All About Eve 'Uncut' -- A Spring Apart
by AAEfanatic
Episode 18A
SCENE: MBS main lobby, morning
SCENE: Art Club dressing room, morning
SCENE:Hyung-Chul's office, morning
SCENE: Art Club dressing room, morning
SCENE: Art Club studio, morning
SCENE: Announcer Team 1 office, afternoon
SCENE: Art Club studio, afternoon
SCENE: MBS corridor, afternoon
SCENE: Director Kim's office, afternoon
SCENE: Exterior of Sun-Mi's apartment building, morning
SCENE: Sun-Mi's apartment bathroom, morning
SCENE: Sun-Mi's apartment entry, morning
SCENE: Sun-Mi's apartment building pool, morning
SCENE: Sun-Mi's apartment living room, evening
Scene: MBS main lobby, morning
Scene: Announcer 1 Team office, morning
SCENE: Rival Talk TV set, evening
SCENE: Rival Talk TV set, evening
SCENE: Rival Talk TV set, evening
SCENE: Art Club studio, evening
SCENE: Rival Talk TV set, evening
SCENE: MBS main gate, morning
It is early morning when a slate gray BMW turns off the street into MBS' main entrance gate.
The guard immediately recognizes the VIP passenger inside and springs into action.
Moving the traffic cone blocking the entrance aside, he waves it through without a security check.
Slowly cruising up to the entrance doors, the car slows to a smooth stop.
The driver circles around the car to open the rear passenger-side door.
His passenger swings both legs out of the car, then waits for his assistance.
Extending a hand, he helps her alight from the car.
Sun-Mi.............. Thank you, Mr. Yu.
Driver............... Have a good day, Announcer Jin.
Sun-Mi.............. I won't need the car tonight.
Driver............... Then I'll see you in the morning.
SCENE: MBS main lobby, morning
Sun-Mi enters through the revolving door, turning heads as she appears.
She strides across the lobby toward the lifts with an air of confident ease as the center of attention.
Since the Gala Sun-Mi has become the company's most popular female announcer.
She has surpassed even the News At Nine anchor as the most-recognized celebrity at MBS.
As Sun-Mi passes the lobby TV monitor, she stops briefly to watch the Eve's Morning broadcast.
Sun-Dal............ Today we have a special guest hosting the Arts Corner.
....................... Most of you watched his starring portrayal of Doctor Heo Jun on the MBS drama Hur Jun.
Young-Mi.......... Please welcome actor Jun Kwang-Ryul to Eve's Morning.
[ audience applause ]
SCENE: Art Club dressing room, morning
While the hairdresser preps her for the day's shoot, Sun-Mi confers with her administrative assistant.
Sun-Mi.............. I made some suggestions on the script last night, especially to the first and third segments.
....................... Please take it back to the writer to redo it.
Assistant........... Er ... Okay ...
Sun-Mi notices her assistant's reluctance.
Sun-Mi.............. What's wrong?
Assistant........... He'll scold me again, that you demand too many last-minute changes.
Sun-Mi.............. Then tell him if he has a problem doing his job, we can get another writer!
The assistant gapes at Sun-Mi wide-eyed.
Assistant........... Senior! You don't really expect me to say that?
Sun-Mi.............. Do I need to go myself then?
Embarrassed, the assistant backtracks.
Assistant........... No ... I'll do it.
Sun-Mi.............. Good! And while you're at it, find out when Wardrobe will have the gown finished.
....................... Lately, with this new seamstress, they've been running late!
Assistant........... I remembered that, and checked before I came to see you.
....................... The alterations are done, and the gown is being cleaned as we speak.
....................... It will be delivered by 9AM.
She smiles, expecting a commendation for thinking ahead.
Instead, Sun-Mi sighs, shaking her head.
Sun-Mi.............. That's barely enough time for me to dress!
....................... You should've told them to send it by 8:45, and not a minute later!
The assistant dips her head apologetically.
Assistant........... Yes, Senior. I'll correct that next time ... Anything else?
Sun-Mi.............. I have an important meeting at 6PM, so things can't run over.
....................... Tell the PD we'll be working through the lunch hour.
Assistant........... The crew won't be happy when they hear they'll have to give up their lunchtime.
Sun-Mi looks at her assistant sternly and smiles.
Sun-Mi.............. Have the cafeteria set up a buffet line in the studio, and request the executive seafood menu.
....................... That way we'll be able to catch a bite in the down time between takes.
The assistant smiles back eagerly.
Assistant........... Steak and lobster? ... I'll get on it right away!
SCENE:Hyung-Chul's office, morning
Hyung-Chul and Sun-Dal are going through the latest program ratings.
Hyung-Chul....... It's a big improvement since Young-Mi came back on the program.
Sun-Dal............ Her idea to have famous actors and celebrities on the Art Corner paid off.
Hyung-Chul....... If this trend holds, we could match Art Club's ratings before the season ends.
Sun-Dal............ Maybe, but how to make up for the deficit at the beginning?
Hyung-Chul....... Director Kim and I agreed to weigh the final weeks heavier than the first.
....................... At the time, he was concerned that about competing against our existing audience.
....................... He didn't expect that Sun-Mi would quickly become so popular.
Sun-Dal............ If Kim wins, is he planning a second season of Art Club and end Eve's Morning?
Hyung-Chul....... Hard to say. Director Kim holds his cards close.
....................... But my spies have heard rumors about a new daytime talk show.
Sun-Dal............ Talk show? For Sun-Mi?
Hyung-Chul....... Why not? Given the interviewing talent she's shown on Art Club, it's a natural progression for her.
Sun-Dal............ Why didn't we think of that?
SCENE: Art Club dressing room, morning
The makeup artiste and hair stylist are doing final touchups on Sun-Mi before the shoot.
The door opens, and a young Assistant PD enters.
Assistant PD...... The PD is waiting, Announcer Jin.
Sun-Mi.............. Tell him I'll be out in a minute.
Makeup artiste... Hold still. Just a bit more gloss ...
Makeup Artiste... All done. You're ready to go.
Sun-Mi.............. You worked hard. I couldn't do this without you!
Makeup Artiste... Good luck.
Sun-Mi.............. Thanks.
SCENE: Art Club studio, morning
The program shoot is in full swing, the set crew busy at their duties.
PD................... Cut! Good job everyone. Let's move on to the first segment.
Sun-Mi raises her finger, signaling the PD she wants another take.
Sun-Mi.............. Let's do it one more time.
PD................... (exasperated) What was wrong with the last take? It was fine.
Sun-Mi.............. Fine is not enough! I can do it better.
The PD has learned not to argue when Sun-Mi has made up her mind.
PD................... Okay ... One more time.
....................... Everyone, ready? ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Camera!
A wide smile brightens Sun-Mi's face.
Sun-Mi.............. Good evening. Welcome to Art Club. I'm your host, Jin Sun-Mi.
....................... Paris, France is one of the great centers for the arts.
....................... It's home of the Louvre, the largest museum in the world, and many others.
....................... Tonight we'll take you to one of Paris' less visited art museums, the Musee Rodin.
....................... Located in central Paris, it is dedicated to the works of the French sculptor Auguste Rodin ...
SCENE: Announcer Team 1 office, afternoon
The Eve's Morning team is meeting to discuss the program ratings.
Sun-Dal............ Thanks to Young-Mi's ideas, we're catching up to Art Club in the ratings.
Young-Mi.......... It's not only me, but the whole team deserves credit ...
Lee Kyung-Hee and Shin Ki-Jong exchange a surprised look across the table at Young-Mi's unusual humility.
Young-Mi.......... I'm grateful to everyone. You all had to work harder because of me.
....................... Especially you, Senior Lee, for taking the main host slot while I was in the hospital.
Kyung-Hee........ I appreciate your attitude, but the truth is, the ratings only got worse.
....................... We're all glad that you could come back so soon after what happened.
Jin-Soo............. But how are we going to make up the remaining gap?
....................... It seems like Sun-Mi is unstoppable. She's our top celebrity now.
Young-Mi.......... Exactly. It's all about Sun-Mi now, not the programming.
....................... So we need to do the same with Eve's Morning, to fight back.
Sun-Dal............ What are you suggesting?
Young-Mi.......... Having the best programming is not enough.
....................... What Eve's Morning lacks is a singular identity with our audience.
....................... We saw the ratings bump up when Choi Jin-Soo played Buzzy Bumblebee.
....................... And more recently from bringing in different celebrities on the Art Corner.
....................... People want a person they can connect with when they want to relax or be distracted.
....................... But we have no one face on Eve's Morning to compete with Sun-Mi.
Ki-Jong............. You have a point. What if we bring back Buzzy?
Jin-Soo............. No way!
Sun-Dal............ If I understand your idea correctly, the best person for that role is you, Young-Mi.
....................... As one of the main hosts, it's only logical for you to become the program PR focus.
....................... Plus, you already have a following from the News we can leverage.
Kyung-Hee........ This is a big change from Director Yoon's original program concept of using a team presence.
....................... It's what made Eve's Morning unique. Shouldn't we get his approval first?
Sun-Dal............ I already have his go-ahead to do whatever it takes to win.
....................... Young-Mi, do you want to give it a try?
Young-Mi.......... Why not? Before this, I beat Sun-Mi's ratings on the Morning Show, and the News.
....................... I'm smarter, more talented and sophisticated, and more attractive than she is.
Kyung-Hee rolls her eyes as she listens to Young-Mi, realizing this was her intent from the beginning.
Young-Mi.......... So in a celebrity battle between us, woman-to-woman, I'm certain to beat her again!
Sun-Dal............ That's the spirit! I'll get the PR team on it right away.
SCENE: Art Club studio, afternoon
The Art Club shoot has progressed to the close out ...
Sun-Mi.............. I hope you enjoyed our visit to the Musee Rodin.
....................... The artist created many other sculptures that you may want to learn about.
....................... You can find references on our website program's pages.
....................... Thank you for joining us tonight. We'll see you again next week!
PD................... Cut! ... Announcer Jin, do you have a moment?
....................... Let's look at the last segment.
Sun-Mi goes to watch the video monitor with the PD.
PD................... What do you think?
Sun-Mi.............. Looks good to me.
PD................... Then we've finished for today.
The PD turns to the studio crew.
PD................... Okay! ... Everyone, that's a wrap. You all worked hard.
Sun-Mi.............. Excuse me, I have a meeting, so I'll go first.
PD................... You'll join us for the editing tomorrow morning?
Sun-Mi.............. Of course!
SCENE: MBS corridor, afternoon
On her way to the meeting, Sun-Mi crosses paths with Young-Mi.
Young-Mi.......... I've been meaning to talk with you.
Sun-Mi.............. (coldly) Really? I have nothing to say to you!
She starts walking away.
Young-Mi follows after, quickly catching up to Sun-Mi.
Young-Mi.......... But I do ...
Sun-Mi.............. (brusquely) Then be quick. I have to be somewhere else soon.
Young-Mi.......... I hear you've become quite the diva now, since the Gala.
Sun-Mi.............. (curtly) Is that so?
Young-Mi.......... Are you acting like this, because of that dress?
Sun-Mi.............. If you're expecting me to forgive you, forget it!
Young-Mi.......... I was thinking more that you would thank me.
Sun-Mi.............. For what? Trying to ruin my reputation?
Young-Mi.......... It's what happened before your 'wardrobe malfunction' that I'm talking about.
....................... After all, you got the chance only because of what 'happened' to Choi Jin-Soo.
....................... Otherwise I'd have been the emcee, and you'd still be just another wannabe celebrity.
Sun-Mi.............. Do you mean you had something to do with Jin-Soo getting sick?
....................... Why are you confessing to doing that?
Young-Mi.......... So you know it had nothing to do with your ability at all, or for once, your good luck.
....................... You ended up getting what was rightfully mine. And I'm going to take it from you!
Sun-Mi.............. Haven't you already gone too far? Don't you think it's time to stop?
....................... If this is about the ratings, that's for the Directors to settle between them.
....................... And concerning Director Yoon ...
Young-Mi.......... This isn't about Eve's Morning and Art Club, or even Director Yoon anymore.
....................... This is only about you and me now. There isn't room for two at the top.
....................... When it�s over, only one of us will be left standing! ... ME!
Sun-Mi.............. Huh Young-Mi! You ...
Stepping past Sun-Mi, Young-Mi strides off down the corridor.
Sun-Mi glowers at Young-Mi, watching her walk away.
[ mobile ring tone ]
Sun-Mi's takes her mobile from her clutch and puts it to her ear.
Su-Jin............... (O.S.) Where are you? The meeting starts in a few minutes.
Sun-Mi starts walking quickly as she talks.
Sun-Mi.............. Sorry, I'm still on my way. The shoot went to the last second.
Su-Jin............... How did it go?
Sun-Mi.............. Good. But I'll be glad when we finish the final episode.
Su-Jin............... Tired?
Sun-Mi.............. More like, exhausted. The effort to "glam it up" all day long is tough work!
Su-Jin............... Perhaps, but the payoff is even higher ratings.
....................... Since the Sports Seoul article came out, now Elle wants to run a cover story, too.
Sun-Mi.............. Su-Jin, there's something I want to discuss with you first, before the meeting.
Su-Jin............... Go on. I'm alone.
Sun-Mi.............. I'm thinking of making a change to things.
Su-Jin............... When did this come about?
Sun-Mi.............. It's been brewing for some time, but I just made up my mind.
Su-Jin............... What kind of change?
Sun-Mi.............. One that is for me, instead of the audience ...
SCENE: Director Kim's office, afternoon
Sun-Mi is meeting with Director Kim Eun-Ki and Su-Jin.
Eun-Ki.............. Everything is going well with the program as it is. The ratings are the highest yet.
....................... Why do you want to change direction now, and tamper with success?
Sun-Mi.............. I appreciate what Su-Jin has done for Art Club and me.
....................... But I feel constrained in trying to keep up an image created by someone else.
....................... It would be easier to express myself more freely with an image truer to my temperament.
....................... Essentially, I want to bring the real Jin Sun-Mi to Art Club.
Eun-Ki.............. Su-Jin, what do you think?
Su-Jin............... Didn't you choose Sun-Mi because you thought she had potential?
....................... It's time to trust her judgment, and find how much potential she actually has.
He nods.
Eun-Ki.............. Very well. Announcer Jin, describe to me who the 'real Jin Sun-Mi' is.
Sun-Mi.............. First, I'm more traditional, not modern and edgy, simpler and less sophisticated.
....................... I think a warmer, straightforward image better suits me. And I'd like more flowers ...
Eun-Ki.............. Flowers?
SCENE: Exterior of Sun-Mi's apartment building, morning
SCENE: Sun-Mi's apartment bathroom, morning
Sun-Mi is brushing her teeth at the bathroom sink.
[ doorbell chimes ]
She stops brushing.
Sun-Mi.............. (irritated) That must be Su-Jin. Why is she so early?
Putting down the toothbrush, she looks at herself in the mirror, debating ...
[ doorbell chimes twice ]
Sun-Mi.............. I'm coming!
SCENE: Sun-Mi's apartment entry, morning
[ doorbell chimes ]
Sun-Mi trots into the entry, talking loudly to be heard through the closed door.
Sun-Mi.............. I said I'm coming!
She unlocks the latch, complaining as she opens the door.
Sun-Mi.............. You're early, so I'm not dressed yet. Give ma a few ...
Then she sees it is Ki-Young -- not Su-Jin -- waiting outside in the corridor.
She stares at Ki-Young, then realizes how she is dressed.
Instantly, she pulls the loosely-tied robe closed.
Sun-Mi.............. (flustered) What are YOU doing here?
Ki-Young grins at Sun-Mi's perturbed reaction.
Ki-Young........... Er ... Last time, you invited me to use the pool today?
Belatedly, Sun-Mi remembers.
Sun-Mi.............. Oh, right. I did, didn't I?
But her chagrin is fleeting, as her eyes flare, shooting hot sparks at him.
Sun-Mi.............. How did you get in?
Ki-Young........... The guard remembered me from the other night, so I just came up.
Sun-Mi.............. You should've called first! This is so -- so awkward!
Ki-Young........... Why? It's not as if I haven't already seen you dressed like this.
Sun-Mi.............. That's exactly why it's awkward!
[ lift chime ]
[ sound of lift doors opening ]
Ki-Young turns to look.
Ki-Young........... Su-Jin?
Su-Jin............... (O.S.) Cha Ki-Young! You're here, too?
Su-Jin walks up to join Ki-Young and Sun-Mi in the open doorway.
Su-Jin............... Jin Sun-Mi, am I interrupting something?
....................... If I'd know you were planning for a three-some, I'd have come prepared.
Ki-Young chortles, supressing a laugh.
Sun-Mi's flushes beet red, stammering for words ...
Sun-Mi.............. Um ... Er ... Uh ...
SCENE: Sun-Mi's apartment building pool, morning
Su-Jin and Ki-Young stand poolside on the deck watching Sun-Mi swims laps.
Ki-Young........... Sun-Mi is like a fish in water, isn't she?
Su-Jin............... Can you believe that not long ago, she didn't know how to swim?
Ki-Young........... How about you?
Su-Jin............... For me, a pool is an opportunity to express my fashion sense, what else?
He looks around.
Ki-Young........... Too bad there's hardly anyone here to appreciate that.
She smiles.
Su-Jin............... You'll do just fine.
Ki-Young........... What do I have to do?
Su-Jin............... First, give me your full attention.
He moves his eyes from Sun-Mi to Su-Jin.
Ki-Young........... That's easy. Anything else?
Su-Jin steps over to the nearby row of reclining chaise lounges and sits down next to her pool tote.
Pivoting her body, she stretches out her long, shapely legs.
Su-Jin............... There's a tube of sunscreen in my tote.
....................... Can you get it and do my back?
He grins.
Ki-Young........... I'd be glad to.
He searches the tote until he finds the squeeze tube.
Sitting behind her, he starts to apply the sunscreen to her silky smooth skin.
Su-Jin............... Why didn't you go in the pool with Sun-Mi?
Ki-Young........... I'll go later. If you noticed, she wasn't that happy to see me today.
....................... So I decided to give her some space first.
Su-Jin............... But I thought you were getting on pretty well.
Ki-Young........... Me, too. Until the other day ...
Su-Jin............... Did you two have a fight?
Ki-Young........... I'll leave the specifics unsaid, but it appears we don't have a future together except as 'friends'.
Su-Jin............... That's too bad. Are you all right?
Ki-Young........... It is what it is. In time I'll move on, of course, present company helping.
Su-Jin............... What do you mean?
Ki-Young........... Commiserating our unrequited loves together.
Su-Jin............... (laughs) That's true.
SCENE: Sun-Mi's apartment living room, evening
[ dramatic music ]
Su-Jin............... Here, take it!
She leans over and hands Sun-Mi another tissue.
Sun-Mi.............. Thanks.
Sun-Mi mops the tears from her face and blows her nose.
Su-Jin............... Tsk! Tsk! You're such a leaky faucet!
She picks up the remote and pauses the DVD while they talk.
Sun-Mi.............. I always tear up for a good love story.
Su-Jin............... You're too soft-hearted. Why did you ever think you could be a dispassionate newscaster?
Sun-Mi.............. Because I wanted to encourage people with good news.
....................... But the reality is, people mostly want to hear the news that is bad.
Pulling a fresh tissue from the box on the coffee table, she starts daubing her eyes dry.
Su-Jin............... Then you don't regret being kicked off?
Sun-Mi.............. The way I see it, every cloud has a silver lining.
....................... If that hadn't happened, today I wouldn't be doing Art Club.
....................... And probably wouldn't have gotten to know you, or Ki-Young.
Su-Jin............... Now that you've known him for a while, what do you think of Ki-Young?
Sun-Mi.............. I like him. We've become close.
Su-Jin............... But he told me you turned him down.
Sun-Mi.............. Yes. I had to be honest, that my heart is with someone else.
Su-Jin............... Then you won't mind if we start dating?
Sun-Mi.............. You and Ki-Young?
Su-Jin............... Yes. Are you surprised?
Sun-Mi.............. What does he think about it?
Su-Jin............... I haven't asked yet. I wanted to be sure the path was clear, and I wasn't stepping on your toes.
Sun-Mi.............. Then ... what about Senior?
Su-Jin............... I have to be honest, too. His heart is also with someone else.
....................... For too many years I've waited, hoping that might change.
....................... I'm not getting any younger. I'd like to become serious with someone and settle down.
....................... And Ki-Young is the nicest man I've met in a long time.
Sun-Mi.............. That's great! As the 'Goddess of Love' I wholeheartedly approve!
They both laugh.
Su-Jin............... Now we have to get you back together with Yoon Hyung-Chul.
Doubt creases her brow as Sun-Mi sighs deeply.
Sun-Mi.............. That may be easier said than done, so don't hold your breath ...
Scene: MBS main lobby, morning
Sun-Dal walks across the MBS lobby.
After checking the time on his watch, he greets people with nods as they pass.
Nearing the lifts, he notices the new posters on the wall advertising Eve's Morning and Art Club ...
Sun-Dal takes a deep breath.
He'd never expected it would come to this, a battle to be the top MBS celebrity ...
Scene: Announcer 1 Team office, morning
The staff are busy working when Sun-Dal walks into the Announcer 1 Team office to make an announcement.
Sun-Dal............ Announcers aren't artists. How can we let this go on? ... Jin Sun-Mi, Huh Young-Mi.
Young-Mi.......... Yes?
Sun-Mi.............. Yes?
They both stand up.
Sun-Dal............ You guys got an invitation to a talk show.
Sun-Mi.............. What?
Jin-Soo............. It's that Rival Talk show, isn't it?
Joo-Hee............ Rival Talk?
Sun-Mi takes a quick glance at Young-Mi.
Jin-Soo............. You know, that show where they take rivals from the same workplace and let them duke it out.
Ki-Jong............. ( laughs ) Really? They why haven't they called me? Me and Kim Sun-Dal.
They all smile at Ki-Jong's joke.
Kyung-Hee........ You and Team Leader Kim? He'll go home and cry today.
Sun-Dal............ Just cry?
Joo-Hee stands.
Joo-Hee............ Eve's Morning and Art Club can be seen as MBS's most popular programs
Young-Mi and Sun-Mi exchange glances.
Joo-Hee............ You two are rivals for the 9 o'clock news slot, right?
Sun-Dal............ Yoo Joo-Hee. You're more interested than usual.
Joo-Hee shrugs and smiles.
Sun-Mi and Cho-Jeh are taking a mid-morning break in the expansive atrium.
Cho-Jeh............ Rival Talk? You and Young-Mi?
Sun-Mi.............. Yes. Can you believe it?
Cho-Jeh............ Everyone knows about the competition between you and Young-Mi.
....................... Of course they'd want to see you two going at it one-on-one.
Sun-Mi.............. But that host is always trying to create controversy and conflicts where none exist.
....................... He embarrasses his guests with cheap shots and 'got ya' questions.
....................... Once, the 'rivals' started insulting each other, and got into a hair pulling match!
Cho-Jeh............ Well, if you don't like the idea, why are you doing it?
Sun-Mi.............. I not as if I have a choice in the matter. The decision was not in my hands.
....................... Corporate PR came up with the idea of publicly pitting me against Young-Mi.
....................... I think they'd love to see us engage in a cat fight.
She frowns.
Sun-Mi.............. Anything for ratings!
SCENE: Rival Talk TV set, evening
The Producer signals to start.
[ Lively instrumental music ]
[ Studio audience applauds ]
The show Host introduces the rival contestants.
Host................. Hello, it's time for Rival Talk. Today's contestants are from the MBS announcer shows.
....................... Eve's Morning announcer Huh Young-Mi and Art Club announcer Jin Sun-Mi.
Host................. They're both with us today.
The studio audience applauds.
Sun-Mi and Young-Mi enter the set, smiling and greeting the audience with nods.
They walk over to the couch and sit down.
Host................. Yes, today, we prepared a gift for you two.
He shows a drawing of Young-Mi and Sun-Mi to the audience.
Sun-Mi and Young-Mi both smile at the caricatures of themselves.
Host................. I'm not sure if you'll like it. Do you like it?
Young-Mi puts her arm around Sun-Mi's shoulders, turning to address the live audience.
Young-Mi.......... Does it look like us?
The studio audience, entirely made up of young women -- and Hyung-Chul in the back by the camera -- laugh.
The MBS location van is returning from a remote shoot.
Man 1............... Can't you go any faster? We're missing Rival Talk.
Driver............... ( scoffs ) Do you usually watch that tabloid talk show?
Man 1............... No. But tonight they're squaring off Announcer Huh Young-Mi versus Announcer Jin Sun-Mi.
Man 2............... I've heard the scuttlebutt that Director Yoon was seeing Sun-Mi, but now he's with Young-Mi.
....................... So it's personal between them.
Man 1............... That's right. This could turn out to be a real grudge match!
SCENE: Rival Talk TV set, evening
The Host moves into the first corner.
Host................. We'll start with some questions that many people were wondering about.
....................... Please tell us about your ideal man, Miss Jin Sun-Mi.
Sun-Mi glances over at Hyung-Chul before answering, to be certain he is paying attention.
Sun-Mi.............. Umm ... There's no ideal requirements I've really decided on.
Host................. Does that mean you have a boyfriend?
Sun-Mi smiles and answers with a laugh.
Sun-Mi.............. No, I don't have one.
Hearing this, Hyung-Chul ponders the implications of her answer.
Host................. You don't? And Huh Young-Mi?
Young-Mi.......... ( smiling ) I like a man with a sense of confidence ...
Hyung-Chul looks up again.
Young-Mi.......... ... and someone who understands me and recognizes my merit.
Host................. Yes. You must have someone in mind.
Young-Mi.......... ( nods ) Yes.
[ Studio audience cheers ]
Host................. That's great.
Looking on, Sun-Mi wonders if she is talking about Hyung-Chul.
Host................. You two seem so alike and yet so different, Announcers Jin Sun-Mi and Huh Young-Mi.
In the van's middle seat, Woo-Jin listens to the crew's bantering around him.
Man 2............... Aren't those two the top candidates for the News At Nine?
Man 1............... Huh Young-Mi should get the slot. She's so sexy, I could watch her all day.
Man 2............... I'm rooting for Jin Sun-Mi. She used to look dowdy, but now -- wow!
Man 3............... Yeah! That was a really hot spread in KMAX!
Man 2............... Do you think she'll take it off for Maxim next?
Woo-Jin jabs a sharp elbow into the man's ribs.
Man 2............... OW!! What was that for?!
Woo-Jin............ Watch your mouth. You're colleagues, remember?
SCENE: Rival Talk TV set, evening
Host................. The next corner of the show is the "Of course it is! Yes or No Corner."
[ Studio audience applauds ]
Host................. You're holding a sign with an "O" and an "X".
Sun-Mi and Young-Mi hold up their signs.
Host................. We'd like for you to answer honestly. Please don't hold back since we're live.
Sun-Mi ............. OK.
Young-Mi ......... OK.
Host................. Remember, be honest. Here's the first question.
....................... If we love the same man, I won't give him up no matter what.
Young-Mi holds her sign up immediately, showing the "O".
Sun-Mi hesitates and doesn't raise her sign.
Host................. Miss Huh Young-Mi, did you even think before answering?
Young-Mi.......... Of course. If there's someone you love, isn't it foolish not to hold onto him?
She takes a sip from her drink.
Young-Mi.......... It's hard to meet someone like that. Even if it were someone else's meal, I'd take it.
Host................. And Miss Jin Sun-Mi?
Sun-Mi smiles as she responds.
Sun-Mi.............. Hmmm... I would first ask what that man's preference is.
....................... I don't want him to be mine and unhappy, but for him to be happy even if he's someone else's man.
Watching on, Hyung-Chul recalls her similar attitude regarding Woo-Jin.
Host................. If the two of you were up against each other, I think Miss Jin Sun-Mi would back down ...
Looking at Sun-Mi, Young-Mi nods.
Host................. We secretly prepared something to surprise you. We asked your coworkers about you two.
Sun-Mi smiles with a laugh, but Young-Mi looks down as if worried.
Host................. Let's see the results. Yes, Announcer Jin Sun-Mi has 90%
....................... Announcer Huh Young-Mi has 10%.
....................... Miss Jin Sun-Mi won by a landslide.
On hearing the results, Young-Mi is flustered and embarrassed.
Host................. What happened?
Young-Mi.......... ( awkwardly ) I'm not sure.
Host................. You must not eat with your coworkers much.
Sun-Mi smiles, happy to have finally won a round.
But Young-Mi scowls at just one more reminder of Sun-Mi's popularity over her.
SCENE: Art Club studio, evening
Su-Jin and Eun-Ki are watching Rival Talk, with the sound muted.
Eun-Ki.............. This 'new' image that Jin Sun-Mi has adopted? I'm not sure it's working.
....................... I hope she knows what she's doing.
Su-Jin............... Give her a chance. Let's wait and see.
Eun-Ki.............. After this, would you like to go out for dinner? I have reservations at the Club.
Su-Jin............... That's nice of you. I'd be happy to.
He clears his throat.
Eun-Ki.............. I've been wondering if you have an answer for me?
Su-Jin............... I need more time to give it serious thought, and I'm so busy now.
....................... I'll tell you when the show is done.
Eun-Ki.............. We'll talk about something else, then.
Su-Jin............... I'd like to know your plans for Jin Sun-Mi, after Art Club, and if I still have a role to play.
SCENE: Rival Talk TV set, evening
Host................. Our next segment is "We've Got A Secret!"
[ Studio audience applauds ]
Host................. Every relationship has secrets that only the two people involved know.
....................... Announcer Huh Young-Mi, is there a secret you share with Announcer Jin Sun-Mi?
Young-Mi.......... Most people consider female TV announcers as little more than flowers decorating the set.
....................... Some, of course, are just glitzy fashion manikins parroting the words given to them.
....................... Others work hard to add perspective and intelligence in what they present to their audiences.
Host................. Are you saying that you and Miss Jin Sun-Mi are examples of these two different perspectives?
Young-Mi nods.
[ Studio audience oohs ]
Young-Mi.......... More or less. People often look at me and Sun-Mi as bmuch the same.
....................... We are the same age, and graduated from the same university program at the same time.
....................... And we were in the same training class at MBS, too.
....................... However, the outcome was not the same, but surprisingly different. So our secret is ...
She pauses for effect.
Young-Mi.......... Who was at the top of our class, and whom was at the bottom?
[ Studio audience oohs louder ]
Young-Mi.......... I have some clues to consider when answering that ...
....................... One of us is fluent in three languages, and had the highest ratings on the News in her first season.
....................... The other failed first semester English, and was booted off the News in her first season.
....................... I'll leave it to those of you watching to determine which is which ...
She smiles smugly as she looks over at Sun-Mi, raising an eyebrow.
Young-Mi.......... It shouldn't be hard to guess. Right, Jin Sun-Mi?
Disconcerted by Young-Mi's ambush, Sun-Mi stares blankly, momentarily speechless.
[ Studio audience laughs ]
The Host steps in to fill the gap.
Host................. That is quite a revelation! Thank you, Miss Huh Young-Mi, you for your candor.
....................... You've drawn large distinction between the you and your rival.
....................... We can only wonder what other secrets exist between these rivals!
[ Studio audience applauds ]
Host................. Announcer Jin Sun-Mi, now do you have a secret with Announcer Huh Young-Mi?
Having regained her composure, Sun-Mi responds with a smile.
Sun-Mi.............. Although we were cast here today as rivals,
....................... Young-Mi and I are much closer than most people realize ...
Sun-Mi.............. Actually, our secret goes back to when ...
The Host motions for her to stop.
Host................. Excuse me, Miss Jin Sun-Mi. As we're at a sponsor break now, please hold that thought.
Turning to the camera, he teases the TV audience ...
Host................. After this important message, Announcer Jin Sun-Mi will reveal her secret! So don't go away!
[ Studio audience applauds ]