All About Eve 'Uncut' — The Cold War
by AAEfanatic
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, morning
SCENE: Hyung-Chul’s office, afternoon
SCENE: Outside the radio studio, night
SERIES OF SCENEs: Various locations, night
SCENE: At Hyung-Chul's villa door, night
SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul's villa, night
SCENE: Outside Hyung-Chul's villa, night
SCENE: MBS elevator, afternoon
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, afternoon
SCENE: MBS main lobby, morning
A postman enters the Announcer 1 Team office, pushing a hand cart with a stack of mail trays.
Postman........... Announcer Jin Sun-Mi?
Jin-Soo, working at his desk, points across the room.
Jin-Soo............. Over there.
Sun-Mi is seated at the office conference table, which is filled with similar mail trays of cards. She looks up.
Sun-Mi.............. Yes?
Postman........... The mail room asked me to deliver these directly to you. Where do you want them?
Sun-Mi.............. Here, please.
She points to the only open spot on the table. He drops the trays onto the table with a solid thud, and wheels the empty cart out.
Jin- Soo............ (laughs) Every lonely heart in Seoul must’ve sent in a card by now! How are you going to handle it?
Sun-Mi.............. (sighs wearily) I wish I knew.
Kyung-Hee hears a ‘beep’ on her computer, and looks to read the incoming email.
Kyung-Hee........ (excitedly) The early returns on the Sweeps results summary just came in!
Everyone gathers around Kyung-Hee’s desk as she reads the results off the screen...
Kyung-Hee....... Let’s see: Morning feature and variety... our Morning Show took second...
Joo-Hee............ That’s better than last season! Very good, Young-Mi...
Everyone claps politely as Young-Mi glances at Sun-Mi, delivering a smug smile to her rival.
Young-Mi.......... (smiling) Thank you, Senior...
Kyung-Hee....... (reading) Early evening newscast... (shocked expression) We took first place!
Spontaneous applause breaks out. Elated, Young-Mi dips her head in recognition to the applause.
Joo-Hee........... (smiling) Congratulations! In your first year, too...
Kyung-Hee....... (reading) Late evening newscast... Second after KBC... again...
The smile on Joo-Hee’s face dims. The atmosphere in the room deflates with the disappointing outcome.
Unseen by the others, Young-Mi gives Joo-Hee a disparaging look, silently communicating “I’m better than you...”
Ki-Jong............. Umm... Anything else? Sports, maybe?
Kyung-Hee scans the rest of the listings.
Kyung-Hee....... No. That’s it for the the prime lineup. Overall, we scored second, after KBC, again.
Joo-Hee............ That’s the best in a long time, so let’s look at it positively.
Ki-Jong............. It looks like all our hard work is starting to pay off!
Sun-Mi.............. (to Kyung-Hee) Senior... what about the radio scores?
Kyung-Hee scrolls down several pages, searching...
Kyung-Hee....... (reading) Radio... Nighttime FM... Here it is... Midnight Music Postcards ... sixth place...
Sun-Mi shows disappointment when she hear this. Young-Mi has a haughty smirk at besting Sun-Mi again.
Joo-Hee............ That’s better than I expected. Good job, Sun-Mi....
Sun-Mi.............. (disappointed) Yes...
Jin-Soo............. (impatiently) Let's look at the popularity poll results.
Ki-Jong............. Why? Do you think anyone actually voted for you?
Jin-Soo............. Why not? (preening) Aren’t I handsome enough?
His humorous quip revives the depressed feeling as everyone laughs.
Kyung-Hee....... Okay... Most Popular Female News Announcer... Yoo Joo-Hee!
Joo-Hee smiles, genuinely surprised after losing the program ratings.
Kyung-Hee........ Now... Most Popular New Female Announcer... (smiles) Jin Sun-Mi! Congratualtions!
Sun-Mi’s jaw drops in astonishment, as Young-Mi scowls.
Jin-Soo............. And Most Popular New Male Announcer?
Kyung-Hee........ (shakes her head) Sorry Jin-Soo...
Jin-Soo grumbles something unintelligible to himself.
Ki-Jong............. The Great Yoo Joo-Hee and Jin Sun-Mi! Our our first double-winners ever! Everyone — show your appreciation!
The room resounds with congratulatory cheers and applause.
Sun-Mi beams happily, overjoyed from the unexpected outcome.
Joo-Hee’s smile is more circumspect; for the first time she sees Young-Mi as a future contender for her spot on the News.
Young-Mi’s face is grim. Despite her programming successes, just the thought that Sun-Mi won in anything spoils her mood.
Sun-Dal enters the office, wondering at the commotion.
Jin-Soo notices his boss’ arrival and decides to take advantage of the opportunity.
Jin-Soo............. Team Leader, you’re here just in time to treat everyone to celebrate our winners!
Sun-Dal pokes his head into Hyung-Chul's office. Hyung-Chul waves him in.
Sun-Dal............ How was the meeting yesterday?
Hyung-Chul....... (smiles) Director Kim was suitably upset, but I got the approval I need to go ahead.
Sun-Dal............ Great! Who are you choosing for the main anchors?
Hyung-Chul....... Besides you? Is there a question?
Sun-Dal............ You mean between Sun-Mi and Young-Mi?
Hyung-Chul....... (nods) What do you think?
Sun-Dal............ Well... since Young-Mi came on the ratings have definitely gone up.
....................... However, Sun-Mi is more popular and could bring a big crossover from her radio audience.
Hyung-Chul....... But do we want to put the spotlight on Sun-Mi, with everyone watching to see if she makes another mistake?
Sun-Dal............ (pondering) Yeah, I see what you mean...
Hyung-Chul....... Unlike the usual morning show fluff, I want the focus on solid programming content, not personalities.
He hands a binder to Sun-Dal.
Hyung-Chul....... Here’s the program plan. Let's talk more about it later.
Sun-Dal............ (nods) Got it... Oh, are you coming out tonight? We're celebrating our successes on the Sweeps.
Hyung-Chul....... I'll have to beg off, there's a meeting. Have a good time...
The Announcer 1 Team spills out onto the street after their ‘third round’ at a norabang (place for Korean karaoke).
Sun-Dal............ We’ll see you all in the morning!
In high spirits fueled by a surfeit of beer and harder liquors, they send each other off with choruses of “So long’ and ‘good night’.
Sun-Dal head off in one direction with Joo-Hee, Ki-Jong and Kyung-Hee leave in the other direction.
Slowly the rest filter off singly or in small groups, leaving Jin-Soo, Young-Mi, and Sun-Mi standing together on the curb.
Jin-Soo is completely wasted, having partied the hardest, and leans on both Young-Mi’s and Sun-Mi’s shoulders for support.
Young-Mi flags a taxi down. They load Jin-Soo in and give the address to the driver.
As the taxi speeds off, Young-Mi turns to Sun-Mi. Sun-Mi is a little buzzed, so she decides to set the hard feelings between them aside.
Sun-Mi.............. We’re going the same way. Want to share a taxi?
Young-Mi.......... (disdainfully) I’d rather walk.
Sun-Mi.............. Still sore I beat you as Most Popular?
Young-Mi.......... Do you really think I care about such frivolity? Especially when you won by your usual cheap tricks?
Sun-Mi.............. (irately) Huh Young-Mi!
Young-Mi.......... What? Did I hurt Cinderella's feelings again? Can you say you won by having better skills?
Sun-Mi is silent, because Young-Mi is right that her skills lack in comparison.
Young-Mi.......... I thought so. Without Director Yoon’s backing, it’s all just luck.
Sun-Mi.............. Like I said before, I’ll challenge you without him!
While Sun-Mi is talking, an empty taxi slows, hoping for a fare.
Young-Mi waves. The taxi stops and she opens the rear passenger door.
Young-Mi.......... Oh yes, I forgot... you’re a modern Cinderella. But some day, even a Cinderella's luck will run out.
Sun--Mi watches as the taxi drives off, her defiant face fading to an uncertain expression...
Sun-Mi.............. (troubled) What if she’s right?
Sun-Mi is walking quickly along the corridor to the radio studio.
She slows her pace when she sees Hyung-Chul waiting by the door, leaning on the wall.
When he sees Sun-Mi, Hyung-Chul stands erect and faces her.
She stops an arm length away.
Hyung-Chul....... We need to talk!
Sun-Mi.............. (coolly) I’m very busy right now.
Hyung-Chul....... Just for a minute.
Sun-Mi.............. (coldly) I don’t have a minute, Director. Please let me by.
Faced with her intransigence, he yields.
Sun-Mi goes around him, into the studio. The door closes in his face with a solid thud.
In the MBS Radio Studio
Sun-Mi is at the studio microphone, reading from a postcard...
Sun-Mi.............. Next is Su-Hee from Yongin: "When I last wrote, I was despairing from being dumped again...
....................... but listening to your program gave me hope. Do you think I can fully trust my heart to another...?"
In Gwi-Sung's living room
Gwi-Sung is sitting on a chair, reading the newspaper as he listens to the radio.
Sun-Mi.............. (on the radio) Dear friends, don’t we all long for that special 'Best Friend Forever'?
He turns the page as she continues...
Sun-Mi.............. (on the radio) Someone we hope will never leave or betray us? But in reality no one is so perfect...
At Ms. Song's Convenience Store
Jin-Suk is checking out a customer at the cash register with the radio playing in teh store over the ceiling speakers.
Sun-Mi.............. (on the radio) If all we do is try to get friendship and love...
Jin-Suk............. That's 12,500 won...
Sun-Mi.............. (on the radio) Surely, we will find disappointment instead...
The customer hands Jin-Suk two 10,000 won bills, which she puts into the register.
Sun-Mi.............. (on the radio) Only in giving the friendship and love we long for will we find it...
Customer.......... Do you always listen to this program?
Jin-Suk takes out the change and counts it in her hand.
Sun-Mi.............. (on the radio) "It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving"... that was by Mother Teresa...
Jin-Suk............. Of course! The announcer is my good friend's daughter...
Jin-Suk puts the change into the customer's hand as she counts up simultaneously and Sun-Mi continues...
Jin-Suk............. Here's your change... 13,000... 14,000... 15,000... 20,000... Thank you.
Sun-Mi.............. (on the radio) This song describes the kind of best friend I want to be to someone...
In Woo-Jin's car
Woo-Jin is driving with Young-Mi in the front passenger seat. The car radio is on.
Sun-Mi.............. (on the radio) The lyrics are in English, but you can find the translation on my webpage...
Young-Mi reaches over and turns the radio off.
Woo-Jin............ Why did you do that?
Young-Mi.......... (grumbling) I can't believe people will listen to such trite banalities every night...
In Hyung-Chul's office
Hyung-Chul is reading through financial reports at his desk, listening to the radio.
Sun-Mi.............. (on the radio) A long time ago, a good friend shared this song to encourage me. I hope you enjoy it, too...
Hyung-Chul stops reading and looks up.
Sun-Mi.............. (on the radio) Oh... for those who don't know this, the song is You've Got A Friend, by Carole King...
As he listens to the opening instrumental measures of the song, Hyung-Chul reminisces of a time that seems so long ago...
When you're down and troubled, And you need some love and care, And nothing, nothing is going right.
Close your eyes and think of me, And soon I will be there, To brighten up even your darkest night.
You just call out my name, And you know wherever I am, I'll come running to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer or fall, All you have to do is call, And I'll be there... You've got a friend.
If the sky above you grows dark and full of clouds, And that old north wind begins to blow.
Keep your head together and call my name out loud, Soon you'll hear me knocking at your door.
You just call out my name, And you know wherever I am, I'll come running, running, yeah, yeah, to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer or fall, All you have to do is call, And I'll be there, And I'll be there, yes I will.
Now, ain't it good to know that you've got a friend, When people can be so cold?
They'll hurt you, yes, and desert you, And take your soul if you let them, Oh, but don't you let them...
You just call out my name, And you know wherever I am, I'll come running, running, yeah, yeah, yeah, to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer or fall, All you have to do is call, And I'll be there, yes I will. You've got a friend...
You've got a friend, Ain't it good to know, you've got a friend?
Ain't it good to know? Ain't it good to know? Ain't it good to know, you've got a friend?
Oh yeah, now, Oh, you've got a friend, Yeah, baby, You've got a friend...
Oh yeah... You've got a friend...
Hyung-Chul answers the door to his villa apartment. Joo-Hee is waiting outside.
Hyung-Chul....... Why are you here? It’s very late.
Joo-Hee............ (frowning) Is that how you speak to your fiancée? May I come in?
Hyung-Chul and Joo-Hee are standing in the living room of his apartment.
Hyung-Chul....... So... what did you want?
Joo-Hee............ I thought I’d stop by, just because...
She walks over to the loveseat, and places both hands on the upholstered back. He watches, wondering what she is about to say.
Joo-Hee............ I was thinking about this loveseat... isn't it time to toss it? Why hang onto old, worn out things? Get something new.
She looks over at him, and her eyes express the words she isn't saying...
Hyung-Chul....... Why? An old chair is like an old friend; I'm used to it, and though it's worn, it's too comfortable to give up on.
Joo-Hee smiles tepidly, acknowledging she gets his meaning.
Joo-Hee............ Tomorrow, I'm making the announcement to the press.
Hyung-Chul....... Oh?
Joo-Hee............ I'm undecided whether it's because of unresolvable incompatibility, or because I found a better man.
....................... Either way, I'll play the bad girl for once, and take all the blame for our 'breakup'...
Hyung-Chul....... You don’t have to go that far. It’s not what we agreed.
Joo-Hee............ Still, it’s my scheme. Let me finish it my way.
Hyung-Chul....... (shrugs) If that's what you want...
Joo-Hee............ It's not what I want, but what I have to do. (smiles sadly) Sometimes, I can be a real idiot...
Hyung-Chul looks at her, questioning...
Joo-Hee............ Because only a real idiot would step aside and wish the man she loves happiness without her...
Hyung-Chul's thoughts return to the day he'd watched another woman wish her love happiness, without her...
FLASHBACK [Scene from Episode 6, at Yuldong Lake]
Sun-Mi.............. Kim Woo-Jin, you stupid idiot! Do you think you’ll be able to live happily without me?! You’ll be miserable! ....................... But you have to be happy… Be happy, Oppa... You really have to be happy!
He looks at Joo-Hee fondly, with a new appreciation of her inner struggle.
Hyung-Chul....... (warmly) Joo-Hee, you're not a 'real idiot', but a real friend. Why not stay, and have some tea?
Joo-Hee............ Thanks, maybe next time... but...
Hyung-Chul....... Is something else you wanted to say?
Joo-Hee............ It feels a bit odd, to know that this is really the end of things for us... Do you know what I mean?
Hyung-Chul....... Sure...
Joo-Hee............ Well, I really have to go...
She walks toward the door, with Hyung-Chul following.
Coming to the bottom of the stairwell, Joo-Hee stops and leans against the wall.
From the top of the stairs, Hyung-Chul listens as she weeps lonely, bitter tears.
After a few moments, he turns away and goes back into his apartment, closing and latching the door.
Sun-Mi hails a taxi on her way to work. As the cab drives off, she takes out the morning newspaper to read.
Opening to the entertainment news section, she sees a stock PR photograph of herself, above a bold headline:
MBS’ Jin Sun-Mi Voted Most Popular New Announcer
Beneath the fold, a companion article has more photos from an interview, with the headline:
Meet Seoul’s Sweetheart of the Airwaves: Jin Sun-Mi
Sun-Mi’s cell phone rings. She drops the paper to take the phone from her office tote, and sees the caller is Cho-Jeh.
Sun-Mi.............. (into the phone) It’s me. What do you want?
Cho-Jeh............ (O.S. from the phone) Did you see today’s paper? You're a real celebrity now! Doesn’t it feel good?
Sun-Mi.............. Actually, I don't feel that special.
Cho-Jeh............ You need to do something to celebrate, to get in the mood...
Sun-Mi.............. (smiling) All right, let's do lunch today, my treat.
Cho-Jeh............ Er... Was I that obvious?
Sun-Mi.............. (chuckles) Only because I know you. See you later.
Sun-Mi puts her phone back into the office tote and reaches down to pick up the newspaper from where it had fallen on the cab floor.
As she refolds the paper, she notices a small paragraph at the bottom of the “Celebrity Briefs” column, with the heading:
MBS Announcer Cites Incompatibility, Ends Engagement
Sun-Mi looks up from the newspaper, stunned.
Sun-Mi.............. Joo-Hee and Senior... broke up?
Cho-Jeh and Sun-Mi are having their lunch in a Chinese restaurant near the MBS studio complex.
Sun-Mi picks at her plate, while Cho-Jeh ravenously stuffs food into her mouth.
Cho-Jeh............ (talking with mouth full) This is so good! Why aren’t you eating?
Sun-Mi.............. I just can’t stop thinking about it...
Cho-Jeh finishes chewing before she replies, then looks at Sun-Mi impatiently.
Cho-Jeh............ So are you going back to him, or not?
Sun-Mi.............. How can I, and keep my pride? He didn't even have the decency to tell me before I heard it on the News!
Cho-Jeh............ Who cares about pride, when it's a real Prince Charming in your grasp?
Sun-Mi.............. But if he was always s going to marry Joo-Hee, then why lead me on? (shakes her head) What a hypocrite!
Cho-Jeh grabs another piece with her chopsticks as she talks.
Cho-Jeh............ Wasn't it all arranged by their parents years ago? What if he just decided that it was a mistake?
Sun-Mi.............. How can I can trust him now? What if I become the next ‘mistake’ he makes?
Cho-Jeh shrugs as she picks up the last piece to eat, clearing her plate.
Cho-Jeh............ (talking with mouth full) You won't know unless you try.
Sun-Mi.............. But what if he feels differently? I’d feel like an idiot...
Cho-Jeh stops chewing and looks up at Sun-Mi. Irritated, she slaps her chopsticks sharply down on the table.
Cho-Jeh............ (firmly) Then stop acting like an idiot! Move on and forget him!
The customers at a nearby table turn and glare at Cho-Jeh, and she dips her head sheepishly in apology.
Sun-Mi is pondering what Cho-Jeh said, and after a few moments, nods.
Sun-M-.............. You're right, it's time to let go of the past. (smiles) Thanks, Cho-Jeh, you're a real friend!
Cho-Jeh............ So if I'm your friend, you won't mind sharing your plate with me, right?
But Sun-Mi isn't listening; she is immersed in her own thoughts again...
Sun-Mi.............. (sighs deeply) But, what if I can't forget him? Should I try and ignore him?
Impatient, Cho-Jeh reaches for a morsel from Sun-Mi’s plate with her chopsticks.
Cho-Jeh............ If you’re just going to debate with yourself all day, then allow me...
Hyung-Chul is waiting on 3F for the elevator. When the door opens, Sun-Mi is inside with several other people.
He waits as all the others exit the elevator, then steps in and smiles, but Sun-Mi averts her eyes.
The seconds tick off interminably as they wait in silence for the doors to close. No one else has boarded, so it is just the two of them.
Just before the doors touch, Sun-Mi steps forward and pushes the 'Door Open' button.
Hyung-Chul looks at her quizzically as the doors slide open again.
Sun-Mi.............. (coldly) I’m getting off here, Director Yoon.
She dips her head politely and walks away. Hyung-Chul watches until the doors are shut and block his view.
He looks down at the floor, discouraged, and sighs.
Sun-Mi is working at the office conference table, reading and sorting postcards and letters from a mail tray.
Sun-Dal appears, trailed by a casually dressed young woman. He looks around the room until he sees Sun-Mi.
Sun-Dal............ Ah... Jin Sun-Mi... there you are.
Sun-Mi stands and dips her head in greeting.
Sun-Mi.............. You’re looking for me, Team Leader?
Sun-Dal............ Meet our new part-time office assistant. Su-Lin is an intern from the University.
Su-Lin............... (formally bows) How do you do?
Sun-Mi.............. (smiles warmly) Welcome. You’re a Broadcasting major?
Su-Lin............... (nods, wide eyed) Yes... uh...
Sun-Mi can see that Su-Lin is bursting to say something.
Sun-Mi.............. Go on...
Su-Lin............... (gushing) Ohmigod, I can’t believe it’s you, in person! You’re my favorite announcer! Can I have your autograph?
Sun-Mi.............. (embarrassed) Er... Sure...
While Sun-Mi looks for a blank sheet of paper on the table, Su-Lin rambles on...
Su-Lin............... I know everything about you! You’re from the Class of ‘95, and your birthday is June 7, so you’re a Gemini, like me!
Kyung-Hee smiles as she listens to Sun-Mi’s young fan spouting off enthusiastically.
Su-Lin............... (continuing) This is soooo exciting! Wait till I tell all my friends my good luck... they’ll be so jealous!
Young-Mi, overhearing the words ‘good luck’, looks up from her work with a frown and rolls her eyes.
Jin-Soo............. (laughs) She must be President of your fan club!
Kyung-Hee covers her mouth to hold in a laugh. Young-Mi stares down at her paperwork, inwardly seething.
Sun-Dal............ I had a space set up for Su-Lin near the mailroom. She’ll be handling your incoming mail.
Sun-Mi.............. (nods) Yes, Team Leader. But may I ask a question?
Sun-Dal............ Sure.
Sun-Mi.............. Why an assistant now? I’m not that busy with Music Postcards, even with all the prep work.
Sun-Dal............ It’s because management has approved your return to TV broadcasting, starting immediately.
Sun-Mi’s mouth drops open.
Sun-Mi.............. (smiling) Really?
Sun-Dal............ (chuckles) It seems certain people wanted to clear the way to put you back on the air. Congratulations!
Jin-Soo............. (excitedly) Wow! Are they giving Sun-Mi the 7 PM News again?
Young-Mi looks up suddenly, worriedly... Her eyes narrow as she glares at Sun-Mi.
Sun-Dal............ Not the News. Director Yoon has a new program in the works, to replace the Morning Show.
....................... You’ll all be hearing more about this, later.
Hyung-Chul is crossing the main lobby toward the elevators, when he hears the clip of high heels behind him on the terrazzo floor.
Voice................ (O.S.) Director Yoon?
He turns to see Young-Mi hurrying to catch up with him.
Hyung-Chul....... What is it, Announcer Huh?
Young-Mi.......... About those programming ideas I spoke to you before...
Hyung-Chul....... Oh, yes. Let me fill you in on what's developing.
The elevator door opens in front of them. The car is empty, and no one else is waiting with them.
Hyung-Chul looks over at Young-Mi.
Young-Mi.......... Shall we go up together?
Woo-Jin is getting coffee from the vending machine in the canteen, when Sun-Mi arrives for coffee, too.
Sun-Mi.............. It's been a long time. Are you busy?
Woo-Jin............ I always have time for you.
Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin are coming up the stairs to the rooftop; he is carrying their two coffee cups.
Woo-Jin............ It's really a nice day, isn't it?
When they get to the top of the stairs, they find Young-Mi and Hyung-Chul already on the rooftop, talking and drinking coffee.
Facing away from the stairs, they don't see that Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin are there, listening.
Young-Mi.......... I’m flattered to be the anchor for your new program. But why not Sun-Mi?
....................... The Morning Show was her program first, and she's also won the latest popularity contest.
Hyung-Chul....... Popularity isn’t everything. This program is going to be different, not just smiles and happy talk, but with substance.
Sun-Mi looks away, embarrassed to be criticized in front of Woo-Jin.
Young-Mi.......... You thought I'm a better fit for this format?
Hyung-Chul....... Although it’s lighter than the News, you did exceptionally well in Sun-Mi’s place, so I wanted to give you the chance.
Young-Mi.......... (modestly) Thank you, Director. I don't deserve it, but I’ll work hard to prove your confidence in me.
Young-Mi reaches out, briefly touching Hyung-Chul's arm. In turn, he pats her encouragingly on the shoulder.
Hyung-Chul....... Don't worry, I'm sure that you'll do well.
Woo-Jin is upset, but resigned, to Young-Mi's obvious flirting, while Sun-Mi stares jealously at Young-Mi.
Woo-Jin............ (quietly) Let's go down now, Sun-Mi.
As they are turning away, they hear Hyung-Chul call out...
Hyung-Chul....... Oh... Reporter Kim! I’d like to ask you a question.
Woo-Jin turns back, but Sun-Mi keeps her back to Hyung-Chul.
Woo-Jin............ Yes, Director?
Hyung-Chul....... Do you remember that program opportunity we discussed?
Woo-Jin............ Of course.
Hyung-Chul....... Besides coordinating the video work, I'd like you to sit at the announcer's desk.
Woo-Jin............ I appreciate that, but it's really not my strong point.
Hyung-Chul....... Give it a serious thought, anyway.
Woo-Jin............ Sure... If that's all, I'll go now, Director.
Woo-Jin turns back and starts off toward the stairs, with Sun-Mi following.
Hyung-Chul debates with himself for a moment, then decides to take the opportunity...
Hyung-Chul....... Announcer Jin? May we have a word too?
Sun-Mi stops and turns back to face Hyung-Chul.
Sun-Mi.............. Yes?
Hyung-Chul glances at Young-Mi, using his eyes to signal it is time for her to leave.
Young-Mi.......... (dips her head) I'll be going now, Director, I have something to do now.
Young-Mi goes down the stairs, followed by Woo-Jin.
Sun-Mi looks at Hyung-Chul, wondering what he wants to say to her...
Entering the building, in the empty corridor, Woo-Jin confronts Young-Mi.
Woo-Jin............ (angrily) Do you have to flirt with Director Yoon so brazenly?
Young-Mi.......... You call that flirting? I was just expressing gratitude. He has control over my future, you know. I can't ignore him.
Woo-Jin............ Still, it's embarrassing for Sun-Mi.
Young-Mi.......... Why should she care? They're not even dating. If you're so concerned about Sun-Mi, then go to her!
Woo-Jin............ Huh Young-Mi! How can you say that? It's you I love, not Sun-Mi.
Young-Mi.......... (bitterly) And what good has your 'love' done for me?
After Woo-Jin leaves with Young-Mi, Sun-Mi remains on the rooftop with Hyung-Chul.
The atmosphere between them is tense, and far from congenial...
Sun-Mi.............. (irritated) What did you want, Director? I'm very busy right now.
Hyung-Chul....... (derisively) You seem to have plenty of time for Kim Woo-Jin these days.
Sun-Mi sends an icy glare at Hyung-Chul.
Sun-Mi.............. (coldly) If that is all you have to say, I'm leaving first.
She turns on her heel to go as he speaks up...
Hyung-Chul....... I'm sorry; that was harsh. Please, hear me out... Look at me...
Sun-Mi stops, but doesn't turn back to look at him.
He turns to look at her, but she refuses to comply so he speaks anyway...
Hyung-Chul....... What I said... it wasn't about you. I'm sorry if it sounded offensive.
Sun-Mi.............. (indignantly) Why? You've never held back your opinions of my shortcomings.
Hyung-Chul....... Sun-Mi, it's just that... (sighs) ... What more do you want me to say?
Sun-Mi.............. (sharply) It seems the less you say, the better.
Hyung-Chul realizes that the conversation is going nowhere, and changes the subject.
Hyung-Chul....... A year ago today, in this same place, I asked you a question. Do you remember?
Sun-Mi.............. (acidly) Of course, there's nothing wrong with my head! ...
....................... But what difference does that make now? We don't have have the kind of relationship to discuss such matters.
Hyung-Chul....... Can't we just go back to how things were before?
Sun-Mi.............. That's easy for you to say. I wasn't the one who made things this way!
Hyung-Chul....... (frustrated) Why do you insist on being like this?
Sun-Mi.............. You really don't know? You have no idea? ... Humph... It's no wonder Yoo Joo-Hee dumped you!
Hyung-Chul....... (forcefully, i ntending to explain) Actually... that was...
Sun-Mi.............. (interrupting) Don't say anything... I'm sorry, that was harsh...
But Hyung-Chul, irritated, is fed up with Sun-Mi's volativity, and speaks without thinking...
Hyung-Chul....... No, it's what I'd expect from someone with such childish attitudes.
Talking down to Sun-Mi is a guaranteed way to stoke her anger, and she becomes fully steamed...
Sun-Mi.............. If you think I'm being so childish, perhaps we should drop this for another time!
Hyung-Chul knows he'd hit a sore spot, but doesn't back down.
Hyung-Chul....... How would that be any different? Perhaps there's no need for another time...
Sun-Mi catches her breath, wondering if he really means that. She waits, but he doesn't elaborate...
Sun-Mi.............. (caustically) If that is how you feel, then... Goodbye, Director Yoon...
Sun-Mi strides over to the top of the stairs. Yet she hesitates there a moment, to give him another chance...
But Hyung-Chul gazes off into the distance, silently maintaining his attitude of indifference.
Sun-Mi swallows the lump in her throat as her eyes smart with nascent tears.
Not wanting to appear weak before Hyung-Chul, she quickly starts down the stairs...
Hyung-Chul listens to Sun-Mi's heels clatter loudly down the metal steps and across the walkway gratings as she hurries away.
After she is gone, there is only the sound of traffic coming from the streets below.
Hyung-Chul looks down at the roof, takes a deep breath, and walks slowly toward the stairs, his heart as heavy as his footsteps...
Episode 12b Act 2
NEXT TO AAE 'Uncut' Episode 12b Act 4