All About Eve 'Uncut' � The Cold War
by AAEfanatic
SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul's villa, morning
SCENE: Exterior of the MBS studio building, night
SCENE: MBS corridor, afternoon
SCENE: MBS elevator, afternoon
SCENE: Announcer�s make-up room, night
SCENE: MBS news studio control room, night
SERIES OF SCENES: Various interior locations, night
SCENE: MBS news studio control room, night
SCENE: Hyung-Chul's office, night
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, night
SERIES OF SCENES: Various Locations in MBS, morning
SCENE: Announcer 1 Team office, morning
SCENE: MBS news studio, morning
SCENE: Inside Young-Mi�s apartment, night
SCENE: Yoon family living room, night
SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul�s villa, night
SCENE: Inside Hyung-Chul�s villa, night
Joo-Hee turns and sees Hyung-Chul at the door.
Joo-Hee............ Was that the bell while I was in the shower? Did someone come by?
Hyung-Chul........ (tersely) It was nothing important. What�s going on?
Joo-Hee............ Oh, this shirt? I couldn't find a robe, so I borrowed it while my things are drying. Do you mind?
Hyung-Chul........ (indifferently) Whatever... Breakfast is getting cold.
He heads to the kitchen, but Joo-Hee goes to the loveseat and runs her hand over the upholstered back.
Joo-Hee............ There must be a reason why you�ve kept this, given what it represents.
Hyung-Chul........ (shrugs) Maybe I�m just sentimental.
Joo-Hee............ Is it sentiment, or an anchor to hold on to?
Hyung-Chul........ What are you talking about?
Joo-Hee............ I�m not too proud to be there for you, for that eventuality... when things return to where they ought to be...
Hyung-Chul looks at Joo-Hee, but says nothing in response.
Joo-Hee............ Whan that happens, I�ll be waiting...
Establishment shot of the MBS Yeouido studios building in the dark, as people walk by.
Sun-Mi is on her way to prepare for the news when she sees Hyung-Chul waiting in the corridor.
He steps forward into her path. She tries to go around him, but he moves to the side to keep in front of her.
Sun-Mi.............. (impatiently) Director Yoon, you�re blocking my way!
Hyung-Chul........ Please, just for a few minutes... We need to talk...
Sun-Mi.............. (coldly) I really have something else to do right now.
[Off-screen, the sound of a wheeled cart coming up behind Sun-Mi.]
Sun-Mi turns around to see Seok-Hun with his mail cart. She smiles warmly, but Hyung-Chul is clearly not happy they are interrupted.
Seok-Hun.......... (cheerfully) Long time no see, Announcer Jin Sun-Mi!
Sun-Mi.............. (smiling coyly) That�s Sun-Mi, remember?... Didn�t you say, as good friends, not to be so formal?
....................... Can I collect on that 'coffee or something' you offered?
Seok-Hun glances at Hyung-Chul, then back at Sun-Mi.
Seok-Hun.......... Sure... but aren�t you busy?
Sun-Mi.............. I�m all done here. Let�s go...
She slips her arm around Seok-Hun�s and starts off, practically dragging him along as he pushes the cart, trying to keep up.
Hyung-Chul watches her walk away with Seok-Hun like they were familiar friends. He wonders what is going on...
Sun-Mi and Seok-Hun are sitting together in the atrium as they talk.
Seok_Hun.......... That guy, he's Director Yoon, right?
Sun-Mi.............. (looks away) Yes.
Seok-Hun.......... Why are you avoiding him?
Sun-Mi.............. He wants to talk, but... I don't know what to say. It's complicated...
Seok-Hun.......... Try telling me, then.
Sun-Mi.............. I don't want to spread gossip. Besides, we've just met.
Seok-Hun.......... Sorry, I didn�t mean to pry.
Sun-Mi.............. It�s all right. Actually, I find it easy to talk with you.
Seok-Hun.......... (smiles warmly) Me, too. Honestly, It's like I've known you for years.
Sun-Mi is surprised, and a bit wary, at how forward he is with her.
Sun-Mi.............. (abruptly) Sorry, I have to get ready for the News...
She stands up to leave, but Seok-Hun quickly stands, too.
Seok-Hun.......... What about that coffee?
Sun-Mi.............. (smiles awkwardly) Perhaps another time... I really need to go now...
Seok-Hun.......... (looks intently at her) Sun-Mi, I'm serious. It sounds odd, but I sense we have a special connection.
Sun-Mi.............. Seok-Hun...
Seok-Hun.......... I know, I�m being presumptuous, but when you need a friend, any time, call me?
Despite her initial reservations, Sun-Mi is now feeling gratified by his concern.
Sun-Mi.............. (smiling) Thanks... good friends are hard to find. Let�s meet again, Seok-Hun. Bye now...
She turns and walks away, then sensing his eyes on her back, impulsively turns to give Seok-Hun a little wave and a big smile.
He smiles and waves back. Sun-Mi leaves with a spring in her step, and a warm glow she hasn�t experienced for some time.
However, unknown to both Sun-Mi and Seok-Hun, other eyes are also watching, discreetly, from a distance...
Sun-Mi is waiting for an elevator. The doors open, but as she steps in, Cho-Jeh hurries in behind her.
Cho-Jeh waits until the doors close, so they are alone, before speaking to Sun-Mi...
Cho-Jeh............ Were you flirting with that guy? What if it gets back to Director Yoon?
Sun-Mi.............. I doubt that he'd care much.
Cho-Jeh............ (wide eyed) But I thought you were close with him.
Sun-Mi.............. I thought so too, but I guess I was wrong...
Cho-Jeh............ You mean, he's seeing someone else now?
Sun-Mi.............. I didn't say that...
Cho-Jeh............ Hmmm... Is it Yoo Joo-Hee? I heard they were an item once...
Sun-Mi.............. Cho-Jeh! Please.. don't say anything to anyone else, okay?
Cho-Jeh sees the unsettled look in Sun-Mi�s eyes, and knows she hit paydirt.
Cho-Jeh............ So it is Joo-Hee... I'm your friend, you can tell me...
Relializing that her secret isn� t secret any longer, Sun-Mi unburdens herself...
Sun-Mi.............. It was totally by accident that morning, seeing Joo-Hee at Senior�s... I was shocked!
Cho-Jeh............ So you wanted to get revenge?
Sun-Mi.............. (guiltily) At first. But now I think about it, maybe I jumped to conclusions. Senior's just not that kind of person.
....................... And Yoo Joo-Hee is my role model and mentor. She wouldn't backstab me like this. What's wrong with me?
....................... My mind is going in circles; I don't know what I should do...
The elevator stops and the doors begin to open. Cho-Jeh quickly wraps things up.
Cho-Jeh............ Just be honest with him. What do you have to lose?
Joo-Hee walks into the makeup room as Sun-Mi is getting ready to do the news.
Joo-Hee............ Hi?
Sun-Mi.............. (nods) Senior? ... How are you?
Joo-Hee............ Sun-Mi? Can you get me some coffee?
Sun-Mi.............. OK. Just a moment.
Joo-Hee............ Mmm...
Sun-Mi gets up and leaves the room and Joo-Hee sits down to do her makeup.
Sun-Mi returns with the coffee for Joo-Hee.
Sun-Mi.............. Senior, here you go.
Joo-Hee............ Thanks a lot.
Sun-Mi.............. That�s OK.
Joo-Hee sips her coffee.
Joo-Hee............ It could be your last day today. Work hard.
Sun-Mi.............. Young-Mi has been discharged?
Joo-Hee............ Yes. But you�ve done a very good job so far.
Sun-Mi.............. (smiles awkwardly) No, the ratings went down.
Joo-Hee............ No, I meant you were better than I expected.
Sun-Dal walks up, hearing what Joo-Hee has just said.
Sun-Dal............. Hey, is that a compliment or an insult? If you want to praise someone, be more sincere.
....................... You know, someone proposed that she continue as the main announcer on 7 o�clock for the rest of this season.
Joo-Hee and Sun-Mi both appear shocked to hear this.
Joo-Hee............ What do you mean?
Sun-Dal............. The viewers don�t know that Young-Mi�s sick. We don�t want them to think MBS changes announcers every week.
Joo-Hee continues to do her makeup as she talks:
Joo-Hee............ But, still Sun-Mi�s a substitute. This isn�t right. Some people might take the opportunity to complain with others.
....................... In any case, the ratings are poor.
Sun-Mi sighs, looking discouraged by what Joo-Hee just said.
Sun-Dal and Sun-Mi are seated at the news desk.
Sun-Mi is reviewing her script, as the studio crew bustles around the set, preparing for the imminent broadcast.
Sun-Dal............. (to Sun-Mi) Sad?
Sun-Mi looks up from her script at Sun-Dal.
Sun-Dal............. You've grown to love the job, right?
Sun-Mi.............. (smiles weakly) If I�m being polite, �No�. But frankly, it�s �Yes�. (she says �Yes� and �No� in English)
....................... I feel rather sad to leave.
Sun-Dal............. (smiles) So you must do especially well today, OK?
Sun-Mi.............. (nods, smiling) OK.
Producer........... Anchor standby! ... Ready... Set... go...
Sun-Dal and Sun-Mi both touch their earpieces to be certain they are firmly in place, and assume their opening expressions.
The PD signals it�s time to start.
Sun-Dal is on camera on the video monitor. As he speaks, the MBS logo and his name appear at the bottom of the screen.
Sun-Dal............. (on the monitor) Good evening, this is the MBS 7 o�clock news.
Sun-Mi is on camera on the video monitor, with the MBS logo and her name at the bottom of the screen.
In the top right corner is an inset drawing of a child with a question mark and the words: �Missing Child�
Sun-Mi.............. (on the monitor) We have first, some very sad news today.
The MBS logo and her name at the bottom of the screen fades...
Hyung-Chul is watching Sun-Mi read the news from the news studio control room.
Sun-Mi.............. (off screen) ... Yesterday, a 4-year old child was abducted after school.
The news crew is going about their usual activities. Sun-Mi�s voice is heard in the background.
Director Kim Eun-Ki enters the room.
Eun-Ki .............. (greets everyone) Good evening.
....................... (to Hyung-Chul) Oh, you�re still here?
Hyung-Chul ....... (peeved) Yes.
Eun-Ki .............. I just wanted to look around.
Sun-Mi.............. (on the monitor) ...Her parents are worrying about her...
Eun-Ki .............. Well, Jin Sun-Mi�s not as good as Young-Mi... Something seems to be lacking.
Hyung-Chul looks over at Kim Eun-Ki.
Reporter........... (on the monitor) However, the policeman did not find any clues on the abductor�s whereabouts.
....................... Everybody is hoping that Sae-Byul is safe and sound. This is MBS News, Lee Seung-Kul reporting.
Sun-Dal and Sun-Mi are at the news desk. Sun-Mi stares into the camera, her face frozen in an angry frown.
Sun-Dal............. If you have seen the abductors or Sae-Byul, please, call the police.
Sun-Mi.............. (seething) They�re really bastards...!
On the news set:
Off camera, Sun-Dal is shocked by Sun-Mi�s outburst, and turns to stare at her.
Sun-Mi.............. (angrily) How dare they use an innocent child as their hostage!...
In the news studio control room:
Hyung-Chul and Director Kim Eun-Ki are watching the newscast from the control room. They both express shock at Sun-Mi�s outburst.
Sun-Mi.............. (off-screen, angrily) That is the most despicable act in the world!...
In Young-Mi�s apartment:
Woo-Jin and Young-Mi are watching Sun-Mi on the TV.
Young-Mi........... She must have been some Robin Hood in a previous life.
Sun-Mi.............. (off-screen, angrily) Think about how the parents would feel...
In the Announcer 1 Team office:
Three of the announcer team colleagues are sitting at the conference table, watching Sun-Mi on the office TV monitor.
Woman 1.......... What the heck...
Kyung-Hee is at her desk. She giggles at the situation.
Kyung-Hee......... (smiling) Jin Sun-Mi... (taps her papers on the desk) ...I knew something would happen.
Jin-Soo and Cho-Jeh are eating as they watch Sun-Mi on the TV.
Jin-Soo............. (astonished expression) She can make the sushi come back to life.
Cho-Jeh............ (astonished expression) Was she trying to be funny?
....................... (eats as she continues to talk) Oh, my goodness!
In the news studio, the cameraman watches for instructions from the PD.
Behind him, on the multiple-screen studio monitor, Sun-Mi is still glowering into the camera.
Producer........... (anxiously) Sun-Dal! Next news ... �One, cut!� (spoken in English)
Sun-Dal, seen on the monitor, seems uncertain about what to do.
Producer........... (insistently) Sun-Dal, next line!
Sun-Dal............. (on the studio monitor) Uh... (clears his throat) Oh, we all hope that Sae-Byul will be home as soon as possible.
Sun-Mi still with an angry expression, glances from the corner of her eyes at Sun-Dal, then turns her head to look at him.
Sun-Dal............. Next news, the stagnation of the Russian economy influences culture. Park Yi-Shik reports...
In the studio control room, Director Kim Eun-Ki complains to Hyung-Chul.
Eun-Ki............... What�s going on? How can she say �bastards� in the news? How did you pick the presenters?
The Program Director sends a worried glance to his colleague.
Eun-Ki............... Did she even go to college? Atrocious!
Hyung-Chul looks down, touching his forehead as if feeling a headache coming on...
Hyung-Chul and Joo-Hee are walking together toward the elevator lobby.
Hyung-Chul........ You saw tonight�s newscast?
Joo-Hee............ (irately) Who didn't? I warned Sun-Dal, but he wouldn�t listen, and now look what happened!
Hyung-Chul........ Why are you so concerned? I thought you didn't like Sun-Mi.
Joo-Hee............ I don't, but that doesn't mean I want to see her humiliating herself in front of the entire country.
....................... What about the consequences to the Company, if people start seeing MBS News as a joke?
Hyung-Chul........ You mean, what if Yoo Joo-Hee is tarred by association, right? And for a moment I thought you were being altruistic.
Joo-Hee............ I am, when it concerns you. The fallout from this could be serious...
Hyung-Chul........ It was just one mistake; Sun-Mi will just get a formal reprimand, and a one-day suspension.
Joo-Hee............ I'm talking about you. Is she worth risking your career? MBS? Think about it, Hyung-Chul.
The elevator car arrives and Hyung-Chul goes in, ignoring what Joo-Hee just said.
Hyung-Chul........ See you later.
The elevator doors close as Joo-Hee watches, frustrated that she can't seem to make any impression on Hyung-Chul's thinking.
Hyung-Chul is reviewing the tape of Sun-Mi�s newscast in his office.
Sun-Mi.............. (on the monitor) They�re really bastards!
....................... I think asking for a ransom on an innocent child is the most despicable act in the world.
Hyung-Chul rewinds the tape.
Sun-Mi.............. (on the monitor, off-screen) They�re really bastards! I think asking for a ransom on an innocent child...
Hyung-Chul puts his hand over his mouth as he smiles at her performance.
Sun-Mi.............. (on the monitor) ... is the most despicable act in the world. Think about how the parents would feel...
Hyung-Chul stops the tape and contemplates. Laughing, he rubs his forehead and leans back in his chair.
Hyung-Chul........ (aloud to himself) Jin Sun-Mi, where are you crying now?
Sun-Mi opens the door to the empty, dark auditorium and walks in. She is crying, but manages to control her tears.
Sun-Mi.............. (aloud to herself) It will be OK...
She sits down on the MBS auditorium steps to think of a way, any way, she could might salvage the situation.
Then it hits again, the realization that it�s hopeless, that her dreams of being a newscaster had just ended with a single word.
Sun-Mi.............. (aloud to herself) No, I'm such a stupid fool!
The tears she had held back, start to spill over the dam again...
Sun-Mi sits on the steps in the auditorium, sobbing freely, when a pair of men�s shoes appear next to her.
She wipes her eyes and looks up. Seon-Hyuk is standing over her. He sits down on the step beside Sun-Mi.
Seon-Hyuk......... When you passed me in the corridor without saying a word, I knew something was amiss.
Sun-Mi.............. You saw it too, right? What a fool I am?
Seon-Hyuk......... Why, because you reacted like any person with a heart would?
Sun-Mi.............. (regretfully) Except that it�s my job NOT to react like that.
Seon-Hyuk......... What�s going to happen now?
Sun-Mi.............. I�ll probably be sacked from the News, and be suspended, if I�m lucky. If I�m not, they might fire me.
Seon-Hyuk......... What about that Director Yoon? Can�t he put a good word in for you?
Sun-Mi.............. Director Yoon? Humph.... He�ll probably be the one ushering me out the door!
....................... (sighs) But I�d only be getting what I deserved.
Seon-Hyuk......... How�s that?
Sun-Mi.............. I expected him to be perfect, forgetting he�s human, too, and used that as an excuse to cut him off.
....................... But all along I was really just protecting myself...
Seon-Hyuk......... From what?
Sun-Mi.............. The truth. Senior claimed he liked me, but I never really believed it was possible. Me? Clumsy, ordinary Jin Sun-Mi?
....................... The �nice girl next door� who is always everybody�s �good friend� but who never becomes anybody�s girlfriend?
She takes a moment to swallow the lump in her throat before continuing...
Sun-Mi.............. So when he said I should work harder to become a better announcer, that I was a na�ve, unrealistic child...
....................... That�s when I knew he was finally being honest about what he really thought; that I�m not up to his standard.
....................... (sighs) Maybe if I was as beautiful and smart and talented as Yoo Joo-Hee, or Huh Young-Mi, but who ami I kidding?
....................... I�m just a wannabe Cinderella imagining she�s a Princess... with a glass slipper that never fit at all.
Seon-Hyuk......... But you seem always so happy, with such a pretty smile. I�d be satisfied if I had a girlfriend like you.
Sun-Mi.............. Thanks for saying that, but if you really knew me well, you�d think differently. Actually, I�m a terrible girlfriend.
....................... Maybe I have a pretty smile, but inside things aren�t always so happy or pretty.
Seon-Hyuk......... You can�t be perfect, either. Being yourself is good enough. Don�t let anyone tell you otherwise.
She looks at Seon-Hyuk, encouraged by what he just said.
Sun-Mi.............. (smiles) Whenever we talk, somehow I always feel better. Thanks...
Seon-Hyuk......... (looks at his watch) Speaking of that, we�ve talked long enough... I better get back to work.
They both stand up. Sun-Mi smiles appreciatively at Seon-Hyuk.
Sun-Mi.............. I think I�m lucky to have met you, Seon-Hyuk.
Seon-Hyuk......... (smiles back) Actually, Sun-Mi, I think I�m the lucky one...
Sun-Mi walks into to the Announcer 1 Team office. The lights are off, and the roon is unoccupied.
She sits down at her desk, dropping her head into her heads in despair. Then she notices a card with her name on it, and opens it.
Message written in the card: To Sun-Mi. you did a great job today. You�re one of a kind. Keep up the good work � Y
At first, she smiles at his attempt to make light of the situation, until the realization he had watched brings feelings of embarrassment.
Instantly, Hyung-Chul's scathing words return to taunt her:
"Why don�t you try harder and become a celebrity? ... You�re immature and idealistic, you don�t know what reality is..."
The tears she thought were all cried out begin to fill her eyes again, when the phone on Sun-Mi�s desk rings, and she answers it.
Sun-Mi.............. Hello, this is the announcer�s office. Can I help you?... Jin Sun-Mi the newscaster?
Caller................ It was so touching. As a mother of two, I was so happy to hear what she said.
That someone actually agreed with her opinion, and would call in to the station to support her, surprises Sun-Mi.
More phones start ringing...
The next morning, viewer responses to Sun-Mi�s newscast flood the station...
In the MBS call center
Phones ring continuously as incoming faxes pour off the fax machines...
Operator........... Jin Sun-Mi went home.
In the MBS main lobby
Gossip has spread like a wildfire through the entire company...
Man 1............... Did you see the news yesterday?
Man 2............... 7pm or 9pm?
Man 1............... Oh, �Bastards�?
In a Conference Room
Sun-Mi�s goof is the joke of the day...
Man 1............... Yes, let�s say it that way: Yes, �you�re a bastard�.
Man 2............... That sounds good.
The Announcer 1 Team office is in chaos, with the phones ringing off the hooks from the torrent of support for Sun-Mi.
Ki-Jong............. (answering the phone in one hand) Of course, yes, I will tell her...
....................... (answering the phone in his other hand) Hello? I will give her the message...
Jin-Soo............. (answering the phone) Hello? Jin Sun-Mi? For Jin Sun-Mi... Thanks...
Ki-Jong............. (answering the phone) Hello? No, she�s not here...
Sun-Mi walks into the office and sees all the commotion, unaware that it is because of her.
Ki-Jong............. (frustrated, waving his hands) We better pull out the phone lines!
Jin-Soo comes up behind Sun-Mi, carrying a fax printout.
Jin-Soo............. (reading) The Wind of Change, Jin Sun-Mi, let�s send her home! Jin Sun-Mi, the Joan of Arc of the 21st century!
Sun-Mi smiles bashfully. Kyung-Hee, Sun-Dal, and Ki-Jong smile with Sun-Mi, but Joo-Hee looks on with a frown.
Female staff...... (answering the phone) Hello? No, she�s still not here.
Upset, Joo-Hee gets up and strides past Sun-Mi and Sun-Dal, leaving the room.
Jin-Soo............. (answering the phone) Hello? Oh, I see. I will tell her.
Sun-Dal............. Jin Sun-Mi.
Sun-Mi.............. Yes?
Sun-Dal............. Isn't it funny when the reaction is so different overnight? Yesterday, you were supposed to write an apology.
....................... But today, you're supposed to be on the 7pm news again. No discipline at all!
Sun-Mi looks down modestly with a blushing smile.
Sun-Dal............. Why are you smiling? On the 7 o�clock news, you�re the new announcer. The fantastic Jin Sun-Mi!
Sun-Mi.............. Are you serious? Really?
Kyung-Hee and Ki-Jong smile enthusiastically.
Sun-Dal............. However, you should never make a mistake like that again, got it? Congratulations.
Sun-Mi, her mouth agape at the news, covers it with her hand. Kyung-Hee laughs and gives Sun-Mi the thumbs-up signal.
Sun-Mi looks at Ki-Jong, and he smiles back at Sun-Mi. Then Jin-Soo smiles and laughs, and applauds.
Sun-Mi is all smiles as she walks from the Announcers� office, through the atrium, headed for the news studio.
She passes Hyung-Chul who is hiding out of sight, off the corridor. He smiles too, seeing that she is so happy.
Sun-Mi goes into the empty news studio, and stis down at the news desk. She clears her throat and moves a microphone closer.
Sun-Mi.............. Good evening, this is the MBS 7 o�clock new. Jin Sun-Mi reporting...
Hyung-Chul has followed Sun-Mi to the news studio. He watches her from behind the open door to the corridor.
Sun-Mi.............. There�s good news about the flooded fields...
Sun-Mi smiles as she thinks of calling someone, then takes out her cellphone and dials.
Hyung-Chul�s phone suddenly rings. He quickly steps into the corridor so that she won�t hear the ring.
He sees that the caller is Sun-Mi.
Sun-Mi suddenly realizes she is still at odds with Hyung-Chul, and cuts off the call.
Sun-Mi.............. Why should I call him? I should call Daddy.
Hyung-Chul looks back into the studio, then smiles and laughs to himself.
He walks off, happy that Sun-Mi thought of him first.
Sun-Mi and Cho-Jeh are just leaving the main lobby when Sun-Mi�s cell phone rings. She checks the caller ID: Yoo Joo-Hee.
Sun-Mi.............. (into the phone) Hello, Senior? Yes... Now? (glances at Cho-Jeh) Sure, I can come...
Cho-Jeh............ Hey! I�m not letting you off... you promised to buy my lunch!
Sun-Mi.............. Sorry, it was Senior Yoo Joo-Hee. She wants to meet me, right away.
Cho-Jeh............ That witch? Jin-Soo told me how she tried everything she could to keep you off the News.
Sun-Mi.............. Don�t speak like that; she�s my Senior...
Cho-Jeh............ (grinning) Right, so I should have called her a b----
Sun-Mi.............. (loudly speaking to cover Cho-Jeh�s voice) Jo Cho-Jeh! People may be listening!
Cho-Jeh............ So what? Everyone already knows it.
Sun-Mi.............. (exasperated) Go on to the restaurant. I�ll catch up with you later.
Sun-Mi walks back toward the elevators, leaving Cho-Jeh watching her dubiously.
Arriving at the classroom where she is to meet Joo-Hee, Sun-Mi looks in and sees Joo-Hee is already waiting inside.
She enters and closes the door quietly. Joo-Hee looks at her with a severe expression, and Sun-Mi expects another scolding.
Sun-Mi.............. You wanted to see me, Senior?
Joo-Hee............ Not many people make permanent News anchor in their first season. I suppose some congratulations are due.
Sun-Mi.............. (surprised, smiling widely) Thank you, Senior!
Joo-Hee............ However, don�t get a big head over it. You were just lucky, that�s all, to get off with only a reprimand...
Sun-Mi.............. (smile fading) Yes, Senior.
Joo-Hee............ It�s not like you have an excellent level of skill, either. You need to work harder than before and do better...
Sun-Mi.............. (smile almost gone) Yes, Senior.
Joo-Hee............ You�re aware, as your Senior, I�m responsible if it's decided there was improper training and supervision?
....................... Pulling a stunt like that, whether on purpose or not, is not a joke... There�s nothing to smile about.
Sun-Mi.............. (somberly) Yes, Senior.
Joo-Hee............ Everyone in the Announcer 1 Team has a stake in what anyone does, good or bad. Get serious about your work.
Sun-Mi.............. (guiltily) Yes, Senior... I�m sorry; I'll try to do better.
Joo-Hee............ (exasperated) Trying isn�t enough. This isn�t the first time, right? All the mistakes you made since the beginning...
....................... Don�t you ever wonder why you�re still here?
Sun-Mi.............. (timidly) People say... I'm just lucky...?
Joo-Hee............ Luck had nothing to do with it, but someone did... I think I�ve said enough.
....................... I expect you to have some pride in yourself, and not let things go on like this.
Joo-Hee abruptly walks out of the classroom, leaving Sun-Mi puzzling over what she'd just heard.
Sun-Mi.............. (aloud to herself) Did she mean... Senior?
Young-Mi sits on her bed, watching Sun-Mi read the 7 o�clock news.
Sun-Mi.............. (on TV) If your bones lack calcium they will fracture or break.
....................... However, spines that were crooked will be straightened with this new treatment.
Young-Mi is trembling with rage that Sun-Mi has replaced her on the newscast.
Sun-Mi.............. (off-screen, on TV) Cho Sun-Hyuk reports.
Reporter........... (off-screen, on TV) This is the x-ray picture of a patient who has holes in her bones. ...
Frustrated, Young-Mi throws a pillow at the TV.
Reporter........... (off-screen, on TV) If you lack calcium, your bones will easily break. ...
As Young-Mi is watching the TV with a cold rage, she decides to do something to take Sun-Mi down, and a scheme comes to her mind.
She gets up and goes to her closet, where she selects an outfit from the rack.
Director Kim Eun-Ki is in the living room of his sister, Kim Eun-Ok, the second wife of Chairman Yoon, Hyung-Chul�s father.
A tea service is on the coffee table, next to a large brown manila envelope.
Eun-Ki............... I�ve had a man shadowing Director Yoon for years, collecting evidence aganst him. Take a look...
Eun-Ki opens the envelope and shows her some photographs, secretly taken of Sun-Mi and Hyung-Chul together...
Eun-Ok............. (scoffing) These are hardly what I�d call scandalous!
Eun-Ki............... (smiling) The scandal is not in the what, but the who. That girl is Announcer Jin Sun-Mi, one of this year's rookies.
....................... Apparently, they've continued a secret relationship since they were both students in England.
....................... It�s rumored he got her the job with MBS, on a fast track to anchor the News At Nine.
Eun-Ok............. Didn't she cause a commotion the other night?
Eun-Ki............... Exactly. Without his support, Jin Sun-Mi would�ve been sacked, but instead she was back on the News the next day.
....................... He used insinuations of nepotism and cronyism to sideline me in the Company. It�s time we turn the tables on him.
Eun-Ok............. I can't say much for Hyung-Chul�s taste in women, but she doesn�t look like the conniving type. What about her?
Eun-Ki............... (shrugs) In war there are no innocent parties, only collateral damage. Announcer Jin will be an example to others.
....................... Once they see Director Yoon�s star falling, the rest of his supporters will flee like rats from a sinking ship.
....................... Soon your son will have a clear path to the top of MBS, and you�ll have your revenge too, dear Sister...
While Hyung-Chul is watching a car race on TV, he gets a glass of orange juice from the refrigerator.
Just as he returns to the couch and sits down to watch, the doorbell rings...
Hyung-Chul........ (calling) Who is it?
When there is no answer, Hyung-Chul puts down his glass, gets up and goes to the door.
Hyung-Chul opens the door, and is surprised to see Young-Mi standing outside, holding a large bouquet of flowers.
Young-Mi........... Hello, Director Yoon.
Hyung-Chul looks at Young-Mi, wondering why she was ther, disappointed that it wasn't Sun-Mi who had come to talk.
After all, hadn�t he made the first move, trying to make up, encouraging her with that card on her desk?
Young-Mi follows Hyung-Chul into his living room.
Hyung-Chul........ It�s late, what are you doing here?
Young-Mi........... Just...
Hyung-Chul........ Have a seat.
Still holding the flowers, Young-Mi sits down on the couch facing the one Hyung-Chul sits on.
Young-Mi........... Sorry to bother you like this.
Hyung-Chul........ No, its OK. But you should get more rest. You look pale still. We could talk at the office.
Young-Mi........... (smiles) I never expected you�d come visit me when I was in the hospital. I just stopped by to say thank you.
Young-Mi places the bouquet of flowers on the coffee table.
Hyung-Chul........ Well, since you�re here you want to have some tea?
He stands up.
Young-Mi........... No, I�m fine. I just wanted to say thank you. I better go.
Young-Mi stands up. Walking past Hyung-Chul, she gasps and grabs her stomach as she collapses in apparent pain.
Hyung-Chul reaches out and grabs Young-Mi�s shoulders to keep her from falling. He eases her down to the floor.
Young-Mi turns her head toward Hyung-Chul... their faces are close together... �kissing close�.
She waits, holding her breath expectantly. The next move is in his hands...
To Be Continued�
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