All About Eve 'Uncut' -- A Spring Apart
by AAEfanatic
Episode 18A
SCENE: Hyung-Chul's villa door, morning
SCENE: MBS Yeouido headquarters and studios complex, morning
SCENE: Eve's Morning studio, morning
SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, morning
SCENE: Art Club studio lounge, morning
SCENE: Art Club studio, morning
SPLIT SCENE: Hospital room / MBS office, morning
SCENE: Art Club studios, afternoon
SCENE: MBS conference room, afternoon
SCENE: Sun-Mi's family home, evening
SCENE: Sun-Mi's bedroom, evening
SCENE: Hyung-Chul's villa door, morning
Though surprised by Su-Jin's presence, Sun-Mi is not intimidated.
Stepping forward, she closes the space between them.
Sun-Mi.............. I'm here to discuss something with Director Yoon. And you?
Uncowed, Su-Jin one-ups Sun-Mi.
Su-Jin............... I also had something to 'discuss' with Oppa ... last night.
The implication shakes Sun-Mi, but she suppresses her urge to slap Su-Jin.
Still, Su-Jin catches the brief flash of emotions crossing Sun-Mi's face.
Su-Jin............... There was an emergency concerning MBS early this morning, and he left.
....................... I don't know when he'll return. I'd invite you in to wait, but ...
Su-Jin doesn't finish her thought, yet Sun-Mi gets her message loud and clear.
Stymied, she backs off.
Sun-Mi.............. In that case, I won't waste any more of your time ...
[ footsteps coming up stairs, growing louder ]
A man appears at the top of the stairway, carrying a package.
Courier............. Delivery for Ms. Park Su-Jin.
Su-Jin............... That's me.
He approaches Su-Jin and hands her the package.
Courier............. Sign here.
Passing a pen to Su-Jin first, he holds a clipboard out.
Su-Jin signs the receipt.
Then he turns to Sun-Mi.
Courier............. Aren't you the host of Art Club? ... MBS Announcer Jin Sun-Mi?
Sun-Mi.............. Yes, I am. Why?
Courier............. My wife is a big fan. Could I have an autograph?
Sun-Mi.............. I'd be happy to.
Courier............. Her name is Lee Soo-Jung.
Sun-Mi opens her purse, signs one of her business cards on the clipboard, and hands it to the man.
Courier............. Thank you so much.
The courier starts back down the stairs.
[ footsteps going down stairs, fading out ]
Su-Jin raises the package to draw Sun-Mi's attention to it.
Su-Jin............... My clothes. I've been waiting all morning.
....................... Wait a minute while I change, and let's go for lunch.
Sun-Mi.............. (testily) Why would I want to do that?
Su-Jin............... Because I have something to say, that you need to hear ...
Su-Jin and Sun-Mi try out a local cafe for lunch.
Sun-Mi.............. What is it you wanted to say?
Su-Jin............... First, to be clear, since we're work colleagues, I don't want there to be a man between us.
Sun-Mi.............. I've said this before. I don't have that kind of relationship with Director Yoon.
....................... And your relationship with him is none of my business.
Su-Jin............... That wasn't how it looked when you saw me at his villa.
Sun-Mi.............. Now you're saying that you can read my mind?
Su-Jin............... No, but I could read your face -- I was the last person you wanted to have answer that door.
Sun-Mi.............. I'm afraid you were mistaken. I was merely caught by surprise.
Su-Jin............... Am I? I heard that you broke up, but how do you truly feel?
Sun-Mi.............. That ...
She looks away, uncomfortable with where the conversation is going.
Sun-Mi.............. I don't think we're close enough to talk about such matters.
Su-Jin............... What if our relationship was different, and we WERE closer?
Sun-Mi.............. Huh?
She looks back at Su-Jin, puzzled.
Sun-Mi.............. What do you mean?
Su-Jin............... This is what I wanted to talk about with you.
....................... Working together has changed my opinion. So I take back what I said ...
....................... You're neither unremarkable, nor mediocre. I see now, why Director Kim chose you.
....................... I don't say this about many people, but you have earned my respect.
She smiles.
Su-Jin............... This may come as a surprise, but I want to see if we can be friends, not just work colleagues.
Sun-Mi regards Su-Jin dubiously.
Sun-Mi.............. Do you just expect me to accept your offer? That's asking for a lot.
Su-Jin............... We can't change the past, or redo what's said and done.
....................... But whatever you think, I'm not the kind of person to snatch another woman's man away.
....................... You have my word. If you honestly believe Director Yoon is your True Love, I'll back off.
Sun-Mi.............. Actually, I don't know what to say.
Su-Jin............... You don't need to answer me now. Let's order something to eat first ...
SCENE: MBS Yeouido headquarters and studios complex, morning
SCENE: Eve's Morning studio, morning
Sun-Dal............ Anchor Huh Young-Mi is on holiday.
....................... So Announcer Lee Kyung-Hee is taking her seat today.
....................... Please give her your encouragement.
[ audience applauds ]
Sun-Dal............ Announcer Lee, what's first on today's program?
Kyung-Hee........ We have a special report on the Children's Charity Gala ...
SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, morning
Sun-Dal is conversing with Hyung-Chul in his office ...
Sun-Dal............ You watched this morning?
Hyung-Chul....... Yes. Lee Kyung-Hee did a journeyman's job on short notice.
....................... But we need someone better until Young-Mi can return.
Sun-Dal............ Who? We were fortunate that Announcer 2 Team could pick up the 7PM News.
....................... But they're already working at capacity.
Miss Lee........... (V.O. on the intercom) Sir, Director Kim is here.
Sun-Dal............ Kim? Were you expecting him?
Hyung-Chul....... No.
He presses the intercom TALK button.
Hyung-Chul....... Please show the Director in.
The door opens and Eun-Ki enters the office.
The door closes behind him.
Eun-Ki.............. I hope I'm not interrupting anything important.
....................... But I just heard about Announcer Huh Young-Mi. What is her condition?
Hyung-Chul....... As of yesterday, the prognosis was that she will completely recover in a week or two.
Eun-Ki.............. I'm glad to hear that. What are your plans to replace her in the meantime?
Hyung-Chul....... We're still assessing our options. Why?
Eun-Ki.............. I'm willing to help you out. Art Club is currently working ahead of our production schedule.
....................... So I could make Announcer Jin Sun-Mi available to fill in on Eve's Morning.
Sun-Dal............ (sarcastically) Because Art's Club is winning the ratings, you want to help us out?
Eun-Ki.............. Don't be so quick to dismiss my generosity out of hand.
....................... I'm doing this with the Company's best interest in mind.
....................... It is to no one's benefit if MBS' morning show goes into the tank, don't you agree?
Sun-Dal............ Are you serious about taking up Director Kim's offer?
....................... You know he intends to use it against you.
Hyung-Chul....... But he's right. The Company interest comes first, before our differences.
Sun-Dal............ Putting Sun-Mi on the program is cutting our own throat!
....................... If the ratings go up, he'll take credit when the Board does their evaluation.
....................... And if they don't, he'll still get the credit for cooperating across the table.
Hyung-Chul....... Right now, I don't see that we have any good alternatives. Do you?
....................... And if Sun-Mi does well, we may be able to use that for our benefit, too.
Sun-Dal............ How so?
Hyung-Chul....... Perhaps we can persuade her to move back to Eve's Morning permanently.
....................... If Young-Mi follows Joo-Hee to the News At Nine, then we'll need a replacement.
Sun-Dal stares wide-eyed at Hyung-Chul.
Sun-Dal............ Joo-Hee is leaving the News? When did that happen? She hasn't said a word about it to me!
Hyung-Chul....... Nothing is settled. If it happens -- and I mean 'if' -- you'll be the first to know.
SCENE: Art Club studio lounge, morning
Arriving at the studio, Sun-Mi sees that is it set up with lighting and backdrops.
Sun-Mi.............. What's going on? There was no shoot on the schedule for today.
Su-Jin............... Ah! The 'Queen of the Red Carpet' has arrived.
Sun-Mi.............. Ha ha -- very funny.
Su-Jin............... You didn't see today's paper? "Queen of Arts Rules the Red Carpet"?
Sun-Mi smiles.
Sun-Mi.............. Really?
Su-Jin............... Topping the 'Best Dressed' list for the Gala red carpet moved you up a notch.
....................... Sports Seoul requested an exclusive interview, and wants a shoot to go with it.
....................... It's a good opportunity for you to advance yourself, so I agreed.
Sun-Mi.............. I didn't do the Gala to advance myself.
Su-Jin............... But when the audience is demanding more, we need to give it to them.
....................... We're in a ratings competition, remember? More exposure can only help us.
Unconvinced, Sun-Mi frowns doubtfully.
Sun-Mi.............. Isn't there a line somewhere that shouldn't be crossed?
Su-Jin............... Let's leave that for the philosophers to argue.
....................... Meanwhile, wardrobe is bringing in some gowns for you to try on.
SCENE: Art Club studio, morning
Woo-Jin is looking over the montage of Sun-Mi's photographs posted around the studio.
[ hurried tapping of high heels ]
Woo-Jin turns to look.
Sun-Mi walks in, wearing a gown from the photo shoot.
Sun-Mi.............. Sorry to keep you waiting. The shoot is running behind, so they delayed the break.
Woo-Jin............ That's all right. I haven't been bored.
....................... This is quite an exhibition.
Sun-Mi smiles.
Sun-Mi.............. Isn't it? I'm still a bit surprised when I see myself like this.
They laugh together.
Sun-Mi.............. You wanted to talk, Oppa?
Woo-Jin............ Do you know about Young-Mi?
Sun-Mi.............. I heard she took a sudden leave of absence. That's all.
Woo-Jin............ Actually, she's in the hospital, recovering from a suicide attempt on the night of the Gala.
Sun-Mi is skeptical.
Sun-Mi.............. (sarcastically) Was she serious about it? Or was it a fake, too, like her pregnancy?
Woo-Jin's face darkens.
Woo-Jin............ Jin Sun-Mi!
Sun-Mi.............. Sorry. But am I supposed to feel bad for her? You know she and I are at odds.
Woo-Jin............ Please. You have to talk to her.
....................... Just tell Young-Mi you've forgiven her for what she did to the dress.
Shocked, Sun-Mi gapes at Woo-Jin.
Sun-Mi.............. How do you know about that?
Woo-Jin............ I overheard Director Yoon talking with Young-Mi, about how your dress fell apart in the limo.
....................... He accused her of the sabotage, and she admitted everything.
Flushed with shame, Sun-Mi lashes back ...
Sun-Mi.............. I agreed to let it pass for the Company's sake, but forgive Young-Mi, too? ... No way!
....................... She intended to publicly humiliate me in front of everyone!
....................... It could have destroyed my career! Ruined everything I've dreamed of and worked for!
....................... What she did before was bad enough, but this time, she went too far!
Woo-Jin............ I understand that you're angry and frustrated.
....................... But try to understand Young-Mi, where she's coming from. To her it's all or nothing.
....................... She even said she'd rather die, than lose to you.
....................... Don't you think it's time you stopped this pointless rivalry?!
The accusation stings Sun-Mi.
Sun-Mi.............. Me?! I didn't pick this fight, it was Young-Mi!
Woo-Jin............ Still, you escalated things, turning a corporate battle into a personal feud.
Sun-Mi.............. Is that what you think? That it was all my doing?!
Woo-Jin............ I'm not taking sides, or placing blame. I just want it to stop before anyone gets hurt worse.
Sun-Mi.............. Then you're talking to the wrong person. My only intent is to succeed in my career.
....................... I've sacrificed and worked hard, and finally have a chance to achieve my goals.
....................... If Young-Mi has a problem with that, there's nothing I can do about it.
Woo-Jin............ Why are you being so harsh? This isn't like you!
....................... Frankly, I hardly recognize the person I see in front of me now.
Sun-Mi.............. Woo-Jin! How can you say that? I'm not some stranger, I'm Sun-Mi! You know me!
Woo-Jin............ But when I see you in the media, you don't seem like the Jin Sun-Mi I grew up with.
....................... You have so many different faces now. Which is the real you?
Sun-Mi.............. Oppa!
(mobile ringtone)
Sun-Mi checks her phone.
Sun-Mi.............. They're paging me. I have to go ...
SPLIT SCENE: Hospital room / MBS office, morning
Young-Mi.......... Thank you for calling, Manager Kim.
Sun-Dal............ I wanted to find out how you're doing today.
Young-Mi.......... The doctor says I've completely recovered.
....................... But I still have to undergo a psychological review before they can discharge me.
Sun-Dal............ There's no hurry. Officially, you're on holiday.
Young-Mi.......... What about the News? And Eve's Morning?
Sun-Dal............ Don't worry about work. Just get a good rest.
Young-Mi.......... But the competition with Art Club ...
Sun-Dal............ I said not to worry. We came to an agreement with Director Kim.
....................... The ratings won't be tallied while Jin Sun-Mi does both programs.
Young-Mi.......... Sun-Mi is going to take on Eve's Morning too?
Sun-Dal............ It's not decided yet. We'll be meeting to discuss it later this afternoon.
SCENE: Art Club studios, afternoon
[ camera shutter clicking ]
Photographer.... Turn just a bit more ... Good, that's it ... Now, smile ...
[ camera shutter rapidly clicking ]
Director............ Cut!
He walks up to Sun-Mi.
Director............ Announcer Jin, what's going on? Ever since the break, you've been out-of-sorts.
....................... You need to focus. Show some interest and enthusiasm!
Sun-Mi.............. Sorry, I'll try harder.
Director............ The problem is you're trying too hard. So it comes across as fake. Just be real.
Sun-Mi.............. ( mutters to herself ) Be real? Why is everyone talking about this?
The Director wrinkles his brow.
Director............ Huh? What did you say?
Sun-Mi.............. It was nothing. Let's try it again.
[ camera shutter clicking ]
[ camera shutter clicking ]
[ camera shutter clicking ]
[ camera shutter clicking ]
SCENE: MBS conference room, afternoon
Sun-Dal, Joo-Hee, and Hyung-Chul are meeting with Director Kim.
Hyung-Chul....... Are we all agreed that Announcer Jin Sun-Mi will take over as the main host?
Joo-Hee............ I'm concerned about Sun-Mi's health with the added responsibilities.
Sun-Dal............ It shouldn't be for more than a week, or two.
Joo-Hee............ I know, but I don't want to push her.
Sun-Dal............ I'll call Sun-Mi and ask her to come up, to see if she will accept.
Eun-Ki.............. Of course she will. I've already discussed it with her.
Hyung-Chul....... Still, I'd like for us to talk with Announcer Jin in person.
....................... I want to be certain that she doesn't feel any pressure, that it's strictly her choice.
[ light rapping on the door ]
Hyung-Chul....... Come in.
The door opens, and Young-Mi steps in.
Sun-Dal............ Huh Young-Mi? How ...?
Young-Mi.......... Pardon me for intruding, but I wanted you to know I've been discharged from the hospital.
....................... You don't need to find a substitute.
Joo-Hee............ You shouldn't have come out so soon, Young-Mi. You need more time to rest.
Young-Mi.......... I appreciate your concern, Senior, but I've completely recovered. I don't need rest.
Sun-Dal............ Earlier today, you told me that a psychological review was required.
....................... How could you be discharged already?
Young-Mi.......... I convinced the doctor I was not a suicide risk anymore, and he waived the review.
....................... Please, allow me to come back to work!
Hyung-Chul looks to his staff.
Hyung-Chul....... Any objections?
He waits a few seconds.
Hyung-Chul....... Director?
Eun-Ki.............. I'm happy to see that Announcer Huh is better now.
....................... It appears that you don't need my assistance anymore, so I'll go first.
Eun-Ki stands and leaves the room.
Hyung-Chul....... Announcer Huh, please take a seat.
Young-Mi sits down in the chair vacated by Kim Eun-Ki.
Hyung-Chul....... Thank you for doing this. But are you certain that you're up to it?
....................... Your health is more important than the program.
Young-Mi.......... Eve's Morning is trailing Art Club in the ratings, and we're in the final weeks.
....................... I'd be even more stressed thinking we might lose because I'm lazing around!
Needing a break after closing out the photo shoot, Sun-Mi goes up to the rooftop to clear her mind with a cup of tea.
[ hum of traffic from the streets below ]
Sun-Mi.............. In the beginning I just wanted to bring happy news to the world.
....................... So much has happened since to change that goal ...
FLASHBACK [ Previous scene from Episode 10 ]
Hyung-Chul. Why don't you try harder and become a celebrity?...
FLASHBACK [ Previous scene from Episode 12 ]
Sun-Mi........ I didn't bring my phone into the studio. I'm innocent!
Sun-Dal...... Starting tomorrow, you're off the News and suspended from all duties ...
FLASHBACK [ Previous scene from Episode 17 ]
Kim Eun-Ki.. I'd like you to consider becoming the host of Art Club, Announcer Jin. ...
Eun-Ki........ What do you think? It's perfect for you ...
FLASHBACK [ Previous scene from this episode ]
Sun-Mi.............. I need your help, to beat Young-Mi and Eve's Morning ...
Su-Jin............... Are you ready to sacrifice everything, do whatever it takes to achieve your goal?
FLASHBACK [ Previous scene from this episode ]
Kim Eun-Ki........ You're still in many ways a diamond in the rough.
....................... But in the right hands, you could become a sparkling gem ...
Kim Eun-Ki........ I can turn your dream of becoming a top celebrity into reality ... What do you say?
Sun-Mi.............. Now I have choices that I never dreamed could be possible.
....................... But who do I really want to be?
FLASHBACK [ Previous scene from this episode ]
Woo-Jin............ I hardly recognize the person I see in front of me now ...
Woo-Jin............ When I see you in the media, you don't seem like the Jin Sun-Mi I grew up with.
....................... You have so many different faces. Which is the real you?
She sighs.
Sun-Mi.............. Woo-Jin is right. Who is the real me?
[ mobile ringtone ]
Sun-Mi takes out her phone and answers the call.
Sun-Mi.............. Yes?
Su-Jin............... ( V.O.) The reporters will be here soon for the interview. Where are you?
Sun-Mi.............. On the rooftop. It's a nice day. Why not join me?
Su-Jin............... I have a feeling that you didn't ask me to come here, just to drink tea.
Sun-Mi.............. Remember the first time we met here?
Su-Jin............... Yes. I recall we didn't part very amicably.
Sun-Mi.............. That time, you asked me to speak honestly about my relationship with Director Yoon.
....................... The truth is, I've struggled as to what that relationship really is.
....................... Going from Senior and friend, to employer, to boyfriend, it became complicated.
She takes a sip of tea.
Sun-Mi.............. It was easy to confuse friendship with love. Even to understand why he liked me at all.
....................... Seeing him with women who were prettier, smarter, or more talented made me insecure.
....................... I always felt I had to try harder, to become better, so I could earn his love and respect.
....................... So when I heard he'd broken up with me, it wasn't a complete surprise.
Su-Jin............... Actually ...
Sun-Mi.............. But now I feel different. I've never worked as hard as I have these past few months.
....................... I've gained confidence in myself, in my ability to succeed and achieve my goals.
....................... So what if I'm not as pretty, smart, or talented? I don't need to become someone else.
....................... I'm worthy to be loved for who I am now, and that's enough.
Su-Jin............... Then, concerning Director Yoon?
Sun-Mi.............. How do I feel? (points to her temple) Up here I waver.
....................... But in here (places her hand over her heart) I feel he's the True Love of my life.
Su-Jin............... Then my promise still stands, I won't steal your man away from you.
Sun-Mi.............. Because you can't, just like I can't steal your man away from you.
....................... It's not how you or I feel that matters, it's up to Senior to choose.
....................... Regardless of how hard either you or I might try, it still takes two to make love work.
Su-Jin smiles.
Su-Jin............... There you go, with those trite platitudes again.
Sun-Mi.............. I have another trite saying -- Love is not a matter of 'win' or 'lose', but 'is' or 'is not'.
Su-Jin............... But where does that leave us?
Sun-Mi.............. There's no guarantees. What if Senior chooses someone beside either of us? It's possible.
Su-Jin............... I know that. So what's your point?
Sun-Mi.............. If the outcome is out of our hands, then we don't have to compete for it.
....................... We can just seek to honestly love with all our hearts, and accept what happens.
....................... True Love may be fated, but we aren't fated to be enemies.
She holds out her hand to Su-Jin.
Su-Jin............... (chuckles) You weren't called the 'Goddess of Love' for nothing.
Su-Jin grasps Sun-Mi's hand, and they warmly shake.
Su-Jin............... We've talked long enough. It's almost time for your interview.
Sun-Mi holds up her hand, index finger pointing straight up.
Sun-Mi.............. One more minute. Do you have any plans for this weekend?
Su-Jin............... Other than catching up on some work, no. Why?
Sun-Mi.............. We could do lunch, then see the new exhibit at the MOCA, or take in a movie.
Su-Jin............... Thanks, but I'm not one for art museums, and there's no movies playing that I'm interested in.
....................... Besides, after such a hectic week, I'd just like to veg out for the day.
Sun-Mi.............. Then why not come over to my place? We can swim in the pool, order carryout, and watch a DVD.
Su-Jin............... That sounds better. But why do you want to hang out with me?
Sun-Mi.............. Isn't that how people become good friends?
SCENE: Sun-Mi's family home, evening
SCENE: Sun-Mi's bedroom, evening
Sun-Mi steps into the open doorway of her bedroom.
Sun-Mi.............. It feel like it's been years since I last was here.
....................... But it's only been a few months.
Entering the room, she stands in the center, soaking in the comforting familiarity.
Sun-Mi.............. Nothing has changed since I moved out.
....................... Except now it seems so much smaller than before ...
She goes over to the window that overlooks the front yard and gate.
Sun-Mi.............. And the view is nothing compared to what I have now ...
FLASHBACK [ Previous scene from this episode ]
Walking back to the wardrobe, she surveys the contents she had left.
Sun-Mi.............. There's hardly any space, unlike my dressing room ...
FLASHBACK [Previous scene from this episode ]
Sun-Mi.............. How did I ever get by living here?
She sits on the bed, then picks up her doll from the nightstand and winds the music box's base.
[ melody of Chopin's Nocturne ]
Placing the doll back onto the nightstand, she smiles nostalgically, listening to the tune as the doll rotates.
Sun-Mi.............. Can I go back to such small things again, now that my world is so much bigger?
....................... What would that say about me?
....................... And even if I wanted to, would it be possible anymore?
[ music stops ]
Sun-Mi's thoughts go back to her conversation with Su-Jin on the rooftop ...
Sun-Mi.............. (V.O.) Regardless of how hard we might try, it still takes two to make love work.
Sun-Mi.............. I tried hard to become the kind of person I thought Senior wanted to love.
....................... And now that goal is within my grasp, I see now it was always a fool's errand.
....................... Senior will love me -- or not -- by his decision, regardless of who I am, or what I become.
....................... Is that what he was trying to tell me?
FLASHBACK [ Previous scene from this episode ]
Hyung-Chul....... It seems we have a misunderstanding ...
Sun-Mi.............. Maybe I HAVE misunderstood things.
....................... Senior takes relationships seriously. He's not a player.
....................... How could he be involved with both Young-Mi and Su-Jin at the same time?
Opening the nightstand drawer, Sun-Mi takes out the anklet that Hyung-Chul had given her.
Holding the anklet, she remembers what he said ...
FLASHBACK [ Scene from Episode 13 ]
Hyung-Chul....... Your pearl is from the bottom of the ocean and my Peridot is from outer space ...
Hyung-Chul....... But they're together now.
Sun-Mi.............. Maybe it's not too late for us to be together again.
She recalls the advice of Sister Agnes, the nun she met on her long ago summer in London ...
Sister Agnes...... (V.O.) In Latin they say 'carpe diem' that is, to seize the day... This is your day to seize, Sun-Mi.
....................... So be bold, believe in yourself, and don't be afraid to step out in faith and move forward ...
Bending down, Sun-Mi fastens the symbol of her hopes onto her leg ...