than they already do.
Sun-Mi.............. (resigned sigh) all right. But why do the people at the bottom have to suffer most?
Kyung-Hee........ (reflectively) That's just how society works...
Sun-Mi and Jin-Soo are eating lunch together in the MBS cafeteria.
Sun-Mi.............. You'll come out with me, won't you?
Jin-Soo............. You really think an employee petition will change anything, Sun-Mi?
Sun-Mi.............. We just can't watch and do nothing! Please, help me!
Jin-Soo............. (uncertainly) I don't know... So far it's just a notice, no one is actually laid off yet.
Sun-Mi.............. But Senior Lee is on that list! What if they put you on it next?
Jin-Soo............. (startled) What?! Is there something you know? ... Sun-Mi?
Sun-Mi.............. (craftily) Well... nothing was confirmed... but...
Jin-Soo............. (frantic) Okay! I'll call my friend in the business office right now... and then I'll go see this radio engineer I know.
Jin-Soo takes out his phone and starts to punch in a number.
Sun-Mi.............. (smiling) I knew I could count on you!
Young-Mi enters the equipment room with two cups of coffee, looking for Woo-Jin.
She sees a notice written on the white board: "Kim Woo-Jin - leaving early"
Young-Mi.......... Left?
A guard brings Bae In-Soo into the prison visiting room where Woo-Jin is waiting.
In-Soo walks up to the barred, plastic window where Woo-Jin is standing.
In-Soo.............. Who the heck are you?
Woo-Jin............ We've met once. At Young-Mi's place.
In-Soo.............. Young-Mi... Oh, I see. Why are you here? ... Young-Mi sent you? ...
....................... She wanted to see how I'm doing now that she sent me here?
Woo-Jin............ I think there's been a misunderstanding.
In-Soo.............. Screw that, she could cheat the whole world. But not me. You go and bring that woman ...
In-Soo turns away, to leave.
Woo-Jin............ Stop bothering her. She doesn't deserve that from someone like you.
In-Soo comes back to the window.
In-Soo.............. Do you have any idea what kind of girl she is?
Woo-Jin............ I saw the picture of you together. I don't care. I don't care where what she's been through.
....................... She's my girl now. If you keep bothering her, I won't let you off.
In-Soo.............. (laughs) Did she say that she'll marry you? Let me tell you she doesn't like you.
....................... She only wants to use you, like a sly cat. But soon, she'll throw you away just like she did to me.
Woo-Jin turns away and starts walking toward the door.
In-Soo.............. Hey, man.
Woo-Jin turns back to face In-Soo, but says nothing.
In-Soo.............. You've seen the tatoo of a rose on her ankle, right?
In-Soo then opens his prison jumpsuit and shows a similar rose tatooed on his chest.
In-Soo.............. We love each other to death.
Woo-Jin turns away.
In-Soo.............. Me and her are getting married. I had her first. I fit better with her.
Woo-Jin stares at In-Soo, as he smugly zips up his shirt and walks away.
Woo-Jin and Young-Mi are arguing over his decision to visit Bai In-Soo in prison earlier that day.
Young-Mi.......... (upset) Are you crazy?! Why did you go there?!
Woo-Jin............ Because you were lying.
Young-Mi.......... About what? It's not like that. Do you believe him now? ... He's just a gangster I met from my hometown...
....................... He blackmailed me to get some money now that I'm an announcer.
Woo-Jin gets up and walks over to the window.
Young-M follows Woo-Jin to the window.
Young-Mi.......... (pleading) Oppa, You can't believe me? You really don't believe me?
Woo-Jin............ (aloof) You better see him again. I guess you and he still need to talk.
Young-Mi.......... (irritated) I said it's not like that.
Woo-Jin............ Would you take a picture with someone who means nothing? You did this because you were poor?
Woo-Jin pulls up Young-Mi's pants leg to expose the tattoo on her ankle.
Young-Mi.......... (speaks haltingly) This is ... this is ... just ...
Woo-Jin............ I saw that on his chest, too. You two love each other, right? You go and tell him that you don't.
Young-Mi.......... (turns away from Woo-Jin) Oppa, let's stop here.
Woo-Jin............ (shouting angrily) If we're gonna break up, I'll make that decision, not you...
....................... You can't just decide... I won't let that happen.
Young-Mi.......... (shouting angrily) Then what should I do?! I can see that your feelings for me are going away.
....................... (turns and walks away) I don't want to be dumped again. I'll break up with you first!
Frustrated, Woo-Jin storms out of the apartment.
Jo Cho-Jeh is entering an elevator car as Choi Jin-Soo rushes up.
Jin-Soo ............ (calling) Wait up!
Jin-Soo runs in between the closing doors and smashes his face into the door. Cho-Jeh and a woman behind her grimace at the sight.
Jin-Soo enters the elevator and stands next to Cho-Jeh, then notices her. The elevator doors close.
Jin-Soo and Cho-Jeh are standing next to each other , but don't speak.
The elevator stops at another floor and more people push in until the car is filled to capacity.
People keep pushing in, with everyone saying "I'm sorry" as Cho-Jeh is crushed tightly against Jin-Soo.
Jin-Soo ............ Stop it... Stop, stop, please!
After they get off the elevator, Jin-Soo buys Cho-Jeh a cup of coffee from a vending machine in the corridor.
Cho-Jeh ........... Thank you.
Jin-Soo sits on the window ledge at a distance from Cho-Jeh.
Jin-Soo ............ So did it turn out OK at the party?
Cho-Jeh ........... Yes... I'm sorry about the other time.
Jin-Soo ............ What do you mean? It was my fault.
Cho-Jeh ........... They say evil deeds always catch up with you.
Jin-Soo ............ I didn't know it would happen that fast. I thought the elevator was torture.
Cho-Jeh ........... Were you trying to make a joke or was that serious?
Jin-Soo ............ I was never good at making others laugh. When I talk to anybody at first, they laugh, but mostly,
....................... they end up laughing at me. Maybe I'm just way too serious.
Cho-Jeh ........... You don't have a girlfriend, right?
Jin-Soo ............ (embarrassed) Huh? ... Well, not right now.
Cho-Jeh ........... Tell me the truth. You've never had one.
Jin-Soo ............ No, not even one.
Cho-Jeh ........... Never over a month?
Jin-Soo ............ You're right.
Cho-Jeh ........... (smugly) I can tell.
Cho-Jeh ........... (smiles and laughs) Then, we should just ...
Jin-Soo ............ (nervously blurts out) Start dating?
Cho-Jeh ........... What? I just wanted to have lunch with you.
Jin-Soo ............ (embarrassed laugh) Oh, I see. Sorry... Of course, it's only been a little bit since we met.
....................... We can have lunch together and then ...
Cho-Jeh ........... (nervously blurts out) Start dating ... Oh my. Sorry, just joking ...
Jin-Soo ............ No, you meant it, right?
Cho-Jeh ........... (confused) Yes, no, I mean, yes ...
Jin-Soo ............ (smiles)
Lee Kyung-Hee and Shin Ki-Jong appear in the corridor and see the couple sitting together.
Curious, they come closer to investigate.
Ki-Jong ............ Jin-Soo. What's up?
Cho-Jeh ........... (nervously blurts out) We're dating.
Jin-Soo ............ (nervously blurts out) We're dating.
Cho-Jeh............ (covers her face with her hand) Oh, my, I shouldn't ...
Kyung-Hee........ (looks at them, surprised)
Ki-Jong............. (look at them, surprised)
Hyung-Chul is standing at the Mung-Yung boardroom podium, speaking to the assembled Executives and Board of Directors.
Hyung-Chul....... A year ago, I presented the challenge we faced, and the first step to building a new MBS within three years...
Director Kim...... (clears his throat before speaking) Director Yoon, under your leadership this �first step' has been a failure.
....................... Costs are at new highs, while ratings, employee morale, and our stock price are all at historic lows.
Director Kim leans confidently back in his chair, as some Directors nod in agreement, conferring amongst themselves quietly.
Hyung-Chul....... All valid observations, Director Kim. So today, I would like to focus on the next step to ward our goal;
....................... how we can turn this present crisis into an opportunity for the future...
Hyung-Chul signals to the administrative staff. They start to distribute folders to each person as Hyung-Chul continues talking.
Hyung-Chul....... With the opening of our new Yeouido Studios complex this year, MBS has the most modern facilities in the industry.
....................... Our acquisition of advanced, state-of-the-art digital technology made us a leader in broadcasting production quality.
....................... Also, the creative and talented people working in MBS are the best in the media business. Do you all agree?
The other Directors nod and murmur their agreement.
Hyung-Chul....... So why is MBS struggling unsuccessfully to compete? What is holding us back?
Hyung-Chul pauses to look around the table at how each Director is reacting.
Hyung-Chul....... I believe the answer to that question is in an organization designed for the past, not for the the future.
....................... MBS began when the media was highly regulated by the state, when change was slow and controlled.
....................... But today we face a dynamic, global environment where rapid and unpredictable change is the norm...
Some of the other Directors are nodding favorably, while others shaking their heads in disagreement or denial.
Hyung-Chul....... (continuing) To thrive in this innovative environment, we need a focus that is agile and forward-thinking...
....................... (pauses dramatically) We need a new vehicle to carry us down this new road into a new century!
President Yoon gives Hyung-Chul a brief nod of support. Some of the Directors also signal their agreement.
Director Kim...... (facetiously) Director Yoon, are you proposing we 'junk' our 40-year-old 'jalopy' for a shiny, new 'year-2000 model'?
A ripple of subdued laughter from the Directors travels around the room.
Hyung-Chul....... I appreciate your metaphor, Director Kim, but rather than disposing of MBS as 'junk', my plan is a bit LESS drastic ...
Laughter breaks out among the Directors, as Director Kim fumes at having his words turned back against hm.
Hyung-Chul....... (continuing) I propose we realign the best of MBS into a new organization, structurally and culturally, top to bottom.
....................... This reorganization will allow us to put our best foot forward, and take the next step of a new journey together.
....................... With your cooperation, we can lead MBS into a bright and promising future... Thank you...
Outside the main MBS entrance gate, small crowd has gathered on the sidewalk where a large sign is erected, announcing:
Standing by the sign, clipboards at the ready, are Sun-Mi, Cho-Jeh, and Jin-Soo./p>
As people approach the pedestrian entrance gate, the trio makes their appeals, holding out the clipboards for signatures.
Jin-Soo............. Sign a petition, please!
Sun-Mi.............. Help your colleagues keep their jobs. Let management know that this is wrong!
Man 1............... My department isn't affected. Why should I care?
Man 2............... What good will it do? They have all the power.
Cho-Jeh............ What if you're next on the list?
Woman 1.......... Okay, where do I sign?
While all this is going on, a dark blue BMW sedan turns off the street, into the MBS entrance drive, and slows for permission to enter.
The security guard waves the car to continue through, but instead the driver stops.
Sun-Mi, Jin-Soo, and Cho-Jeh, have their backs to the vehicle gate, but the employees they are talking to are aware of the waiting car.
The crowd of listeners starts to quickly melt away. The woman signing the petition returns the clipboard to Sun-Mi, unsigned.
Woman 1.......... (hurriedly) Er... I've changed my mind. Here, take it...
Sun-Mi immediately offers the clipboard to another man walking past, but he refuses it.
Sun-Mi.............. Please, Sir! We need to act together!
Man 3............... Sorry, I don't want to get involved.
All the other employees walking past either avoid eye contact, or refuse the proffered clipboards, shaking their heads.
Cho-Jeh............ (wondering) What's with everybody?
Jin-Soo coughs and nudges Cho-Jeh, pointing behind her to Hyung-Chul's car.
Cho-Jeh............ (gasps) Ohmigod, Sun-Mi! Look!
Sun-Mi glances back, immediately recognizing the car. But she ignores it, turning to the next person and stepping forward.
Sun-Mi.............. Please! Sign our petition to save jobs!
The man sidesteps to avoid Sun-Mi, ignoring her plea.
Sun-Mi.............. (to another woman) Sign up and send a message to management!
The woman shakes her head and hurries toward the pedestrian gate. Sun-Mi watches, futilely holding her clipboard out.
There are no takers. People won't even make eye contact with Sun-Mi as they hurry past.
Cho-Jeh............ This is useless. I'm going in.
Jin-Soo............. Yes, it's almost time to start work. Sun-Mi?
Sun-Mi.............. Go ahead; I'll close up here.
Jin-Soo and Cho-Jeh exchange a glance and immediately hurry off through the pedestrian entrance.
Sun-Mi turns and glares accusingly at Hyung-Chul. Their eyes connect, and having delivered her message, she turns her back on him.
She begins to take down the sign. Hyung-Chul watches until a car pulls up behind him, and then drives in through the gate.
The wall clock shows 8:30 as Hyung-Chul reads a report at his desk, marking key points for discussion. The intercom buzzes.
Hyung-Chul....... Yes?
Secretary.......... (on the intercom) Team Leader Kim is here.
Hyung-Chul....... Send him in.
Hyung-Chul closes the report and swivels around in his chair as Sun-Dal enters the office and plops down in the chair beside the desk.
Sun-Dal............ How did it go?
Hyung-Chul....... (smiles) As expected. Kim was forced to accept the reorganization and new policies.
Sun-Dal............ (surprised) Then... the retrenchments?
Hyung-Chul....... The list served its purpose. You can toss it now.
Hyung-Chul picks up several papaers, which he hands to Sun-Dal.
Hyung-Chul....... This is the final organization and staffing approved by the Board. Post this in its place.
Sun-Dal............ (happily) Yes, Sir!
Hyung-Chul....... And this, too.
Hyung-Chul picks up a binder from his desk and hands it to Sun-Dal. Sun-Dal immediately starts to skim through the pages.
Sun-Dal............ (surprised) Training program?
Hyung-Chul....... What? You don't like it?
Sun-Dal............ Adding this on top of their regular work is gonna put a lot of pressure on everyone.
Hyung-Chul....... I know, but it's essential that we have everyone prepared for what's coming next...
Sun-Dal............ (pensively) That sounds ominous. Can you give me a hint?
Hyung-Chul....... I was just about to ask, are you familiar with baseball?
In the Announcer 1 Team office, Jin-Soo, Ki-Jong, and the male and two female staffers are gathered by the door.
They are looking curiously at a notice posted on the bulletin board.
Jin-Soo............. Three Strikes? What does that mean?
Ki-Jong............. (rolls his eyes) Idiot! And you call yourself a sports announcer? It's three strikes and you're out, dummy!
Sun-Dal steps up behind the pair...
Sun-Dal............ Not exactly. (He turns to address the entire office) Everyone? Listen up! I have important announcements!
....................... Has everyone seen the new organization chart and company policies?
All.................... (unexcitedly) Yes...
Sun-Dal continues his announcement, reading from a small piece of paper in his hand and speaking over the comotion.
Sun-Dal............ (monotone) The Company hopes for your dedicated cooperation as MBS moves forward into the 21st century.
....................... Together with a renewed focus and and expanded mission, we will make MBS into the premier media force in Korea.
....................... Thank you...
The team responds with polite applause.
Sun-Dal............ So much for the official stuff...
He folds the paper and slips it into his pocket.
Sun-Dal............ (continuing) I'm happy to announce that as a result of the reorganization, all pending retrenchments are cancelled...
People start talking excitedly, with some congratulating Kyung-Hee and making 'fighting' gestures.
Kyung-Hee sends a special smile and 'thumbs up' to Sun-Mi.
Sun-Dal............ Now everyone, settle down... there's more good news...
The room quiets as everyone waits expectantly.
Sun-Dal............ Starting next week Saturday, Team 1 will have mandatory all-day training seminars every other weekend...
....................... On the alternate weekends, while Team 2 gets the same training, Team 1 is on weekend duty at the station.
....................... The new freelancers will lead the seminars, plus we'll have technology sessions led by internal specialists.
....................... This will be 'hands-on' training, with follow-up evaluations, so come prepared to study and work hard. Questions?
The entire room is silent as the impact of the training regimen on their personal schedules soaks in.
Jin-Soo............. (hesitantly slips up his hand) Why is this good news?
Sun-Dal............ (somberly) Well, for you, 'Minefield', let me put it this way... remember those 'three strikes'?
Jin-Soo............. (nervously) Uh, sure... Why?
Sun-Dal............ Without this training, you might just 'strike out' under the new performance standards. Got it?
....................... So keep your eye on the ball, okay?
Jin-Soo............. (gulps wide-eyed and nods his head vigorously) Yes, sir!... Eye on the ball! Got it!
Jin-Soo's humorous antics have the entire team laughing, easing the serious atmosphere.
Young-Mi.......... (raises her hand) Team Leader?
Sun-Dal............ (points) Huh Young-Mi?
Young-Mi.......... If we can study in advance of the sessions, that will make our time in training more efficient.
Sun-Dal............ Excellent suggestion, Young-Mi. I'll post materials for required reading by everyone beforehand. More questions?
Several groans of protest at the extra work are heard, but no one dares come forward to complain.
Sun-Dal............ One more item: The final training session will be in Jeju, as part of a Company-paid holiday. (smiling) How's that?
Spontaneous clapping and cheering breaks out.
At the end of the workday, the Announcer 1 Team staff is leaving one by one, announcing "I'm leaving first" as they go out the door.
Sun-Dal walks over to Joo-Hee's desk to talk.
Sun-Dal............ Are you busy this Saturday?
Joo-Hee............ Why?
Sun-Dal ........... Hyung-Chul is moving into his new place.
Joo-Hee............ (looks away) Helping him move isn't my responsibility anymore. I'm sure he can manage.
Jin-Soo, still at his desk, listens while trying to appear as if he is reading.
Sun-Dal............ (turns toward Jin-Soo) Choi Jin-Soo!
Jin-Soo............. (startled) Huh?
Sun-Dal............ Why haven't you left yet?
Jin-Soo............. (stands and bows) Yes! I'm leaving first, Senior! Good night!
Sun-Dal waits until Jin-Soo has left the office before speaking to Joo-Hee again.
Sun-Dal............ (awkwardly) Actually... I was wondering... There's a concert Saturday afternoon. I can get two tickets...
Joo-Hee............ Maybe, some other time... But thanks.
An awkward silence ensues. Joo-Hee picks up some papers and starts to glance through them.
Joo-Hee............ I have to prepare for the news. Excuse me.
Sun-Dal ........... Sure. I'm going down to the studio. The crew has some adjustments to make before tomorrow...
Joo-Hee............ (preoccupied) Okay... See ya...
Sun-Dal turns and walks out of the office.
Now alone, Joo-Hee puts down the papers and stares out the window, into the darkness.
Joo-Hee............ (sighs) How did things come to this? Yoon Hyung-Chul... why did it have to be you...
Sun-Mi and Cho-Jeh are standing at the atrium balcony, overlooking the empty floor below.
Sun-Mi.............. I really misjudged Senior's intentions, and caused so much trouble. I'm such an idoit!
Cho-Jeh............ But you meant well. I'm sure Director Yoon is understanding.
Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) We're not even talking, and he seems to be deliberately avoiding me.
Cho-Jeh............ Then go to his home; he can't avoid you when you're standing at his door.
Sun-Mi.............. But the last time I did that, we had the fight that led to all this mess.
Cho-Jeh............ So instead of going to talk, go to help.
Sun-Mi.............. Help? How?
Cho-Jeh............ (shakes her head) Where is your head? Didn't you know Director Yoon is moving into a new apartment?
Sun-Mi.............. So what?
Cho-Jeh............ It's a golden opportunity! Cleaning, unpacking, cooking lunch, whatever...
Sun-Mi.............. (doubtfully) You really think that will work?
Cho-Jeh............ How better to 'work out' your differences than by working together?
....................... Just show up Saturday and pitch right in. It can't fail.
Meanwhile, out of sight on the atrium floor level below Sun-Mi and Cho-Jeh, Young-Mi is eavesdropping on their conversation.
A devious expression appears on her face as she concocts a new scheme,
Sun-Mi.............. (checking her watch) It's late. Let's go.
Cho-Jeh............ Are you going to help Director Yoon move in tomorrow, or not?
They are turning away to leave when Young-Mi walks out into the center of the atrium floor below.
At he sound of Young-Mi's footsteps on the hard terrazzo floor, Sun-Mi and Cho-Jeh look down and see her looking up at them.
Young-Mi.......... (calling up) What? Playing as Cinderella herself now, instead of as a pretend princess?
....................... That's writing a new twist in the story, Jin Sun-Mi.
Sun-Mi.............. (frowning) Don't you have anything better to do than eavesdropping, Young-Mi?
Young-Mi.......... Actually, I was looking for you, Jin Sun-Mi. Can I help it if someone here has a loud mouth? (looks at Cho-Jeh)
Cho-Jeh............ (embarrassed) Er... I'll be leaving first, Sun-Mi.
Cho-Jeh hurries away, leaving Sun-Mi and Young-Mi alone in the atrium.
Sun-Mi.............. What do you have to say?
Young-Mi.......... Not here. Shall we go for a drink?
Sun-Mi looks at Young-Mi, surprised by her offer.
Sun-Mi and Young-Mi are seated at the bar in a small pub near MBS. The bartender delivers a pair of beers.
Bartender.......... Anything else, Ladies?
Young-Mi.......... That's all for now.
The bartender moves off to another customer. Young-Mi raises her bottle holding it up for a toast.
After a few moments, Sun-Mi reluctantly raise her bottle to touch Young-Mi's.
Young-Mi.......... Cheers!
Sun-Mi.............. (silence)
Young-Mi takes a sip of beer, but Sun-Mi just sets her bottle down on the bar.
Sun-Mi.............. What did you want to say to me, that couldn't be said in the office?
Young-Mi.......... (sighs) I know you don't like me, but for just one night, can't we set aside our differences?
Sun-Mi notices that instead of her usual haughty expression, Young-Mi's face is troubled.
Sun-Mi.............. What is it, Young-Mi? What's wrong?
Young-Mi.......... It's Woo-Jin. He said he might break up with me.
Sun-Mi.............. That doesn't sound like Woo-Jin. What's going on?
Young-Mi.......... This gangster... a guy from my hometown. Woo-Jin thinks we're still involved. It's all a big misunderstanding.
....................... (pleading) I need your help, Sun-Mi, to reason with Woo-Jin.
Sun-Mi.............. (sighs, reluctant to get involved) Okay, tell me about it.
Young-Mi.......... It's a long story. Do you have time to listen?
Sun-Mi takes a sip of beer as she reflects on the irony of that question.
It is only because she and Hyung-Chul are also at odds from their own differences, that she does have the evening free.
Sun-Mi.............. (nods) Sure. We have all night.
AT THE SAME TIME... Joo-Hee and Hyung-Chul are talking in a different bar.
Hyung-Chul....... What did you want to talk to me about?
Joo-Hee............ The Charity Gala. Your father wants me to represent the Company.
Hyung-Chul....... Why not? You're the face of MBS. You should go.
Joo-Hee............ He said you're attending, too, so I was wondering if you will help me choose a new dress...
Hyung-Chul....... Shopping? Why me?
Joo-Hee............ (shrugs) You always had good taste, before.
Hyung-Chul....... We can't go back to �before'...
Joo-Hee............ (smiles weakly) You can't fault a woman for trying.
Hyung-Chul....... False hopes only make things harder in the end.
He takes a sip of his drink, and stares into the glass.
Joo-Hee............ Speaking of... what's going on between Jin Sun-Mi and you? I'm hearing rumors...
Hyung-Chul....... (glumly) Why bring that up now?
Joo-Hee............ I could say I told you so, but...
Hyung-Chul....... (interrupting, sharply) You just did...
Joo-Hee takes a drink, and then continues calmly.
Joo-Hee............ What I meant was, Sun-Mi's still young and na�ve. Don't hold it against her.
Hyung-Chul....... (surprised) You're taking her side now?
Joo-Hee............ Sun-Mi is from a different world than ours. You can't expect her to understand you, like I do.
Hyung-Chul....... There you go again, saying you know me...
Joo-Hee............ If I didn't, I wouldn't be here tonight...
Hyung-Chul....... (nods) Why do you treat me so well?
Joo-Hee............ (short sardonic laugh) If you ever find out, tell me. Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment.
Hyung-Chul....... Am I supposed to feel guilty?
Joo-Hee............ Of course not. But when you get tired of all this drama, I want you to know...
....................... I'll always be here for you, Hyung-Chul... Always...
Hyung-Chul looks at Joo-Hee but says nothing in response.
Joo-Hee............ (awkwardly) Well... I have to go back to the station... Bye...
Joo-Hee stands up and quickly walks away as Hyung-Chul watches her back.
After she is gone, he picks up his drink and ponders things before he takes another sip.
Outside the bar, Joo-Hee cries bitterly as she walks quickly along a deserted sidewalk.
Then she stops, wipes the tears from her eyes, raises her chin and looks off into the distance with resolve.
Joo-Hee............ (speaking to herself) Some day you'll come to your senses, Yoon Hyung-Chul... some day...
Sun-Mi is still at the bar with Young-Mi. She picks up her beer to take a drink, sees the bottle is empty, and waves it in the air.
Sun-Mi.............. (to the bartender) Sir, bring us another round.
Bartender.......... (O.S.) Coming.
Young-Mi.......... Haven't you had enough?
Sun-Mi.............. (frowns) You think I can't keep up with you?
Young-Mi.......... Is this about Director Yoon? I've told you all my woes, but you haven't said a word.
Sun-Mi.............. What's there to say? (sighs) It serves me right. What was I hoping for, dating the Director?
Young-Mi.......... (sympathetically) Don't be so hard on yourself. Isn't that what we all hope for, a Prince on a white horse?
Sun-Mi.............. Didn't you just accuse me of being a Cinderella?
Young-Mi.......... (smiles ruefully) Can I take that back? I was just being bitchy that day.
Sun-Mi.............. (musing)You know, it's good we can finally talk together like this, woman to woman, after all this time.
....................... You and Woo-Jin, me and Senior, why does love have to be so hard?
Young-Mi.......... Isn't that Young-Mi's and Sun-Mi's fate? Perhaps in another life, we might've been friends, instead of rivals...
The bartender appears with two full bottles, and removes the two empties. Sun-Mi immediately raises her bottle for a toast.
Sun-Mi.............. (toasts) To better days, better friends, and better loves...
Young-Mi smiles and raises her bottle to touch Sun-Mi's. Then they both drink together.
Sun-Mi wakes up in bed, with the bedcovers up over her head. Sunlight is streaming in through the windows of her bedroom.
Gwi-Sung.......... (calling from O.S.) Sun-Mi, are you awake yet?
As she pulls the bedcovers down, Sun-Mi's face appears, eyes squinting in the light. She slowly sits up, hands cradling her forehead.
Sun-Mi.............. Ohhh...
Gwi-Sung enters her bedroom, carrying a steaming cup, which he places the cup on the bedside table and sits down on the bed.
Sun-Mi.............. (groggily) What's this?
Gwi-Sung.......... (smiling) Hangover medicine. Last night, you could hardly walk when you came back.
Sun-Mi.............. Really? I don't remember anything.
Gwi-Sung.......... (concerned) Why drink so much? That's not like you.
Sun-Mi doesn't answer, rubbing her pounding temples.
Gwi-Sung.......... Drink it slowly, and you'll feel better soon. I'll go down and make some lunch.
Sun-Mi.............. (mumbling) Lunch? Don't you mean breakfast?
Gwi-Sung.......... So late? It's almost noon!
Suddenly Sun-Mi realizes she is late to go and help Hyung-Chul move into his new villa.
Ignoring the throbbing in her temples she throws the bedcovers back
Sun-Mi.............. Daddy, I have to go out...
She gets up and rushes out of the bedroom, headed for her bathroom, as Gwi-Sung watches in amazement.
Gwi-Sung.......... (calling after her) What about the medicine?
Sun-Mi alights from a cab and hurries into the villa complex car park, hefting two grocery bags with the ingrediants for a meal for two.
She is dressed casually in slacks and flats for a day of cleaning and unpacking, with her hair held back by a tied head scarf.
A moving van is parked by the outside stairs. Two men with the moving company logo on their jackets emerge from the stairwell.
Hyung-Chul follows them. The three men walk toward the moving van.
Sun-Mi decides to wait until the movers have left. She steps between two parked SUVs, out of sight.
The two men get into the truck cab. Hyung-Chul takes a several folded paper bills from his pocket and hands them up to the dirver.
Hyung-Chul....... There's a bonus for your hard work.
Driver............... That's not necessary. The normal fee is enough.
Hyung-Chul....... You have kids, right? Give them a special treat tonight.
He presses the wad of cash into the driver's hand, which the man reluctantly, but gratefully, accepts.
Driver............... Thanks, Director Yoon.
The driver starts the truck and pulls out of the car park lot. Hyung-Chul heads back toward the stairway.
Sun-Mi is about to come out, when she hears the sharp clicks of a woman's heels coming down the stairs.
A moment later Young-Mi appears...
Wearing a short shift dress and high heels, she looks dressed for an evening out rather than for a day helping someone move in.
Hyung-Chul....... (smiling) Here's another hard worker!
Young-Mi.......... I finished the cleaning, unpacked boxes for the kitchen and living room, and arranged the shelves.
Hyung-Chul....... Is there anything left to do?
Young-Mi.......... There's still the bed... (hinting) you know, making it up is easier if two do it together...
Sun-Mi grits her teeth at Young-Mi's innuendo, but Hyung-Chul doesn't seem to pay it any attention.
Hyung-Chul....... I'm impressed; I expected this to take all afternoon.
Young-Mi.......... (smiling) Some things a woman just does better, Director Yoon...
Hyung-Chul....... It's Hyung-Chul... We don't need to speak so formally away from the office, Young-Mi.
Young-Mi.......... Hyung-Chul?... I hadn't thought we had a personal relationship.
Hyung-Chul....... It can hardly be otherwise now, after all you've done here this morning.
....................... It's such a coincidence you came by my old place just as they were loading the truck...
Sun-Mi knows it is no coincidence that Young-Mi came early, taking her place while she was sleeping off last night's overindulence.
Once again Young-Mi has won by one of her crafty schemes!
Hyung-Chul....... (continuing) Now... how can I reward you?
Young-Mi.......... That's not necessary; I did it out of gratefulness.
Hyung-Chul....... Gratefulness?
Young-Mi.......... I trust your leadership of MBS, and wanted to let you know you can always count on my support.
Hyung-Chul....... Thanks, I appreciate that. (checks his watch) It's past noon; aren't you hungry? Let's knock off for lunch.
Young-Mi moves closer, directly in front of Hyung-Chul. She looks into his eyes as she reaches out to rest her hand on his arm.
Young-Mi.......... (suggestively) That's a good idea. I can prepare something delicious for you first...
....................... Then we'll have all afternoon to finish up... in the bedroom...
Shocked at Young-Mi's blatant come-on, Sun-Mi considers revealing her presence to interrupt the scene.
But Hyung-Chul removes Young-Mi's hand from his arm and steps back to put distance between them, subtly rejecting her advance.
Hyung-Chul....... Thanks, but we'll have to go out. I'm afraid there isn't enough food here to cook a decent meal.
Young-Mi.......... Then let's go grocery shopping, and I'll cook your favorite dishes. People say I have pretty good skills.
....................... I'd like the first meal in your new home to be a memorable one.
Hyung-Chul....... Is there anything that you don't do well?
Young-Mi.......... (modestly) I'll leave it up to you to decide about that...
Hyung-Chul....... (laughs) Okay, you convinced me. Let's go.
They walk over to his car, parked nearby. Hyung-Chul heads for the driver's door, then sees Young-Mi wait at the passenger-side.
He goes around the car to open the door for her.
Young-Mi.......... (coquettishly) Thank you, Hyung-Chul, you're a true gentleman...
Hyung-Chul....... (smiles) It's nothing any man wouldn't do for a woman.
Young-Mi takes her time sitting down in the seat, 'inadvertantly' hiking her skirt to treat Hyung-Chul with a generous view before swinging her legs into the car.
As she expected, his eyes fixate on her long, slender legs and sexy high heels ... he is a man, after all ... and she knows well how to make a man's blood run hot...
Looking on, helpless to intervene, Sun-Mi worries that Young-Mi's tactics to influence Hyung-Chul appear to be working...
To Be Continued...
NEXT TO AAE 'Uncut' Episode 11b Act 1