All About Eve  'Uncut' — The Cold War

by AAEfanatic


Episode 13A



Act 4. 1

SCENE: In the corridor of Young-Mi's apartment building, night 1

SCENE: In Young-Mi's apartment, night 1

SCENE: Sun-Mi’s bedroom, night 2

SCENE: At an open street bar, night 3

SCENE: Inside Young-Mi's apartment, night 3

SCENE: Sun-Mi’s room, night 3

SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul’s club, night 3

SCENE: Inside Sun-Mi bathroom, night 4

SCENE: In Sun-Mi's living room, night 4

SCENE: On a street, night 4

SCENE: In Young-Mi’s apartment, night 4

SCENE: Outside Hyung-Chul’s villa, night 5

SCENE: In the kitchen of Sun-Mi’ home, night 5

INTERCUT SCENES: Hyung-Chul's club / Jin kitchen, night 5

SCENE: Inside Young-Mi's apartment, night 6

SCENE: Outside Young-Mi's apartment, night 6

SCENE: Outside Hyung-Chul’s villa, night 6




Act 4



SCENE: In the corridor of Young-Mi's apartment building, night


Young-Mi goes into the building and up the stairs as Woo-Jin watches.



She unlocks the door to Apartment 102 as Woo-Jin walks up to her.


Woo-Jin............ Huh Young-Mi. What is this all about?


He takes the keys from her hand and holds them up to look...



SCENE: In Young-Mi's apartment, night


Young-Mi and Woo-Jin both come into the apartment. She walks over by the window and sets her purse down.

She takes her sunglasses off the top of her head.


Young-Mi.......... I changed the lock after we split up...



Young-Mi.......... (continuing) I can’t let just any man come into my home.


Stunned, Woo-Jin struggles to respond.


Woo-Jin............ Any man?


Young-Mi.......... When couples divorce they’re nobody to each other.


She laughs and steps toward him.


Young-Mi.......... What about us? We weren’t even married.


Woo-Jin looks away.


Young-Mi.......... We had nothing together.


She smirks at him.


Young-Mi.......... If you want to hit me, go ahead. I’m sick and tired of being beaten up, but if you want to hit me, you can.


Young-Mi closes her eyes as if ready to take a hit.


Woo-Jin............ Why are you doing this?


Young-Mi lets out a short, derisive laugh.


Young-Mi.......... My goal has changed.


She turns away.


Young-Mi.......... I wanted to be on the 9 o’clock news, but I just realized it’s nothing. It doesn’t matter if I don’t do the news.


Woo-Jin You now want to have Hyung-Chul?


Young-Mi turns to look at Woo-Jin.


Woo-Jin............ What about the love we shared? What happened to our love?


She smiles at him pityingly.


Young-Mi.......... I don’t love you. I never loved you.


Woo-Jin............ Young-Mi.


Young-Mi.......... Want me to say it again?… No, I don’t love you. I never loved you.


Woo-Jin slaps Young-Mi, then looks away as if regretting he did it.



Young-Mi.......... OK, I’m saying it again. I’ve never loved you. I only love my goal.


Woo-Jin looks at Young-Mi contemptuously, hesitates as if intending to say something, but instead walks out of the apartment.


Young-Mi trembles after he leaves, then crouching down, she starts to cry...




SCENE: Sun-Mi’s bedroom, night


Sun-Mi plays the video tape from Hyung-Chul again... and cries, again, as she watches...




Hyung-Chul....... (on video) This is your expression that I like the most... I’ll always make you smile like this. I promise...


Sun-Mi pauses the tape, and reflects on how to respond to his overture...


Joo-Hee............ (voiceover) Consider seriously what you have done... what you can still do...


Sun-Mi.............. (aloud, to herself) Is it really too late for us?



A light rap sounds on the bedroom door.


Gwi-Sung.......... Sun-Mi?


Quickly, she turns off the VCR.


Sun-Mi.............. Come in, Daddy.


Gwi-Sung comes in with a cup of cocoa and fruit plate.


Gwi-Sung.......... I thought you'd like a snack.


Sun-Mi.............. (smiles) Thanks, but I'm not that hungry.



He puts the cup and plate on the bedside stand, then notices that her cheeks are wet.


Gwi-Sung.......... You were crying?


Sun-Mi nods, a bit embarrassed at being seen as a crybaby.


Gwi-Sung.......... Want to tell me?


Sun-Mi.............. I said some things, in haste now, I realize. I’m wondering... is it too late to take them back?


Gwi-Sung.......... I suppose that depends on what words, and which person.


He sits down on the bed next to Sun-Mi, and puts a comforting arm around her shoulders.


Gwi-Sung.......... Your mother used to say even deep cuts heal. They may leave a scar, but life goes on.

....................... She was referring to some pretty awful things I said to her when we had a fight.


Sun-Mi.............. You and Mother had disagreements?


Gwi-Sung.......... All the time! Back then I was stubborn and hotheaded, and apt to say, and do, the worst things.

....................... Your mother was patient with me, regardless of the troubles I caused, but must have carried a lot of scars.


Sun-Mi.............. Did she love you any less for those troubles?


Gwi-Sung.......... Troubles either deepen love, or end it. We can choose to face the difficulties, or run away from them.

....................... Your Mother drew, from her deep well of love, the strength to say and do what was right.


Sun-Mi.............. (sighs) But I’m afraid it’s too late now...


Gwi-Sung.......... Your Mum always said: ”True love has no fear. If it’s truly love, we don’t need to be afraid.”


He looks off, eyes moistening as he silently reminisces...


Sun-Mi hugs her father.


Sun-Mi.............. Daddy, I miss her too...


Gwi-Sung.......... Sun-Mi, listen to your mother’s advice. Don’t let fear hold you back...



The bedside phone rings. Sun-Mi reaches for it...


Sun-Mi.............. (into the phone) Hello? ... You want to see me now? ... Just a minute...


She covers the handset microphone with the palm of her hand.


Sun-Mi.............. (to her father) It’s Woo-Jin...


Gwi-Sung stands up.


Gwi-Sung.......... I’ll go down now. Drink a little cocoa anyway, okay?


Sun-Mi.............. (smiles) Thanks, Daddy... I will.


Gwi-Sung goes out and closes the door.


Sun-Mi.............. (into the phone) Where are you? ... Don’t go anywhere...



SCENE: At an open street bar, night


Woo-Jin is drowning his sorrows at an open street bar. An empty bottle of soju lies on the table; a second is opened.

He pours and downs a shot, then after staring at the bottle for a few moments, grabs the bottle and gulps directly from it.




SCENE: Inside Young-Mi's apartment, night


Young-Mi cries as she puts Woo-Jin’s razor and toothbrush into a clear plastic bag along with a picture of them together.


On the bed beside her are Woo-Jin’s 2-1/4”  format camera and some other possessions she is returning to him.



She holds his shirt up to her face, and as the finality of what she intends to do hits her, breaks down in tears...



SCENE: Sun-Mi’s room, night


Sun-Mi is still sitting on her bed, thinking...


Joo-Hee............ (voiceover) Consider seriously what you have done... what you can still do...


She picks up the phone to make a call, waiting as the line rings. An answering service picks up.


Female voice..... (on the phone) The party you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please try again later.


Gwi-Sung.......... (voiceover)  ”True love has no fear. If you truly love someone, it’s never too late to do the right thing.”


Sun-Mi puts the handset back on the phone cradle. She gets up from the bed and goes over to her wardrobe closet.


Opening the cabinet doors, she takes out a dress and looks at it...



SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul’s club, night


Hyung-Chul walks into his club, and is greeted by the maître d’ (captain of the dining room).


Captain............. Good evening, Director Yoon. Are you alone?


Hyung-Chul....... (nods) Yes.


Captain............. Your preference tonight?


Hyung-Chul....... The usual, thanks...



SCENE: Inside Sun-Mi bathroom, night


Sun-Mi is in her bathroom, readying herself ready to go out. Various bottles and makeup paraphernalia clutter the sink.

The head towel is gone; her hair is dried and combed. She has inserted a pair barrettes to hold the locks back off her face.


She is wearing a pale pink dress, adorned on the left shoulder with the four-leaf clover brooch Hyung-Chul gifted her for good luck.




Concentrating on her reflection in the mirror, she carefully applies a fresh layer of gloss, pressing her lips together when she is done.


Pleased with her appearance, she smiles confidently...



SCENE: In Sun-Mi's living room, night


Sun-Mi comes downstairs, carrying her bag and cell phone in one hand, and the empty plate and cup in the other.

She goes into the kitchen. Leaving her bag and the phone on the table, she takes the dishes to the counter by the sink.


Gwi-Sung comes out of his bedroom and looks at Sun-Mi curiously.


Gwi-Sung.......... Going out at this hour?


Sun-Mi.............. (nods) To meet someone.


Gwi-Sung.......... Woo-Jin?


Sun-Mi.............. (looks away) I might be late. Don't wait up...



(O.S.) A car horn beeps twice outside... then a few seconds later, twice more...


Sun-Mi.............. That's my taxi... I gotta go!


She gives her father a quick hug.


Gwi-Sung watches Sun-Mi grab her bag from the table and hustle to the front entrance vestibule, leaving the door open in her haste.


(O.S.) The taxi driver beeps again. A door opens.


Sun-Mi.............. (O.S. calling loudly) Coming... I’m coming!


(O.S.) Obscure noises, then a few seconds later, heel clicks sound on the tile floor and the door slams shut...



SCENE: On a street, night


Sun-Mi struggles to keeps a drunken Woo-Jin on his feet as she helps him into the back seat of a waiting taxi.


Woo-Jin sprawls in the taxi, his head drooping against the cushion, eyes closed.


Sun-Mi looks at him unhappily for a few moments before she closes the door. She taps on the driver’s window.


The driver lowers the glass.


She hands the driver a scrap of paper with Woo-Jin’s address, along with several 10,000 won notes.


Sun-Mi.............. See that he gets inside the house safely.


Driver............... Yes.


Sun-Mi.............. Thank you.


The driver nods and raises the window.


Sun-Mi watches as the taxi drives off, then turns to flag down another approaching car.


Sun-Mi.............. (loudly) Taxi! ... Taxi!



SCENE: In Young-Mi’s apartment, night


Sitting at the desk in her apartment, Young-Mi picks up the handset of her phone and punches in a number.

She puts the handset to her ear and waits for the pick up...


Young-Mi.......... Hello? Director Yoon? This is Huh Young-Mi... Earlier, I forgot my manners, to thank you properly for today.


She checks her reflection in the mirror on her desk as she listens...


Young-Mi.......... Yes, I know, but I wanted to invite you up for a drink anyway... if you’re interested...


She frowns slightly as she listens to the reply...


Young-Mi.......... No, it’s not too late... Well, I’ll leave it up to you... Bye...


She puts the handset back down on the cradle and smiles...



SCENE: Outside Hyung-Chul’s villa, night


In a pouring rain, a taxi drives into the parking lot of Hyung-Chul’s villa complex. Sun-Mi gets out of the taxi.

Without an umbrella for protection, she runs for cover as the cab drives away.


Out of the rain on the open porch, she pushes back her wet hair and pats the drops from her face, then starts up the steps.


At the top of the stairs, Sun-Mi walks up to Hyung-Chul’s door and presses the bell button.


A few seconds later, she tries again, but no one comes to answer the door.


A gust of wind blows into the open walkway. Sun-Mi’s hair, along with a spray of rain drops, flies into her face.

She quickly retreats to the protection of the enclosed stairwell. There she starts searching through her purse...


Sun-Mi.............. (muttering to herself) I’m sure I put it in here before... (rolls her eyes) Idiot! How can you be so blur all the time...



SCENE: In the kitchen of Sun-Mi’ home, night


On the Jin's kitchen table, Sun-Mi's cell phone, forgotten in her rush out the door, rings...



Gwi-Sung appears, and picks up the phone to answer the call.


Gwi-Sung.......... Hello?... This is her father. Who’s calling?



INTERCUT SCENES: Hyung-Chul's club / Jin kitchen, night


Hyung-Chul is still at his table in the club.


Hyung-Chul....... I'm MBS Director Yoon Hyung-Chul.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



Gwi-Sung frowns when he hears this...


Gwi-Sung.......... (irritated) What's so important to bother Sun-Mi on her night off? Doesn't she work hard enough as it is?


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



Hyung-Chul....... I’m sorry, but it's a very urgent matter that I speak to her.



~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Gwi-Sung weighs the alternatives before he reluctantly reveals Sun-Mi’s whereabouts...


Gwi-Sung.......... Then you should call Kim Woo-Jin. She went out to meet him, and will be back late. Do you have his number?



~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Hyung-Chul....... Yes... Thank you, Mr. Jin. I apologize for the inconvenience... Good night.


He sets down his cell phone, pondering this new wrinkle in his plans as he nurses his drink.


Young-Mi.......... (voiceover) Now that Woo-Jin and I are parting ways, it looks like he’s going back to Sun-Mi again...


Hyung-Chul thinks back, recalling Sun-Mi’s relationship with Woo-Jin, wondering if what Young-Mi said might be true...


gif image series of Sun-Mi and Woo-Jin



Hyung-Chul empties the rest of his whiskey in a single gulp as his thoughts linger on Sun-Mi’s decision about their relationship...



FLASHBACK  [Ep.13a  Outside his villa, the previous night, after the party as Sun-Mi leaves]


Sun-Mi........ Let’s keep our relationship strictly professional... forget the past and move on...





Hyung-Chul gazes vacantly into the empty glass in his hand, as different voice prompts....


Young-Mi.......... (voiceover) I wanted to invite you up for a drink anyway, if you’re interested... It’s not too late...


Hyung-Chul....... (to himself) Why not? Isn't that better than sitting here, drinking alone?



SCENE: Inside Young-Mi's apartment, night


Young-Mi sits by the window of her apartment, watching the raindrops pelt the glass with driving force, anticipating her next move...


A glint of interest comes to her face, and she peers closer into the storm...



SCENE: Outside Young-Mi's apartment, night


Hyung-Chul's BMW pulls up on the street outside Young-Mi's apartment building and stops at the curb.


The heavy rain is still pouring down, sending streams of water rushing into the drains.


He puts the car in park, but leaves it idling, with the windshield wipers going, as he ponders what to do.


Above, in the lighted window of Young-Mi’s apartment, he can see the shadow of a woman sitting, looking out...



SCENE: Outside Hyung-Chul’s villa, night


Meanwhile, on the villa's porch, Sun-Mi keeps watch for Hyung-Chul to return, hoping it’s not too late...






To Be Continued…


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